'"fMMM fWp'""" rmrp: " ' -t'- I'TWiar5!' 5,. ? :! i t .r jqr-7tTtnrffiaBt'.ii.Tir.i,j)iMiiJm I tjj-u uminniK iiiWi,jjjjMtiuirtiwjiiiiiim,MJPjJaw 1 . r - ST IplS WHlRfAU. LlSl r AI18. Ef gl ltt tkmi'U h)rup. TnMua Ooml. Oil pj E2j In llnm. KrCl3 1)T 1riiKl"t; fl . i ii I rU. V.. W. KlSIiLlNQ, NlCMAIlA ClTV, NniiltAICA. Olllco nt (lie droit store. W. W. SANDERS, Notary i - : Public Nomaliu City, Nob PLASTERER Armo mitl Acntlto worlc ii Hprclitlly. ('! prim Im.IIi. I'npur UiiiikIuk. Kiilfiimluliiu Ii hI Wltuwnslil.iK iliinu. Low prljui, All fork wnrraiitiul. The Nebraska Advertiser W. IV, fi.l.VIWUN, Publiihtr, SUilhOItlPTION, - 81.01) I'KK YIJAll tf III DAY, SHIT. 21), J81I). Kerlccr & Hoover, Dealer In MC J3 -A- ? uz Hlnli"M prlcoH paid for lililetH, lard, tnilov. K.wio, etc NEMAHA CITY, NEIJUASKA. J. IT. SELD, llreotlor tf Jhoroughbrecl Poland China HOGS. NEMAHA, - - NEBRASK "Tote" HendiTrion, well known to ti great many of our citiyuiH, died lit his residence near Stella Sept. iRlli. J oo Opult, tlio veteran hotel man, died In Omaha Sunday evening, fiom n complication of ilic-easus, tho most pro nounced being dropsy. The nomination by tlio republican atato convention of J utlgo Heeae, of Lincoln, for judgo of tlio Biipreme court hfoii.H to give. Biitlsfaetlon to every one excopt Holcomb and IiIb Htipporleiii. Judge Reem Ih tho strong- eat twin that could havu beun nom inated. Tlio appointments made at tlio M.E. conference for tlieeutiulng year for tl o uliuichea in tliia county are aa followa: Auburn-A C (Jroathwaitu (for tlm iaat six yeara pri-Biding elder of tlio York JllHtrict Urook .1 Q Stanard. Hrownville, Neuialia and Uethel J M Darby. IIowo to bo 8upillrd .lolinaon 0 bliuinuii. Peru J H N Cobb. Hev (J II (Jllmoro goes to Filly, Rev lolin Oallimher to Seward, Hov J G Day to (Jowlea llov Win Cowley wan put on liHHiiper.innuati'd list MAKING HEADY FOR A RUN. A l.n.'oiimtlvi- In Aliuf Onr.-rtill Crnonu'ii im n ll'ie-i llol". "Humiing the KiiHt K previa" la the title of an nrtlulo by (Jem-Re Hthelbert Walwh In fet, NidioIuH. Mr. Wnlsli BliyH! The cnRlueer come i''ii to his post of duty nearly mi hour before IiIh train Ih Kfheil tiled to leave. All night. Ioiir in the round-bonne the engine has been onresfully watched; a wiper hns spent the whole night rubbingdown the pant ing, snorting Iron hor. until every rod and eyilniier miinea inepoiu othuvui, the banked lire has been kept going, so that a little steam has been alwa.VM in the boxes; anil before he left nt night the fireman put everything in perfect order Inside thu eab. The fireman np pcura first In the morning tind Inspects the work of the round-house men; and If any partis notsatiKfaetory. he makes It so. The engineer makes his Inspec tion after the fireman, and thoroughly and earofullv cxauiincH every part. All the bearings arc than oiled, and the oil cups arc Oiled n-lth oil. Next, the en gine is run out of the round-house and tested. Fifteen minutes before the time to start, the enHiie is coupled to the train, and the steam and air brakes are tested. No race-horse was ever brought to bis post better fitted for running the course than Is the locomotive of the fast express. In addition to the tests nl ready made, a mechanic goes from wheel to wheel, and upon every on strikes a sharp, resounding blow, to ascertain if the wheel and nxle nre sound. Nuts and bolts nre examined. The engineer and fireman are held re sponsible for the perfect condition of the engine and earn before the start Is mtule. M,0,.,M11t1l1tlTi", "" - wrr i-rf, .t DOES Til OS. W. UIATF, jiroprlotor oTUio Livery & Feed Stable NEMAHA, NEBR. Qjod Dray in Connection with Livory : JW.