The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, October 06, 1899, Image 6

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SJo Other Man Was Ever Given
0 Such an Ovation as Dewey.
A Tlnnniiml Vcflrtiiln rnrtli'liiiti'l In tlm Nn
v'ii I I'liriiilcj Uftl,OIMI People Witrit
' Alumni Ship mill 11,000, M(I Vn
Looking on from tlm Mlxiri.
New York, Sept. JiO. No Itpmtui con
queror returned to Ills triumph of bar
baric splendor; no victorious Icing or
prince coming hoiiu from ii successful
war over received such ii magnificent
ovation iih overwhelmed Admiral
Dewey yesterday as hu stood on the
bridge of tlm Olymphi at thu head of
u magnificent licet of steel thundcrorH
of tho deep, followed by a thousand
vessels of peace, each tiered and coated
black with people and willed over the
liright waters- of the upper bay and up
tlm broad pathway of tho sunlit river,
whose banks were (ray with millions of
Hugh and streamers dancing In tho
wind. As the tomb of (Sou. (irant on
the Riverside drive was reached the
licet paid its tribute to thu memory of
the yreat warrior with a national salute
of 'Jl roaring (funs. Tho Meet then
anchored and reviewed the almost end
less procession of craft that steamed
past, also burdened with humanity
that they looked as if they would turn
turtle beforo they (jot back to their
piers. Toward the. end the parade be
came disorganized and It took hours for
the heterogeneous flotilla to (ret by.
Darkness at last brought relief to thu
tired admiral who had stood on tho
bridge for six hours bowing his ac
knowledgments to the stentorian op
pression of homage.
Tho evolution began at one o'clock
and In 15 minutes the lighting linu
was straightened out up thu harbor.
Thu head of the column was a broad
arrow. Six torpedo boats spread out
at tho bar, three on a side, from the
Olympia's quarter. Outside of them
a Hying wedge of police patrol boats
formed a great V whose apex was the
Olympla. Flanking them, ahead and
ustorn, were the harbor fire boats,
spouting groat columns of water that
turned threateningly toward the ex
cursion boats on either side when they
attempted to crowd the Hue of march.
.Hut the pageant back of this powerful
vanguard was not limited to a single
nop H sextuple line of ships. It was a
tdnuoiis marine monster half a mile
wide whoso vertebra) were thu ships of
tho white squadron and whoso ribs
were- rows upon rows of every sort of
Hunting tiling that had ever run by
Mtciim in New York harbor.
Thousands viewed the spootnelo as It
moved up pastStaten Island, thousands
moru' watched it from thu anchored
craft that crowded the I'h'lo basin and
whoso spars rose in a forest iibont thu
foot of Liberty. Hut they were for
gotten in the mass of humanity that
crowded the water front of Manhattan
island and filled every point of vantage
along the .Jersey shore. Uvor-y foot of
tho city water front wiw a mass of hit
rtnnnity. The whit- . v, tho ferry slips,
tho roofs of forry and warehouse rosu
-ono above another in solid blocks of
vpeoplo above tho lower structures of
water front every roof boro lt.i living
New York has never witnessed be
fore anything approaching this won
derful, remarkable demonstration, Tliu
Columbian naval parade, the dedication
of Grant's tomb and tho reception of
tho North Atlantic squadron hist fall,
all pale before this gigantic ovation to
thu sailor who, hi a single morning, de
stroyed an enemy's licet without thu
loss of n man or a ship. It is not be
.'yoml tho mark to say that H.OOO.OOu
people viewed tho pageant from ashore,
mud that Mno.OUO afloat.
I.iiKitl IIi'i'IhIiiii iii ii Mruldir'M Art.
