tfVf "TT"' r " w7rw?din , - pwTjr' (7rjri"iiT ' i.. mmmmmmmmmmmwimmi tinii 1fc.M t- ' !Ui2). r y 4. r Y lb Nebraska Aiv.rtiser . W. W. SANDKUS, PnbUBhEi'. HUIJAY, DBCEMNER 20, 1300 Tlnriytwo tiut.liurs, ten ilhistrittins mid eight iiiolo(trui)hiu iittlsls cunttlbs um to tlio excellui t .Iiiiiiiiiry Issue of l Me l.wliV lloum .louriial. Among i.i' A,ii' lwiturM lire Tin llmm t'liiiiiijr i Uiu Naluiiiiiie, by W A Kimhhi ; ilii! HiH-f lilt I o.r South Alricii, Tlio Htiiuiul nifcil g of till! XcbiilKa Stuto Illslurlciil SouiHy for 1(100 wll bo held at tlin ohiiitsl of the Statu Uni vermty on the evenings of jliininiry Utli and lOtlii ut 7:80 o'clock, with the toK lowing program It U tk'sluil that nil InturbstHl in old overland (lelghting will nltntid, on Wednesday especially, btlngiiiK ail old maps of freighting routes Willi tliein. f UKJJDAY EVENING, JANUAUY 0 Pie.iliieiit'n Annual AikliesB Hon J, bleillng Morton, Meliusku City. Tlio Stale Kepiiulicun Convention ot 1870 and Incidents of that Campaign: t.v li.iwatd C llMeius: Where the .Now LVntnry Will Keiitly liuln, by !11 Oharncter Ski'toh of Governor Hutlcr. iJoiiii Witchie, jr ; A Merry Woman's l.-'ilfr to a Quiet I'uet. edited b S T l'lekuid; Tin-Mother of thu Staia, by Amelia II Hottitonl; A National Crime lit tlio Feet of American I'montn, by K l wind l)ul; The Minister and tlio Uigim, by Miiciitiuu; The Keheura iii ot n L'lay; Moll Donuhuo'd MunU calf, by the author of Mr. Dooley;" Edith anil I in Pitrla, tlor Huston Kx ieilo:iccs, The Autobiography of a Uirl, oto. Uy The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollai a ynu ; ten oeliti a copy. ii ini i n fi ! Consul General Osboru of the Sn iiioau (idatids, who is a N'ehraiku man, in a cab It) to the at.iio department, says ivriyoiioof bis decisions inado since the Samoiiu commission left the con duct ot the Island in Ids direct chargo has been accepted not only by tlio powers lutere.-led in thejjoveiiimentof the islands but by thu natives them selves. This is an unlieurd-of situation ii. til is most favorably commontfd on by state ilepaitment oilicials, who are liiiul ol their praise of Ostium, who has come through the ordeal of revolution and change of iidmiuisliatioii in the islands, not only with cicdlt to himself but to the government which ho lop rtMiiits. Judgo Osbnrn holds the position to which Church Howe was llrst uppoint ul. When the sciappiug was goU.gon i the islands Church probably wished liii had held to this position, as it re minded him so much of Nemalia coun ty politics in foimerdays: Tlio Kev. Irl E. Hioka Alumnae Tlieie Is no companion between for mer editions and this splendid almanac for 11)00, now ready. Printed in bcium t if ul colors, on much liner paper, its 100 pages are picked with invaluable information on storms, astioncmy and mcieoioiogy. It is illustrated with neiuly 200 finest half tones and other engravings. This supeib book would Bell anywhere for fifty cents, but it costB only "JOo a copy, and every aiib- scritor to Hov. Irl 11. Hicks' now fa mous piper, Word and Works, at SI a year, receives this elegant almanac ua a premium Word aud Works is a recs ognized leader among the best family fii.d scientillc join mils, while nothing ot its kind can compute with the Hicks Aitnanac One dollar a year is a nom inal pticufor such uniqie and useful i.iililiu.iUiih-i. Professor Hicks has j ctly ami of neceMlty withdrawn his .