The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, September 29, 1899, Image 1

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L.ocaL News
Cool nights.
Eggs, 11 cents per dozen,
Tlie corn crop Is immense.
Heavy frost Monday night.
Winter apples are being marketed.
.The fair at Auburn was n success.
Woodmen picnic next Wednesday.
Decidedly wlnterish those mornings.
Tho "wind blew very hard for several
Agent Dull is proud of tlio now stove
at tliu depot.
Gasoline at Keellug'a drugstore. 20
cents per gallon.
Mrs..F. L. Woodward returned from
Hastings Monday.
Mrs. L. II. Merritt is very sick with
typho-malarial fever.
G. N. Titus shipped a car load of
apples to Iloldrego Thursday.
Go to Keoling's drug store for school
supplies, tablets, crayons, etc.
Frank Skeon has moved to Shubert
and 'a clerking for Colglazier & don.
Frank Woodward went to Beatrice
Tuesday, returning Wednesday uight.
Lester Fcabodj has been very sick
for some time with typlio-malaiial
Mrs. Sarah Austin, of Wabash, Nob.'
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L.
The Woodmen of the World are
making great preparations for the pic
nic next Wednesday.
Nellie Sanders was the guest of Miss
Edith Gil m ore, of Brownville, from
Fiiday afternoon until Monday.
Dr. W. XV. Keeling went to Omaha
Tuesday and bought his stock of holi
day goods. He returned Thursday.
Mr. and Mis. Homer Thompson, of
Brock, visited Nemaha relatives from
Wednesday until Friday of this week.
Wanted All kinds of eattlo that
will do to leed.
A . L. P. Thompson, Bracken
Frank F. Sperry, ot Langdon, Mo ,
in loadh.g a cur of apples for Sioux
Falls, S. D. Scott Colerick is helping .
Mrs. Huntington will have a public
sale of her household goods at her res
idence on Satuiday, Sept. 30th, begin
ning at 1 o'clock p. in.
A party was given at tho residence
of Mr. and Mre. George Swope, on the
Frazier faim west of town, Monday
night. Of courso all had a good time.
Mrs. John Maxwell and Mrs. Lydia
Brimblo went to Auburn Monday fore
noon and visited friends and attended
to business until Wednesday afternoon.
T. A. Clark, who has been station
agent at Boca, Neb., fur some time, is
taking a lay-off on account of poor
health. Ho came homo Mouday and is
having "mother" doctor him up.
Tho editorial thermometer showed
1:7 degrees above zero Friday morning
live degrees below the freezing point.
Ice as think as ordinary window gltiBS
loimed on standing water.
Our livery barn and dray business
has changed proprietors, Ed Workman
having sold out to TIiob, W. Hiatt. Ed
has been a good liveryman. Wo trust
he will stay with us even if ho has
sold his business interests hero.
Elmer E. Uumbaugh, who has been
very pick for some time with blood
poisoning and rheumatism, had recov
ered sufficiently to be taken to Brown
ville Wednesday, where ho will be
caied for by his mother and sister..
Hon. John L. Webster,
Of Omaha, will speak at the Now
opera houso at Auburn next Tuesday
night. Ho is a Hue orator and will in
terest you, no matter what your poli
tics. Everybody is invited.
Uov. J, M. Darby, who 1ms been at
Ited Cloud for the piist three years.will
bo pastor of the Methodist church at
Nemaha. Brownvillo and Bethel for
tho ensuing year. Ho ia said to bo an
excellent preacher
Mrs. Jano U. Cobb, a former citizen
of Brownville, died at the residence of
relatives in Minneapolis, Minn., Sept.
Mlh, aged 81 years, 0 months and 10
dajs. For many years she lived with
her daughter, Mrs. D. O. Cross.
Fred G. Ilawxby has decided to
study law nnd will attend the law de
partment at Lincoln. Fred will make
a success as a lawyer. He expects to
devote part of his time next month to
campaigning in tho interests of tho
populist paity.
Mrs. Newman, of Illinois, arrived in
Nomaha Wednesday night of last week
witli the little granddaughter of Mrs.
N. B. fecrivoner, who is staying with
Mrs. Newmnn. They visited Grandpa
and Grandma Scrivoner until Friday
morning of this week.
We neglected to mention tho birth
day party given Miss Mabel Barker at
the residence of her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. C. P. Barker, at Aspihwall, a few
evenings ago. Miss Mabel is one of
our popular young ladies and tho party
was thoroughly enjoyed.
Nathan F. Smith and Miss Mamie
Rider were married at the Lutheran
parsonage at Auburn Tuesday, Sept.
20th. Tho groom had a home ready
for his bride and they go to house
keeping at once. The Advertiser ex
tends heartiest congratulations.
I wish to say to the ladies of Nema
ha and vicinity that 1 do dressmaking
and solicit their patronage. All work
guaranteed. At residence of Dr.
