ebmslrn dvertim. tvw VOLUME XL1JI NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1899. NUMBER 48 iV'l tit. Eh J,- ? Mi. If you buy it at LOWMAN'S its GOOD. V(j have received an entire Now Stock of DItY GOODS, consisting of HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, and the finest Hok'ction of W: WASH DRESS GOODS I ill N'ptnalia county. We guarantee our prices and quality against all it mV competitors. Wi (Jive us a look, EDW. E. LOWMAN, j$jm Brownvillo, Nobr. W& DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 111 HARDWARE and QHINA. g&" Kee'ing'rt drug store lias just received mx': a tjk of fresh paint. &kl .lay Duff has been sick with lung lffi. fever, hut is uttin better. jrl;,; We will celebrate at Nemaha this $&', ear, and don't fftll to remember it. Taylor Gillespie moved on one of the (Jooseman farms, near Auburn, last week. Mrs C T. Minick, of Bracken, visited Nemaha friends Tuesday and Wednesday. Rev. V. W. Hallam failed to till his appointment at the Ctiristaiu church last Sunday. If you want to buy a hammock call iit Keeling' drug store and inspect the nice ones they have. Harry Nicholls, of Pawnee City, vis ited in Nemaha two or three days the latter part of last week. E. French, of St, Deroiu, recently moved to Nemaha. He is living in pait of Mrs. Wheelor'a house. Miss Maud Minick visltod her broth ers Oscar and Charlie, at Hraoken, Thursday and Friday of last week. The Episcopal services next Sunday will be at a o'clock p. m. instead of at 11 a. in. as was published Ia.t week, Miss Maggie Strain, who has been visiting relatives at Nebraska City for s week, returned home last Saturday. Mrs. Kuwitzky and children, af Nebraska City, came to Nemaha last Saturday, on a visit to Mrs, K's mother, Mrs. Strain. Mrs. J F, Wykes and children are visiting their mother and grandmother, Mrs Crim. Mr. Wykes has moved from Lincoln U Kirkaville, Mo. For sale or trade My residence and two lets in Nemaha. Will take a team, wagon and harness in trade. L. E. MoNincii. J. F. Hern, of Rockport, Mo., is su perintending the brick work on Sam Anderson's briok Btere room. He ia a good mason and ia rushing the work. Benj, Sears, of Jlucyrus, Ohia, ars rived in Nemaha Friday of last week and visited Mrs. E. A. Minick and II. T. Minick and families until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Held gave a party Wednesday evening, in honor of Mrs. Seid's sister, Miss Mildred Murphy. The young people present had u pleas ant time. Nemaha has the reputation ef get ting up the best celebrations In the county. Wo will keep up tho reputa tion this year by having eue better than ever. Base build, bats and accessories at Keellng's drug atore. For Sale A 4 hole Marseilles corn shellor in good order. S. C. Shuck. Mr. and Mrs. V I Peabody and their two grandchildren visited friends and rolativee at Cortland, Lincoln and Uiiafillla from Friday morning until Tuesday evening. The Ladies of tho Methodist church will give a strawberry and Ice cream soclible in the front room underneath the opera houso Saturday night of this Week. Everyuody Is invited. Mrs. Laird, mother of Mrs. Kemp Colerick, came down from Iowa Tues day and Mrs. Colerick got a team and thoy drove over to llumbodlt to visit another daughter of Mrs. Laird's Mrs. Alice A. Minick, of Beatrice, went to Brownvllle Friday, and in forms us that she will probaply spend a good part of the summer there. She will have her Hue resdence repair ed. Nemaha reversed her vote on the bond proposition this election. Last year tho vote was two to one against the bond proposition. Wednesday it was two to one in favor of the proposition. Mrs. E French and children went to Stanley, Wis., her old homo, last Fri day. Mra. E. French has been in poor health for some time past. She will visit with her parents part of the summer. S. Gilbert has bean very sick for the past week with stomach and kidney trouble, nnd has been confined to the house aince Friday of hiBt week until Friday of this week, when he was able to get out again. John Dorram writes us from Guthie, Okla., time he is not stuck ou that place. He will soon start out to look at the country, and if he does not tlnd a place lie likes better will probably return to Nemaha. A very light vote was ca9t Wednes day in this precinct on the bond propo sition, Only 111 votes were cast. One had no marks on the face and was thrown out. There were 7tf votes for bonds and 37 against. The lainfall last Friday and Satur day was very heavy. Beginning at 12;05 Friday morning and continu ing until 11 p. rn. Saturday, :i :(!.' Inches of rain fell heie. From the 14th until the 20th inclusive U :!).' inches of rain fell. Ed Mooiesays Will Swan has a very nice boy, but it can't compete with his, even if it is a little older. His boy is the handsomest, smartest and best. The little fellow arrived Monday, and Ed litis been staying at homesiuce then taking care of the youngster. We are requested by the G. A. 11. members to announce that the memo rial sermon will be preached at the Christian church at 11 o'clock next Sunday, by Rev. M. J. Relf, who Is a veteran of the civil war. Everybody is invited to attend these services. The following shows the recerd of the graduating clans of our schoel for tho year, including attendance, punc tuality and deportment, as given ub by Prof. Crichton. Mr. Carman, the county superintendent, en visiting the school near the end of last pear, pro nounced this tho best eighth grade class in the county. Commencement exercises on Friday evening, June 2nd. Tdo following is the standing: Willie Sanders 80.8; May Kerker 80.7; Leuie Kerker 87.8; Stella WaBhburn 87 G; Leta Seabury 87; Grace Paris 80,0; Florence Burns 85.2; Cyrus Minick 85; Cora Merteu 81; Ambrose llowo 70. m i i Coughing injuros and inflames sorp lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loos ens the cold, allays coughing and heas quickly. Tho best cough cure for children. Keeling, the druggist, The intermediate and primary de partments of our schools will give an entertainment at tho opera house Sat urday night of next