The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 27, 1899, Image 1

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N KM A HA, iJilP.ASKA, -VHIDA.Y, OOTOtf'KU 27, 1890 .. ".
yWt t!Ltf Jl," ' ? t? iwWi n -w-w rMMty Whi in mm Smw i ?-1 it wwyMr J T jf.
Jmlgu E, A. Tucker, of Humboldt, viill sponk nt JUniiuhn. next Wednesday niglit, November 1st.
kyfarMMii nmitl smr mm titiam . m i?m ,mvw-K
nnr'Ti ifiiiMMi i.tWy;jHwraiWJlw
' iWJ fit it t t? $1
immMnm-mt wef)fiw"atfjrcwrav
He-ivy frosts.
Tut! drouth is btoken
l'rcpate for cold weather
Old papers for sale nt litis ofllqe.
liulter continues scarce, at lit cents 11
Mrs, Utfos Lesley weut to Uiuekeu
Gasoline at Reeling's drttj stote.
ee;ils pel g-illou.
-0 ;
Jim Bennett went to Oinalia Thtti8
day, 011 business
lolin Koinp.horne IMS' six apiiug
calves lor sale good ones.
Kev. .1 uli 11 T. Stuub, of JN'cbraika
City, was in town Tuesday.
Go to Keellng'3 drug sioie for school
supplies, tablets, crayons, etc.
Harry MoCiiudless and G. N. Titus
went to Omaha Frkbiy morning.
Ueduldicau rally al Nemaha next
Wednesday evening, al Hoover'a opera
J. V. Webber d.ij- it lie 1b elected
asS'Brfor lie will aisusss Neiutdia piu
ciuct lor $50
Dr. (Juilhor reports the arrival of a
lino son to the household of Mr. and
Mrs. Ora Thorp.
Call in and see us if y m want to
s inscribe lor any papi-r published in
the United States.
The Advertiser olllct) 15 now on the
corner lot belonging to J a 111 e- A.Titus,
north of Lhe drug hto-e.
We had 11 hard
nnd Wednesday,
of rain fell. ' It w
rti'. 1 ues.iny night
N ,1 fu.ii uiclifc.i
1 .1 ij.krr,
lid E Sanders, the ecent editor of
the Shubuit Citizen, ,s now business
manager of the I'lnhe Uily (Mo.)
Mr and Mrn.Walt Kirklancl and two
children, of Heatrice, were gueats of
Mr. and Mra. J. II. Seid from Mon
day until Friday of Mils weeK.
Charley Snow says the hardest thing
he has to overcome in this vicinity is
to convince people that, he isn't an pom
a penman as The Advertiser man.
CIlHH. M WllfldU'.Mll wlin la nam It.
"- -. .., ...... IU IJ V 111 I
.... .
unsung, cams home S.uday on ac
v nint of the iwrhms illnhs of his sis'
ter. He relurutd to llafitintr TIsurM.
o I
J. II. Seid attended a Poland China
ling sale near Hockpoit, Mo, lasi week
unu bought a veiy lino malb hog a
grandson of Chief Tecinustli and lor
use in his herd.
Horace F. Shafer will ha.-e a. public
Bale of horses, cattle, hogs and farm
machinery at his faun. ;5 miles noitii
of Stella, on Thursduy, Nov. 2nd, be
ginning at 10 o'clock a. in.
Win. Lesley, who iives near Hayville,
Mo., arrived in Nemaha Sunday, on a
visit. Cliait Lesley, who has bpen
working in that vicinity, came up with
him. They drove thruiigo.
Hose Gilbert has been appointed
npecial udministutor of tho estate of
S. Gilbert, deceased, and ib authoriz
ed to rolleiit all The
business will bo continued as uatinl.
To Cure La Grippe in Two Days
Take Luxutlvo Hrouio Quinine Tablets.
AH .druggists refund th inonej if it
falls, to cure. E. W Grove's 'signature
on-every box. 2."io
Wb have rccslvuJ With ih.e compli"
m.onts of the Sheridan Fuel Co. of.
Omaha a neat littru morocco cov'ei'etl'
pocket, match safe.' Tim Slierhjan coul
1 now used in-nll the B.m& M. depots.
" tjoou com,-
,We have moved a&am
vimi i iih mvtiuirci niiiiuvni nuv in:
round on tliu comer ninth ol the Unit;
store. Ctll and seo us.
H. P. Slmfar. of Asplnwill j'tr.eclnct,
gavo us a pleusant c:all J'huis.lay'. Mr.
Sliater will havo a Hale Thilrcday of
next tve.oK and will move to Ida lariu
c:ait ot I lie court house in Auburn
shortly theiCHftor.
