The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 03, 1899, Image 7

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President MoKlntor br l'rix'lmnnttoA
jUrn Tliurndny, November 30, nit 'tha
Time for Gonnrnl ObnorTimcn. '
"Washington, Oct. 20. Tho president
yestcrdny Issued tho following Thank v
(jiving procltunntfon:
A national custom, dear to tho hearts of tho
people, calls for the settlni npslrt of ouo day In
each year us a occasion of special thanlti;lvlng
to AlmlpUty dod for tho hlcssltiKS of tho pre
ceding year. This honored obwrvnnco no
(julrcswlth time a tender ttlRnlllcance. It en
riches domestic life. It summons under the
family roof tho absent children to glad reunion
with thoso they love.
Seldom has this nation had greater cnuso for
profound thatiUsKlvInf?. No great pestilence
lias Invaded our shores. Liberal employment
waits upon labor,- Abundant crops havo re
warded the husbandman. Increased coMferts
have como to tho home. Tho national Um.nccs
novo been strengthened, and publlo efjd't has
been nustalncd and mado Urmcr. u nll'itritichca
of Industry nnd trade; there hns been an nn
equaled deirco of prosperity, while there ha
been a steady grtln In tho moral and cduca
catlbnal Ktowth of our national elm dieter.
Churches. and schools havo (lourJdird. Amer
ican patriotism has been cxalud. Thovo cn
caRcd In maintaining tho honor jf tho Hair with
such signal success have been m n largo degree
spared from disaster and dlfeaso. An honor
nble peaco has been ratllled. with n foreign na
tion with which wo were at war and wo aro now
on friendly relations with every power on earth.
Tho trust which wo have assumed for tho
benefit of tho people of Cuba has been faithfully
advanced. There Is marked progress toward
the restoration of healthy Industrial conditions,
and under wise sanitary regulations tho Island
has enjoyed unusual exception from thofcourgo
of fever." Tho hurricane which swept over our
new possessions of l'ortq Hlco, destroying the
homes nnd property of tho Inhabitants, called
forth tho instant sympathy of tho people of tho
United States, who wcro swift to respond with
generous aid to tho sufferers. Whllo tho insur
rection still continues in tho Island of Luzon,
business Is resuming Its activity, and confi
dence In the good purposes of the United States
Is being rapidly established throughout the
I'or these reasons nnd countless others, I,
"William Mclvlnley, president of the United
States, do hereby namo Thursday, tho 30th day
of November next, ps day of general thanks
giving and prayer, to lo observed. a$ such by all
our people on ttijs continent ami in OUT r.jwly
acquired islands, ns well ns by thoso who may
b5i wo or sojourning in foreign lands, nnd I
advli.6 thai on litis day religious services sliajl
bS conduced, la thj churches or mccUr2 places
xf au denominations in order UVaUho social fea
tures of tho day and Its real slgnlllcanco may
not bo lost si lit of, but fervent prayers may bo
offered to tho Most High for a continuance of the
dlvlno guidance, without which man's efforts
nro vain, and for dlvlno consolation to those
whoso kindred and friends havo sacrlllccd thcli
lives for our country.
I recommend also that on this day. so far as
may bo found practicable, labor shall icaso.
from Its accustomed toll und charity abound
toward the sick, tho needy and tho poor.
In witness whereof I havo set my hand and
caused tho seal of the United States to bo af
An Accredited I'lllplno Hepri'-cntiitlvr.
New York, Oct. 20. A special to tho
"World from Washington says: Scnor
Antonio Itegitior, now in London, will
sail for tho United States within threo
weeks and as a fully accredited repre
sentative of Atruinaldo will present to
President McKlnley now terms for end
ing hostilities and reconstructing tho
governmentof tho islands. SenorUcgi
dor will havo plenipotentiary powers to
, treat with the United States govern
ment upon all points in order to roach
an agreement by which hostilities may
Tho KuIhot Not n Tarty to It.
Berlin, Oct. 20. Usually well-informed
politicians know nothing about
the proposed continental alliance
ngainst England, and the Paris Eolair'a
statement that Germany promised to
enter into tho plan attributed to
Franco and Russia, but later withdrew
from tho combination, is evidently un
true. Von lluelow, upon entering the
ministry, established the guiding prin
ciple that the proximity of German and
English colonies and England's naval
supremacy rendered a good under
standing imperative.
