ebmnlm dvertim. 6 ' i. & f"i y- sir Stv VOLUME XL1IL NEMAHA, NB1UIASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 185)9. NUMBER GO &ke Xj fr" t u tt V 9 I' - 1 If you buy it at LOWMAN'Sl it's GOOD ' We have received an entire Now Stock of di:y goods, . consisting of HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, and the finest selection of WASH DRESS GOODS in Nemaha county. VV g-unrunteo our prices and quality against all competitors. Give us a look. EDW. E. LOWMAN, Bmwnville, Ncbr. DEI GOODS, GKOOERIES, HAEDWAEE and OHINA. Come to Nemaha to celebrate this MisH Mellie Minick visited Auburn Wednesday i Miss Emma dim wont to Nebraska City Mondaj. Mr.. Henry Williams was up from rsh abort Monday KeeMng'i drug store baa just received : st03k ot tr-Hh paint. '.Ibert It. Titus writes us that he is imiw Ht Cora, Oklahoma. Charley Woodward visited Peru friends the llr?t of the week. For Sale A 4-hole Marseilles corn sillier in good older. S. 0. Shuok. S. W. Hodges is able to be around a train after a severe attack of malarial tever. Frank Woodward paid Lincoln a business trip Tuesday, returning home I lie next day Ed E. Sanders, foreman of the Au burn Horald olliue, was in town a short time Tuesday. J.S Iladlook and John White went to Dunbar Monday to paint an elevator lor the Duff Elevator Co. The new Duff elevator is now receiv ing grain ami is working smooth. EarlttGilberi is manager. Mrs. Pearl Larlmore ordeis The Ad vertiser sent to her at lola, Kansas, where she is now located. Mr. and Mis II . W. Shubort were in from Bracken Wednesday and gave this office a pleasant call Harry McCandless was receiving begs at Nemaha, Brownvilie aud Mcs Cand less Siding Wednesday. V. W. Cole, the druggist, went to Pawnee last Saturday, to visit bis fam ily. Ho returned to Nemaha Tuesday. Geo W. Neal visited Major Ebb and other St. Dcroin friends from Thursday of last week until Tuesday. Dan A. Keller, of Firth, was a Ne maha visitor from Saturday until Mon day. He is one of the Titus Nursery agents. Mrs. Ella Fauver, of Wymore, who has been visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Burns, went to Peru Tuesday to visit friends. Tom Crummel, of Yiibiirn, was in town Wednesday looking after the de livery of about 4,000 bushels of corn which he had sold to Earlo Gilbert. Base balls, bats and accessories at Reeling's drug store. Alex Wa-hbuni came over from t(!,,ison county, 'N,"' mst frliliiy mid was present at the graduating uf his daughter, Miss Stella Washburn. Miss Blanch Dye was prostrated by Mio death of her sister, MIhh Edith Dye, and for two or three daB was Vtry sick but Is now some bttf. For Rale or trade My t evidence and two lota In Nemaha. Will take a team, wagon and harness In trade. L. K. MoNinoii. Miss Ne'li- Whetlor came in from Auburn Wednesday and Ih visiting her father, T. W. Wheo'er, her grand mother, Mis. Rosina Wheeler, and other relative!). Chan M. .oodward. who has been wlt, u1U0mim,IlL ,., Ilim Hli HllHt. 'ings for some time, en me to Nemaha la-jt Saturday to visit patents and friends for a tew duve. N'i'XT Minday will bo the third q j i - t-:ly n.eptiug of tin Nemaha M. I?. eliuruli. Dr. Peter Van Fleet, presid ing elder, will pieach Sunday evening. The quarterly conference will be held Monday morning. Elian Bakur, of Lincoln, a deputy of Uih Modern Woodmen of America, the largest fraternal insurance organiza- tion in the world, is in Nemaha in the interest of that fraternity, and exnects to organize a camp before ho leaves. The board of trustees of the Nemaha cemetery association will Isold a. meets inn at The Advertiser otllee on Mon day, June 12th, at 4 o'clock p m Jamhs A. Titus, Piesident. of Board. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Scofleld came in from Johnson last Friday to be present at the graduating of Mrs. Scofiold's brother, Cyrus Minick. Hay returned to Johnson Monday. Mrs. S. will not return home until the latter part of next week. It. J. Duff received a shipment of forty pounds of fresh halibut Friday morning direct from Seattle, Washing ton. He sold it out toChnrlio Roberts, Walt Maxwell, Ed Workman, Milton Golf and W. W Sanders , and they had a feast on good fresh halibut. I. N Cooper returned from Omaha Wednesday . He had an operation performed at the Methodist hospital Saturday, the surgeons taking a large tumor from his nack beneath the light ear. Mr. Cooper looks bad but says he stood the operation all right. On Tuesday we received the follow ing: "Mrs. Hiram 0. Minick invites you to bo prosent at the marriage of her daughter E. Maud E to Joseph William Montietb on Wednesday, June 14th, 1801), high noon, at the Methodist Epis copal church, Vemaha, Neb." The