The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 01, 1899, Image 2

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V. V. HAMIISIti I'llbJUlipr.
inrmiw of Amrrlriin 1'iiiiilllr.
Out of lM.ono.OOO American fnmlllci
thcs inconmof . 000,000 of those families
is less lliiin Si00 encli per year, mid the
IncomcH of nearly 80 per cent, of thu
cntlro until ber are Iuhs than Sl,00i) each
I)oereiin 111 Htlilo Prisoner.
New Hampshire's state prison con
tains now fewer prisoners than at any
time sineo 18IM. Warden Cox says that
the prisons all over the country report
a decrease, and lie attributes the fact
In largo measure to prosperous tluieu.
American i:)iirt, ffl ,1100,000 11 lir.
In four years the exports' of Ameri
can manufactured articles has almost
doubled. In 1805, during the first half
of thu year, the exports of manufac
tures amounted to 8UO,J8'.MM0. For
the same length of time in 1800 the ex
ports ware 8211,075,004.
Tlmy I'nrry Ititiilc Arcoiinln.
Tim report of the bank comptroller
Dhows that over lit, 000,000 people or
one out of every six persons in the
United States are carrying bank ac
counts. The number of bank depositors
corresponds to the general estimate of
the total number of heads of families.
largest River In f.imin.
The largest river In Luzon is the
Cagayan, whoso mouth Is at the north
ern end of the island. Our cavalry has
alreadv reached its headwaters. Tho
Cagayan Is navigable for U00 miles,
and light steamboats are used to col
lect the tobacco extensively shipped
from ittf valley.
Tim Moon Within Mile.
Provided the great telescope, now
making, is a success, the projectors of
the enterprise, at the Paris exposition
nssert that they will bring tho moon
within 10 miles bv means of their njv
paratUM. The groat seven-foot mirror
Is almost ready and the lenses, after re
peated failures, are ground and perfect.
Tlielr Niiiton I'rolilciniit'i'iil.
A few days iilmi l.'i'tt lyddite shells
left Knifland for the Transva 1. each
weighing 50 pounds. They are to serve
three howiter batteries of si,V guns
each. It is said that one shell will
wipe out a ri'ifiuient in close forma
tion. Hut our experiments with dyna
mite on tlie Vesuvius at .Santiago were
a disappointment.
ClhniUo Trylnc mi iu .triiiy.
Many army olllcers now In the Phil
ippines are likely to be retired prema
turely on account of incapacity. Gen.
Ollij was struck with the large number
r older oiliecrs of his command who
were constantly on tho sick list or who
were applying for sick leave. Tho cli
mate is telling pOI, the olllcers anil
men. and, while the disabilities are
not serious, it Is necessary lhata doctor
shall attend each separate command,
if the health of the corps In the Phil
ippines is to bo preserved.
Miii;nlnnln of tin, Imho tuikk llii'lnrns.
Complete statistics of the insurance
business of this country have never
been mihllxhi'il. hut u u .....
i ,i ' '" a,wu i" any
that tho assets of tho organizations
doing an insurance business in tho
United States, excluding all property
of foreign corporations that is not in
this country, aggregate, in round num
bers, ?-J,O0,ooa,0OU; that their Ameri
can risks amount tooverSI0.000.000 000"
and that their receipts and disbuio
inents In tho United States during the
year 1808 exceeded SI, 000, 000,000.
Nlrup Out or Witterineloiii).
An enterprising Georgia farmer hai
become the pioneer in a new Industry,
namely, making sirup out of water
melons. He cuts the melons into
halves, scoops out tho pulp, runs it
through a cider mill, proves out tho
juice mid then t.o)ls tho liquid for l'J
hour.-, over a hot tire. Out of 270 mel
ons, worth $5 or i at wholesale, ho
gets III) gallons of sirup ami markets
the product at 50 cents gallon. Tho
refuse Is fed to the hogs, cattle and
chickens and tho whole operation is
cry profitable.
CollrC north Quarter of a Million.
In .1 rexiL article on the wealth of
or entire it was computed that tho
4M mils and universities In this
oottatry poHMl a total wealth of
8iM.W,.O0. There are seven Institu
tion that hav torethw a property of
Hl.MQ AflO, whieh loaves an average of
abowt StW.OOO for the remaining 4!0.