Chicago, Sept- !H). -A decision of in
terest to tho eonunurcial world was
rendered here yesterday by Judge Chy
traiis. .The court held that when a
broker contrary t. his instructions
closes n deal at a certain price tho
measure of damage is the. dilVcronee
. between that price and the price which
vyo'uld have been more 'advantageous
to thu creditor. Col. Hlwood had or
' tiers for 7,01)0 barrels of pork at SIS per
barrel. Without waiting for the ex
piration of tho limn limit, lSggleston &
Son; his brokers, purchase 1 the amount
iit SIB. Hoforo tho time limit expired
'there-was a further drop to 811. It
was thu illireix'iico Col. Ulwoud sought
to recover. Ills contention was sus
tained by the court and 8 J.i, 000 damages
. .awarded.
Ntrlko Di'i-'ariMl Off. i
Cleveland, 0., Sept. ill). Tho Elec
trical' Workers union yesterday Issued
u notleu stating that the strike inau
gurated throughout thu state on ,luly
4J0 last of tho employes of thu Cuyahoga
Telephone company, tho Kescrve Con
Htr'uctlon company and thu United
' States Long Distance Telephone com
pany litis . been satisf.ictoVlly' settled
and declared oil'. The strike was. or-
" doretf ns. u sympathy measure lit eon
'nectloii. with tho Dig Consolidated
street railway strike here;
Witt Appoint u Civil Clnvernnr.
Washington, Sept, 550, Thu prusldent
" is contemplating the appointment of a
v civil governor for thu Philippines. He
' lias becomu convinced that tho situa
tion will be improved If (ten. Otis isi
.accorded relief from the. too groat re
sponsibilities which now weigh upon
him in his dual capacity of military
commander and civil governor.
Tlie Ailintnil Spnulm About tlm Philippine
situation tin l'linetnreil Talk About
it I'rcnlilontlul Nomination.
New-York, Sept. US. In his first fn
Icrviow on American shores since the
memorable battle of Manila bay, Ad
miral Dewey talked of thu Philippine
situation. He emphatically expressed
his absolute confidence in the ability of
the United States to settle tho ques
tion and as emphatically declined, even
witli a show of Irritation, to talk about ,
Iho attitude of Admiral Dcidrlchs at
Manila, lie punctured thu tiulk of his ,
accepting the nomination for tile pres
idency and denied that the Filipinos
were now capable of running their
own government, lie spoke In a san
guine way of lib health. Agulualdo
he stamped an a figurehead. In tin
answer to u question regarding tho sit
uation in the Philippines, Admiral
Dewey wheeled half way round on his
heel and said briskly:
Thero are a 'stood 11111117 questions 011 which I
inny tie expected to talk, but I will Invo to de
fer to a ureal extent my opinions nut 11 I have
reported to Washington. I shall no thuro oa
'J'iiomIuv. nail 1 cannot say liow Ions; my stay nt
tlio capital will be. So lour 11s tlio Kovcrnmcnt
sues lit lo Icecp mu thoru 1 shall stuv. As to tlio
l'hlllnnlimi, linn mi talker; nuvorwus. Ilmvo 1
often wUlieit Una I coild lull!, but I never
tnuuo n Mpceun. linu 1 in too on to loiirn inoso
o ort toloiirnthoho
C?ro5S1;i Si !
trlcltH. oii know ns nun
llitiltinu nu 1 ti Ant liiliilll
7eawIio lniB f(.l!ov;cl with the rlKlit 1ntureHt1'f:itures of the second and closing 1
vlmt Iiuh Inipmnictl there since wo whipped thu I
Spiintsh licet knows 111 much of that problem iih
1 or nay tmui tibonrd ship. J
Kvor since 1 left tlio Mmuls I have rend ev
erything benrltiK upon thu Ishindsiuid wlmt 1ms
trtinnplrrd lucre Hlticewe left Unit I roulit ob
tain. At the lime I left I xiild that the insur
gents were on tholv hist lofts. Ii'h got to eomc.
They can't step ft. They enn't hold out ncnlnst
tho nrmy and nuvy. I believed then that thoy
iuuld bo utml'lo to sccuio arms find ammuni
tion, without wlilrli they could not unite war,
but I have Icnrni"! throuxh the newspapers
slnco that thcyhtivo received the necessary
Mippllos, That Intist he stopped and tljo Insur
iianUi will then hoof Utile strenth. They are
K001I Koldlors, Hplcndld ouch, and their power.s
of enduranco are ictnarkable.
