The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 19, 1899, Image 7

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Over 3fi,000 VIMtnni Attind tlio lllp Moat-
lug ut Cliiirlontou, Si C.-(lpit. .lolin It.
(lorilon'n 1'ntrlottc AililrvtH.
Charleston, S. C, May 11. Fully 35,
000 visitors anil confederate veterans
arc here attending the annual reunion
of the United Confederate Veterans' so
ciety. The feature of yesterday was
the parade of the veterans, followed
by tlie reunion exercises at the new
Auditorium. Ten thousand veterans
were In line when the procession moved,
shortly before three o'clock. They
marched through a dense crowd of
cheering peojde, led by Gens. Gordon
and Wade Hampton, a long line of griz
zled old warriors. When Gen. C. L.
Walker called the first session of the
reunion to order with the gavel used
at the secession assembly in 18(50
over 7,500 people were in the Audito
rium. Gen. Walker introduced Gen.
John It. Gordon, commander-in-chief of
the United Confederate Veterans. The
audience rose and for several minutes
shouted like demons. Hats were
thrown into the air and the band played
"Dixie." Every sentence of his speech
was applauded. He concluded by say
ing: I should esteem it a still higher honor to sttitnl
hero to-iluy us the henilil of both the host unci
Kucsts in procluitulntfiimessiiKO of goodwill to
ull our countrymen iinil to send the f rutcrnsil
Krectinss of tills people, of ull confederates, mid
of their children to nil patriots of nil sections;
to unite with ourAmericun brcthcrn of every
state inucribitiK to the Kulrtlnt,' hand of God the
unpnmllcd victories of American arms in tho
Into war on hind und sou; mid, lastly, by tho
memory of the fathers, whose spirits live In
their sons, to pledge tho south's uufulliui; sup
port to every worthy cause for strengthening
the bonds of American unity mid thus uccelorut
iritf the onward march of tho republic in Its
benlmi mission to humanity. I feel power by
your confidence to send to every patron in ovory
section and state tho fraternal tfreothiKs of this
convention and of tho whole people, to pledge In
tho name of every confederate and son and
daughter of confederates, thu south's eternal
loyalty to every cause for the upllf tint; of Amer
ican manhood, tho perpetuity of American freo
dom. tho unity of the American people, that by
nil these iiKcncies we may accelerato tho onward
inarch of tho republic in Its bculmi mission to
Mrs. Jefferson Davis was introduced
by Gen. Gordon as thu one whom Jeffer
son Davis loved better than the con
federacy find better than his own life.
As Mrs. Davis appeared the veterans
went wild with enthusiasm. A great
ovation was also given Mrs. Stonewall
Jackson when she appeared.
The following resolution was intro
duced by Gen. Stephen D. Lee, of Mis
sissippi: Whereas. In Atlanta. On., December L0, 18D8,
tho president of tho United States of America
jravo utterance to tho sentiment; "That tho
time has come when tho United States should
share in caring for the craves of thoconfederuto
dead;" and,
Whoreus, This utterance of the chief execu
tive of tho nation demands from us, tho surviv
ors of our dead comrades In arms, a frank and
generous responso to so lofty und magnanimous
sentiment; therefore, ho it
Kcsolved, Ily tho United Confederuto Veter
nns, In annual convention assembled, that in
this act of President McICinloy and in its recep
tion by our brethren of tho north wo iccopilzo
authoritative evidence that we are twain a
united people and ono In determination to
exhibit to tho world the KOntler as well us tho
sterner traits of American character, and that
wo accept tho statement of our chief executivo
in tho spirit in which it was made, believing
that such legislation by tho KOiierul govern
merit us ho has suKeostcd would show clearly
tho advance that tho American people have
uchieved In those higher virtues that adorn a
great nation.
A ChleiiK" Dt-ulrr Declares That Diners In
Many u Millionaires' Home Kut
Chicago, May 11. Fear of social deg
radation keeps many a millionaire of
Chicago from acknowledging the fact
that he uses oleomargarine in lieu of
pure butter, according to William
JSroadwell, a witness before the pure
food investigation commission. "It's
the strangest kind of game," the wit
ness said to Senator Mason, "this de
ception that is going on simply because.
u man is too proud to let his friends
know that he is using anything that
isn't the real article. It would sur
prise you if you could learn of the mil
lionaires that come ink my store every
day and carry home their little pack
age of oleomargarine and then pawn it
off on their swell friends as the real
Whites .Mourn u Negro's Death.