Th two wealthiest ar Girard and U -IajmJ
htnnford, Jr. Thu wealth of
AnrtHit enliven represent an invest
ment of St. I'-Ji for each student. Har
vard rank thfrd in the list Of rich col
lege and Yale serenth.
lr. Actilniklln' Witrtlrnlin.
The forces of (ten. Young, pushing
resistlcHsly through the mud and rain,
havo captured at San Nicolas 1U bar
rels, containing the complete wardrobe
of Mrs. Agnlualdo. When a command
ing general Ib forced to sacrifice not
only his wife's telations Jnil hit
wife's wardrobe, to protect himself
from capture, it is plain that his
enemy must bo moving with start
ling rapidity and overwhelming force.
Few male citizens could contemplate
Buch a calamity in their own house
holds without a tear In their eyes and
an aehodn their poeketbooks: '
The Measure Prepared by the Re
publican ComnIttee. Ready.
TIjii S'MiiilurU Coin Mriiftiiri Aliiniiilitwnt
to tho Orennliick KiiIiih Art of 1K7H.
I lie Npxelo Itemimptloii Aet anil
Niitlomil llitiih I.itvr.
Washington, Nov. 8. Tho general
currency bill prepared by the repub
lican caucus committee appointed by
the Inst congress has received Its final
revision at the hands of the members,
and will bo given to the press this
afternoon for publication after a
copy has been mailed to each repub
lican representative in congress. The
measure represents the unanimous cmii
clusions of the committee and will be
called up for consideration at the cau
cus of reptib.ican iiilmiiIkth of tho
house, winch is to be held, probably,
next Saturday.
Accompanying the bill is a report
netting forth at length Lhe reasons and
necessity, in the opinion of tho com
mittee, for tho proposed legislation.
The Evening Star yesterday printed
tlie following as some of the chief fea
tures of tlie bill, iini which, in the
main, are probably fairly accurate:
An ntiirmlmmit to His coinage laws making
W, itnilus of itold. MO parts tlao. the simulant
cola measure.
An iiniinitiin'iit to tho crctilank reissue nut
of Ih7rt iroilillii Mint thon IrMsury notes Mull
bo redeemed u I tli Kolil. nail wnoti so redeemed
tduill net lie reissued except la exuhniu' for
jfoW. This provision will prevrnt thu o)R'nitl n
of the enillesi clnln will h lilllnwlo has homi
tho inoiins to raid the cotit rcNcri u
An miiuuilui'Mit to Miu sjieclu rotutnptlon not,
illreciltiK thy iiifjntoiinuo-of u toul roseneof
not It'-s than HJ .ilM.OdO tho uiuititonmno of
tin) rescrveut Mi it llvuro now txsliw entlroly
ills? rcMonnrv t- tho sfreUirj af tho treasury
An ninpinlinejit w the imllotml imok law nil
thorlrlns ImuiUs to bo orun.a-d with a capital
Steele of Si.O'J.l
At proseru Mm iiiltiliniiiu Is J.0,0ii AnoOier
lint luliiient to th snm net itnthorlrJni; lianas
to lsuo notes to tho pir value of tho isaids thev
hivio on deposit to se.'iire clicillnllou. At pres
ent the limit Is '.I i Hr m-nt. A tlilnl uinoiultnotil
to this iti't reiluri's ihoUMiti n on ti niUcirt. ilu
tlon to oiK-tonih of one tie cc it. Tils tix Is
to puy liui expanse of en. T.mmt mul printing
tho notes Tae present rate in re Muu niuuts
this expense
The loolirceiiU Mil tIhiIIv Itetrritt from the
Tohii ItitJ Speiiee Attui'Ks ii YlllitKe
-Ksritpo of spioUli I'rlsooer.
Manila, Nov. 'JS The insurgents
have evneuated Maugalareu, provinct!
of I'angas.inan, leaviugseveu American
and 9 J Spanish prisoners, who escaped
in the confusion of the Filipino retreat.
Col. Hell, of the Thirty-fourth volun
teers, arrived at Maugalareu 1 ist even
lug after a hard inarch and fording the
Ago. He proposes to follow the Fili
pinos until lie can bring about a deci
sive flirht or tliev are scattered. Man.
galaren wasstrongly fortified w ith ride ,
pus comminuting me roads, hut tho in
surgents abandoned the place without
firing a shot.
