P 'UPew-.pj-1 (iiijipniil if . ip11 JfV. f"'' ! i : - - - k'f'nHBHHBHHiWHRte'V'Wi'P'r h rw YMMiHiraw PW Wi IBRWSiwlH i" ' j , j : . . ':, .. . um priJjift.irri l. .iji.iiwii'i'iiBiiiji " -" '- "i'ii j"TTj ww'iTiiiw""1"''"""''''''"1""! W' I 'i X I 'S :, J W Is! CUittsWHlHt All EL8E FAILS. Efl Si I'crt tioiiKh Sirup. Vile Good. Cm ! ppi In tlmo. Hold hr rirngtflnta. Fl Th Nebraska Advertiser Ti. W. W. KEELING, ftKMAUA OlTY, NimnAKA, Odlco nt llio drug atoro. W.W.SANDERS, Notary : - : NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. fit jimp HKauunir PLASTERER Amno mid Aitattto work n upeolulty. CIh teriiH hullt. l'Apor IImiliiB, KulHomltiltiK find Wllomintilag tlono. Low prlcoH, All work WHrriintoil. Si-iSlWS SimsoiiirTioN - 81.50 1'Kit yeak FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1000. Auburn 1b to havo another paper. CIiiib. Brandt has the material bought and arrangements made for starting a German paper thorn. Kerker & Hoover, Tnnlop 111 MEATS Hluliostnrloos pnld forlilricH, lurrt, trulow ,11110, (llC NEMAHA CITY, NEBRASKA. TI10S. W. IIIATI1, propria tor of tho Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Good Dray in Oounootion with Livory Gooiltlgnnml prompt service. SntlBfnctlon gnuroutuud. IK-'JU-IH) rvv Notice of Probato of Will; SUto of NedruMcn, county of Nomnlui, rh. - In ili(i.0.iunly Court of Noiniiliu ('omity, NenrnBku. Ti Diivld TlininpNon, tlio ticlrH fit luw of Currlo I) HMtor, the heirs at law of Huruli JolillHon, (lor(nvii)d, mid to nil ttOMoiiH inloi cntoil In tlio eHtiilo of LowlH l'liompHoii, do- COftHod. You nro lioroby notlllod tlmt Juno Thump noil Iiiih filed ii potltlon pni lug thai nn In nlrumont lllod In IIiIh court purport Iiik lo ho tlio I ant, will and toHinment of mild deconxuri, inuy ho proved, allowed nnd recorded iih tlio lnnt will anil tofltnmontof LowlHTliOmp hou, dooousod; thntnald liiHtrumeut may ho admitted to probate, and admlolHtratlon of wild e.stato granted to John II. Held as execu tor, and that tho3id day of Foortmry, A. I). 19011, at 10 o'clock a. in., til county court room of nald county, at Auburn, liaa been tlxed iih tho tlmo nnd place of proving bii Id will, when you and nil Interested inny npponr and hIiow ycauso, If there ho any, why tlio prayer of Hivld petition should not bo grnutud, nnd content tlio nrolmto tlionjoC WHiiohh my hand nnd hciiI of Bald court this 4th day of .Inn nary. 1000. IUUUAKD K. NKAL, County Judge. Notioo of Probato of Will. Tho Stnto of NebrnHlcn, County of Nomnhn,nn. In the Comity Court of Nomnhn county, Neb. To MnrgnrotSnow, Tlion. H. Hltoon. Kllzn- boith lourtlot, Hlohard J, Hkeon, Mnry II, Ut,ili.k. Tl. tr MLniiii T....,. A T1..M l. l,uu Vm U1MI , IT, UltUUII) A1IUIVJ Jk, 4JIIII1, 'JMioh lllatt, Kolln UukhoII.JoIhi Illatt, Hottle ciHor, renri nifcnn, uon aicenu, ami 10 an porsoiiH inieresieu in mo opinio 01 inry Bkeou, doroiiHud. You nve horohv notlllod thRt.TohnW.Skonn Iiiih lllod n potltlou prnylng that an liiHtru inout tiled In thin oourt, purporting to ho the InHt will mid tcHtamentof Hnld deoorifod may hu proved, allowed mid recordod nH the InHt will and tCHtnmont of Mary Skeou. decoaged; that Hiild liiRtrumeit may ho admitted lo pn hato, nnd udnilnlKtrntlou of wild estate crimted o John W. Skccn as executor, mid that 6th day or February, A. D. 1900, nt Id o'eloalcu. in , at comity court room of wild county, lino boon llxod n tho tlmo nnd place of proving said will, whon vou nnd all Inter, ented may appear mid Hhow eniiHe, If there be any.wny tho prnerof said petition nlmuld not be granted, nnd oontcul tho probato thor(of, Witness my hand nnd seal of unld court thiNfitliday of Jnuuary, A. D. 1800. IBKALj niOIIAHD K. NKArj. County J udgo. A ineetlnc of tho directors of the Shubcrt bank was held last Saturday and it wuh deuided not to prosecute O V. Argabrighj, tho cuahlor of tho wrecked bank, Tlio stockholders of tho Nemaha County Fnlr ABUoclatlon have decided to hold u fair next fall, 'tho busineHs men of Auburn having donated S100 to assist in defraying expenses. VT7A vyC&rE&THSi Y Thousands Have Sidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Oat. 'Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an .'unhealthy condi tion of the kid neys; u It stains ysur linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass It or pain in the back Is nkn convincing proof that the kidneys and blad- ucrurouuioi oracr. What to l)o. There Is comfort In the knowledge