"T Smtfhmltifat,Tri'i7iJmmll V&i -:3SKr rr-rggapwifc. --u' -M " "Wfg ippiiiijwiiir3'11'1 "'i !'' W r M & Ths Nebraska Advertiser IT. M" NJ.YIf'HHH, rnbllthtr. SimisciuptIon, SI. 50 I'ICIl Y ha u I'M DAY, NOV. '21, 181KI. Calvas In Hie nululiborliooiJ of Str ling ar6 (mid to lio ilylnf? of black letf. ' mm i ! - . ' Soniitor John M. Tliiiratoii was nli'ir rled Just Saturday to MIbh Lola I'nr mini, of WaHldnton, IMJ. A Htar KH'.er Buys that aa a regilt of the fop of tliu lait few nlKhts" tho alio worn of metoora waa mint. Nob. Oily Newa. Cntilo potrofnutn of fltio (juality anil of larRo How lias boon dlncoveru.l noar Lake City, Mo , twenty miloa cunt of Kaunas City. Go Noland, Kockland, 0., finyo: My wife; had plica forty years. DhWIU'h Witch I luzol Snl vo cured lior. It is tho IichC miIvo in Amprici'. ' It heals ovory tliitiK and euros all skin diseases. W W Kuullnjj i ,m - Farm Journal, 5 years (1000, 1001, 1002, iyo:i and 1004), to every nuhnvrlh cr who will pay otto year in advanco loTlio AilverliriPr; both pupoiu for Si. No better paper (ban the Kami Jour nal. This otter Is nuulu to you. Tho New York papers Hnnro up u elate InliDiUanue tux on Hie Into Cor ioIIus Vnnihiihllt of over fl.ftOO.OOO uid a federal iriliorltiuiod lax, under the war revenue ael, of over f '2,700,000. The toUl Hum Is tlneo ttnies the amount of Mr. Vaaderbilt's public bo luosts. R'd Hoi Jroom tho Gnu Was the ball thai hit G H StviiJmaii of NhwhiU. Mich, in tho civil war. It Caused honlble ulcers that no treat ment helped for '20 years Then Huck Imii'h Arnica Sulvu cured htm. Cures cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons.corriB rIcIii oruptions. IJest pile euro on earth i!Tc a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, druggist. '- - Mr. and Mrs. John Kuvmingli re ceived by pxprosa a few days ago from their son, Lieut. Arthur Kavnuugh of the Olympia, a chair which was a part of tho furniture in tho room occupied by the young inan during the two years ho served on that famous warship. It Is a valuable relic and will becomo an heirloom In the family. Tecumsoh Chieftain. Tho Companion for the Reit of 1309. During the remaining weeksof 1809 The Youth's Companion will inairitain Its f;esh and varied interest for young and old by ptesentlng articles from tho pens of eminent incn and women and Stories by tho most gifted writers oi fiction. Among tlicao contributors will be Frank II Stockton, who presents u droll story,"ThoWolf and tlioWhcolbarrow ;" Jumes Bryco, author of "The American Coininonweulth," who olTers "1111118 on Heading " V I) Ilowells and Jano Hat low, each uf whom Contributes a aorial story; Uret Hartu, who recalls an uiirly California oxperience In "How 1 wont to tho Mines;" Mary B Wllkins wlio tolls of "doreny Maria at Scliool ;" and Henry M Stanley, who under the title "For Life or Liberty," lolates a thrilling adventure of IiIj Uavela in D.vrkeat Africa. Tho November and December num bers containing these features are giv en to every now subscriber for the 1000 volume free from