The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 17, 1899, Image 1

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See UUI A Keeling for tin Insurance
MUw Annie Morton went to Bracken
awlft MoC.uidless
went to Omaha
Jimmy .Touts ami Master Elmer vis
ited Auburn Mundtj.
Hurry McCandless tdilpprd a car of
hogs to Nebraska City Tuesday.
Co to Keeling' drug siioio for Hohool
8 luplles, tablets, crayons, eic.
Hill & Keeling wrlto both fnrrn and
city inuurauco and will save you money
The AdvorllBor nml
Globe Democrat both
only 31.00.
tho St. Louis
one year for
Chop feed 70 cents per 100; bran and
shorts 00 cents per 100 ; at Iloovor's
grocery store.
TCev. J. M. Darby was down from
Brownville Wednesday, calling on tho
church members.
Call in and oeo us if you want to
subscriba for any paper published in
the United States.
Mrs. E. A. Miuick, who has been
visiting at Johnson for soine time, re
turned home Monday.
Miss Vevu Clark went to Brownville
Tuesday evening and visited friends
until Thursday evening.
Tho Keeling drug stero has just re
ceived a now stock of jewelry and
watches. Low piicos.
Tom Hiatt and Sam Shuck are ats
tending court at Auburn this week in
tho capacity of jurymen.
Mra. Prater and two children, of
Falls City, visited her mother, Mra.
Jumea Hiatt, this week.
COW FOR SALE. A Furnas Jer
sey a good young cow. For particu
lars inquire at this oilice.
Robert P. Frost writes us to chango
the address of his paper from Pawnee,
Oklahoma, to Itutter, Oklahoma.
Dr. and Mrs. B. Bell-Andrews left
last Tuesday for a fortnight's sojourn
in Texas and Oklahoma. Stella Press.
Many of our citizens stayed up Tues
day night ts see the stars fall, but the
stars appealed to be fixed and did not
Rev. E. S. Murphy, of Auburn, pas
tor of the Episcopal church there and
at Nemaha, gavo tbiH otlico a pleasant
call Thursday.
Col. Dulby was In town Tuesday,
in the interest of tho Auburn Post, and
secured eighteen or twenty subscribers
to that paper,
Mrs. W. II. Heover and Miss Helen
Hoover went to Brownville Wednesday
utiemoon, returning to Nemaha
Thursday evening.
Rev. James Hiatt lias tho contract
for trimming the hedgo around the
Hoover faun northeast of town. Ho
is doing a good job.
Robt. Sears and Hank Chandlers
have bought Dick Morton', blacksmith
shop. They take possession at ouc.
They are good workmen.
Mrs. II. D. Waterinau came lu from
Auburn Friday and visitd her daugh
ters, MrB. John Goll and Mrs. Frank
Flack, until tho next day.
Miss Eva Able, of Peru, came to
Nemaha Thursday evening and will
make her home this winter witk her
aister, Mra, Nate Sedorus.
C. W. Wheeler, one of the eldest
settlers In Nemaha county, died at his
residence in Auburn Monday. His
aged wife is very feeble uud it is not
likely she will long survive her husband.
We have moved again
Ami The Advertlserolllco can now bo
found on the corner north of the dtug
store. Cauund see us.
Mr. Garrison returned Vednesnay
froiii Nebraska City, whoro ho has been
visiting his eon aiuce Thui'bdny of IiihI
Seymour Howe w now putting on
considerable stylo and la tiding around
in a fine now carriage. He evidently
believes that prosperity 1b here.
Dr., I, L. Callisott, the Stella deutlsb
will be at Nemaha next Monday, (or
tho purpose of doing dental work in
all Its branches. Olllco ut hotel.
Mm. Ed E. Sanders and children, who
have been visiting tho families ot W.
W. Sanders and Dr. Uaithor this week,
returned to Shubert Thursday evening
Tlio Methodist Sunday ueliool will
give a dime sociable at tho residence of
Seymour Ilowe Saturday night of next
week November 25th. Everybody is
As long as they lust cards containing
the abstract of the vote cast at the te
cent election can be obtained by our
subscribers free of charge by cailing nt
this office,'
Mrs. D. A. Morton lias lost a small
ulack pig weighing about 25 pounds.
Tho pig wandered away the evoning of
election day. The Under will please
notify Mrs. Morton.
Wo will send The Advertiser for one
year and tao Farm Journal until Jan.
1st, 1001, for only $1, if paid in ad
vance. This offer applies to both old
and new subscribers.
