rWQfWT"''' "W'WlWIfitWV, f 5 ' i iu r- ebmzlm Mdvertiser e VOLUME XL1V NEMAHA, NEBRASKA; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1899. NUMBER Jo tt Eh ii j? H- "1K Xiooal News Eggs, 12j cents per dozen. Old papers for salo nt this olllce. T. A. Monday. Clark returned to Roca Gasoline at Keeling's drugstore, centa per gallon. 20 Go to Heeling's drug aioro for school supplies, tablets, crayons, etc Congressman Burkett is very sick at his homo in Lincoln, with appendicitis. Mrs. Alice A. Minick, of Brownville attendod Mr. Gilbert's funeral Tues day. Charley Burns, who has bean at Beatrice for some time, returned home Monday, II. J. Tussey orders The Advertiser snt to his sou, Fred Tussey, of Man ningr, Utah Mrs. II. H. Taylor drove up from Sbubert Tuesday to attend the funeral ( 8. Gilbert. Mrs. Wm. Moore, of Stella, visited her sister, Mrs. Seymour Howe, several days this week. Call in and see us if you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. For Sale Two good colts; one a two-year-eld and one yearling. In quire at this oflice. Chris Sbull tooktbree orfour sweep stakea en his Berkshire hoga at the couaty fair last week. Mrs. Ray Scofieldcams in from John spa Saturday and visited her mother Mrs. Miaick, until Monday. The Crother sale was postponed Tuesday afternoon until Friday on ac count of the funeral of 8. Gilbert. Elaaerllumbaugh has gone to Smitb neld, Iowa, where be will stay with his parents until his hoalth 1b restored. John Wataou was surptised Thurss day to have his brother walk in on him They have not seen each other for a timo, J. W. Webber says if lie iB elected assessor ho will assess Nemaha pre cinct for $50. That is certainly cheap enough. Mrs. liosina Wheeler went to John sou Wednesday aad will stay with her giunddaughter, MissGleauor Galbraltu for awhile. llev. E. J. Feeny, pastor of the Catholic church at Auburn, was in towu Tuesday, the guest of X. B. bcrivouer. F. F. Sparry shipped a car ef apples to Sioux Falls, 8. D., Monday. Scott Colerick went with the car and will sail tha apples. John Flack is moving into Mrs. Wheeler's house. The owner of the house where he has been living, Mr. Steele, is moving ts Nemaha. Mrs. Minnie Culver and children, of Omaha, aro visiting Dr. and Mrs. Keeling, who are enjoying the visit of their daughter and grandchildren. Wm. S. Van Blarcum, of Coldwater Mich, arrived in Nomaba Tuesday to attend the funeral of his brotlier-in law Ste'pbeu Gilbert: He will visit his sister for a few days. Itev. E. S. Murphy, of Auburn, re guusts us to announce that divine ser vices will be held at St. John's Epis copal church, Nemaha, nextSunduyut 3 o'clock p, ni. Everybody iuvlled, Jeff Drumm fared well at Jtho county fflir last ,week, carrying off all the premiums in tlio phickeu show in the lined hu showed in. He luu the Black iiluoreaa and Indian Cornish Games. Smith Lesley nnd Mian Emma Burns were married by Judge' Lambert, nt hia oflice in Auburn, Thursday, Sept. nth. Mr and Mra Clark Worden, of Kala mazoo, Mich., arrived in Nemaha Tuesday to attend the funeral of S Gilbert. Mrs Worden is a nieco of Mr Gilbert. Rose Gilbert Las been appointed specinl administrator sf the estate of S. Gilbert, decoasod, and is authoriz ed to collect all indebtedness. The business will be continued as usual. 1 wish to say to tho ladies of Nema ha and vicinity that I do dressmaking and solicit their patronage. All work guaranteed. At residence of Dr. Gaither. Jkhnik Calvin. Geo W Likens, of Carson City, Neva da, made us a pleasant call Thursday Mr Likens was one of the pioneer of Nemaha caunty, coming to Hrownvllle in 1857. He owns a farm in Aspiu wall precinct. Rev. J. M. Darby, the nw Metho dist pastor on this circuit writes u that he will hold Hervices at Nemaha next Sunday evening at 7;30 p.m. He shipped his hausehold goods from Red Cloud Thursday morning. Candidates wero thick at the picnic Wednesday. We noticed the candl dates on both tickete for treasurer, judge, sheriff, district clerk, superinton dent.and one candidate iar olerk and one far coroner, besides the candidates for precinct effices. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, 'Burns and Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be w are of worthless imitations. Keeling Rev. C H. Gllmore moved his household goeds ta his new Held of labor at Filley Tuesday. Mr. Gllmare and James went with the goads. Mrs. Gilmore and the ether members of the family went aext day . May peace and prosperity follow them. Mrs. W. H. Hoover dawn from Lilcoln Tuesday and will remain here for a couple ef menthB. She will have reern where Tho Advertiser oilce now is, fitted up for dwelling rooms and make her home there. She has hud bor heuaeheld goods shipped bore. Charley Anderson has not withdrawn as a candidate for district clork on the fusian ticket, haying reconsidered hi docialea to that effect. Charloy is a drat class young man in every respect except his pelitics, but does net expect to be elected and therefore will not be disappointed. Wa received a pleasant call Wadaas day morning from Hon. Joslih Towna special deputy Woodmen of the Warld who was tho orator of the day at the plcnio. Mr. Tawne is a cousin of the famous free silver congressman of that name from Minnesota, but is a gold Dug repuoiican nimseir. lie is a very witty and entertaining talker. J. C. Shull wants to know why we said that it was conceded ha would not bo elected county judge. Well John, we believe yau realize by this time that the bosses in the fusion party did not put you up with the intontlon of elect ing you. But you can have the satis faction of knawing when you are de feated that you have plenty of fusion compnuy. The ladies nld Bociety of tho Metho dist church gavo Mrs HuntinOton a farewell reception at the 'church .Wed ueb'day." Mrs Huntington iias.beena valuable member of the society for some time and the ladiefl regret very" much to part with her. Those present were Mesdatnea Huntington. Fisher, Cooper, J M Snnders, Johrt, Maxwell, Allie Sanders, Keeling, Woodward, Collins, Watson, Yackly, Curse, W S Maxwell, Howe, Hadlock, White, and Msuick. Messrs. -Fiaher, Woodward and Stephen Huntington warn present" at the diuner;- 0 , Mrs Dora Myres.who has been visit ing her parents, Mr and Mrs II II Von folclon, utAuburn, f or some tlma came to Nemaha Monday to visit friends. The Woodmen of the World picnic at Nemaha Wednesday was a success, al though tho Woodmen labored under serious disadvantages, In' the tirst place the lateness of tho season and the fact that tbo fanners had begun gathering corn kept many away. Then the fear ef whooping cough and other diseases caubed Many to stay away. The weathei also looked un favorable! in the morning. On this account the crowd was Blow in gather ing, and no exercises wero held until in the afternoon. lion. JoalnhTowne of Minneapolis, Minn., special deputy of the Woodmen of the World, with headquarters at Oniahn, rondo an ad dress that was wall tit ted far the occa sion The plcnio wan a very pleasant occasion and will give the Woodmen uew ditength in this vicinity. The Modern Woodmen camp at Brownville, gave Rev. C. II. Gllmore a farewell reception Monday night in their handsome lodge room. The room vuus crowded with friends met to show their appreciation of the ser vices of Bro. Gilmora during the past four years. After a number of songs. Gov. Furnas, in a few well chasen sentences, voiced the sentimont of those pretienl over Uih parting with Bro. Gilmore aad family. Bro. Gil more responded briefly and feelingly. The rest of the evening was poised in social enjoyment. Those present from Nemaha were Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Howe, Mrs. F. L. Woodward, Miss Vera Clark, Eugene Howe and W. W Sanders. TO CURB A COLD IX ONE DAY Taka Laxative BromoQuinlneTabtetH. All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure. E W Grove's signature on evety box. 25o A Bare Sign of Group- Hoarseness in a child that is subject to croup i a sure indication of the approach of thodisease. If Chambor Iain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Man) mothers who have croupy children al ways keep this remedy at hand and ilnd that it saves thum much trouble and worry. It can always be depend ed upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by M. H. Taylor. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand but akin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, ecalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth Drives out painB and aches. Only 2ic a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold b) Keeling, druggist, DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho patrons may bo assured of receiving fair treatment. A good line of DRUGS and druggist's oundries always kopt in stock. Also latest pattern in WALL PAPER. A poo a ock of JEWELRY in hnndBome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of " PERFUMERIES - A Imndsomo line of LAMPS A full stpek of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our" lino call Janlseo us. J'rlces guaranteedright. DEATH OF STEPHEN GILBERT, Stephen Gilbert died at his residence in Nemaha, Nebr., Sunday, October 1st. 1800, at 4:20 a. in. Mr. Gilbert