The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, June 02, 1899, Image 1

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    ' WTWTY
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ebmska Mdvertiser.
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If you buy it at LOWMAN'S
it's GOOD.
Wo have received an entire
New Stock of
consisting of
and the finest selection of
in Nemaha county. We guarantee
our prices and quality against all
Give us a look,
Brownville, Nebr.
School closes today.
Como to Nemaha to celebrate this
Arthur Littrell is clerking for Sam
Chub Henderson was up from Shu
l c-it Monday.
Mrs. James Jones and Elmor visited
Browuville Thursday.
Heeling's drug store hits just received
a ft'j! ot iresh paint.
it. C. Morton is the father of a line
duiightei, born Tuesday.
Mis. C, Galbraith has been very sink
I ut is gettiug some better.
Wo will celebrate at Nemaha this
jear, and don't tail to remember it.
Tom Crummel, Auburn's millionaire
bridge builder, was in town Monday.
Mrs. Ollle Scovill went to Brownville
Wednesday, returning the next even
ing. S K. Anderson and W. W. Cole
drove uut to Auburn Thursday after
noon. J. S. Uadlock was in I nun Johnson
the Hist of the week and helped paint
tliM elevator.
The Fourth of July committee has
ordaretl a tine assortment of fireworks
lor that occasion.
ltees Leslie has us send -The Adver
tiser to his bi other, Geo. Leslie, at
llaysville, Mo.
Ed Stiers and Ruins Rowen this
week added their names to our Nema
ha list of readers.
S. Gilbert is able to be at the store
part of the time now, but is far from
being a well man.
Teams are now grading up tho drive
way to the olovator and it will bo reudy
tor business in a few days.
Miss Minnie May, who has been at
Omaha for some time, returned homo
Wednesday. She is feeliug much
Mrs. Ella Fauver. ef Wymoro, came
to Nemaha Thursday, to be present at
tho graduating of her sister, Miss Flor
ence Bums.
John B. Seid, of Aubuin, came in to
Nemaha last Saturday on a visit to hiu
eons, V. W. and J II, Sold. H re
turned home Monday.
Mrs. C. A. Grannis, of Beatrice, a
Hitter of Lewis Thompson, deueitHud
.tine to Nemaha last Friday to attend
Ww funeral of her brother. She is via
tung rolutl.vcs here.
! Dr. I. C. Sutton, of Shubert, was in
town Monday .
J . L. Dalby, of tlio Shubert Citizen,
gave us a fraternal call Monday.
Mrs. W. W. Keeling went to Omaha
Wednesday, to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Ed L. Culver.
James A. Titus paid Beatrice a short
visit Thursday, going out on the pas
senger and returning on the freight
that night.
V. It. Bobst, who has beon clerk lug
in Keeling' drag store for some time,
went to Uumboldt Monday, where be
I ms a position as druggist.
Mai ion Morton, of Dunlnp, Iowa,
c.une to Nemaha Fiiday morning, to
Bee lits cousin, Miss Cora Morion, grad
uate from our high school.
Mrs. J. F Wykes and two children
started Tuesday for their new home in
Kirksvillc. Mo., after a visit of two or
three weeks with Mrs. Crlm.
Ed Workman, Warren Galbraith
and Joe Stilwell will give a ball at the
opera house Friday night of next week.
A general invitation is extended.
Dr. 1. L. Callisou, the Stella dentist,
will be at Nemaha next Monday, for
tho purpose of doing dental work in
all its branches. Office at hotel.
Fay Duff stepped on a largo nail or
spike last Stihday and it ran almost
through the foot. It made a very Bore
loot for a while but it is now consider
ably better.
Mrs. Andrew Aynes has been very
sick for some time. She will probably
be taken to Omaha for medical treats
meut as soon as it is thought she is
able to stand the trip.
Ice cream and cake will be served in
the lower front room ot the opera
house Friday night and Saturday night
of this week. Good cieam and good
cake. Everybody invited.
Mr. Kuwitzky came down from No
bratfku City Monday. His wife and
children, who have been visiting the
family of Mrs. John Strain, returned
to the city with him V edneodny.
