The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 07, 1899, Image 1

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JLocal 3NTews
Old papers for sale nt ttifs ofllce.
Assessor Drtiln ia now making his
Mrs. J. II. Littrell went to Johnson
G. N. TUub visitfd Syracuse the QrBt
o the week.
We had a white Easter as well ua a
white Christmas.
Lewollyn Williams was up from
Sbubert Wednesday.
Tho Methodist Sunday school gave
each scholar u nico Easter card last
J. M. Burress was elected mayor of
Auburn, over Torn Crummel, tho pres
ent mayor.
Call in and see us for way down
clubbing rates on your winter's supply
cf reading matter.
Sam Anderson went to St. .Too
Thursday to buy a big stock of spring
and summer goods.
An elegant line of latest styles wall
paper just received at Koeling'a drug
store. Call and see.
Edwin S. Morrison and wifo aro re
joicing over tho birth of a daughtor
who arrived Monday.
Sam Soper, who has been visiting
Nemaha friends for some time, went
1 1 Humboldt Tuesday.
Marion Seid, who has been stopping
near Ma vern.Iowa, for Beveral months,
returned home Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Taylor and MisB Nellie
Morton came in from Auburn last Sat
urday, returning Monday.
S. Gilbert was very sick for a few
days while in Oklahoma. Ho is ex
pected home today or tomorrow.
Mrs. J. M. Armstrong, of Auburn,
visited her sister, Mrs, Fannie Fair
bank, Wednesday and Thursday.
Leslie Woodward came down from
Brock Saturday night to see his sister,
Mario Alice. lie returned Monday.
G. N. Titus made a trip to Shubert
tho latter part of last week and sold a
thousand peach trees to L. M. Weddle
while he was there.
FOIl SALE. The best 40-ncra fruit
farm in NebrasKa. For prices and
terms apply to J. G. Sanders, agent,
lJrownville, Nebraska.
Mrs. Lydin Harris came in from Au
burn Monday to assist hor sister, Mrs
wairbank, in taking care of Bertie.
She returned home Wednesday.
Tho "oldest settler" acknowledges
that the roads this winter are the
worst for tho longest period of time
that ho lias ever known in Nebraska.
Wanted Peach Seed.
The Titus Nursery want to buy a lot
of peach seed. If you have any bring
them in at once.
Tnlco Laxativo Hromo Quiuiuo Tablout. All
druggists refund mouoy if it fails to euro.
25c. Tho genuine linn L.IJ.B. on each tnblot.
We had another snow Sunday morn
ing. Some who havo kept count
claim that this makes thirty-six buowb
that we have had this wintor, but oth
ers say it is only twenty-eight.
We are requested to extend a special
invitation to the ladies to call at Keel
ing's drug store and examine the hand
some line of wall paper just receiyed.
Tlujre are some beautiful uew dosigns.
There is almost a wood famine in
Nemaha. Tho roads aro so bad no
wo id can he hauled in and the supply
on hand has been exhausted with the
exception of a few cords of green
Mrs. D. J. Thompson and childron
went to St. Joe Thursday. From
there she will go to Cartorville, Mo.
Dave will start south with his team as
soon as the roads get bettor
I. F. Rathbone, a Nemaha resident
for several years, but who has been
postal clerk between Red Oak and Lin
coln for a long time, has been promote
ed to transfer clerk at Lincoln.
Drs. Boal & Dillon, of Auburn, havo
received a trial case of lenses from one
of tho largest manufactories in the
country, and aro now prepared to treat
all diseases of the eye and fit glasses
correctly. Eyes examined free of
San Shuck's baby was very sick sev
eral day9 last week with what was pro
nounced by tho attonding physician to
bo cerebrospinal metiingitis, but under
the skillful treatment of Dr. Gaither
the little one was relieved and is on
tho read to recovery.
Alex. Maxwell writes that ho has
leased a quarter section of Bchool land
near Pawnee, Oklahoma, for three
years. It has a house and somo other
improvements on it. His wife and
children started lor their new homo
Tuesday. He is in the same locality
as Rabo Elliott and Robt. Frost.
In the midst of deepest sorrow over
the death of our dear husband and
father, we recuived comfort from the
sympathy and kindness of friends and
neighbors, to whom we extend our
heartfelt thanks.
Mns. D. A. Motiton and Family.
Rev. Joe Jones, tho great evangelist,
was in town a few hours Thursday af
ternoon, coming in on tho afternoon
train and going to Shubert on the
evening freight. An effort is being
made to get Bro. Jones to hold a meet
ing at Nemaha at soon as ho concludes
tho meeting he is now holding at Shu
bert. We hope he will come.