Albany, Ga., May 11. The funeral of
Frank V. McCarthy, one of the most
prominent negroes in southwest Geor
gia, occurred here yesterday and was
attended by an immense throngof both
whites and blacks. For the first time
in tho history of Albany, a town of
MOO inhabitants, every store and otlleo
was closed in honor of a negro, no busi
ness being transacted while tho funeral
wus. Jn projfruh.
" I III, lUI lrMMh
Prnncc'i New President.
President Loubet, the new president of
France, is, if anything, calm, Mine, a trifle
bourgeois and utterly devoid of sense of
eelMiuportancc. Hut there is a strong and
irresistible will behind his bland face, and
he looks like a man who would infuse into
run-down French politics as much vigor and
new life as Ilostctter's Stomach Hitters will
into the run-down system of anyone who
uses it. It is an absolute cure for the worst
of all stomach disorders.
Mm-Icrtl Down Dollnrn.
The proprietor of a yoodwnrd avenue
grocer' store arranged n big oak frmtip in his
window around a board covered with some
bluck cloth. On the hoard he pinned a lot of
new dollar hills. Above he hung n placard
reading: "llonkmnrks, Only OS Cents."
And, though hundreds of persons stopped
before the window and looked at the
fctrangc nrrny and stranger sign, hut one
ventured inside to buy. "It was either one
or the other," said the merchant, in speak
ing of the advertising scheme, "cither the
people thought they wore bills of a'culled-in'
(pries, or were bogus or else they were too
lazy to come in and save two cents. Least
ways, I didn't sell a Binglc hill. Detroit
Free l'rc&s.
Foof-KiiHC Trmlc-Mnrk Suntnlncil.
Justice Laughlin, in Supremo Court, Buf
falo, has ordcied a permanent injunction,
with costs, and a full accounting of sales,
to issue against Paul 1. Hudson, manufac
turer of "Dr. Clark's Foot Powder," and
also against a retail dealer of Brooklyn, re
straining them from making or selling Dr.
warns root 1'owder, which is declared, in
the decision of the Court, an imitation and
infringement of "Foot Ease," the powder
for tired, aching feet to shake in your shoes,
now so largely advertised and sold all over
the country. Allen S. Olmsted, of Le Hoy,
N. Y., is the owner of the trade-mark "Foot
Ease," and he is the first individual who
ever advertised a foot powder extensively,
lie will send a sample Free to any one who
writes him for it. The decision in this case
upholds his ttade-mark and renders all par
ties liable who fraudulently attempt to
profit by the extensive "Foot Kase" adver
tising, in placing upon the market a spurious
and similar appearing preparation, labeled
and put up in envelopes and boxes like
Foot Fasc. Similar suits will be brought
ng.iinst others who are now infringing on
the Foot Ease trade-mark and common
law rights.
A Curd of TlumlCH.
To the Editor I wish to express my heart
felt thanks to tho following named persons
for the assistance rendered me in the death
of my husband : Ollicets Brown, Loftus and
O'Donnell, who helped get the carriages in
line at the funeral; John Gorman, who
watched the corpse; Adolph Simmon, of
Simmon & Xonby, who was especially no
ticeable while singing "All Coons Look
Alike to Me" at the wake, and to Nick
Wentz, for serving lunch to the mourners
during their bereavement. Those men shall
never be forgotten for their kindness. Mrs.
Sarali Ann Wells, nee Murphy. Penny
State or Ohio, Ct"v ov Touuno, I ,
Lucas Co jntv, "
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm ef F. J. Cheney
& Co., doing business in the city of Toledo.
County and Stute aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dol
lars for each and every case of catarrh that
cannot be cured by the use of llnll's Catarrh
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this Gth day of December, A. D.
Seal , Notary Public.
Hall's Catari h Cure is taken internally and
nets directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the svstcm. Send for testimonials,
fiee. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by dnmgists, 75e.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
The Giving: o It.
Lension The bride was given away by
her father.
Piatt And it was the newspapers, I be
hove, that gave the count away. Philadel
phia North American.
"WJint "KiiLhoiiiIiium" Are.
"Kalsomincs" are cheap temporary prep
arations manufactured from chalks, clays,
whiting, etc., and are stuck on the walls
with decaying animal glue. They bear no
comparison with Alabastine, which is a ce
ment that goes through a process of set
ting, and hardens with age. Consumers, in
buying Alabastine, should see that the goods
are in packages and properly labeled. Noth
ing else is "just as good'' as Alabastine. The
claims of new imitations are absurd on
their face. They cannot olFer the test of
time for durability.
A hole in one's pocket isn't desirable, hut
how about the rent in that of one's fund-lord?-L.
A. W. Bulletin.
Kansas Crrv, Mo., May 10.
