r NATIVES COMING IN. Filipinos Seem to Have Had Enough and Many Return Home. CHEERING NEWS FROM GEN. OTIS. Kffortu to tcttn tlm ItMurgnnt Army Un huccpim in (Ion. Merrltt Interviewed cm tlm Outlook In the Phil ippine Iftlnntln. Manila, April 4. The natives con tinue returning' to their homes. They urccoinliitf in nil along the American lines and many of them, seeing the promises of good treatment aro ful filled, are Inducing tiieir relatives to return to their homes. Maj. Gen. El well S. Otis, commander of tho Ameri can militury forces, has received the following message: "Hearty con gratulations on the most magnificent work of the army. Dewey." The United States Philippine com mission (the lost member of that body, Col. Charles Donby, former minister to China, having arrived here) will dis cuss tho situation. The commission ers are hopeful of a speedy restoration of peace, believing hostilities will soon be confined to the habitual revo lutionists. Iirig. Gen. Harrison Gray Otis sails for homo on board the United States transport Sherman to-day. He says he believes tho insurrection has re ceived its deathblow. The Sherman will also have on board the sons of Col. John Hay, secre tary of state, and Senator Hale, of Maine, who have witnessed much of the lighting with tho army, and the bodies of Col. Harry C. Egbert, of the Twenty-second infantry, killed on March 20, and other ofllcers who have recently fallen in battle. Gen.Whcaton has assumed command of the brigade lately commanded by Qcn. Otis. The Third and Twenty-second regiments of Gen. Wheaton's command arc re turning to this city. CHICI-.llING NKWS FIIOM OV.S. OTI3. Washington, April 4. The follow ing cablegram was received at the war department curly ycbterday mora ing: Munlln, April 3 Adjutant Qsucrnl. Wash ington: Present Indications denotes insurant government In perilous condition; Its army de feated, discoursed nnd hoiittoreil. Insurgents returning to their homes In cities and vlllngcs between hero and points north of Malolos, which our reconnnltorlng parties havo reached and deslro protection of Americans. News from Vlsayan Island more encouraging every dav. Otis. War department officials wore pleased by tho cheering dibpatch from Gen. Otis. It contains a great deal of en couragement to them, and those who know Gen. Otis well say he is not a man to take a roseate view of tho situa tion unless there is reason for it. It i is argued at the department that tho Filipinos havo never been used to the kind of warfare that tho Americans have given them, and for that reason they are now aware that it will be im possible for them to accomplish any thing by fighting. While there is dis appointment because the movement for the capture of a largo force of tho Filipinos was not successful, it is be lieved the pressing of tho insurgents steadily toward tho north, capturing their capital and driving them from place to place has had a very discour aging elfect upon tho natives who havo been following Aguinaldo. CANNOT LOCATk'tIIE ENI3MV. Manila, April 4. Repeated efforts to locate tho insurgent army in front of Malolos havo been unsuccessful and our forces are therefore still resting in the former Filipino capital. Tho attack on the forces under Gen. nail at Mariquina suggests that the enemy is concentrating in that direction. Col. Denby's arrival makes tho early issue of tho proclamation of the Phil ippine commission probable. GKN. MKIUUTT ON THE OUTLOOK. New York, April 4. Maj. Gen. Wes ley Merritt, in an interview, said: The nows from Manila Is satisfactory. Agui naldo does not soum to know when hu Is whipped If ho should ho captured ho would bo treated as a prisoner of war. Thoro will bo no cruol mciimiros. Do I look for prolonged lighting!1 No; tho Filipinos aro not prepared mt for that sort of thing. Wo shall not have a repetition of our American Indian experiences Mn tho northwest. COURT OF VISITATION. Got. Stnnlny Appoints Judge C. 