- uini a id weather forecasts Irom all lieu aim umes, having generously given his lime and labor free for neatly twenty years Woid and Woiks Pub. Co , 2201 Locust St., S . Louis, Mo. Dr. L.J. Abbott. South Omaha HxSunator Thomas W.TJpton Hon. Hubert W. Furnas, Uiownvlllo. lion. Champion ti. Chase Clement C. Chase, Omaha. Our Fiist Settlement of Nebraska David Anderson, South Omaha. Pioneer Days in Hooue County John Turner, Indianohi. WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUAUY 10. Old Freighters' Evening. Umniniieeucts Fugoiio Muiiti, Uni vorstty Place; llliam Fulton, Kansas City; tt. M. Holfe, Nebtaska City; Thomas J. Majors. Peru. This will be followed by ton minute tnlKs by old freightetapiesent. Husiness meeting. H. v. Cauiwkm., Secretu y. Horticultural Society uieois sunn dates dining day. liefoto makliiK nrtmigeuitfiitti for )Our ) cat's supily of reading mattei call and get our clubbing rated, 't'he following ate aomu of uur coinb(im tuition: The Advertiser one jear mid the Farm Journal llvo jenra for $1 Tlie Advertiser and St Louis Globo Demoemt both one year for 31.00 Thu Advertiser ami .thu Chicago In ter Ocean (or 31.-10 The Advertiser mid either the Toledo Hindu or the Now York Trlbuno lor Si a: The Adveitlser ami the Household, a homo monthly, iortfl U5 The Advertiser aud the Iowa Home steml, Poultry Farmer anil Insurance journal for $l.3o The Farm Journal will bo sent llvo years any of the above combina tions These prices are for cn.ih in advance only. m. in. es. iouxrjhr xmsiwoxs- VWAyn7T7T mmmzt nsxsxsxs: ttst jjjruJ w T-f n 7-t 7-( r-t XT TT 7-1 TVSIlaiTr7- r- mwti&&r?y& I I V 7 7 t 7 7 7 Xr I VI I VI J" Btr" i. V- -i Z 3- iT 11.11 .tJ . ""Ul V ZL. KSC7 T V I 7 7 J V T m M L"7 1 y-yy-vc 7 k vv vW sttftctM , Wr i. x-z z -i 1 r77?r-nai t wmt TfHtffl 2M- l&SS: iUiv iHMx ttyff nlUUKMiMlK) I .Uiil.a Juljr tl, ll). 50 PER CENT, SAVING, Steel Picket Uwn lenco, Gttit , Pukts, l.ill. etc. Write for lull p.ittlcuUri UNION FHMCE CO., ycxrzx-y-v- V 7-v fv 7 . 7 v - . 1 " 1 - r f,. f. , I'lUnlM J)f f, Mt, Requires n top or btdtom rail an J only ' , as m.inv posts m (Iks oU stv'o neltlnir nn& nukos l-ettor fence. A full line of FleU mU Hog Fencing Do Kalb, III. Worltiug Night and Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugarcoated globule of health that changes weakness Into strength, liHtlessuess into euetgy, bnin-fag into mental power. They're wombTlul in buildinu up thu health. Only 2fc pur box. Sold by Keeling Call in and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published In thu United StateB. WrANTKD-SUVKKAI, PERSONS FOR HIS ' UlclOlllooMuiiiiK rtt In Hilt htnto to rcp- niti'iu nut 111 iiiHir own nun - ( ciiuiitU'N. WllUtip to inv y.iri.v $C0O(iuyn lu wri'Kly. Desirable wiuilyinntii ui . . u ii'il iippoiiiiuttli . lU'ii-itncM i X' iimiuitl. Enoli'M) "till wliliesm1 1 Minlupuil rtivvliipu. d. A l,ailc,.'l'2a Ciixton Hilioiiik. ChIchkh. W. W. SANDERS, Notary : - : Public No mall City, NmIj .Dyspepsia Cure In tracing thu decline of the use ol classical quotations in legislative bod its, tlio Huston Herald Cites thu case ot Edward Uveiutt, who uncu concluded a stately speech in congress with a long, souoiouB and superbly modulated citation of a passngu fiom Tacitus, and then took his seat. No sooner was he 1 1 rough than up sprang a burly mem ber from what was then a frontier statu of thu west. Hu had onco been an Indian agent, and no sooner was ho 011 his legs than he began to pour out a vehement haiangue in Choctaw. Altei a while tlio speaker called him tooider. "1 don't seo why my fieedotnof spou-ch should bo abtidged," lie cried. "You let the gintlem.m from Massachusetts run on. and I didn't, understand the first word of his lingo any better than ho doei mine." Thu sceno was di scribed as very comical, but it struck the death knell of further classica. quotations in a congress that had not thf ray ol an idea what thu unintelli gilile lingo of Cicero and Tacitus was driving at. Digests what you eat. Itartlflciallydlfjeskstho food and aldo