had'beeu in poor horilth for eeverul yours, suffering from eteniaah troublo caused probably by a wound received while defending his country in the civil war, Last spring ho suffered a great deal and was confined to tho house much of the time, but recently bad ben feeling bettor, and was speaking only two orthreodays hofora his death of feeling bettor than for a long time. Ho wont home Friday evening fcoling about as usual, but was taken eick during the night and Buffored terribly until hear tho end. Stephen Gilbert was born in East Jveni, .England, August 28th, 1843 He was brought to the United States by his mother when he was only six monthBold. Ills father, who had come to this country a short time pre vious, died a year or two later from consumption. Mr. Gilbert was cast on bib own re sources at tho age of nine yeara. By hard work and atudy he managed to fit lii tiiHwlf for teaching when only sixteen years old. When eighteen ears old he moved fmrn New York to Michigan, whore he worked and taught school for year, and thou enlisted in Co. O of the 10th Michigan Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded in the service, It was thought nt the tlmo fatally, but by the skilled treatment or a sur geon he was saved, but always suffer ed from the wound and it was probably the cause ef his death. He was in tha service until tha close of the war, serving almost tbreo years. He theu engaged in farm work and teaching, going to schaol as be could and took most of the college course at the Hillsdale, Mich., college. In. 1871 ha came to Nebraska, but did not stay here. March 25th, 1873, he was married to Miss Rose Van Blar cum. They maved to Nebraska' and have made it their home since then. In September, 1873, he began clerking in the store af John S. Minick, at Ass plnwall, staying with him until Mr. MinickVi death, twelve ears later, moving to Nemaha in 1870 when Mr. Minick moved his stare here. lathe Finest Line Fancy Precales Extra Fancy Precales Scotch Plaids Cheviots Fancy Suitings. Tho BEST and FULLEST Lino of Flour in Town. A nico Line of Jewelry and Every Article "Warranted . Come And see what I have, and what I havn't, I can got You, as I make a Specialty on Special Orders A Full Lino of samples of Clothing at N. R. ANDERSON'S. y ?sr jiE.yHx.&x?xi.cisFC3r SOUTH AUJiUHN, Daaler Hardware. Furniture, 3- mmmiMik MMMI.HMiMMlMHHOTMMtfwdM fall of 1885 ho formed n partneishli' with R. J. Gkeen, buying his Interest in tho stare thieo years later. He him carried in addition ta tho stock of general merchandise, a stock of lum ber and far several years was engaged in bnnklng, until failing health caused him to close the bauk about elghtoen months ago. He owns Beveral farm in Nemaha county, beiidos a number of houses in Nemaha, and though in poor health for some timo ho looked caret fully nfter nil his business enterprises. He was for years tho leading business man of Nemaha, and will be greatly missed in business circles. His stand ing ae n business mau and aa a citizen was of the highest. Mr. Gilbert was for many yeanj u prominent member of the Christian church ef Nemaha. The deceased leaves a wife, a sen, Earle Gilbert, and a daughter, Mrs, Emily uneura the depar turo ef a loving husband and father. He alsa leaves one sister, Mrs. Chan. Deurfeldt. Tha funeral services were held at the Christian church Tuesday, Oat. 3d, at 2:30 p. aa. Ilev. John T. Smith, of Nebraska City, an old friend of the family, preached a fine sermon. The church wauld not hold the friends who had gathorad to pay tha InBt tribute of respect to a departed citizen. The re mains were laid at rest in the Nemaha cemetory NOTICE. The Great Western Hotel, 15th and Jaokson streets, Omaha.Neb., will offer special inducements in rate until Jan 1 1000, at a 91.25 per day rate, reom and hoard, also roomB without board at reasonable rates. Secure your roams In advance, Special arrangements for large parties. Electric bells, bath and all modern Improvements. Tueo. Farnsiky, Prob. W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out act curately. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. i i - -- All persons are hereby notified net to trust my wife, Battle D. Jarvis,-for anything en my account. Datud September 1 lth, 1800. It J. Jakvis, I Of Drnat; finnriQ nvnr rnf. nn the Market in Nemaha. New Groceries. Of Candy ever Exhibited in Nemaha. 10c. lie. 12ic lOflc i NEBRASKA, iu Coffins and Caskets Undci'talcing and Kinbnlmin a snooiultv. FinoHt ITcni-Kc in tho counts'. o ljost lino of Undoi takers' Gqo(Jh t r ....... " vc guarantee atiHlttcuou. 0. '0 o o u J 1 o 0 qO o Oft" o "