The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 27, 1899, Image 3

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""British and Boers in a(Dcadly Af
fray at Glcncoe, Natal.
After Klcht Hour of Iluril Figlitltic tlio
Tr.utifiviml Triii ."Mel H UeelnWn I).;-
tent ltonrit I.ont 800 mid tlio
It SftO.
Ulcncoe Camp, Oct, ill. The battle
-yesterday wits' a brilliant success. Tho
iioeTH got a reverse which may possibly
for a time at any rate cheelc all aggros
give action. The Hritish artillery prac
tice In tlie early part Of tile day .decided
tlio battle. The seizure of Dundee jiill
by the Doers w. a s'urprise, for al
though, the-piqk.s bad been- exchang
ing shots all night', it jvns not tuitii a
shelf boomed over the town into'tho
aitup that t,hcir presence was discov-J
crou. xiicti tlie sneiis came last. ;i no
hill 'wftS positively alive 'with the
Swarming Doers, still the DrUlsh artil
lery got to work with niiignilleent
energy ."and precision. The batteries
from the camp took up positions to tho
south' of tlio tqwn and after , a quarter
hour's magnificent tiring,' silenced .the
guns on the hills. .
D.ireetly the Doer guns censed ilring
Gen. Symons ordered the infantry to
move on the position. Tho infantry
charge, was magnificent. The way the
King's Uoyal riiles aifjl the Dublin
fusiliers stormed tho position was one
, of tho. most splendid sights ever seen.
. The (iring of the Hoers was Hot so
deadly as might have been expected
from troops occupying such an excel
lent position, but the infantry lost
heavily going tip the hill and onlv the
consummately brilliant way in which
Gtiu. Symons had trained them to fight
ing of the kind saved them from being
swept away. Indeed the hill was ul-
.most inaccessible to the storming ptir
ty and any hesitation would have lost
tho day.
DyiiiuiiUu'H Awful Work.
Cape Town, Oct. SI. Dispatches
dated M. 'if eking, Saturday night and
-carried by dispatch riders via Daniel-
slcuill to Hooktown, state that Col.
.Itadcn-l'owoll inflicted a tremendous
blow on the Hoers nine miles north of
Mafeking. Two trucks laden with
dynamite, which it was judged unsafe
to keep in Mafeking on account of tltu
explosion should the town Ins shelled,
were sent by Col. Hadou-Powell nine
miles out in tlio hope that tlio Hoers
would shell and explode them. And
go it happened. When the engine hail
uncoupled from the trucks and re
treated about a mile the enemy shelled
the trucks with the result that a ter
rible explosion occurred killing, it is
estimated, 100 Hoers.
Tim Himtm UiiiliitorrtMl liy Defi'iit.
Loudon, Oct. til. Tho Daily Mail's
Ladysmith correspondent telegraph
ing yesterday says: "I understand
that the Free State Hoers, undeterred
by the defeat of the northern army,
are advancing and it is reported that
an engagement is Imminent."
Ciipn Town Willi Wltli ,loy.
Cape Town, Oct. 21. The town last
night was delirious over the victory at
Glencoo yesterday. The streets were
tilled with a cheering, hat-waving
crowd singing patriotic airs. Th'i
newspaper otllces were besieged.
.Suloldo Ciiiinot lln Uracil liy Company US
ItH ltoiinon for KiftiiliiK to l'ay
it Volley.
St, Louis, Oct. 21. The United States
court of appeals yesterday decided
that suicide cannot bo urged by an in
surance company or other organiza
tion as its reason for refusing to pay
on a policy, unless it can be shown
that the individual at the time of sub
Hcribing for the policy contemplated
suicide. In its decision the court of
appeals supported the decision in the
lower court, in tho case of Ilosa H.
Jarman against tho Knights Templars
and Masons' Life Indemnity company.
Tho woman's husband, .John 1'. .lar
man, committed suicide in this city
one year ago, while insane, and the
insurance company refused to pay the
. 85,000 to his widow on the ground that
her huslKiiid, having killed himself,
his heirs had forfeited all right to it.
. A. MoIi'h PiinlHhmoilt to a Siiuri) Who Wus
tjUHpoctod of l.olililiuriiiiit Cremat
ing a I'liinlly.
St. Louis, Oct. 21. A special to tho
Post-Dispatch says a posso last night
captured doe Leflore, a negro, who
confessed that he and Hob Smith,
on the preceding night, went to tho
house of J. II. Gambrill, at St. Anns,
Miss., tied Gainbrill's wife and four
children together, piled a feather mat
tress on them, poured oil on the pile,
cremated tho family and robbed tho
house. Lotions was burned at the
stake. Hob Smith was caught and
partly burned, but the fire was ex
tinguished before he was dead, because
Information which may clear him was
Now AliiHlmit Aiiruriuont In Kffwt.