the timu subscription is teeeived, in addition to the Compan ion's exquisite calendar for 1900 tho last calendar, of tliu century and tho the most beautiful ouo ever given to Companion subscribers. Illustrated Announcement Numbers containing a full puvpectus of thu vol ume for 1000, will bo sent free to any address. Tjik Youth' Companion. iiOI) Coluiubiis Avenue, Huston, Mass. Bravo Men Tall Victims to stomach, liver and kidnoy ttonbles as well as women and all foul the result b in loss of appetite, poisons in tho blood, Imckuoliu, nervousness, headacho and tired, listless, inn-down feeling. But there's no need to feel liUe that. Linton to J V OiirliiM Ida vlllo, Ind. He uuyn: "Bleciric Hitters are just tho thing for a niun when ho is all run down and dont onto whether ho Uvhs or dies. It did more to give mo now Htrength and good appetite than anything I could tune. I cun now vat anything and have a new louse on life." Only o0c at ICeeliug's drug store. Every bottle guaranteed. A Great subscription OfTer. Too publisliora of that great family magazine, tho Ledger Monthly, will gWo the November and Decomber.lSOO, numbei'd of the magazine free to all who subHcribo for 1000 before January 1st. The Ledgnr Monthly is ackuowi Mlged to he the best no cents-a year magazine published, with its wealth of rood literature, Illustrations and Mipurb covers in ci 1 -rs every uionth. Valua ble premiums are given to those who Bond us small clubs of subscribers. Any bright boy or girl can oasll) cun any of tho beautiful ami valuable pre mium we offer Send for a copy ol tho Noveinl or number with tho houi ttful colored cover fr.un tho original painting by the tanious artist, J. fl. Hi own Wo also send you t't., if you ank for it. our iiO-ipagu premium list and aliiO our compluto out lit for gottlng subscribers, Write today and earn sotmi ot tlie boautltul articles wo oiler. 'I'Iih work Ib easy, il a-snt and prollt able far men or women, boys or j-iils Aildrisa Ho iert Hoitiier's Soiib. 1 u i lisheis, 100 Ledgei Building, Now Ywi I had dyspepsia flftjecven years and liHVfii found permanent. iflieftiii I uoed Kodol Dyspepsia Cine. Now 1 am well and feel llku a new man." writes S J Fleming, M irr.iy. Neb. It Is tho best (llKestaut known. Cuies nil forms of indigestion. I'l yeJcLiuu tveiy wheie prescribe it. Keeling The evpenineiit ot iiiaking a tailroad dust proof hi (I ws'wr proof by the ue of crude oil has been Hied during the past year in ihe east with success. Jn tho west the Burlington is the II rut to adopt the improvement. General Su perintendent Calvert has bad pint of tho Wyoming division of the Buillngi ton treated with crude oil uud tho re sult there have been so satisifactoiy that ho is tmiUinir arrangements to continue the woik elsewhere on tho system. Two cars were especially ar ranged for sprinkling tho tr.tek and roadbed with thu oil. Oil was sprinkled in the center of the track d on (tie outside of the rails for about II v feet. One application keeps tho Uack tree from dust fur about one jear. The