The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 24, 1899, Image 1

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JLocaL .News
A little muddy,
Eggi lu c-nts; butter lOcentH
Next Thnrsda is Thanksgiving.
See Hill & Keeling for lire Insurance
tlloomy weutliur Beveral duys this
Only ft little over four weeks tlj
Miss May Guilder visited Auburn
Uu cholera Is raging In many places
in l lie couuty.
Harry Nlchollscamein from Pawnee
City Thursday.
O car Djvorss was an Auburn visi
itur Wednesday.
Sam Anderson paid the county Beat
a visit Thursday.
Sam Anderson is getting in fancy
goods for the holidays.
Go to Keeling'3 drug store for school
Buppltes, tablets, crayons, etc.
Blank deeds, chattel mortgages, farm
. leases, etc., for sale at this ofllce.
C. M. Kauffman, of Brownville, has
been granted a pension of $10 a month.
Hill & Keeling write both farm and
city insurance and will save you money
The first car load of lumber for the
new lumber yard arrived Wednesday.
Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, of Stella, was
a Nemaha visitor Sunday night and
The Advertiser and the St. Louis
Globe Democrat both one year for
' ouly'31.00. ' '
's ca give you reduced rates n
almost any paper published in the
United States.
The Woodmen of the World will
give a dance at Hoover'd opera house
December 8th.
Sears & Chandler now have charge
of the Dick Morton blacksmith shop.
They are good workmen.
The Keeling drug store has just re
ceived a new stock of jewelry and
watches. Low pi ices.
Rev.T. C. Dlltz ond wife, of Brown
ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Kempihome last Sunday.
Miss Ilattle Burgess, who has been
Btopping for some time at Monmouth,
Ills., returned to Nemaha Monday.
"' Mr. and Mrs. Mart May and Mr. and
Mrs August Quiller visited tholr old
home in Missouri last Saturday and
M. T. Hill and Will F, Keeling have
formed 11 partnership lu the fire insur
ance business. See them If you need
Rev. Mr and Mrs E. S. Murphy
returned to Auburn last Friday after a
week's visit at the home of John
Nemaha is to have a photograph car.
Prof. E. W. Agnew, who is now at
Dawson, will movo his car to Nemaha
in about ten days.
JohnB Hoover is having a ditch dug
to drain the suplus water off the land
he recently bought of George Kittell.
John Flack is doing the bossing.
Ttie Methodist Sunday school will
give a dime sociable ut the residence of
Seymour Howe Saturday night of this
week November 25th. Eye.-ybody Is
As long as they last cards containing
the abstract of the vote cast at the. re
oont elegtipn can be obtained by pur
subscribers free of charge by calling at
this office,
We have moved again
And The Advertiser olllco can now be
fouud on the corner north of the drug
store. Call and seo ub.
Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and
shorts 00 cents per 100; at Hoover's
grocery store.
Cull in and see us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the UultHl States.
Dr. I-L. Calllson, the Stella dentist,
made his regular visit to Nemaha Mon
day and was kept busy until a late
Lew Lemon has moved his ferry to
Browuvlllo, having formed a partner
ship with Joe McOlury and bought the
Richmond ferry.
O. M. llealy, of Bedford, Iowa, will
soil in Falls City Dec. 0th 45 Poland
China nogs and 10 short horn bulls.
Wrile him for a catalogue.
L. D. Woodruff, of Lincoln, came to
Nemaha Wednesday to visit the East
ern Star lodge. On account of the
stormy weather very few were out.
To Oure La Grippe in Two Days
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. E W Grove's signaturo
on every box. 25c
We will send The Advertiser for oho
year and the Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1004, for only $1, If paid iu ad
vauce. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
Miss Nellie Sanders went home with
her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Sanders
of London precinct, last Friday. Mrs.
W. W. Sanders went out there Sunday.
Both returned home Wednesday.
We have a large stock of fall and
winter goods which we are selling at
right prices. Call and see us.
Rose Gilbekt,
Special Administratrix S.Gilbert estate
I wish to say to the ladles of Nema
ha and vicinity that 1 do dressmaking
and solicit their patronage. All work
guaranteed. At residence of Dr.
Galther. Jennie Calvin.
The town was well supplied with
preachers Monday morning. Bevs.
Slack and Diltz, of Brownville, ttallam,
of Shenandoah, and Goldsmith, of
Stella, were all In town at the same
J. T. Owen, of Joplin, Mo., gave us
a pleasant call Monday. Mr. Owen is
a brother-in-law of James and Wyatt
Jones and was here on business con
nected with settling the estate of their
Rev. W. W. Hallam preached his
farewell sermon at theChristian church
last Sunday night, the year for which
he was engaged having expired. Bro
Hallam has made many friends in Ne
maha during his sojourn among ua.