Washington, Oct. 21. Mr. Tower,
tho Hi'itish charge herv, called at the
htate department yesterday and gave to
Secretary Hay a noto formally accept
ing for his government tlio proposition
for tlio temporary adjustment of the
Alaskan boundary line proposed by
Secretary Hay. With that act the
long expected modus vlvcftjll relative
to the vexed boundary questlou went
into effect.
l'lill Ciiinpitlcii In tlio riflllpptnrv I lit n lie
i;tlii III' Kuriii'At Hint 8erlm diKtign-
tncnOt t.m Kxpnctoil Soon. " "
Washington, Qut. 03.. With ben.
Lawton's seizure oTSan Isidro and the
movement to bo commenced iniinedi
ately by Gen. MacArthur from Angeles,
along the railroad toward Tarlac, the
fuitltorities. hero say that the autumn:
eanjpaign fti the Philippines has com
menced in earnest and "Will be pushed
with vigoi1. The object of the present'
movement was thus explained y an
olllcli.i oi the war department: .
, rrctij Iinu'ton Is u contlnua Ids lulvaiiep north
wurij to '1'nrlnc. Gen. Miif Arthur, "with it foreo
of 11,100 men, will follow tho' lino of tho rnllroiul
front AiiboIos to T.irluo. ciilllnir for re.-enforco- .
ments ns they tiro ncbilcd. . " .
Oen. Lawton started his movement
first, with the idea that he Would draw
the enemy away fropi the railroad and'
thus make MacArthur's advance easier
and insure the use of the railroad for
transport atloh.o'f troops and supplies,
to an itdvantod point' in the enemy's
country. Ron. Law-ton has taken with
him 'supplies for a 10-diiys' campaign
and It is expected that he. will, reach.
Tarlac long before his supplies are ex
hausted. . .
A little new- flag on the map in the
ofllce of tho secretary of war was pinned
in the gulf of Lingayen; This indi
.cates that an American man-of-war is
stationed OH Dagupan to prevent sup
plies from reaching the rebels from
the northern end of Luzon, which here
tofore has been unprotected.
Admiral Dewey, in his conference
with tho president, recommended this, and the American fleet under
Admiral Watson is being increased
with the purpose of distributing tho
navy along the coast bo as to capture
supplies and compel the enemy to live
on their own resources while the army
tightens its lines.
The military and civil authorities at
Manila are putting into force a num
ber of reforms calculated to purge tho
city of gambling and debauchery. Lato
mail advices received here state that
arrests have been made of persons ac
cused of taking women to the city and
conducting various gambling schemes.
An Amiirli'im Olllror KUInil ami Two
.11 I'll W'oUIkIimI (.I'll. Otll ItffUHOS to
ltm-ulvt) IiiNiirKimt CoiiiuiIhsIoii.
Manila, Oct. 2:5. An American nfllucr
was killed and two men wounded by
the Filipinos in an attack on a launch
with Oen. Dawton's expedition in the
Uio Chiquita, near San Isidro. The
rebels fired volleys from the shore.
Oen. Otis has replied to the three in
surgent officers who entered Angeles
last Friday with a request, made
through Gen. MacArthur, for permis
sion for a Filipino commission, headed
by a Lilipiuo major general, to visit
Gen. Otis in order to discuss peaco
terms and to arrange for the delivery
of more American prisoners, that the
desired interview cannot be granted,
because the suggested propositions of
the Filipinos are vague, indefinite and
Uninilltary anil because the Americans
must con tin uo to decline to receive any
representative of the so-called Filipino
Tho War to lto Toriiitniitoil Oult.'kly mill u
Now l'ormof Govnrniiiimt to
Jin Tried.
London, Oct. 21!. The Press associa
tion announces witli an air of author
ity that the government's plan is to
terminate tho war in the speediest
manner possible after tho forts of Pre
toria and Johannesburg have been
razed, and then to promulgate, by or
der of the queen in council, a new con
stitution for a group of five federal
states Cape Colony, the Transvaal,
Natal, the Orange river Free State and
Rhodesia under the title of the Do
minion of South Africa, the crown to
nominate a governor general and tho
five states having power each to elect
its own lieutenant governor, and to
have local legislatures, with a domin
ion parliament to meet at Capo Town.