Captaiu Ell gavo his lecture, "Cap
turing tho Levlathen," . at IIoover'B
opera houoo Thursday night, The lec
ture was amusing and instructive and
tlioso who hoard it wore highly pleased
with the address.
The Methodist Sunday school gavo a
dimo sociablo at tho residence of W.W.
Sauders Saturday night and an oyster
supper at Dr. Reeling's Tuesday night.
Thoro was a good attendance at both
Mr. Ilorbert Larimoro and Miss
Bessie Aue were married Wednesday
at Auburn. The Advertiser joins
with their many friends in wishing
the young couple a long and happy
married life.
Senator Hay ward hus had another
attack of apoplexy similar to tho one
he had at Brownville at the time of the
Modern Woodmen picnic, and his con
dition is very critical. It is feared his
death is a question of but a very few
Nemaha, Neb., Sept. 20, 1801'.
To whom it may concern:
I hereby give notice not to buy, rent
or trade in any form of Hatty B.Jarvia
for the southeast quaiter of the south
east quarter of section 14, township 4,
range 15, a3 it Is illegally deeded aud I
will not relinquish my title or Interest
therein. I. J. Jakvis.
We have a large stock of fall and
winter goods which we are soiling a
right prices. Call and see ua.
Rose Gilueut,
Special Administratrix S.GMlbert estate
I wish to say to the ladles of Nema
ha and vicinity that I do dressmaking
and solicit their patronage. All work
guaranteed. At residence of Dr.
Guither. Jennie Calvin.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand but skin eruptions rob life
of joy, Bucklen'a Arnica Salve curoB
them ; also old, running and fover sores A
uicera, nous, fefona, corns, wartB, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands,
chilblaius. Best pile cure on earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Keeling, druggist.
Nemaha Is prospering in a business
way. Our merchants are having a
good trade, and new enterprises are
being talked of." Arrangements havo
been made for starling a lumber yard
and another blacksmith shop.
A representative of a Sioux. City
u tuber Arm was in town a few days
ago and made atrangetnonts for start
lug n lumbor yard in Nemaha. He
bought of Mrs, W. II. Hoover two lots
across the street east from the opera
house, whore tho yard will be located.
Ho expects to bo back next week.
Messrs. J. I), and "rank ltalney and
Will Kauffman ami Misses Perlo and
Helen Mlnick drove down from
Brownville Tuesday evening and at
tended the oyeter supper at Dr. Kepi
lug's. Miss Helen Hoover, who had
boon visiting at Urownville, came with
Rev. James Hlalt received the Bad
news a few days ago of tho deatlt ot
live years old nephew, Orris Hiatt, at
Sidney, Iowa, Nov. 2nd. The little
fellow was starting a (Ire with coal oil
when his clothes caught fire, He lived
only a few minutes after the Ore was
put out.
On next Thursday at 7 o'clock p. m.
in St. John's Episcopal church. Nema
ha, the Ut. Rev. Arthur L. Williams,
I). D., coadjutor bishop of Nebraska,
will viait and hold services. Uishop
Williams is au eloquent ami magnetic
man and will surely entertain hia au
dience All are most cordially invited
to attend.
An unusual sight was witnessed in
Nemaha Wednesday morning. A
number or. turkeys came Hying over
tho town. One of them Bailed over
the opera houso and down the street,
Hunting almost in front of the meat
market. Another onQ lit on tho roof
of tho opera heuse, another one in the
top of a high tree east of the opera
house, aud others in the streets and
yards. The turkeys belonged to Chan.
Stillwell and had probably wandered
through the woods and into the corn
Hold north of town, whore they became
frightened and Hew into tho town.
All persons are hereby notified not
to trust my wife, Hattio B. Jarvis, for
anything on my account.
Dated September llth, 1800.
I. J. Jakvis.
A Sure Sign of Group-
Hoarseness in a child that is subject
to cioup is a sure indication of the
approach of the disease. If Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is given as soon
as tho child becomes hoarse, or even
after the croupy cough lias appeared,
it will prevent the attack. Many
mothers who have croupy children al
ways keep this remedy ut hand and
Hud that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always bo depends
ed upon and is pleasant to take. For
sale by M. II. Taylor.
Invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may be assured of recoivlng
fair treatment. A good lino of
nnd druggist's sundries alwayo kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our line call
and see ua. Prices guaranteed'rlght,
Mrs. Buclienau and daughter, Miss
Lulu, went t Omaha Wednesday
morning, and wo understand that the
same day Miss Lulu was united In
marriage to Mr. Frank Glenn. Tho
young couple will make their home in
Minnesota The many friends of the
bride in Nemaha wish them a long
and happy married life.