Hahy MoCandhss has decided to
move to Omahii, greatly n tlio icgret
'of tut) N'eniaim ti lends Hairy Is A lino
fellow ami will ho gienlly uiisseJ. lie
U'iH not rioll his farm we, believed
h) will noon get. tiled of Omahu and
return to the I arm
The tuuon candidates had a meeting
i'i Nemana M nudity nihl. L'lolmblj
because of th sL-ort notice given ol the
me 'ing the attendance was vi-rv Hinnil
Willi one or two exemptions Uiespeecli
is were fair. Tim furlnntsta con
ilemned tlio persona'ilie:! of one speak
er, and he lost frle-ds by his talk.
Tim Hennett uilll is now ready (o
do giist woik at any time and will
.rimruute( good ll.'- if the wlieit is
..,.!. The will u'l.J ut any time.
) iie sue fiivinc ;i;i pounds for old
he:U and all tlrd i-ew wheat 'n worth
g'vini; more it'," 'fiy oU'p- mi" -'i
he eoun'y. P'omp'. srrvtce and satis
faction guaranteed
Tlio pupils nt the MapleQtovo chool
had a picnic dinner iu thngrovo last
Friday to celehra'c theii teacher's
birthday, aUo iu lienor of Miss Dora
Kitte'l, wlio is to leave soon for Okla
oiu". The leHCher, tn Kemnthornf,
received cevoial nice presents, ouo be
ing u handS'iiie gold p'n,
A Nr i' reunion
Little Mm If, dau tr of Mr. and
Min. F. L Woodwam wiib dangei
ously sick biM Hrt'iinhu ii-.M and Sun
day, having a number of spasms. Fi i
awhile it wa.s thoighl lin lile could
not bouuvud, bat b the skillful ,u'.it-mciiit-
ol Dr. and Dr. V. M.
lloai. of Auhi'r.i, w o a8 called n
consultiitioii Satin lay night, the life of
the littio one was saved.
Prof's Peasloy and Hruinnrd, grad
uates of the AniU'ioari School of Mug-,
nolle Healing ( WheltRiorMethod) have
opened a school and inllrtn.iry at So.
Aubtiru. They treat and cine all
flllOniC (liHPilSe.S I)'.- Vit,l! MuiMutttum
-- -- p,... . .......
I tlll'll Unit Irttll 111 till itH forinH .1 1 vutllill.
- " -"-'-,,-J...-
..I.. r i i j. . ... .. . .
jHm neuralgia, atuvri),ieatness, Kid
j ny H,ld I-lvor J). souses are successfully
I treated by litem. Call or write. Con-
amlatioii free
NuMAHA, Ntlt., Sept. U0, 1S0P.
To whom it may concern :
I hereby give notion not to buy. rent
or tiado in any fojm of Hatty H Jarvis
for the southeast ijunrter of the south
east quiii ter of auction 14 , township 4 ,
range i;, as it is illegally deeded and 1
will not relinquish my title or Interest
tlierein. I.J. Jakvis
We have a largo Block of fall and
wintar goods which we aro soiling at
right prices. Call and see us.
Special Administratrix S.Uiibert estate
I wisii to say to tho ladieH of Nema
ha and vicinity that I do dressmaking
and solicit their patronage. All work
guaranteed. At residence- of Dr.
Gather, Jkhnib Calvin.
Volcanic Eruptions
Arc grand but skin eiuptioiiH rob life
of joy. Hucklen'a Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, urii.nUig and fever sores,
iiloern, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts,
hruiaefl, burns, scalds, chapped hands.
chilblains. Hest idle cure on oanth.
Drives out pains nd aches. Only 25c'. Cure Guaranteed, finiii-in.
' " ' j
. Ojd papers-fox..eale at.thls offlcu. . I
L'nnllnr. ,lr.i,.lnl .
Air . Huy UMw U.ppvd on u bjj.rl
Tnui.bri.iy evening and was tluowij
, viuloull) 16, tli giouhcl, Btriking rn
iter loll arm r. till liou1der She hud
j to he helped to th.liouso. Dr. Kualttiif
, wiiB culled and j'ttlcl no honea weio lu
keu but that the. shoulder and hide
were very badly. brtiisfd. Mra. Carne
has been suflerlng heveroly over since
tlio rail. Mm. MuCandleua, who wan
in Otnalia, wad eent for and arrived
Friday afternoon, and is helping can
lor her mot her.
i John Maxwoll last week sold hli!
fann'of '203 acres fiouth of Aiiliiirnvrei
ceivlngothiuefor 12,000. Pat Da'ugN-
orty was tho purc'uicer. Mr. Maxwell
then bought this SO aercfann of .1. F
Drain, porthof the poor furm, paying
83 400 ff r it, and also tho .lohu Harnes
farm of 170 acres, where L. II. Harnes
now lives, pajing 8,000 for It. Mr.
