j-vrnt t ,S jrm-'giipx Ytmm' ;. ehmska Ui - Y Isa" i i f. :: VOLUM-li XMV NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, HUDAY, N0V1 XUVAl 3, 1890. NUMUEll J K0ifffft poA&; r&MKBmWUM imW tmnfanam Ji "$ I' A JLocaL JSTeArs Fruity weather. Election next- Tuesday. Old Mprta for mile at this olttcc. U. N Titus tetiuiied Mtjiiduy, iu(U Omaha Gasoline t Keeling'd drugstoto. ao weatu pei BiiUoti . Prof. Hartley, of Uolokow, Mo., ia visiting Dr. Galtuer Tho boys did not do uuy uilsclilef Hallowe'en in Nemaha. Fied Seiibury went to SliubcrtThurs day to do some plastering. J nle Shack la carrying one baud itni nllng on account of it felon. Mrs. L. II. Menitt went to Vostn Holiday to visit her parents. Go to Keoliug'3 drug eioie for school impplles, tublolB, crayons, etc. Whooping couph in a mild form pre vails in Nemaha and vicinity. John Webber has leased Harry Mo Cimdless' farm for the next five years. Mrs. Carso is suffering severely from tho effects of the fall dhe received Just week. Miss Eleanor Gnlbrailh camo in from Johnson last Saturday, returning Monday. Peter Kerker went to Atchison Kansps, Wednesday, returning Friday morning. Mrs. Walter Hndlock went to John son Monday to visit her sou, J. S. Iludlock. James A. Titus wont to Auburn Monday wo suppose to interview tho politicians. Marlon Peery and -on, of Glen Rock, came to Nemaha Monday, returning Wednesday. J. W. Webber says if be is elected assessor lie will assess Nemaha pre cinct for $50. Wyatt Jones has moved Inlo tho Mrs. Crother bouse, now owned by Geo. N. Sundew. Call In and see hs if you want to Bubacriba for any pape.r published In the United States. Br. and Mrs. C. F. Stewart, of Au burn, were guests of Dr. aud Mrs. W. W. Keeling Sunday. Ex-United Stutei Senator Alvin Saunders died ut hid home in Omaha Wednesday morning. This is last campaign paper and del eafter tho space will be occupied by news aud nut politics. The Advertiser olllco is now on tho comer lot belonging to J am oh A.Titus, north of the drug store. The school board fer the Lark in Bchool have bought a bell and a slato blackboard for the school. COW FOR SALE. -A Furnas Jer sey a good young cow. For particu lars inquire at this oflicn. Prof. Frank McNown is enjoying a visit with his sister, who lives in Peru She came to Nemaha Friday. Suction Foreman Shadloy is having hard work to get men to work on the section and Is offering $1.25 a day. I. N. Cooper Is again confined to the house with his leg which was injured by being kicked by a horso about a month ago. ,Pref. Carman has made the best county superintendent Namaha county aver had, and the majority of the peon .pie. of the county are In fuvof offckeep- ing him In another two .year's. . We have moved again And Tlio Advertiser olllee oau now be round on the corner north of the diug utitu. Call and see us. The (lis snow of the season feil Wednesday. It did not make much of u Bhow but was snow Juat the same Mis. J. M. ttaudetu, ul London pie cinui, visited Nemaha itud bhuboit id utlvoa frotu Tuesday until Thursday. Miss Leo to Thompson wont to Bur chard, Nob, Wednesday of lust nick, to be gotit aovoial woks, visiting with bur sister. James and Michael Ullvou, of Scio, LI tui Co., Oregon, arrived in Nemaha Tuesday on a. visit to their cousin, Ed Workman. Miss Marie Hoover and Mrs. Llllie Walsh came down from Lincoln Satur day and visited their mother. Mis. W. H Hoover, from Sutuiday until Tues day. Oliver 0. Crother, who lias been at Nemaha for almost three mouths, aet t lug up the estate of his mother, start ed lor his homo iu (Jal.forniu Wednes day. Mrs. E. A. Mlnick went to Johnson Friduy, to visit her daughter, Mis. Me lissa Miuick, and help take care of her grandchildren, who lyiYe the wb"wp'g cough. Woldon Sbiveley arrived inFntrflokl, Utah, Suuday, October 2lb, and weut to woik Monday morning at Ht.uO per day. He says he Ih well pleased with the country. Judge Tucker, of Humboldt spoke at the opera bouse Wednesday night to a fuir olzed audience. He made a go&d talk ami held tho attention of the audience to tie1 end. Richard F. Neal will be elected county judge by a handsome mnjorltj. The fusiou'sts concede this. Ho will make as good a county judge as Nema ha couuty ever had. A. It McCandle8s moved to Nemaha Thursday, and will assist In conducting tho business of the late S. Gilbert, looking after the farms and outside b lsiuess and assisting in tho store. Wc gladly welcome Mr. and Mis. McCnudi less to Nemaha. I understand J. W. ebbor io offer ing to assess the precinct for $50 if ho is elected assessor. If this is not an attempt to unduly influence the voters I would like for Mr. Webber to Inform me what it is. WAT-TEH IlADLOUK. NOTICE. NeSIAHA, Neb., Sept. 20, 1800. To whom it may concern; I heieby give notice not to buy, rent or liado in any foim of Hatty B Jarviu for the southeast quarter of the south east quarter of suction 14 . township 4 , range 15, as it is illegally deeded and will not relinquish my title or interest therein. I.J. J Aims. We have a large stock of fall and winter goods which we aro soiling at right prices. Call and see us. ROSE GrLlIKKT, Special Administratrix S.Gilberf estate I wish to say to the ladles of Nema ha and vicinity that I do dressmaking and solicit their patronage. All work guaranteed. At residence of Dr. Gidther. Jewnik Calvin. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand but skin eruptions tob life af joy. 13uckleu'B Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, dnipgist, . . . . . ;' Old papers (or sale at this office, Jim Atmstrong will nAkr. a good county treasurer Id one denies this He is a good business man, a HneuItU y.-n in every way, h man respected by all his acquaintance", and all of Bert Engles' peculiar political methods aud boaslstu cannot defeat him, Judge Chun. 1). Letton, of Fall bury, made k brief atop in Nemaha Tuwj. duj . Tho judge says he llnds every thing h, excellent shape in the district, and m was contlduut of bis election and of Judge Stull. He llnds republic can gains wherever ho goes. Miss Marie Hoover returned from Chicago Wednesday. She signed a oouliact for conceit engagements with it well known manager before leaving Chicago but will spend most of the winter bore. Stio is at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. F. Walsh, 010 South Fourteenth. Lincoln Journal Oct. 27. Louie and May Kerker and Willie and Nellie Sanders gave a Hallowe'en parly at tlis residence of V. W. Saideis Tuesday night. Tho invita tions were enclosed in a nutsholl.whlch was wrapped in green and white tissue paper aud tied with white ribbon. The guodts were invited to meet on the ni0ht the witches walk and that a baud would meet at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders. Tho front yard was tllumimued with jack-o'-lanterns. About forty young people wero present Hnd enjoyed themselves until a late hour. The Tecutuseli Tribunal, tdlted by that democratic war horse, Charley Pool last week publishedjthe following: "Judge J- S. Stull of Auburn was iu the ctty the first of the weak visiting friends aud looking after his political fortunes Fact ia Judge Stull appeals to have a lead plpo,einch on reflection to the bench fcr the leasou that he is a geni.nl geL.tlemau.'Las made a splendid judge aud is net narrow iu his political views, In 181)5 ho carried this county by 484 majority over Falloon and UI2 over Bush, the fusion nominees, and his rriends contend that his majority this fall will far exceed that received four years ago." All persons are hereby notified not to trust my wife, Hattle li. Jurvis, for anything on my account. Dated September 11th, 1800. I. J. Jauvis. A Sure Sign of Group Hoarseness in a child that is subject to cioup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamber lain'H Cough Remedy is given ns soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the cioupy cough has appeared, it will prevent tho attack. Many mothers who have croupy children al ways keep this temedy at hand and find that It saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depend ed unon and Is pleasant to take. For sale by M. II. Taylor. DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The patrons may bo assured of receiving fair treatment. A good line of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept In stock. Alsu latent pattern; In WALL PAPER. A go stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of ' PAINTS AND OILS If.'you want anything In our line call and see us. -Prices guaranteedrlght. When any person or peisoiH resoii to persistent and continued falsify ing it shows they bollovo their aide Is losing grouud. Two weoki ago the Auburn Herald said that whou Doc Clark was hld up and robbed a year or two ago he weut to the residence of Abe Lawience, who the Hoiald claims was then constable and tried to get Abe to go out with him after the fel lows that held him up, but that Abo refused to go. Last week's Herald contained the same story, although JJarnhart knew It was false, The facts are that Mr. Lawrence was not con stable at the time the hold-up took pUce, Whoa Mr. Clink went to his house he was sick in bed but got up and said ho would go out with Mr. Clark and try and overhaul: the iob hers. To this his wife and Mr. Clink both objected ns ho was too Bick to be out of tho houso. Tho next morning Mr. Clark went to Auburn and saw Sheriff Colo but the latter said ho did not see how ho could hulp him any and positively refused to do anything. The facts l ellecr. on Sheriff Colo and not on Mr. Lawrence. Congressman Hurkett wunjiblo to b out yesterdoy for tho second tlmo olnci his recent lllnes.s. On Monday last he took a drive and went to his olllco fr a short time, but he Buffered somo 111 effects from tho exertion and was not able te get out again till yesterday. He i oglstered and took n short drive. Mr lJuikett'fl a'lumnt has slowly subsided, During tht timo ho has boon confined to his bod ho