The criticism aimed at (Jen. Otis
from certain qur.vlrrs was mentioned,
and Dewey said, vi Hi quickening in
terest: Tho Inst UiliiB Otat I toVd Otis when I left Ma
nila wan this: ''You're trylnu to do too much."
IIo'm dju then' ivetirlns himself mil, and moro
than 1 nee lm e 1 told him that If ho did not give
tip some of IiIk Weill or cptne homo he'd die
there In a year, and I believe It, (lo. (Jen. Otis
is an unusually painstaking nun, and lie's not
only kovo rur Kuucral and riirccMiw the iuoe
ineilts of the unity la the, but he's worklui:
with tiiluht and soul at ever.vthlii'f that conies
under his tlotlea In tho way of putting down the
ruhnlllcu and brlulni; otMvr out of chaos In thu
(Jen Otis Ins nai' escoptWnally nbTo lieu
touaut.sand he hou'.d utliizo them. With tho
new troopt belujj liurrtnd to him an t our com
parative fatulbaiiiy of what wo havi to ovor
coine, I think the outlook Is a uhOei'lu one.
Finn linen Inhibition lit. Wichita.
Wicliitiu Kan.. Sept. MS. On his na
tive heath, which he loft as a yearling
nine. years ago, John It. tientry yester
day drove .Toe Patuiieu out in the best
speetl exhibition of tho year, Putchcn
winning in two straight heats, in the
record-breaking time of 'J:i) and
:03ij. Twenty thousand wildly en
thusiastic Ivansaiis and Oklahomians,
thu biggest l'ilU.'lieii-dcntry crowd of
tho year, cheered the fornierly-of-lvun-sas
paying king and the little black
that bent him.
Will Kit til tlio w. v. t. 1:
Chicago, Sept. -. An enthusiastic
crowd of delegates representing Uu
states filled AVillard hall to-day when
tho first session of the Massachusetts
convention of Chicago Young People's
Christian Temperance union was held.
Tlio convention, it is planned, will ye -
suit in tho solidification of the young
peoplo'it tempe.mnce organizations of
the country into one body, rivaling in
strength and inilueuoo thu W. C. T. U.
Tlio ;hircli Lincoln At tciulrd.
Washington, Sept. S. Delegates j
representing 'Jo, 1)00,000 Presbyterians
throughout IJie world assembled to-day
in tho New York Avenue Presbyterian
church lo attend thu first session of thu
Pnn-PrCsbytcrian alliance. Tlio church
istheone which Lincoln attended when
hu wlis'pre.sUlent ami thu pew which hu
Unci his family occupied was an object
of particular interest to tho delegates,
when they assembled.
Gen. Otis Accepts mi Invitation,
New York, Sept. MS. 11 On. VI S. Otis,
under date, of Manila, August 14,
writes to the Society of (icneseo accept
ing a complimentary dinner lo bo ten
dered by the society oij his return to
America. "The time of my return,
however," the gcnie'rijl adds, "insofar
f as 111V know ledge extends, is very iti-
dollnltu and is subjeut to the instruc
tions T niav receive from superior au
thority." '
ICouliout NcimN Our llot"e.