Maj. Spence, with SO men of the Thirty-second
regiment, surrounded a vil
lage near Hautiston during the night
and attacked the place at d lybreak.
capturing a Filipino captain and 15
men witli seven rules.
Aguinaldo's youngest child, who was
recently christened at Tarlac with
great ceremony, died and was burled
at Dayamban in Aguinaldo's flight.
Hen. Wheaton reports that natives
have threatened violence to Aguinaldo's
mother, who h, now sheltered in a con
vent with a guard. Gen. Ocis has or
dered her to be brought to Manila for
Tluee hundred Spanish prisoners,
who escaped fiom their cantors before
tho American advance, including civil
olllcers of rank w lio have been in tlie
bunds of the Filip nos for more than a
year, and also many ofliccrh. have ar
rived at Manila during the past week.
Senor liatnarillo, the Spanish commis
sioner, is making arrangements tosend
th'.'si to Spain on board tspaniih trans
U'lllliuu .). llrjoiii to tin llm stitiul tril-llior-
cr of lliti lloniornttlo P.rly In tlu
Sxt Xiktlointl ,'aoii ilc;ii.
New York, Nov. '..VS. Richard Croker,
who iv to sail for lhirope to-day, was
interviewed yesteniay at the democrat
ic club. He said:
I want to sy before tn ilornrture for Kuroivo
that William .1 Hryn wtll be tho ht.tml.iril
linarnr of th rti mrc.-..tlc partj In the net n i
tlonul ctiniu. Ikii Tho tluhi will m lnuile nRnuist
trnsUund Imiierlnlihrn iu;I .Mr hran It. the
only nun to load Mich u lUht Tnmiininv hull
ilt KUehlm ilMhciirtlcliupiort. jou muv rest
avurftl tif that. No riliumiir iiuto for .Mr llryan
tiuH ts..ii M'looio 1 :,oU boM-ral iinines huvo lx oi.
urnfer ciiisUliTatuii, but no ileeUlun h in hocii
arrived at.
Tim .Melhoillst Church ('onerous.
St. Isolds. Nov. 'JS Tlie Methodist church congress was foimah
ly opened yesterday In Limiell Avenue
Methodist church. II. shop .lohu 11.
Vincent, I). IX, with whom the i(it.l 0f
hoi. ling a congress originated, pre
sided. The proceedings were carried
on as an open parliament, the follow
ing topics Indng under disousbjon; "The
Twentieth Century Pund," "The
Message of the Church to tho Men of
Culture," "Ordering of l'ubliu Wor
ship" and '.'The Religion of Child
hood." The attendance was small, i
It ll'im Iit In thu Itecelvlnt; Vanlt lit Crilur
IiUirn Oinntery, rirroii, N. .). A
TmiiiU to He Ureeteil.
Taferson, N. .7., "Nov. UT. The body
of. Vice President Hobart was put In
tho receiving vault at Cedar TLawn cem
etery at four o'clock Siturday after
noon. Such a vast erovd gathered
about tho house if ml church during' tho"
services that there was much con fusion.
Several women fainted in the throng
and tho artillery guards had to light
tho people back to let the carriages
pass from tho house to the church. A
crowd cheered the president when hu
alighted from the train, but ho uowod
stiflly and his displeasure was manifest.
Mrs. Ilobart wept when she saw the
president. It is not likely Vice Presi
dent llobart's body will be placed in
the ground. It is the intention of tho
family to wect a tomb upon the plot of
land whero Miss Fannie Ilobart lies
and beside whose body it was generally
supposed tho hotly of Mr. Ilobart would
be placed. The woilc wilfprobably bo
commenced before long, so it is doubt
ful If tho body of the vice president
will be removed from its present rest
ing place until the tomb of the family
IS erected.
Iloer Cotiiiinitiilnr Siijh it Intensive War
Will Ho .More AiliiiiltiiKemis to Ills
Army Hum the ItrltliOi.