Drain laid a public sale, and expnets to
go south thiough Oklahoma and Ar
katisas after he gets his corn gathered
ami 'ook up a new location. L. II.
Haines has not yol decided wheie he
will locate. Dan Maxwoll v ill move
on tho Han. os farm.
Wo have had greftl trials and trihu
Litionn this week. Wo movckl into
our new allien building Ixiforo it was
plastered, and this week we havo been
moving tho malei'ial fiom one part of
the bu'ld n to another to keep out of
'oo way of Charley Gaipiaith, who is
doing tho plasienng, nid at the sumo
lime we have been trying to got out n
paper, do job work, attend political
meetings, look after the opera hoiii-'e
talk to c't:ri'dntds and politicians, make
excuses to the fellows that woo wo and
get offer tho fellows that owo us, be
sides attending to th various other
duties that tall to our lot It lias kept
us bU!v.
Honlble agony is caused by Piles,
Horns and Skin Diseases These aie
immediately lelieved and quickly cured
'i De.'r-.t'a W itch Hazel Salvo. Ho
wart of worthless imitations, Keeling
All persons ate hereby notified not
to trust my wife, Hattie H. Jarvis, for
anything on toy account.
Dated September llth, 1800.
I. J. Jauvis.
You can now find Tho Alvertisoi
ollino on the corner north of the ding
atoro. Call i. and see us
A Suro Sign of Group-
Hoarseness in a child that ih suhjec
tooiotip Js a sure indication ot ihr
iippiOiioh of i lie disease. If Chainbe'-latn'-Cough
Heinedy is given as soon
as the child becomes bourse, or eei
after tha crotipy cough has appeared
it will prevent tho attack Man
mothers who have croupy children al
ways keep lids remedy at hand and
find that it saves them much trouble
and worry. It can always be depend
ed unon and is pleasant to take. Foi
sale by M. II. Taylor.
tmuruiujuiu.iocnn3.-Ktwar vtccarezmsitssunixrtrrx
invites tho continued patronage of the.
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may be assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A go stock of
In hanianmo designs and latest stylos.
Beat of
A handsome line of
A full stock of . :
If you want anythihg-iirour" line cfi
and seo .ua.' ' Prlcas'-guaranteedright
If you wariUinythibjriirour'lihe crl
The i.'HiutidHltu lor ll. .0
eoiinty otllcea lire making- a olWin emu"
palgu, .throwing no. dm.; at ai y
A. I). Gilnio'ie mid M.i.l. Carman Inive
for the past foil r, em a served tho peo
ple in the plliccw of eieikof the district
court and c,-oii.i)ty.;xupttiiilen(lenl' tr-
epet'tivcly. They aro willing to stand,
on tin : roeurd they have made In tfiefe
ufllces: They hav- pei veil the people
faithfully and the-voters will make no
tnlNtiiHe Iu ie-Ciectli)g llietn. . For
treasuii'i wo bellevo tho puity mado a
j splendid choice when they tioininati'd
J. M. Aini-lriuig. Ho is all right,
V'or coiimy cjek J. ,;l , A Dirks, a
Gerin tii-Aintrlonii, whs tlio oliolco of
tlie o, invention. He is ii-yond Miholai,.
a line, puiiuan, and qualified ill every
ipspect for tho position, ltiohaid F.
Neal has an ee.-jy race for county
judge. Ab one of tlio niombeis of the
democratic county central committee
haid to us: "No oni) can ti utbfiilly nw
an) thing ag.iiiist Dick Ncal." II m
election was concedod from the time
he was nominated. For shonlt Abe
Lawrenco is tho nominee,. Abo can
get more votes in London and Hrowu
vilie preoinotwhere he Is best known,
than uy other man that could have
been nominated, lie in a uptondld
whole-souled fvl'.ow, full of eni'tgy,
and will uiaki) as koihI.a slienff .n Ni
inulm county ever had Charley Hack
er, nominated for suivoyor. has had
years of expedience in til'' duthts orthe
llloe and Is well fitled lor the position.
Dr. I. II. Dillon, the nominee for coro
ner, i" one of Auburn's best physicians
and a flue citizon. The republicans
may well feel pioud ol the.'r ticket.
Flour & SSisa? Exoimge
and Flour for .sale
at t lie Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at t.ho feed store.
-- .
Takotlirt wagonelto when In Auburn
for any jiart of the city. Easy i iding.
