R. !.. WL . IW . Qmffi rM I IK. ' I," 1h3-NebrRka Advertiser ; w .I.VtffMA, rhtt,hr. t Mjnw:ill'Tln.Nj, J?1..0 I'lClt VICAIt IjlillhU '.I)li(J 8-. rM)l ' I M"T jiOi "W IXlTOrSDHATOEIUTON, ; i;iit- uVutlr lat wefk 'of fX-Sclmtir Tlignias .Wcsloii Ti I tin (it WiiMilKton t'lly. in liild ifi p.m'i,m (Itcpiitclics, adds aiiulhiM; iiliuplt'f .to tho cmly political hiHloiy of XhIiu'Uh mid tt'cnllH ninny HtlnliiK IneidunU In tin! eventful cmcur of tlii'.d'Mii'HMoiJ; utiiMor Tipton uml (trncnil .l"hu M. Tr.iivcr w('U' jjift.llrst lwoUull'(l Slates h'NihUiih finu: Ni'l'ranku. Thuy wero olwlVil m'toii after Ntafchood hud bceji ilttclnrwl. Th-ntiVry orSfimtor 'I'lptoh'a llfo In tllO HMH'j' f 11 IMilll Willi t'OHtt to II fll'lltl la t ho UiiMimI SlaliiH ni'iutlo and wlio, in Hit! HhlftliiK f fortuni', found hlni ' Holf tti, IiIh ilvc.llniiiK ciiih couti'iit to hold mi unimpurliint clerlcHl pupil ioif. - SaiiHtot Tlplnn whh bun. at Cadiz, U . A iiitDHt f, lrJ7. In 1 K l .1 le Hcived oui! li'-i'in In th Ohio Uwtalriturn. In IK.'iH lic.liiciiii'il in 'ebia-kn and aLnnco ..u.i'...i.ii..M..rr L....U-... if.. w,.A ....i.m.. .I'll) li 1 1 io- led i't a I iiitny duiitip: thu civil war, having pcep.iioil hluiHelf tr Hie minisU-y prior to Ins lemoval to thlrt htato lie wim also a lawjer, but hi Mco'ount of Ida devotion to polltlca and preachinu he never attracted atten tion in the lenal piofesaion. DriiWJ Htmwa Wltl. (cnvnl 'J'llti !. When llp'.oii and Thr.ei weio elect ed to IhCM'hiiU'lt waaa (piealion which hIioiiIiI luivt! the lour term. Koth weio atnrllnt; ' t the lelimln;: of atale bood; there had been no Nebraska fien atoM before them, and it waM a pcr plexinK lasuo for which no legal pro vIhioii had Iji'en made. It waa HiiKficateri that the I wo ueniii tora ciiat lota to detonnifie Who should haVe the loan term. Alter some little parleying the atateatnen aree'l to draw . strawH. The ahoit atiaw meant tho abort liirm. Tipton drow tJie abort HM'aw ami went, to the benato for two yt'ara. while General Thayer went for hU yearn. They onteiud the aeiialo in lti07. At the end of Ttpton'a torn) lie ' wai re okottnl for the full term of six yeiiia uftvP a aharp eonteat with No- . bnioka'a that atate jjovornor, David Itutfei.of I'awneo county. Oovemor liiitler, of comae, had the atate houue inichlnery loald him ih liia eaiifio, lint dr-piie that aupport Tipton aeeured , the' Caiiuaa uomiimllon by a uariow tuariu. . 'Vt'oiililo .i ill. Jviifril Grunt. 1'rlor to and ibiouli the civil war ' -Senator Tipton waa air out-and-out, radical 'abolttiiitilat. Alter uervinj,' in the lirmy an chaplain of a Nebraaka 'ieiinent.lm letiuned to the atate and ..made a eloao canvaHH. Th atatehood plop'oaitiou waa then hefoie the people. 