upffn" uiiy ,11 i 'pMfjwn- 'iiipipjippr "mmrfmrww B. M. tV to Rr K' i JfT, Lr fr. $ 1'he Nebraska Advertiser W. W. SANDKKSpubHBlier. FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, iflnu MlBHourl la after a j.frce or ground euppoaed to belong to Nemaha county, Neb. Wliatever may be said of the merits of the claim, It must ho ad mil ted that Missouri knows a good thing when it sees It. Oinulin Bee. According to the court calendar re cently promulgated by the judges of this judicial district, terms of court In the several counties will bo held dur ing 1(100 ih follows: Gago county, M rch ft, May 14. September 17; Jof ferson county, January 20, May 7, No v.'tnlicr 26; .Johnson county, March 12, May 21. September 17; Nemaha county February 20, .luno 4. November 12; L'awnoe county, April 2, June 11, Noi vemher 20: K chardson county, Jan uary 20, May 7, October 8. . . Washington, Jan., 15 Director of the GciiHtts Merriam suggests to iho agriculturists of (he conn ry that they use some of their Hprtie lime between now and June next In thoroughly pro. p.irlng ihetnRi'lvi'S to answer promptly ii'id accurately Mi qtiestioiiH relative lo tin' acreage, qimutity and value of nil f.irui product.", nnimal and vpgptii hli ; the oi st of fortlllxizers and farm liiliir and in Hi't all the items of farm operations fur tlii calendar year 1800. which I ho rciiHii" enumerators aro hy law compelled to iiic riiiln This, ho HavH. will ii'-iiilt In a full and accurate consus. A Falls City hart't'r would like to hear tro u some harber in Nebraska who has been benefited by the new barber law. If ho will address the artists who have been appointed as an examining board, he will probably find the fellow ho Is looking alter. Asa matter of fact the law is one of them damphoel attempts to improve tho condition of some individual or class by legislative enactment. The same barber also complain at the growing ciiMlnin of shaving necks. For this, the bin hers themselves aro to blame. It Is only of very recent years that men had their necks shaved every week, and the barbers in their rivalry have Introduced the custom. Tho law like all other protective measures, is a fraud. It is too much like tho ethical disease among doctors, that prohibits their advertising, but stimulates their appetites for free pulls. Beatrice Democrat. iBI lit SsB Tho St. Louis Globu-Democrat Is umiuostionably one of tho greatest of American Nowspapers. It has corres pondents overy where and covers every Held of News, foreign and domestic. It is utrictly republican in politics, but is abovo all, a Nowspnpor, and ought to bo In every homo during the im portant presidential camprigu of 1000. The price my mail, Daily, Including Sunday, in Six Dollars per year. Dally wilhout Sunday, four dollars per year. Sunday only, two dollurs per year. Weekly issued in semi-weekloy sec tions, ono dollar por year Tho latter edition la n big semi-weekly paper, nN most equal to tho average daily at the price of tho averngo wK'kley. It not only gives all tho nows, but also a great variety of interesting and in structlvo reading matter for ovary member of tho family Writo for freo sample copies to tho Globo Printing Co,, St. Louis. Mo, START THE YEAR RIGHT. By this wo mean that if you aro not already a subscriber to Tho Nebraska Stato Journal you should become ono at once. Tho Journal is Nebraska's old reliable. Doing published at the atato capital It prints more news of intorest to NehnHkaim than any other paper in tho stato. Many of its patrons liavo been subscribers for over n quarter of a century. The Journal lias built up a tremendous business by its push and energy and the paper stands at tho head of the column. Kb dally and Sunday issues not only con tain all tho current news of tho world, hut are tilled with special features, Tho StnnMVuokly Journal, which by many Is called "tho fannora' dully," gives 104 