week The enter, tainment ia line, the children have been well trained, and the audience will enjoy a treat. An admission fee of live cents will be charged, to assist In paying expenses. Lew's Thompson, one of the old citizens of this precinct, diod suddenly Thursday morning. Mr. Thompson has been in poor health for some time, but has not been con lined to the house. Thursday morning ho did the usual chores and tlun woiked a whlto In the garden. He came In the Iiouho to get on overshoes, as tho ground was a little muddy in places. While sitting in a chair putting on the overshoes he suddenly fell forward, striking against the oven door t the cook utove. His wife tried to raiso him up hut could not and ran to the road and called to John White to como over. Mr. White ran over and carried Mr, Thompson in to the sitting room and laid him on the lounge. He breathed a couple of times and was dead. His death wan duo to heart failure due to old age and a gen eral breaking down of the system. Mr. Thompson came to Nebraska in 1805, and two or three years later bought the farm northeast of tewn .vhich he owned until two or three months ago, when he sold it to Lester Peabody. Ho was born and raised in Ohio, but came to Nebraska from Iowa. He leaves a wife and lour chil dren D.J. Thompson, who recently moved to southern Missouri, Mrs. C. A, Curtis, Mrs. W ,W. Relf and Mrs. J. II. Seid. The funeral services will be held at the, Methedist church Saturday, May 27th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Rev. C. H. Gilmore will preach the sermon. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., sufi fered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic. Keeling. SL-P Cordially Invites you to call and see her ateck of new Spring & Summer Millinery at the- STORE FOR BARGAINS! FlOUr & Wheat Exchange Rural New Yorker seed potatoes finest potatoes on earth, New line Prints, Sha ker Flannel, Outing Flannel and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Croquet sets for sale at Reeling's drug store. Old papers for salo at this olllce. DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronage of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The patrons may bo assured of receiving fair treatment. A good lino of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kept in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A good stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Best of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our lino call and aee us. Prices guaranteed right. TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING AN UNHEARD-OF PROPOSITION! We are going to sell Tailor-made Clothing (made to measure) at cost during the remain der of this season. We have been, this Beason, for the flnt time, making a specialty of clothing to order. Our remarkably lyw prices have proven a surprise to all, and havo brought us a splendid business in this line. Now we're going to let the bars down! We're going to give you the chance of your life! We're going to give you choice from the finest tailoring lines in America. You will have about 500 samples to select from. We will take your measure and have a suit made for you by expert tailors, and WE WON'T CHARGE YOU A CENT OF PROFIT! It dont cost us anything to do this for you and we are going to show our apprecia tion of the liberal patronage continually be stowed upon us. You take no Risk. We Guarantee Fit, Then, after we have taken your measure for a suit of Clothes, and have saved you from $2.00 to $5.60, we want you to take a look ut our splendid stock of men's furnishings. We want to show you seme splendid valuta in men's summer underwear. We want yon to soo our up to date fancy shirts, our ansortment of which is un equaled in this county. We want you to see our hats, gloves, hosiery and summer ntckware. We want you to nee eur 30 cant overalls, which are fully equul to the 50 cent overalls of would be competitors. Wo want you to sea our 40 cent ovtralls, which we furnish in blue or gray, and which are worth 15 cents mare thnn the ordinary 50 cent overalls. There nre many other goads in this departmont. ""which it would be profitable for you to examine, and it would give us much pleasure to show them to you. Our only claim far your trade ia the superiority of our goods and the cheapness of our prices. THE GREAT CASH DEPARTMENT STORE -OF- Jk.. Jl. Mclniiieli fc Son, Brownville, ----.- Nebraska. Lace Organdies, J C Cords, Pagoda Cords, Honiton Lace Organ dies, Glenmary Lawns, Silkaline Lawns A line of Men's fancy bosom shirts andja line of fancy ties, up to date Ladies' and Gents' summer underwear Boys' Pants from 15 cents up Brownie Overalls. . Boys' suits " Jersey suits Good Jeans Pants, 50 cents Fresh stock Jof fancy candies Finest line of roasted coffees ever in town Early Breakfast, Java and Peaberry in bulk and Anchor Mills pack age Coffee. Call and see our new spring stock N. R. ANDERSON. Horrible agony is caused by Files, Burns and Skin Diseases. These are immediately relieved and quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He ware of worthless imitations. Keeling A. H.DeFluent, editor of the Journal, Doylestowu, Ohio, suffered lor a num ber of years from rheumatism iu hit right shoulder and side, lie says: "My right arm at times was enthely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pa I a Balm and wan surprised to receive relief almost immediately. The Paiu Balm has beon a constant compnnien of mine ever since and it never falls. For sale by Keeling the druggist. Den't get scared when your heart troubles you. Meat likely you suffei from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It will cure every form of dyspepsia. Keeling. WW Keeling guarantees every bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money te any one who Is not untUHed after using two-thirds of thfl contests. This ia the best remedy in the world for la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooplngcough and is pleas ant and safe to take. It prevents any tendeucy of a cold to result in pneumonia. i i i ...