- Trw. ' " " WTTV-F WW1IIMIMIII1IIIWWWI''K''"II'WWWIITIM"'W'','','W"'',OT fKtltWWIIlW'lIWWIVMJWWWMW'' ir-fTaiT.-''f -f(it V' I n w KflK-!Jiag;.faW4H'li!i &l w && bu ItoM HmK lUHttf V.lllilt AIL lit CoiikIi hynii. !'.' im iokI, in i imo. 'AILS. ft4 KM ntl.no. Hifl liv nroaelMr.. J" ri. W. W. KKKLINC, Nemaha Oirv, Nkuuaka. Oilier, ut llm dniK Hloro. Notary W. W. SANDERS, : - : Public Nemal&u City, Nob I' it BiBV S 0JJB BS k)E: V PLASTERER Acnio mid AgutUo worlc h HprcluUy. OIh. itik liiilll, I'upur llnnyliiK, KiiInoiiiIiiIiik linil VltnwiHlil.i ilonu. Low prison. All torlc wurruntod. Tho Nebraska Advertiser MMiscmrrioN. - KM..V) men ykaic 1'MlIiJAV, SKIT. 1, ISilw. Kerker & Hoover, Donlor In MEATS IIIirhOHt prlcoH puld for hldos, lard, tallow g ,11111), iilc NI3MAHA City, nehhakka. TIih Klrat Nebraska luliunud liomu Vrt'dneaihiy and woie ovurywliuto glvun an onthuaiiintlc wulcnmo. Judge Jurvis S. Church had a stroke of parulyBln Friday of hint weak. Ho rocovered norniiwliiit and was taken to Hot Springs, Arkansas, Tuesday. David Carrol, who has been in Okla homa for uuveral months, tuturnud to Numitlui Monday night. Numaha county is good enough for him now. II. Hollas, tha South Auburn lumbor- iiiiiu. has failed and the yard is now in tho lunula of the nhoriff. Mr. Kullns is un honest man arid hiu misfortune is regretted by all . J. II. SEID, Breeder of "fliorouglibrod Poland China II O G S . NEMAHA, - - NEBRASKA "VST" luive Hit) rlj;N, wlion you would drive; Our tt'itius Ionic wul l, they ro ullvu. jR.lt;' hrolliiit tlilne; they nroO. K. Xjk''l' tmulc of WorUmnn'iirvciry iluy. 1Voii line our iouiiin; tlioy'ro uuido to go, i.U(l III till) hlirjUNS IHIVttl Mow. UMo.t i tlniiiynii ililvo, you traveling men, Wi't'k Woi'Iciiihii'n plitci', mill cwhq again. Xjomc up Him jilnua wIihii ton ins you tied. ll lii'ro Mluy'io I routed wull indt'tid. TyTnry low our rules Uui (mind Evu'.v llui'iyou dilve unuuid. Ik!., triolet irtd druvH mid Ihunkx iuhi. 2 tu kiV. tho word, we do llm it"i, Workman's s Livery, NIMAIIA. NI5HKASKA The annual convention uf tho Noma ha County Sunday School Association will bu hold at Urouk Sent. il)th and 21st. Wo liono a general rally of Sun day bcIiooI workers will tnkw jilact.. If woittiy any of ur timo and thought, then the bust wo can do is uotio too good. Como and glvo jh oll as lecelvo good. 1). J. Wood County I'refdilcnt, TIih citizens of Neutalia county will give a reception to all Nemaha cuiinU sold ers ol tlio First, Second and Third volunteers at Auburn on Wednesday, Sep', ilih, mJ. I'.ul Vandoivoort. of Oiiiuia, ami other prominent sponkern will bu prcti'iiL A speuial invitation i exutudiii; to nil noliiiois and citizens to ciiino with well tilled bahkets and wolcome the lienios home. 11 .) V. WiCHT. The Hoyal Hlghlandeis now liave lionet's opera hou&e In charfjo and rent it at reasonable prHes lor any ! Kitiin.ite cntertuinment'. A pjilicjut loim liould bo mado to W. W Sandeis. manager. Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of tint Micauopy (Kla.) Ilustlfi, witli Ills wlfM und clilldici), suffered terrioiy irom LaCrippe. Ono Minute Cough Cure was ttie only tometh that helped them. It acted qulcklv. Thousands of others iibo this lemedy as a specific for La (rlppe, and Us exhauRtug after effects. Keeling, the druggist. r" A.ll.OeFluent.editor of the Journal, Doylestown, Ohio, suflVied (or ii num ber of years from rheumatism in bis right shoulder and side. lloHays: "My right arm at times was niliely useless. J tried Chamberlain's P.uii Balm and was surprised to receive relief almost immediately. Tho I'ii. Halm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never falls For sulo by Keeling tho druggist - Don't get scaretl when your hctr' troubles you. Most liMy you suffei fro'ii indigestion. Kndol Djspepiia Cure digests what you eat. Jt will cure every form of dyspepsia. Keeling. O i o Call in and see us if you want to sultscrib'i for any paper published In the United States. BJlSS 1 m (? , I rifi HBBDisipninr imf w nnrJ. m a n fz HHH4H8H s .hm . K SO UIJ9BQ3H8k U8 x H. F. Mclninch and I'rof Win. I. French, of Loudon precinct, wf-ie in town Monday. 1'iof. Frencli is an as pirant for the nomination at the repub dean coiiviition lor the olllce of coun ty superintendent. He is a iMuduate of llm Auburn higli kcIiooI and of the IViii normal school and lias a lite .state teacliei's certitlcate. He has Icon principal of the public schools at Trenton, Neb., for two years and has iiet'ti le-elected plincipal lor anotliei yen. He is well qualified for the pon sltlon to which ho aspires. Dis. Hoal & Dillon, of Auboni, h.;v receivud a itial ease ol lenrtes trom oio of the largest iiiiintii'acloiiHs in tin country, and are now piepared totieat all diseases ! tin ne :tnf lit kIis-h. conectly. Eyes exx mined free ol chin gi. W W KfelliiggtiaiHiitees every bottle of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy and will i id und tho money to any one who us not silislieil atlei using two-thirds ol the contcntH. This is the bust rmed in iIih world for la grippe. coughs. colds, "-roup and Ahoopiiigcoiiuli and is pleas tnl ami safe to tiike. It prevents any tendency of a ool-l to result in pneu moiila. Xtt L ri m 19 S Makes busy times for the Big store. Getting the children ready for school is no small matter at this season of the year. Tf, calls for a general overhauling-and replenish-; ishing of the wardrobe. are needing new dresses, new underwear, new hosiery and new shoes. TTlie BOys of course after the hilarious times of vacation are entirely destitute of wearing apparel and must be clothed anew from head to foot. Let us furnish the goods for you The-timely arrival of mauv thuujiuids of dollars of uew Fall Uoids place our various departments in condition to meet every requirement. School fi a applies The largest stock in Nemaha county of stationery, slates, tablets, crayons, pens, pen cils, etc. School boards will save money for their districts by getting our prices on crayons, erasers and other supplies, mlm PthmI Pnnh linn. I J I p VH nhu; tf hJMl 1 ! wtl J 5.-i.5vS.t.t wUW ta & - It ' 3PTHlPIt tflPP dllMl olulu N.T OF, OF P110BATE OF WILL.' stut," ol Nclinmkii, o unly of Nuinuliu nh. Id llm ciiuiity court ol' NVnmUu r.oun j , Ncdi: lo ( vmitu Molvlu, .lolm II Croilur, Lluln "iiniUirn, oliu I'. Smiduru, lirmiu SniidiTH, llnr.y sniidrtrs und Miuie Sand'TB, mid to n.l IKi.iiiiM lutt-ruriloil In tlu't'H.nt' ol' Jlurlu II. (!r tlii'r. lU'iM'iiHi-d. V u nro liornliy iioltlti'it tluil Ollvor 0. Urolli cr hii4 1 ii I ii pi-itMon irulnK ilmt uu limtru ini'iit ll u.l In liln cmirl inirporlliih' to lie tlii l.lrtt Will UHll tcH'lllll' III Ol Hlllll