r "-. .' pelf alto ..' 1 fautlUzt VOLUME XL1V NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1900. NUMBER 29 . y i r.4 tf Iooal News Fine winter weather. fcee Hill Ofc Keeling for tire Insurance The roads am uoout as bad as they can get. Miss Maud Flack has started to Buliool again. Preaching at tiie Episcopal church next Sunday afternoon. Miss Minnie May has been in Peru fur tbe past week. Mrs. Mattie Bantz returned from Missouri Wednesday. Al Morton came Id from Johnson Monday, returning Tuesday Juhu Flack went to Nebraska City Monday, on a little business. Qo to Keeliug'j drug store for school supplies, tablets, crayons, etc. Try N. it. Anderson's own brand of tour. Every sack warranted. Blank deeds, chattel mortgages, farm eases, etc, for salo at this ofllce. John Knight has moved on the Muuiz lunn, west of the Bennett mill. Hill & Keeling write both farm and city insurance and will save you money Oeo. Lewis was up from Shubert Friday. George Is still quoting Joe Jones. Miss Eleanor Galbraitb assisted in the Advertiser oilice Thutsday and Friday. Mr Ulley, who has Jbeen living In Mrs. Burgess' brick bouse, has moved to Drtrada. The Advertiser 'and the St. Louis Globe Democrat both one year for ouly 81.00. Mrs. Ray Scofleld camo in from Johnson Thursday on a visit to Ne maha friends. E.French and Win. Kilmer have opened a stock of general merchandise at St. Dentin . Attorney U. Frank Neal,of Auburn was in town Monday night and Tues day morning. Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and shorts 00 cents per 100; at Hoover's grocery storp. Mrs, S. Brimble called at this ofllce Thursday and paid for the Advertiser fur the coming year. Rev. J M. Darby will begin a pr- traded meeting at the Methodist church Sunday night. The Keeling drug store has just re celvrd a new stock of jewelry und watches. Low 'Mice. Luther H. Barnes is shelling and marketing about 2000 bushels of corn, even if the roads nre bad. We publish a communication from George Fairbrother and another from Robert I. Frost this week. The Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co. have their coal shed up and a car load of coal was put in this week, Mim. S. Yatea visited her son, Geo. Chapman, in Aspinwall precinct, from Thursday of last week uutll Sunday, Charley Burns went to Glen Rock precinct Wednesday to trim a seventy acre orchard for the Titus nursery. Henry Said and John B. Stiers went to Tocuuaseh Wednesday, and we uns derstnnd went to Douglas to attend a Poland China hog sale, Do you burn coal? if not you had bettor commence now. We have just received a car load. EOWAKD8 & Buadfokd, Lbr. Co., Nemaha, Nebr. Dr. 1, L Calllson, the titella dentist will be at Nemaha next Monday, for the purpose or doing dental work in all Its brauches. diluent hotel. Any one needing native lumber can lud the same at my residence, one and a half mites south of Nemaha. W. W. Skid. Robert M Say era has bought of S. K. Anderson the corner lot weBt of Hoover's grocery story, and will mova bis blacksmith shop thereon in the spring. G. V. Argabright came up from Shubert Friday and visited Nemaha friends. George wears a long full beard but otherwise looks the samo as of yore. Alva Maxwell, who Iihs been attend ing school at Auburn, has started to school in Nemaha, and finds we have full as good a school here as they have in Auburn, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Montelth rei turned to their home at Arcadia, Neb., Friday. Mrs. E. A. Miuick went home with thtm und will visit there tor a few weeks TO CUBE 1 COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All 'druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E W Grove's signature on every box. 25o Last week the ceunty commissions ers awarded The Advertiser the con tract for printing all envelopes, letter heads and blanks for the county ofli clals for the ensuing year. We have a large eUck of Winter Goods which we will close out at low piices. Call and see us for bargains. ' Rose Gilbert, Admx. of the estate of S. Gilbert. We are now prepared to handle coal and have just received a carload. Parties wishing coal call on the Edwahds &,.'B"ADFOitu Lbr. Go., Nemaha, Nebr. Having opened a lunch room in Nemaha I ask the patronage of the public. Lunches furnished on short notice. Pies, etc., kept on hand. Full line canned goods and tobaccos. D. J. Thompson. J. H. Lynds, of White Cloud, Kas.. has been having willows cut and ship ped from this point to Rulo to be used in riprapping along the Missouri river, AssoAn as the mud dries up a little so the) can work, a number of car loads will be out and shipped. We are putting in a new lumber yard in your town on the corner south of Andet son's brick store. We have already on band two cars of lumber. Come In and get acquainted with us We will treat you right. Edwahds & Bhadfohd Lurt. Co, Nemaha, Neb. FOR SALE. I offer at private sale 1 brown horse, 7 years, 1100 lbs, $55. 