Bon Parker, tho Singer sewing ma
chine man at Auburn, has engaged the
services of C. W. Norton, an expert
machinest, and is prepared to cJeali
and repair sewing machines of all
kinds. If you havo a machine you
want cleaned or repaired wrlto to Mr.
Parker or send him tho machine. Sec
ond hand machines for sale.
The subject of another railroad
which was talked of at our county seal
a few yeats ago has been taken up
again. The B. fc M. company began
the first of tho week surveying tho line
which will run from their present line
through the west part of town and on
north to Nebraska City. Iiitecsecting
their lino at that place-. Peru Pointer
Jack Smith, the colored gentleman
who is stopping at tho poor farm, asks
us toadveitiso for some clothes ho lost
threo or four weeks ago. Some good
ladies in Auburn fitted him out with a
suit of clothes, hat, shoes, etc. He hud
tho articles in a sack and in going from
Nemaha to tho farm tho things wen
lost out of the buggy. The finder win
please leavo at this ofllco or at the poor
Bofore making arrangements for
your year's supply of reading mattei
call aud got our clubbing rates. The
following are some of our combinas
Tho Advertiser one year and the
Farm Journal 11 vo years for $1
The AdvertWor and St Louis Globe
Democrat both one year for 81.00
The Advertiser and thft Chirmirn in
ter Ocean for 81.40
The Advertiser and either the Toledo
Blade or tho Now York Tribune for
Tho Advertiser and tho Houaohold,
n homo monthly, for 1 .515
The Advortlser and tho Iowa Home
stead, Poultry Farmer and Insurance
Journal for $1.85
Tho Farm Journal will be sent ilvo
years with any of tho above cumbimit
tlons. Tlieso prices are for cash in
advance only.
Take Laxative IlromoQuinlnoTabletc
All IdruggintR rHfiind the money if II
falls to cure. E W Grove's signature
on ovoty box. 25c
Horrible agony is caused by Piles,
Burns and Skin Diseases. Tlieso aro
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DoWitt'a Witch Hazel Salvo. Be
ware ot worthless Imitations, Keeling
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at thu Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at tho feed store.
Rose Gilbert has been appointed
special administfator of the estate of
S. Gilbert, deceased, and is authoriz
ed to collect all indebtedueciB. The
business will bo continued as usual.
Finest Line
Fancy Percales 10c.
Extra Fancy Percales lie.
Scotch Plaids i2.Jc.
Cheviots l(Jc . ,
Fancy Suitings.
Tho BEST and FULLEST Line of Flour in Town. A nice
Lino of Jewelry and Every Article Warranted. Come
And see what I havo, and what I havn't, I can get
You, as I make a Specialty on Special Orders
A Full Line of samples of Clothing at ;
Is offering a good lot of
For Instance:
25 bz can of K C baking powder nnd
I batsAVhite Rose soap for 2t cents.
Lion Coffee c a package
ll)it poundB Oranulatod. Sugar for
Boys' heavy Fleece Underwear, 25
contH a garment
Women's Fleeced Vests ut lie each
Men's Fleeced Shiits and Drawers,
.f5e each
A full stock of Blankets .from 40c a
pair up
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Shoos, Rubbers, Hardware,
and China,
Brownville, - Nebraska.
Food does more harm than good
when not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia
Curp digests what you eat. It prevents
wasting diseases and cures stomach
troubles. It cures indigestion, sour
.stomach aud bolohiug aud iiIIowb a'
wornout stomach rest. It nets in
atantly. W.W. Keeling.
Old papers for sale at this ofllco.
Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the
Mivsunopy (Fla) Hustler, with hlHWir
and children, sullered terribly from
LuGrippe- One Minute Cough Cure
was thu only remud lliaihelpeu llioin.
it acted quicklv. Thousatidsof others
use this remedy as a HpHclllc" for La
Grippe, and its exhausting after effects.
Keeling, the druggist.
Tho Croat Western Hotel, Kith and
Jackson streets, Omaha, Neb., will offer
special inducements in rates until Jan
1 1000, at a Si. 25 per day rate, room
and board, also rooms without boa id
at reasonable raj es. Secure your rooms
In advance-. Special arnini'oments for
large parties. Electric bulls, bath aud
all modern improvements.
Thko. Fahnsiky, Prob.
Of Dross Goods ever put
the Market in Nemaha.
Now Groceries.
Of Candy ever Exhibited
9 o '.