Chieugo, Sept. 'jy. American horses
iittll ii ttik to lt)llarMill MlllMlllflitftlll fl trt .
and 1,,'avv arUllery uvea- the plains of
the TrulisvaaJ in thu event lircat ltrlt- '"' ' !""., 7 "'"" ." uicu r
,.nin uml the lloei-s clash at arms. Or-" t-hopr.ncipal decorations.
der.s came from Ia.iuIoi, yetf orduy to a 1 h"t1uril(nl?' wn? A,1,IniWl1 l)w?y
firm of Upton stox'k i on -the "'yniplu. It was probably his
yards to buy up all the l.yoo-poundj last JPlwriUieo as eouiinander of a
gunners" tho western market alVorded J wiuiiclron. llefovu leaving the Olympia
and mnktf arrangements for iihuiedi- ho t,U),c n 'rwoU of his otllccrs and
ato ship.nciu. ' . ew us ',u w ot "l" lhu 1'
1 t ' blu p. .
lti n' n KM i ' ft'n
San Kranclsco, Sept. '.'s. The trans
port Contennhil sailed yesterday
;'"". lul
Honolulu wft'li iiOO horses desthfod for
tlio riiillpplnes. I no Horses will lie I
. ...Ill 1..
lauded at Honolulu and given a'n op-' 1
por'tunlty to heeouie acclimated; Later
ihey will bo taken to Manila.
Cuir :U1U Ar IJvnil. ,
-Calcutta, Sept. 2S. It Is known that
the casualties, caiibcd by tho earth-
'i unices and flootTu In tho hill district
exceed puu. . ''''."
. 'i
Plaudits- of Millions Shouted "at
Dewey in New York's Streets. ,
Lund I'liniilij tlm Mont Imprrntvv h'eino
Jiw-r Wl'ttiPHM'il In Till Country Thoii '
- kiiiiiIi of Mini Mirli llitwiun Solid
' AViilN of lltiiniitilty..
New York, Oel. 13, Admiral Dewey
,..,. iM ..i,,.,.,. ,.,I1(.i, tfuttirdav with tho
m;01)C, of (jrciitcr New York than at
.. .i,,,., .(,.,. ,1.., , ..rnihor
dropped anchor in the upper bay, and
the city's teeming hosts made the most
of the opportunity. Saturday he was
real I j thu city's guest, not in such an
olllcial sunsu as Friday, whun ho was
j out of reach, out on the waters, but ho
was in the city In reality and the po
lice had lo light to keep the people
from overwhelming him.
An admiral, first in tlio hearts of his
countrymen, SJ.OUO.OUl) or 51,000,000 of
cheerful citizens., a city decked in color
from end to end. along parade of light
ing men brave diameters of the army,
the navy and the volunteers to do tho
Hero Honor, an Historic review at tnu
splendid arch erected in honor of tho
,,CHt f. dm dty and thu idol of the were the distinguishing j
chapter of this, tho greatest popular ,
dcmonslration of tho century to 11 liv
ing American.
From tho time the admiral landed at
tho battt ry, timid the cheers of an ex
cited multitude, and was driven to tho
oity hall park, through streets jammed
to the very tops of tall ollleo buildii gs,
with a frenzied mass of shouting men,
women and children, the warmth of
his reception surpassed any welcome
over given here. As the admiral was
borna rapidly tip Ihoadway, past the
brilliantly decorated buildings, tower
ing hlirh aliove the pavement, and
swathed in the colors' to thu upholding
of which ho has devoted a life of serv- 1
ice. he was' given a more adequate eon-,
ception of the homage that the city
felt was his due. From afar Friday ho
received a tribute which was only a
partial preparation for the ovation that'
the people gave him Saturday. ,
Everywhere the admiral went won
derful sights burst on his view a
wealth of decoration which in some re
spects surpassed anything ever at
tempted in tlie city; masses of men,
women and children gathered at till
points where lie was to appear, and
risking life and limb in their desire to
n'o and greet the navy'.s great captain;
j troops marching past him in long re
1 view; and the arch erected in liia.
honor. The air was filled with tumul
tuous shouts fnlm the battery to liar-I
loin, walls of buildings echoed to the I
I songs of school children singing in his
I honor, and the streets rang with the
blare of martial music and the tramp
l of soldiers' feet. (
The first ceremony Saturday was tho
1 presentation at the city hall of a gold
1 loving cup to the admiral by Mayor I
1 Van Wyek on behalf of the city of
New York. All along the street were
, cheering crowds and city hall park was
, tilled to the limit with people who
I shouted a noisy, enthusiastic welcome
j as Dewey came in sight. j
I Admiral Dewey, upon arriving at the
city hall, evinced a desire to shake '
, hands with all the naval uflleers. and
j introduce them 'to the mayor. He al-
lust hugged Hear Admiral Schley and
t he patted Capt. C'oghlan on the back. !