'Pltu domourala and Johliaonito lepubli- citna wt'ie. oppohed to entering the union, whlfe tUo regular republlcana l'.iv'ori'd It. Statebood won. and then eimie Tipton aad Thayer an cundldatea lot the ituniltu; 'bin lug hla aecond term as aenator Tipton liad trouble with (JenornlGraut, " Iben prejilde.nt. The dilllcully arose uU'V a consular appointment to which senator Tiplon'a boh wan an unpirant. . The aenutor waa of a decidedly peal tivo natuvo and liia fnllinij out with the president led him to make war upon him. Uo took mortal u lien no at a aelection for a uouaular poaltion and .joined a cotdrie of Benatora. uua-d . UKaliiHt the president Under the banner . oi "libera.!" republlcana. Thla oombi liation InchidedOharb'H Suiui'r.I.yiiiiti Trumbul!; H. (iratz lliow.ii, Carl tichurz 'and TlioiuiiH W, .Tipton. During the .' cuiiyioHnliMijil aeaaion ot 1.S70-1 they laid tlio .foundation foj- j.ho uprialhtf a'utilnst ttenerjil (ir.int which culminat ed in the nomination of Jorae Hreo ley Und H..(rnt2 Hrown in Cincinnati. .It la u aintfiilur f,'ict that wMlo"ii-' ' atorTJptoirwas not on friomlly teiini with I'robldent tlrant.'and at the veryltora of l)i King'a Now Diaeoywy kr uinp liu waa inosi niuer' lowaiil t lto Ohief oxeCutive, Henry Atkinaon.,a BOii-ln-law of Uio tfumitor, was nppofnt fd by Grant coiiuniSfi.om'uornenHionH. J .AtltliiBOii declined to concur with his fathcrMn-liiw In HnlitliiR tlio mlinlnto. triitloii. Ilodeclarod bin lonlty to the jnsldniU imtlHlood by him tluouj-lroiit the tinploimanjiiesH.. ()n leaving the ienniifti commisslon- rhhipAtkliiHoii was appointed survey- r ueneinl of New ili-xlco,- which posN lion bo letalned until hia death.; It Is hhIiI flint AtklusMii'rt drni' HtuuI Iii avorof th president,, and Yti.dlr'ot opposition to hli fut4iur-ln-)aw, niad!' a n.Mii- n.n.Uinn uiftm Cfiimuf (JriuiL '. , ' , , , , I....! and lie fHt H.iM-rsoiml IiiIkiimL In' him.. .Senator Trp'toirullrnotcd wldedpi.oad iittontlun by hid rfurcantk trenchant utterances and antlcH,. and be wjlf for moiiiu lime the subject of much carlea luro. TIioiiihh Naat ol llarpor'ri Week ly devoted a ureal deal of hi, talent to the peppeiy senator from Nebnibka dining that memorable campaign. After theCinoiiinnll eon venlio Tipton leturiK'il to NebniHlui and organized the liberal lepublicatis. Me wua joined by a few hiirfht inuii like (jeneral Kb t.ibrook am Oliver 1'. Mason, but the movement lull fl.it in Nebiuska, and allei the le-eleution of (Icmenil Gram in the fall of '72 Senator'!' ipton drojipvd into the iMur and way no longer a po litical factor in VebuiHka. Itr Cue Down the .Scale. At the eloae of bin Hix-year term in the tjomite beliator Tij ton went into .ntllremont. Uo wau not aK'tiu herald fiom until be joined the democratic party and wan appointed iwjulvcr of the Itlootninton land olllce by L'tesiN dent Olevelatid. From that compuui tively Hinail porfltion ho retired duriiif: the ndmlniKttatioii of I'tuuident Il.ir.i-- '. lllivl,1 lrealy reached an