11. (Iriiven, L. S. Cruin mid J, C. I'oatletliwiilte A. J. Myatt for Solictor. Topekn, Kan., April . Gov. Stanley made tho following appointments on the court of visitatiou, which takes the place of the railroad board: Judges L. C. Crura, of Oswego; J. C. Postlethwalte, of Jewell City; C. H. Graves, of Emporia. Solicitor A. J. Myatt, of Wichita. These are four of tho best otllces within the gift of the governor. A strong effort was made to havo J. M. Simpson, of MePherson, appointed as one of the judges, but tho Wichita business men applied so hard for one place on the court that he could not ignore them. Judge Graves will probably be tho presiding judge of tho court, Dniil'loiK mi tin. 'ir lttvnun I'hi. Washington, April 4. In tho su premo court of tho United States to day a decision was handed down by Justice Peckham confirming tho va lidity of tho war revenue act imposing Mixes on the transactions of boards of Aniilo and similar institutions. In an r other ease a similar onlnloii wim ron. dered with regard to ta.NUH upon trans uctionsat htqekywrds. NEGLECTED HEART - CHANCES. The Denrewt IHon.iIiikh of Life Are Sometime Uiiitiiprc- clntuit. A young man was sitting in the hotel' olllce, looking dreamily and drearily out of n window. The clerk, who had nothing else to do just then, came nnd pat down by him, to "cheer him up" a little; for it is part of n good hotel man's business to keep his guests happy and contented, so they will stay longer. "Thinking up some new scheme to ninke money, I'll be bound, lloberts," he ventured, looking quizzically at the j outh. "Or about some new 'best. girl.' Or" "Or on wlint a caricature on Home even u first-class hotel like this one is," interrupted the young man. The clerk looked thoughtful. lie knew by experience that the other was right, "You see," continued the gucsU "I'd give $500 to go home and spend the night. I iy '.?."i00,' becnuse that's n'l I'm worth as yet. If it was 10.0CO, I'd give it, all the kuup, "And I'm wondering why it was that I didn't, stay there more when I could do it for nothing. Father and mother n I ways- used to sny: 'You're going to stay home to-night, aren't you?' nnd I'd answer: 'Oh, no; I've got to go to' this, that or the other. And-then I'd be out maybe till midnight, or later, and act a little cross at- breakfast in the morning." "Hut of course no one can expect a young fellow to be tied at home all through his merriest tune of life," an swered the clerk. "That's what father used to say," re joined the guest: "When mother's eyes would moisten a little because I wns going out, he would say, laughing ly, but T thought a little regretfully: 'We can't put our old heads on young shoulders, wife.' And Ihat was true. Hut. the trouble is, I did not realize that my head was going to get older so soon." "Well, you say you'd give $."00 to drop in there again," ventured the hotel clerk, who began to pity the young man to a degree entirely incon sistent with the hotel's interest. "It won't cost you anywhere near that sum to go there. Why not pay 'the old folks' a visit?" "Alns!" replied the young man, "there are now no 'old folks' and no home to visit. All are gone. And hun dreds of times I could have done so easily what I would now give half of my life to do just once." And he rose and went, out of the room. "We must 'live and learn,'" thought the hotel clerk, as he went back to his desk, "but the trouble is, we don't al ways learn soon enough." Will Carle ton, in Every Where. An Orthodox Donkey. The ecclesiastical functions of rural deans had fallen into almost entire dis use prior to the Trnetarian movement. The revival of their ancient authority after 1850 led to the telling of many stories anent their newly exercised du ties. One of the stories Hicks used to tell was of the visit of a rural dean to lllisland, and of his interviewing the parish elerk in Uie absence of the rec tor. The rural dean expressed to the clerk his. disapproval of the donkey's being allowed to graze in the church yard. The clerk, eager to defend his absent rector, burst out: "Ain't un a religious baste? Why, that er be, and no chapel haute neither. Maister sent un last week to the smithy, and the man who shood un was a dissenter, and he kicked un sure enough. Maister wouldn't hold with sich nonsense." Cornhill Magazine. ! THE GENERAL MARKETS. Kansas City, Mo., April 4 CATTMO Host beeves t i 31 f 'J5 Stockers 3 40 ft 5 25 Nativocows US 4 0.