The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 05, 1900, Image 6

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    " icvjpfr
Notable Happenings of 1 899
set down in chronological ordi'k.
The BrlUsh-Bocr War War in
uui rciwuica,
1..1 r?ii.....i
;s, Startling
Nccroloflu, Politics
AVl I" , -:raS-1,,
Mnr. 20Jor. Chamberlain addresses parlia-
merit on the Transvaal.
May 10 -Arrest of 8 alleged Rntlsh oilicors
in Transvaal for conspiracy.
31 Conference nt Hlorinfohlrin between
Pies. Ktiurcrnnd Sir Alfred Milncr.
Jul. 101!)- New franchise bill passed
21 Kiugcr threatens to resign.
Aug, 21 Ki ugcr in diplomatic note otters to
make concessions on condition Hint Kng
glnnd nbandon claim of suzerainty.
28 Cliniiibi'i'lnin replies such term cannot
bo considered.
Sep. 8-Clininber!niii insists on joint inquiry
to make jure no nullifying coiuhtioiiB cxiwt
behind Ki user's proposals.
18- Kruger answers with less favorable pro
posaln than before.
22 Britain forinulntcs note thnt she will
prepare linnl terms.
28 Orange Free Statu voles to aid South
African Republic.
Oct. 2- Grn. Kir Rcdx-crs Bullcr appointed
to coiiinmnd in South Africa.
10 Ilocr ultimatum that llritain must with
draw troops from iSonlb Africa.
11 Announcement nt Johannesburg that
wnr would be in effect 10 a. m., Oct. 12.
12 Boers invade Natal.
13 Armoied train captured by Boers nt
Krnaipan....Gold seized by Transvaal re
public. 11 Kiinbcrlcy besieged by Uocra.... Arsen
al train blown up nenr Mnfeking.
20 Ocn. Symons mortally wounded in bat
tle at Oli'iii'iio.
22-Gen. Kock killed in battle of Elands
tangle. 31 Royal llritish fusileers. No. 10 mountain
battel y nnd Gloucestershire regiment sur
rounded at Ladysmith nnd obliged to
cnpitulntc after losing heavily.
Nox 2 lloers capture Colcnio completing
"'vestment of Lndysmith.
10 lloers wreck English armored train
north of Esteourt, nnd kill, wound or cap
ture 100 of Dublin fusileers.
23 (Jen. Mcthuen wins battle nt Belmont;
68 killed, 147 wounded nnd 18 missing.
28 Mcthuen defeats lloers nt Moddcr
river, but with henvy loss.
Dec. 10 llritish under Gntncrc drawn into
trap nt Stormbcrg nnd 072 tnken pris
oners. 13 Mcthuen repulsed at Mngersfontein;
Gen. Wnuchope and marquis of Win
chester killed. Total llritish losses, 903.
15 uen.Uuller reports reverse near Colon
ho; llritish troops ngnin led into trap, 10
guns being captured, 1 destroyed; 1,097
17 Huron Roberts, of Kandahar nnd Wa
terford, appointed to chief command in
fcoulh Africa with (Jen. Loid Kitchener
as chief of htair.
18 Gen. Methucn's edmmunicntions nit.
27 Portugal reported to have sold Delngoa
bay and other African possessions to Eng
land, nnd Asiatic possessions to Germany.
.Jnn. 20 Filipino congress nt Mnlolos adopts
constitution and votes confidence in Aguin
nldo, empowering him to declare war
against Americans.
23 U. S. government notified Aguinaldo
had proclaimed icpiiblie.
.Feb. 4 Filipinos make night nttacl: on
Manila, but repulsed; 25 American sol
diers, killed, 175 wounded.... Agonciilo,
1'ilipino representative, leaves Washing
"ton for Canada, on account of strict gov
ernment censorship of ull telegrams for
Philippine islands.
13 ling. Gen. Miller's forces capture lloilo,
capital Island of Panny; rebels Cue town
before evacuating; no casualties on Amer
ican side,
20 Surrender of Cebu, capital island of
Cctiu, to naval forces icporlcd.
.Alar, la (Jen. Wlieuton cap
ptures city of
20-U. g,
Philippines commission meets in
Apr. 10 Gen. Lawton captures Santa Cruz,
Lacuna Prov.
18 Admiral Dewey reports capture by Fili
pinos of Lieut. Gilniore nnd 11 of crew of
the Yorktown who had gone ashore at
llalcr to rescue number of Spanish.
May 2 Conference in Manila between Gen.
