The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, August 25, 1899, Image 1

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Local 3STews
Old papers for sale at tills ofllce.
Cobs for sale. Cull at tho feed store.
See the J. 13. Stltson huts at Ander
son's. Old settlers' picnic Saturday of noxt
A new line of hats and caps at An
dersen's. Croquet sets for sale at Reeling's
drug store.
Mrs. Gar.rlsou has been very sick for
some time.
Have you seen the beautiful glass
ware at Anderson's.
Old Settlers' reunion and picnic, Sat
urday, August 20th.
Base bid I' bats and accessories at
Reeling's drug store.
Mrs. N. B. Scrivoner is very sick
with uialariai fever.
E . Chester and K. Ar.nstroug went
to Hickman Tuesday.
Keoling's drug store has just received
a Kock of fresh paint.
C Shuck went to Wymore Wedness
dixy to attend the reunion.
Iverkar & Hoover indulged in a new
meat wagon a few days ago.
Miss Carrie Burns went to Wymore
Wednesday to visit her sister.
J. W, AshbuMs moving on Tom Wil
liams' farm, north of Shubert.
Wra. Kerley moved to Johnson
Monday. Ho has a job on the section.
-Phil Shuck has been suffering for
fiftvenil-.ay8 .with neuralgia in the
Herb Avnes is carrying his face in a
sling on account of a fall from his
For sale A fine driving team.buggy
and harness. Inquire of Win. ltossell,
M. II Taylor drove up from Shubert
Tuesday to attend tho funeral of Sam
iihI Brimble.
Rev. W. Diffenbach, of Auburn, as
sisted in the funeral services of Samuel
Brimble Tuesday.
Edwaid James went to Newport,
Neb., Tli tirsday to take charge of the
school at this place.
If you want to buy a hammock call
at Keelmg's drug store and inspect the
nice ones they have.
The ladies' cornet bund of Rock
port, Mo., has been engaged for the
old settlers' picnic, Aug. 2fi.
Mrs. Simon Gong'wer is very sick
with a complication of diseases and
her n-eovery is despaired of.
Johns Hoover has tho thanks of Tho
Advertiser force for a great big water
melon and two muskmelons.
Rev. James Hiatt went to Rulo
Thursday to attend the anual camp
meeting of the Church of Christ.
Dr. Keeling had a now roof put on
his building this week. Jim Burns
and Sylvester Yates did the work.
Sam Anderson went to Atchison
county, Mo., Wednesday, to attemd a
family reunien. He returned Tuurs,
day evening,
W. Earhart and family, of Horton,
Kansas, came to Nemaha, Tuesday,
on u visit to their brother and sister,
Mr, and Mrs It, J. Dull.
Mrs. Bortna Williams returned to
Shubert Wednesday. She has been
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
'John Skeen Jind other relatives and
f .Itnds in Nemaha. . '
Mrs. Mary Hart, of Asplnwall, wid
ow of Undo Henry Hart, was in town
last Saturday and gavo this ofltee a
Miss Blanch Williams of Shubert,
returned home Wednesday, after a
visit with hor croud parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James A. TUus.
Miss Clara Liebhart returned to
Gretna, NebWednesdny,after a woeks'
visit with her sisters, Mrs. E. J.
Maxwell and Mrs. Frank Titus.
Miss Dora Morton, who graduated,
from the Nemaha school three years
ago, has been engaged to teach the
Larkln school for the next yoar.
Dr. I. L. Calllson, the Stella dentist
will be at Nemaha next Monday, for
the purpose of doing dental work in
all its branches. OfTlca ut hotel.
Miss Cora Webber had a hard con
gestivo chill Thursday of last week
and another one Saturduy, but under
Dr. Guither's care got better rapidly.
Ice cream and lunch will bo served
by Mrs. Carse at the feed store nil day
and evening Saturday. Good lunch
and the finest ice cream in the city.
Ed Workman loaded the old engine
belonging to the Johnson saw mill on
a Hat car this week and will ship it to
the Geo. Richardson Machinery Co ,
St. Joe.
-- r
C. O. Snow was in town Thursday,
distributing advertising matter for
the Nemaha County Fair, the best and
greatest ever held, which will be held
at Auburn, Sept. 21th to 28.
Mrs. Laura Morton and Mrs. Fannie
Fairbank will serve ice cream and
lemonade at Mrs. Fairbank's millinery
parlor August 20th picnic day.
Call at thin office and got a premium
list of the Nemaha county fair, which
Charley Snw says is to be the great
est, best and biggest ever held in the
county and Charley ought to know us
he is tho secretary.
Don't get scarefl when your heart
troubles you. Most likely you sulTei
from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. It will cure
every form of dyspepsia. Keeling.
25 Oonts to Jan. 1000,
In order to securo several thousand
now subscribers, The SemisWeekly
State Journal will be mailed postpaid
from now until Jan. 1, 1000, for only
25 cents. It's a big-paper and this is
a big offer. All through the full cam
paign up t 1000 for a quarter. Twice
a week, and away ahead of the old
weekly. Its markets alone are worth
this. Send in stamps. The sooner
you send the more papers you will
receive. Address, Nebraska State
Journal, Lincoln, Neb,
The Royal Highlanders now have
Hoover's opera house in charge and
rent it at reasonable prices for any le.
gitimate entertuinmont. Applications
hould be made to W. W. Sanders,
LaGrlppo is again epidemic. Every
precaution should be taken to avoid it.
