The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 14, 1899, Image 1

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Local !N"ews
The roads are getting better.
Don't fail to hear Joe Jones,
Have you got tbe spring fever?
Garden making is new at hand,
Old papers for sale at this ofllce.
Fine weather. A welcome change.
Try Benzo Cream. Emma Crina, ogt.
Dr. Keeling is having a cistern dug.
I. N. Cooper visited Auburn Thurs
day. Arbor Day Saturday of next week
April 22nd.
Benze Cream removes tan. Emma
Crim, agent.
T. 13. Skeen was down from Auburn
Dr. Keeling has been about sick fer
several days.
Some needed repairs are being made
on the depot.
Sam Soper returned te Nemaha Fri
day morning.
Sam Anderson returned from St. Joe
last Saturday.
J. B. Berger moved into his new
house Monday.
Harry Linn got a new road wagon
a few days ago.
Spring has come, and receives a
hearty welceme.
There is a One opening for a harness
shop in Nemaba.
W. H. Eagle is building a barn for
the Titus Nursery.
Rev. C. H. Gilmore was down from
Brownville Tueiday.
The roads are improving wenderful
ly in the last few days.
Lester Poland is now clerking fer
Henry Williams at Shubert.
Tbe Epworth League ia preparing to
give an entertainment soon.
J. G. Sanders, editor of the Brown
ville Sun, was in town Tuesday.
SEED OATS for sale. Early va
riety. L. H. BARNESi
Will F. Keeling has moved into the
house just vacated by M. H. Taylor.
R. D. Waterman, who is new living
east of Auburn, was in town Tuesday.
Arguments for a new trial for Will
Argabright will be heard on the 18th
Frank Woodward has been hobbling
around with rheumatism for a fow
An elegant Hue of latest styles wall
paper just received at Koeliug's drug
store, Call and eoe.
Mr. andLewellyn Williams came up
from Shubert last Saturday and visited
relatives a few days.
Miss Lizzie Lewark, who has been
visiting for several months in Illinois,
returned home a few dayB ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Fox wero down
from Auburn Tuesday, visiting their
daughter, Mrs. S. K.Anderson.
Tnko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnbloto. All
druggists rofuml money if it fails to euro.
'-'Go. Tho genuine linn L.B.B. on each tablot.
Dave Thompson started south
Wednesday morning. lie will prob
ably locato in southern Missouri or
Wantod Poach Seod.
The Titus Nursery want to buy a let
of poach seed. If you have any bring
tliem in at once.
J. P. Cohoe was down from Brown
vllle Tuesday and gave this ofllce a bo
Mrs. Thco. Hill drove down to Falls
City Wednesday forenoon, returning
that night.
It ia rumorod that llabe Elliott is
going to move back to Nemaha in a
short time.
Call in and sco na if you want to
subscribe for any papor published in
the United States.
Rev. James Hiatt and wife, whe have
been visiting noar Sabeiha, Kansas, re
turned Thursday.
Mrs. M. H. Taylor went to Shubert
Wednesday ovening, Miss Dera Mor
ton went with her.
J. M.Burns has commenced build
ing a house on the lot Charley recently
bought in bleck 90,
Mrs. II. E. Williams came up from
Shubert Tuesday to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Titus.
Barred Plymouth Bock eggs fer salo.
25 cents per setting of 15. Pure stock .
Mna. Wm. Anderson.
Eugene Howe camo down from Peru
Friday morning, tho Normal school
having a vacation until next Wednes
day. Dr. I. L, Callison, the Mtolla dentist,
will bo at Nemaha next Monday, for
the purpose of doing dental work in
all its branches. Ofllce at hotel.
Go te Kerker & Hoover for all kinds
of fresh bulk Garden Seeds and needs
of all kinds. They are tho Old Bellas
ble Seed Heuse in Nemaha county.
Call and see.
S. Gilbert returned from Oklahoma
Friday. He stopped at Kansas City
and St. Joe to buy spring goods. Coy
Rives, a nephew of Mrs. Earle Gilbert,
came with him: He will make his
home with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Gilbert.
Mr. Walsh, of Lincoln, came to
Nemaha Tuesday afternoon to collect
up rent for lets and look after other
business for the estate of William H.