number ot hot boxes on Uhii.s is con siderably lessoned, and the cruitoit of passengeis is greatly ril.t..cd. An additional advantage iintf :n treating the track to oil is that utotature ull not then penetrate tb;ow?h tre oiled outer cniHt. IttstAMf. ift w,attr inns off tho track into tb aicht 4t the side. Vegetation u tU-s-r.io-jsrtl along the tiaek by the utr ot o:. Aubtirri' Is io&l feet abiivo sea levol,. Nebraska Gity is Oil, and Turlington, seventeen mik'8 west, is 1214. Omaha Is nor.. - You never know What form of blood poisoning will follow constipation Keep tho liver clean by using DeWltt's Little Eaily Hiaeis and you will avoid trouble, They are fatuous little, pills for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. Keeling. Tho last total eclipse ol the sun visi ble in this section was in 1807. The next one will bo May '28th, 1000,' and th.ni there will bo none other for about twenty years. Millions Given Awny It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of ouo concern in the land who uro not afraid to bo generous to tho needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds have glvon away over ten million trial hot ties uf this groat medicine; ahd hnve tho satisfaction of knowing it has ab solutely cured thousjmds of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness uud all diseases of tiio Throat, Chest and Lungi aro surely cured by it. Call on heeling the druggist and get u free trial buttle. Regular size 50o and SI. Every bottle guaranteed or price re funded. Old paperB for sale at this olllco, i ii m m Dr II H linden, Summit, Ala, says: I think KodolDyspepsiaCure is a splen did medicine. I pt escribe it ami my conlldeuco in it grows witli continued use." .It dlgeatH what you oat and quickly cures dyspepsia and Indigusi tlun. Keeling flCeofeftfioia0asooeeo8acaoaftoos0oaoaa4MA the: M:WEE scly Inter LAHGEST CIRCULATION CJF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST A Ml : 2 Always American Always Republican &sr THE WEEKLY I?1TER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CUflREMT LITERATURE 3B8 I I Every Columii is Bright, Glean and Packed with News g The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that of the best maRO' zincs. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents. I WW Keelingguaiaiitees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Keinudv ar .) will refund the money to any ono who in nut satisfied after using two-thirds of tho contents. This is the best rmedv in the world for la grinpe.cougliB. colds, croup ami tthnopingcough and is plea:;-. tut and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pnu-inoina o Sooaotsofa e w.Hwi r&S W -a o 9tup iNYPm ciRBTAri'n Pifrwro in fvp.! tiKiVff. o wx. 125 9 ! n Orlro nl nUv hv ttiall ... 1 fin nar vfu' a 9"1 f 'T-'HE INTER OCEAN b a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while It 3 I brings (o the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and Cives Its s readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it h In full sympathy with the idea and aspirations of Western people and discutses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. Sjttji.