' As Dewey greeted Schley the crowd
I M.nt up cheer after cheer for "Dewey I
J uml Schley.' As soon as the greetings i
I were over tlio mayor beiran hfssneech
presenting the city's loving eup.
When the mayor had concluded Ad
miral Dewey said: '
H would he quite impossible to express In '
words how deeply I am moved by this -nil thto
honors, one ulver tlio other that bcuutlful cup,
tlm fieed.nn of the city, this unwtiilleent re
ception. I c.innot Kiy what I want to, but
NpeaUlmr fur inj elf and that millant hiiuadroii
t laid the hoimr t I'otumand nt Manila. I thank
you alt tnan tlie bottom of my heart. 1
After the formal ceremonies Admiral
Dewey went about shaking hands
with )ii friends. "Come here, all you
captains," he said', addiessingtlie naval
captains present. Then hu Introduced
each to the audience present.
When the captains hud all assembled 1
ho waived hi hand towards them and i
said: "Thc-i! are thu men who did it. i
These are thu men who should bo .
thanked. Ithout them I could do
Tlie loving cup presented to the ad
miral is Itoiuau hi form and is made of
U'-carat. e.olil. The handles are mined
of three dolphins, wrought in green
gold. Around the neck are 5 stars,
emblematic of the union. The body of
"' is 'Uvl,1f'1 ,bi' tho "nUes into
All' Look Allien tn Mini. "
"l WviM,, ',,,... I tt fll I 'IM... ...-.
I nt IV...,1 1., 1 l.f"
" J'"'""K, Uljl ,-,, 4.--1.I1U lll.IVI.l-
I I,, '$ . . " "" "' V"V . l T '"
tML UiUUIllUI'll il Otl 11 I'iiaitl V WIllMl
Ills 1 1 urn of ollleo was at tin end. Ho
has decreed that all churches tf tho
town giving pay entertainments; must
pay the sumo license fco as circuses,
theatrical coinjmnicH and street exhi
bitions. The mayor secsmo dill'erenco
by.twce'n tho' entertainments, so far as
the city is concerned, and his clecru
will be strictly, observed.
THE very word J operation
soul. '
Nearly rilwayjs those
through neglect.
If tho menses afc very painful,
get' the right advice at once and
nstop taking chances. It will crtst
0you nothing for advice if you write
to" Mrs. Pinkhatu at Lynn, Mass.,
Jorit, a:ul if you let the trouble
run along it will surely cost you a
great deal of pain and may mean
an operation.
Miss Sarah J. Graham, Shcridnnville, Pa., writes: "Dear
TESDl.; 'rVXornl vijtns
I 't'i doctored
by prompt attention to it.
Pinkham's advice.
iisfe m&
v.-.. j I. O' I
"x.r WJfRiSjtsSr-S-LX i'V:
' ' flXirfPftyviS'i?'- v " 1
8 ivtyS ha r m,TsnvTjK 150-b2-l54 $
tl$-J$ fPfflR8d HUS'h 156-158-160 Z
feJ 5 W& waii!ip J62-I54 -166 I
-MP,, imMk
mftifa-f WmA
wwr m. wmrw
V. M ' Ji m
mm mmmi
V'&.A&Z: Vk.f.. -1 TiJl
I r.J.J.
iiy L
g est wholesale tarices everything to eat, wear and use,
is furnished on receipt of only 10c. to partly pay posfc-
age or exprcssage, and as evidence of good faith
& tho IOc. is alloved on first purchase amounting to
g Sl.OOorafoove. Our monthly grocery prico list free.