Otis nnd Filipino emissaries terminates
without defiuttu results,
t) First Filipino municipal government
Knnctioncd by Americans established nt
Hnlinng by Gen. Lawtou. Native mayor
and council elected,
22 Aguinnldo's commission meets Aineri-
con commission in Manila; notified that
Pres. McKinley olTeied i olio wing: "A
governor general to be appointed by the
president; a cabinet to be appointed by
the governor general; all the judges to bo
appointed by the presidtit; the heads of
departments to be cither Americans or
Filipinos, or both; nnd a general advibory
council, its members to be chosen by the
people by a form of suffrage to be hereatt
er carefully determined upon."
Jun. 3 Gen. Rios with remainder of Span
ish troops bails from Manila for Spam.
15 Hear Admiral John O. Watson arrives
nt Manila to nsbume command of Asiatic
Jul. 17 Wnr correspondents in Manila pro
test against rigid censorship of press dis
patches. 25 Gen. Otis proclaims provisional civil
government on Island of Ncgros.
Aug. 1 v. S. steamer Saturuus captured
and burned.
Nov. 8 Filipinos routed near Mabalncat.
11 Maj. John A. Logan killed while- lead
ing battalion m battle at fcan Jacinto.
24 Otis reports that insurgent government
can no longer be said to exist, troops and
officials being scatteied and Aguinaldo in
hiding.... Hautista, pies. Fi.ipinoconijiess,
before Gen. MacArthur formally ic
nomiccs r.ll further connection with in
suiiection, Dec. 10 Gen. Grcgorio Del Pilar, command
ing Aguinaldo's body guaid, killed in light
18 ii. w. CVivantcs.
10 Muj. Gen. Henry W. Lnwton killed
while leading attack against San Mateo,
which was captutcd.
20 Americans victorious at Aritao, Calam
ba, Ditiiilupijau ami Sala,
0 Nlw York, A. H. Hilton, voluntary
I.m nl:i iinfi'V ! S,'..ri!HI i!ft7 ' tin m.cittw
10 IJoalou, ilamillou uutiuuul bank; volun
tary. 25 Kansas City, Mo., Planters' bank.
31--J'mscll, Kan.. First national bank....
H& Jose, Cal., Union savings bank.
Mnr. 2-Ruuk of Cobden, 111.
tlic Philippines Bio Pinan-
Disasters and Crimes
and Sports, htc.
8-Ncw York, William Noble, builder, vol
untnry bankruptcy; $1,027,100.
0 Limn, O., American nntioiial bank; vol
untary..,. Memphis, Tenn., CQfitinciital
national bank; voluntary.
13 Lagrange, 111.,'C. F. Gillett's private
22 Silver Creek, N. ., Excelsior bank.
28 Kansas City, Mo., W. V. L, Lippiiieolt,
president Lippincott Rental Co.; $1,000,
000 with S125 asets.
Apr. 0Waireiihburg, Mo., Farmers' and
Merchants' bank turns binincjH over t-o
Citizens' Ixink... .Brooklyn, N. V.. Ful
ton bank sold to Mechanics' bnnk of New
11 Alina, Wis., banking house of L. 1'.
llunner tt MrKcnzio,
21 Lnkeport, N. 11., Lake Village saving!
Jim. 5--Cochcco (N. II.) savings and Coehc
co national banks.... First bank of Skag
unv, Alaska.
10 Houghton. Wi.,Danccounty stntebnnk.
II In Colorado, Miners' bnnk nt Credo nnd
banks nt Hooper nnd Monte VMn.
20 New York, Henry Post, banker, volun
tary banktuptry; $S,I('4,575.
30 Rav City, Mich., Spencer O. Fisher;
Jul. 7 Savings bank of St. Paul.
8 Nilcs, Mich., Citizens' national bank.
II Perth, N. J., Middlesex county savings
17 St. Paul. Oermnnia bnnk.
24 N. Y. National lluildmg & Loan Ass'n;
Aug. 10 A!e. McDonald, king of the Klon
dike; o,uuo,wv.
Fop. 5 Atchison (Knn.) national bank.
18 Prnn Yan. 1st national bank.
20 Wichita, Kan., Davidson Invctment Co.
25 New York. II. J. Sloss, clothing manu
facturer; $733,1(52.
Oct. 27 Lexington, Ky., D. A.SayrcfcCo.'s
Nov. 2 Low R. Dotv. Chicago coal mer
chant: $51WW,000....Rut'aiid,'Me.) Wood
bury & MouUon's bank; 700,000.
13 Hank of Athens, Ga.
22 Yankton, S. D.. savings bnnk.
23 Hiitte, Mont., Farmers' c Merchants'
bank.... Lebanon, Iud., Central state
Dec. 15 Iloston. J. P. Squire & Sons, pork
packers, $3,000,000.
10 Boston, Hrondwny nat. I.nk.
10-Produce Kx. Tiust Co.. N. Y.; $11,049,
000. ...Port Jams, N. Y., nat. bank.