-rtt.j.J $J.00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $ J. 00 THE DAILY AND SIKIDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER 0CEAK ARE THE BEST EVER SECH IN THE WEST. Price of Dully by rnntl .. SlOOpvycur I'rlreof Sunctny by m!l $2 00 per year Dully nnil Sunday by mail $d 00 pet year a v&W tiis I'rlreol Sunclny ny m!l $2 00nryenr o ,sr mm KI a 9 Dally nnil Sunday by mail Sfi 00 per year o n . TiT'-rirtiii i ft i. iiiiif r iiiib m, iLF m. $? vjp tuS ii isJy jl j UJ&hJr I j&yy-Saii v Mm GO YEARS' tr tAKCttltKVjt - - WiZVrr, Y&MFPmAd t" tfjwri,v i.: j sr&etes tcn m. tdfLifiLi3iar'".'AAziiAii-si1 Ttimr 'rr,VTS Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono bchiIIiib n pltctrh mid rioicrlntlon mny llifiiHitlrlctljrrniiUdctitml. llnuil'joolt on I'ntcnts quUkly tiscort filn our opinion freo whether nn tnviiiitlnn Is lirohnlily tiiitrntfiblfl. Comtnunlri. fliniHiilrlctWrniitliloiitml. llnud'jnolcon 1'fltontn sent froo. Oldest fiiinnoy forBccurlnK JiatculH. 1'ntonfs tnkon tlironu'h Jluun A. Co. reecho i;ifr iii iioctcr, witnouc cnnru'O, in trio Scientific Jhtierican. A hnndsonioly lllnitrntinl TODkly. I.nrccst clr rnliitloii of iiuy Ki'lentllhi louruiil. Torms, f3 a yi'iir ; tour months, th Sold by nil ncwudcnlcr'. MUNN & Co.30tnadwa- New York llranch Ottlco, C25 V 8U Wnahluizton, I). C. PF r Hr r 1 A Parra Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated: By JACOB BIOOLG No. 1 B1QQLE HORSE BOOK AUnhout Horr.cs a Common-Seimc Trcntlie, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. I'rice, 50 CenU. No. 2 BiaQLE BERRY BOOK All nbout Erowintr Sninll Pniits rcndnncl tenrn Jinw; contninA 43 colortu Hie-like reproductions of all lcndicx varieties nnd 100 oilier illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIGC1LE POULTRY BOOK tello everything , witbaj colored life-like reproductions 01 nil tnc firincitjal breeds; tilth 103 other illustrations. i-rite, 50 V.C1118, .1 1) llriilu.fi'. editor lturrt. Ln eiiHtor, N ll.biijb: Um- Mi,.uii Couh Ciiro is tliu beet rmwly i,r croup I t'vi'i iisit'il." liiiinijilHtelj rt.irv-.H aim uiilcn ('miltH, Cdldrt, cruiip. iittiiliui, )iiiiiiiioiilii, biunciillitf, gnpie ai.il all throat anil lun truutili's. It ireenlh uuii8iilii)lton. Kfi'linu Tho Vny to go to OaH-'omia Is in it louiiiii etlutit-r, ptiiiuiially roti (lucted.via tin liurlingiiin Ituuu-. You don't clang" cmih. You inwko iai 11 tin You sit) LliO tlllfot t'Olltiry oil tilt uloliu. You' curia not K) txpi'iit-ively tin nlHlii'd ,ts h iiIiiul siu'pii tint It it jiimI till Clfilll, l-t IfM 1 ulllt'U Utllli', j'li-l lib wood to lido in- itlnl ni'inly ! ohi-ai) tr. It lias v:l vt.iiii ti ts; l,lti'.i:ti i:ih liiuli buck Htath; u in iioiined i'ull in. in pn.'U-i; clean Iftuldum; apatioim loilft loiiin-; tatili'H ami .1 lieutinc lallKO. liell tttllillUlV rtl d llf.lVlll lillllt, it tides tMiUMlblj ; it Irt Wtirin in winter and c nl 111 Mitninei. In o,iai(;i of ciieli exeiifHlon pnity ts an e.vpetieiii'ed (Kcuitiiou eniidiiutor wlio at. coin panics it rijtit tltroitjili to IjOH AlUjelert (!nr.i lua vt Omnliii, St.Josopli.l.ineoin ami llaaiiui-'ri eveiy Tlinrriday airivnu Nm FiamifCo toliowini; Sundns. I.nx AhkhW'S Meiiduv. Onl ilaee duh from tho Mlhsmul rivoi t t'o 1 .