- 14 1 1K A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive nand- somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated By JACOB BIQQLB No. 1-BIQOLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a stnudntU work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2 BIQOLE BERRY BOOK' All about prowinR Small Fruits rend nnd learn bow; contains 4 colored liie-llkercproductionitof nil lending varieties and loo other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3 BiaOLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Boole in existence ; tells everything; witbaj colored life-like reproductions ornll the principal breeds; with 103 other iflustrutiono. Price, 50 Cents. No. 4 BIGOLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dniry Business ; rmvinjt n grent sale; contnins 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 CenU. No. 6-BiaGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hors Breeding, FceditiK, Butch ery, Diieaaes, etc. Contains over 80" beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents TbeBIOClLG BOOKS arc unique.oriRlnal.useful you never saw anything like them so practical, so sensible. They nre having on enormous sale Cst West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse. Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIOOLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your Paper, made for you and not n misfit It is at years old, it is the great boiled-down hit-the-nail-on-the-hcad, nuit-nfter-you-hnve-sald-it, 1'arm and Household paper in the world the biggest paper of its si?e in the United Stntcs of America having over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKSand the FARM JOURNAL K YGARS (remainder of 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BILL; Sample of FARAl JOURNAL and circular describing BIQOLG BOORS free. Address, WILMBR ATKINSON. CHAS. V. JUNKINH. FARM JOVRNAL Pint.ADBX.rmA Good rigs mid prompt sorvlco. giniruiiU'ud. Siitlfifuotlon ti-ili-li'.i MOTIOE FOR HEARING OIAIMB. In lliurouuly rourt of NomiiJin county. Nfhr In thu nmtlT of thu uhIuId ill' At 11 rm II Cni.licr. dvci'nspil. Notiot! is liuruhy rIVoii Hint tho court linn liirfdn 101 oritur limiting in tlmu lor urmlltnr to II In ul,tiinn iiKAlunt Hitid ik'Ci iiiscil to nl iiinntis frinli thr lltli iliy ol'OntohLT, IrtW inn" ilutt Dfi-miilmrlUli, I8KI Kclirnury llth, liw dint April I It Ii IlKHi. nt 10 o'i'l 'k 11. 111 ol ennl. ibiy, i.t lliu oillcti or tlio cnunty Jinlg" f 1111 hauouuiy. NubriiMWu, In Auburn NithruKii mis bueii ffikuil liy thu tiiurt lis ilm ilnicH ium pliioii whim ami whuro nil piirit hh who liuv liliifiiis ami ileiumiilH anniunl S'dd ili'on.i i 1 1111 linvotliHiimtii!xmiiliid,u Uurtti'd mid ullowi" ami nil rliilms no pri'miuU'd by t u hut imiii tlomul ilntu will bo lomvi-r bnrti'd, by an orilui ul' tlii-iMiirt. iMti'd iuptouilii'r'ii'th. IMKI. 11. A. l.A.MUKltT, County Judgo. Tlio repu