Gaither. .Tisuxnc Calvin.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
25 Gents to Jan. 1900.
In order to secure several thousand
new subscribers, The SomMVeekly
State Journal will be mailed postpaid
from now until Jan. 1, 11)00, for only
25 cents. It's a big paper and this is
a big offer. All through the fall cam
paign up to 1000 for a quarter, Twico
a week, and away ahead of the old
weekly. Its markets alone are worth
this. Send in Btamps. The sooner
you send tho more papers you will
receive. Address, Nebraska State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Old papers for salo at this ollico.
No Right to Ugliness
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would bo attrac
tive nmst keep her health. If she i3
weak, sickly and all run down she will
bo nervous nnd irritable. If she hits
constipation or kidney trouble her im
pure blood will cau&e pimples.blotches,
skin eruptions and a wretched complex
Ion. Electric Bitters is the best medi
cine in the world to regulate stomach,
liver and kidneys and to purify the
blood. It gives strong nerves, bright
eves, smooth velvety skin, rich com
plexion. It will make a good-looking,
charming woman of a run-down inval
id. Only G0o at Keeling's drug store.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at tho Keeling building.
Cobs for sale. Call at tho feed store.
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Ha hu y K. McGandlhss.'
Republican Meetings.
The republican county candidates
and othei'B will speak on the political
; is-ues of the day at
Illllsdalo Wednesday evening, Oct. 4
Boatman school house Thursday
evening, Oct. 5.
Champion school house Friday even
ing, Oct .
Evoiybody is invited to bo present.
The Auburn telephone line Is now
in running order to Nemaha, tho ollico
being In tho drug ntore. It is a little
cheaper than the old line, as you can
talk to any town in the county on the
line for only 20 cents, and thete is also
a cousidorrble saving in messenger
Tho Modern Woodmen of America
camp at Brownville will qlve a fare
well reception to Uov. C. II. Gilmore
next Monday night at their hall over
Lowmau's store. Tho members of
Rro Gilmore's congregations at Nema
hit, Brownville and Bethel are Invited
to bo present.
Oliver C Crother, iidministrator.will
sell the furniture and household goeds
of Mrs.M. II. Crother, deceased, next
Tuesday afternoon. If jon are nenl
ing quilts, comforts, table linen, etc ,
it will pay you to be at the sale o
there is a large quantity of this kind of
goods and everything in tho house will
be sold. Terms of ale cash.
Nkmaiia, Nob., Sept. 20, 1800.
To whom It may concern:
I hereby give notice not to buy, rant
or trade in any form of Hatty B. Jar
vis for tho southeast quarter of the
southeast quarter of see. 14, township
4, range 15, up it is illegally deeded and
1 will not relinquish my title or intei
est therein. . I. J. Jauvjs.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Call in and see us il jon want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the
Mioanopy (Fin) Hustler, witli his wite
and childien, suffered terribly from
LaGrippe. One Minute Cough Cure
was the only ruined that helped tliein
It acted quicklv. Thousands of others
iibo this remedy as a specilio for La
Grippe, and its exhausting alter effects
Keeling, tho druggist.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand but skin eruptions 10b life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands,
chilblains. Best pile euro on earth.
Drives out pains and ashes. Only 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Keeling, druggist,
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kopt in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good stock of
in handsome designs and latest stylos.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our line call
and seo us. Prices guaranteedright.
Warien Burns, who him been work
ing in a nurseiy at Bea r e for three
or four weeks, iclumed homo Wednes
Little Vera Mather, daughter of
Mis. FranK W. Huigess, died Wednes
day night of diphtherlatic croup, after
only three or four das' sickness. The
funeral services were held at tho Chr s
linn church nt 10 o'clock Fiiday fout
noon. Ilev. James Illatt preached tho
Mineral sermon. The bereaved nmn
have our sympathy In their hour ol
Uov. dins. H. Gllumro, pistor of the
Methodist churches at Brownvillo, Ne
maha and liethol for tho piiHt four
yenis, was sent to Filly by the annual
conference. Bro. Gilmore is n line
preacher and has done good woikon
the circuit. He always interested hie"
audience. During tho four years the
net increase in the membership on the
circuit has been forty-four. The peo
ple of Filly aio to bo congratulated on
their minister for tho coining year.
Tl.e Nemaha High School L terarj
society gave 'th Ilist entertainment nt
the school house Friday night of Inst
week, and those pieseut are outhmdus
tic over it. The society will give an
eiiteitalument every Friday night.
Tho following aro tho officers: Presi
dent, Eugene Howe; vice president,
Miss Mellingor Minick; secretary, Miss
Noma Ilaith; treasurer, Cyrus Minick;
critic, Frank McNown; sorgeaiu-at
aims, El.ner Biimble. EverAbody is
invited to be present at these enter
ments. They begin at 7 ::)().
At the republican caucus held at The
Ad vol User olllce last Saturday the fol
lowing nominations wore made for
precinct officers:
For justices of the peace D T Smi
ley and S C Lawrence.