With some modifications, tho scheme is
based upon lines similar to those of tho
Canadian government.
l'otir Moil of llm liiinhoat Murlvrlim Tnkon
Uimwnro liy VlllphiiM Wlilln l.and-
Int; Non.CoinlcttantN.
Washington, Oct. 2:1. The secretary
of the navy has received the following
cablegram from Admiral Watson, dated
Manila, October 21:
On Ootobcr li tho Insurgents surprised n
boat's crew of four men from the gunboat Mn
rlvolfs, who, under a white llnir. were Inndlm;
the non-rotubatiints from n captured proa at
KJoiain fsliind. V. JurnsehUa, bouts wain's mnto,
was captured. An nrmed ei tnv of ten attempted u
rescue unsuccessfully. Sjdncy X. Hoar, lnuds
inun, wusfiitidly woundml, Frederick Anderson,
apprentice Ural eluss, soviTidy woundi'd In tho
Kroin. Nli'hohis Karro, eoxswaln, wounded In
tho left let;, tdljjht. The ('uncord and Marl voles
111 punlhli If possible.
Tim lov.i Volunttt3rH Airlic.
San Francisco. Oct. 2:1. The Fifty
first regiment of Iowa volunteers, un-
I der eoiniuand of Col. J, C. Ijoper, ar
1 rived here yesterday from Manila on
1 the transport Senator. Tho Senator
' missed the typhoon which the .Empress
1 of India sailing east in-
f stead oi talcing me noittiern route.
Adjt.-Gen. Hyers, of Iowa, represent
ing Gov. Shaw, and .100 citizens of Iowa,
met the Senator at the Golden Gate lu
u number of tugs.
if 11 In tftnry I Trim llo llm HmMi.Onn oi
tlio JImt lll:li-llandid .MurtlurtirM
hi Win Country.
Minneapolis Minn., 0ct."2iJ, A spot
-M (til a . ..(
ciai to. I lie Times iroji. Mtuiwuicr
.Minn., says: J. C. Meilrhlo, a eoi.tviei
at the prison, received from Jackson
county ,1n December last to serve three
ye:lrs and live .months for an assault, i
hits tniidu a remarkable confession,
showing him to he one of the most
high-handvil murderers in the country.
Ills confession was Inndu to Warden
Wolfer in a letter written October 8,
and in It lie related tlio murder of two'
pfllcors, Joseph Grant and John Me
2otf, at .Geneva, 111., August ', lSSrtj
thb murder, of Julia Huekmire, at
Geneva; a post; ijlllee robbery ami the"
murder of .the marshal of Osiiwatoiiii'e,
Kan.; the burglary of a hardware store
and. the shobtiilg'of 'a- policeman at
(lliltl. fiir Itml Klfi.i t liM,
and .hjgliway robberies, if tUo story"
t.. ...;... i i v....... v "...i.i.. . i..
in ii iiu, ui una iji'L-ii a Yuriiniiiu iuiiui.
Many of.tlmh'otitli Dnliuta oltintt'firH llavi
' Kprr.lnii'iii Showing tlio Philippine to-
lm Illch n I'rri'loni .llotaln.
Deadwood, S. D., Oct. 2U, Kvldenees
t)f the richness of the Philippine islands
in the precious metalshave been shown
iti this town 'fiincc the return of .the
volunteer companies which- served a
year in the islands. Tho Hlack' hills
boys, many of them, havchnd practical
experience in mining for gold 'and sil
ver ores and they have been watchful
of the Philippines for indications of ore
deposits. Chunks of gold ore have been
exhibited on the streets of Deadwood
by some of the. returned soldiers which
bristled with gold threads, flakes and
nuggets and it would be talten for
Hlaelc hills ore by the most experienced
milling man. .Many of the Hlack hills-
boys have remained in the Philippine?
for the purpose of being on the ground
ready for the gold fields as soon at
order is restored in the islands.
WaJ. Itryan Ilpllovori'ilu umpiil;n Spi-ocli
at 1'rfiiioiit, . Ulillfiilfil tlm
Kopiiblii'.iil Position.
Fremont, O., Oct. 2:1. At Fremont,
the home of cN-President Hayes, a re
ception committee and a good crowd
met the Itryau train and escorted tho
visitors to the courthouse square.
John 15. McLean introduced Mr. Hryan,
who thanked the audience for their
fealty to the Chicago platform in 1800,
and hoped they would give Mr. McLean
a greater majority this fall. He said:
I believe this town was named nftor John C
Fremont, who ran for ptosldent on a platform
which declared that nihilit mimes rluht was un
worthy of tiuy nation. Now compare that plat
form with the pii'suiit doctrine of tho repub
lican party, which proposes to soil tho Filipi
nos ivl tl a head uud kill them because they
claim to own tlium by rluhl of purchio.0 from a
decayed monaichy. Now tho lepuhlluaus have
become so bad that no ouo dares what
Mark lluiiiu. calls a jrood thlni,-. lie believes
tliero are i;ood trusts and bad trusts-the good
ones bein thoo who liberally contribute to a
campaign fund uud thoso that are bad arc those
who Uo not contribute.