dican judicial convention .vim liuld at Tecumaeli Tnosday. Hon. lohii .mull mid lion. Gluts II. Lut on, tlio piuaont tliHtrict jmlfH. wen enoniinated on tbe llial ballot. W.C l.ellano, of Beatrice, wiih tin onh tber candidato. Every duli'jjuto wu I'lowed to cast one vole eacb lor tw. ciinildateri. (Jiijie county cast U2 feu .ollane, 1 for Stnll, ami 21 did not votti for a Hecond candidate Jolinson ast 10 for til nil nnd 10 for I.etton; S'einabn 11 forStull.8 for Lett im' I for Lellane: I'awnee 11 for Stnll. 7 for lotion and 4 for Lellan", Itich irdfion 15 for Stull, lft for Lelton and a tor Lellane; .leffortion 12 for Stull and 2 for Letton. T-tals, dtnll 110, I.etton 52 Lr-Hniio.il. H. V. Neal wiih elected inunber of tliu central couiinltlee from Veiimliiiciuntv. Tin m J Majors wu lecttil cliaiimtli of tho centtal cotn- nitlee, .lobn Martin, of ltit'haidsou fjiiinty, Hicretnry, nnd A 1$. Ailon, of 'ohuHun conntv, treasnrei. The jiopnlista and democrats held heir convention at Auburn last Sat ur lay A committees, wna appolnleil bj lie populbta to see what the democrats vanletl. They ileinandetl county su nulntendent and oillit'i ot-ik or treas iter, and were Hlven Htipoiintendent ndcleik. They nointuated Win 0 I'aniott for HUporinlrtniUiut ami C O Nntiiro'H Ilnllnoiut. The island of fire, known by tbe r.n tlvcs as "The Home of the ITot Devils." is a reeent dlseovery in Java. la tl;rt center of a huge lake of boiling mini and slime exists a phenomenon abso lutely unique, and fo wonderful that tourists brave tbe dlllleultles of tl e !oni' journey Inland t-itnp'.y to see it. Scores of enormous bubbles are formed in the sticky slime by the (rases v.J.jlei arise from the lower depths, and these row and Inerrapc to an enonnous s'..p, 'ookin like nothing so mueh as the large model balloons sent up sometimes to aseertulti tbe direetion of tneuinel. These bubbles, some of them, attain a Hameter of Ave or six feet be.fore they liurst, which they do wltJi n loud ex plosion. The sounds nre deserbed as resembling' a eonstnnt eries of heavy platoon firing. MIMIIIIIIMIHMIIIIIIIHIIIHIIMII nW r2 wkc: ca!sa?RSj We carry a Slock of goods valued at r? itsr sS We receive T n?H !i;),U00 letters rT-.j'x?! t.t,j u- iH LiW -T -i j 'ir,: ir w tl ' &ku iiin"v::r. j &. r --! " i)miiiti jHtiL ,uu . ji r .i,i!ltir;ii""a ;:? : lir::iri.iKrJMiiii ." ni ufiMHiiiiiiiT3ibaf?E::ii;i;ini..i:r r)B--: Prencii Cyril hit Cnstotn. The prnellee of enrryinsr light canes on bicycles hti now become almost a tifftoni with the yemnir men of France. The idea Is to enn.bjp the riders to bring their wheels to a standi ii'. by '.t-anlng a little to one si-1." nnd support Wig thernsehes withi the cane vt'ii'e 'hey eiurage in a cliot with rami) ne' 'ualntanep on the iad. We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building in the world. We have over 2,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOG UE is the book or the people It quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 16,000 illustrations, and 0o,ooo descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. MflHTfinMCDV IWAUn . nn Michigan Ave. .and Madiion.iriol , inuiiiuuiiiLiii imauuuui Chicago mswssmiSKSHasBsmssissssM FECT- SCA V LAST FOREVER. STEEL TRUSSED LEVERS COPPER PLATED, COMBINATION DCAM WITH UCAM QOX, CATALOQUC fREC JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINCHAMTON, N. Y. 1) ui't L'ft Hcan-il when your ho-irt ronblpa you. Moat likely you suffer trom iudiuestiiiu. Kmlol l)3pepia fhlte ditje-sis wliat you eat. It will cine every I'm in of dvopepsiii. Keeling. TheMachinethatTalksTalk The Gem M PHOIE A. It.DoFluunt. editor of the Journal, Dovlostown. Ohio, auffered for 11 nuin- iiiiivv for clt'ik. In tliu populist con h,,,,. 