Quick lltne. AH trains met, John
McElhimoy, pronrletor.
Food docs ino;e h.irm thin good
when not digested. Kodol Ilvfeepia
Cure digests what joh eat. It prevent?
wasting diseases and cures Moiiiuch
troubles. It -cures inriigcMion, sout
stomach ant! holching' and allows n
woruout Htomach icst. It acts in
staotly. W W. Kcepr;,,'
""-Ill" !wVf!2nitwrj iijii
5S3 0
Fancy Pnrciilos
Extni Fancy Porciil'os.
iS(;olc:li PluUls..
Fancy Suitings.
aef 1 Bin a
fi FiMfBH
Tlio I.iflST and FULLEST Lino ofFIotir in Town.' ' A nidtj' '
Lino of.Jowolry and Evorj Articlo Wavmntod; ' Gbino'
And soe what I havo, and what L havn't, I can got :'
You, as 1 ujiiko a iSpocisilty on .Special Orders '
A Full Line of samples of Clothing ai .
N. R. ANDERSON'S.. ' '.
Dealer io
Hardwsre, Furniture,.
" " ' ' "" iff- tt ciaiian
& trm&imWim,?. iio.
. The' opublleati nieetit.g Wt.cliitrii.iy
night was a gond one in eve y ioi.ect
except 111101111:1111:1'. . On jiccounl of He
Dill I and threatening wo.ther the at
tendaucu was small, but iu spite ' the
.uufavornblo Ooiiditions. 'mine voters
wetu'pn sent than at tho fusion n.t
ing'Mo)iday night when the wi-alln r
Wis all that any-one c uld'wlsli. Tho
county pi.tseut, MesfH.
Armstrong, Dirks, Lawrence. Cat man,
.Neul mid Gilinoro, iniidn very hrii-f
tdks, anil thou II on. Paul Claik, of
Lincoln, made otio of tho best and
Jiiftut logical speeches liver dollvmed In
Nom ilia Ho abused no one bit de.ijc
nlodge hanuner blows at the laliux pro-,
tensions of the fusion parlies. M''
Clark made tnaily wa-in friend's (lining
his sliort stay iu Nemaha, and ihoind
ho cJver eomo hero in. Hie future he will
bo greeted by a big audleuco.
Tho Sanders cornet band, composed
of O. N Sanders and sods, lurtu'xliori
sumo excellent inupic
Mr. S. A. Faekler, Editor of the
Mioanopy (Fla) Hustler, with his wire
and children, Buffered, teiribly from
LuGripno. One Minute Cough Cure
was tho only remedy that helped them.
It acted quicklv. Thousands of otheis
km this remedy as a speciliq for La
Grippe, and its exhausting after effects,
Keeling, tfie druggist.
The Groat Western HoMl, lfith and
Jackson streets, Omiiha.Kcb., will offer
special Inducements in niteti until Jan
1 llioo, .at a Sl.'Jf per day rate, room
and hoard, also rooms without boatri
at toasoiiablo rates. Securo yoiirroins
in advance. Special arrane.omehts tor
'urge iiarties. Electric: Iwlls,' bath and
ah modern ImptovementH.
Thko Faunsikv. Pro'j
No Riglit to UgliueHs
Tlio woman who Is lovely in faco,
form upd lumper Will always havo
friijiids, ono who would beatttaci
tho muse keep her liealth. If she is
weak, sickly and ill run down she will
be neivous nnd irritable, If she has
constipation or Kidney double her im
puie blood will online pimples. blotches,
skin ui'iiptionoutid a ui etched complex
ion. Eleetiic l'.'tte s is the best meriis
cine iu tlie world to regulate utomach,
liver and kidns and to purify tlio
blood It gio strong nerves, bright
eves, smooth velvety slln. rich com
plexion. It will make a good-looking,
chinning woman of a run-down inval
id. Only TjOo at Keeling'.s drug More.
Of Dress Goods ovor
lilt on
liii MurkoL in Nomiiliit.
Nnv Grocon'os.
Of Candy ovor TCxhibitod in
INomtihu. '
1 la.'
Coffins ant! Gaskets
l,i"' r.utl Knibuliiiino-
a apiii;jalfy.
d ileat'KO iir tho eouiitv. -
Ht lino or.ri.uhrtlakors'jGoqilB
We guarantee satisfaction.,
- V
f '.
.-Aft'tn ...At mat.t.tJMil&teti iJ, - ...- A .
t- 'llbjU.
Aim -,jf
, - - 'fax-'"'j':-r'-----'"tMhiiiriiiai-ffci-illlHlii -i
-1 ' ii iwatiiinifi'iiiri i t -in