Mdvertmr. tati ft fort & t? h & VOLUME XL1II NEMAHA, NEB11ASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1899. 5UMBEK 43 Local News Como out and hear Joo Jones. Old pnpera for sitle ut this office. Try Bonzo Croato. Emma Grim, agt. Miss Maud Minick visited Auburn Wednesday. Harry NlehollB came in from Pawner City Tuesday. John Colglazler, of Shubert, waB in towu Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. II. Hoover roturned to Lincoln Wednesday. S. K. Anderson is having tho sand hauled for his new brick store room. Mrs. J. W. Taylor and Miss Nellie Morton were in from Auburn Tuesday. J. P. Gohoe, of Brownville, did aome painting on the school house Monday. Mrs. J. M. Armstrong and Master Rob ware in from Auburn Thursday. Mr. Phillips, former postmaster of Peru, was u Nemaha visitor Monday. John E. Crother ia working at Young's harness shop at South Au burn. Harry McCandless shipped one car of hogs Wednesday and two more Thursday. Mrs. Ollie Scovill has boen Blck for tht past week, but is able to sit up a little now. J. P. Cohoe, of Brownville. is doing some carpenter work, painting, etc., tor John Watson. The trees are begiunlng to leave out. the grass is green, and everything looks springlike. AnderBon has just received a hand some lino of novelties in the dry goods and notions line. Call in and see ub if you want to subscribe for any paper published in the United States. Guy Bobst walked up from Shubert with his father Sunday night and visit ed for a day or two, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swan drove in from Auburn Sunday and visited rela tives for a few hours. S. Gilbert has boen very sick with atomach trouble for several days, but is getting some better. Rev. Joe Jones will preach at the opera house at 11 o'clock a. in. and 3 o'cleck p. m. Sunday. Misses Eleanor Galbralth and Jennie Calvin came in from Johnson Satur day, returning Monday. Sam Anderson this week bought lot 8. block 00, where Sherm Titus has his livery stable and house. Mrs. Jehn Dorrara and Ajddie s'art ed for Oklahoma Thursday. They go to Guthrie, where John is located. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs fer sale. 25 cents per setting of 15. Pure stock . Mns. Wm. Anderson. Miss Florence Minick, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. RuyScofield, nt Johnson, for several weeks, returned home Monday. Rev. C. H. Gilmoro has been attend ing tho meetings of Rov. Joe Jones at Nemaha this week and enjoying them thoroughly, too. C. W. Roberts brought in some AugiiBt pigs Wednesday that weighed over aoo pounds. They were Polands and were beauties. Phil Shuck was taken sick Sunday, fainting away at the dinner table. Ills father sent ovorand had him taken over to his house. Old papers for sale at this office. Don't fail to hoar Joo Jones, Benzo Cream removes tan. Crttn, agent. Emma An defiant line of latest styles wall paper just received at Keeling'u drug storo, Call anil see. FOR SALE .The best 40-acre fruit farm in Nebrn&ka. For prices and terms apply to J. G. Sanders, agent, Brownville, Nebraska. Wm. Daniels is having a good fivo room house built on his farm north west of Nemaha. Hugh BellaB has tho contract for building the house. There will be no preaching at the Methodist chutch at Nemaha next Sunday night, as Bro. Gilmoro wants to be with Joe Jones at Brownville. J. H. Seid brought in a Poland China shoat and sold it to Harry McCandless Thursday that weighed 730 pounds. He brought some other good ones with it, too. Miss Delone, who lives in the west" em part of the stute, visited her forms er schoolmate, Miss Emma Grim, from Saturday afternoon until Monday af ternoon. Ben Parker, who Ib now agent for tho Singer sewing machine, as well as real estate agent, collector, and general rustler, drove In from Auburn with his wife and two children Thursday. We are requested to extend a Bpecial invitation to the ladies to call at Keel i tig's drug store and examine tho hand some Jine of wall paper just received. There aresorao beautiful new designs. Robt. P. Frost sends us a money or der for $1 and directs us to send him The! Advertiser for one year at Pawnee, Oklahoma. He will get the Farm Journal until January, 1004, as a pre mium. Tho Missouri river is booming nnd is out of its banks in places. It is not thought :uch damage will be done, as the water is about as high as it will get at this time, according to reports from up the river. Mrs. Woodward and Miss Ethel Mor rison, of Kansas City, mother and nelce of F. L. Woodward, arrived in Nema ha Tuesday to see tho wonderful baby, Miss Joy Helen Marie Alice Vivian Hope Ruth