The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 21, 1899, Image 2

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'. W. HANDKK", I'ublUlirr.
Y&:rk:4i: ik4AA4db WkiA -k tf
APRIL J 899.
Summary of tho Daily Nows.
MlflsCo.NHTANCK I.NOAI.I.H, the daugh
ter of ox-Senutor Ingulfs, of Kansas,
was married at Washington on tlio
Ivith to Robert Silicic, of Reading, Pu.,
a lawyer.
An order was issued by the war de
partment on tho 13th mustering out
many general olllcors In order that
they may accept appointments under
the aet of March 2, ISM).
DiHi'ATC'UKH received at Washing
ton stuto that a party of 105 Ameri
can and British sullors wore forced
to retreat to tho beach after having
been euught in an ambush on a
Herman plantation in Samoa. It
was estimated that 800 warriors at
tached tho Anglo-American party and
several British and American otlicers
and men were killed and their heads
Revered by Mutuufu's warriors. Tho
German was arrested by tho British
and detained on board the Tauranga,
which made the situation very sorious.
Gov. Lkic has written a letter to
President McKiuley demanding tho
return of the South Dakota volunteers
front the Philippines. IIo declared
their detention was unconstitutional
and denounced tho attempt of tho
United States government to enforce
title with bayonets to a nation of
brown men purchased from a von
quished despot as being incompatible
with tho spirit of American institu
tions. It is becoming evident to ofllclals of
the administration at Washington
that tho insurrection in tho Philip
pines is apt to drag along for a con
siderable time anil that Aguiualdo
purposes to continue a guerrilla war
fare. Skchktahy Ai.oku posltlvoly donied
on the Mth tho reports that ho would
resign from tho cabinet and stated that
ho proposed to remain secretary of war
throughout this administration.
Tin: secretary of state has directed
tho return to their posts In Spain of
tho United States consuls who were
obliged to leave on account of tho war.
A iiki'OUT that Speaker Reed will re
tire from congress was received at
"Washington on tho 15th. It is said ho
will practice law In New York.
Tin: deslro of volunteers to return
home from the Philippines is evidenced
in a report to Washington which
shows that, of those who have been
offered tho opportunity to re-enlist
with tho offer of a bonus in travel pay
of over 5500, only about ceven per cent,
will accept.
Tins war department has directed
that able-bodied Indians be recruited
for tho regular army.
Tint United States legation tit Madrid
is to be raised to an embassy.
Tiik National league baseball season
was formally opetied on the 15th, with
games at every place scheduled.
Foun runaway accidents, in which
Beven people wero injured, ono prob
ably fatally, occurred on tho 10th
within live minutes of each other in
three funeral corteges at Calvary
cemetery, Su Louis.
Tin: immense wholesale millinery
establishment of Hart fc Co. at Cleve
land, O., was burned. It was reported
that several lives wero lost.
Mits. Sam Caiu and her four-year-old
child were crushed beneath a street
car In Cedar Rapids, la. Tho baby
run in front of tho car and tho mother
tried to save it.
It was announced by Chairman Sam
Cook that at tho Jefferson banquet to
be given In fat. Louis on or about April
25 there will bo about '2,000 guests.
A noli, ku exploded in ahuwtuill eight
miles from Chippewa Falls, Wis., kill
lug three men and Injuring live others.
A CmcAdo dispatch stated that tho
railroads have decided that the cus
tom of veterans eating and sleeping
in tho cars at tho G. A. R. encamp
ments will not bo allowed at tho coin
ing encampment at Philadelphia, us
tho cars congest tho sidetracks.
IIundhkdb of square miles of graz
ing laud have been burned over by
pn '"lu fires south, oast and west of
Choyenno Wells, Col. Still further
west, on Wild Horse, another lire
started, which burned over tin area of
20 square miles and was still spreading.
A NouTiusiiN Paoikio freight on tho
Pulousu brunch ran into a washout
near Vollmer, Ida., wrecking It badly.
'The engineer and fireman woro killed.
Mahv Coi,siu.s, u young S.wJss, com
Wod. Thar.
.( 4
"7 "7
T9 20
26 27
L. W. Ojunbteai), enshierof thn bank
in Humboldt, Neb., committed suicide.
Ho was sho"t in li Us accounts.
Thk Chicago platform dinner for
democrats at New York on tho 15th
was a success. Tho speeches indicated
that tho policy for 1000 would be a
campaign against trusts. William .1.