has lost forty pounds in woight state Journal Oct. 27. FlourS Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale nt tho Keeling building. Cobs for salo. Call at tho feed store. TO OUIIK A COJ.D IN ONE DAY Trtke Laxative HromoQuinlnoTablets. All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure. E W Giovb'b signature on evety box. 25c Food does more harm than good when not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It prevents wasting diseases and cures stomach troubles. It cures indigestion, sour stomach and bnlching aud allows a wornout stomach lest. It acts in staotly. W. W. Keeling. ami Hose Gilbert Las been appointed special administrator of the estato of S. Gilbert, deceased, and is authoriz ed to collect all indebtedness. The business will bo continued as usual. No Right to Ugliness The woman who is lovely in face, form aud temper will always have friends, but one who would ho attrac tive must keep Iter health. If she Is weak, sickly and all i tin dwu she will be ueivotij aud irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble her Im pure blood will ontibO pimples.blotcheB, skill eruptions and a wretched complex ion, Electric Bittern is the best Inedls cine in the woild to legulatu stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It ghcjstiong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, ticli com plexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down inval id. Only 5uc at Keeling'.s ding Htore Fioest Line Fancy Percales 10c! ' - Extra Fancy Percalos .... ;,:i'. . , , '. .'; . 1 lq.' , ' Scotch Plaids -. '..12Jc. . ' .. Cheviots -..U); ' ' ; Fancy Suitings. The BEST and FULLEST Lino of Flour in Town. A.nico ' Line of Jewelry and Every Article Warranted . Come And see what I have, and what 1 havn't, I can gel ". . You, as I make a Specialty on Special Orders ' . ; A '"Full Line of samples, of Clothing at . '' ' N.R.ANDERSON'S. Some of the popocratlc pupeio have, been making ntme complaints about Judges Letton and Stull for t)n leasou that, as they allego, those Judges hav hold court too much aud been too ae commodnMug to the people of the ditt trlct. It appears that after the jury has been dismissed atceitaln terms of the court, and all expense Iiiib ceased, the judges, iu order to accommodate lltlgantH, have adjourned the term of court from time to time, and thereby tho docketB of the district have become very much reduced In the number of cases. At theso times the judges lmvo been in attendance mid heard all kind of equity cases and cases that could bo tiled without a jury. This la a direct saving In the ndminlsttutlo of justice, because when tho required term with the jury comes equity mattdro have al rondy been disposed of, and tho time, la not taken up with them vrhilo tho jury is in attendance. It lias been a common saying heretofore that "the wheels of justice move too slowjy, and that when a cane has been begun it takes mouths und yoais to see the end of it." This has not boon the case in the present judiciary of this district because by tho willingness of our pres ent judges to hear and olsptso of cases at all tlmo3, tho people have been given spoedy justice, and ihelr caseH have been heard at the soonest possible mui inent. His Life Was Savod. Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately Imd a wonderful deliTuranco from a frightful death. In telling of It hu says: "I was takon with typhoid fever that run into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even Bit up in bed. Nothing helped mo. I expected to soon die of consumption, when J heard of Dr.Klng's Now Dlocovery. One bottle gave great reliof. I continued to use it, aud am now well and strong. T can't say too much in its pratae." This m.trvelous roedlclno Is tho surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizets 50 cts and l. Trial buttles free at Keellng'a drug store; every bottle guaranteed. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, BurriB nnd Skin J)Iseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salvo': Be waroof worthless imitations. Keeling You can now ilnd The Advertiser olllco on the corner north of tho drug -stoiu. Call in and son us. Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the Micauopy (Fla.) Hustler, with bis wife arid chlldion, suffered terribly from LaQrlppe. Ono Minute Cough Curo was the only remedy that helped them. It acted qulcklv. Thousands of others iiho this remedy as a speclllti for La Gripno, nud its exhausting aftereffects, Keeling, the druggist. NOTICE. The Great Western Hoel, 15th mid Jackson streets, Omaha, Neb., will offer special inducements in rated until Jan 1 1000, at a 81.25 per day rate, room nnd board, also rooms without board at reasonable rates. Secure your rooms in advuncn. Spedal arrangements for large parties. Electric bulls, bath and all modem improvements. Timo FAunhikv, Pro') Of Dross Goods ever put on the Markot in Nemuha. Now Groceries. Of Candy ever Exhibited in JNemahii. 0 ' a