1 black mare, 8 jears, 1400 lbs, 805, 1 yearling heifer, fine, $ 25. 1 Canton riding cultiyator, 820. 1 set discs for cultivator $0. 1 small Antique refrigerator $7. Call at farm two miles northwest of Nemaha and inspect property. LUTHER II. BARNES. Dr II II Haden, Summit, Ala, says: Ithink KodolDyspepsiaCureis a splen did medicine. I pi escribe it and my conlldenre in it grows with continued use " It digests what you eat hik! quickly cures dyspepsia and indiges tiou. Keeling All knowing themselves indebted to the estate of Stephen Gilbert will please call and settle. Rosk GiLiJEitT, Admx. Wo will send The Advertiser for one year and tho Farm Journal until Jan. 1st, 1001, for only $1, if puid in ad vauco. This offer applies to both old and new subscribers. Harness Shop Wanted. Nemaha needs a harness shop and the man who puts one In hero could soon work up a good business. Who will be the man? Mr. nnd Mrs, Seymour Howo, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Woodward, Mr. and Mrs, W. W Sanders, Eugene Howe and Willie und Nellie Sanders spent tho day with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Yack Ity last Sunday. I wish to rent my farm of J 00 acres, adjoining the town of Brownvillo on the west. None but experienced suc cessful farmers need apply. Itonx. w. Furnas, 2 1 Brownvllle, Nebr. Albert R. Titus returned from Omaha Wednesday. He left tils father in St. Joseph hospital: Mr. Titus was feeling some better when Albert left. He will stay In tbe hospital lor some time, uulesB he gets to feeling consid erubly better. Dave Thompson, the Phil Armour of Nemaha, bus opened n restaurant in tho Keeling building. He will carry a line of canned goods.tobaccos, crackers, e'e, and will also be prepared to fur nish a lunch on short notice, lis sayt- he has opened a shack to give u place for tbe bo j s to loaf. We desire to extend thanks to tin friends and neighbors for their kindly attention during tbe sickness, death and burial of our mother and sister, Mrs, Mary A. Burgess. W. II. Kkuley. May Baldwin. Emma McCain. Jaspeh N. Faiiius. Insure your farm and town property with Farmers and Merchants Insur ance Co, of Lincoln. F. H. D. Hunt, Agent, Nemaha Neb.. . A Life 'and Seath right Mr W A Hines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous ts cape from death, "Exposure after meas les induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages and conghed night and day. All my doctors said I must soon die Then 1 began to uso Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me I would not be without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on m recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat, Chest and Lung troubles " Regular size 60c nnd 81 on Trial bottles free at Heeling's Drug Store. ii' A.R.DeFuent,editor of the Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a num ber of years from rheumatism in bin right shoulder and side. He says: "My right arm at times was entiiely useless. I tried Chambprlain's Pain Balm and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately.. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never falls. For sale by Keeling the druggist. DR W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The patrons may be assured of receiving fair treatment. A good lino of DRUGS and druggist's sundries alwnys kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A go stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS if you want anything in our line call and se.a us, Priced James F. Drain Btarted for Rtd Cloud with his car of housebeld goods Mnday. Mr. Drain and family will be greatly missed here, nnd especially s i in church and Sunday school work In the Christian church, of which they were lending and active membeis. May prosperity, health nnd happiness attend them in their new home. Roikjsr, who advertised to give a spiritualist performance at the opera house last Saturday night, gave an entertainment, but failed to show any spirits or In fact anything tf that na ture. He gave a good exhibition of tnli.d reading, sleight of hand perform aance, etc., aud thoso present were woll satisfied. He loft an engagement for Saturday night of this week. K. Wesley