advanced age, bo waa content to lake a minor clerical position in Washing ton. For nomo time piior to hla death Senator 'I ipton had been writing a iit. tory of pioneer polities in ebr.ioka, ami the wink lacked but little of ctuu- pletion. Ju hia ripoecbea bo waa vits liollcaudat one time he waa alked all over the union Homotlilng after the manner in which ricn.uor Hitman ot oonili Carolina wua uibiiiujud a lew vchib ao. It la related that be foimd it dillicult to keep polltica out ot bta aermomt when he waa a preacher. During the Fremont campaign he waa pastor of a church in Ohio. Excitement was run- niiiK liiyh and tho paifn waa deeply interested. It ia Bald that ho once proclaimed from bin pulpit. "While i occupy thla place you will have a fiee preacher, and all my woida ahnll be free apecch, and when you cannot en dure tbia you must install a itlavo in tny atead and aubatitute tho books of Mormon or Koran of Mohammed loi the bible." AVquiiiU tllM Vil.lv. Senator Tipton waa of a biulily bit aitlve nature and his exit from Nobras ka politico waa a moat bitter expuriuuee. Alter joining the democratic ranka lu miiiht have attained further pi mains encn mil lor ma aiivanceu a'e. it ia a ainsnlar colncldonco that .Senator Tips ton and the late Governor Alvin Sauus dera were vory near tlio same age, were prominently Identified with Nebraaka'a alTaiiH throughout the same poiiod and both died withiu a abort period of each other. Governor iSaunduia waa bom July 12, 1S17, and Sunatot Tipton was bom Aumiat fi of tlie aame year; Gov o.iior Saunilera died .November l ami Senator Tipton died November 27 ol tho same year. Anions tho other public places hold by .Senator Tipton, aaido from hia bci.s atorinl seat, waa the inturnal revenue jisaeasoralilp lor the wiritoiy of Ne braska and a territorial aeuntornbip seveial jeaia ptior tuntutebood VIU aenator Tipton waa a eitr.o.. ol les biaaka he i cabled in Nemaha county. (lohfiidercd in tho iiuxrei.'aie the de ceased Waa one of the must unique character.i who ever took part in Iron tier polltica In tbia or any atate. It is aaid that ho was tiMolutoly fnirleaa ahrlnkiuK fiom neither man nor devle and that ho would apeak hia wutimentf. no matter what sacrifice inij;hl be en tailed lie bad no diplqmucy, and valued his enemies, it h nahi,-a-a braldy M he did hla friends. Millions Given Away It ia certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern in the- lei d who are not iifVaid o bo Reperoua to! tlio" needy ami suffering Thopuiiiib- Consumption, Couhs-and" Colds have lilveu iiway over, ton lijilllon ttial but- llod-td thla Rroai.niiHlU'lne; and havn, tun HHllsiiicllon ol KUiUMn it,.l)utfa' o ulely uured thoiiH.iuls of hopeless u-ih.'h .stlimi;. Hioni'ltltis, linarwineHS and all discaifcs of the ThroiU, fJhVf 1 .. , I ....,-... nun iiiwiK me Hiutiiy lUTj'i'iioiiy'ir. t.:;ii mi, K'.ii.l ii. r I uirii,mL..Mu ..!.t ... ..,... trial b'tthi." lli'jytuUirfilzt .'