The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, July 14, 1899, Image 1

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Local ISTews
J'ot weather.
Spring hlckens are ripe.
01(1 papers for sale at this ofllce.
Croquet sets for sale at Keeling's
drug store. .
Chub Hendeiauti was up from Shu
Iwi-t Thursday.
Mrs. L. H. Morrltt went to Crab
Orchard Tuesday.
Hiiae balls, bats and accessories at
Kfeliiift'fl drug store.
Jye Littrell was In from Johnson
two or three days this week
Leslie Woodward was very sick sev
eral days but Is about well again.
Mart May had a bad attack of spas
modic asthma one night last week.
Mrs. Daughfner took the train nt
Nemaha last Saturday, for Alliance.
We had a good rain Monday evening
and another one Thursday morning.
L. II Merritt and Charley Scovlll
are doing carpenter woik near Peru.
Fred Daughfner came over from
Missouri last Saturday, returning the
next day.
Mrs. Kompthorne has been engaged
to tend) the Maple Grove school the
cnsuuig year.
George Anderson was over from
Phelps Thursday and Friday, visiting
his bi other Sam.
Mrs. Maud Moutolth returned to her
JioniB no Arcadia Thursday, after a
week's visit in Nemaha.
"'""" Clyde DiJi'CofowuvlWe'. returned
home Saturday after a week's visit at
the home of John Kempthorri.
Mrs. Welton returned to Auburn
Wednesday after a visit with her
daughter. Mrs. Marshall Pryor.
Mrs Diltz. and daughter Clare and
Mrs. Farmer, of Hrownvllle, were the
guests of Mrs. Kempt home Tuesday.
Mrs. Jane Thompson will have tut
public sale Saturday of this week thai
was postponed three or four weeks
Miss Lena Quiller returned to her
home in Nishnabotna, Mo., Sunday,
utter a week's visit with relatives and
() K. Fisher 1b having a geod barn
built on his farm southwest of Nema
Iih. Jim Burns and Sylvester Yates
are doing the carpenter work.
Irvin Haalock, whe is now holding
down a chair in a barber shop at St.
Joe, came home Monday on a weak's
visit. Ho has a goodposltiou.
MisB Lillie Montelth, of Peru, visited
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Maud Monteith,
and other Nemaha friends Wednesday,
returning to Peru Thursday morning.
The ruembora of the Cumberland
Prespyterian church, northwest of Ne
maba, will give an ice crean social
Wednesday night of next week. Ev
erybody is invited.
Mrs. Charlton Edholm, of Chicago,
gave a lecture at the Methodist church
Thursday night on the subject of
"Tratlio in Girls." Those who attend
ed the lecture say It was fine.
There will be a holy communion ser
vice held by Rev. E. Murphy on Sun
day, July 10th, at St. John's Episcopal
church, at 11 o'clock a. m to which
all are most cordially invited.
Dra. Boal & Dillon, of Auburn, have
received a trial case of louses from one
of the largest manufactories in the
country, aud aro now prepared totieat
all disoases of the eye and tit glasses
correctly. Eyes examined free of
Keeling' drag sto 1. 1 j.ual received
a stock of fresh paint.
Hurgess & Kn'ght have found their
corn shelter will not tako in pieces of
Irou without some damage to the
sheller. They tried it Wednesday
morning and consequently had to shut
down and do some repairing.
James M. Armstrong, who is now n
horny handed farmer of Douglas pre
cinct, was In Nemaha Thursday and
gave this oillce a social call. Jim is
interviewing tho voters to see whether
they thought ho would make a good
candidate for county treasurer. He
has lots of friends here and got consld
orable encouragement.
Georgo W. Neal, who has been a
resident of Nemaha so long that the
memory of man runneth not to the
contrary, haB left us. He etarted for
Bellevue, Neb., Wednesday afternoon,
where he will visit his brother Louis
for awhile and may make his home
there. Dut we venture the prediction
that he will not feci at home away
from Nemaha.