Herlin, Nov. 7. -The Deutsche Zci
tung publishes a letter purporting to
come from lien. Joubert and dated at
Ladysmith, October 'J5. in which he .says:
Kicn If wetle tiotsu ce la preventing the
concentration of (4 n Huller's troops, tho
Ilrltlsh iirtny will b weaken si
causes to Hiii'h mi extent th it not tu re thiiu :i -txn
effective troips or I .hijui tho outside em
tako the Held. The others must bo etnploted
to pruii'ct commuiili'itl jus It . to In burnn
la tnlud that ail onlt' N'n. il. hut Oip CoKmv,
ultaabiso of npartti ins cueriiiK Hi inllos
must bo considered On Ii kch of sup ilv are at
homo and orunulzcd on the relav system In three
dlrcctluiiH. lj pr itc t those does not require
NMinen If onob wosiould bo soil.r.islv tlircit
cncil. tho hu plies will i d Mr iod. A w ir of
defense, of whljh wo need u it think for a uon
sidnniblu time, would pie.ent far tfeiter uil
vimtiwi' than mi orten ivo war W'o aro .it
homo in the highlands of th Tuuisvanl mid tho
OnuiKU Kreo M.ite. Tli- Ilrltlsh will biuo to
iontestoory slcpu'iler liu-onc'lviiblo dllllcul
ties, .mil must be nr pirod at every inoiiient to
lU'hton twoor Minio fr mt.s Tho-i wdlbiina
Kuerrlllu war which t ie llrltish w 111 not be able
toepdura moa in t o
lb Id, o we do tut nee 1 to eulcul ite upon a
rlslm; of tho lloors In t ipe Colony ntnl Natil
Neierthcless, If tho II It sh stir up tho n.uiun
iindem ley thctii to tLht u-, a il In;; of tho
v.lioloof Afrlkumlcrdoni Is certain.
Zlnn It. Curler, of t hlniijo, Siijh Walor
TriiusptirtHtloii .11 ust holo tho Kiul
Problem or lluslness In This Coiimry.
Chicago, Nov. '-'i!. Interest in ses
sions of the sub-committee of the indus
trial commission centered in the ad
dress mado by Z.nda Ii. Carter, former
president of the Chicago board of trade,
on the question of
from tlie great lakes to the gulf. Ac
cording to Air. Carter tho develop
ment of commerce denends lartrolv
upon the improvement of tlie wat-1
crways oi tins country, uo declared
the great lakes to gul? project entirely
feasible and hope i It wonliTrnatcrlalns
Tho witness favored such imm-ovo.
tncnts generally .throughout the coun
try, out especially in the central por
tion. "It makes no difference what
the railroads may do for commerce,"
Mr. Carter said, "the real problem of
tho business of this country must be
solved by advantages given met chants
by water transportation."
The I)rvlhn Utterly Defeated, Their
Cumu Taken und Thousands Mitde Pris
oner by tile Ilrltlsh Torce.
Cairo, Nov. 517. Lord Cromer, the
Hritish minister here, has received tho
following dispatch from Gen. Kitch
ener: "Wingato's force caught up
with thu khalifa's force seven miles
southeast of Godid and attacked it.
After a sliaip light he took his posi
tion. Tho khalifa, who was surround
ed by a both guard of emits, was
killed, and all tho principal emirs
were killed or wounded except Osinan
Digma, who was captured. The der
vishes were utterly defeated, their
whole camp was taken and thousands
surrendered. A largo number of wom
en, children and cattle also fell Into
tlie hands of the Anglo-Kvptian force."
:oiiiM.lti. I'holoRrupli of tirf u Muilonnii.
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. U7. A com.
posite photograph of all the gteatest
.Madonnas painttd bv the old masters
during HUO years has just been made in
Joseph Gray ICitcholl, of Indianapolis
after many months work. The f.iee h
marvelouslv beautiful perhaps the
highest type idealized by man, combin
ing, as it dues, all that is supremo ir.
tho conceptions of such painters as
Raphael, Munllo, etc. Also as a .scien
tific contribution to art tho icmiU is
bigniticutit. Tno first copy has beo.ii
ordered for the congress. onal library.
Meet. Willi. tins Demi.
Washington. Nov. 'J7. Information
has been received here of tlie death in
the hospital in
Philadelphia of pneumonia of First
Lieut. William 11, Williams, Twelfth
infantry. He was born in .Missouri in
187!l and appointed a second lieuten
ant in the army from North Carolina
in 1M)3 llo was sevorolv wounded in
the eyo in action near Angolos in the
Philippine islands.