wedding will bo public and the church open to all friends, whether in vited or not, but seats will be reserved for those invited. Immediately after the ceremony tlie invited friends will repair to the residence of Mrs. Minick and partake of dinner. The newly married couple will take the aftornoon train for Arcadia. Mt. and Mra. Mon tioth will be "at home after June 30th, Arcadia, Neb." PUBLIC SAIL. I will oiler for sale at public auction at the residence of Lewis Thompson, deceased, in No. nana, on Saturday, June 17th, beginning at 2 o'clock p.m., tlie following property: One good cow, one team, wagon and harness, threo bond of shoats, spring wagon, good mower, plow, cultivator, cidor mill, grindstone, 10 gallon brass kettlo, 20 gallon iron kettle, boating stove, about 100 bushels of corn and othor articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of $r aud under cash. On all sums over $." a credit of six months will be given, purchaser to gvo noto With approved security without interest if paid when due. M its . Jane Tuompsqn, One of the brightest and best young ladies of the community departed from this life Monday afternoon Edith Dye was tlie idol of her home, made friends whorevor feho went, and v as esteemed by all. One of the host mu sicians In tho community, she will be missed on account of her musical as well as social Ipinlitio?. The heart broken patents, brother and sisters have the sympathy of all in their great trial, which soems at times almost too heavy to be borne. . Edith Ellen Dye. daughter of Mr and Mis Geo. E. Dye, was born at Howe, Neb., Jan. 11), 1S71, died June 5, lSOf), at H.25 p. in, Irom pulmonary consumption After leaving school she studied music, preparing herself for a teacher, which professon alio followed as 'ong as her health would permit. Her health began to fail while in school at Stella but hIig was very potsoveriiiK and still continued tier work. A year ago ebe spent sovon months in Broken Bow hoping to be benollited by the change. She seemed mii"h improved for five or six months but then she took a seveie cold from which she never recovered. While there alio be-cani-i converted, was baptized and united with the Baptist church last August. Last November ebo went to San Diego, Cal.. again hoping for a change for the better but instead she failed steadily. Shu returned home April 21). She improved for a tuno but sod. re lapsed and failed lapidly during tlie last week and died peacefully. She called her father to her and said not to cry for her; her troubles' were all over now, and asked him to bid her friends good -bye. The last tribute was paid her Tuen day at 3 p. m. Tho services were con ducted by Rev. Diffeubangh, of Aus burn, in the- church at Howe. The church was beautifully decorated and the casket covered with (lowers. Many friends followed the remains to their last resting place. Sho will bo greatly missed as sho was dearly loved by all who knew her. If you want to buy a hammock call at Heeling's drug stor and inspect tho nice ones they have. Cheap Tickets to California. The loweBt rates of the year are those which tlie Burlington Route will make late in Juno and early in July, for the annual meeting of tlie Nation al Educatiolial Association, at Los An cles Liberal return limits and stop over privileges. The coolest route to the Coast is through Denver and Salt Lake City. Go th.it way and for a dav ami a night you ride through the Wonder- I land of tho World past canons. j mountains, riverB waterfalls, and j landscapes gay with (lowers, Information and California litera ture on request. J. Francis. Genera Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nob. DrB. Boal & Dillon, of Auburn, have received a trial case of louses from one of the largest manufactories in tho country, and are now prepared totieat all diseases of tho eyo and lit glasses conectly. Eyes examined free of charge. IT' The Boyal Highlanders now have Hoover's opera house in charge and rent it at reasonablo prices for any lo gitimate entertainment. Applications sliould be mado to W. W. Sanders, manager. W.W. Sanders, Notary Public Pen sions papers of all kinds mado out acs curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suf- fered agony for thirty yoarB, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It hoals inluries aud skin diseases like magic. Heeling j .U...I... wmntymUltWLWmm dekorlss 'gpxx&so 3be:oli.3l Cordially invites you to call and nee. her stock of now fl. a ft m mg m Mjmmer mmmciy at the STORE FOR BARGAINS! The seventh annual commencement of the Nemaha high school was held at the opera house Friday night of last vreek. Ah usual on such occasions, tlie opera hoiiFo was