Mrs. W. W. Sanders was taken sick
Thursday atternoon of lust week aud
has not been able to sit up since. Near
ly two years ago she wub severely
shocked by lightning, which struck the
house, and since then evory storm that
is attended by much lightning almost
prostrates her. The electric storm
Thursday afternoon was very severe
aud affected her worse than usual. She
is extremely nervous.
Prof. F. Q. Hawxby hes consented
to make an address at the old settlers
picnic Aug. 20th. Fred is u close atu
dent, an original thinker and an elo
quent speaker, and will make an ad
dress worth listening to. Fred is down
on the Auburn Chautauqua program
or an address on "The Merit System
for'l'ubliC Appointments." He goes to
Loup City the 20th of this month as
one of the instructors in a teachers' in
stitute. He is one of our rising young
Harry McCandless youngest boy,
Elliott, three and a half years old, was
bitten by a dog supposed to have by
drophobia en Monday. The dog was
btim chaaing chickens Monday morn
ing, contrary to its usual actions! It
afterward came in the house. The
little boy was sitting on the fleor and
the dog jumped in his lap and then bit
him twice, once in the eyebrow and
once in the upper part of the forehead.
Mrs. McCandless drove the dog out of
the house and then shot it, as she was
afraid it was mud. Lust spring a mad
dog bit one of Harry's dogs and it waB
killed but he did not think this dog
was bitten. Mia McCaudlesB took the
little boy to Omaha Tuesday morning
for treatment, and Harry went there
Wednesday morning. We have not
heard anything from them since then.
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday aud
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Hakry K. McCandless.
Laurippe is again epidemic. Everv
precaution Bhould be taken to aveid it.
Its specific cure is One Miuute Cough
Cure. A.J. Sheperd, Publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advdrtlser, Elden
Mo., saya: "No one will feel disap
pointed in using One Minute Cough
Curelfor LaGrippo." Pleasant to take,
quick to act. Keeling, the druggist.
Money to Loan
On good farms at as low rate of in
terest as the lowest and the best of
terms. Call and see us.
Auburn, Neb.
WW Keellug guarantees every bottle
ef Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money to any one who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
the contests. This is the best remedy
in the world for la grlppe.cougha, colds,
croup aud whooplngcough and is pleas
tnt aud safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result In pneu-BDoaia.
Miss Minnie Yates entertained a
number of her young friends last Sat
urday night at her birthday party.
Ice cream and cake was served and nil
had a good time.
Carl E. Sandora, who graduated from
the Nemaha high school four years
ago, when Prof. Veeder was principal,
and who has been farming since then,
nttended the teachers' institute at Au
burn n month age, teek tho examina
tion and was given a eecond grade
certificate. He has been engaged to
teach a six months' school eight miles
southwest of Auburn.
Jim Drain has been walking with a
crutch and cane tor nearly a jweek on
account of a very lame leg. He was
cultivating corn about ton days ago
when one horso stopped suddenly and
the end of the cultlvattr beam struck
Jim on one shin, cutting through to
tho bone. He did not ltok te see how
bad the out was but went ahead culti
vating. The next day he shooked oats
and tho next day went to cultivating
again but had to give up about eleven
o'clock. He then (examined the out,
found how bad it was, and called on
Dr. Keeling, who is rapidly curing the
cut and braised place.
The friends of Harry McCandless
will present his name bofere the repub
lican county convention for tho nomi
nation for tho office of county clerk.
Harry is qualified in every way for the
position, He is honorable, a good bus
iness man, accommodating, nnd would
make a Bplendld efllclal. Ho haB been
a grain and stock buyer for many
years and has made a host ef friends
and few if any enemies. If nominated
lie will poll a big vote. If he is net
nominated he will sot feel sore and
disgruntled but will suppert the ticket
just the same. But his friends will
make a strong effort to secure bis
nomination, feeling that he will be a
strong candidate and a goed oftlcer.
Food does moro harm than good
when not digested. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. It prevents
wasting diseases and cures stomach
troubles. It cures indigestien, Bour
stomach and belching and allows a
wornout stomach rest. It acts in
stantly. W. W. Keeling.