Money to Loan
On good farms nt as low rate of in
terest as tho lowest and tho best of
terms. Call and soo us.
Auburn, Neb.
Go to Kerker & Hoover for all kinds
of fresh hulk Garden Seeds and seeds
of all kinds. They are the Old Relia
bio Seed House in Nemaha county.
Call and see.
Yi'o havo a very largo stock of evori
greens tind forest trees, loading kinds
three years old and once transplanted,
atCOcper 100, S3. 50 per 1000. Other
stock in proportion. Send for price
list. Ueoke & Stilson, Corwith, Ia.
Blacksmith shop and
tools for sale or rent!
Inquire of Lambert
Mr. S. A. Facklor, Editor of tho
Micanopy (Fla.) Hustler, with Ills wife
and children, suffered terribly from
LaGrippe. One Minute Cough Cure
was the only remedy that helped them.
It acted quickly. Thousands of others
use this remedy as a specific for La
Grippe, and its exhausting after effects.
Keeling, the druggist.
I will buy hogs at Nemaha and Mc-
CandleBs Siding Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of pach week. Highest
market prices paid.
FIaiiky K. McCandless.
Remember, wo will send you The
Advertiser for only ONE DOLLAR
per yoar if paid in advance.
Coughing injures and inflames sore
lungs. One Minute Com-h Cum loos
ens the cold, nllavs couuhinp ntwl hosiln
quickly. The best cough euro for
children . Keoling, tho druggist ,
i ATjfiA-R-RTriTifrfi'P.Ta A T.TrparMTrwnt'
Tho jury brought in a verdict against
Will Argabright Tuesday forenoon,
finding him guilty of murder in tho
(list degree. Ho was sentenced to ims
prisonmont for life. Ilia attorneys
mado application for a new trial and
arguments were heard to-day (Friday).
Dunraven caBtlo No. 'M. Uoynl High
landers, elected tho following officers
Monday night:
I F A J) Klnton.
CC Roy D Rogers.
W E W W Seid.
Sec'y W W Sanders.
Warder-J II Seid-
Guide W E Seid. '
Oof A WLGalbralth.
C of S-W M Swan.
IstrO-W M Swim.
2nd P C W W Seid,
Tho castlo meets every Monday
At tiie village election Tuesday the
vote was as follows: F L Weodward
27; Ora Thorp !17; Walter Iladlock 17;
W W Sanders 20; S K Anderson 21;
W P Keeling ill ; Earle Gilbert 20; Ed
Woikman 21, Woodward and Thorp
were on both tickets. Woodward.
Thorp, Keeling and Gilbert were elect
ed and fur the ilfth place Anderson
aud Workman were tied. But there
is a question as to Will Keeling': eli
gibility for the place and if it is decided
,that ho is not eligible Anderson and
Workman will both go in. Forty-one
votes were cast.
SEED OATS for sale. Early va
riety. L. II. BAUNES.
Call in and see us if you want to
aubscribu for any paper published in
the United States.
Corn and Wood Wanted.
Our subscribers will pluuso tako
notice that wu need com and wood
and will allow highest market piice
for the8ume on Kubaorlption, Please
bring us boinu at mice.
Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., sufi
fered agony for thirty years, and then
cured his Piles by using De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve. It heals injuries
and ukm disease? like magic. Keeling.
Tako the wagonetto when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhauey, proprietor.
Bismark's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid nealth.
Indomitable will and tremendous ener
gy are not found where stomach, liver,
kidney and bowels are out of order, if
you want these qualities and the sue
cesa they bring line Dr King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
braiu and body Only 25c at JKeeling's
drug store.
We have made arrangements whore
by we can givo absolutely free the
Farm Journal, a splendid monthly,
live years to any subscriber, now or
old, who pays one year In advance for
Tho Advertiser. Thus for only $1.00
you will get The Advertiser ono year
and the fcFurm Journal five years.
His Liia Was Saved.
Mr J E Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "I was taken with
typhoid fever that ran into pneumonia,
My lunge bocatno hardened. I was so
weak 1 couldn't oven sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
ur.King's New Discovery. Ono bottle
gave great relief. I continued to use
it, and am now well and strong. 1
can't Hay loo much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is tho sureat and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes no cts
and 1. Trial bottles free at Keeling'a
drug store; evory bottle guaranteed.
LaGrlppo is again epidemic. Every
precaution should bo taken to avoid it.
