The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 12, 1899, Image 1

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If you buy it at LOYVMAN'S
it's GOOD.
We have received an entire
New Stock of
consisting of
and the finest selection of
in Nemaha county. Wc guarantco
our prices and quality against all
Give us n look,
Brownville, Nebr.
See Lownian's now ad.
Old papers for sale at this ofilce.
Croquet suts for sale at Reeling's
drug store.
Henry Williams wa3 up from Shu
bert Tuesday.
Koeli tie's drug store has just received
a Kock of fresh paint. M
The Sniggles Family at the opera
house Saturday night.
Albert Lewis shipped a car of cattle
to Kansas City Tuesday.
M.irt May and daughter, Miss Minnie,
went to Omaha Tuesday.
See the program of tho Sniggles
Family entertainment on the la t page.
Miss Eleanor Galhraith came in from
Johnson Sunday morning, returning
S. K. Anderson, W. F. Keeling and
August Quillor were Auburn visitors
Miss Jennie Calvin came in from
Johnson Sunday morning', returning
Go to tho entertainment at tho opera
house Saturday night by the Sniggles
Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Skeon drove in
from Auburn Sunday, returning tho
next day.
Leslie Woodward came homo from
IJrock Monday and will stay at home
for awhile.
Apple trees are hanging full of
bloom and tho prospects aro fine for a
big crop of fruit.
An elegant line of latest stylos wall
paper just received at Reeling's drug
fltoro. Call and see.
Mrs. C. II. Gilmora and Miss Edith,
of Brownville, were guests of Mrs. W.
W. Sandeis last Monday;
S. K. Anderson roceivod three car
loads of brick from Table Hock on
Monday for his new store room.
Mrs. John Horner, of Brownville,
was the guest of Mrs. It. J. Duff from
Monday morning until Tuesday.
Misses Leta deauury, May Kerker
and Corn Gillespie gave this ofilce a
pleasant call Thursday afternoon.
John Taft, of Auburn, drove in to
Nemaha Friday (ff last week, with his
daughter, to consult Dr. Gaither in re
gard to her case.
Mrs. Alice A. Minick, who has been
visiting frionds at Auburn, Nemaha
and Hrownville for tho past week, ro
turned to Beatrice Frlduy.
Bnso balls, bats and accessories at
Keeling' drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lesloy, of River
ton, Iowa, arrived in Nemaha Tuesday
to attend tho funeral of Undo Dun
Dr, I. L, Callison, the Stella dontist,
will bo at Nemuhn next Monday, for
tho purposo of doing dental work in
nil its branches. Ofilce at hotel.
Mrs. Crlm had a very sore finger for
a few days last week. Sho was feed
ing a calf when it caught her hand and
bit clear through tho ilesh of one
Charloy Curttright finished a founda
tion last week for a Lutheran church
six miles west and one mile north of
Stella. This week he is working in
Rev. W. V. Hallam will preach the
memorial sermon at tho Christian
church at 1 1 o'clock Sunday, May 21st.
All aro invited. By order of the G
A. It. post.
Wm. A. Suitor, in Minick building,
will clean your watch, put In a now
main or hair spring, otc. He carries a
nico stock of restaurant goods, serves
lunches, ice cream, etc.
Mrs. Alice A. Minick and Miss Perlo
Minick, of Beatrico, came to Nemaha
Saturday and were tho guests of Mrs.
' L. Woodward until Monday, when
they wont to Brownville.
Win.;' A. Suiter and family, with
the exception of tho boy, havo been
suffering severely for several days,
having been poisoned with poison ivy
on tho wood they were burning,
If there is anything wrong in Tho
Advertiser this week lay It on to the
Sniggles Family as they havo been re
hearsing nearly every afternoon this
week on tho stage over the office.
Tho Sniggles Family finally decided
to give their popular entertainment at
tho opera house Saturday night of this
week. Admission, 10 cents; reserved
seats, 15 cents. Tickets on sale at the
drug store. Proceeds to apply on Rev.
C, II. Gilmore's salary.
Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for sale.
25 cents per setting of 15. Pure stock.
Mus. War. Andehson.
If you want to buy a hammock call
at Keeling's drug store and inspect the
nico ones they have.
Go to Kerker & Hoover for all kinds
of frosh bulk Garden Seeds and seeds
of all kinds. They are tho Old Relia
ble Seed House in Nemaha county.
Call and see.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., sufi
fered agony for thirty years, and then
cured his Piles by using He Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries
and skin diseases liko magic. Keeling.