21 Iloston Globe Nat. Hank.
20 Uoston. Lovell Arms Co.... St. Louis,
SiegeMlillmau Dry Goods Co.; $221,000.
Jan. 1 Ishpcming, Mich., 0 miners by up
ettitiij hoisting cage.
0 In Gulf of Mexico, 8 by explosion on
yacht Paul .Jones.
0 West Dunellcn. N. J., 18 In railway col
lision.... Sunal, Neb., 4 in railway wreck.
11 Tacoma, Wash., harbor, llritish ship An
dcleiia sinks; 19 drowned.... Gregg coun
ty, Tex., 0 in cyclone.
Feb. 1 Lincoln Gulch, Col., 5 in snowslide.
11 Silver P. nine. Col., 24 miner in mow
slide. .. .OH Nub. lightship, 13 by founder
ing of boat.
12 Near Yankton, S. D., 17 in burning cot
tage of insane luyhun.
14 Off South Carolina const, 0 by wreck of
steamship liliam Lawrence.. ..Corner
stone, Ark., 7 in hunting home. . . .In Tex
as during 'J da) s' intense cold, 1 1 frozen.
Mnr. 8 Near -Noifoik, Vu., 12 drowned by
sinking of tug.
17 New York, 40 during burning of Wind
For hotel.
10 Near Kdwardsville, A!n., 11 in cyclone.
27 Chicago, 8 in flames of Armour's curled
hair nnd felt woiks.
Apr. 3 Joplin, Mo., 5 by caving in of a nar
row trench.
1 Eureka, Cal., 10 by capsizing of steamer
in harbor.
7 New York, 12 in burning home of Wal
lace C. Andiews.
9 Near Gleudive, Mont., 12 by flood
Yellowstone liver.
IS Near Hex eriy, Mass
11 in wreck of fish-
nig seliooncr.
27 Kirksville, Mo., 30 in tornado..
town, A 1 o . . 15 !iy cyclone.
Ma:-. 11 Olf Grand Marais, in Lake
Dcrior, 0 by foundering of schooner.
27 Near Waterloo, In., 8 in railway xvreck
aiused by washout Near llunlccvillc, 1
in burning home.... In Rijou hills, tomb
of Chamberlain, S. D 7 by cyclone. . . .
Near Dawson, Alaska, 7 drowned bi caking
through the ice.
Jun. 4 Near Alberta, N. W. T 30 Indians
by upsetting of boat in Lake of Clouds,
8 -Ross Hollow, Ark., 28 by landslide In
vicinity of Austin, Tex., 23 bycloudburst
and consequent floods.
12 New Richmond, Wis., 112 by cyclone.
13 Herman, Neb., 10 in cyclone that prac
tically destroyed the town.
1(1 Roswia, Tex.. 27 during freshet.
29 In Lake Erie, of! Lorain, O., 0 by foun
dering of steamer.
Jul. 8 Columbus, (J., 0 by ears at railway
13 New York, 21 to date from lockjaw, due
4th of July pistol wounds.
18 In northwestern Iowa, 10 in emigrant
xvagon by cloudburst.
31 Hampton, a., from yellow fever
soiuiers nome nig rmirie, Mich.,
Aug. 1-Crook's inlut, 22 gold hunters
2S Chicago, 0 by falling niches of new Coli
seum bldg Near Dardaneile, Ark,, 7 by
capsizing lioat.
Oct. It OH Sands point, L. 1., 12 in burning
18 Teton county, Mont., 12 in b!i::zard.
25 In Montana, 9 sheep heuiers m storm
while trying to save flocks.
20 Faires, Ala.. 14 in n fire.
Now 1 Off S. C. coast, 13 in shipxvrcck.
12 OIV Frying Pun shoals, N. C, 10 in ship,
15011 St. Pierre, Md., 7 in shipwreck.
19 Humboldt, S. )., 0 in ruilxwiy disaster.
22 It is. reported that 23 have bien killed tic-
emcuiuiiy in .vuinmuncns oy uuuters.
Ull t. pper x iiuuu, AiasKa, iu
tnusht by ice jam.
Dec. 1 During Minn, and Wis. deer season,
11 hiinleis accidentally killed.
8- On Lake. Erie, steamer Niagara reported
'c.-t xvtth 10 j)er.ons.
9-Carbon lli.l, Wash.,
by mine explo-
10 On Lake Superior, Whulebnek barge 115
willi crew of 9 men given up for lost.
19 New ork, 7 in tenement fiic,.
22 Ouiney
Ouiney, HJT, 12, school, in fire.
Hrbwiu,xi!"i, Pa., 35 by mine explosion.
25-New Hear Month, Mont., 4 in railway
20- Near Ashcroft, H. C., 7 Indians by canoe
,Jnn. 2 Paulding, 0 ex-Postmaster C. A,
Hrcwcr kills wife and self.