-1 HOGS-Cholce to heavy 2(0 3 80 SHIHU'-FiUr to cholco 3 10 4 10 WHEAT No. 2 red 74 7 No. Shard CO 08K COKN No. 2 mixed 3JiT& 33 OATS No. 2 mixed 28 28tf KYK-No.2 B3H 51 FLOUH-l'atcnt, per bbl 3 Ml 3 tlO Fancy. 2 8 3 0) HAY Choice-timothy 8 ix) 8 2 Fancy prairie. 7 00 7 50 UKAN (suckedj 00 01 HUTTKK Cholco creamery.... 17 20 OHKKSK-KulI cream 0 10 KGCJS-Cholco l4 10 POTATOES t5 CO ST. LOUIS. CATTLE Native and shipping 4 20 I W) Tnxaas. 2 23 4 40 HOGS-Hcavy 3 70 3 OJii SHEEP Pair to cholco 2 60 I 75 PLOUK-Cholce 3 M tit, 3 70 WHEAT No. 2 red 75K 76 COKN No. 2 mixed Mtf'fc 31 OATS-No. 2 mixed 28 2Stf HYE-No 2 &7 fS HUTTKK-Creuincry 18 22 LAUD Western muss 5 0) 5 10 POKK 837W&0 2: CHICAGO CATTLE Common to prime... 3D 5 70 HOGSPachlng and shipping.. 3 55 3 MJ4 SHEEP Pair lo cholco I Ou 5 05 FI.OUK -Winter wheat 3 M) 3 C) WHEAT No. 2 red ft "7 COUN-No. 2 31 3li OATS-No. 2 27!ct 27W UYE M & w HUTTEIt Croiunory II 21 LA It I) n 27V', 5 30 POKK 0 WifA 0 lo NEW YOKK. CATTLE -'.'.tlisioer -18) & 5 IB HOGS-Good toeholuo I J 115 SHEEP-Cominon louhmco.... 3 60 at 5 ix) WHEAT -No. 2 rod PiH Bl rnns-No.2 1'S OATS-No MK 38K WIHTBK " HPHE pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well-known remedy, Syrup op Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company, illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tustc and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxative, CLEANSING THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY, DISPELLING COLDS AND HEADACHES, PREVENTING FEVERS, OVERCOMING HABITUAL CONSTIPATION PERMANENTLY Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and substance, and its acting on the kidneys,,' liver and bowels, gently yet promptly, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative,. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they arc pleasant to the taste, but THE MEDICINAL QUALITIES ARE OBTAINED FROM SENNA AND OTHER AROMATIC PLANTS, by a method known to the California Fig Syrup Company only. In order to get its beneficial effects, and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. Consumers of the choicest products of modern commerce purchase at about the same price that others pay for cheap and worthless imitations. To come into universal demand and to be everywhere considered the best of its class, an article must be capable of satisfying the wants and tastes of the best informed purchasers. The California Fig Syrup Company having met with the highest success in the manufacture and sale of its excellent liquid laxative remedy, Syuup ok Figs, it has become important to all to have a knowledge of the Company and its product. The California Fig Syrup Company was organized more than, fifteen years ago, for the special purpose of manufacturing and selling a laxative remedy which would be more pleasant to the taste and more beneficial in effect than any other known. The great value of the remedy, as a medicinal agent and of the Company's efforts, is attested by the sale of millions of bottles annually, and by the high approval of most eminent physicians. As the true and genuine remedy named Syrup op Figs is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Company only, the knowledge of that fact will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations nuinufactured by other parties. (XL!RRNIA (TC 5YRVP 4SmtA,v For Sale by All mEx$ pommEL The Best Saddle Coat &t Jr.IaMxfr. Keens both rider nn1 ciMIa . ferllv rirv In h haM.ct .!... Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for 1807 Fish Grand Pommel Slicker It Is entirely new. If not tor sale In j-uui iuwij, wine lor catalogue to n.j. iuwck, uoston. Mass. IOOOj of UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS SAY Permanently cures nil Itvlilug liurnliiK, Sraley. hcalp and Skin Dlnensns. mien ih Kilt llhmitn. Ko ri'inu. Kcald Head. Clilltiliilus. pllvs lliirns lluhr Humors. Dandriilt Itchlnu Hcalp Kalllnu lliilr (tlilckeiiliurmid iimUmr it Soft, hllkj- unit Luxuri ant) All b'.iru Eruption (producing a Hoft, Clear. Ilciuitlfiil bklu anil Cuinpluxhiiii It coinMn no Le.irt Hulphur Cniittmrldu or anyilitiiK Injurious. An .easy -incal sollur Lnity cauvahsers make! to : ii cl.iy DrutrixIsU or mull fic Ciiilllnrls 1iiiiufartiirlnjr Co. N V Adilpn 'I', ill I.I, MA.NHKiin.it, Aut., i.i:.s jcumji:. .v. ,i. As Black as YourWIiiskers Your A Natural Black with 50cti old.-ugsltttorR P Kull&Co .Nathua.N H. FILL Your Own TEETH With I VOK I.m:. Arrcs'H ilec.i rnllwcs ft n pun merit lur in yenrsi hl.im iin m leelli. U'OUINK CO. M llitartxirn st r"iu Mil Cliicano. Ill Mfor circular. Only prepariUuiiuvurilUcovordd. 5JJC f'q roRK.S Druqishs , Price 50$ Per Bottle. 33Di5SD&DOQCDOD&DDOD909DD3DDi)C&3a09DD&OiD9?Di00099Ca S "THRIFT IS A GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM CLEANLINESS AND 1 1ft Wk snceCCCCCCOCCCCe6CfiC"je5CrSC,Cr:i2CrC!CCCeCOGGC!GCQCCC'' EXCURSION RATES TO WESTERN CANADA fimt fiiirtleliluiH usto how Ut si'i'uro liiu mrus of tliu lit'ht Wliviil-Kionlnt: In tttl on tlm Continent can lio H-curi'il on uppli ciition to tliu hiiinrlii teiKiunt of liiunU,r.ttli'ii Oituun Camilla or tliu iiiHloiMiUiitt Hiiutmlly coiiilii'.'i'.ii-XPursli list III SfflBS mum lirxa y&SL le.ivi'Si I'aulou tin llrM .11111 lllirU IMlllI'MlUyr, 111 ni.lM lll'.ll. n,.. . .... ly loir rates nro livlnu Mil' tt i on an I lies of r.illu rearlilnir Si I'uiil ti.r nxi iir'lnn U .i inwoii Alirilitll forilatiltoli'i AksIii tioia haKiitelniwiin unit Allii' jer ta. J. h iiAwv nil UK W'.-si I'ilntli St Kniit.as (ItrMntW V llh.NSKir, WIN l.llo Hullilliijj. Omaha Neb 3000 RICYGLES tr.l.i'k Jluilllf l.o.nlt ul, HUMIAII1I 'tii .'IIIIIHL.t, (tuuiuniied, Sfl).7ft to tilt). MiopwuriiA. 6cc. cud hand vlnel, iriioil n new, S3 la 510. lrct fjflory tltirtot ' r)aln iLrn en lrovl 'A'.U 'ho.ll -t in !. EARNalSICYGLE t 1 tij nr.pmf u, AfriilCO r.ui ti iftnr Miwitii iviiih :if iin.f 4,(1,1 ,Bi. i.i free USE lump tbl lj. 1,110- in He in. Wt l itt. fm tut iriml 1C11, P. A AI:AD & PHI NTISS, Chicago, III. . t 11 11I. ' 11 ' 11 11 1 'I 111. tint ' tiriit llietlt I't'ee. HI II II. I.I.Kl.N'ShllNh.iliii), llla, l.a. WMfflE3EW3$& L'UIIES WHtllt All Elifc rAUS. .. Kl wwvw..vw -11 - g( -ii 1 1 ifl M 1 "1 1 ' r a oiiiiii (! ... . t .. i . . 1 irn l ' In time. hoM by ilruirjU . fifH SrfflfgHgi ?1j2iizS2F' Mla n )' " Z?z0 e GOOD REVENUE." LC ? STEEL. U. S. OOVEKMENT 0F.KTIFI0ATE. . Ill Dv'Hey illtn of ai'timl llnltli-Klilii Mulnu uti'iil liiHiinilt iiilviiniiK unit wulcli eiian.. ruekiit plmn or wutrli clmrin . i'ic iiuitriioHL-iiH xso tu ti.uo. The llewuv nd lliibiiull wateliua 1 iniiiloor Kolil. nlhcr, ami oil illnil "Mnlnii" Btm'l nru mar- vel(inly lii'iiiitlful TluiHiiinp mil O1111 Dollai anil Haiiiimun i Tu Dullai NSatrlii'H urn til imixliniiin nr value Hrml for ' lliiiiklet C JIIVKMTHK JMW I Kit, . 311 l-att 234 hliTfl. .Nt.lt VIIKK.. WE CAN'T MAKE any liilter lull than wc 1I0 we ilon'l kuoiv how to. Wc can intkv poorer mil ihc.iptr ink, tint wc won't ZW Ih tlic best that enn be made. It costs you no more than tlic pooicst. Funny hookkt "How to Make Ink Pictures "free. CARTHK'S INK CO.. Boston, Maao. IIKAHKIW OK THIS PAPKU i)i:.siui.u to 111; v anythinu ADVUHTISKI) IN 1TH COl.l .MNS MIOl I.I) INSIST KI'ON IIAV1.NU WHATTIIKY ASK KOIt. lti:i'UHlN(j AI.MiUllSTlTInsa Oil IMITATIONS. A. N. K'.-I) 1780 vni: AviiiTi vo to .iivi:ii'riNr.KH . ileitt olnlo Hint you uv till) ailvcrtUu Utt'iit In thU mi per. W '$1 XVlB