The Keyal Highlanders now have
Hoever'a opera house in charge and
rent it at reasonable prices for any let
gltimato entertainment. Applications
hould be made to W. W. Sanders,
These are dangerous times for the
health. Croupe, colds and throat
troubles lead rapidly to Consumption.
A bottle of One Minute Cough Oure
used at tho right time will preserve
life, health, and a large amount of
money. Pleasant to take; children
like it Keeling, the druggist,
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity . Tho
patrons may be assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good Btock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Heat of
A handsome line of
fall stock o!
If yon want anytUng in our line call
and see ua. Pries guaranteed right.
Miss Mollis Moore has. been engaged
to teacb the school in the bottom north
east ef Nemaha.
New and important features are
dally being added to the program for
tho Auburn Chautauqua, and tho man
agor la receiving many congratulations
because of tho excellence of the pro
gram. Hon. E. J. Burkott. of Lincoln, the
eloquent young congressman from tho
First district, baa promisod to make
an address at Nemaha at the Old Set
tlors' reunion, August 20th. Other
good apeakors will be secured, whoso
names will bo announced later.
We have made arrangements where
by wo can glvo absolutely free the
Farm Journal, u splendid monthly,
five yoarB to any subscriber, now or
old, who pays one year In advance for
The Advertiser. Thus for only 81.00
you will get The Advertiser one year
and the Furm Journal five years.
Capt. William Aalor Chanler, con
gressman from New York, Is the pres
ident of The New York Star, which Is
giving away a Forty Dollar Bloyole
daily, as offered by their advertisement
in another column. Hon. Amos J.
Curamlngs.M. C, Col. Abb Bird Gard
ner, district attornoy of New York.ex
Governor Hogg, of Texas, and Col.
Fred Feigi, of New York, are among
the well known names In their board
of directors.
If you want to buy a hammock call
at Koeltng's drug store and inspect the
nice ones they have.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf
fored agony for thirty years, and then
cured his Piles by using De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It bonis Injuries
and skin diseases like magic. Keeling
Voloanio Eruptions
Are grand but skin eruptions rob life
of jey. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, bells, felons, corB, warts, cuts,
bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands,
chilblains. Best pile cure on oarth.
Drivea out pains nnd aches. Only 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Keeling, druggist,
"W.W. Sanders, Notary Public Pen
sions papers of all kinds mude out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All bualne3s given prompt and careful
attention .
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
FOR 30 IDjk."Z"S
Before moving stock to New Store I will
; Greatly Reduced Prices.
Challies and Organdies, price reduced from 12
cents per yard to 10c; 15c to 12C; 8c to 61c,
everything else in proportion.
J. -C7C7- jgkiirt.XKXS'X'SEt.OXtirca-
Dval.r in
Hardware, Furniture, Coffins and Caskets
Most Couuh Syr un. 'Partes (lootl. Vo
(n tlntu. Soul by druwilMn.
Nicmaha City, Neuhaka,
Ofllce at tho drug store.
Notary : - : Public
Nemaha City, Nob
Aomo nnd Aunttte work Hprcliilty. l.'ls.
emu built. I'apor HnnKliiR, KnUornnlm
hnri WltowmlitiiK (lotto. Low price, All
tork Avnrrantotl,
Kerker & Hoover,
Dealer In
Highest prltwx pnlit for hltlpH, livrtl, tntlnw
13 1 a i c lc as ixi i 1 1 1 ,
Has bought the Dtivld A. Morton
shop and tools, east of the public
well and is prepared to do bluck
smithlug ,uf all kinds. Satisfae
t)on guaranteed.
In Miniclc Building.
All work done promptly and warranted.
Bismark's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous ener
gy are net found where stomach, 11 vet.
kidney and bowels are out of order. It
you want these qualities and the sue
cess they bring une Dr King's New Life
Pllla. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 2.c at Keeling'.-
drug store.
I'lidoi'taking and KnilKilmiuir
a .iH!!ialtyv
Finoitt IliMifwo in the twuntv.
Ik'Ht lino of IJudoTt'akorH1 Cooiln.
' -.
Wo guaraiiteeaMtffaht.uin. , ". ,