Frances Willard Wood ward. We will sell apple and crab trees (all leading varieties) until planting season. Trees 4 to 5 feet, 10c each ; $8 per 100; 5 to 7 ft., 12c each ; 810 per 100. Fifty at 109 rates. If tho stock is not first class when It arrives we will rofund the money for samo. Order early. Ueokk fc Stilson, Corwith, Iowa. mm Dr. Beal & Dillon, of Auburn, have received a trial case of lenses from one of the largest manufactories in the country, and aro now prepared totieat all diseases of the eyo and (it glassas correctly. Eyes examined free of charge. Blacksmith shop and tools for sale or rent! Inquire of Lambert Morton. Mr. S. A. Facklor, Editor of tho Micauopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wire and children, suffered terribly from LaGrippe. Ono Minute Cough Curo was the only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others me this remedy as a spocific for La Grippe, and its exhausting after effects, Keeling, the druggist. HOGS. I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. Highest market prices paid. FIahuy K. McCandlhss. Coughing injures and inflames soro lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loos ens the cold, allays coughing and heais quickly. Tho best cough curo for children. Keeling, tho druggist, Sam Teare, Miss Dollio Mlnshall, Misses McGechie, and Masters Glydo Harper and Willie McGechle drove up from Shubort Thursday night to hear Joe Jones. Mr. Frank Larimore and Miss Delia Banks were married Wednesday, April 10th, nt 5 o'clock p. rn., at the residence of Chas. II. Larimore, in Aspinwnll precinct. The Advertiser extends heartiest congratulations. Dunraven Castle No. 30, Tho Royal Highlanders, has leased tho Hoover opora lioiiHo for a year. It will be used as a lodgo room and also for theat rical performances and other customa ry entertainments. W, W. Sandors will act as manager. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Fisher, who spent the winter with Mrs. Charlie Fisher, at Portland, Oregon, and with Mrs. Philip Crother, at Summerland, California, returned homo Tuesday They are in good health and sry they passed an enjoyable winter. TO CUUK A COIiU IN ONE DAY Talco Liixativo Uroino Quinino Tablets. All druggiRts rofund inonoy if it fnilH to euro. 25c. Tho gouuino linn L.13.B. on ench tnblot. Probably the worst hail storms that over visited Nemaha came Wednesday afternoon. It was accompanied by considerable wind at.d hard rain. The hail piled up and the ground was white with them. The hail storm continued longer than any ono we remember of. Hon. Church Howe, consul at Paler mo, Italy, hearing of the birth of a daughter to Mr, and Mrs. F. L Wood ward, sent the little lady a gold locket and chain and a tine silk handkerchief. The presents were received a few days ago and of course are highly appreciat ed by Frank and his wife, while Miss Joy looks pleasant and Bays nothing. ONLY $1.00 PER YEAR. Remember, we will Bend you The Advertiser for only ONE DOLLAR per year If paid In advance. Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., sufs fered agony for thirty years, and then cured his Piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases like magic. Keeling. m 0 Take the wagonette when in Auburn for any part of the city. EaBy riding. Quick time. All trains met, John McElhaney, pronrietor. iii Bismark's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid Health. Indomitable will and tmmendous ener gy are not found where stomach, liver, kidney and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the sue cesa thoy bring use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Keoling's drug store. Wo have made arrangements where by we can give absolutely free the Farm Journal, n Bplendid monthly, live years to any Bubscrlber, new or old, who pays ono year in advance for The Advertiser. Thus for only 81.00 you will get The Advertiser ono year and tho Farm Journal five years. His Lifa Was Saved. Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful dellvoranco from a frightful death. In telling of it he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran Into pneumonia. My lungs bocatno hardened. I was so weak I couidn't oven sit up in bed. Nothing helped mo. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr.King's New Discovery. One bottlo gave great relief. I continued to use it, and am now well and Btrong. I can't say too much in its praiso." This marvelous medicine is the sureit and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cts and $1. Trial bottles free at Keeling's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. LaGrippe Is again opidomic Every precaution should ho taken to avoid it. Its specific cure is Ono Minute Cough Curo. A.J. Shnperd, Publisher Agri cultural Journal and Advdrtiser.Elden Mo., says; "No ono will feel disap pointed in using One Minute Cough Cure for LaGrippe." Ploasant to take, quick to act. Keeling, the druggist. 