llciVMUl ll, 11)11 Ii, ir.,vi',l. ullow'd unil rnror!t'il iih the iunI u III n .'1 ti'.tatnn i' td'IMurlii II, Crollicr, ili ii'iirtHt 'lull stud liisliiiuii'tit limy In) idiiiittid i li.iti', ,i'id aliiliilntrii Ion o1' nslil fstii't crunti) i to oiltrr C. triitliur im ti. t'c.uu; , mid i ui ,iii iiltli diiy of rfoiitmiilior, a, 0 IMi . u e o'clooV ii, in. lit county uouvt "ruuni ol nu'd rtoiiii'v , In Aiiliiirn, Iiiik Iiimiii lived n tl u .1 iii' - ,i i iicn ol IiiovIiik suld wl I, wlimi yuu and nil L.tiTiM nd in i) -ar mid ttliitw caiibi 11' tii.'i-" lie uii wh tlin prtviif id' t-uld jititi i ttiii -it.iuM ol in jt mi I'd, mid uoiittittt tlic in'oluiiL' ll jr. Wttn hh uiv hilliil und seal of mild court tlilH 1 li diu of Ail, nut, A. ti I Mill II A I.AM lUCUT, County .IiuUo. NTOB OF P?vOBvTE OF WILL. In the county court of Ni'iualiii county, Nelir I i Mil H!ii0!IH IlI'lirCHlO'l in till) IritlltU of 'rilllllltlHIIU I'llNtllll, dlll'l'lltl'd. To i m.'ii 1 1 i r liy no ul 'il that I'lnuiur .M. Cul lirid ti Ii " tl l -i I h pi) itlon ii'iiIiik' tmi' u Iii iii t il'ti'd In th ' urt Mir orllnn to lie i l.i hi will mid tut in'iit or -aul dei'i'iincd. inn b nr 'ul, iilloui'd and rccoiucil iih 1 lllet Wl.i ll l'l I'nt IIIHIll O I llilllipillll l'll- t 'Ire. ini-'l. ii 'ii i-ald liitriiiiuMit in ii v lie admit I'd to ' rolui'e, und mliuiiihtiuUuii ol i I vrtll - nil ' O 'lllirc'K ti i iiruilli ,Ua v- " a or mid lint Mi' .J'iuI day ol S.itnii,l)i'r. .v I) H . .u I" o'e. oiilc h ni , lit roiuity c.'iurt nun o - Idci'iliin l,. .ni urn, Iiiih been ll d il i)ie 'line mi I p'tiee ol irvliiK Aidd Will. i 'en miii und II i Meres id may mnieai' mid , i ie iimlrt'i l tll"rn lie nil'-, WliV the nr- ver of Hie i 'tinoii hhoilld not he Kmuted mid i'oiiIhmI in iro"n H t. ori'of itiiDKk uiv h ml mid heal ol .laid comt thU .'.-th Ik, of Aiuite) I Mm II. A. I.AMUKUr, (Jaunty .Indite. rr 'iio Ii K rliiit! the diut!-.'ist.. AV WU W JfKX rr ivsoeosia hm. 7 U Digests what you cat. Vl AM o Lust Satuiday "lis a rc,it disnp point mcut lo tlioso who had intended o tit tend the old settlers pii-uii-. Jt ii'iwi latniiiKShor'-ly aftt-r nine c'clofk mil did not let up except at, lutef in fills until after noon, and part of th l time. It rained very hard. Oonni''--iiiui liuikelt di ove over from Aiilu n oid a pood deleulion came with I i , A'ler it win decided to postpone Uu in"-lliiu efloits were to pel, Mr.ButUott i lie v iih OS, but owinK lo pnloiii "njsuuyinMii's lie could not conn ' hei elVoiiB wore inudf- over the telephone UJ!et .ludtfH Allen W. Field, of Lin coln, and .ludKi'.lCrutsinijer. of IJi'iiliiee. Out neither could come. AnotliM- up. poll was then made to lion. J. Sum imp Morton, Who wus one of IIih lit Ht apeakers written to for Saturday 'a p c nic, and he dually "onsented to come Paul Perry, ot Columbus, Ga., sufs t'ered a-zony for thirty years, and then cuied -ls Pues by nsiuu DeWilt's Witch lln'.e S.ilve. It heals i juries and skin diseases like mapic. Keeling 'V.W. S.indeis, Notary Public Pen sions papers of all kinds made out uc atratoly. Legal documents drawn uj All husiiiess given prompt and cateful attention. - - sdan tiSfea s.'libQ A Sifoli I'cLwid -OF a m V. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. tWltfiWi.'a-ftni,t-My-inw,yw)Wwt His Lit' ! Was Saved. Mr.) K Lilly, a prominent oi'i.en of Iliiutiibul, Mo., lately hud a woiideitul dellroranco from u fnKhtful deuth. In telling ol it hehiiVM: "I watt taken with Uphold fever that inn into pneumonia My lnt'g' became loudened 1 wan ho weak I oonidn't oven sit, up in bed Not hi m; helped me. I ex peeled losoou die of consumption, when 1 heard ol lovK tug's New Diaeovery, ():. bottle iznvegiet lelief. 1 coutinmd to iim it, tu d am now well and strong. I can't sav too much in its prai.-e " This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble Keurular sizes no cl nod -f I. Trial lji)ttlus free nt K'eeliiiR'ti drui: store; every bottle guarnu'eed. Take tho wayonetlo when in Auburn f ir any pail ol. t lie city. Kasy ridint: (iuiek time. All trains met. Join) McKlhaney, proprietor. ' Food does more barm limn, cood when not diL'ested. Kodol Difpepsia Cureiliests what you eat. It prevents ytartiaciallydlpeststhefoodandnlrls wtini! diseases and cures stomach 7- n.i'i'i. m aMoiiL'thonmir and rccon- tiouMs. I' cine'- impg htiop. sour 'W r'.ri'utlnj', lie exhausted digestive or- st m u-li and b I'lui'tr a:.d allow- a 4Jsi,u?. Itl-Jlholatestdlscovereddigest- uornont o'oiojci .!. li'anisin-'VVvnt-and tonic. 3N0 other preparation s'uiuh. " W W. Keelinu :in approfiCtl U in eiucieucy. jlo hi- .. . ftailliy reilOYMauilIJBWimmiiuiiuuiua ,,,,, ,rv, t- ,.,. I I.,. I.;,., ?..., ...i,. iiw'ufniit nn iie.'iri.ntirn. .' ."' "- ' .' "' ' " ' ' ' l rynii ijriu, juu-(''v.i . . .-. --, 1 JVKDl '.)SiU, illU'KVfi-iuii. iiueiuuui . . o rfntulPice, (sour' Stomach, Nausea, juh P-kn. Ilw..,, .... i'1oVV-?iiotnr results of imperfect dfgeofloa l U-winV "" " . '', -. &k rcparoij by E. C DtWltt A Co.", Ojkajji. ware. . t wiwllpe-. iuiHiiu & K .lne' i"f , v s I iv( ' - : 1 yS ' ' LifJrippe is aiiitin epidemic Every piec.HUirm should be taken to avoid it. I's specific cure is One Minute Cough ('tire. A. .1. .SliH)enl, Publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advdrtiser, Elden Mo , says: "No ouo will feel disap tioititpd in iisiii On,' Mmute Cotmh Uuro for Latitippe." Pleasant to take, quick to act. Keeling, the druggist. Volcanic J&x'nptions Are grand but skin eruptions 10b life of joy. Hucklen's Arnica Salve cures them; also old, running and fever sores,1 ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts,! bruised, burns, scalds chapped handsj chilblains Best pile cure on earth. J Drives out pains and a'jhes. Only 2ijc a box. Unto guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, drucgist,' Coughinur injures ami inUames aors lungs. On. Minute ('ninth Ome loos ens thi- cold, allay eomibing aid heaiB quickly. Tho best cough t tire tor ClllltlllJII. Weel'liC, (III) illllgKIHl. A fJui'o Sin of Oi'viup- ll'iarseness in a child that is nubjci" to ciotip is a .sure judication of Ho approach ot 'Peiiwrnse It Chamber, lulii'-. Conu'h Kenn il v H elven us soot aslheolii'd 'h'i'diiim hoarse, or even after the ctuupy t'ouih has apocaied, it will prevent ibe attack. ', Many mothers who have eroiipy cliildien al wavs keep fids rune ly at li.uul and llnd that it saves them much trouble and worry Item always-b" depend ed noon and is pleasant to take. For sale by M. II. Taylor. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flniir for sale if the KeeMuu' bui dim:. Bistnark'-i Icosi. Ncrvo .as-tlie le.soit of Ins splendid Health. 