20--Antigo, Wis., vandals wreck offices of
Antingo Republican, Weekly News and
(Jctman Hciald.
Feb. 1 - Westminster, O., Frank Hlnir kills
I'M. Hrovard, Mary Anderson nnd self;
Mar. 1 -Alikohi courthouse in Choctaw na
tion, Walla Tonka hanged for murder.
2- Athcletonc, Kan., wife nnd 4 childtenof
John Gilbert found murdered.
15 Hleton, Tex., Ed Ilcaii drives wife
tin ougii principal streets, kills her nnd self.
10 Hot Springs, Ark., in political fight,
Thus. Tolcr, chief of police; J..E. Hurt,
city detective; T. F. (loslee. police sergt.,
J. Williams nnd Louis Hiukic shot dead.
Apr, 5 Albany, Gn., W. II. Jackson kills
liis wife, baby and i-elf; insane.
10 Pana, III., 7 dead, many wounded and
town under martial low as result of at
tempt to nrrest a negro desperado who dc
lied the officers,
20 Fresno, Cnl., fnctional fight among Chi
nese highbinders results in 3 killed and 2
fatally wounded.
Jun. 1 Ncnr Thornton, Ind., Alfred Wells
kills 3 of his little bovs; insane.
Jul. 10-Near Long Grove, 111., Mrs. Geo.
Trieder in family quarrel wounds her hus
band, nnd killed mother nnd self.
17 Manchester, Ky., Howard Uakcr feud
results in 5 killed. 3 wounded.
Aug. 1 Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Mary Steven
son kills her 2 children and self; unable to
secure work.
Sep. 15 Scotia, Neb,, Mrs. Earnc Phillips
poisons her 2 children and self.
10 Catterville, III,, 7 negroes in riot be
tween black and white miners.
Oct. 3-Stranger, Tex., M. M. McKinney
kills wife, Paul Norman and self.
11 Judge Hasil Laplace, (stnte legislator)
killed by mob on his plantation 20 in. from
New Orleans.
IS Near Hedwood Falls, Minn., Frank IJab
cock kills wife. 3 sons and self: insane.
Nov. 8 Kentucky election troubles result in
15 killed and 12 wounded.
Dec. 5-Hakersficld, Cal., E. S. Millikin kills
wife, child and wdf.
0 llncinc, Wis., Rev. D. H. Cheney nnd
wife shot by buivlnrs.
23-Chillicothc, O., W. J. Williams killed his
3 children and himself.
Jnn. 12 Atlnnt.i, Gn., in heart of business
district; $.300,000.
Feb. 1 Columbus, O., half a business block;
12 Chicago, A. C. McClurg & Co.'s book
store; 1:050,000.
15 Hrooklvn navy yard machine shops;
2S Ilolyoke, Mass., Windsor hotel, opera
house and other buildings; $300,000.
Apr. 13 In Hock nnd Keith counties, Neb.,
prairie files; several lives lost.
10 Cleveland, O., half a block of business
buildings; $1,000,000.
Jul. 4 Memphis, Tenn., Gayoso hotel;
Aug. 21 Victor, Col., in business section;
Sep. 10 Promised Land, L. I., Amcr. Fish
eries Co.'s plant; $500,000.
19 In Adirondack forest, N. Y., forest fires.
20 Norfolk, Vn., St. Vincent de Paul's hos
pital; 4 jives and $500,000.
Oct. 3 Endeavor, Pa., Wheeler & Dusen
berry Co.'s lumber yards: $500,000.
13 Hrooklyn, N. Y., Hush Co.'s cotton ware
house; $500,000.
Nov. 3 New York, Manhattan Redding
Co.'s factory; $500,000.
5 Waukegan. 111., Anier. Steel & Wire
Co.'s plant ; $300,000. . . . Kansas City, Mo.,
fire starting in Jones Hros.' department
store; $500,000.
12 Montreal, Vian Hros.' biscuit factory;
29 Philadelphia. J. R. Lippincott & Co.'s
pub. home and other building', $3,000,000.
Dec. 10 Augusta, Ga., business block; Sl,
000.000. 19 Florence, S. C. business section.
27 Fessenden, S. D., half of business sec
Jan. Ifl U. S. cruiser Philadelphia ordered
to Samoa os re.-ult of clash betxveen Ger
man consul and the Hritish and American
22 Germany disavows action of consul in
Feb. C Gen. Count x-on Caprivi dies at Sky
re n. Ger.
10 M. Felix Faure, president of France,
dies suddenly in Paris ot apoplexy;
aged 58.
19 Eniile Loubet elected 7th president of
nance oy national nssem vnt iri
Mar. 1
Premier Sagasta aim Spanish m
istry reisn.