Bryan declared ho stood by tho Ch.
cogo platform, denounced tho policy
of the administration in tho Philip
pines and urged the need of an income
Hr.i TifAYint, member of congress in
185(100 and originator of tho Knnniis
crusade, died at Worcester, Mum., on
tho 15th. He organized tho Emigrant
Aid society, to send abolitionists to
Kansas, and it was under tills socloty
that Topeka, Lawrence, Manhattan
anil Osawatoinio were settled.
Tkxah was visited by a terrific wind
and hailstorm on tho 10th. At Lytlo
a building on tho X. L. ranch was de
molished and a cowboy killed. At Wei
mer the house of City Marshal Instill
wns blown down and his wife and two
children wero injured. At Medina tho
Kchoolhouso was overturned and tho
teacher and two pupils seriously hurt.
The coast country around Rockport
and Corpus Christ! was also Hooded
and damage reported at other places.
Ei.kvatoiih Noh. I and '.) of tho Hay
exchange at St. Louis wero destroyed
by ilro on tho 10th. Loss, 500,000.
Mits. Mahv MoICkk, daughter of ex
President Harrison, has been appoint
ed by Oov. Roosevelt a commissioner
at the Paris exposition to represent
Now York.
Wn.i. Ttrrr, u negro, who murdered
his wife, expiated the erlmo at May
Held, Ivy., on tho gallows.
Tom Makhiiam,, mayor of ICelthsburg,
111., for tho second time won tho Grand
American handicap at Elkwood park,
N. .1., beating out t!03 competitors for
the wing-shot championship honors of
America. Seven men wero tied for
first place with 2-1 straight kills, each,
but in the shoot-off Marshall was tho
only ono of tho seven who shot 1W
.John Shaw and Andrew Yancy quar
reled at llutl'alo, Tex., over farm mat
ters and tho latter was shot and killed
and tho former was dangerously
stabbed with a knife.
Gkn. Poi.aviima, tho Spanish minis
ter of war, has instructed Gen. Rlos,
the Spanish commander In tho Philip
pines, to evacuate tho archipelago im
mediately, now that tho ratifications
of tho treaty of peace havo been ex
changed. Gkn. IiAWTON was continuing liis
march north and arrived at tho town
of Longas on the 14th but found It de
serted. At sunset the American troops
entored San Antonio without meeting
any resistance.
Tub National paper box factory, at
Kansas City, Mo., was destroyed by
lire on the Kith, together with tho
three-story faetory building owned
by Peot Bros. Loss. Si5,000.
Tin: big combination of all the coal
Interests on tho Monongaholu river,
in Pennsylvania, predicted sovoral
weeks ago, is now an assured fact.
Tho combination will bo capitalized
at SJ0,000,000.
Cai't. NATiiANinr. W. Paurt.u. the
oldest river man and pilot in the west,
died at the residence of his daughter
in St. Louis, aged 01 years. Ho is sur
vived by seven children, 24 grandchil
dren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Tine Boston museum on Trcmont
street, tho oldest playhouse in tiiat
city, was badly damaged by lire the
other day. It was caused by a care
less smoker. Tho loss to tho museum
was estimated ut about S80, 000.
Thk castbouud passenger train over
tho Great Northern went through a
bridge near Rig Sandy, Mont., tho
other morning, every ear leaving tho
track and falling about ten feet. Sev
eral persons wero injured, one prob
ably fatally.
Gkn. Fiikd I). Guant has been or
dered from Porto Rico to the Philip
Eminknt representatives of leudlng
Catholic educational institutions in
tho country gathered at Chicago on
tho 12th to discuss plans for the unifi
cation and expansion of the education
al system for children of the Roman
Catholic faith.
A fihk at Oshkosh, Wis., destroyed
tho llolllstcr furniture factory, tho
Reliance boiler works, the Star foun
dry, tho American Refrigerator com
pany's plant, thu Ozark Hats and a
scoro of smaller buildings. Loss, es
timated at 200,001).
Gkn. Lawton captured the villages
of Pagsujan and Lumban, tho Filipino
Insurgents fleeing to tho mountains.
Ksi'ANor.A, N. M., was nearly wipod
out by a Ilro tho other day.
Fkanic PlMlCKi.i,, a Klondlker from
Montgomery county, Mo., died at Se
attle, Wash., of pneumonia, the other
day. Purcell hod a large acquaintance
throughout Missouri and was en route
to thu Alaskan gold Holds for the third
Tin: S10 dinner of democrats at Now
York took placu on the l!)th. There
wero fully SiOO moro guests than tho
1,500 planned for. Judgo Van Wyek
was tho principal orator. He spoko
against thu tariff and trusts, but
ignored tho money question and terri
torial expansion.