Nature In strengthening and rccon BtructinR the exhausted digestivo or gans. It isthelatcstdiscovercd digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SlckIIeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and allothor rcsuitaof ImperfectdiKcatloa Prepared by E. C DeWItt ft Co., Cbloaa Fur sain by Kei ling, tlio druggist. IWIHMimiMIIlIIIMIMtt 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE to. JKoWKJjuI .. JH F The Way to go to California is in a lounsL slet-per, personally con ducted. via the Burlington lioule. You don't chango cars You make fast time You seo the finest scenery on the globu. Yoic car is not so expensively fur nished as a palace sleeper but it ii just as clean, just as comfortable, just as good to ridu in alid nearly 320 cheap er It has wide vesllbuies; Pintsuh gas hiuh back seats; a uniformed Pull man porter; clean bedding; spacious toilet loom-; tables aud a heating inngo. lii'injr strongly and heavily limit, it rides smoothly; it is warm in winter and cool In summer. In cliarsu of each excursion party Is an expei ienoed excursion conductor who accompanies it right, through to Los Angeles Cars leave Omaha, .St.Josoph.Lincoin and Hastitms everv Thursday, arriving Siin Franeisco following Sunday. Los Angeles Monday. Only three davs from tho Missouri river to the Pacific Coast, includinn a stopover of y hours at Denver and 2J hours at Salt Lake City two of tho most Interesting cities on the continent. For folder giving lull information naM at any Burlington Kouti ticket office-or write to J. Francis. Gen'l Pas senger Agent. Omaha. Neb. 22t27 -. i r r r V Oen Noland, Hockland, O., says: Mv wife had pilos forty years DeWill's "Witchllazol SMve. cured her. It is tho bust salvo In Aniprica." It heals every thiimand cures all skin diseases. W W Keeling Blillions Given Away It is certainly ralttymg u the pub lic to know of one concern in the laud who am nut afraid 'o bo getieiotis to tho ueedv and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr King's New Discovery foi Consumption, Coughs and Colds la i given awa over 'en million trial bot tles of this gtoat medicine; and havi the Rtiiisfiictioii ot knowing it has ab solutely cured thiui.iniis ot liopde?.1 cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoaisenes"' and all diseases of tho Throat, Chi'ft Hud Lung are surely cured by it. Ca'i on Keeling the dnmglst aiuf get a free trial bottle. Ilegular size ro and SI Every bottlo guaranteed or piicu re funded Farm Journal. 5 years (1000 1 001 1002, 1H03 and 1004). fo evorv biiliRcril er who will pay one year in adviu ce to The Advertiser; both papers for 81 No better paper than tho Farm Jour mil . This offer is mado to you Trade Mark3 Dcsicns Copyrights &c. Anyono BcncllnB n nkotcti mid ilcscrlptlon may tuli'Kly imcnrtuln our opinion froe wliuthcr an liivnntlnn Is prnhnblf putuntatilo. rninniunlr.v tloiinntrlctlrronndctitlnl. Unnillxiotcou I'ntciita sunt frnu. olilcsl nuoncy for iH'Ctirlnir jintrum. 1 'it en Is taken tfiniUKli Munn & Co. rucolro tprcial notice, wllliout clmrgo, lu tlio Scientific Jhnerican linnrtdomcly llliitrntod wnplily. r.nrKcnt cir culation of niiy Fclciitino Imirtml. Term, M a yonr: Bold byull nowsilenlern. MUNN & Co.3C1BrMd New York BIGGLE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive nand- somcly Printed and Beautifully Illustrated, By JACOB BIQGLB No. 1-BKK1LE HORSE BOOK AUntioul llorsc n Comnion-SttiHcTrentiicwttlioTer 74 llluntrntloiu ; n Rtuudnnl wot It. l'rlce, jo Ccnl No. 2-BiaaLE BERRY BOOK All nlxiut growing Smnlt I'rults re.iiland lernhow; contnlntjoiloreillUc.likerciiroiliictloiiiiorAUloiiiliiiir TaricllcH aud 100 other llluittntlom. I'rlcc, y Ceiil. No. 3 BiaOLE POULTRY BOOK All nbotit