A Mystery Over the Whereabouts
of Some British Soldiers.
(ten. llltilnrl'N Achievement at lleiicou
Jllll One of Hie Itest Tlilnus In the Cum
piilun Honey Nesf Kloof Cap
tured by den. Mel linen.
London, Nov. 23. A fresh interrup
tion in tlie Hast African cable service
at this interesting moment has caused
a cessation of war news. As yet tho
war ofllco has not received Lord
Methucn's detailed list of casualties,
nor is any information at hand regard
ing tho whereabouts of tho Ninth
lancers, who were sent in pursuit Of
thu Hours from Ura.s Pan.
Tlie Daily Mail says that a private
telegram announces that tlie lancers
are still scouting ahead of Mclhticn's
advancing column; but, as ho an
nounced yesterday that ho was giving
his mon a day's rest, tills is hardly pos
sible. Indeed, the greatest anxiety is
felt and more especially in view of the
fact that a Herlin journal, the Deutsehc
warte, which regularly prints Hour
communications, announced yesteidav.
before il could have been ascertained
from Hritish sources, that the naval
brigade lost 100 men at Urns l'.in and
that tho Ninth lancers were captured.
It is understood that the government
yesterday decided to proceed imme
diately with tho mobilization and em
barkation of a sixth division of 10,000
men, under a well known nontenant
Gen. Ilildynrd's achievement at
lieacon hill is beginning to be recog
nized as one of the best things tho
campaign has yet shown, as it lias re
lieved the tension of tho situation in
Natal and has brought (ho relief of
Lwlysmith within mensurable- dis
tance. Gen. Huller appears to be confi
dent of Lord iMethtieu'b ability and is
devoting all his energy to Ladysmith.
An attempt will be made, presutna
b'y, to reach Colon so in time to cut oil'
tli retreat of the liners from Weenen
over tho Tugela river. Jt is feared,
however, that the enemy will get there
ilrst and destroy tlie bridge. At
Freere bridge the Hritish found two
massive spans utterly wrecked by
dynamite, one piece weighiug iitil
pounds having been hurled 200 yards.
Sir Alfred Milner has warned tho
various relief committees in Cape Town
to be prepared for the arrival of 10,001)
refugees from IC inberleyas soon as tho
biego has been raised.
According to a disp itch from Do Aar,
dated Sunday, the liners had destroyed
the bridge at Steynsburg the previous
day and were being reinforced at that
It is reported that Gen. Methuen has
captured llonev Nest Kloof, ten miles
north of Gras Han, and 'J,OUO,000 rounds
of ammunition.
Tiio.Mcn Itellmed to tin browned Cuttle
lleiiten to Deutli by Hull shocked
by I. Kl'tnlni;.
San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 23. News
from Jtoekport is to the effect that
Joseph Singleton and James Sanders
lefthere Thursday for their homes in
Falknes, this county, in a, small boat.
Persons coming to town report finding
their boat upside down in the bay. It
is believed the men weie di owned dur
ing the storm Thursday night. Hail
fell in torrents and from indications
many cattle were beaten to death.
News of the fearful work of a stroke
of lightning during the same storm
was received yontcrdny fiom L i Porte,
a few miles west of Heeville. Tho
lightning struck a chimney of tlie resi
dence of W. T. Meadows, a prosperous
farmer, and wrecked the house and
gae the whole f iinily a terrible shock.
Two of the occupants, Miss Jeisiu
Caldwell and Walter .Meadows, were
fatally injured.
'1 be I'luirne-Strlclien steiuner.I. W.TujInr.
New York, Nov. US. -The plairue
Btncken steamer J. W.Taylor is still
at anchor off the quarantine station,
disclint ging the cargo of eolfeo in.o
lighters. Over half tho cargo Is dis
charged. The patients on Swinburnci
island are nearly recovered. No new
eises of the disease have developed.
In dischargih.' the cargo a tiumberof
dead rats havo been found, Allowing
that tho preliminary dh.nfcution ut
the cargo has been Noth
ing lias been decided about tho final
disposition of the c irgo or vessel.
t'ourt of Vi-lt film KiioeKeil Out.