Tin: Indian territory grand lodge, I.
0. 0. F., convened at Ardmoro on thu
Dkhkuvino servant girls to the num
ber of seven received a S20 gold-pleeu
from the German Housewives society
at New York as a reward for uninter
rupted servlco of two years In the
binne families.
Onk hundred United States soldiers
wero under arrest at tho Presidio
reservation at San Francisco on tho
10th for burning down a saloon just
outside tho reservation. Tho trouble
was caused by tho brutal beating of a
comrade ut a saloon tho previous
Pom: Lko participated in a thanks
giving mass at Rome on the 10th.
Thk Missouri river was reported tis
being very high on tho 16th in North
Dakota. At Williston many miles of
railroad track was washed awuy and
in Fort Plerro people In tho lower
part were compelled to ubundon their
Thk celebration attending the re
turn of tho United States cruiser
Raleigh from Manila occurred at Now
York on tho 10th. Tho weather wan
Intensely disagreeable, a cold ruin
falling. Mayor Van Wyek extended u
formal welcome to Capt. Coghlnn and
the Raleigh then led a naval parade
to Grant's tomb, where tho vessel firod
a salute of 21 guns and then returned
down the river timid much cheering
and whistle-blowing.
R. A. DoitsT, an old-time river cap
tain, has died at St. Louis. Ho navi
gated both thu Missouri and Missis
sippi rivers and was tho first to tulco
a steamboat up tho former to tho
Rocky mountains. Although in his
eighty-first year, he kept employed up
to the time of his death.
In 27 provinces of Russia a famine is
raging and the sufferings of the In
habitants are reported as being fright
ful. Typhus fever has broken out
among both humans and beasts, duo
to thu bad food eaten.
Thk barge Vidalia turned complete
ly over near Louisville, ICy. , and
emptied her valuable cargo of Russian
iron into tho water, which will be u
total loss.
Thk Cuban army muster rolls, which
were delivered to Gov. Gen. Brooke at
Havana, show on their face 4S.000
names 0,000 commissioned ofllcers and
42,000 non-commissioned ofllcers and
privates. Tho whole statement was
considered an orderly arrangement of
regiment and company scores.
Gkn. Mii.k.h has issued a general or
der to tho army promulgating tho law
passed at tho last session of congress
in relation to the sale of intoxicating
liquors in army canteens or on mili
tary reservations. The recent opinion
of Attorney General Griggs construing
tho statute is given in full uud is ac
companied by special instructions for
tho enforcement of the law as thus
A tiiaokdy took place at Dcview,
Ark., between a number of citizens of
that place, in which H. C. Ashburn
was instantly killed; A. J. Black und
his son, Lee, woro fatally wounded,
and several others were more or less
seriously won tided. Tho trouble uroso
over a perjury trial.
Thk Samoan high commission will
sail for Apia on the United States
naval transport Radger, leaving Sau
1' rancisco on the 25th Inst Tho early
Balling of the commission is regarded
as evidence that tho recent collision
ut Apia will be diplomatically sit'.lad.
An appeal for aid has been issued
for tho people of Zapata county, Tex.
Hundreds of families wero said to bo
on tho verge of starvation on account
of the failure of their crops by drought.
In a fit of jealousy at Cleveland, O.,
William Reatty shot and killed John
Madden uud sent u bullet through tho
forehead of Mabel Day, over whom the
men had quarrelled. The woman will
Thk plant of tho Little Rock Oil and
Dellnting company and tho Aurora
Castor Oil Manufacturing compauy at
Little Rock, Ark., was destroyed by
fire tho other night. Tho eauso of tho
fire wns unknown.
Thk Dawes commission will com
mence to take the census of the Choc
taw nation on April 10. It is estimated
that there tiro aiiout 15.000 Choctaws,
and, with tho exception of tho month
of July, tho commission will bo In tho
field until August .11, closing with the
census at South Canudlun, I. T., on
that date.
OitDKits were issued from Washing
ton on tho 17th to Gen. Brooke to dis
charge men in tho regular army In
Cuba who had enlisted only for the
war with Spain.