I'oullry j the lMt I'oultry Hook In txUtctice; telliCTcrylhliiK ; wltluj colored Hic-llkerctiroductloiii ofnll the principal btetdv; with loj other lllustrutlouo. l'rlee, 50 OcnU. No. 4-BiaGLE COW BOOK All ntxuit Cow nuct the Dniry Utulnes : hnvtnK n stent nnle; contnlin 8 colored ltfc-llke reproduction ol each breed, with 13a other llltutrRtlous. I'rice, 50 CeuU, No. 6-BIOatO SWINE BOOK Jmt out. Alt ntioiil Hogs Ilreedlnc, reedltiK, Dutch cry, Dineruie, etc. Contains over 60 tienutiiul half tones mid other euKravitiKf). Trice, 50 Cents. TheMiaOLU UOOKS ore uniqiie.orictiinl.iucrul-you never shw nnythliiff like them so practical, noaciisililr They nre IinvitiK an enormous gale nft, West, North and Jiouth. ICvery one who keepH a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small I'rults, ought to send right nwoy for the UIUULU UOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not n mUfU. It Is 32 years old. It is the KTeat liollnl-dowii lilt-theimll-oii-tlic-hcud, I'nrm and llouscliold linpci in the world the liiRgest paper of Its slsc in the Unitcl Stntcs 01 Ainericn-liRviuBovcr n million and u-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE B00KS,uand the FARM JOURNAL S YHARS (renmiiHler of i8qo. loop. 1901, 190a nnd 1003) will be sent by mail to any nddrevi lor A DOLLAR HILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular deacriblng MrKlLU HOOKS free. WILMPR ATKINSON. C1IAU r. JUMUINN. Addrcwi, KAKM JOtRNAI, ' l'lllLADULrlUA IHIIIMUMIMMIIMIIIIMIUHMMMIMII ,,.. ooooocoeoioaoitofio . & i'TOMWKW IJWIWJJiJJlWWV1Wiy'lH 1 . on u ri 1 in mi uiw; aiH.ukv li ni ni ri ra n n x m 1 1 fftNri'i niv nrj u .in iu 1 VHriinmVksmi iti wntd ft-ejkhiCvVrA.'irk..-JJ'.iiWy-, Atit-if. M A Suro Sign of Oroup IIonrseneH8 in it dnlil tlntt la sulijcd tooioup U 11 euro inillciillon of the iipproncli of the clisenso If Chamber IhIii'hCourIi Hetnedy is fiiven as hooh us tho chllil tiecoinea honrso, or ever after tho oroupy courIi hits appeared It will prevent the attack. Mum mothers who have cioupy ehiltlren al ways) keep this remedy ut hand mid llnii that it Haves them much trouble and worry. It can ahvajs ho depend ed unon and is pleasant to take. For siilo by KoelitiK. Dr W Wlxon, Italy Hill. N Y. save: I heartily rocominondOneMiiiuteCutigli Pure It iravn my wife immediate, re lief in fliiffucatinf,' asthma " IMeasmi' to take; never faila to (iiiiekly cure all cmiphn.colda, throat and Iuiik troubles Keeling. Old papers for sale at this office. llrauch UllK'u. C2S V HU, Wnatiliutoii. I). C. j nil wi bf4M Our fee if we fail. Any one scndliiir sketch mid ilefcciiptiou of any iuTcntioii wili promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of twine. "How to Obtain a I'ateiit" sent upon request. 1'atenti secured through us advertised for Mile nt our expense. Patents taken out through in receive xpictul notice, without charge, in Tint I'ATit.vr Ki:com, hu illustrated ntid widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers nnd Iuvestori. beim lor isniiipic copy 1 111.11. auuic&s, VICTOR J. EVANS U CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Bulldlnc, WASHINGTON, D. C. mmm Always Anis n 1 3 8 $O0eG0O60 2 o o- 9 9 o u i? . i n i u u A a 0 o Bocjoai 'S Republican r. THE WE2V THENEWSi PPIUJliS ALL '.jrr.RATurtE -TOT Ivery Cohniin i 1 Packet! with Ncw3 The i cqih'.t . zinc ' ' ' ' tu:iu;r, h t . fc to tho i ns ih pure n tu. nrim INTER OCHAN h vl..', r.iF.N NEWSPAPER, and while it 1 io the family TI f"'7S OF THE V'CRLD and kvcs its readers the best and ?bii- i rW cv-ions of all qucilioiu of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas ar. . nir?.tionj of Western people and dirxoMcs literature and politics f.uin " e'.tcrn ttrvprit,.JS'&Jficti&J'JtJ3il f nAPT?fri7 muv? rcx t at? pup vtat? tf r.rv V J AfcAi-4 W T4 iN-'lAi AS A A--. A, . M CTYLISH, RELIABLE:: 2 J ARTI.Tir.