.on iyid 4M.- fjvoryboul,, uin.rituu.tid or pVk re - aiilli ill l 'li;f,iii'l'H K' llll' yoti) thoitaaiid fuiumiTntois v.lll be lHinired to abu.tlio oei.Miu of lOCQi ' i-UllJ 1IIUIIU lllll III III (..IIIOIH Will l)(i - Bravo Men Fall .Victim?" to Htimuich, Iimt anil kijlncy UoublcH an well as woumn and all feci I hi- ri'-ttllH l)i Iuhh of appaitapomona in the blood, back.tfli poi voiihiii'HS, f,,011l,aclifl ai.dHiwI. lull.... inn-down focltnit. litft, tlivt-f! no need to feel Ilkothxt. Usten to.JW Oardne.r. Ida Villi1, .Ind. Ho hii)h: 'Kb-ctrlo Ultteru ain jiiHt thi! Ibing for a man when liu in all run down am! dmil caio whether lie lives or dies. It did more to ive mo new Hlrc'tith and nood wppettto than anything I could Uiko. 1 can now eat anything and haven new leae on life." Only Sou at Ki'cIihu'h druB store. Kvery bottle jitaraiiteed. Tlio Indiatm oost the United StateH last year s,27,07-l,of which i.ti;l8,:JU0 wub expended for education. l-'ann Journal, ears (1000. 1001, 1002, lliO.'t and 11)01), to every aubscril) er who will pay one year in advance to The Advertlaer; both papera for Si. No better. paper than the rami Jour nal. Tbia offer la made to you. Geo Noland, Rockland, O., says: Mv wile had piloa forty ,i-ib. UmVitt'a ItuliHazel S.ilvo cainl her. It H thu beat aalvo In AineihM." It heals every (him; and ourea all akin diseadea. W W K olit.( How Is It Done ? & 3fc The remarkable suc (f'A cevj attending the worlc SOT-U of Prof. Thco Kha'-as, IV;' '. 'D of Nebraska City, lias '., caused thp thinking 'M38jn class of people to ask LCTv "How is it doner" The f)Sfmt:lhod U casily cx will lay .iside old preju'lired notions lone; enough to send f.ir hf-uture exp1 lining it t:.oIvl..;ms ;.:'' --i ot" iit,0.i::c iicu ..l,;. appeals most to cducaieil, thinking peo ple. The ignorant and superstitious are afraid to investigate any new science. Prof. Kharas cures all curable and many so-called incmable diieases without the use of drug's or surgery. He also posses es the wondciful ability to cure certain disease at any dis'u'Kc, without ever seeing the patient. This is what he call-, the "Absent Method." Many almost miraculous cures have been made, and by writing you can get a long lisit of testi- ' monials and sworn statement? by promi nent people who have been restored to health by this means. Recorder of daeds Chas. C. Iirandt, Nrbr.iska City, had lost cntiie Use of right ban I and am by paralysis; other methods failed and he could'nt work. ' Prof. Kharas-treated him and be went to work in four diys. an J iu six days he was entirely cuiJ. Mr. J is McCain of Council l$luff. la. had lost toe use of both lower limbs; m three d.is he could walk, and cured uib:ssti.in two weeks. Editor llro.vn of the Ncljraki City Daily and Weekly Press sayv, '.'He (Kharas; uncioaoteaiy uous a great uii of good, and personally cannnttiiank 1nm enough; mv rheumatism is all gone, :m my eye, where burnrl, does nut trnnbh me any more." Mrs. N. lU'isha. a prominent Nebraska City iidy w.ih cur.