Heaver. He talks of moving to Au
burn and going into the stock raising
business. He returned o Lincoln
We will sell apple and crab trees (all
leading varieties) until planting seasen.
Trees 4 to 5 feet, 10c each ; $8 per 100;
5 to 7 ft., 12c each ; 810 per 10. Fifty
at 109 rates. If the stock is net first
class when it arrives we will refund
the money for same. Order early.
Ueokk & Stilson, Corwlth, Iowa.
Drs. Beal & Dillon, ef Auburn, have
received a trial case of lenses from one
of the largest manufactories in the
country, and are now prepared totieat
all diseases of the eye and fit glasses
correctly. Eyes oxamined free of
Blacksmith shop and
tools for sale or rent!
Inquire of Lambert
Mr. S. A. Facklor, Editor of the
Micanopy (Fla.) Hustler, with his wife
and children, suffered terribly from
LaGrippe. Ono Minute Cough Cure
was the only remedy that helped them.
It acted quickly . ThuiiBands of others
use this remedy as a specific for La
Grippe, and its exhausting after effects.
Keeling, the druggist.
' i in --
I will buy hog3 at Nemaha and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Hauhy K. McCandless.
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. One Minute Cough Cure loos
ens the cold, allays coughing and heals
quickly. The best cough cure for
childreu . Keeling, tho druggist ,
The Missouri river rose rapidly for a
few days bub is falling again,
Call in and boo us for way down
clubbing rates ou your winter's supply
of reading matter.
A good many fish were caught by
our fishermen during the recent rlao in
the Missouri river.
Mrs. W. H.Hoover came down from
Lincoln Wednesday aud is visiting
frionds and attending te business for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Armstrong
drove in frem Auburn Sunday and
visited Mrs. Fannio Fairbauk for a
few hours.
Uncle Billy Burns was down town
Tuesday for tho first timo in four
weeks. Part ef tho time he has been
quite sick.
John Hnwxby returned home Satur
day evening after a visit of n few days
with bis brother Fred and other friends
in Lincoln.
Orvllle Holdinge has got tired of
carrying water so far, and so has had a
good well dug on his property in the
nerth part of town.
FOR SALE. Tbe best 40-acre fruit
farm in Nebraska. For prices and
torma apply to J. G. Sanders, agent,
Brownville, Nebraska.
M. H. Taylor was up from Shubert
Tuesday, making arrangements for
moving. His household goods were
moved down Wednesday.
We are requested to extend a special
invitation to the ladies to call at Keel
ing's drug Btoro aud examine the hand
some line of wall paper just received.
There are some beautiful uew designs.
Remember, wV will Bend you The
Advertiser for only ONE DOLLAR
per year if paid in advance.
m m
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., aufi
fered agony for thirty years, and then
cured his Piles by using De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries
and akin diseases like magic. Keeling.
Take the wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, pronrietor.
Bismark's Iron Nerve
Was tbe result of his splendid nealth.
Indomitable will and tremendous oner
gy ure net found where stomach, liver,
kidney aud bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the sue
cess they bring use Dr King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at .Heeling's
drug store.
We have made arrangements where
by we can give absolutely free the
Farm Journal, a splendid monthly,
five years to any subscriber, new or
old, who pays one year in advance for
The Advertiser. Thus for enly $1,00
you will get The Advertiser one year
and the L,Farm Journal five years.
His Lif 3 Was Saved.
Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal. Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "I was taken with
typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs bocatne hardened. I was so
weak 1 couldn't oven sit up in bed.
Nothing helped mo. I expected to noon
die of consumption, whon I heard of
Dr.King's New Discovery. One bottle
gave great relief. I continued to use
it, and am now well and strong. I
can't say too much 'in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes CO cts
and $1. Trial bottles free at Keellng's
drug store; ovory bottle guaranteed.
LaGrippe is again epidemic. Every
precaution should bo taken to avoid it.
Its specific euro is Ono Minute Cough
Cure. A.J.Sheperd, Publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advdrtiser.Elden
Mo., says; "No one will feel disap
pointed in using Ono Minute Cough
Cure for LaGrippe." Pleasant to take,
quick to act. Keeling, the druggist.
Cordially invites you to call and see her steck ef new
Spring & Summer Millinery
W, R. Bebst went te Shubert Satur
day, heard Joe Jones that night and
twico on Sunday, and then went back
Monday and heard him again.