CATTLE Best beeves $ 4 00 4 85
StoeUors It K) 5 :
N'ntlvocows y 1U J 2!i
HOGS-Cholco to heavy 00 :t 80
SHEEP l-'alr to choleo tt M 5 10
Wheat-No. 2 red 71 71
No. Shard iMH& 68
CORN No. S mixed 8;j 3Uf4
OATS No. a mixed 27 27H
KYE-No.-' K f&X
PLOUK Piitent, per bhl 3 00 3 70
Taney 2 l5 a 10
HAY-C'holco timothy I) 00 0 60
Fancy prairie 7 75 8 25
Hit AN (sacked) 01 MM
HUTTHK-Chotco creamery.... 13 15
CHEESE Full cream 11 114
EGUS-Choico 10 10H
CATTLE Nativo and shipping. 4 00 5 M
Texiuis :i 10 4D5
HOGS-Heavy it 70 3 1)5
SHEEP -Fair to choice 3 75 5 10
FLOL'U Choice 3 00 3 N)
WHEAT -No. 2 led 73 7t
COKN No. 2 mixed 32 324
OATS - No. 2 mixed 27 274
KYE-No. 2 N1J4 f.7
HUTTEU-Creamery 14 174
LAUD Western moss 4 75 4 W
I'OKIC 8 ?5 D00
CATTLE-Common to prime... 4 10 5 50
HOGS- Packing and Milpplutf. . 3 00 3 IT
SHEEP -Fair to choice 4 00 5 25
FI.OL'K -Winter whu'at 3 M 3 CO
WHEAT No. 2 red 72 74
COKN No 'J 3;U( 334
OATS -No. 2 21 204
KYE 00 01
HI 'TTEK -Creamery 12 17
LAKD 4 Ni 5 024
POKE B 124 274
CATTLE -Nativo steers 4 774 h -'
HOGS tiood to choice 3 Ni 4 124
SHEEP -Common toohotwj 3 w 5 50
WHEAT- No.Srud HI W4
COK.SVNo. 2 41 V 414
.OATS No,2 , 31 iit 314
lUJTI'EK HHft ta
It may be interesting to note the fol
lowing atntement of mileage of the New
York Central, leased and operated lines,
which shows the total miles of track
east of Buffalo ns 0,114.81.
It is, of course, generally known that
some of the Western linos hae a greut
er mileage, but their tracks run through
a number of sparsely settled States,
while the trackage of the New York
Central and leased lines is nil in the
densely populnted States of New York
and Pennsylvania, accommodating, by
j its numerous trains, millions of pas
I sengcrs each year.
I Here is the mileage of the New York
Central leased and operated lines:
New York Central nnd branches.
' New York itHnrlem
Snuyten Duyvll &. Port Morris.
New i ork
& Putnam C1 21
Troy & GrrenlniAli (1.00
Mohawk & Mnlonc nnd branches 1S1.C0
Home, Wntortowu & Oj;densburK
nnd branches C2l..1.r
Carthago & Adirondack Km
Gouverneur & Oswekatclile J3.05
New Jersey Junction 4, S3
West Shoru and branches 4!3.2t)
Beech Creek nnd branches 157,38
Wnlklll Valley 32.S8
Syracuse. Geneva & Corning and
branches CI..S2
I Fall Brook and branches ion.70
I I'lne Creek 74..SO
Tlvoll Hollow 1.23
St. Lawrenco & Adirondack tf,.40
Terminal Railway of Buffalo 11.00
Total 2.892.8(5
Miles of track -I.453.S3
Miles of siding- 1.6C0.9S
Totnl number of miles of track and
sldlnp 0,114.61
Buffalo Express, April G, lS'J'J.
II el 1 L-d by n Tip.
"I don't see how it happens that you tret
the btart of your business rivals so often,"
fcaid the man to the prosperous undertaker.
"Why, you must have nearly double the
trade of any of the others."
"Guess 1 do," said the man of caskets,
frankly, "guess I do. Of course, mum is
the word, but the fact is, Dr. Cutter always
gives me the tip when he's going to dig for
appendicitis and I'm invariably the first
man to apply for the job!" Cleveland Plain
... -..II... i.mi .
The service of the Nickel Plate Road to
New York City nnd Boston is a demonstrat
ed success. The demands of the traveling
public are met by providing three peerless
fast express trains in each direction daily.
These trains are composed of modern, first
class day coaches, elegant vestibuled sleep
ing cars between Chicago, New York and
Boston, and unexcelled dining cars. Solid
throituh trains between Chicago and New
York have uniformed coloied porters in
charge of day coaches, whose services are
placed at the disposal of passengers. If you
want to travel comfortably, economically j
and f-afelv, see that your ticket is routed via
the Nickel Plato Road.