-d of neivous" prostration often yirs si.im 1 ing when other doctors said s'n. c-.i.l never be even hclped.s -Mis May Pun can, Nebraska City, eotild not turn in h.d so badly was :.he nlflicted wit'.t iml.iri tory llieuiii.iiism for sacral wi.-i.. Three treatnn-nts by Miss AVor, i m (l i tioti of tho Nebrjsk-i Magnetic .'l.finn ,r-) cured her entirely., Mr. F. L Kei-,-y. foremin of the Daily Press run-1 ot ner vous headache of' ii yens standing bv one treatment by Prof. Klm.l" Frp-nfU and relatives of Mrs. A. Han(ii?t "f Ne braska City, faid she could nt 'ivi in horn; in j minutes she wn reli'vcJ nf ..:.. n...i ; ...... .I...., ....... ..ki,. .. i.. . 11.1111, .4..M W l.. ..UJT-1 V'.T Hi.l'J IU IH! I woik: ncura'iri.i of the slnm.eh v.i lir i trouble; she has since been smTosfn'tv treated for cancer of the bre.ut by Pun. Kharas. Tlie Nebraska School nf Mnwol'-.tn and the Nebrn.ka Trlajf-istJe InU-ifiary are at Nebraska i lty. Hmik h liuinn-uies are being located alt over Ncoraska and Iowa. Help Wanted several honest women to splendid sal Its ftee. M Nebiaska C Brani'li ol'fiee at J'Vru. Nab, Ms, aud .Mrs. Uillot, Managei-B. Jt T;v.tK .r.v.-.ita . .'B..c:."t a,.,,, .;,..! ' -...k. .. ...... -iT.,fT r"'.Ti...-'.'. 'i7..( .'. J" - ' -.".. . ptijr a;o. .ni'.v i-- i,..i ., '.-'.'u. lllVl'ltl"il I- I'll ' l , (,'-,'!. . ! I'll. tinimtrfi'tif nJ,i.t .' iuvi.oou ii.u..u '"?:'. ,,lT- V ' '''"I" ' " '-.ri...i l'atinl4 tw.rii t lining. "U."it. '&l n"tUf-"iii...ui,cii.i'K1j, in t'.o . ".. ajff Jjjjf. . V ,:i .v.i.. r iioiso A liallrUnmiiW ,'ii,trul.vl tro1.r. T.ni.'r.t nl-. .rnUilliiti n; mir srlcnt'tpo J.Hir:n,b I'oi. o, J a 1 ItEBlil.n. r. ".7 V im : J .. :' '"'" tuiniiuai $i rum U7il tiii win ai(Uri. " P1! fel,it30lBti. fJ37 r ( , conscil"! ionc mon nnd I V. r3?,M U ftaFRSR? fTf4i B ftra cut thlo nd out nnd oeml to uo nnd 11 yvn work mtbes institution nt :t r:-:7;r-7. -- - r?..Mr?"' iii,Ahi iiinu.nreAfii- TOP CSURQ.Y . anes. Write ftK.niormtt.pn. ft. ?A'W: I'rof. Then Kh.r.ts. Sunt. Ur". ..".a 'iV.;,? "!LSi-EUIAL OFFER PRICE $65.00 &1 ,'"!! VZ&kfL iss Emma Worman. Matrnn SlCv.aO . "MH",2!S3rL7?".r,''-,. Rill! v im nun n., -.r.Tonw 111 nmCACn. itV. Neb. T0 w'TlwWifSH ,,nl,r.""r '-"u tlio bet't Ii.at.'tll m.'ny can l.ny. While i I t 0 '1 i TSfi'fiM !" I' ' '( linlh.'i.-niw .. HI" UtlTV IH 'X fLd GO YEARS' -r-J&Tt iifViv?TJK,,kA iin'. ! i'i, 'it , ii.M.tuiil: w. M ,,,H Rwis' irVi-.iTi; TPVI 'irr. 1, Wfn vVX . ""nmnw jiimi-aitikiii's iiioiit. . ??iiwjWMtt'flmac' lA5tlrVSWk,'- V y Plvo Veari fiiii) Thy Will out waor &'KSK5!lBjEwfiZ A--WSw4-vk?3fe, Vl -ii Ora.nary i-'aatory RiB. ' V. J .ml 1 X .iifJI r.y;A!