Admiral Di-wi.y !tM Ills llnnir,
Washington, Oct. 20. Tho houbo on
Rhode Island avenue recently pur
chased for Admiral Dewoy by popular
subscription was formally turned over
to him yesterday by Assistant Secre
tary Vandcrlip and United States
Treasurer Roberts, of tho Dewey homo
committee. Mr. Fitch, the owner,
went to tho treasury department yes
terday afternoon and presented tho
deed, which was immediately filed for
record. The purchase price was about
Siberian Cold Lund to Ho Sold.
Washington, Oct. 20. Tho fact that
Russia has opened to foreign exploita
tion the gold lands of Siberia is an
nounced in a report to tho state depart
ment from United States Charge
d'Aflaires I'ierco at St. Petersburg. Ho
sends copies of a decree- providing for
the sale of gold lands to take place be
tween tho 15th and the 27th of Febru
ary next, and it is noticed that the salo
is open to any persons, whether Rus
sians or foreigners.
Thinks tlm Terrltorli'H Must Unite.
Ardmore, I. T., Oct. 20. -United
States Judge Townsond, of tho South
ern district, said that congress would
never consent to .making two states
put- of the- territories. -There is .not
enough of pergonal property, lie stated,
to support a f)inglu. slate,' and no titles
,to land can bo secured, .thus no tiixqi
on real (.'statu lire being paid. .The
quicker the territories unite .tho bet
' tor, considering homo government.
Klni Ilnnlnrs 'lis Ht-roes.
Great Kails, Mont.. Oct. 20. As tl re
suit of tho recent blizzard which swept
through tho northern part of this stato
nine men aro known to bo dead, and
of theso five bodies have been recov
ered. With one exception all were sheep
herders, and all wero found lying in
such positions as to indicate that they
had stayed with their bands to tho
last, dying in their attempts to save
the property of their employers.
Tlic Hoy; Ilnd it Situation nnd the Fa
ther "Wits "tJolntr to lie an
''How's your hoy fining?" inquired the
man whose business" takes' llini occasionally
to a rural community where lie knows all
the inhabitants.
"lias a good job, has he?
i, ,
i.itlon. He started in with a job, where
didn't gel nothiu' but wages four ilol
. - n ti... i... j .....i ,i., ii
lars a vnik. lint ho done so good that thrv
boosted him right along, so that now lie's
gcttin' ten dollars a week. That there nin't
wages. That's salary."
"How are votir own nllairs prospering?"
"First late."
"Still pursuing your old business?"
"No. I'm a fanner now."
"Why, isn't that .what you always were?"
''Xo since. I don't fool myself with no
ilattcrin' notions. Up to a little while ago.
when the wave of prosperity struck. I
.vasn't nothiu' but a common cracker. Hut
I've bought an extra piece of ground nn'
lifted a couple of mortgages, an' now I'm
a fanner. lit the luck holds, out I'll have
some money in the bank in a few years.
Then I'm goin' to liny a three-minute lioss
and a buckboard and mow the grass in frolit
of the house and be an agriculturalist."
Washington Star.
Jnnon Crow, Oscnrvtllc, ilt.r Snynt
"I fdcl it ?nv duty to write and let von
know what your medicine, '5 Dros,' has
dono for me. 1 have had rheumatism about
18 years, but was able to be up nlost of the
time, until a year ago Inst May, when 1 was
taken down and not nble to move about.
About six weeks ago I saw your advertise
ment and wrote for a sample bottle. After
taking a few dofc?, it did uieso much good
that I ordered some more tor myself and
friends niidin every cast it has done won
ders and given porfect satisfaction. Dr.
WoodlifT, my family physician, who has had
rheumatism 15 years, is taking '5 Drops,' and
says it is tho most efficient rheumatic med
icine he has ever used. May 31, 1890."
The above refers to "5 Drops," a perfect
cure for rheumatism, kidney and all kin
dred complaints. The proprietorc Swan
son Rheumatic Co.. 101 hake St.. Chicago.
offer to, f end a, 2Jj, jainpje bottle for only I
10c. during the next So Zwfi. lts Mire to reaC i
ineir auvcrtisement ol last wceic.
The Fuel Problem.
"I suppose you had money to burn in tho
"No," answered the man who had boon
lying by the hour, "we didn't have anything
but chunks of chilly, incombustible gold.
We'd have paid a big price for a few scuttle
fuls of dollar hills." Chicago Chronicle.
' ' ' -
How's Thin
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh tha cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. ,). Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all DruggistB. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A .Model.
Miss Antique Is lie a nice, quiet parrot?