Mr. S. A. Fackler, Editor of the
Micanopy (Fin.) Hustler, with his wife
and children, suffered terribly from
LaGrippe. One Minute Cough Cure
was tho only remedylthat helped them.
It acted quicklv. Thousands of others
ubo this remedy as a specific for La
Grippe, and its exhausting after effects.
Keeling, the druggist.
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Hakky K. McCandless.
Coughing injures and inflames soro
lungs. One Minute Cough Curo loos
ens the cold, allays coughing and heais
quickly. Tho best cough curo for
children. Keeling, the druggist,
Bismark's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid npalth.
Indomitable will and tremendous uner
gy are not found where stomach, liver,
kidney and bowels are out of order. If
you watit these qualities and the sue
cess thoy bring uhh Dr King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
nrain ami uoiy. umy 2oe at Keeling a
drug store.
Rov. C. H. Gihnore went to Omahii
Monday to attend tho funoral of W. It.
Howon, who has boon secretary of the
Mnsonio grand lodgo of Nebraska for
over twentysix years. Mr. Gilmore la
chaplain of tho grand lodee.
The now board of vlllngo trustees
met Monday night and organized by
electing F. L. Wuodwnrd chairman, S.
K; Anderson clerk, Earlo Gilbert treas
urer, Ed Workman stroot commission
er, and R. C. Morton marshal.
Deputy Sheriff Ohas. Tate, of Rock
port, Mo., was in Nemaha Thursday
and arrested Clyde Jack. The latter
got into n fuss with Jako Cavenaugh
last winter and stabbed him. II o es
caped and has kept away until now.
Wo aro requested to announce that
divine services will bj hold at St.
John's Episcopal church,
Sunday, May Mth, at 11 o'clock a. in.,
by Rev. E. S. Murphy, of Auburn.
All aro most cordially invited to at
tend. Mis. Ollio Seovill is delivering goods
sold and taking newordors, The soap,
cream, boraxine, etc., that sho sells is
first class. She has a lino chair ham
mock that she got as a premium. Mrs.
Scovill lias buen delayed in delivering
goods on accounl of sickness, but will
deliver then as fast as possible.
Benjamin F. Leslie Jicd at his homo
in Nemaha Sunday, May 7th, 1800, at
8 15 p. m., aged 77 years, 3 montliB,
and 22 days. The deceased was born in
Indiana January 15th, 1822. He was
married so Miss Harriet E. Smith, of
Linn county, Mo., Octobor 28th, 1818.
He enlisted us a private in Co. 1), 2.1rd
regiment Missouri volunteer infantry
on the 17th day of August, 1802, and
served until the closo of tho war, being
honorably discharged July 15th, 1805.
Ho was a pensioner, drawing $30 per
month for disabilities contracted in
the service. TIo had been a resident
of Nemaha for many yoars.
Tho deceased loaves a wifo nnd eight
children, seven sous and ono daughter.
Wo understand this is tho first death
in the large family.
Tho funeral services were held at the
Christian church Tuesday at 2 o'clock
p. m., conducted by Elder Diltz, of
Brownville. Scripture lesson, 00th
Psalm; Uxt, 12th verse.
Died. May 0th, 1800, at tho homo
of his son in St. Doroin precinct, J. II.
Hall, aged 84 years, 2 months and 13
days. His remains were interred in
tho Hillsdale cemetery.
Mr. Hall was born in Brown couuty,
Ohio, Feb. 22nd, 1815, where he grew
to manhood and was married to Louisa
Shelton in 1830. Mr. nnd Mr. Hall
had sixteen children, nino of which
grew to manhood and womanhood.
Eight aro now living, five boya O. N.
and George Hall, both living in Ohio,
Wm. Hall, in Kansas, Ellsha Hall, in
Missouri, jjJnmes Hall, in St. Doroin,
Neb. and throe girls Mrs. Johnson,
Mrs. Robinson, living in Ohio and Mrs
G. W, Shively, of Aspinwnll precinct.
Mr. Hall's wife died in 1870. Siuco
then he has lived with his children.
He was one of the many unfortunato
ones that went to tho gold fields in
1850, returning to Scito county, Ohio,
where ho lived until 1884, when came
to Missouri. He lived there three
years and then camo to Nebraska,
where ho has siuco niado his homo.
Ho was well liked and esteemed by
all that knew him. no never joined
a socret order in his life, but was a
strict member of tho Christian church.
Flour & Wheat Exchange
and Flour for sale
at the Keeling building.
LaGrippo is again epidemic Every
precaution should bo taken to nvoid it.