3F1BLJ&y Cordially invltos jou to call and aoo her stock of new Spring & Summer Millinery -at STORE FOR Hon. Church Howe Bends us a lot papers from Italy, but as he failed to send along an interpreter wo did not get much good out cf thum. However he included in tho bunch a copy of the London daily Mail and another paper printed in English, ho we did get somo good out of theso. Willlo Smiley came near losing his left Hand Thursday afternoon. Ho was out hunting with Nelson Iladlock and was ramming the load of powder down in his old fashioned muzzle load lug musket when the thing went off. The flesh on tho ball of his thumb was badly lacerated and there wero several cute on his llugers.,,Dr. Keeling dressed tho wound and thinks tliero will be no pormanont bad results. William S. Rus?ell and Mies Lou Lambert wero married at Auburn on Wednesday, April 10th. Tho yonng couple went out on tho train Wednes day morning, and woro accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Koister, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ilowo, Mr. and Mrs. John Webber, and Miss Ada Lnmbert. They were mariied at tho Lutheran parsonage, by Hov. w. LMtltenuaou. They will go to housekeeping at once on the farm W. T. Russell lecontly bought of Jim Sparks, southeast of Bracken. May lung lifo, poace, pros perity and happiness be their allot" ment. Flour & Wheat Exchange and Flour for sale at the Keeling building. Cora and Wood "Wanted. Our subscribers will please take notice that wo need corn and wood and will allow highest market price for the samo on tuibscriptiou. Please bring ub some at once. W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out ac curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All buBiness given prompt and careful attention . Money to Loan On good farms at as low rato of in terest as the lowest and the best of terms. Call and see us. GlLMOlllS, GlLLAN & BuilKISBS. Auburn, Neb. Horrible agony is cauHed by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases. These aro immediately relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Bo ware of worthless imitations, Keeling DR. W. W. KEELING, DRUGGIST, invites the continued patronago of the citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho patrons may be assured of receiving fair treatment. A good lino of DRUGS and druggist's sundries always kopt in stock. Also latest patterns in WALL PAPER. A good stock of JEWELRY in handsome designs and latest styles. STATIONERY Hest of PERFUMERIES A handsome line of LAMPS A full stock of PAINTS AND OILS If you want anything in our linn call and sec us, Prices guaranteed right. jEjI. 3L jn jLm the- BARGAINS! Rural New Yorker 366(1 potatoes flliest potatoes on earth, New line PrintsSha ker Flannel, Outing Flannel Lace Organdies, J C Cords, Pagoda Cords, Honiton Lace Organ dies, Glenmary Lawns, Silkaline Lawns A line of Men's fancy bosom shirts anda line of fancy ties, up to date Ladies' and Gents' summer underwear Boys' Pants from 15 cents up Brownie Overalls. Boys' suits. Jersey suits. Good Jeans Pants, 50 cents. Fresh stock of fancy candies. Finest line of roasted coffees ever in town Early Breakfast, Java and Peaberry in hulk and Anchor Mills pack age Coffee. Call and see our new spring stock N. R. ANDERSON. These are dangerous times for ttio health. Croupe, coldn and throat troubles lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Oure used at tho right time will preserve lifo, health, and a largo amount of money. Ploasant to take; children like it Keeling, tho druggist, Volcanic Eruptions Are grand but skin eruptions rob life of jiy. Bucklen'B Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25c a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by Keeling, druggist, WW Keeling guarantees evory bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and will refund the money to any one who is nots:)tiB(led nfter using two-thirds of tho contents. This is the best remedy in the world for la grippe.coughs, colds, croup and whoopingcough and is pleas ant and safe to take. It prevents any tendency of a cold to result in pneu monia. . . Don't get scared when your lmurf troubles you. Most likely 'you suffiM from indigestion. Kodnl DTspppsia Curo digests what you eat. Tt will curo ovory form of dyspepsia. Keeling.