So often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should nave tho best. Sold by druggists In50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery f&l ana a dook tnat tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mall, aarc2S ur. Mimer 6t Home of Bwarap-noot Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing mtn llon reading this generous offer in this paper. Mr. Lee Sniolsor nnd Miss Satnuntlia A. Rolf, oldest daughter of W.W. Rolf, both of Nemaha procluct.wero married Wednesday of last weok by Rev. W Deiffenbach at tho Lutheran parsonage In Auburn. May long lifo and good fortune attend them. A theologian of this city is noting with amusement that McKinley and Bryan nro uot currying tho doctrines of their religion into their political faith. Tho president is a member in good standingof tho Methodist church, but upholds a principle unrecognizrd by that body, when he inserts the 'manifest destlny"of this nation. Mr. Bryan scoffs at destiny,' forgetful that prodestination and fore-ordination nro fuudumontal beliefs of tho 1'ieabyter fun faith which ho professes. The truth is most church members are rather slinky on tlio doctrines of their own particular domoniuatious and if tlioy could bo sorted according to actual belief instead of education and taste, startling combinations might; ho rondo of tho components of tlio dif foront churcljes, State Journal. Within the year the beautiful love story of Mr. and Mn. Browning lias become public property nnd endeartd tlieso two pootB to till who believe in tho uplifting power of human affection. America, too, has hud In tlio literary world a 'similarly beautiful stoiy, of which but little in know and practical ly nothing has been published. The lifo of Nnthimiol Hawthorne and his wite was most pure and devoted in all its relations. This hitherto unpub lished rornanca is delicately treated in tho February number of tho Delineator" under the title "A Romancer's Love Story." It is illustrated with Mrs. Hawthorne's picturo, reproduced by permission from a family portrait Tho aspect of this delightful woman is almost unknown to American women, If wo may judge by tho frequent conversations on tho subject among women, there is today a marked re vival of interest In embroidering both in colors anil in white; al ways a fascinating nnd beautiful em ployment. In recognition of tills doi volopmont, the Delineator now in its 55th volumo introduces In tho Feus ruary number some dainty .specimens of colored embroideries in an plate, supplemented by designs nnd working instructions for tlio details. Our lady readers will, no doubt, hail with great pleasure this initial installment of tho how department, which would seem Jto cap tho efforts of tlio publishers of tho Dolineutor to mako this charming mugtr.lno a delight to its patrons. It will be well worth the while of any woman educated in needloworh, who may not bo a subscriber, to secure a copy of tho February issue (15 cents; any nowsdealer.) WOMAN IN THE HOME. Tk tVrkeA Who Go Not Out Into the World. "It'fl giorious to bo independent." nt's erra-nd to bo ahlo to ntand nlono." "It's -worth labor, toil and caro to roach one's band out and take what one will from among" the gif t for which, rttrong men aro'fftrlvlng. To make one's own place, to work oo well that work bring recognition and remUncratlonriill that I good." So ny tho Women who never tried to do theao things by way of en conrttgemont to thono who luvvo been forced to try. But faint nnd nmiill the echo of Much wonlfl from tho ranks of tho workers themselves. If we could hear their heartbeats In the HtillncfiH of tlio night,' In tliclr little country liomes from which they take the busi ness trains for their days of labor In tho city; in their boarding houses; in ' their tiny apartments which they try to make like homes, we should find them throbbing out a different tale. They re out In the world, outof theLr ' homes. Yes, but not of their own wish ' or will, drhen out by such demons as , intemperance, mMortunc, or poverty, nnd In nine cases out of ten working with the heart still clinging to the homo. Then in nine eases wit of ten there's always somebody else for whom they work. It may be a fnther, kind but Inefficient and unfortunate. There 1b a mother well stricken In years. There are invalid relatives to be token gently down to tlio grave side, ond money smooths oven that weary way. There are brothers to be