Dealer Oh, yes, ina'ain; he never swears
unless he's sworn to! Puck.
Speaking of fruit, the first apple caused
a lot of trouble for the first pair. Chicago
Daily News.
Kansas City,
Oct 31.
Gfc G 10
G 15
i 5'J
V. 1 17'i
3 90
CATTLK-Hest beeves. 9
HOGS Choice to heavy
SHKK1' Fulr to choice
WHKAT-No.Sred -.
No. 'Jhard
COHX-No. i mixed
OATS-No. a mixed
ItYB No.-J
FLOUU Patent, per bbl
II AY Cholco timothy
Kuncv prairie
UK AN (sacked)
HU'lTKKClioIco creamery..;.
CATTLE Native and shipping.
SHEKP-Kalr to chol.o
WIIEAT-No. iied
COKN No. - mlxeiU
OATS No. a mixed
IjAUD Western mcvs
CATTLE Common to prime...
I 8'J
3 0)
'J IK)
a 7T
3 75
3 II)
8 B3
7 UU
3 01)
3 15
3 TO
3 (X)
i IT)
55 W
17VJ 5 i!0
30 9 (10
I 50
4 15
y 50
3 IV)
0 70
l an
4 40
HOOS Packlnc and shipping..
SHEEP-Kalr to choice
FLOUIl-WlnU-r wheat
V 1 1 E AT-No. a red
COllN-No. a
ItYE ,
llUTTEIl-Creamury .
3 70
55 X
5 UO 5 cr,
8 15 8 S7J4
rA'lTLE-Natlvu steers. ...... -I fiO
llOUS-Oood to cholco J'M
SI 1 E E P Common to choice ... . r)
WHEAT-No. Ujud r
COKN-No. S : 41
OATS No. S ." 31
HUTTKll 17
0 30
I 25
1 55
75 v4
06 31V
1 he use of tile Endless Chain Starch Book in the purchase of "Red Cross,"
and "IIubiiitfer'H Best" starch, makes it just like finding money. Why, fur
only 5c you are enabled to fjet one inrfjc 10c paqkafjo of "Red Cross" start h,
one large 10c package of " IIubinger'H Best" starch with tlnj prciniijnis, twu.
Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Cen
tury Girl Calendar, embossed in pold. Ask your grpcer for this starch and
obtain the beautiful Christmas presents free.
1 .;'
The Isthmus of I'nnnmn.
Its cnginecrsbelicve that they have solved
tho problem of the succcssfulcoinpletion of
this great 'enterprise. If bo, it Will prove a
great benefit to humanity, no more, truthful
ly1 speaking, than has Hosteller's Stomach'
Hitters, the remedy winch ne,verfnils to cure
alHlctions of the stomach for of what use is
nrostiontv without health? The Hitters inva
riably strengthens weak stomachs and torpid
livers, and is one of the blessings of the age.
ConvtMitloiinl Confusion.
"It is curious," remarked the Lay Fig
lire, "that people think the duunlum bullet
"Not at all," rejoined the Unconscious
Imbecile. "You see, immediately the duiu- j
tlum liullct enters a nouy it mushrooms.
Now, most people don't know the differ
ence between a mushroom and a toadstool,
and a toadstool is poisonous. Curious?
Why. it's the most natural thing in the
world for people to think that."
Of the others, not one foigot that he was
a gentleman. Detroit Journal.
Kvcry render of this paper should give
special heed to the oilers which aic appear
ing from week to week' by the John M.
Smyth Co,, the mammoth mail order house
of Chicago. In this issue will be found their
advertisement of a thoroughly up-to-date,
first-class sewing machine, nt the astound
ingly low price of SjU.'Jo. Coining as this of
fer and other offers do from a house with a
commercial Vatinp of over one million dol
lars, iind, of tho highest character, they mark
an opportunity that the shrewd bttver will
not be slow to take advantage of. The John
M. Smyth -Co., 150 to 100 West Madison
street, will send their mammoth catalogue,
in which is listed at wholesale prices every
thing to eat, wear and use, on receipt- of
only 10 cents to partly pay postage or ex
prcssage, and even thislO cents is allowed oii
first purchase am6unting to one dollar.
i .
She KitJoycMl It.
They had been sitting together for half
an hour.
"1 havo enjoyed our conversation so
much!" the exclaimed, ns she roo to go.
"It is so restful to talk with .ou!"