1 1 tin if. ahto wi'l ami in mcndoiisoi'er cj are not found wheie slomach, liver, kidney and bowels hip out of. unb-r. II ou want these quali'ies and the sue cess ihe loina ne I)r K'inaV N.ow Life P'lls TIu'v de.v.'top everv turner i f lo a'- iinilho.iy ()i,j o.i.-at KeeiiimV: drui: stoi.'. To PATENT Good Idoas. mny be bccurud by ' our tild. Addrosa, . THE PATENT RECORD, n..ltlnioro. Md. l'tiaj KefQiil tUti ccrunnum. UUP &. Jj? f bib J 6i53iffl ..V 1 52JiiZ. 1 3 f-ii " "K RjiLf ""'"'''" wvwm vkvv.. WV ftfMk zm $gg A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated By JACOB BIQGLE No. 1 BIGGLB HORSE BOOK All about Horses a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations , a standard work. Price, 50 Cents, Mo. 2 BIQQLE BERRY BOOK All about p.rowinR Small I'ruits rend mid learn liow; contains 4 colored life-like reproductions of all lending varieties and 100 other illustrations. Trice, 50 Cents. No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best I'oultry Hook in existence ; tells everything ; vith13 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Trice, 50 C its. No. 4 BlGCiLE COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy nuMne.is ; hnvlng n great sale, contains 0 colored life-like reproductions ofeach bleed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 5-BIGGLE SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hoks Ilreeding, Feeding. Hutch cry, Diseases, etc Contains over 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. TheBIQfJLE BOOKS are uuique.original.useful you never sawanything like them so practical, sownsible They nre having an enormous sale IV'.t West, Ncrth and touth. Kvery one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Hruits, ought to scud riKht wny for (he BIQGLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for you and not a misfit It is 32 years old. it is the great boiled-down hit-the-nail-on-the-head, fiuit.after-you-have-saul.it, l'arm and Household tinner in the world-the biggest paper of its sine in the United States ofAmerica-haviugovern million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL foS,?ukerD0orLS?b,Sft.ll?0,' ,9M aua ,903) wm bc fce,,t ly mM Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BldQLE BOOK'S free. wii.mi:k atki.nso.v. AddresK, CIIAS I. Jl.NKI.NH. v "' m. -....,,,,, ,. JPAK.M JOUKNAI, PiriLAUULnilA ..c- -I swa ;SS5' r-wc &H W- i&a: Vr Twa V firry a tiM k of Roods v hi fd at Jl.RlXWOUOO Sz?l - . "'-. -. v t (ruin lU.I-UO to - (SJv! Iin.i..jii 1. iicr , .SVvVA ever) uay riir . . j -v. -v 1 SRffs'iy iife; M$tt S vo tM 1.. ii ii' .r... i::iiw,:.!ir. "an: &:- y EAWLKM2'iSaila terxJd i We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building In the world. We have over j.ooo.ooo customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly engaged filling out-of-town orders. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the book of the people-It quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over j.ooo pages, j6,ooo illustrations, and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mail each copy. Wo want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith, und we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charges prepaid. g? MONTGOMERY WARD & G0.M,chl9anAfTH and Mndlson-oifoet ICAGO bublcrlpUuns lo ' imrnmm i?l h r r or." .ft l& S4" i' I,. kf4tfMMtoili'