helped through college. There are sisters to be in structed nnd trained, not in order that they can go out Into the world. Oh! no, but so "that they can do something, too, to udd to the income and yet stay nt home." ' Tliis Is the kind of burden thej' carry; these ore such utterances as we should hear If wo listened to their heartbeats In the night. So tho noblest class of working woman, oven like men, would keep their little Bisters in tho home Washington Home Alngaalnc. ReruUnB iih a Mental Stlmulim. An eminent French critic Bald In a lecture recently in New York that "To distrust what we like Ib the first re quisite of progress in art and hi life." He did not mean that books that are disagreeable are the only books worth reading. But ho did mean that a book which opens up a now field of knowl edge, a new outlook upon literature or life, Is not at first likely to give the pleasure thnt comes from one, which simply reflects the old familiar ideas of which we say complacently: "How good, and true, that is, for I've felt it or Bald It myself."" A book that pats yoa on the head or heart all tho time is apt to be little more than a reflection of your own narrow experience, and you will not learn nnj'thingfromit. A book that makes one fed ignorant is an morti fying to one's pride as a superior per son. Ludlcs' Home Journal. Dnkeil Tmuntocn. Choose six largo smooth tomatoes Cut a slice off the tcm end, and care fully scoop put the?3ecds. Mix half n cupful of flnely-ch6pped, cold boiled ham, two tnblcspoonf uls of stale bread crumbs, a tablcspoonful of chopped parsley, half a teaspoonful of salt, and a dash of cayenne, with a tablcspoonful of melted butter. Fill the tomntoeB with tho mixture, heaping It in tho oen ter; sprinkle over the tops with bread crumbs; put the tomatoes In a granlto baking pan, baste with melted butterv and bake In n hot oven over 30 minutes. When done tnko up and serve hot. Housekeeper. HIS SCIENCE- WAS OFF. ar "HPcr Ja3F.iM:M3P3:i.Oi!irc3r- SOUTH AURURN, NEBRASKA, Ihnler in Hardware, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets Undertaking and Embalming ' a specialty. Finest IlearBO in tho countv. " ft. Fine lino of UndoTtkorg' Goods. "Vc guarantee satisfaction. ISP Millions Given Away It is certainly gratifying to the pub llo to know of one couoorn In tho land who nro not afraid ,o bo generous to tho neodv nnd suffering, Tho nronrie- tors of Dr King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds havo Lglven away ovor ten million trial bot tles of this groat medicine; and huvo a tho satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely oured thousands of hopeless ensos. Asthma, Bronchitis, Honrsonoss , and nil diseases of tho Throat, Chest . nnd Lung nro Btirely oured by It. Call I on Keollng the druggist nnd got a free trial bottle. Regular size 50o and 81. Every bottlo guaranteed or pi ice refunded. Old papers for sale at. this olllee. TTiyTTT7IIIIIIlHffT111,11"ww"ww"""" .i,.,ii..n,,i....iin.i .A AAA. xdbb An Vim? bv our nhvslclnns and a. FI?FP SAMP IF .8 of our medloino, also 1'roo Homo Troutmcnt, a HOpao Illustrated book descrlb- 'OC1 lllK BympvOUIB UI1U CUUIUUl UlOUlinua mm uudk l.w..tutuiiK, in. muni ruiuuuiuiL'tiiira nq and prescriptions In plain languot-e, saving you heavy doctor's bills. Aslc for it. Dr. Kay s Renovator cures tlio vory worst cases of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Hondacbo, Palpitation of Hoart. Liver and Kidnoy dlsoasos and bad-results of La Grippe. Send for proof of It. Wrlto us about all your symptoms. Sold by druggists, don't accept nny substi tute but send us 25 cts. or $1.00 and wo will send Dr. Kay's Innovator by return taall. Address, DR. B. J. KAY medical CO., Saratoga springs, N. Y. p IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMHIIHIMIIMIIIIIIIKIIIHII Illlll UK BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated- By JACOB BIGOLB No. 1-BIGQLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense TreatUe, with otct 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 CaU. No. 2-BIQGLE BERRY BOOK All about (crowing Small Fnilto read and learn how; contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, so Cents. No. 3 BIGQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry nook in existence ; tells everything;; witha3 colored life-like reproductions of all Uic principal breeds; with 103 other Illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4-B1QQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Iluniness ; having a great sale; contain 8 colored life-like reproductions of each breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5-BIQQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about ITojrs Breeding, Feeding, Dutch, ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over ito beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. .TheBiaOLB BOOKS are unlque.original.useful you never saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They ore having an enormous sale East. West, North and South. F.very one who keeps a Horse, Cow, nog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is a 2 years old; it is the great bolled-dowu. hit-the-nall-on-the-head, nult-afler-you-have-fiald-it, Farm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of Its slae In the United States 01 America navmg over a million nnd n-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKSand the FARM JOURNAL S YBARS (remainder of 1899. iaop 1901, 1903 and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sampleof FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLB BOOKS free. 1 Wf Jly- iMg" U'lLMKR ATKINSON. CIIAS. F. JENKINS. Address, FARM JOURNAL Pini.ADBZ.FaiA """"'""" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Illlll I ,l For Rip rrofessor figured Ul((ht, Hut Did Not Allow fqr Errors. Quo night a young man In Divinity hall ut Yale undertook, with a toy rllle, to hit a lamp. But his aim was poor mid the ball passed through the win dow of an eminent and venerable pro fessor of scieneo and imbedded itself in the wall. This was tho opportunity for thepro-' feasor and for Bcience, says' the Hart ford Courant. lie, too, set to work nnd captured tho curve, and with the exact skill of in fallible figures he traced the ball right back to the room of an In nocent colleague, who didn't even luiov tho rifle had been fired. Tho unfledged minister flatly denied all knowledego of the affair. Bftt mon, even ministers, havo beon known to mako denials in self-dofense, and tho profcKsor liad tihe proof with him. There was tho bullet, thero were the marks of Its course, and there wob tlie computa tion, worked out. It looked as if a pulpit career was to bo nipped) in tho bud. But tho guilty student heard what was going on. Ho cnlled on tho professor, confessed tho offense, pqlntod out tliut tho man of Eoionco was 200 fleet out in his computa tion, nnd advised that the matter be' dropped right where it was. And that was dono. "lyANTEn-SDVKItAL PERSONS FOR DIS- trlct Oilleo Managers In this state to rop rosent inn in iiielr own and surrounding counties. wilHug to pay yeuriy S'lro.iviynUla wooKly. Desirable omdlnymnnt with uiiuh IV" ."PPOilunltlen. Reforenrcs nxctmngcd. Ltifllnhn-Kftir.HddtPhNixi stomped envelope, J. A. I'm It, :)2ii 0 ixton IKilldlng. Clilcngo. We will send The Advertiser one year and the Farm Journal to January 1st, 1905. Call and see us for low combination rates on the Iowa Homestead,Chicago Inter Ocean, Globe Democrat and other papers. 4lieaOWiIEB8aH9B9EEEBaESeiOEGHnOI20liT THE in y Inter Mm --- -- xsrwn.. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST l IkMI V IFF M 3K 'I U 1 i Ea hi m In w B! " ts It is radically Republican, advocating tnc cardinal ooctrmes ot that party with ability and carnestncssJiJ w 9 itBut it can fllTxravs Iw reeA nn CI for fair and honest reports of all pc- litical movemcntstk'rfij!:? ffl THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWSAND BESTCURREHT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. The Literature of itu columns Is equal to that ot the best maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as tho parents MS EM o w o -S 11 u n M VI) fcl ca 'S $l.00-PRICE OMG DOLLftR PER YEAR-$i.OO MJSfg (9 &1 O in o e u m "ally nnd Sunday by mull fttl.OO iter vonr 52 Tf S In I n I THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, anwhilc it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest T'i 2 ? u HPsuons ol the (Jay, it is in luU sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.-' THE DAILY AKP SUNDAY EMTIO AS OF THE iHTER 0CEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR KIND. Trleo of Dally by mnu 4.00 por yenr H Price of Sunday liym.ill 1 OO vr year Dally mill Sunday by iwuil $(1.00 jter vear E i r i ,w T Call on ub for job work. ""HiBeiaf3efflESEiaoHan3(GS!aftriorsMfoRrfia3.'riiii . . t Ji K ri. 'I I ljl A i v ni.i .