W. W. Colo, of Humboldt, is at pies
ent clerking in Dr. Keollng's drugstore
and is contemplating buying an inter
est. He i. an experienced druggist, a
good busiueoS man and a pleasant gen
tleman. Will Blair, son of John Blair, of
Stella, was drowned in the Muddy near
Stella Wednesday. The young man
was tishiug, had a fit, to which he wdb
subject, fell into the rivor and was
The engine on the east bound passen
ger train broke down Monday after
noon near Bracken and the
train had to wait until tho freight en
gine ran down from Nebraska City and
took the train back.
Our press broke down last week
while we had about 'li papers to print
and we did not get it repaired until
Wednesday evening, so some of our
subscribers did not get the paper until
the news was a littlo stale.
Billy Maxwell declaies lie doesn't
get sick just to keep from working, as
he would rather work than (eel like
ho has beou for some time. He has
had ague, billiousnesH and other things
that make a man miserable.
Jim Bennett has lost the blue print
diagrams of tho setting of the engine
and boiler. The last time he had it
was two weeks ago. Tho papers are
of no use to any one except tho owner.
Tho iindor will be rewarded by returns
log the papers.
I. N. Cooper has been suffering for
Homo time with a sivolllng under the
right ear which has recently been grow
lug rapidly. Ho went to OmuhaThurs
day to have an operation performs.!.
We hope the operation will h success
fill and a on iu effected.
Base balls, bats and accessories at
Reeling's drug storo.
For Sale A 4-hole Marseilles corn
sheller in good order. S. C. Shuck.
Hon. Cha9. B. Letton, of Fairbuty,
nnd Hon, W. U. Kelllgar, of Auburn,
have accepted tho invitation to address
our people en tho Fourth of July.
For sale or trade My residence and
two lots in Nemaha. Will take a team,
wagon and harness in trade.
L. E. MoNinch.
Mrs. Fannie S. Dowler, of Bristol,
Term., was the guest of Mrs. E. A.
Minick from Wednesday until Friday
of this week. Mrs. Minick and Mrs.
Dowler are old frieud3 who have not
semi eiich other for many years, nnd
they thoroughly enjoyed the reunion.
Collie Hndkln, who has beon away
from Nemaha for several years, Bur
prised his friends by coming iu Mon
day. Collie has beon ono of Uncle
Sam's regulars for three years, and for
the past six or eight months has been
in Cuba. He is enjoying a brief fur
lough in visiting friends.
Nemaha has been having a mad dog
scare for the past two weeks, and as a
consequence tho dog population has
beon considerably lessened. A dog
supposed to have hydrophobia bit a
number of dogs in town and in the
country south and Bouthwost of hero.
All dogs should be carefully watched
for some time.
The iHtermediate and primary de
partments of our school will give an
entertainment at tho opera house Sats
urday night of this week. A splendid
program has been prepared. There
will be three drills, recitations, songs,
etc. A small admission price of live
centj will bo charged, m assist in de
fraying expenses.
The biggest snide troup that ever
struck Nemaha was J. Henri Gilpin,
who advertised as a hypnotist and gavo
a performance at the opera houso Mon
day night. Ho advertised a perform
ance Tuesday and Wednesday nights
but as it looited quite stormy Tuesday
evening, no audience appeared at the
hall, and J. Henri concluded to lly for
greener pastures. He weut to Brown-'
ville the next day.
Mr. Thull, who has tho contract for
puttiug up Sam Anderson's storeroom,
left his team standing at the depot
Tuesday whilo he got a drink. The
ponies nm away, coming up town on
tho jump. A short distance west of
the opera house ono of the linos caught
in one wheel and turned the ponies
into a brush pile. Oue pony fell down
but neither of thorn were hurt. Tho
road VMigou was considerably damaged
and had to bo taken to tho blacksmith
shop for repairs.
Miss Una Fisher, youngest daughter
of Lewis Fisher, of Peru, died Friday
morning, May 10th, of consumption.
Tho deceased was a lovable young lady
and it is sad to seo her become a victim
of the dread disease. Mr. Flatter took
his daughter to Colorado last fall in
the vain hope that tho climate would
restore her health, but the disease had
too strong a hold. They returned to
Pern a few weeks ago. Tha deceased
was a sister of Mrs. Alf B. Klnton, of
this preciuct.