Forty Mi'ii-I.niM-Atclilsoii to Attempt tlm
Capture of tlio .Men Who Klllotl John
llraiin at Doniphan.
Atchison, Ivan., Oct. 2!1. Robert
Dickinson, an Atchison police oflicer
was shot six miles north of town late
yesterday afternoon by ambushed rob
bers, and a man named James Hayes re
ceived a wound in the arm. The rob
bers held up Charles ICueh, a general
merchant at Doniphan, Kan., Satur
day night, and in escaping from his
store shot and killed John liraun.
Oflicer Diekerson and Hayes were
members of a party searching for the
roibers. They are fortified behind
u.,rs, and a posse of -10 men armed with
'Vinchesters went from Atchison last
night to hold them at bay until morn
ing, when an attempt -will be made to
capture them.
Hon. .Iiilin lliirrolt, MlnUter to Slum Un
der l'ri'slilmit CIihiIiukI, .Mm In ti Strimtr
.Speech fur HxpuiHloii.
Dallas, T.., Oct. 2.I.- A hiirjiriso
wusbprtino; jit Siitiird:i5'4K isossiouof tlio
'l'o.xiis industrial convention. Former
Minister to Siam, lion. John li;irrt;tt,
of I'ortlaml, Ore., uiiiilu a strong ex
pansion bjiecli and was loudly ap
plaudcd. He w.ti introduced by (lov. .
Sa'ers, who is anautl-oxpanionist, ami ,
who loft the hall whun Mr. IliLrrott hu
fjan tollino; hi-, expansion views.
.Mr. itarrott said that without any
reference to polities whatever, no man
who hud been to tho orient, and who,
like himself, ha- beun through the
Philippines, would care to throw away
the fruits of Dewey's victory at Manila.
Ills speech created a mild sensation.
Hold us it I'rlHiinitr by llm Hoith,
Washington, Del. Ji.i. Assistant Sec
retary Webster Davis received a tele
frram from Col. John Huston, of Tippe
canoe, O., sayino; that ho had rccuiod
infomiation tliat his son, lOiiene lCas
ton, who has been travullii"; in thu
Transvaal, had beoi Ciiptitred and is
now held prisoner by the Hours. Huston
isnyumif,' newspaper man who cutnu
to Washington from IvansitsCity to net
as Webster Davis' private secretary
Last August lie left Washington for
(South Africa to act as corrcsnoudeut
for bcveral newspapers.
MRS. PINKHAM says that irritability indicntcs disease.
Women who are licrvotis niul snappish aro to bo
' pitied. Their homes arc uncomfortable; their dis
positions grow constantly worse. Such women need tlio coun
sel and treatment of a woman who understands tho peculiar
your Vegetable Compound has done for mo. It has helped mo
more than anything else. I suffered for a long time with ncr
VQttsncss, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb;
also had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told
my husuantl that some
thing must be done, for '
I was nearly frantic with !
pain. Having read of
the- wonderful cure-si
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcg-
etnble Compound had
.performed, I determined
to try it. I havo taken
it and am happy to say I
am cured. I recommend it
.to all my friends and never
tire of telling the benefit I
have derivgd from its Use. I
have you alone to thank for
my recovery."
Mks. EUaUN Flana
gan. i3io Mountain St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., writes':
"Di:ar Mks. Pinkuam
Three years ago I was
n sufferer from chronic ;
dyspepsia, was irritable $
and cross, and can
1.1V O
that after taking scvon o
bottles of lyydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound was entirely cured. I take great
pleasure in writing this to you and would bo pleased to bo
interviewed by any one who is afflicted with that distressing
complaint. I am very grateful to you."
house, vr
000 GUITARS hi $2.61
This Guitar b made
of the finest Imita
tion mahogany with
either solid rosewood
or walnut finger
board, pearl inlaid
position dots and
German silver raised
frctss it lias fancy in
lay around tound
hole and best quality
American patent
heads; the top of
Guitar is beautifully
bound with celluloid:
it is strung with a
full set of best quality
Gtccl springs and is
ready to play upon.