0f ymr frnni rlieum.itisin in bis vontion Geo. Ii. Codington, Urn pit-sent right shoulder and alelo. IIi'savs:"My Dyspepsia. Cure- Difjesis what you eat. Ibartlflciailydlfieststhe food and aids Knturo In strongtlioniiig nnd rccon ntructlnR tlio extiaUstetl dlgostlvo or rans. ltiHtholatestdlBCQvereddigcst nnt and tonic. No other preparation can anproaoh It in etllcloncy. It im atantly rollevoa and ponnanontly curcj llyapepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, riatuler.co, Sour Stomach, NauDca, BIckIIoadacho,Gaatralgla,Cramps,and all other resultaof iinpoifectdigcatioQ. - roDarcil by E. C DoWItt & Co., Crjlcaaa. For Halo by Keeling, tlio dnmiht 1 A wj Til dm. Mwk mm 50cts. ! Ilin cut (hit til out in J trnJ la ui anil QtlllJ to v.111 i.nJ joa IhU 31AMIIH.1.N t.y fiiriii;. u u.t iuui Ircl la cinuiintiioiii fjikiulns li ,1 lour rxi'irts ifllrp iul If fouml rrily rrli- rMntnl Anillhfl moit wonder ful1ariraln l iu rierw orlitinll.t vr Ui,i U ur Swfll IIITrr Ti vj.vjirtBiueDuru iru iauuripM.c-iiMri. Thli U n lfulAf tnu (tnuliio invir. Mil iu W.U.M r JUMHII.n. a iruu rib maudolln of unutu4liualltir tlwrlui hrlneof luuniirotk ui il alttniatluK, Wautlful orineo riMorrd top, kullil wilnul One tlxjar.l. acruMtoly fiVlloI null ri'l irru. uii ni. i iimu, ira.ci u ... --...-,. . . ... 1..M1 .....i.i......... incce, ccuiiioi t suaru iit.i'( iiimn, piiiimi.n., fancy IiiUiIiiz around und liolr, rourrlul ami itA totitdi extra t "f (rimln llajonna 'UliiKi, reUulolJ .ckand t1lnnr Ho f Iu Irmllon, llhlcb Tratbet An)um How lu I'lai. linia lor lllLt. .tnuurnl intltuiurni anil piano Tinders .nrililojue WeioM MoihuPl.tJandlui l.'ulUra J.'.Ul up. llaiijoaai.il up.. Ilrgaha '.'.(K) u. I'laom H'JS.dO up. cierillit.il ntlaweit wliolftaU lukcaandalltutj'ect lacaiuliia VllnfoioljiiiliK. Addren, . K.UlOKIt.'jlll.lll.tHlt.UIOMuliiHt., Iliilmuiir, lo. 0 (lUrfjr I. lilUU nr'lbvroulil relUtla-Wllur.) it'uuty, wiih nominated tor treusuuer ty 11 small majority over O.o. Kminei ly. A ureal many populists any this amis a mistake an it would have, been vjhh iu hiivo liifi out Hie entire court liotute liiiK.' .1. r.-t'olti wiih reiiuinin .ted for hbeiitf without opmi o;p'm imi. John (!. lu.ll was uoininaUd hi Vniinlv iiitl''e. tun it iti conceded be nil mil bo elected. Uilev (Jilbei'i, of,l ''"kl mil iiihi lohiiHou, wart iiuuiinau'.i 101 miijui -lliu only t'llk'U nfveli the ieKleiii pait r the county, l-'ni dull it", cleik Cln,. AnileirtoW wad niiliiinaii d b it b.'niue lecliiu'd,' UH he iciilizci. thei.e i.- no hope if.lua Ijeliig elecit-il. For couuiei t I. & li.iltliui, oi N tn'itia. wa ikHimi - ated. 