Topeka. Kan., Nov. ds. Ju Ice Hook,
of the United States circuit court, yes
terday afternoon handed down a
lengthy opinion kmu king out the
court of visitation. This is tin- com t
established by the last legislature to
regulate railroad and telegraph com
panies. Tlie court decides the law is
in nature of a confiscation.
William .1. Ilriin to seek Itest.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. US. Col. William
J. Hryiiu has decided to spend the
winter in Texas an I Cilifornia, seek
lug rest, of which he feels the need
after tho exhausting campaign he
made in his own ani other status prior
to the late elections. Ilo has rented
his Lincoln hpnio and will be absent at
least six months.
'Do It and
to itA
k Jfyou Arc sick And discouraged atith
t impure blood, catarrh or rhcuntttism,
take Hood's, Sarsapdrilia faithfully and
J persistently, and you 'will soon have a f
cure. This medicine has cured thou- r
I sands of others and it nvill do the same
I lor you. I-attifally taken,
JWOtCS SaUafuaii
How Farmer 1'rnetlce Hotnflon of
Crops In That Prolific
Iteulon. k humor appreciates the story that
a scientist was quite tunam! the other dav
it obervniB a tanner, after killing a nest
of Minkcs tin lied lip by the plow, arrange the
dead snakes m the futtow before he went
back to tlie plow
"Why do j ou do that, my good man?" the
scientist nskqd.
The fanner looked curiously at tho sci
entist, and, -ceiiiR that he was really in
sent eh of information, icplicd:
"I do that so tlie plow will cover tho
snakes on the next round."
Seeing that the scientist was still mysti
fied, the fanner continued:
"I rover the snakes bo that they will de
compose. That is what you call it, isn t it? '
" es," said the scientist, with n risjing in
flection. "We'l," continued the farmer, "the de
composition of animal matter furnishes
noutisliinent for the plant life, I believe?"
"Yes," again said the scientist.
"Then Miakes will nuke coin grow,
won't they?" triumphantly asked the
"Yes." aid the scientist.
"And whisky will make more snakes,
won't it, mister; that is what we call ro
tation in the agriculture of this region."
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Surely n Dream.
Tlie tich, talented, handsome fctrangor
prostrates himself nt the feet of the beauti
ful cashier in the I.iuadiy.
"He mine!" lie inip.ores.
"Am ! (beaming?" the jonng girl asks her
self, anxiously.
She has not long to icmain in doubt. For
sheprofccntly spurns tlie rich, talented, liand
sonie Hti.inger and inarms the bow -legged
boilcrmaker to whom she had plighted her
This, of course, makes it a cinch that slit
is dreaming. Detroit Journal.
Stranger Do you know a man around
lieie by the name of Hroun?
lan in the Dooi Kr tall man?
"Can't say; jott .see, I never met him. I
am an attorney and a rich teiativc of his has
died and left linn a fortune."
"I'm Ht own walk right in. Do you
know, I thought jou weie the new gas col
lector. "Ohio State Journal.
The Corn feil Philosopher,
"Theie i only one man less tcspectcd than
the man who won't pay his Inks," said the
Cntnfid Plu'oMipher, "and that is the man
who can t. ' Indianapolis Journal.
Peruna as a Nerve and Catarrh
Tonic the Talk of the World.
fe& J 5.
Hon. V V Sullivan, U. S. Senator frorm
lion. W. V. Sullivan, United States,
Senator from Mississippi, in a letter
recently written to Dr. ljnrtinaii from
Oxford. Mii-s., says the following:
"For some time I hae been a sufferer
from catarrh in its most ' ' stage,
so much so that I bt-ca uju'i. as to
my general health. Hu u(i.u-:i:jy of Pc-m-nrt
as a good remedy, I gnvo It :i fair
trial and soon began to Improve. Its ef
fects woie distinctly bencllcial. remov
ing the annoying symptoms, ami was
particularly good as a tonic.
"I take pleasure in rccoinmcndinfj
ynur great national catarrh cure, Pe-ru-na,
as the best I have eer trivd."
"W. V. Sullivan."
I'crtma cures catarrh wherever locat
ed. Peruna has no substitutes no ri
vals. Insist upon having T'rrinin. Ad
diess Th- Peruin Mtdirlne Co.. Colum
bus, O.. for a fr"o book on catarrh.
S3 & 3.50
CMU fi ?rr c iimiom
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