And after she had left him he remembered
that he hadn't been able to gel in ten words
cdgcwie throughout the whole conversa
tion. Somcrville Journal,
Try Grnln-Ot Try Gruln-Ot
Ask your grocer to-day to show you n
package of GllAlN-O, the new iood drinlc
that takes the place of coll'Ce. The children
may drink it without injury as well as (lie
adult. All who trv it like it. UUA1X0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it ismade from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomachs receive it without
distress. 1-4 the price of coffee. 1J cts. and
25 cts. per package. Sold by all groccra.
Ainonur tlic llrciikcrx.
Long Futility troubles, eh? What rock
did your domestic ship split on?
Short It was the absence of "rocks" that
Caused the split. Chicago Kvcuing News.
Tin IIcmI PrcMorlptlim lot- Chills
and Fever is a bottle of Guovii's Tstti.i:ss
Uiiii.i.Tonh. It.s simply iroiiaiiiliminiiH'lii
atnsteless form. No euro no nay. Prh'CfiOc
Thc Man and the llore. T he Solemn Bore '
"Have you ever rcllected that there will
be no more lime?" The IJusy Man "I
haven't any now." Indianapolis Journal.
Each package of PUTNAM FADELESS
DYES colors more tfoods than any other dye
and colors them better too. Sold by all
A Polite Man. The Bystander "What
are you tnking off vour hat for?" Tho Man
at the 'Phone "I'm talking to a lady."
Chicago Tribune.
To t.'urn a Colli In Ouo liny
Take Laxative Brniuo (Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 'c.
"Oh, yes, ho hatf.s all women." "I won
der what paitictilar woman he began with?"
Indianapolis Journal.
I cannot tpeak too highly of Piso's Cuie
for Coiihiiinpiiqii.- Mn. Frank Mobbs, IMii
W. 22d St., New York, Oct. 'JU, lbOl.
Tho silent man may be a mine of wisdom,
but a talkative fool sometimes explodes the
mine. Chicago Daily News.
Check Colds and Bronchitis with Ilalo's
Ilouoy ut liorchound 11ml Tar.
Piko'a Toothache Uropb Cure in 0110 minute.
-00k at yourself I
Is your face
covered with pimplci
? Your skin
rough and blotchy? It's your liver!
Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They
cure constipation, biliousness, and
dyspepsia. 25c. Ail druggists.
Want your inoujt.ii'lio or lieurd a beuiitllul
nrnwii or nrn nim-KT men ubo
Mll A Co NMM. N H. I
Dr Williams' lnillan IMlit
lllpfllnv ami Itulilni;
l''lr It ntMorbs the
nuiiors, ullayu thu itcli
Iiik at oni'o. lieu ns a
tioiiUiPo.KlvcH liis'ani n
lief I'ruparud for I'llea
ami ItcJiliiKof tint prlvute
on receipt of tirlco, fiO cants and MI-OO,
LIA.Md MFQ. CO 1'roiia , Cleveland, oiiio
i..lT . -r.
WOMEN do suffer!
Even so-cnllcd hcnlthy women suffer!
But they nre not healthy !
The marks pnin nre on the young fnces of mnny of our
daughters. Pnin that- leaVe? its. mark comes from a curablo
remedy for woman s ills.
Miss Emily V. Haas, of 148
-St., Grecnpoint, Brooklyn, N.
Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam I
state that I used your Vegetable Com
pound with the greatest success. I
was very sick for nearly a year with
hysteria, was down-hearted nnd
nervous; also suffered with painful
menstruation nnd pain in back and
limbs. I often wished for death,
thinking nothing would cure me. I
had doctors, but their medicines did
me no good. "At last, by the advice
o a friend, I began to take Lydia 15.
Piukhnmrs Vegetable Compound,
nnd I am happy to say it has entire
ly cured me.
Jennie Sherman, of Frcniont,
lieh., Box 748, writes:
"Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: I
that I must write you and
3'ou what your medicine
done for me. I had neuralgia
of the stomach for two ypars,
so bad that I. could not do any
work. 1 had two or three doc-
tors, but did not seem to get any bet
ter. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Pills and improved from the first, had
better nppCtito, and after taking three bottles of Compound
and one box of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. Your
Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine,"
i-vj & m kvi v- 1 n o
mado. Thin Sowlnir Machlno has nil tho latost Improvements It inakrs a perfect and uni
form LOCK STITCH, and will do tho botwork on either tho llKhlewt niusllns or heaviest
cloths, Bowlnirovursoams and rouuli pliicon
best steel atlucluncnta, nicely nlckiil-plulod
mnlal, japanned ixtx, mid a compicto as
l-'IIUX'l.milil) l-IT'l' with nanli iiimdilnn.