''"or constables A L Jarvis and
John Minick.
For assessor H T Minick.
For road overseors Dist. Nft. 32,
George Greene; Dist. Ujj, j i Fuller;
Dist. !J4, W T Russell.
I N Cooper was recommended for
judge of election nnd W E Bjid lor
clerk of election.
Horrible iignny is caused by Piles,
Hui ns and Skin Disease 'lliesoaio
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He
witt eot worthless imitations, Keeling
All persons are hereby notified not
to trust my wile, Hattio B. Jarvis, for
anything on my account. '
Dated September 11th, 1801).
I. J. Jahvis,
Thepn are duiiuoioiis times for the
health. Croupe, colds and throat
troubles lead rapidly to Consumption.
A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure
used at tho right tune will pieserve
life, health, and a large amount of
money, l'leasant to take; children
liko it Keeling, the druggist.
Bi3marlc's Iron Norvo
Was the result of his splendid Health.
Indomitable will and tremendous oner
gy aro not found where stomach, liver,
kidney and bowels are out of order. If
you wont these qualities and the sue
cess they bring ue Dr King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain ami body Only 25o at Kooling's
drug stoie.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., sufi
fored acony for thirty years, and then
cured his Piles by using DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It heals i ijurles
and skin diseases like magic. Keeling
Dnaler in
Hardware, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets
' ' ,, "
J fj-cWnlDJi l Fi'MOHt'IIcni-HO in the countv.
vJStortei&: Vj rfeOT3ltfcSI Bout line dl' Undertakers' Good '
'vJS2iiyjJli2.Zi- " We guarantee (Mitisfaction,
Sunday evoning the house on 'he
Garry farm burnul I" thogionid hit
I'oany Is living on ho faun, wluili la
now owned by Dou Luwionee 'I ho
children had star'.id a lire in the html
kitchen to get supper and the liioi
thing they knew the kl.chcn wdk oh
firo. The boy ran to Aithur and Ed
Paris' houses and gave thotilarm. Mi .
Penny was away fiom home. Arthur
Paris, Von Karson and another in m
ran to the the and succeeded in getting
all thti turniture out of the house ex
cept the stove and cooking utensils m
the kitchen. Thine was no insuiaiico
on goods or house.
The Grout Western Hotel, 15th and
Jackson streets, Oiuaha.Neb., will i ftVr
special inducements in rate' until .Inn.
1 1000, at a 81,2ft per day rate, room
and liouid, also rooms without bonnl
at reasonable rates. Secure your looms
In advance. Special arriuit'cinonts for
large parties. Electric bulls, bath and
alt model u improvements.
Tiiko Faunsiky, Piob.
LaGiippu is again epidemic Every
precaution should bo taken to aoni il.
Its specific euro is One Minute Cough
Cuto. A. J. Shepeid, Publisher Agii
ciiluual Journal and Advdrtlsei.E.deu
Mo , says: "No one will feel disap
pointed in a'i One Minute Coiiitli
Cure for i.uUrlppe." Pleasant to lake,
quick to act. Keeling, the druggist.
Money to Loan
On good fauns at as low rate ot in
terest as the lowest and the best of
terms. Call and see us ,
GlLMOUK, GlI.I.AN & lUlltltlCHS .
Auburn, Neb.
A Suro Sign of Group.
Hoarseness in a child that Is subject
to cioiip h a sure indication ot tho
appiouoh of tho disease If Chntnluo
lain'rt Cough Remedy is given as soon
as tho child becomes hoarse, or even
after the croupy cough has appealed,
il will prevent the attack. Many
mothers who have cioupy children al
ways keep this remedy at hand and
Hud that it saves them much tmuh
and worry. It can always lie depend-,
"d noon and Is pleasant to take. For
sale by M. II. Taylor
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy and
will i el nnd tho money to any one who
is notsntisiled after iisinir two-thirds of
the contents. This Is the best remedy
in the world for la grippu.cougli". colds,
cioup and wlioopinguoiigli and is pln
tut and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result in pneu
monia. Drr. BojiI & Dillo n, of Auburn, hav
received a trial case of lenses fiom mu
of the largest mamiracloiios in the
country, and are now prepared totieat
all diseases of the eve and (It classes
correctly. Eyes examined free of
The Hnyal Highlanders now have
Iloovet's opera house in charge and
rent It at reasonable prices for any le
gitimate entertainment. Applications
hould bo made to W. W. Sanders,
tarn Pi
Food does more harm than good
when not digested. Kodol Dvspepsia
Curo digests what you eat. It piovents
wasting diseases and cures stomach
troubles. It cures indigpstion, sour
stomach and (Honing and allow n
woruout stomach rest. It acts in
stantly. W. W. Keeling
Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
lyicElhaney, pronriotor.
Undertaking and Embalming
a Bcian.y.