A I'ltAlltn: fire, driven by a high
wind, damaged much property around
Vrooman, Neb., and tho town was
barely saved. In fighting tho Haines
Mrs. Anderson wns probably fatally
burned and several other people woro
also severely scorched.
A i'hominknt senator from one of
the northwestern states who Is close
to the president is authority for tho
statement that thu president will call
the Fifty-sixth congress In extraordi
nary session at some date prior to
September 1, so as to get tho currency
question out of tho way.
At a meeting of German-Americans
at Chicago on the 17th resolutions
wore adopted denouncing In vigorous
language any attempt to Interfere with
tho good relations existing botween
tho United States and other nations
by singling out anyone power as an
ally. Tho meeting was a protest
against an Anglo-American alliance.
Gkn. Lawton's expedition has beon
recalled to Manila and all tho towns
captured from tho Filipinos havo beon
abandoned. Tho general stated that
It would require 100,000 men to subdue
the islands, lie could force his way
from one end of the Islands to tho
other, but. leaving garrisons ut thu
places,. cap.'.ured would cat up his
The Very DlniiKrccnlilc Ilcvclntlon of
n .Man Who Wan In No
At four o'clock one Friday afternoon not
long ago as Mr. T was busily encaged at
his desk in a down town office a man walked
in and inquired for Mr. R , who occupies
a desk nt the opposite side of the same of.
fice. Mr. T thought he recounizctl the
man as an unwelcome caller. When asked
if Mr. R was in, without raising his eyes
from the work before him, Mr. T an
swered, "No, he is not," whereupon the call
er remarked that as he was not very busy he
thought he would sit down and wait.
At five o'clock he wns still waiting.
At fi:30, still waiting.
A few minutes before six Mr. T closed
his desk for the day and prepared to go
home. The caller ventured to ask if Mr.
R was likely to return to his oflicc again
thatday. Mr. T answered:
"No; he is in IlitlTnlo and will be hack
next Tuesday morning."
The caller showed no anger. On the con
trary he smiled.
"Don't apologize," he said; "my business
was not important, and your oflico lias
proved a pleasant lounging place. Fact is,"
hc blandly addrd, "1 suppose I'm coming
down with the smallpox and the doctor
told me 1 must stay indoors and keep
And Mr. T anxiously wonders wheth
er he was lying or not. Cleveland Plain
He TIiotiKht AiikcI Fond Should
Have the HIkIU Kind cif
llrniil on It.
A woman whose husband was physician
for the California state prison recently had
in her kitchen one of the convicts from the
prison, a Chinaman, serving a short sen
tence for theft, but whose subsequent good
behavior had made for him nianv friends
among the government officials. John was
a good cook and more than cleanly, so the
doctor's wife hailed him with delight and
mourned greatly when the days were busy
and .John was not allowed beyond the pris
on walls. John, when in the world, had
heard a good deal about the "Slunday
school" life of his fellow celestials anil
Mticc his confinement had thought much on
the subiect.
Tho doctor was very proud of John's
cooking and one day invited a few friends
in for dinner. John wns in his element
and prepared an elaborate meal. Among
the many delicacies for dessert ordered by
the doctor's wife was an angel cake. .John's
chief culinary success. Great was the con
sternation and surprise of the hostess and
the amusement of the guests when John
bobbed itiito the room carrying a huge,
snowy, uncut angel cake, bearing across
the top in huge red letters ihe word "Heav
en." John's dinner was a "howling" success.
SukkorHojih fur Sprlnsr Clenhlnpr.
Much of the labor of house cleaning may
be avoided by the exercise of good judg
ment and management. Pleasant weather
must be selected for tho work, usually the
first of May is the best time to begin. Every
tiling should be in readiness beforehand.
Brooms, brushes, tacks and strings should
he nrovided. The windows and naints can
be perfectly cleaned by washing with warm
water and Ivor
the free use of lime
and borax
and deodorize the
In HIiik I'nrlnncc.
Miss Fox Papa, why docs a young man
give his fiancee a diamond ring?
Mr. Fox Oh, that's the forfeit he puts
up to insure a fight. Jewelers' Weekly.
She "Arthur, father has failed." He
"The old sinner! And only last night he
told me to take you and be nappy." Town
It is always easier to recognize a debtor
than a creditor. Ram's Horn.
Bigotry is not peculiar to religion. Ram's
NE reason Mrs. Pinkham's treatment helps women
I M promptly is that they have confidence in her.
Through some of the many thousands of Mrs. Pink
ham's friends an ailing woman will be led to write to Mrs.