packed full, but good order was maintained. TheclaBH wns the youngest ever graduated heie, the average hup nt the beginning of the 8'hool j ear boing only a fraction over tlfteen o rs. It was the largest class over cratiuntuig, there being ton mem bers, and their standing was the best. Supt. Carman, aftor visiting the school u short time ago, pronounced It the bot class in tlie county. The members of the graduating class with tho subjects ot their orations, are as follows: May Kurker, salutatory, Nobility of Education; Willie Sanders. Honors Wait at Label's Gate; Florence Burns, Life's Royal Highway; Stolla Washburn, The Vale of Humility; Ambrose Howe, Garlleld's Legacy to His Country; Cora Morton, Every Cloud has a SilvorLining; Louie Ker ker, Life's Impending Crisis; Grace Paris, Future's Distant Hill-tops; Cyrus Minick, Destiny of Our Republic; Leta Seabury, valedictory, Sun-Burst on the Ocean. The orations were all delivered in a clear, distinct tone of voice, the graduates were self possessed and there was no hesitancy in the de livery. Thfcoiations showed oiiginal ity and that they wore tho production of tho graduates. As each one delivs ered their oration tlioy wore presented with a wealth of beautiful tloweis. and .vlien the exercises were finished tho platform in front of tho class was covered witli beautiful boquots and baskets of tloweis and tlie room tilled with fragrance. Tho program in addition to the ora tions was as follows: Invocation, Rov. C. II. Gilmore; Music, "Come to tho Forest," Misses Maud, Mellinger and Lillian Minick; male quartette, "Let Me Dream While Life Shall Linger," Messrs. Duff, Palis, Minick and Sand ors; solo, "There is a Story of Sweet Memory." Miss Maud Minick; guitar solo, "Whisporings of Lovo," W. II. Linn; class address, Rev. Chas. il. Gil more; subject, "Self Culture;" doliv oi y of diplomas by W. W. Keeling, president of tlie school board; duet, "Till We Meet Again," Misses Florence Minick and Mave Gaitber. HOGS. I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of eacli week. Highest market prices paid. IIauky K. McCandlkss. A. R.DeFliient. editor of the Journal. Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a num ber of years from rheumatism in Ids right shoulder and side. Ilosays: "My right arm at times was entiiely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm aud was surprised to receivo relief almost immediately. Tho Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails. For sale by Keeling the druggist. IFOIR, 30 TDJL.1T&. Before moving stock to New Store I will mage Greatly Reduced Prices. Challies and Organdies, price reduced from 12 cents per yard to 10c; 15c to 12aC; 8c to 61c, everything else in proportion. N. R. ANDERSON. -.smAJtimV,f; . IRflSSfi" . Croquet sets drug store. for nale at Heeling's Horrible agony is caused by I'lles, Burns and Skin Diseases. These ate immediately ielicved and quickly cured by'DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. Be waroof worthless imitations, Keeling Old papers for sale at this olllce. W U Heeling guarantees every bottle ot Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy ami will return! the money to any one who is uotstitislled allei using two-thirds of tlie contents, lhls is the best lemedy in the world for la grippe, coughs. colds", croup aud whooplngcough and Is pleas ant aud safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Uucklen'a Arnica Salve euros lliein ; also old, running and fover sores, ulceis, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, n' apped hands, chilblains. Best pile euro on oartii Drives out pains and allies. Only 25o a box. Cure guarantuod. Sold by Keeling, druggist, His Lif Wns Saved. Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful dellvorance from a fiightful death. In tolling of it ho says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Not.hini? Indued nut. I evnnnted tosnou Idle of consumption, when I heard of . T- 1T1 I- f IM S.... 1.-..1 ijr.ivinga jmow uiBcovery. una oomo gave great roliof . 1 continued tit use it, and am now well and strong. 1 can't say too much in its praise " This marvelous medicine is tho suroBt and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular si'.ea no ofi and $1. Trial bottles froo at Heeling's drugstore; every bottlo guaranteed. DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patiouage of the citizens of Nomalia and vicinity. Tlie patrons may be assured of receiving fair treatment. A good line of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A good stock of JEWELRY in handsome desigtiH and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our lino call and see us. Prices guaranteed right.