Mr. and Mrs II. D. Waterman and
Miss Flossie drovt in from Auburn
Sunday to see John Goff, hating been
in The Advertiser nn account of the
runaway. They took Mr. Goff home
with them and he remained there until
Tuesday, when he returned home.
Thirtyfivo years ago laat Wednesday
Walter Hadlock was struck by a shell
which shattered his good right arm
from tho wrist to the shoulder and
also wounded him on the head and
nose. His arm was amputated that
night. lie waa "marching through
Georgia" with Gen. Sherman's men at
the timo.
J. W. Wombold & Co., of Peru
have recently added considerably to
their stock of lumber and now have as
good and complete a stock as there ia
in tho county. They carry coal, lime
and all kinds of building material
Also vyagotiB, buggios, road wagonB
etc. Their prices are low as the low.
eat. Give tljem a call when jn need oi
anything in their line.
The weather this week la- been
enough to give a man the blues. It
lin.1 been cloudy, drizzly, fogiry Weather
lrotn Sunday till Kit day morning, but
this morning the biiii Is shining bright
again and life seems worth living once
H. D. Becbe, who is to have charge
of the new lumber yard, has been in
town several days. Tho proprietors of
the yard are Edwards & Bradford, of
Sioux City, Iowa. Work will bo com
menced on the buildings and shcdB in
about two weeks.
Mr. Francla F. Glenn, of Tellurlde,
Colorado, and Miss Lucretia BuchenuU
of Nemaha, Neb., wcro married at tno
Midland hotel, Omaha, at noon Thurs
day, Nov. 10th, 1800, by Rev. Alan
Russell, of St. Clement's Eplacopa'
church. Tho young couple will make
their homo in Shevlin, Minn.
"John I. Moore, Margaret ChriBtie,
married Tuesday, November twenty
first, at 7:30 p. in., eighteen hundred
and uitiety-uine, Lincoln, Nebraska.
At homo after December first, 185
North Fourteenth street, Lincoln, Non
A card containing tho above was re
ceived Wednesday. John and his
bride have our heartiest congratula
tions and best wishes for a long, happy
and prosperous married life
The funeral services of Mrs. Simon
Gongwer, who died last Friday, were
held at the Prairie Union church on
Sunday at 1 o'clock p, m. The services
vere conducted by Rev. Mr. Gold
smith, paator of tho Methodist church
at Stella. Mrs. Gongwer was sick for
a long time before her death ai.d aui
fered a great deal. She wub a sister of
Mrs. W. T. RuBsell and of Harry
Shadley. The bereaved husband has
our sympathy in his great affliction.
Ben Parker, the Singer sewing ma
chine man at Auburn, has engaged the
ervlcee of O. W. Norton, au expert
machlnest, and is prepared to clean
and repair sewing machines of all
kinds. If you havo a machine you
want cleaned or repaired write to Mr.
Parker or seud him the machine. Sec
ond hand machines for Bale.
Roso Gilbert Las been appointed
special administrator of the estate oi
S. Gilbert, decoased, and is authoriz
ed to collect all indebtedness. The
business will be continued ua usual.
A Sure Sign of Group
Hoarseness in a child that la aubject
to croup is a sure indication of the
approach of the disease. If Chamber
laiu't) Cough Remedy is given as soon
aa the child becomes bourse, or even
after the croupy cough has appeared,
it will prevent the attack. Many
mothers who have croupy children al
ways keep this remedy at hand and
find that It saves them much trouble
and worry. It can alwuys be depend
ed upon and is pleasant to take. For
sale by M. H. Taylor.
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity . The
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept iu
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything In our lino call
and aee ua, Prices guaranteed right.
Peter Kerker a few days ago received
a letter from Robert Frot, dated Nov.
7th, fiuui which wo are permitted to
make the following extracts:
"Your letter came to hand laat n ght
aid found me with a biokenleg; qui e
u bud .tuclilout. Jjiibl Friday Rub uuu
I started to the timber to got a load ol
polrs lor a com crib, Bessie and little
i harlie going along to gather hickory
nuts. On tho way thero Charlie got to
crying and on looking back to see what
the matter waa my font ehpped off the
nawn and caught my foot between
the brake and a stump that whb iu the
road and broke the big bono clear off
in my light leg. Tho doctor bandaged
it up mid is coming out again the last
of the week to put it in n plaster paris
cast. Two of tho OddFellows
were out from Pawnee to boo me.