-Jriffi2&C' 8 THE NA-rrilAI AND IASC1 IN C ACME I?' -i K.7 5TI I" dDt? tVHil TI . Iu r A Vyfflvr VHrv V J '"- '""' i.a rtuuiiK. that It. tliuoi'.itf.uijr n.. .rl wl ft pJSilc,P. X Vtl ?CX tA 'V '. i.?rv. Wu me r fS.iil r i-li in cl"'.J . r Ja " Pi N tfkj ' " . R Z' x V x. Wn'iit.nuu oatl,.OIieaillli l.ijt'."i.i"'.," Mr;'4-,rT'.'l"'.JWaf, !f V I J "X. V V' 7 f UUJiOHtl 10'VHIOI,OIlll.ll.i' u C.,11-. ;"- I JWWf TlUMlf rm oooeceooooiaottooaocoaoooeooeoo80oiMooooooecfia I l , m the: LARGEST CIRCULATION OP ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE VEST Always Amcrican- THE WEEKLY IHTEH OCEAW SUPPLIES ALI 7ME HEW3 AND BEST CURRENT LJTERATUiJE Every Column is Bright, Clean and Packed with News The Llteruturc of its columns s equal to that of the best mnsa zincs. It is interasthig to the children as wcJJ as the parents. I 'riJi ilN InK. UUIVUN IS a VIlllivr iNiiNVoriJriii"f auu wuuu n BwM- A T fVT7PTrf I brings to the Jamil- THE NEWS OF THE vORLD and gives its g & re4e the trst and tblest diicuwtons of all queatlona ol ths day, It Is ia S full sympathy with the ideas aad aspirations of Wetcrn people snd diKutscs w S literature acd polltici from the 'WesUrn standpoint, S'jtjKjtljfij&?'J&liJZ 0 I $i,00-PR3C ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $J.O0 0OO000f I THE DAILY AND SUNDAY ERITIOflS OF THE INTER OCEAH g ARE THE DEST EYEK THH INTER OCEANS KEW6 IS CXCJLV!SiVE. twsim rMc .? ntlly by nail Prl.e uf .'".utiiay by n1l Da'iy anil Sunday by tnrtl ew tfm rt otiooo (eaooio OOiAOt"5 C30C-0 C'C Htm, ive. $ ip'OuyiiTJzryr iekoe?. 2TiTxixnj7 Z , A t, A A A , A ..XlrX N LLLJjL x-xrrxJrrnA "s-:-s- r-s -x . .T rJl-Zr-r-rS. ', -'A .ArVU-.VA7 f..' r......f.i , r,..to;F mi 'r-MM& jr-r r-x-xr gS3?m ZSX$XS?TC'&$-S3mgz 'rrr vv v v v v "v k." -yy.-.x..---0- .?.s...-(, .. ,.v. m$b ffT. .. 'HJT 0 rVV rV3 d -xjSfc, -,w,-, w. J err iimi iYifL'"-' .. r iSLL X& if'i "7r-vrt-jic.z&r v r ih t--jv - .- ... ; r i w n 3M IV . S KfJ If r ' R.'e:V''.. ate r 1 ' ; 'HTi ... . rj Etr -'; .',- : vX &.? -JA- (j& 6, 73&m& k xszaswic y-vc4aair-. .-w i.jrst'J9 x vnvtr ffr. r ' n tc oi w wr au ?8i$QcS ,!!? .'rniiil Jiilvl, Hi. ITIlAllbMAHK 1 l"tntl July ?, 1W7. ' J '. ?S XC - S , X HH PPR P.f-riT nAVIMS Requires no top or bottom rail and only yt ns many posts as the oM styta l tun ft.ni. oan'.u. netting and makes a better fence. A full line of PlelJ and Hor Penclng Stcfil Picket Lawn Pence, Gstes, Pols. Kail, etc. Write for full particulars. UNION FENCE CO., E3 Kalb, ii. B7aa?gsrga!?riBBrj - its Easy Writing If jts a Biickensdsier No. g. - The universal favorite with all classes of operators who desire a simple and speedy ma :hine. More "BlkUs" in use amonp Iowa and Nc- l braska ncws;tfpers than all the rest of the machines together, the only lvpewriier on the market doing hundred-dollar "work that is sold at a popular price. Has o3 Kcvs, tf f!4 Cbnrncters and I.otters; PorLtble. weighing but Sin Pounds with enfsn. Copies and Manifolds perfoctiy, ia caibon copier, bein cjsily tr.'r.t: at one writing. Only one price ?3;.oo net. On ten days ap proval to any responsible man in Iowa or Nebiaska. Address, ElARGBR & Blesh, Ocneral Agents, po,ipio Main Sixt, DUBUQUE, IOWA. IhlfcrsffrnKmBZiimpm saEEKsssHaEaEBssairasssss jfi r Mtrrwmm rvnm 0miyimmi ! -; ijte&Tz&L zztiaaJsamyt 5 ' nU V ..