Skeon & Williams mevod their stock
f harness te Shubert this week, where
it will bo censolidated with tho stock
already owned by Mr. Williams.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hewe and
Mrs. Lester Russell went to Peru
Wednesday, to attend the Theses.
Eugene Howe toek part in the pre
gram. Swift McCandless was able te get
out on the streets Tuesday for the Irst
time in over bIx weeks. He still sufs
fers a great deal with rheumatism but
is getting better,
Joo Jones, the evangelist, has prom
ised to come to Nemaha fer two nights
at least, and perhaps will Btay a week.
He expects to be here Monday night.
The church at Shubert is crowdsd
every night.
Tom Howard received a telegram
Thursday, from McDonald, Kansas,
that his sister was dying. Ho started
for McDonald but owing to a train be
ing late was unable t make connec
tions and camo back.
Prof. Mertes, of Auburn, will organ
ize a class in music next Wednesday
night at the Minlck hall. All interest
ed are requested to be present. The
proressor is an excellent musical in
structor and wo hope will have a large
Corn and Wood Wanted.
Our subscribers will please take
notice that we need corn and wood
and will allow highest market price
for the same on subscription, Please
bring us some at once.
Old papers fur sale at this ofllce.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand but Bkin eruptions rob life
of jey. Buckleu's Arnica Salve curoB
then ; alse eld, running and fever soreB,
ulcers, bells, felens, corns, warts, cuts,
bruiseB, burns, scalds, chapped hands,
chilblains. Host pile cure en earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 26c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Keeling, druggist.
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
attention .
Money to Loan
On good farms at as low rate of in
terest as the lowest and tho best of
terms. Call and see us.
Auburn, Neb.
Theso are dangerous times for the
health. Croupe, colds aud throat
troubles lead rapidly to Consumption.
A bottle of One Minuto Cough Cure
used at the right time will preserve
life, health, and a largo amount ef
money. Pleasant to take; children
like it Keoling, the druggist,
Horrible agony ia caused by Piles,
Burns and Skin Diseases. Theso nro
Immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salvo. Bo
waro of worthless imitations, Keoling
WW Keeling guarantees every bottlo
ef Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund the money te any one who
is uotHutislled after using two-thirds of
tho contents, This is the best remedy
in the world for lagrippe.coughs.coIdB,
croup aud whoopingcough aud 1b pleas
ant and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency o( a cold to result in pneu
monia. iin
Don't got scared when your heart
troubles you. Most likely you snffei
from iudigestion. Kodul Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. It will cure
ovory form of dyspopsia. Keeling.
tho -
Boys' Pants from 15
cents up.
Brownie Overalls.
Boys' suits.
Jersey suits.
Good Jeans Pants,
50 cents.
Fresh stock of fancy
Finest line of roasted
coffees ever in town
Early Breakfast, Java
and Peaberry in bulk
and Anchor Mills pack
age Coffee.
Call and see our new
spring stock
invites the continued patronage of the
citizens or Nemaha and vicinity . The
patrons may be ussured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good stock ef
in handsomo designs and latest styles.
Best of
handsome line ef
A full stock of
If you want anything in our line call
and see us, Prices guaranteed right.
Ib in a tourist sleeping car -Personally
conducted via tho Burlington Route.
You don't change cars. You make
riiBt time. You see the Driest scenery
on the globe.
Your car Ib not bo expensively Ann
ished nor so floe to look at as a palace
(deeper but it is just a9 clean, just as
comfortable, just .as good to ride in,
and NHAiur S20 oheavek.
The Burlington excursions leave
every Thursday, reaching San Francis
co Sunday and Los Angeles Monday.
Porter with each car. Excursion man
ager with each party. For folder giv
ing full information call at nearest B.
& M. depot or write to J. Francis,
Gen'l Passenger Agont, Omaha, Neb.
Western Tree Planters.
Those who contomplate planting
Trees can Bavo money in buying direct
of us. We have n complete line and
general assortment of Nursery Stuck
at very low prices. Surplus of Apple,
Soft Maple and Box Elder Trees. Send
for price list. Acients Wanted:
Write for tonus.
Corwlth, Iowa.
Old papers for salo at this otllco.