Its specific cure is One Minute Cough
Cure. A. J.Sheperd, Publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advdrtiser, Elden
Mo., says: "No one will feel disap
pointed in using One Minuto Cough
Cure for LaGrippe." Pleasant to tako,
quick to act. Keollng, the druggist.
Money to Loan
On good farms at us low rate of in
terest aB the lowest and the best of
terms. Call and see us.
GlLMOItK, GlLLAN & BuimiJ8S.
Auburn, Neb.
- in
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday 'and
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Thompson Paxton, who has been
sick for a long time, died at his real
nence in Nemaha on Saturday, August
UUh, 1800, nt6 o'clock p. m aged 80
years, 11 months and 7 days. The de
ceased was born In Adair county, Ky.,
September 12th, 1800. In 18iO ho
moved to Lee county, Iowa, and in
ISM was married to MIbs Eliza II
Semple. They moved to Nemaha
county in 1807, first settling on the
farm where L. II. Barnes now liveSj
west of the Titus Nursery, which he
sold in 1800 to John Barnes, and
moved on the farm now owned by S.
F. Bridge, two miles and a half north
east of Nemaha. Eighteen or twenty
years age Mr, Paxton built tho beauti
ful cottage in Nemaha where he lived
at his death. Ilia wife died about
fourteen years ago,
For several months Mr. Paxton had
been almost helpless and suffered a
great deal from dropsy and a complica
tion of other diseases. Especially dur?
ing the last few days of his lifo he suf
fered intensely all tho time. Friday
morning ho said he would die tho next
duy and on Saturday morning ho told
those waiting on him to put away dif
ferent articles that hud been used dur..
ing his sickness as ho would die that
day. He has had the best of care dur
ing his sickness from Mr. and Mrs. C
Galbralth and family, with whom ho
has lived for tho past three years, and
often refened to their kindness to him.
He had no relatives in this vicinity.
Mr. Paxton was an old eoldler, and
in accordance with his request the G.
A. It. post here took charge of the
funeral, which was held ut tho resi
denco Sunday afternoon. Rev. W. W.
Kallam preached a Bhort sermon.
Samuel Brimble, another one of euv
old settlers, died at his residence in
Nemaha, Monday. Mr. Brimble was
born in Bristol, England, March 10th,
1827, nnd was 72 years, live months
and two days eld at his death. He
hrts lived many years in Nemaha
county and for twelve or fourteen
years has lived in Nemaha. He leaves
a wife, one son, David Brimble, of
Aspinwall precinct, and two daughters,
Mrs. A. Moore, of Omaha, and one
who lives at Cincinnati, Ohio. The
funeral services were held at the
Methodist church Wednesday at 2
o'clock p. m. Rev. C' II. Gilmore
preached the seimon after which the
Odd Fellows, to which order deceased
belonged, took charge of the services.
We desire to return thanks to the
kind friends and neighbors for their
aesistance during tho sickness and at
the death and burial of Mr. Thompson
Mil. AND MltS. C. GALimAlTII.
Old papers for sale at this ofllce,
inviteB tho continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good Btock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
rf you want anything in our line call
and-aee. us. Prices jjuaranteed right.
Old Settlers Reunion
-A.t INemalia, JNefovaska,
Grand parade at 9:30
10:30, music by Ladies Cornet Band
Prayer by Rev Chas H Gilmore '
Anthem by Nemaha singers
Address of welcome by the president
Chorus by Nemaha singers
Eecitation by Miss Ona Tourtclott
Address in memory of deceased pioneers, by
Hon T J Majors
Address by Hon J H Dundas
Music by the Ladies Cornet Band
Adjournment for dinner
1:30 p m Music by the band
Address by Prof F G Hawxby
Recitation by Miss Ona Tourtelott
Munic by the Ladies Cornet Band, .
3:30p m -Game of Base Ball between Tecumseh
and Shubert Clubs.
6 p m Foot race between Mart May, aged
64, and Uncle Billy Burns, aged 81.
A Steam Merry-go-round will be on the grounds.
The B. & M. railroad give Excursion rates of
one and one-third fare for round trip.
A new Store
New Goods
and New Prices.
To my patrons and friends I wisli to say
I am located in my new store.
I have a nice line of New Goods,
and at prices to suit the times.
I want one and all to come and examine
my stock.
Thanking you for past favors, I hope to
see all of you and your friends at my new
place of business.
Very respectfully,
Bismark's Iron Xervo
Was the rosulfcof his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous ener
gy are not found where Btomach, liver,
kidnoy and bowels are out of order. If
you want thoso qualities and the sue
cess they brihg uso Dr King's Now Life1
PillB. They develop every power of
brain and body. .Only 25c at Keelinc's
drugstore. :
A.U.DoFluont.editor of tho Journal,
Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for n num
ber of years from rheumatism in his
right shoulder and side, Unsays: "My
right arm at times was ntithely useless.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately. The Pain Balm has boon
a constant companion of mine ever
since und it never fall's. For sale by
Keollng the druggist.
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