papers a year lor 81.00 and i i ono of tho greatest bargains ever otforo'l readers. Tho year WOO will bo it record-broaker wktli The Journal, as 1600 has been. Join tho urmy of readers for tho coming presidential ' campaign, Iterneniuer that tno Hun. Silas A Holcomb whs a peculiarly strong can dictate, Ills mnjoilty was large in part at lfa.it on account of his personal popularity. Too vote for regents, where none of the candidates were, especially well known, shown more accurately the actual majority of the reform forces in this stato. The aver ago majority of the fusion candidates for regent over the republican candi dates was only 0,200 Keep this In mind. Do not bo over conlldont. Get Into the fight and stay In until the last' vole Is counted on November 0 Na braska Independent (pop) This is worth remembering by re publicans as well as by populists. If the average majority of the fusion can didates for regent over the republican candidates at the last stato election in Nebraska was only 0,200 the requbli- cans have only that number of votes to overcome in the next campaign in etead of tho 15,000 rnajirity by which tho popocrats boast carrying tho state for Holcomb. If the fusionlsts havo no reason to bo overconfident tho republicaiiH cers talnly havo good grounds for basing their expectations of redeeming tho state, providing ou aggressive nnd bvss tematlc battle is waged under standard bearers who aro clean and competent nnd can count on the support not only of tho rank and file of there own party, but oho of intelligent voters of inde pendent proclivities. With this reminder it ought not to bo noces'iiry to call upon all lojal re publicans to set into the fight and stay In until the last vote is counted, No vember (!, next. Omaha Bee. All our farmer readers should take advantage of tho unprecedented club bing offer we this year make, which includes with this p.iper The Iowa Homestead, its Special Farmers' Insti tute editions, The Poultry Farmer, and Tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Jour nal, These four publications aro the best of their class and should bo in overy farm homo. To them we add for local, county and general news our own paper and mako tho p'rico for the llvo for ono year $1.35. Never befoio was so much superior reading matter ottered for so small an amount of money, Tho four papers named which we club with our ov n are well known throughout tho west and commend themselves to tho reader's favorable attention upon mere meutiou. The Homestead is the great agricultural and llvo stock paper of tho west. The Poultry Farmer is tho most practical poultry paper for the farmer published in tho country; Tho Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal is ttio special advo cate of furmeis' co-oporativo associa lions, and the Special Fanners' Insti tute editions aro tho most practical publications for the promotion of good farming over published. Tako advant ago of this great offer. A Suro Sign of Group. Hoarseness in a child thai is subject to croup is a sure indication of tht approach of the disease. If Ctiambo' lain's Cough Remedy Is given as soon 118 the child becomes hoarue, or even after tho croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent tho attack. Main mothers who have croupy children al ways keep this remedy at hand and Hud that it saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depend ed mn and is plo.is.iut to take. F r sale by K -cling I)r W Wlxon, Italy Hill. N Y. sas: I heartily rocommeudOnuMiuuteCough Curo It gave my wile immediato re lief In suffocating asthma." 