HI ebmstm Avtrtim. M VOLUME XLI1I NEMAHA, NEBllA'SKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, J 899. XUMBEK 5 w rr -l . rr" t '' mm mm m ' k 4 If you buy it at LOWMAN'S it's GOOD. Wd liuvo received an entire New Stock of DHY GOODS, consisting of HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, und the finest selection of WASH DRESS GOODS in Nemaha county. Wo guarantee our prices and quality against all competitors. Give us u look. EDW. E. LOWMAN, Brownville, Nebr. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE and CHINA. Old papers for salo at this ofllce, Come to Nemaha to celebrate this year. Croquet seta for Bale at Keellng's drug store. Thos. II. Jones, of Howo, gave us a call last Saturday. Mrs. X. IJ.Catlin, of Parn, visited Nemaha friends Thursday. G. II. Sutton, of Bedford precinct, was in town last Saturday. Mrs. J. 13. Hoover has'been sick for ceveral days with malarial fever. Wait Maxwell went to Rockport Tnursday, to engage the ladies' band ,for the 4th, Little Helen Gilbert was vary sick for a few days with malarial fover, but is better now. Rev. E S. Murphy will hold services at St. John's Episcopal church next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. The Christian Sunday school will have their children's day service at the church next Sunday night. The Ladies' Cmnot band of Rock port, Mo., has hcuu engaged for the fourth. This is said to be a fine band. Mrs. A. L. Jarvls and children are visiting at Wabash, Lincoln and other places, and Andy is looking very lone some. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Monteith were given a reception Thursday night of last week upon their arrival at A'rcadia, We are glad to learn that Mrs. Will S Russell, who has has been danger ously sick with typho-malarlal fever, is getting better. Misses Daisy Frazier and Pearl Burns had a birthday party last Fri day evening at the residence of Mrs, Frank Burgess. Those present had a good time. The appointment of Miss Lillian Minick as postmistress of Nemaha has been made. Tuore was no opposition to the appointment. She will give satisfaction. A surpriso party was given Miss Tudte aud Master Ted Scovill Wednes day nif.ht. About fifty were present and a good time was had. Ice cream and cake was served. D. J. Thompson, who shook the dust or mud of Nemaha from bis feet in the spring and moved to southern Missouri, returned to Nemaha lust Sunday. He couldn't stay away; S. K. Anderson will pay highest market price for chickens, See him as to dates he is recoiylng them. Geo. D. Campbell, of Howe, has bought the blacksmith shop and tools of Mrs. D. A. Morton and has opened the shop. He is said to bo a fine work man, Give him a trial: Willie Kerker was eleven yoara old last Saturday and was given a birth day party. The little folks present had a flue time and Willie received many presents. Ice cream and cako were served. Willie remembered the editor with a plate of nice cake. Dutch Charley has pone to Aspln wall and opened a shop. He was arrested agrin Moml.iy for drunkenness but was released on his promise to Ihiivb town. Charley U a good black smith but loves red liquor too well for his own good or that of any one else. The children's day sorvico at the M. E. church Sunday night was listened to attentively by a large congregation. The subject, "Peace or War," was treated in an excellent raannor by the older pupils, while the little ones had their share of recitations, songs, etc. The program was a good one and well rendered. Mrs. B. F. Leslie died at 0 o'clock Friday morning, Juno 23rd. Mrs. Leslie has boon nn invalid for some time and for several months has been confined to her bed. She was an old resident of Netnahu. Slio was married to Benj. F. Le3lie Oct. 28th, 1848. Hei husband died May 7th. She leavos one daughter and seven sons to mourn her departure. We understand the funeral services will bo hald Saturday. Jim Bennett bad a runaway the first of last week that came near kill ing him. The bolt holding one single tree broke and tha horses Btaited- to run near Sam Anderson's houso. Jim tried to turn them into Mr. Gilbert's yard but the tongue dropped and then th&linea wero jerked ont of his hands. He was thrown out, lighting on his head and shoulders, and was pretty badly injured but is able to be out. An old Frenchman named Julian Bahuaud, living on a farm near Julian, was found murdered in his houso Sun day. Tho crime is supposed to have been committed Friday night. The murdered man waB wealthy, owning a number ef farms in the vicinity, and is supposed to have been murdered for his money. He hnd several hundred dollars in the house, which was stolen. A reward of $1200 has boon offered for tho capture of the murderer. These are dangorous times for the health. Croupe, colds and throat troubles load rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure uied nt the right time will preserve life, health, and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children liko it Keeling, the druggist, Dra. Boal & Dillon, of Auburn, have received a trial case of lonses from one of the largest manufactories in the country, and are now prepared to treat all diseases of tho eyo and fit glasses correctly. Eyes examined free of charge. The Royal Highlanders now have Hoover's opera house in charge and rout it at reasonable priees for any lo gitlmate entertainment. Applications should be made to W. W. Sanders, manager. Money to Loan On good farms at ob low rate of in terest as the lowest and the best of terms. Call and see us. GlLMOItn, Gillan & BuitrtEss. Auburn, Neb. WW Keeling guarantees every bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough llemedy and will refund the money to any one who is not satisfied after using two-thirds of the contents, This 1b the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colda, croup and whoopingcough and 1b pleas tnt aud safe to tako. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result Id pneumonia. Tho school board met Tuesday after noon and elected teachers for tho ensu ing year, The following were elected : Eugene Howe, principal. Frank L. McNown, intermediate. Miss Mellinger Minick, primary. Mr. Howo is a sen of Seymour Howe . He graduated in the Nemaha schoolB four years ago and then went to Peru, where bo took a four years' course, graduating from that school two woeks ago. He is a young man of flno ability and won much praise for his buccohs us a teacher in tho 7th aud Sth grades at Peru. Mr. McNown is also a graduate of the Peru Normal Ho has had boveral years' experience as a teacher and ban been a success. MiBS Minick needs nothing from ub as to her capabilities. Sho has taught tho primary department in our school for two yoara with remarkable succors, has won the love of her pupils and tho respect of the parents. She was tho unamimous cheiso of the school board and of the district. On the second day of June, this be ing tho 05th milo stono in his journey of life, W. H. Shubert, of Bracken, Nob., was surprised by his sous and daughters including their families: J . D. Shubort aud family; Mrs. Mont Burson and family; Mrs. Juo. Speece and family; J. F. Shubort and family; Walter Shubort And wife, A. M. Shun bert and familyjand little Bon of Walt er Shubort were not presont on ac count of sickness with these exceptions all of the family were togethor, five sons and two daughters und ten grand children wero present on this occasion. At the dinner hour, two tables. were spread, one for tho older members of the family another for the ten grand children and all sat down to it splendid dinner. During the dinner hour the children were entertained by listening to some of the incidents connected with bis early life and his struggle to overcome adverse circumstances and thejsuccess that finally crowned hiB per sistent efforts, until he can feel that his family, as thay surround him on this occasion, are all provided for with comfortable homes and enough to make comfortable his declining years. Shubert Citizen. Base balls, bats and accessories at Keeling'e drug store. Keellng's drug Btoro has just received a steok of freah paint. HOGS. I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc Caudleas Sidiug Monday, Tuesday aud Wednesday of each week. Highest market prices paid. Haiihy K. McCandlkss. If you want to buy a hammock call at Keellng's drug store and inspect the nice oneB tbey have. DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho patrons may be assured of receiving fair treatment. A good line of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A good stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and lateBt styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our line call and lee us. Prices guaranteed right. IttGRLSb 'GP.SUS.O 3E2C3EX-3L- Cordially invites you to call and see her slock of new Spring & Summer Millinery at the STORE FOR BARGAINS! pecial Bargain Sale ILTO. 7 is now in progress and will continue until July 9th, 14 special Bargains gathered to gether from our various departments and of fered here as an additional incentive to you to visit the "Big Store." Af AQ.n A limited quantity of Ladles' Wrappers our regular 7ft cent J L 4oC quality handsome colorings nicely made A 4- QOr A small lot of LadleB WrapporB reducsd from Sl.25 lino quality At OJC beautifully made nicely trimmed ii oU ,,.1 350 yards of faucy Sllkallne Drapery reducod At 8 2C per yard frem ih cents A -- A 1 ta- iri.l )0 yards of Amoskoag Ginghams the best sta xb 2" P" J"1 - pie Gingham In the market -checks and plaldB A 4- 1 AK now nnir A limited quantity of our olegant $2 lace our xx.ii 3X.TkJ pe pdll tinB line Madras center extra deep Uoral border extra largo sizo-3K yards long, 00 inches wide-u single curtain Ih abundantly largo for an ordinary window. A 4- OQr aosiVi Our regular 35 cent fringed opnduo window shades JtxJi AiOKj eddl complote with good spring rollers 4 colors A f 1 1 & We offer r0 pairs of eur regular $l.r9 men's Work Shoes 1 xVb 5Ijlil atylea buckle er Congress, heavy or light A 4- 1An Aisli A- few dezon ot klnon Towels roduced from 20 cents IVl XL tJtAUl excellent quality largo size 20x40 inches At 19!n nor vmvl 10 yan,s ef fnlr (iuttl,ty turkey red Table x.b XAnjXj ptJI jalU Llntm our regular 10 cent quality sold in many stores at 25 conts Af 991 nonfc ror xravtl Our regular 35 cent quality of curtain Al 6C2j CeULS pel yard nettlng 58 laches wide-fancy HhIi net pattern Ml ftn rrn noil' 6 dozen paira of extra quality ladles' black Hose M.OL, )L1 pU much better than tho usual 25 cent value A 4- 1Q noi non 8 dozen pairs of misses' and children's rlbbod Llalo xXb 1QL pul pail Hobo finest 3-throad goods-the best 25 cent stockings vre have ever sold A 4- An noi vnvrl 0 or 8 styleB in our regular 05 cent fine woalen lX.lt !lUO pel JdlU Dreaa Fabrica light and medium colors-Bult-ablo for summer and fall wear Af 1 o nor trorr! Our 0-4 Peppernl bleached 8eamlesa Sheeting IXb iL ptl yam quantity limited This sale is now in progress and will continue until July 9th. 1 Great Caul MM Store OF ; A. A. MTNINCH & SON BROWNVILLE, FOR 30 ID.A."Y"S- Before moving stock to New Store I will mage Greatly Reduced Prices. Challies and Organdies, price reduced from 12 cents per yard to 10c; 16c to 12c; 8c to 6ic, everything else in proportion. N. R. ANDERSON. SOUTH AUBURN, NEBRASKA, Dealer in Hardware. Furniture. NEBRASKA. Coffins and Caskets Irndortakinj and Embalming a specialty. Firicht Ilcnt'HO in the county. Host lino of 1'ndeTtakoin' GoodH. Wo guarantee Hatiuiitiction. a a