- il Cimst iiiolml't k t sioi over ot t l' hours at Denver an 'v hoi r at Mil I j.iKt City -two of the most tiitvrewiu. citiee llyspepsia vob5. Digests whal: you at. Itartificlallydlgests tho food aud aids Nature in strengthening and rccon atriictiiiK tho exhausted digestive or gans. It la the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efJlciency. It in Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, riatulnr.ee, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SicklIeartachc,Gastralgla,Crampi,'iiia all other resulto of imp.'rf ent dig( "t Ion. 'i-oparad by E. C 3cVJUL A Co.. Cljl..oj. For H.do ttv Keeliiijr, the dniC-M-t. .Wi-rYVtV,WWiYiiVrHYAVYi"iVi'r cviish, reliable: Us All about roullry , the liest roultry Book tn existence ; Iuc No. 4 BIQOLE COW BOOK All about Cows nnd the Dairy Huslncss having n crcot Bale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions 01 each breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Ceuts. No. 6 BIGOLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hojjs Breeding, Ftedioe, Butch ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over to beautiful half tones nnd other cujjravinKa. Trice, 50 Cents. TheUiarjLB BOOKS are unlquc.orlRinnl.u'irrul you never saw anything like them so practical, m rvtmible They are having an enormous sale ?!st West, North nnd South, ljvrry one who keeps a Horse. Cow. Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, oucht to ..end riKtit uway for the U1CMLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNA Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit It is 11 yenrs old, it is the prcat boiled-down hit-the-nail-on-the-hend, ciuit-after-you-have-said-it. Farm and Household tinner in the world the MRffest paper ofits size in the United States t at America navmg over a million ami n-hnlf regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE E00KS,'"and the FARM JOURNAL p YEARS (remainder of 1890,1000 root, 190s and 1903) will be sent by mail I to any address lor A DOLLAR BILL. Sarapleon-AUm JUUUIMAL and circular describing UluuLC DOOICS free. Address. BTAiani sn-JTrsT at. ririLADKM'lIIA I tM,,nm .fciia WILMHR ATKINSON. ClIAB r. JHNKINB. I 60mimi,.m ,pfr, ,4, .,,.,., Il,l..,,,,l II. IMH ,l.n..n SEND OWE DOLLAR cut this ad out and send to ua and it Ton Uvo East of tho Hooky Mountalna wo will acncl this MICH. GRADE TOP RUCCV to )ouli) (nUlitC O. 1). aubject to examination, joucau oximlne ltntyour frelirlit ileput anil If )ou find It ' (l'At Hi ANV 4100.01) lOP Itl'Ot.Y jou oior nw, porfucily untlifactory and the UKiMtlST IlAli(.tl OU IUK KtKllhUKf Olt IIIUIIII Ol', ray tho rillroail accut SIG.DO TO $90.00 DUGGIES AND SURREYS. OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE 555.00 .1'T,TtF't Mi 'a."'' ' - 44.:nMui1L.. VIK?J AR riSTIC-ift. :; Wecommcnded b Leading ;; Drcsjmakcri . A nnd freight chargeA, less the uno Douar sont wun orner. -. BUILT IN OUM OWtJ FACTORV IN CHICACO, on honor from the tt mutciliil inoni'V can Luv. While In our JTrto Hugsy CatiUonuowo olio, Top BukkIos made by otlicr inaUors nt 321.50, S2S.7C and S34.75 tho nuot nanui hu(.'y that are told by iimchlnory dealers, fit 15 00 to ViM and arc lit'n.-wMplvaJvrrtiRnit 1 y mai y at$UU0 tulM.OO. OUR ACME QUEEN AT 53.00 1 the modi wo-Jdcrlul vuluo iivor otoi d, 1 llu l.uuKST rimiUiiHt tltUlhUU.t Till; KKST lllCdV'IIUI' Ci IWIIUI.r. We inallitnln ourownnvo Htory uitKcy lactory tui tiio r.ie pnrru-n of litlli'ln ,- mi ) ' lii(t a I.I'lTnt mi.iiv TIUN K CA1 III I I.lfIII Ith (nil (a bAK Ol.lt ci'bitivi.tis ltAMriCTinurs I'ltoriT. Evory BuRcy Wo Make Is Cuarnntoo1 Flvo Yoora and Thoy Will out wonr Fivs Ordinary Factory RI53. THE MATERIAL AHD IA9SR IH OUR ACME OUEEH cot more than double that la tho nnllnaiy faotuiy t 'wy. o ubo a is r fii'iiion 1'ioin, mine u-w VOcentf wo utoa 81.10 head llnlnir, aoinouaoiUL-nniv wn uo.'3 ciiitU-atli. r, opieuve cent, wpiic.i it) polnrsanil varnlnlion, oinoMu7f. ocnt aiulijl.w WK 'eSTSJ- "eiiS-J PA" AI.M08T DOUHIKtliorrlco iimet ma kim AOME VUtEN. (OUR OV.'H MAKE.) fcj.i. Vr WtT f.lU lll'.sr. our lieeU. near and liodtcuprollitorUoliliccl tnj aio3at-ilal auJ Ltlur In rtlBtloif OUR ACME QUEEN, "'"M paiul Ibrtr tl.rsp I.iil-kI S35.00 RAriELV nOVFflB COST of riatm 111 and labor. Icmlnij u tho MHalbwt profit linniclnni le but earobuUairi;70bii!tou a day and to ndvortltnoui iiiuuy fuctcry ivmire ulllln.- to bHl.lllini n fl I'linHifuii, wo Know CYU.wianiiy pronton vuiw and bufic up the LAK0IC3T 1JUGQY UUolNESS 1N.11IE W THU Ai;iYlfc icaiurr 'i.mrnr it, vV VVf Altei ynitim 1 Jln?ste rrCmsS7'7?---J Wo know C70. 00 dally prollton 70buwlon will patlfy uj, ndvcrtlio UDoverywIieri' tj.-.tj. T.f frari-x titt TTTcti 1 K ncv. WIIK1..1. E OURCN wobulldlu narrow or wlilo trarl.'. rmtli r It it' or trimmed mi I Frrtnc,lutr.i ier i.uritr tun. ppild muioI bu.'U. mimrsiii uacL.itiiinr rqirn-u ;un iu,.. ,.., i.i or,.., i , uriui. body,2xM Inchon, So, 1 San cn'n patent crowed ilmvrtieolt.iilnirl in in uuw, jouy niaci:, ci ' trk-Kroeii u i rtu Alwu)5PlcaseV iodct'trinint c mnleto nitlifhafts. Bide and back rurtnlin. boot "Wiiiiiiiiign. anil at.tl.mtt UclioKr nd niiintlrrnlu vlato of htr, fl.is ?....i will Mfrijf for i!00 ralln, li.OOl 3(10 illi'. f'J.ISl 400 mll, .sl ; " (.rv de'l ato mo andh'.fts. I ol. .el;o III 1...V IVEIIiUM lUUiOLMIS and I lie fnljl.t i p.n-1. ril.lllit t.iilM 5ii, jii.nii. with vo ir older, VK (alAltANfXI! lli I'ujsj l Itttth oit SoMr unit . I v ' . V . .1 .. . n J I ,. .1 a ...... I.!...., ,. X.I 111. ...J iS C4LL41 FTT . "! m . tn AkSTO Kiv; I fKilS S"!SKEBSBTOK: ' :- iiuim: uj i i tic , l AISY PUICc l; S .:,',"' " ,n ' "J ' """' 5: ;S " "V nmthe Vnucl Siiii. T,; ... Ilrur. r, , no, kerii htm , J. H THE AUC ILL COMPANY, p jS 138lo Ubtt UlhStfeot, flew