Its ppecificcuro is Ono Minute Cough
uure. a. j. biippern, runiisner Agri
cultural Journal and Advdrtiser, Elden
Mo., says: "No ono will feel disap
pointed in usiti',' One Minute Cough
Curo'for LaGilppo." Pleasant to take,
quick to net. Keeling, the druggist.
Cordially invltos you to call nnd see lior stock of new
Spring & Summer Millinery
Mrs. Frank Bontman died at tho res
idonco, northeast of Shubort, Fridny
morning, May 5th, of conBuraptloh.
Tho funeral sorvlceB woro held Satur
day at 3 o'clock p. m., nnd tho body
was laid at rest in the Prairie Union
cometcry . The deceased was a daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs, D. T. Smiloy, of
thia place. Sho leaves a husband mid
threo small children.
Mnrt May had a slight stroko of pari
alysis ono night last wook. When ho
woko up he found he could not niovo
nor speak. He could not summon as
sistance and had to lio there helpless
and without assistance for awhile. Dr.
Gaither treated him and ho is now suf
fering but little bad effects from tho
shock. Wo hope he will never havo
another experience of this nature
Mr. Frank Titus ami Miss Roso
Liebhart drove to Brownville Wednes
day and when they returned tho young
lady was Mrs. Titus. Teoy woro mar
ried by Rov. Cliaa. H. Gilmoro, at the
Methodist parsonage. Tho groom is n
son of Jamos A. Tltim, was born in
Nemaha, and has lived hero nil his
llfo. Tho brido is a sister of Mrs. E. J.
Maxwell, and her husband says sho is
tho best brido a man ever had. Tho
Advertiser extends heartiest congratu
lations and best wishes to ths young
couplo. They will mako their home nt
tho nursery.
Tho members of tho Eastern Star
gave a supper at tho Masonic hall last
Saturday night, nnd tho editor and wifo
were among tho few invited guests.
The officers for tho ensuing year wero
first installed with tho beautiful ritual
istic ceremony of tho order. Then the
long table was spread and was loaded
down with good things to eat, Wo be
lieve tho ladies of Nemaha nnd vicini
ty aro tho equals if not tho superiors
of '-uiy cooks on oarth. Tho champion
eaters of tho evening woro Dr. Keeling
and Jim Titus, whilo Ben Skeen and
Abo Lawronco wero not far behind.
By the time they got through it was
almost midnight. A good sociablo
timo was enjoyed, and we resolred
that we would join the Masons as soon
as possible, so that our wifo can bos
cotno a member of the Eastern Star.
Tho Masonic lodge and tho Eastern
Star havo added several tnombers to
their list recently. Tho membership
is composed of tho best class of citizens
in tho community.
Old papers for sale at this office,
invites tho continued patronage of tho
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
nnd druggist's sundries always kopt in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good stock of
in handsome designs nnd latest stylos.
Best of
A handsome line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our lino call
and see us. Prices guaranteed right.
Thnnks to the many neighbors and
frionds nnd especially to tho old sol
diora for their help nnd sympathy in
tho hour of our boreavoment.
Mna. IIakkikt E. Leslie,!
Gkokgk Leslie,
Rreoe and Maky Leslie,
Loken and Bell Rowen.
'- n".i ' in
Rural New Yorker
seed potatoes - finest
potatoes on earth,
New line Prints, Sha
ker Flannel, Outing
Lace Organdies, J O
Cords, Pagoda Cords,
Honiton Lace Organ
dies, Glennaary Lawns,
Silkaline Lawns
A line of Men's fancy
bosom shirts anda line
of fancy ties, up to
Ladies' and Gents'
summer underwear
Boys' Pants from 15
cents up
Brownie Overalls.
Boys' suits
Jersey suits
Good Jeans Pants,
60 cents
Fresh stock of fancy
Finest line of roasted
coffees ever in town
Early Breakfast, Java
and Peaberry in bulk
and Anchor Mills pack
age Coffee.
Call and see our new
spring stock
Horrible agony is caused by Piles,
Burns and Skin Diseases. These aro
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Bo
waro of worthless imitations, Keeling1
A.R.DeFluent.editor of the Journal,
Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a num
ber of years from rheumatism in his
right Bhoulder and side. Ho says: "My
right arm at times was eutiiely useless.
I tried Chamberlain's Pais Balm and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately, Tho Pftln Balm has been
a constant companion ef mine ever
since and it never falls. For sale by
Keeling tho druggist.
"Don't get scared when your heart
troubles you. Most likely you suffer
from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia
Curo digests what you eat. It will ouro
every form of dyspepsia. Keeling.