Pinkham at her home in Lynn,
Mass., and will tell her symptoms.
The reply, made without charge of
any kind, will bear such evidence
of knowledge of the trouble that
belief in her advice at once inspires
This of itself is a great help.
Then the knowledge that women only see the letters asking
for advice and women only assist Mrs. Pinkham in replying
makes it easy to be explicit about the little things that define
the disease.
Mrs. Eliza Thomas, of 634. Pine St., Easton, Pa., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham I doctored with two of the best
about four years I was a great sufferer from female troubles. I
liadbackacheallof the time, no appetite, pains in stonui:h, faint
ing spells, was weak and my system was completely run down.
I also had falling of womb so bad that I could senrcely walk
across the floor. After taking two bottles of your Vegetable
Compound and one box of Lozengcrs, can say I am cured.'
"He Who Pursues Two
Hares Catches Neither
Said a well known young
man about town, "I tried
for years to burn the candle
at both ends, in the pursuit
of pleasure while trying to
attend to business My blood,
stomach and kidneys got into
a wretched state and it
seemed that I could not carry
the burden any longer
But now my rheumatism has gone,
my oourugo has returned, and nil on
account of that marvel, Hood's Sarsa
narillu, which has made mo u picture of
health. Now I'm in for business pure
nnd simple.
Hip DlBoaao "Iliad rnnnlngsores for
eight years on my hips. I was confined to
my bed at times and at others used
crutches. Hood's Sarsiiparllhi cured my
hip and gave mo permanent health." Oi.i.m
J. Aucmm, lti'J Dudley Street, Dayton, Ohio.
IntliKOBtlon--" 1 now havo n good ap
petite, eat well, sleep well and my dyspepsia
and indighslion havo left me. The reason
is I took Hood's Sarsaparllla which entirely
cured me. I am Baggage Master on the
B. & O. Railroad." Thomas Uolcs. 110
tit .. .-t
unrr oi., oanuusuy, umo.
JwQ&& $aMaf
Hooil'n rills euro Hvoi 1)1; tho non-Irritating and
only c.itlinrtlo to tnko with Hood' Hamaparllla.
Proof I'ohIUvc.
Two men were standing outside a jewel
ers' window admiring the gorgeous display
of glittering gems that lay before them.
Presently one of them, pointing to an object
in a red plush tray, said:
"Just look at that scarfpin, representing
a Hv. Anyone can tell that's not real."
"Well, f should think so," answered tho
friend. "Who ever saw a common fly with
such a bright appearance? Why. it makes
me wearv when I think that the jeweler
who produced that fondly hoped that some
one would purchase it to deceive his friends.
If I saw that on a man's scarf I could tell
directly that it was an enameled imitation."
At that moment the object of their con
demnation moved across the tray, flew in
the air, and vanished. The two men looVed
at each other, gasped, and moved away
without a word. Pearson's Weekly.
Ilnrmilu Hun tlnrr.
It is imjrassible for all us men to be tho
gallant prince who is the devoted slave to
the lady in the rose-colored fairy story, but
we can offer our seat in the street car to the
tired woman who has been "shopping" all
day in the vain endeavor to make the $2.25
her husband kindly "gave" her clothe a
family of six and make them look as neat
and comfortable as the children next door,
L. A. W. Bulletin.
Sentiment nnd Fact.
She Do you remember how you used to
put your arm around my waist, when wu
were engaged, ten years ago? You never
do so now.
lie No; my ami has not grown any
longer. Indianapolis Journal.
Wonderful UvtiiiRellst.
"Biggest revival preacher we ever had
jre, said the country croeer. "was oltl
Brother Jarvis. Actually, when that man
got through with 'em. the whole blame com
munity turned in an paid all its debts!"
Indianapolis Journal.
When a man builds a large and costly
house, he should plan it with a view lo
its fitness for a boarding house, for that is
what eveny large house ultimately coition
to. Atchison Globe.
doctors in the city for two
years nnd had no relief until I
began the use of your remedies.
My trouble was ulceration of
the womb. I suffered
something .terrible, could
not sleep nights and
thought sometimes that
death would be such a
relief. To-day I am a well
woman, able to do my
own work, and have not
a pain. I used four bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and
three packages of Sana
tive Wash and cannot
thank you enough for the
good it did me."
Mrs. M. Stoddard,
Box 268, Springfield, Minn.,
writes :
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham For
.'rv.Tv.--pJm.- .
wnolo force.