Lli ifcftw- M
.". j r i j
I have bvon imlnir f;AH('Alli:T mid m
a mild anil utTi'ctlvn luxuilvu tluty nto tslimilr uon
deiful. Sly iluiitihtiir nnl I itc liotLi-reu nltli
kick ttomacli nml our lircatli nns very lind After
Uklnc n fi'w tloioii of CnsniretiMO I. nro Improved
nouderlully 'I'lmy arn n (.'rent liulp In tlio family "
W 1 1 it I'f , w a Mni.t
1137 ltlttoii'liouio St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Plnitnnt. 1'alatatili- I'otrnt. Taste flood. IJo
UOud, Never hlckun. Weaken or tirlpo. lUe Z U)c.
Bltrllmt R'Otd; fir.,.n, l.lfajo, Ilcnlrf l. He- Votl, 31b
Hn.Tfl.nflf Bolrtnnil Kinrnnteed liy all druR
rlU" I U'UAll ulits to evitli Tobacco llaLli"
Saddle Coat
i both rider and stddte i
fectlv drv In tlie hardest slnrrn
Substitutes Will disappoint Ask lor
ioq7 inn iirana i-ommti sucker I
it is entirely new. If not for Me In I
your town, write ror cauiorue to
A.J. TUWfcK. Ilojton. Mass.
li J4ID
ggfeft irrpf&!&
troubles of her sex.
lfus. Anna E. 1 1 all, of Milk
dale, Conn., was all. run down hv'
health and had completely' lost
control-of her nerves. Sho' wroto
to Mr,s.. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.,
for advice. Now she writes :
" I wish to thank you for what
I rfair5s.
PjTNXj jfir I Virsfc Co
msr f i xc $
W-jr I 'i'J?i' rrNfX
' -VCa. -JS- g
FOR $2.05
No moro, tin loss, tlmn 5,f)00 of thorn,
probably tlm lun;ost contract In i:uitnr-i
over tumlo mi iiistrtiinnnt tlmi posi
tivuly bi-ll3 from SJ.M) to $7.). Whon tills
lot 13 oxlinuslod wn cannot (liiillcntu
thin ofTor. QuiinUty tnlts. Only Ijy opnr
atliur mi piicIi a lifir Hi'nlo. to(,'othor witli
ourvdll-kliovs'iisiuiiUiirolit policy, could
Filch nu olTurliur bo posnlblo. Another
ronwon for llpcu'ilnir nuch a barirniii
linwidonst i tlio conlldonco wo fool Hint
cTcry KulturnolU will win for ut n nor
ninuont patron mill a frlotnl wlio-io
rocomnipnclntlon wo can count upon. Wo
will forward tlio guitar to any address
C. O, I),, nnbjprt to oxnmluntion, unon
ixcolpt oi H!o. Wo, liowovcr, ndvibo tlint
cash In full bo rent, ua (hut savci return
rlmritoH for monoy and wo stand por
frctlv rnnilv to refund monov If tlm
imlliirlH not all and moro tlmn wo claim
for it. Jtumomliur our
Fjiccial prico on fJ.lXD of
them only In
n which is listed at lowest wholesale prices
everything to oat wear and use.ia furnish
ed on receipt of only 109 to partly pay
postage or oxprcssogp ana as evidence
oi rjaoa laitn tnc iuv is snowoa on jirst
purchase .imountint to 0199 orabovo.
printed In ten colors, ready for
iramlng, will be given free to any
person who will Bond a quarter for
Three Months' subscription to
Demorcst's Family Mngasinc, the
jjreat paper for heme life. Thou
sands cubscribe for Dcmorett's as
a gilt to their daughters. Demo-
resis is tne great
American autliorl
ty on Fashions. For
forty years it has
tin rriA In lli
best families of America, and has
done more to educate women In
true love of good literature than
any other m gazlne. The special
offer of these two great pictures
and Three Months' cubscriptlon to
Demorest'o for 25c. is made for 60
days only.
Write at once.
Dcmorest's Family Magazine,
Art Department,
JJO Fifth Ayenue, New York.
INO IlOUkUlllllll I'.kll utioru to no wiia
out it. 1. very household can
alTonl to have It.
PiOI niERS Add. Homootoad
OVUIJICiiriJ ilirliU ImuitlU. If youen.
toii'il iiiii tlmn HIO aoren liefuru Jiinnm, 1J71, wrlto to
311I.O II. bTklK.1 10., nil J4tk bl., lU.lilaUa, 1, C.
iCIJLH(Wri I w Jl -yf I -JTml
CUIUS WHt All TlSt f&ILs"
lent Uouiih birup. Tutu Uood. Via
in umu. sou ur nrues
i jfgfSi
isis. pi
fc o