Coroner Was the victim
when you reached him?
! Pat Yis, sir, he worr. But bechune us
, I don't belave he knew ut. Philadelphia
1 North American.
The licit Prescription for Chill.
nnd Fever is a bottlo of Giiovit's Tastklksh
C1111.1. Tonic. It Is simply iron and quinine in
a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Prico.COc.
AIwnyM Nimble.
There is no rest for money. Spendthrifts
keen it going. Misers keep counting it. N.
O. Picayune. ,'
To Cure a Cold In One liny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it falls to cure. 23c.
Nothing makes a man feel prouder than
to be on time once, when he is naturally in
the habit of being late. Washington (la.)
Beauty marred by a bad complexion may
be restored by Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, 50 cents.
1 1 -
Lots of men think it is smart to follow
the dictates of their own conscience, when
like ns not it is on a fool's errand. Wash
ington (la.) Democrat.
1 m
It is one thing to talk and another to say
something. Chicago Daily News.
500,000 FAMILIES
Mr. W. II. B. Williams, Columbus, O.
W. II. B. Williams, publisher of The
Fanners' Industrial Union, in a recent
lettcrto Dr. llnrtiimiiKiiys: "I have used
Fe-ru-nn as a family medicine for sev
eral years. I find it of especial use for
myself. T have had several tedious
BpellB with systematic catarrh and be
fore Ufciiik' Pc-rii-nn I had tried several
other remedies with little or no success.
Hut in Pc-ru-na I found n prompt and
mire cure. 1 always keep the remedy
which promptly relieves uny attack of
the same malady.
"My wifpnlbousos Pe-ru-na. She flnd3
It of especial use for severe spells, to
which she Is subject. We nhvays keep
it in the house as a family medicine.
Wc think it mi remedy for
the various ills to which children are
subject, especially climatic discuses.
Address Dr. Ilurtman, ColiiuibuR, Ohio,
(or 0 free book on family medicine.
L3 rltv 1
Then She. Kelt Hcllc-reil.
"I felt sure the hero was going to bo
killed," she said, in describing the serial
story to her best friend, "until I happened
to think that the author was paid so much
n word, and probably would not want to
spoil u good tiling." Chicago Post.
Sometimes you hear of a perfect man. He
is the fellow your wife could have mar
ried. Town Topics.
Size is no criterion of strength. A small
onion may be stronger than a big snuash.
L. A. W. Bulletin.
m tm.t,mgmmmmmivr,w,mmjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmimmmmMa
The courtship period for
A.yers Sarsaparilla
passed long since, when it won the con
fidence and esteem of thoughtful men and
women go years ago.
You need have no doubts, if, when you
go to buy Sarsaparilla, you simply say the
old name
That is the kind that cured your fathers
and their fathers before them, and it is
the kind that will cure you. Other
Sarsaparillas may look like it, may even
taste like it, but somehow or other they
haven't the knack of curing people that
Ayer's has. Just try one bottle of Ayer's
A Natural Black by
Buckingham's Dye,
I H ! U I .11-1
Price 0 cents of all ilnipcltti or U. 1. Hall &. Co.,
Nuiliua, N.H.
.n. A FimT
j nHliTtmll If ynu wrlto
with Carter' Ink to
mj if
nt& )4RVw
nT UUftiS WHtllt AIL tLbUAILS. " Pt
y Ilruit Couuli Hni. Ttutr Good. Utso r?
j In tlnio. frnlil liy flriwitUtn. RiL.
Po Your Feet Ache ntiil IlnrnT
Shako Into your shoes, Allen's Foot-Eaao,
n powder for tho foot. It mnltoi tighter New
Hlioos feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions,
Mwollon, Hot, Callous, Ho re, nnd Sweating
Feet. All Druggists anil Hhoo Htoron sell
it. Itfc. Siunplo sent FREE. Addross,
Alien B. Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y.
Wit without wisdom becomes weari
some. Chicago Daily News.
I have found Piso's Cure for Consumption
an unfailing medicine. F. II, Lots, 1303
Scott St., Covington, Ivy., Oct. 1, 1801.
Aids Digestion,
Regulates tho Bowers;,
Makes Teething Easy.
Bowel Troubles of
Children of Any Ago.
Costs Only 20 Conta.
Auk Your Drutmlnt for It..
In the Great drain until
anilng Holts of West
ern C;i nu tin una Infor-
UMWcitt Ninth St, KnnsnaCltv, Mo.; W. V.
llKNNh-rr. hoi N. V. Mfo HUIk., Omaha. Nob.
A. N. K.-D
I'll""' diiiiu iiiiii ynu nw ill AOVCrtwftx
tncul In UiU tii,:i-t