Apr. 0 Mining diMster in Coahuila, Mex
ico, caii'-ed loss of 12 lives.
May 12 Jexvs forbidden to reside in St Pc
teifiuuig. lSTPeace conference, called by czar of Rus
sia, opened at The Hague; lOcountries rep
resented. M. de Stael, Russian ambassa
dor to dieat Rritain, made president of
Uic couiici'.
Jun. 2 Spanish queen regent announces
cesiion of Marianno, Caroline and Pulaois
is. anus to iiennany.
2 Court of cassation in Paris annuls ver
dict of court-martials in 1894, and orders
retrial of Dreyfus. ...Johann Strauss, fa-moil-)
musical composer, dies in Vienna;
need 1 1.
17-JJev. II. S. Phillips, his xvife and Miss
Seir, missionaries, with 7 native conx-erts,
lmiHsncrcd at Kicn Yang.
20 Iutrrunlioiial council of xvomen opened
in London.
Jul. 10 Grand Duke George, brother of Rus
sian czar dies at imperial palace in the
Caucasus; accd 27.
Aug. .'.It is ipported Mexican government
hns. uqui Imlian revolt well in hand; have
killed S3 Indians in Sonora.
Sep. 9 dipt. Alfred Dreyfus convicted of
high treason by court-martial and sen
tenced to 10 yrs. in prison.
IC French cabinet decides to pardon Drey
fu ,lu les Guerin surrenders after being
besieged (1 xvks. m a house in Paris.
Oct. 3 Anglo-Venezuelan boundary com
mission decision (at Paris) gives Ot. Rrit
ain n great part of disputed territory.
Nov. 4 U. S (it. liritain and German dis
solve tripartite agreement regarding Sa
moan islands; U. b. guaranteed possession
of 'I utuila.
20 Emperor and empress of Germany xvel-
coined ni lmisor hy X'ictoria.
Dec. 2 Mexican troop's kill 48 Yaqui Indians
in battle near Cocori.
5 -Kurds jiillago Ainienian village of Kos
tur. masMicreiug 30') nersous.
12 I'.arthquako on Ceram, one of Malay
islands: 5.000 people perish.
22 At Freliugheiiu, 40 Hclgian school chil
dren di owned by breaking through the ice
Qii a skating puml.
Jan. 12 ChcxviiiRguin manufacturers of U. S,
combine at Now VorH; capital, $15,000,000.
177-.I0I111 Mitchell elected pres. United
MiuuW orkersin convention nt Pittsburgh.
Alllf-. '1 Alllfl'il'.". II Klnnl nml AVll-rt f'n nt
jolict, 111., raises wages of 30,00Q employes
"from 5 to 10 per cent.... Various whisky
and distilling companies form a trust, capi
tal. $128,000,000.
31 During month of Mar. 131 corporations
organized in Ncxv Jersey; nggrcgatc cap
ital stock, $1,111,750,000.
Apr. 1 Increase in xvnges in cotton mills
of Ncxv England goes info cfl'cet, the resto
ration benefiting-140.000 operatives.
20 Trouble betxveen union and nonunion
miners nt Ward 11 er, Idaho, culminated in
bloxving up Hunker Hill and Sullivan mine
nnd mill, causing loss of $250,000 and one
man killed.... 11. C. Friek Coke Co., in
Pittsburgh, Pa., employing 15,000 men,
raises xvnges from 0 to 12j percent.
May 2 Troops occupy ardner, Idnho, and
martial law prexwiis on account of noting.
17 Rrotherhood of Railway Trainmen, 111
session it Ncxv Orleans, reelects Grand
Master Morrissey nnd adopts resolutions
opposing Sunday trains,
Jun. 7 United States court of appeals, in
session at Milwaukee, says alien labor laxv
applies holcly to common laborers, ex
empting clerks and ull kinds of skilled ar
tisans. 10 Wages of 45,000 employes in iron nnd
steel manufacturing industries raised 25
per cent. ...Rig Consolidated Co.'s 14
street railway lines in Cleveland, O., tied
up by strike for increased xvages.
21 As a result of settlement of coal miners'
nlrike, 22;000 of thc30,000 strikers return
to xvork in Missouri, Kansas, Indian Ter
ritory and Arkansas.
24 Street railxvay strike in Cleveland ended
practically a victory for railxvay concern!,
though at .1 money loss of nearly $200,000.
Jul. 11 Distillery Co. of Amcr., incorpo
rated at Trenton, N. J.; can. $125,000,000.
Sep. 12 Trust conference (35 states repre
sented) opened in Chicago.
10 M. L. Lockwood (Pa.) elected pres. anti
trust organization formed as result of con
ference in Chicago.
20 Anti-trust conference begun in St. Louis,
Gov. Sayers (Tex.) presiding.