Peterson of the State University at Lincoln lectured at the Methodist church to a small audience. The lecture was excellent and was greatly appreciated by thoso present. Mr. Peterson tins a splendid voice, and the tnoughts expressed woro noble, his language well chosen nnd bis theme good. We hope when ho comes again he will bo greeted by a full house, which he certainly deserves. He has a bright future before him. Cards for mounting stamp photoajfor sale at The Advertiser olllco twenty for live cents. The Bennett mill is now ready to do grist work at any time und will guarantee good Hour if the wheat is good. They will grind at any time. They are giving 33 ponnds for old wheat and all, that uow wheat is worth giving more than any other mill in the county. Prompt service and satis- action guaranteed I wouldn't be withoutDeWitt'sWitch HhzsI Salve for any consideration," writes Thus B Rhodes, Centerfleld, O. Infallible for piles.cuts, burns and Bkln diseases. Beware of counterfeits. W W Keeling. ...i..i i t a Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cobs fur biiIo. Call at tho feed store. Ke can give you reduced rateB on almost any paper published in tbe United States. Ben Parker, the Singer sewing ma chine man at Auburn, has engaged the services of C. W. Norton, an export mnchinest, nnd is prepared to clean and repair sewing machines of all kinds. If you have a machine you want cleaned or repaired write to Mr. Parker or send him the machine. Sec ond hand machines for sale. i J. E. Coutey, the Uiownville jeweler, will make, regular trips to Nemaha Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week, prepnied'todo all kinds of fine watch, clock and jewelry repairing. Nothing but first class work will be done. All work warranted. He also carries a fine line of jewelry. Leave work or orders at the Park hotel. Lagrlppe, with its after effects, an uually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cnied by OneMlnute Cough Cure, the only remedy that pro duces immediate results In coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lune troubles. It will prevent consumption. Keeling J. W. Wombold & Co., of Peru, have recently added considerably to their stock of lumber and now have us good and complete a stock as there is in the county. They carry coal, lime and all kinds of building mutorial. Also wagons, buggies, road wncons, etc. Their prices are low as tho low. est, Give tLem a call when m need of anything in their line. J D Bridges, editor Democrat. Lnn caster, N II, says: One Minute Cough Curo is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Immediately relluves and cures cough, colds, croup, asthma pneumonia, bronchitis, grippe and al, thioat and lung troubles It prevents! consumption. Keeling Mrs. W. W. Sanders gnvo n recopi tlon to her Sunday school class of young ladies und gentlemen Wednesi day night. The class is No. 0 in the Methodist Sunday school and has a me nbershlp of twenty-Uve. Twenty miMiibera of the class were present, and In addition Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Montelth, F. L. McNown.G. N. Titus, Miss Helen Hoover, nnd Miss Jennie Calvin, who were also invited. All present enjoyed themselves heartily until a Into hour In conversation nnd playing croklnole, base ball and pars cheesl. A lunch of coffeo, rolls, chick en, pie, cake and ice cream was Berved: No. 0 is tbe banner class in the Sunday school. Dr W Wlxon, Italy Hill, N Y, says: I heartily rocommendOneMinuteCough Cure It gave my wife immediate re lief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take; never fails to quickly cure all oouuhn.colda, throat a:id lung troubles Keeling. Red Hot from the Gun Was the ball that hit G B Steadman of Newark, Mich, in tho civil war. It caused horrible ulcerB that no treat ment helpod for 20 years. Then Buck leu's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts, bruises, burns, bolls, felons.corns skin eruptions Best pile euro on earth 25oabox. Oureguaianteed. Sold by Keeling, druggist. You never know what form of blood poisoning will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using Do Witt's LltHo Early Risers mid ynu will avoid trouble They tire famous little pills for constipation nnd liver nnd bowel troubles. Keeling. Call in rnd see hb if you want to subscribe for any paper published iu the United States. & CO a. H C3 as fa o ts -H - S a & t mm CJ S3 z a 3.3 . 2 9 & SC fix - J- fc-tf U W C5 (3 w O o '. o 63 o ci b; rgH q) S -j o C3 -! m Old papers for sale at this ofllce, .? i . ' . II i MA -Iffljuj.-W.iij. w . J rA