They are very kind to mo and wanted
to know if they could help mo in any
way. I tell you. Polo, thei aro lota ol
good neighbor out here. T lero wen
about 25 neighbors iu to sou mo Sun
day two preachers . They Bang two
real nice songs and cheered me up con
siderably. Among the rest were Ilabe
and his wlfo. Tlioy stayed all night
Minnie DeVurw Is teaching but R b
is afraid she will have to glvo It up
She Isn't n bit well. So far 1 like the
country all rjght. It is pretty rocky
"We have the postolHeo hero now. I
am postmaster and Rob Is assistant.
Rob Is going to Pawnee tomorrow
after the outfit for tho office, so yon
can Bend your next letter to Ru'trr,
Oklahoma, instead of Pawnee Old
man Nenl Uvea about aix miles from
here. lie has been tn see us once and
his wife too. Wb didn't have
any frost till the first day of thin
month. It waa pretty dry for awhile
but w hnd n nice ruin of three days
last week, so everything is oil right."
John I. Moore and Miss Margaret
Christie, both of Lincoln, were mar
ried Tuesday evening, November 21st,
at 7:30 o'clock, at the future home of
the bride and groom in the Webber
block. It was a beautiful and happy
wedding.the ceremony being performed
by Rev. T. J. Thompaon, paHtor of the
FIrat Christian church, the only guest
present being W.S. Christie, the father
of the brido.- State Journal.
Before making arrangements for
your year's supply of reading matter
call and get our clubbing rates. The
following are aomo of our combinus
The Advertiser ono year and tho
Farm Journal fivo yeurB for $1
The Advertiser and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.00
Tho Advortlaor and tho Chicago In
ter Ocean for 81.40
The Advertiser and either tho Toledo
Blade or the New York Tribune for
The Advertiser and tho Household,
a homo monthly, for?M 85
Tho Advertiser and the Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal for $t.:ii
Tho Farm Journal will be sent five
years with any of the above cornbina-
tiona. These pricijH are for cash in
advance onlv.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at tho feed store.
Tako the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McKlhanoy, proprietor.
Finest Line
Fancy Percales 10c! .'
Extra Fancy Percales lie.''
Scotch Plaids ...... 12Jc. . '
Cheviots .:......'. lOjje -
Fancy Suitings.
The BEST and FULLEST Line of Flour in Town.. A nic
Line of Jo welry and Every Articlo Warranted . Come .
And see what I have, and what I havn't, I .-
You, as I make a Specialty on Special Orders .' . '
A Full Line of samples of Clothing at-
is offering a good lot of
For instance:
2r oz can of K C baking powder and
4 bars White Roso soap for 25 cents
Lion Coffoo Do a package
in pounds Granulated Sugar for
BoyB' heavy Fleece Underwear, 25
contB a garment
Women's Fleeced Vests at lie oach
Men's Fleeced ShirtB and Drawers,
35c ouch
A full stock of Blankets from 40c a
pair up
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Shoos, Rubbers, Hardware,
and China,
Brownville, - Nebraska.
Tim Vice, living north of town, had
a runaway Tuesday night which re
sulted in manner as to Is y birn up
for some time. lie was driving along
and the team became frightened uud
started to run, whereupon he throw
his entire weight against the linos, and
in so doing his feet slipped from under
him and ho fell down lu the bottom of
the wagon. Oh rising he let the lines
alack and tho team gave u jump.which
caused the tongue to drop und run into
the ground, breaking it In two, throw
ing Mr. Vico over the endgate on his
ureuat, injuring him quite severely.
Shubert Citizen.
I wouldn't be wlthoutDoWltt'sWitch
Hazel Halve for auy coiisitieiuiiuii,'
writes Thoa B Rhodes, Ceuterlleld, O.
Infallible for piles.cutH, burns and Bkiu
diseases. Bewaro of counterfeits. W
W Keeling.
ulol OfllcoM iiJuKtTH In thin ntule to ru
loicnt inn In ilietr own und urrnunillnK
cotiutlcH. Willing to puv ywrly tj0ii,puyntiltt
wrtiuly. DoHlrulilu cmilloyiiienl with twin
unl oppoiinnltlcM, HufuroticnH excluuiKfd.
UlinloiuHitlr-uililixxHHl nlnmputl vnvnlnpe,
d. A. l'Hilc,:)2nCuxlun IlulliiliiK.GlilcuKO.
f Of Dross Goods over put
the Market in Nemaha.
New Groceries.
Of Candy ovor Exhibited'
Nomaha. . ' .