Oct. 10 Pana (111.) coal miners' strike set
tled after lockout of over 18 mos., during
xvhich many lives xvcre sacrificed.
Dec. 10. Wages of 200,000 New England tex
tile mill employes adx-anced, increase be
ing $10,000,000 a year.
21 At Springfield, 111., street car bloxvn up
by dynamite for 3d time since strike began.
Jan. 5 Eagle City, Alaska, Jack Jolly, sa
loonkeeper and gambler.... Near Hanks,
Ala., Marshall McGregor (colored);
charged xvith barn burning.
Feb. 11 Near Leesburg, Ga., Hill Holt, Geo.
Fort nnd Geo. Hivens; assault.
Mar. 15 Palmetto, Ga., 9 negroes shot;
charged with arson.
23 In Little River county, Ark., 7 negroes
lynched to date, result of xvhat is practic
ally a race xx-ar.
Apr. 11 Decrfield, O., Win. Kinncman
tarred and feathered; assault.
23 Near Nexvnan, Ga., Sam Hose (negro)
burned at stake; murdered Alfred Cran
ford aiid assaulted Mrs. Cranford.
Jun. 10 Near Sordis, Miss., Simon Rrooks
(colored), lynched by a negro mob; mur
dered negro woman.
Jul. S Almo, Kan., Dick Williams (negro);
charged xvith murder.
20 Frcelandsville, Ind., Lon French, a des
perado. 21 Tallulah, La., 5 Sicilians for long list of
alleged crimes.
24 Suilold, Ga., 2 negroes; assault....
Wi mot. Ark.. Chick Davis (negro): mur
der.... llattiesburg, Miss., Henry Novels;
25 Saffo'd, Ga., Chas. Mack; rape and rob
bery.... Fugua Prairie, Tex., John Ham
ilton (colored) ; burned 11 church.
Aug. 1 Near Forest, Ga,, Solomon Jones
(negro): assault.
Oct. 15 Wilson, La., ,1. L. Smith (xvhite);
charged xvith eattle stealing.
20 St. Anne, Mus.. Joe Lcilore (negro):
had confessed to tiring home in xvhich 5
persons perished.
21 St. Anne, Miss., John Gray (colored);
implicated in murder of Gambrel family.
Nov. 2 Near Courtland, Ala., Albert Sloss
(negro): assault.
Dec. 0 Maysville, Ky., Dick Coleman
(negro); burned at stake; murder.
1.1 .Jones, La., negro; assault.
27 Redgeland, S. C, 2 negroes and a xvhite
man killed in race riot.
Jan. 10 Saranac, N. Y., temperature 39 deg.
beloxv 0.
Mar. 5 Kanaxvh.i x-alley in W. Va., by xvorst
flood in local history; Charleston almost
entirely under xvatcr.... Cyclone in East
Tenn. destroys property valued at $3,000,
000. 10 Sharp flashes of lightning and roaring
thunder during snowstorm at Chippexwi
Falls, Wis.
Apr. 14 Flood at Sheridan, Wyo., causes
great property losses.
24 Snow blockade, xxhich prex-ented trains
entering Hreckinridge, Col., for 70 days,
May 1 Cassopolis, Mich., and vicinity, cy
clone cuts patli quarter of a mile xvide.
10 Montpehcr. O., cyclone strikes school
house; 25 children and teacher injured.
Jun. 7 Peru. Ind., cloudburst.
22 Carrizo, Tex., washed uxvny by flood; 50
lives and $1,000,000 in property lost.
Jul. 3 Dewey, Tex., xvashed axvay bv flood.
8 In Texas, flood in Hrazos river valley has
destroyed iu 10 das. $18,000,000 in property
and 38 lives.
Aug. 3 Near Morrison, Col., cloudburst.
10 Hurricane in Porto Rico and other West
Indies; city of Ponce entirely destroyed;
3.000 persons killed.... In Philadelphia,
electrical storm damaged $1,000,000 in
Nov. 29 Great Falls, Mont., train bloxvn
from track by windstorm.
Dec. 7 --Stuck river valley, Wash., flooded.
25 Jan Jacinto nnd Heinet, Cal., wiped out
by earthquake.
Jnn. 13 Cong. Nelson Dingley (ex-gov.
Maine), at Washington, aged 07.
-u7".'''-''-'ut0t'n.0'' (-,c"- ex-Sen. nnd ex-Gov.
Uxiu.j .ri
nged 07.
11. Garland, at Washington;
Feb. ii-Col.
JaS. A. Sexton, nf nillfnnri n
a. i. coinnianuer-in-cluet, at Washing
ton; nged 55.
Mar. 1- H.uoii Farrer Ilerseholl, former
lord high chancellor of (It. Rritnin, dies
suddenly nt Washington while represent
ing England on Anglo-American joint high
commission; nged 02.