1'leasaiit to take; never falls to quickly cure nl. coughs.colds, throat and lung troubles Keeling. Rd Hot from tho Gun Wna the hull tlml hit U i Stwidmun of Nownrk, Mich, in tho civil war. It ciinseri hurrihln ulcers that no treat ment helped forilO yeara. Then Uuk Ioii'h Arnica tjnlvo cuied hun. Unies cntsi. hruihHB, hnrin, hollsi fi'hmH.corna Hkin erntini8 iieat pile cure on urn ih U:c a hox. Cnrn uiitiitintced . Sold bv Keeling, druggiBt. A Lifo and Death Figlit Mr V A lllnes ot Manchester, In., writing of hh nlinost miraculous oh capo from death, "lixposnie aftor moan lea induced aorloua lung irouh'e, which ended In Consumption. I hud fi t-quont hemorrhages and coughed niglu and day.' All my doetois nald I inusi. soon uio Then 1 began to uho l)r KiugV New Discovery lor Consumption, which completely cured mo I wciuld not ho without it oven If it cost fjft.OO a bottle, llundieds havo used It ou in reoomineiKliiiion and all say it nove'i falls to curo Throat, Chest 'and Uxmv trotihluti " Ueguhir size r0i! and 1 on Trial bottles fieo at Keellng'a Drug Stoio. How Is It Don ? The remarkable suc cess attending the work of Prof. Theo Kharas, of Nebraska City, has caused the thinking class of people to ask "How is it done?" The method is easily ex plained to these who wlu ,ay asidc 0,d prejudiced notions long cnough to send for literature explaining it The Kharas Method of Magnetic Healing. appeals most to educated, thinking peo ple. The ignorant and superstitious are afraid to investigate any new science. Prof. Kharas cures all curable and many so-called incurable diseases without the use of drugs or surgery. He also possess es the wonderful ability to cure certain (ijSC(cs at any distance, without ever seeing the patient. This is what lie calls the "Absent Method." Many almost miraculous cures have hecn made, and by writing you can get a long hbt of testi monials and sworn statements by promi nent people who have been restored to health by this means. Recorder of deed Chas. C. Brandt, Nebraska City, had lost entire use ot right hand and arm hy paralysis,; other methods f.iiled and lie could'nt work. Prof. Klnras treated him and he went to work in fjur days, and in six days he was entirely cured. Mr. Jas McCain of Council Bluffs, la. had lost tlic use of both lower limbs; in three days he could walk, and cured in less than two weeks. Editor Brovn of the Nebraska City Daily and Weekly Press says; ''IU (Kharas) undoubtedly docs a great deal of good, and personally cannot think him enough; mv rheumatism is all gone, and my eye, where burned, does not trouble me any more." " Mrs. N. Brusha. a prominent Nebraska City lady w.is cured of nervous prostration often ye.irs stand ing when other doctors said she could never be even helped. Miss May Dun can, Nebraska City, could not turn in bed so badly was she afflicted with infi.una tory rheumatism for several weeks. Three treatments by Miss Worm an (Ma tron of the Ncbraskt Magnetic Infirmary) cured her entirely. Mr. F. L. Kelscy. foreman of she Daily Press cured ot ner vous headache of 1 1 years standing by one treatment by Prof. Kharas. Friends and relatives of Mrs. A. Sanquest of Ne braska City, said she could not live an hour, in 1 5 minutes she was relieved ol pain, and in two days was able to beat work; neuralgia of the stomach was her trouble; she has since been sncce;sfully treated for cancer of the breast by Prof. Kharas. The Nebraska School of Magnetism and the Nebraska Magnetic Infirmary are at Nebraska City. Branrh Infirmaries are being located all over Nebraska and Iowa. Help Wanted Several honest, conscicn ions men and women to work in thes institutions at splendid salaries. Write for information. Its free. Prof. Theo Kh'iras. Supt. Miss Emma Wounaii, Matron Nebraska City, Neb. Brunch office nt I'orn, Nob, Mr. and Mi-h Gillot, Mmngors. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE mm ? Trade Marks Ocsiqno mm C0PYRIQHr3&C. AnvrmoKPtidlnu nnltotrli nndiloscrlptlnnrany nnlel.lr nscortiiln our opinion froo -vtiiillicr nn liivniitlon la protnililr patotit-hlo. roinfiunlcv. tlims Htrlclly conllilonilnl. I (aiidtooU on I'nlcnta kkiii. fnn. Olilcnt mriMii'v for HticurlllC Dlltrntn. .:'. : v . "-.,--.