'i'hen came the Imidcm llulu o,l ul. Each piecinct .itijbe Tbiitl -com- . uiSHiont r dihliiot Hud a iMndrdntu and leitber wan vvilllni; ! Hive .wav. Jt an alter teua o'clock bctore li. -Siiy- ler was nuiulimletl. Theiejs com.nl' diable muenesd oser.llie iiStill'ol t..e convention. riu;ht arm at timoB vaintiiel. useifHs I tried Chamberlain's Pain Halm and was surprised to receive, relief almost immediately. Tho I'm In Halm has been a constant companion of mine ever Hiuce ami it never fulls, Fur sale by1 Keeling the druspiiKt, Cmmliinir injures and inUames seira hums On3 Mituii Cotiu'li (,uiw lum ens th" cold, allitys couiihiiiK and luap' 1 be ist fioimh euro for TjieKnilRHAl Vf) ILfl aV hour I ' JBWl $ 5 Keel' in, (Im diucnist . iWi'tYi'iVyi'nVi'nViYi.WiiVWt-iVi'iWfVH .i-3 CTYLISH, RELIABLE: f:4-7 ARTISTIC-. 3; : IJccommendeil by Lendlnc jSTIitj AluasPlciiseV-k. S- Cut this ad. out and send it to us with Si. 00 and we will send von one of the new Gem Uranhonhoncs bv bxurcss. C O. D. s ibicct to examination, You can examine it at your express office and if found exactly as rcprcsenlcil, entirely satisfactory in every way, and the equal in value to any machine sold at l0 and $12, pay our agent Our Special Olfcr Price, $5. 00. and express charges, less the $1 scot with order. For home amusement this King of Merry-Makers """'gjlhe Winch up like a clock. Flays all the pieces of Sousa's and Gihnore's Bands; Kecites; Tells Funny Stories; will repeat your own voice, your friend's voice, songs sung into it, stories told to it. You can make your records easily and reproduce litem at once, as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gem Grapnophone, one extra loud alumniura Ueproducer, one 10-inch horn, one Hearing Tube. Ucst Exhi bition Records (musical or talking) f a dozen, 42c each. Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine in our two new Mot Mnrliinpc machines, The "Ideal" Graphopbone $ab and wonderful "Raj;" ITiUllllllcs. Klnctn.icone (or moving nicture machine) $1:. oneratcs automatic ally, requires no attention whatever, can be placed on top of show case or counter Machines pay for them selves in two weeks, The Kinetoscope does for the eye what the Graphophone docs for the ear. Ob- tT p iretsnet and move as if alive. Reproduces in miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar PQ Moving Picture Machines. Thopa-lor "Kay" Moving Picture Machine, three bells with each machine. Send us Jl and we will send you either machine by Express C. O. D . subject to examination. II found exactly as represented and entirely satisfactory in every way, pay the agent our price, less the $1 sent with crdcr Complete new Illustrated Kinetoscope Gririhoplione and Record Catalogue, containing lull descrip tion of large exhibition show outfits, 'ranging from $10 to f.V3, sent tree on request. Harger & Blish, Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St., Dubuque, Iowa ijgnapgygjg. pj ly'niyffll MSCALLx I A W T7Y7T7 V A" ' ATN N tSZ$ZSZS3Zmw&u N , N , I Ol ' LXL , , yJUSM m cT I L U m -4Eu tw iy f r Vr h His Lit' Was Savod. Mr. I 13 Lilly, a piotniu.i.i ci . 11 t-r Ilannilwi. Mo., lately Iwul a wondetful iiMliviiruiwii from a fituhlful (it-alh. In .in. aaAx.-Er. 1 mncRNS Htao -ji:LLLi UL: MITIVVtxp war r i ..-" -i 4 fNUtNt: UU1 TER AT ANY PRICE : .; eieiyciti ami! n tnih fnited State. 