Apr. 1 Rear Admiral C. C. Carpenter (re
tired) commits suicide in a Roston sanitar
ium. 0 Justice Stephen J. Field, of U. S. su
preme court (retired), in Washington;
need 83.
. .. ....-' ".vnri " -
21-E.Gov. nnd ex-U. S. Sen. Riehnrd J.
Ogiesby. 111 Llkhnit, 111.: nged 74.
May 12 Ex-Gov. Roswcli P. Flower (N
v.), at Eastport, L. L; nged 04.
Jun. 1 Ex-Gov. Elisha Raster, at Hates-
vine, Aviy.; ageu n.
2-Gov. Wm. 11. Ellerbe, at Sellers, S. C;
aged 35.
15-Cong. Richard P. Hland, at Lebanon,
.Mo.; aged 01. .'
Jul. 5 Ex-Gov. J. P. Richardson, at Colum
bia, S. C; aged OIL. . .Rishop John P.
Newman, at Saratoga Springs, N. Y.j aged
21-Cal. Robt. G. Tngersoll, ncur Dobbs
berry, N. Y.; aged 05.
Aug.S-Ex-Gov. Win. Y. Atkinson (Ga.). at
Newman; aged 45.
Oct. 5 Ex-U. S. Son. Jas. Harlan, at Mt.
Pleasant, la.; aged 79.
25 Chas. Grant Allen, novelist, in London;
aged 51.
20 Hrig. Gen. Guy V. Henry, U. S. A., at
Nexv York; aged 00.
Nox 1 Ex-Gov. and Ex-U.S. Sen. Alvin
Saunders, nt Omaha, Nob.; aged. 82.
21 Vice Pres. Gnrret A. Ilobart, at Pater
son, N. J.; aged 55.
Dec. 5 U. S. Sen.-elect Monroe L. Hay'
ward, in Nebraska City, Neb.; aged 59.
17 Lieut. Thos. M. Riumby, of Marietta,
Ga., Dexvcy's flag lieutenant, nt Washing
ton; nged 44.
22 Dwight h. Moody, evangelist, at North
field, Mass., nged 02.
20 Prof. Elliott Cones, ornithologist, at
Baltimore; aged 57.
Jan. 5 Mail train makes run N. Y. to San
Francisco (3,347 in.) in OS hrs. 30 miii.
7 Oliver Archer, at Dayton, O., running
high kick; 7 ft. 3 in.
Mar. 7 John Laxvson, at San Jose, Cal.,
xvins iuo-m. incycie race; 4:a4:u.
May 13 Peter Ilegelmnn.niNexv York.xvin
72-hr. go-as-you-please xx-alking match, 40
Jas. J. Jeffries whins Robt Fitzsim-
mons in 11th round in prize fight at Newr
York for xvorid s championship.
21 Chas. M. Murphy, paced by locomotive,
makes mile on bicycle in 05 sec.
Aug. 1 W. K. Vandcrbilt, Jr.. nt Newport,
It. I., makes 3 m. in automobile in C min.
3 A. A. Hansen, in Minneapolis, rides bi
cycle 1,000 m.; 02 hrs. 44 min.
4 Hums Pierce, in Philadelphia, loxvcrs bi
cycle records for 2, 3, 4 and 5 in.; time:
3:09, 4:40, 0:23 and 8:02.
27 Tom Hutler, at Havensxvood, 111., ride
10 in. in 1G:57 3-5.
Sep. 15 Open golf championship of U. S.
xvon in Baltimore by Wm. Smith, of Chi
cago. 27 Gelding Humps breaks xvorld's xvngon
pacing record; 2:03.
Oct. 4 Win. H. Stubbs, Haltimorc composi
tor, sets 00,017 ems on machine in 5 hrs. 35
11 Eddie McDufiio. at Brocton, Mass., ride
bicycle 2 in. in 2:51.
15 Nat. League baseball season ends, per
centages being as folloxvs: Brooklyn, .082;
Boston, .021; Philadelphia, .013; Balti
more, '.581; St. Louis, .557; Cincinnati,
.553; Pittsburgh. .510; Chicago, .507;
Louisville, .493; New York, .400; Wash
ington, .380; Clex-eland, .131.
18 Mrs. Jane Lindsay rides in Ncxv York
800 m. in 01 hrs. 48 min.
20 Third and final race in series for Amer
ica's cup xvon by Columbia, defeating the
Shamrock, British challenger.
25 Hoxx-ard's golf team xvins intercollegiate
championship, in Nexv York.
Nov. 3 Jas. J. Jeffries, at Coney Island, N.
Y., gets decision on points after 25 rounds
xvith Tom Sharkey for xvorld's heavy
weight championship.