- . ..,- , iprdril notice, wllliout chnriro, lu tho I'.uoiUM tasen mroucii jmuiiii oe. u. iui-uiyu SCtttNtfK M Taa. I JM" laiC A hnndsnmtly Illustrated urcokly. Lnrewt cir culation if mir HoloutlUn Journal. '1 01 ins, f J u your: four months, l. Bold by all tiewsilpnleri. fifillNM & Go.3CiQfo3dw3v. flew York Branch Offlco. 025 V SU Wmbliwion. D. C. W. W, SAHBERS, !ary : - s Public NEMAilA, NEBRASKA. 7, . r v &J (4 n pi oil, M m W n Htomaeh, constipation, nlfo liver rry tudo. It is an excellent Nerve m tjiu., mm huiki yui.rh.MuiHt uiMinii don t take any bubstituie they m '' l fit nTiffriifflg .M$M&!Lt WSBOS3USmS 4$ mv ym$m 3 s. REV. L. L. CARPENTER. Wabash. Ind., is President of tho fi &s rrss will send it bv return mail nreuaid. PrlcoSnots.. nnd 81.(10 ni six foe ?.').()(). Also Tie. Knv's T.imo- ltnim E lOots., and 2rTets.. wstneo nrehaid. ' SEND ONE DOLLAR a ou Wj f rMgnt C O. II subject to examination jou KfKBBrK OR ItEtliD Of, rut'jkl. to inr sioo.oo loruitur jou etcr mw, rerfe von i.Tfriiirht a. o. Ti. mimoci loexainininun. luunnuiminB iimjour ireiirm uennt tin i you nna I Fl ULUUI ;WU CVI rnnt ITOIIV1'! BnilllBdUl I OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE 555.00 pay the railroad .rrrnt SIC.BO TO S90.00 BUGGIES AND SURREYS. ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) Cftsw wr Tm.VT thk nlsf. our wheeii. Ke7r ami bCKllMareTUtfrHobbM aad UcSXrrltl and LbrlrlnlUis OUR ACME QUEEN, would pttnl tfarr theip hn,l,i. SS9.00 BARELY COVERS COST of material and labor, loatinir 11 thownallcst profit Imaiflnrhlc. bnt wo are building 70 bugles a day and to ad vortlso our bu vy fn tory wo aro wllllnir to SUM. THE" (W l.ool'RUriTKUil. Wa know I70.00 dnlly profit on 70bueg es will nAtlJfy us, adrertlse u orerrwhere and build up tho I.AIIOE8TBUQQY BUSINESS IN THE WOULD. ' oro THE ACME QUEEN webulldln narrow orwlde track, cloth or leather trimmed, end sprinfru, buffed leather quarter top, olld panel baclt, rprlnpilnback, Ittther eotwd llom and Anti, Itnbhrr Str, Wl,t larwr. body,2xM Inches, $0, 1 Barren's patent rerewed rim wheels ilntd In 10 tot, body black goardarkwecn with rery delicate raodert striping, completo with shafts, side and back curwlni. boot storm apron and antl-rattlers and shafts, Tele. SmIjoU. and Whin.lrrn In pl.iro of hfli, tl.li eilra. IIK1I1Y ttrilillH 1(10 roi .ins and the frtlrlt will ,rt for SUO all.,, fS.UOt SOU mllti, ll.Ut 40U nllM. f.2l KMI mile, f J.CUl 1,000 nil,,, SO. (10. CCkin ONF HOI LAR Tlth yar order, WK (lUUAVTIlK the llunry to llesth Tou FaMr and atnuuni: UULLH" If satisfactory, pay tho railroad aircut balance, f 11,00 ij frtlgtitthtrf.1, otherwise par nothlnir and the agent will return buiriry at our eipenso and wo will return your tl 00 DON'T BUY A OIIKAP FACTOItY 11UOQY now sold almost eTeluslvely by all Machinery Dealers and Otalomio lloiu-es. BUY THE BEST BUOOY MONEY CAN BUILD, direct from tho Mokor atthoLOWEHrpmCKiSVTJH KNOWN. OHDER TODAY. DON'T DEtAY. WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. 4dd.s SEARS, ROEBUCK&CO, (In Q.), CHICAGO, ILL. 2fcS We carry a stock of goods valued at 11 rjbi twu nn mtm fi,inr, m . f xxrvw ti ft.ii.' v4r ra. a We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL, CATALOGUE is the book of the people it quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pnges, 16,000 illustrations, and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 7a cents to print and mail each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. m MnWTnnWICDV IWADI1 P. lllUlllUUniLHI IKrtllU US 'L2f'? EVERYTHING IN MUSIO aqaraasEgmttragHregraBasn jmT??rlr?rTWTmnrfmif y UiV ' WI" ' 'MMi'l "uf fcrt """""s"sssssss wj l 1 L lit fe--ZZ"8"--1 I afi ri r-i -1"" . -ri 'lr' Its Easy Writing; If its a Blickensderfer No. 5. The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy machine. More "BlicUs" in use among Iowa and Ne braska newspapers than all the