tX( nlYQ TRIAI WohhipthiainachinoC.O.D.suhJecttonpproval.onrocolptof two
UU UHIO I niitL. dollars. If. on oznininatlon you nro convinced thut wo nro enviutr
yoti$i'ior$WonnKotit'8pricpaytliohahineonndfrolKhtc!inrKoslhontry rfj a AP
thomachiiiu. If notsutiaQod at antltuo withinUOilayaRond tho maclihio JW I MV J
hack to us nt our expenso anil wo will rofuud tho full purchnso prico.. .. Sr IT""
fll OUR
If you will
send us 25c.
we will cend
you Dcmorest's
Family Magazine
for three months
and give you two
handsome pictures in
ten colors, exact repro
ductions of famous oil
painting!. They arc 8
by JJ1 inches, Thisoifer
of this great family magazine
is only good for 60 days.
Wrlto to
Art Department
The lt.(it ink. made, .hut no
dearer than tlvp jioo-reiit.
CIIHfS NMUt Ail list I1IIC
licnt CoiikIi Hyrup. 'J tn-j (JooO.
in limn. ,iu by drtiL'ultv
.cause. If that cause is not removed its
influence reaches out nnd oycrshndovs,a,,
whole life. The reason Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has been so uni
formly successful for over a quarter of a.
century in overcoming tho suffering o
women, is that it is thorough and goes
directly to the cnusc. It is a woman's
Y., writes:
wish to
""he Best sew'ns
macnineon tarin
At Iho Prion, $14.25 for Our
"MELDA" Sowing Machine
A high-arm, lilgli-RrflJo machlno onnnl
towiiatotliartiiirn nskliur.lX) to$fo.00
for. (ltiaruntccd by us for 30 years from
(Into of imrchtipo, OKiilnst nny imperfec
tion in matorlal or workiniiiiHlilp. Ttia
etantl la inaile of the I' Iron nnd in
nicely iiroportlonod. The cnlilnet work
la perfect nnd ii f tinilRlied In your cholco
of nntiquconk or walnut. 11 litis seven
drawers all linmlsonwly carved mid with
nickel.plaled rln jiulls. TI10 mechan
ical conul ruction Is equal to that of
any mncliluc rcitardleBii of prico. All
worklnii parU nro of tliti Inist oil-torn-
Sored tool otool, ovory IwarlnK porfectly
tied find ndjustixl bo as to mako tho
runulni; (junlitloH tlm IlKhteit, moat per
fect und nearest nolsclc.18 of any machlno
without klpplnr fttilchua, A full act of
a inn act 01
10 nliiflh-llned
inul enclosed hi n IiiiihIhoiiio
nd hook of Instruction
t. . h iinHnHHI'
ill iTiiwfiiBKi
--Jry-vi,i H
7n which is llctcd at lowest whotasale prices
leverythinrj to oat wear and use, is furnisrn
ed on receipt of only 105 to parti pay
postage or exprossagc and as evidence
101 gooa aiin ine iuv is ouowoo on prsfc
'purchase amountincjto SI9? orobovo.
All Diseases of the Rectum
Head tcsllmdnlul:
IIhh I'rrTert Hmtltli.
KansuHCIly, Mo Dec. P2..1807,
Dr. Thornton .V Minor, Kutisa.t City, Mo.
Gentlemen:- Ilofmo you treated mil for ilfei
I had Iiccii troulilcd for elithl or ten I
huvu not hern hollim-cd In nnv way-hlnco, and
huvo tn-rfixt lioiiltli. for which I clvoyou credit,
lam ulwniK n.iulv and wllllnu' to recoinificnd
you to anyone to whom I can. Yours very truly,
Gko S. Tamiii.yN,
'i'amhlyu U Tumhlyn, J.lvu Slock Com. Mdr..
K. C, Mo.
Wo K'larantce to euro every caho: Don't tnko
ouu cent until putlcut Ih well. Send for frco
book to men, .ilso free hook to ladles. AUdrcsi.
Mlnlli mill 'nll St,,'KiniBitH City, Mo..
ADVKariMcn in. its cc.u.mnb
rillOUI.I) INhlST' Ul'ON .IIAV1.NU
am, hi:hstiti;ti:s oh imitationh.
A. N. K.-l)
wiir.x witrra.Nfj to Anviucri.sKic
pli-iiki) lali; t In. t inn kuw flits AdvttiKU
in en I In l!i I piipt'i'.