1 in H aa i nKiwnil w
f slyy nolUill
All Diseases of the Rectum
will lour
Head testimonial:
Huh 1'erfVet ljenltli.
" KunsnsClty, Mo., Ucc. Si, 1807.
Drs. Thorntfin & Minor, Kansas City. Mo.
Oentleme;i: Hoforo you treated mo for piles
1 hnd been troubled for eiirlit or ten vo.irs. I
have not ben botheied in any Vuy since, und
buve perfect-heallU, for which l.KUevou erdlt.
J tun iilwuys ready and wtillmr tn recommend
you to anyone tli whom 1 can. Yours very truly,
lainoiva ci
K.l'.. Mo.
Taiuulyn, Live Stock Coin. Mcr
We Kuarnntoe to euro every tiaso : Dpn't tulto
otto cent until 1'utlent ls;dl. Send for tree
boolc tu moil ; nlho IVco book to Indies. Address
Ninth uml Willi St., KuiihiiH City, Mo.
n I TP IITO B",,MI for froo bookUUi m:i n.
Wll I WIU I V, JUhvwim.Vl'o., Wnnhinuton.
I Ii 1 Sill I iV. "II. J.'JMUMAfdv.!. llnuKiMcKi
1 11 tali 1 v ujiicuifo, Clovulanii, UotrolL
"strikes terror to a woman's1,
operations' 'become necessary
or too frc'qucntand excessive,
Mrs. I'INKHA.M! I had suffered for scv-
witli fninnln trnnlilni: nnrl
until I was discouraged. I felt
and tired of living. I had dis
ease of kidneys, bladder trouble,
dropsy and bloating, had womb
trouble and a large tumor had
formed; in fact all my organs
were out of fix.
Sccinga woman's letter prais
ing ypur remedies, I wrote to
her and she begged of me to try
it, telling me all that it had done
for her. I bought Bix bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and now cannot ex
press my gratitude to you. Tho
tumor began to come away in
pieces and I got better all the
time. I believe now that I am
entirely cured.
"My doctors could not believe
it at first, as they all had told me
that my case was a hopeless one,
and no human power could do mo
any good. They were astounded.
If I can say anything that can
help other women, I shall be
glad to."
It is not safe to wait until the
last moment. Head off trouble
Don't be satisfied without Mrs
Constantly hauntln
-ihn rnnrkota of Eurone
vMil t' n tn d America with
M ready cash to buy with
l$l . brines us bargains
(Sj only nosssbio with
houses of t'ne largest
capacity. To our pat
rons this often moans
two dollars" vaiue for
one dollar in money.
ncre, for Instance, is atioTcrlnirox
traordlnary In laco curtaliifl, bt to
ikIoiii tho window of my household.
TliTy nro American net fa 11 beautiful
scroll tlctliui, nu exact reproduction
of real )rlU point, which, when hung
at year window is pearecly dlstln
pulshed from tho orlitlnal Imported
article. They are !(! Inches wltlo nad
m trmr ntul wn furnish fhpm
' R I,', ti.,II rn orn nnil If Hilc tinrrrnln
ri'&ismf 'in doesnotcoaioitpto
MML& y"r ospoctatlon
I-.VZ.S ' " " , ..,.-..-.-.
Via..xSjj'c refund tho monoy.
Oiirnrlco per pair
Is only
in which Is
listed at low-
If you vlll
csnd us 25c.
wc will send
you Dcmorcst's
Family Magaslne
for three months
and give you two
handsome pictures in
ten colors, exact repro
ductions of famous oil
paintings. They are 8
by J J J- Inches. Tills offer
of this great family magazine
is oply good for 60 days.
Art Department
sii Ua (
h U H "Jti h tr
CTITC I'rrmnnrntly CureiJ. No tlUor nerv.
r I I OoiiMiesnafcrnrnirtuT'iutoof I)r.Kllii'i
ClroatNorro llcetoror. Ma bouleomt trcatlvi
, Xreo. Dr. It. 11. KUK K, UU., UJl Arch UU, riilm, ix