Miss Maud Minick lias sent in tier
i esiguation as postmistress of Nemaha,
and a petition has been circulated and
generally Bigned asking for tho ap
pointment of Miss Lillian Minick, the
efficient deputy, as her successor. Miss
Maud has been postmistress for over
four years, and the poatolllce has never
been conducted to tho bettor satisfac
tion of the public than during that
time. Her retirement is regretted, but
we believe Miss Lillian will prove a
worthy successor. It is understood
Miss Maud will soon take up her resl
dunce at Arcadia, where she will look
after tho male instead of the mails.
Old papers for sale at this otllce.
Cordially invites you to call and see her stock of new
Spring & Summer Millinery
Before moving stock to New Store I will
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Challies and Organdies, price reduced froin 12
cents per yard to 10c; 15c to 12ic; 8c to 6Jc,
everything else in proportion. x
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
Croquet sets for sale at Reeling's
drug store.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., Buf
fered agony for thirty yours, and thou
cured his Piles by using Do Witt's
Witch II nzel Salve. It heals injuries
and skin diseases like miigic. Keeling
The Bnyal Highlanders now have
Hoover's opera house in charge and
rent it at reasonablo prices for. any le
gitimate entertainment. Applications
should be made to W. W. Sanders,
manager. '
"W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out ac
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All b'usiness given prompt and careful
If you want to buy a hammock call
at Keeltfig's drug storo and Inspect the
nice ones they have.
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mo
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday ami
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
A.H.DeFluenn editor of the Journal,
Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a num
ber of years from lheumatism in his
right shoulder and side. Unsays: "My
right arm at times was entirely useless.
I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately Tho Pnin Balm has been
a constant companion oi mine ever
since and it never fails. For salo by
Keeling the druggist.
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens ol Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may be assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock- Also latest patterns in
A good stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock ot
Jfyou want anything in our line call
and see us, Prices guaranteed right, j
jcJCJL Jt-w IT, h
Olieap Tickets to California.
The lowest rates of tho year are
ttioso which the Burlington ltouto will
make late in Juno and early in July,
for the annual meeting of the Nation -al
Educatiohal Association, at Los All
eles. Liberal roturn limits nnd stop
over privileges.
Tho coolest route tb tho Coast is
through Denver and Salt Lake City.
Go that way and for a day and a
night you ride through the Wonder
land of tho World past canons,
mountains, rivers waterfalls, and
landscapes gay with (lowers,
Information and California litera
ture on request. J. Francis. Genera
Passenger Arjont, Omaha, Nob.
Drs. Boal fc Dillon, of Auburn,' tiavo
recolved a trial case of louses from oue
of the largest manufactories in tho
country, and are now prepared to treat
all diseases of the oyo and (it glasses
correctly. Eyes examinod free of
Horrible agony is caused by Piles,
Burns and Skin Diseases. These are
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Be
ware of worthless imitations, Keeling
Old papers for sale at this ollicc.
m in
WW Keeling guarantees every bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will ret und the money to any oue who
is not satisfied after using two-thirdH of
the contents, This is the host remedy
in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds,
croup and whooplngcough and is pleas
ant and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency of a cold to result iu pneu
monia. Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of tint
Mlcnnopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wite
and child i en, suffered terribly irom
LaGiipoe One Minute Cough Cure
was the onl iemod that helped them.
It acted qulcklv Thousands of others
iihc this remedy ,s a specific (or La
Grippe, and Ub exhausting after effects,
Keeling, the druggist.
His Lif i Was Saved.
Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen ot
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. Iu
tolling of it ho says: "I was takou with
typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia.
My lunge became hardened. I was so
weak I couldn't even sit tin in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
din of consumption, when I heard ot
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
gavo great relief I continued to use
it, nnd am now well and strong. I
can't say too much in its pr.iNe " ThiH
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes r0 oN
and . Trial bottles free at Keellug's
drug storo; every bottle guaranteed.
Volcanic Eruptions
Aie grand but skin eruptions rob lite
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve conn
them; also old, running and fever flote,
ulciH, bolls, felons. roriiH, wurtn, eut
bruises, burns, 'oalds, chapped ham!,
chilblains. Best pile cure on onith
Drives out pains and o'Jhe. Only u.'.n
a box. Cure uuarantted Sold'b .
Keeling, druggist,