3: : II jour dealer d n not keep tliem send 2 5. direct to ui i ,r ,eu narnp teccned 2l g THE McCALL -COMPANY, : jS I30lo 146 W 14th Street. Non York ; tw linAN II m'virv 2 ;S I8g Pllth Ac , Clilcaco. nnd :- 1051 Market $1. Son Pranclsco. RWWW Tzsyzszx 4--,; zs. .T-r--- -......VjC. , . ..Ail ' Ztt lTHAT 'Eh L.Jur ...i--. z : k ', "V'yv V 7"V ' V V V'V'VV'V 7-rx-vrir-y- BEBa ki5 r-S---r--r-i- V-' -S- 5-4-N- 5. .sa tnllitiK of it he biij-a: "I was tahen Willi riyrjg-. py A w .- tphoid fever that ran into p..-uiu.mr,. I m tf ,CA 1 ( . My luiujb becanm ba.elened I wmt so - isrIlarC :- . ,1.1. i. ,.i. ... k.i WOliK l CIllllllU l oven nn ' " '"i Motblnc hi'lnetl mo. 1 expected n smii dm of consumption, vvheij I heard' in lir.Kiuu'rt New Dihcoveij. Otm liiittlo. travu trreat relief. ID conlinut d. to um ! it, and inn mnv weill and stnmu. I .iiui't nay too mueh lu its prii-e." Phist n.irVeloiiH medlclnivla the strt and" HUickeHr cure In tlieuo'rld forai: threat I mil Irtnj! Irtnibln Hi'uu'lrir sl.-ss fit) e .iul.tlv Prlal bolt IfP freeal.Keelipu'd drug to i e; eveiybotlle guaranteed. 0 MAfiAZiN af i EM-l ? - v "y-v-" r-jr t -",li. i-t'"i'.-rA ' -y-x 'Suit's --r--rr--r!r I'atentM JuyJfl, lJS. u I IH.lllKMAUKl 77 i ir TSZS-CSZSXS- rsVmXrX7-K-'-v? ...r.. ,w- ..,.,ru A .A.. A.. V-- ,V,,.A f, A ..X. a C V v 'rTtrf rrrrr s; ' B---4- ZSZ Hr44- 'l K1 ' -' fVVw.",.',0. v . rfe s:' rs. '7--X-V-v J. T-y-Kr--y--y--y r.ltr.lJul) , sjt( A full line pf field and Ifbe Feivrlnrr wrno tor iuii pjiucuiaii. I I B vviaaaccBiiviLYaSkiiacs :s llrlghtest Mazazlne PQblUticd -j: E Contains Mciuiiiul Colored Plates, r.'-r- llhutrates iJnest Patterns, l-'asli S: - jon, I'ancv jrk. Z f ''Bfri,i wantcii 1-1, Km majaiine in every s ?Z locality lleaiin .1 premiuiqa lor a tllilo ;I ;- work Wrurfoi terms and oilier panic ; - u'.ir. SubKiiiMiyn anly ."SOc. per ar, S; jS IncUiJIn,; a ! It UK I'atlern: 't ArtJrr, the McCALL CO., : E 13!) to 146 V. mh St., New Vurl: 5; W.!.,.,.,,,i,.,,,,,,,'fll,sfVV,,,)i5l "id PFil flPMT AVIfJfl Renulres no lop or bottom rail anJ qntv V as manv poits .tj the'old stynj- ww . - w.. . .,. ...... neitine ana makes a lietter tepee Steel I'lcket Lawn l:cnce. Gates, I'osts, Rail, etc UN!Qr. FEWGE CO., V 1 ly W.-O vi ; tw an ).. BYil aW n1n l.lrl ..t.nll.i. I I. . I...IV, IIH. Mlit.ll.J lllUb il L.,A nro sold direct, urouii to lit t r. 1 oear iiiu uvsi. iruit kiiou n.c. Ti pie, nnoic-rooirtrnibii inuiroti-1- ui ; iS? u fir T? IPIlFh" D.e Kdlb, i?t- liavon7l-yr.recorrt,lurt;rui p t.al Bnic, aigaqtmiity (notn l.:.! i t.: Br liutl 4 mllltnn Antib Othor Tri'M. Vines, etc.. in nroimrtlon. 1'JcnSO write lis. ltOOseroi Nursery, tn.000 iierei OrcTintds. Vl DAY t?F2!r:S "' iiaxniiu p.ieK.ireo, Kiuinuitcu saio nrrivai.siim itwB ri a nikua; j. ici),('vt'ii 10 1. 1111111, J eru, i.tirope, .iiimiuh.i. wur not. uiiiuii' n 11 "11' a 8 m havelii-irlnof?turkTrt'C3.,Iiitcnilof trying to ijet nil weenrj, CTftRK lOl'I;,!,!;. ; , JiW& wo iilui to oiio nil MtM-.iii. Wu nro hi tlio nurbory ImSiin s not JdrynS Dar. vll. , , Onl-iiiefotHwiiiy. Mot volt. Ifsonoiiny to "dounod." Visit us. erIU'Surl', ," " T . fr 4 . PI Ml r .mil U'lTIf tn lloniiiiiticl trnvelliiL' Sr.li'smnn. It's prtK: rf.lMiu..:. (u. Hi , 'c rr-i it. n Yrv. B W.B MKKI(S, Annt.i nl rnmni-rrp. Rl.irW lion D.lvls. flinmninii. nnllrlrv,int- v J t.ie!,.ip( oi Ii Inpcriui apples COLD plum ; hiclfcr r tlbcr ta, etc. Various gyrtj, aJft; 'M) c'l 5," ' 1 r T' r Y' le 0 o 0 " 9 11 0 X 1 S ,,' - y ,7" i k-