York "z. f rrD 1 . I t MVIU4llre irnn.Usfnctorr.ri tin mlload a'iit bnibif 4.IKI tnd rrrlnLtrbinttt, othorwlwipat nothing and theii,'eiitillr.iturn bntro atom- f x;n-r 'jiud weYllrrtiirny,,iiTl i DOH'T IIUY AOHlSAP VArTOUY IJUOGy nnw wild almost ixi".i l.oly bj all Mm-lilnety D.nic. M.li"tSwiiliPM BUY THE BEST RUOOV MONHV CAN RUMJ, tUroct ftrom Uis Utah -x r.tthe I.OWHHT PUICB BVKIl lCNOWIt. OKPKRXiS i)AV. JJO-N r DELAY. WRITE FOR OURFRliE BUCCY, CARRIAOE AND HARNESS CATALOOUE. iddr. S k.A R S, R O E B U C 5C & C O. ',! n c), CHICAGO, ILL. 189 nicii ,c. ChlciiRo. nnd 1051 market SI.. San Frun Wovhiue Nr;lit uud Day Till- IllltfU'ot dull niiclitifol IlltlciliHik' Unit i'vur wtm imiilu ih Dr Kiiik'.s Nhw l.lfii I'ills. Kvr iitM isiiaiiL'noii l itmbiil' ofhi'iiltli tlnii fli.int!'" wuiki'i'S- ' WHO Mll'mUll, llstll'itlll'r.8 llllO l'IU'', lr in-fuu into iiifi.tdl piiwt-T Thi'j'rti wutnlt'rl'ti) In li'ill.lini: up 1 hi' lu'lil. (inly 2")t' hi t xix. Siiul l Ivi't'lliif OUl ii.iiit'rs'tnr fiitlr at thin otlliy. v.itv -twn hi tlu'imm iinvri'wiu. fitire 1 p ' - - - - 011 ilu' continent. &$ (fr M R H 'tj ysT Km fii.tlr-r Ktvuui lull tiifi.rin.iMin. I UVU - j& OsUst 2 &$ Hill ,tt iinv Mntliiiiiion Itmih- in-kft ot I n .. a - r,, HMSBj!wS II irwrt-toJ Kniri'lH IIpii'I P-m M&$1 & TtiM U rvff. .. . joxjx'rir'w rmixroE?.. SLMltT All'". Oll'itll S-l L'irlt', "'l Ii 1 it I 'mi 1 iTt'to. nn iiiinlly tit's ioya timiiit il 'i pfoplh It inn-, I e (iiicklv I'Mie'il liv Oni'MitiiHf t'onuli i'lirn. t)if iMilv if"iitPtlv Uihi pin (Inns linmcliiO ifxnlH In i-omijIih co'ih i'l nun, ' 1 iv' lit h, (in. mniv ia Mini 11 nnil ami liinu 1 luiilil". It vii iun'i til coilHiinip'.lon: Kceltn jf .... 7 r w&ii- 1 it a rt " vESS'-71-" r vz: i wsacuiarrrtzzw. ':Z HrlBiitcst Mftsazlne PuliPihed -: r Com i r ..t.ful Cohrrd i'Li-.f, s': :5 lilu-'i 1 1 , ,. ,t 1'utii.rns, Kaj.i .-,; t'J . I 'il I'.ik Uorh. L" 1 Ajmn n 1 ( ,, ,,, miroflnr lnevitv ;! J locality b ,1,1 .1 premium! lor a l.tt : ! VV"; " i' I i lerm and othn a.i.c. ij; S ulT. N"'': '.' '""" rnl '"e. !'' K'. nt r. imlu '.11 i I Ui:K!'ai'rn :;1 '"- T"". McCALl. CO., i 13K to 1 ,6 V. 1 (th St , New Vui'!; ;; i'iiV.'.:.VA,A,M,"s','iiM'rsi"V,'')i'i itiini i.i.ii tft ..i...r..,,f,i aroma &i$ h, u TvrvTvn rrrn .yViU vj; ,v-y..o itmztefc .: ' iyju- yv--A- &s, '.'V T T 3 v-j-t fcr- 1 rr-J O 7TT 1 && --4 SrSZS-t-ZK? f 'iJ' .. x y X . . S V i 7 " 7 JKJ V" V- J-O ' r-". 'x fl4r3l. July VI. Ii9, X.Vi i, W 7- VS! " v T A ft I'-V-X -fib , 7T-nT IL P5- "r7rVv-V 4-,vyA- f v A XZt.? v'..V.SiJ,-JT A j" I ,r v yv xtxzx; m w. m&&B53rdz Jivrvavz?i&:isi ;i'.i5 . Wi&uWM '. ieirnwxu ft rH r;. v n s x . iOA MV.'&y- i'-y-ry " -i-rw"rV--if". r w " UliMH. M MtK ) luvw.li.l July !, Hit. 5fl PFR (U'KT. SAVlNfi R'e.ulres no ton or brnturri rillsnj only js m.uw pojts asitu oU yi t"" ' "--.---Us.1 nitllnc .irvi mA-ei t b.-tttr f.mca full Jlne of FltM and Hoj; I ctitln-j Steel Picket Lawn lnce, Gates. Pons. Hail, etc Write for full rvutn-ulars. UKSON FENCE CO., L5e Kalb, !. t i h ft Y- M K.Mt6itu.-uiiiljjft