10 Maj. Taylor, in Chicago, half m. bicyclo
record loxvered to :41.
10 Maj. Taylor loxvers 1 in. paced bicycle
record to 1:19.
21 Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse from South
ampton to N. Y., 5 das. 17 hrs. 37 min.
27 Bert Repine xvins 48-hour bicycle race
in Knnsas City; 901 1-3 m.
Dec. 10 University of Chicago football
team xvins xvestern collegiate champion
ship by defeating Wisconsin. . . .Miller and
Waller iu N. 1. x-in 0-da.-bicycle race
making ',44 m.
14 II. W. Wideniann sxvims 23 yrds in 12 2-5
Tan. 1 U. S. flag raised over Ilax'ana pal
ace, noting transfer of sovereignty over
Cuba from Spain.
12 Commissary Gen. Eagan, testifying be
fore xxar inx-estigatuig committee, calls
Gen. Miles a liar, ...Mrs. Frances Lee,
member of Col. legislature, acts as speak
er: 1st instance of the kind on recoid.
27 Verdict of dismissal from military serv
ice xx-ithout recommendation of clemency
passed on Gen. Eagan by court-martial for
attack on Gen.
Feb. 1 A. G. Porter (rep., Wash.) elected,
to U. S. senate.
C U. S. senate ratifies Spanish-American
peace treaty 57 to 27. . . .Cupt. Gen. Castcl
lanos, of Cuba, leaves Cientucgos xvith last
of Spanish boldiers, thus completing evac
uation. 7 Pres. reduces Gen. Eagan's sentence to
0 yis. suspension.
Mar. 1 Union reform party organized in
Cincinnati, its chief plunk being the initia
tive and referendum.
3 Senate conliuus nominations of Geo.
Dexvcy to be admiral, E. S. Otis to be maj.
gen., Sampson and Schley to be rear ad
mirals xvith Schley 2 numbers in advance
of Sampson.
Apr. 5 Elishn Dyer (rep., R. I.) reelected
gov.... At Beattie, Kan., Mrs. Chas. Tot
ten is elected mayor; all members of coun
cil nre xvomen.
11 Ratifications of peace treaty exchanged
in Washington.. ..Bellamy Storer named,
as minister to Spain.
29 Court of inquiry reportn charges of
chemical treatment of refrigerated beef
not established, censures Gen. Miles for
delay in calling nttcntion to matter, re
bukes Gen. Eiigau for excessive purchase
of an untried ration, and exonerates pack
ers from blame.
May 2-Col. Fred Funston, 20th Kan. vol
unteers, made brig. gen.
20 Distribution of $3,000,000 gratuity to
Cuban troops, on disbanding and surren
dering arms, begun in Havana.
Jun. 1 Bimetallic convention in Louisville,
Ky., favors Chicago platform ('00) and
nomination of V. .J. Bryan.
4 Diplomatic ro'ations xvith Spain, broken
olf Apr. 21, 1898. formally resumed by i?
ccption of Due d Arco, ncxv Spanish min
ister... .Lieut. Gov. McSxveenev (S, C.)
inaugurated to succeed Gov. Eileibe, de
ceased. C Speaker Rccd resigns as member of con
gress. Jul. 3 International Council of Women, at
London: Mrs. May Wright Sexvall, of In
dianapolis, jircs.
19 Sec. of ar Russell A. Alger resigns.
Aug. 1 Elihu Root takes oath of ollice as
secretary of xvar.
Sep. 4 Grand Army of Republic iu 33l
nat. encampment in rnunuoipiun.
13 Nat. Export exposition formally opened
in Philadelphia.
29 Naval parade in Dexvcy's honor in Ncxv
Oct. 2 Dexvcy nrrives in Washington.
4 Pres. McKinley, xvife and cabinet leave
Washington for tour through xvest.
25 Home purchased for Acuuiral Dcxvey
formnlly turned ox-cr to him
Nov. 7 State elections result as folloxvs:
Nash (rep.) elected in O.; Taylor (rep.)
elected in Ky.; Shaxv (rep.) in la.; Smith
Idem) in Md.; Longino (dem.) in Miss.;
Crane (rep.) in Mass.; fusionists carry
Nebraska; S J)., N. Y Pa. and N. J. uo
rep., and Va. dem.
8 U. S., Gt. Britain nnd Germany agree on
partition of Samoa.
0 Admiral Dewey marries Mrs. Mildred
Dee. 4 Opening of 50th congress in Wash
ington; David M. Henderson (la.) elect
ed speaker of house.
13 Ex-Sen. Allen appointed to U. S. Sen.
. ...Mnj. Gen. Leonard Wood appointed
military governor of Cuba.
20 Samuel Gompurs unanimously reelected
pres. Anier. Federation of Labor, Detroit.
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