rest of the 100 mnrhinf': tn(rrthir Til nnk' TvriHvr!tr nn I the market doing hundred-dollar work sola at a popular price. Has 8 Keys, of 34 Characters nnil Letters; Portable, welching but Six Pounds with case. Copies and Manifolds perfectly, 12 carbon copies being easily taken at one writing. Only one price S35.00 net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible man in Iowa or Nebraska. Address, Harger & Blish, General Agents, 904-910 Main Street, DUBUQUE, IOWA. EBSXBmSXMlBEKm REV. L. L. CARPENTER. Wabash. Ind., is President of tho Bethany Assembly at Brooklyn, ind. lie is purh ps tho moit pioininent pi olorgymim in tho Christian Church to-day. Ho litis d dieuted about SOO Wm churches and baptifaed 7000 converts. He writes. ''It affords mo great fju pleasure to give my testimony as to tho ollleieney of Dr. K.iy's remedies. C D". Kav's Lunfr Balm is tho verv best couern. eola and tnro.n rumedv w r flinh T nvn, llanrl v c . v T linvn nlcn rocnlvorl rrvpftt. honnfir. from My son had for years becngreutly alllicted with tho piies: hn commenced 05$ tho uso of Dr. Knv's remedies and first. Wo havo no words to express our thankfulness for tho benofit wn havo received as tho result of useing these rumoilies. I tako groat pieusiiro 111 commending them to tho suffering." L. L. Camnter, Missionary and S. S. Evangelist, Christian Church. iCay's r B It is a perfect renovator of tho whole and kldnevtroublts. and to ovorcomo olteets Tonic. Send for free sample and a freo we win jnvo you ireo nuvice. iiuruiriiisisuon'tnave ur. iuivs Honovatoe w may sav is 'Must naurood." for it has no Du. B. J. Kay MunifiAL Co.. Siiriitorm. SnelivrH. "NT. V. Qd " " J .-- "r cut this ad out and aend to us end U you live East of the Rock? Mountains wa will cna mis iiium-ukauu tup buqqy to can examina it at jour frei - tly sMUfsetory and the UKilimsT RiKiuiA YOU iiitk nt oepot ami K you find It and freight charges, less tho One Dollar sont with order. su BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO, on honor from tho best material money can buy. While In our Froo Burst CntftlORue vre show, Top Hugoies made by olhcr makers at 321.50. $20.73 and $34773 the exact fame bngfry that are soU by machinery dealers, at US 00 to CT76.0O and are belnir wldrly adrertlscd by many at tSi 00 to ICO on OUR ACME QUEEN AT 533,00 Is the mort wonderful value ever olTared, 1IIK LoMKST miCK Ktfcu qiarxu os thk iikst hi out hut can nn iiuit. We mainuin ourownnvo story huttinr factory for the role turne of bulMlntrand ndllnff a likr-run ni'.i:r tiu nr cm err klskwiimik md u satk oik cisTomns xmmTiHKirB rnonr. Evory Buggy Wo Moko lo Guaranteed Five Years and Thoy Will out woar Five Ordinary Factory nigs, THE MATERIAIAHD LABOR IH OUR ACME QUEEN cent nore thn itabU that in the ordinary factory ttuggj. We uso a it. 0 cushion cloth, tome in Mconti we urea tl.i01ira.il lining1, some uia 10 ctnf wo u.ciJtml leather, Fomeuo cent! wpu.eM. 5ft colors and rarnlahca.rnmeufto 75 cent and 11.00 WK PAY AX.MOST DOOnLE tho price most maker UxPil -"" Lr'.j?--.pv' v -ii,-i ... ts tf rive ft .mm 10,000 to S.'O.OOO letters tvciy tlay -' i" i5ttl , ftlfffj ' W 'S . Af ?- &,i W N I . w' ' It tisi fm'; ,i iMMisKima. :ii.iisu.us. I ft, Pn Michigan Ave. and Madison. ureot UUi CHI IICAGO A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHMENT 'J EM1TATTNQ STBINSED INSTRIWENTS has been added to the well known IIospc TERISi $25 CASH, $20 H017TI1LY. With Stool and Scarf. ElADE IN 0AH, WALNUT and B.AH0GANY Write For Particulars. KKiH w&ssmai 1 that is j ... - W t.lio. nsn n! T)v. TCiiv'h Ronnvntni' ifl oxnerieneed roliof ulinoat from tho h. enovator. system. It is tho verv host remedy f of La-Grinne and Spring Ins,!. illustrated litt page book of receipts k-jvj caual. but send dlroot to nminrl wn 0 - - 4-. ...Q, ,. .. rfft r& & $S; &7 4' v msmm ri t?4r, i Y JDsWtel iA MJiwmm h n mmimm SWlfSSgMISM2IQk