-;r' I ! ii 1 1 & I r.---jri:- -.TtrzziiiA - " l'l -t'"J. .m.-p-.l H i 7mr.w.'A'. vttu3'f5S. '. ri"T, ha-- H I'P v B ri -jia ricrr--s. l 'o.. . .T-Ki.r " ! i' EVnRYTHU'JG ACrOC Ow'BSMi (OUR OWN MAI'.K.) 4n..S tliHitPBBri nairruuULr.1 pil tli !), fillilrlinjM, . iJBK' f.H.1 1'aMfl.. (TfxhaLOWUft KlWtf:. -BiY 'firf !. i BULi'V MiiiUHMt i'J45.i tw.ll KKuVi . .fiaiiSR i? I H 3 t ' !1 4 pi fi f 1V a -js IN MUOIC I 1 ri u imiri i m ii ii win - - t BUGGIES TA Pv'H .?"". I,1,-ff'rll, " '"S'l-y '"'' mm?" .i.W'fVt f.j. i . qms. -'Bo -V i Vjhl l'J-l"Vi,'fti-el'-""wli''NaIfrtl-o,lt. n,a-1vat.io"Utot!'.' AND jy (y '"I OUR ACiVP our?N AT 13'i.OO ia i nf! " " c .ij -. -' . .5-. im. i i.AJi'Vi'jm.' ijuiiniji'j mi iirin,iii,,i' ' - ImtwSY.SATK ',5."5i'8T'if ,nRr 'i:..M.''OMr'":..0.c ..l' t. pr..ltaa , Imtiut !,,.f! , ;. . . vOKliN Nyli'.'iatn i.rri.n wtdu tiVe. , cull ir leathirlMiii!ii1, en. pr!n'. I R ". '.Jlfti l)' U$ ' ' I""' ". i.'ilk.,tlMJ.-l..l.utJ.r t..wi.a H... urn M.U. l'l,l. f l.. WI.M i"2i. i sh.'V. V7. J f J"lT' '?'.? '-' ' l0 wl,n ""' "''Io au.i m V. otnfa.Hi-. L ... hiu ..imm.. biuI Willi Slll.ir. ul. ?in .'"I''.". ;,',r'?1" "J"" 'f "U.. IM Jft .lr.. IH1. . UKI'.llo JU'1 f'Jllll..ul ll. CltWlJ OfJCi fS; I A W-viltll ur i Mm. Wl. .IliMav thu i'lus m'lf.A Youli W'T,I. "": pc uuocr, caiHiacs-ak nArtrcu catai.oous. ft X BoaotteoM Always Republican 3? i T t 1.TCttTP3 A CffD . J .' f f - Ik i.:iOGaoor.(, StEN IN 1HZ WEST. 5.eu per year o m Si o: . r vr w U 46O0pcryir o MAJAJA NTTTT szsnnsszx XLllX j V&7444U- ETfH??? i szszx mTVAA xmyxz'y'C' 'kz$Z$ZSZ$: ?.V-x-r-,..7--y-- zsxsxsyrs'zsz ttppppprZ$l vy-yy yxxyN ?F&$3pZ$3pZ ff S3LZLZ.AP'yi S A c- ' ' ., t i-y; x- x- x. roia5g! ' tew v'0 fKVir JTJTL Jrrr.?vri:r m K A BEAWSFUL ATTACaiBEHT ' a .-fc. .A 2 a Kill qJ o Q ifS ' rum n an a n v -- fc " s ""v ' V " V "V li !'H i - L '-1 t f f 7 A A .rA. s xx y . suimiAJ j tntlilASLPici Q SlRt?,QcD INSTRWBKFfTS hus been added to the well knows Hospe MffWltlM tttmm&x&gzm, TEESMS: $35 CASSS, 820 WKIHLY. With Siool tmd Cisiri. HADS m QAli, WAUWrTapd HAH3GAWY Write For Particulnra. my ti.p V-wiIti '", kpilw,)!, l).l .') J N ib'raii.r .i. .i in r iin. uitai. ii'ir . jnni v AC WiR '.isw ihu : iLtrv- ii iv tt.fr isrVu3.r at e t K? n "i. CM. ..r "- i. .-.: . : . .. i :. . ...:.... . Homy CAM.MiiiL.n.' o.o .fttiT'r. YnTi r. VTmiTav. U3t ivia t.iu ii FXtyTr.rw-rriaMtfMsa!gWWar ... mi i- iiri rMiairrri TtH.ts.'R. 1 MMkUiip wiiwwwiwiiii'VtiHta.t un