-ov. 5? Kecommended by Leading :- Drcjjniakers Jf :- The) Aiwa) 1 Please. - 0oqoooc.oo o 3: MS &VL ifsk I i flSggy I 1 " 1 1 ft a -.M.lAr ft a a a .0 o 9 o I) M u t o l o 'i w (I ' o o w 01 o o -a o THE INTER OCEAN'3 HEV3 IS EXCLUOIVE. 5-1 00 p'ryear e .' I U er ynar 0 50 00 jr yuir Oaoooouov THE DAILY AND SUflL'AT r.-jriONS OF TH.P. IKTER 0CEAH ar: th: : f ver stEH i f ht west. Prlco ol Daily ly ninll , Price ol Sunday by mnll Daily and Sunday hy uiiiil $ A(ODao(iiincofiot)iiocai.ccattacsfici'iioiuaoooiiiuiaft(iiSii.3(iiV BAZAR n 7,f P" P fl I'm I TMBICIiWS 'mrMxmLrazrsrK'xsetmvutrizxsc:. jfi N0NG BETTER AT ANY PRICE f: iZ tlf riiete paucini arc Mill in nearly S 5; tvery c. y "i town In the t aitf i) Stulei jl Z II )Oui fiief i1j no( kerp ihtm t.nj ; ;i direct lu ui i'iic crnl mmpi ieteivJ S; Addren tour ncaicki point THE AlcCALL COMPANY, : 130 to UG W HthStuil, He York : S iiravcii opricm : S: Jr 189 rifth Ave., Chicago, and S: ;t 1051 Market St.. Sun l-ranclsco. S; 1 MS CALL'S j MAMZBNE 11 'i 111 111 i hi" in kiiihii 1 ISrlKbtest Mazazlne Published 2; 5 Contain? licautlful Colored I'Utcs. 3j Illutirates Miett I'aticrns, Kaih- : p lon. I'ancy Work. 2; 2 A;rnii wuid for ihii majailne lneery 2 IvcAiiiy Ut Jul lul prcmiuint lor Utile ;. ?l wnrk rlir lor letmi and other panic H; -5 ulan FubnTipimn only (iOc. per year, 5 S lfttJHnt I'llElt I'aiurn Z- jCidJ, TUCMcCALL CO., ; g ijS to 146 W. Htli St , New York 5 KEH2SffiinSI&T3U The Machine thatTalksTalk The fif'ITI J"S'"J- Cm this ad. rt gst 1 lit- VJCIII QUt arul ,eml ,, ,0 , VL, r with $1.00 and we will tend you one. of the lb new (Jem Urapiiophoncs by hxpiets, COD tfy subject to examination You can examine Ii ai '' your express olHcc and If found exactly as represented, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal In value to any machine sold at ID and I'J, payout cgent Our Special Olfcr Price, $5 00. and express charges, less the I scut with order. For home amusement this Klnsr of Merry-Makcrs r'!n,"'c'!rJ", Our Winds till like a clock. I'lavs ull ihe nlrrn nf finnu'i anrl nilmi.rrV ll.iwl., - ,.-- - .. T- -". --.. --..-.-..,.... ... v.. ....4 Kcclles, lclls hunny htories, will repeat your own voice, your friend's voice, scurfs sung Into it, stories told to It. You can make your records easily and reproduce itiem at once, as often as desired, Trice tf.oo Includes Improved Gem Urapiinplione, one extra loud aluminum Keproducer, one iU-lnch horn, one Hearing lube, ttest inhi bition Records (musical or talking) .'1 a dozen, 'l.'c each. Slot Country deilers will find a veritable gold mine in our to new Mot Mnrhlni'C machine, 'Hie "Ideal" Graphopbone $au and wonderful "Uuy" ally, require no attention whatever, can be placed on top r.f show ce or counter Machines pay for them. selves In two weeks. 'I h' Kinetoscope docs for the eye what the Oraphopbone does for the ear Ob. Ct l iecuact and move as if alive Reproduce In miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar 'Pi'!) Moving Picture Machines The parlor "Kay" Moving Picture Machine, three bells with cai h machine bend us f and we will send you either machine by Kxpresi C O Ii , subject to examination Ilfmnd exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, les the feat Willi . er,.t'om',:.,e,,,ew Illustrated Kinctosto(, Orapbopbonc and Ktcorit Catalogue, containing tulj destrili. tlon of large exhibition show outfits, ranging from f. II) to f.7), sent free on request. Harger&Blish, Western Selling Agta. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa aVV I Vf) Liv h tffl&rn B lLrx S Epai E&EJ33ME2E2V3Z!!E2Em IS o ve ' tP3b" 9