Its Hpecificcuro is Ono Minute Cough
Cure. A.J. Shepord, Publisher Agri
cultural Journal and Advdrtiser.Elden
Mo., savs: "No one will feel dlmm-
pointed in using One Minute Cough
Cure for LaGrinne." Pleasant to tuk.
quick to act. Keeling, the druggist.
Old papers for sale at this ofllco,
xnx:o.5 "ioijeso :o::ol3l
Cordially invites you to cull and see her stock of new
Spring &
The Methodist Sunday school gavo
their Easter entertainment Sunday
evening. Tho program consisted of
singing, recitations, responsive reading,
and short talks by Dr. Keeling and
Rov. C. II. Gllmore. The excellence
of the entertalumont is due in a great
measure to Miss Lillian Mlnick, who
trained tho children. The thanks of
tho Sunday school are extended to Miss
Lillian and also to Miss May Gaither,
who was organist and whoso excellent
playing added much to tho enjoyment
of tho entertainment. A good crowd
was presont and tho attention was
The big blanket ballot will bo used
no more in this state. Gev. Poynter
has signed tho now ballot law which
practically restores tho old form ot
ballot adopted eight years ago. The
candidates can have their names on
the ticket but once, but if nominated
by mere than ono party may havo tho
names of all such parties follow his
name. The candidates will not get on
the ticket in alphabetical order, as was
tho case on the old ballot, but will bo
placed according to tho relative
strength of tho parties in each county.
Tho party casting the largest number
of votes for tho state ticket at the last
election will be entitled to the first
place on tho ticket. In presidential
elections tho electors will be grouped
so that thoseiepresontiug any particu
lar party may all bo voted for by mak
ing a single cross mark. In all other
cases a cross must be made after each
iiamo on the ticket, the same as was
the case in tho old ballot.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. iiucktan's Arnica Salve cures
thuui ; also old, running and fever sores,
ulcers, boils, felous, corns, warts, cuts,
bruises, burna, bcalds, chapped bauds,
chilblains. Best pile cure on earth.
Drives out pains and aches. Only 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
Keeling, druggist,
Mill i i
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
If you expect to go west this spring
ask the nearest Burllngtoh Route agent
abeut the specially reduced ratee now
in eifect to Montana, Utah, California,
Washington and Oregon points. Aek
about them right away today. They
may be withdrawn at any moment.
Threugh tourist sleeping car service
to San Francisco and Los Angeles
every Thursday to Butte, Spokane
and Seattle overy Tuesday and Thorns
day. A24
A. H.DeFluent, editor of the Journal,
Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a num
ber ef years from rheumatism in hie
right shoulder and side, He says : "My
right arm at times was entirely useless.
I tried Chamberlain'i Pain Halm and
was surprised to receive relief almost
immediately, Tho Faiu Balm has been
a constant companion ef mine ever
since and it never fails. For sale by
Keeling the druggist.
Horrible agony ia caused by Piles,
Burns and Skin Diseases. These aro
immediately relieved and quickly cured
by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. Bo
waroof worthless imitations. Keeling
WW Keeling guarantees evory bottle
ef Chamborlain's Cough Remedy and
will refund tho money to any ono who
is not satisfied after using two-thirds of
tho contents. This is the best remedy
in the world for la grippe.coughs, colds,
croup and whoopingcough and is pleas
ant and safe to take. It prevents any
tendency ot a cold to result in pneu
monia. Don't get scared when your heart
troubles you, Most likely you suffei
from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests what you eat. It will cure
every form of dyspepsia. Keeling.
ummer M-mneiy
Jb In a tourist sleeping car Personally
conducted via the Burlington Route.
You don't change cars, You make
fast timo. You soo tho finest scenery
on tho globe,
Your car 1b not bo expensively fin
Ished nor so fine to look at as a palaco
Blooper but it Is just as clean, just as
comfortable, just as good to rldo in,
The Burlington excursions lravo
overy Thursday, reaching San Francis
co .Sunday and Los Angeles Monday.
Portor with each car. Excursion man
ager with each party. For folder giv
ing full information call nt nearest B.
& M, depot or write to J. Francis,
Gen'! Passengor Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Western Trco Planters.
Thoso who contemplate planting
Trees can save money in buying direct
of us. We have a complete line and
general assortment ef Nursery Stock
at very low prices. Surplus of Apple,
Soft Maple and Box Elder Trees. Send
for price list. Agents Wanted:
Write for torms.
Corwith, Iowa.
Old papers for salo at this ofllco.
invites tho continued patronago of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. The
patrons may bo assured of receiving
fair treatment. A good line of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
A good stock of
in handsome designs and latest styles.
Best of
A hand8omo line of
A full stock of
If you want anything in our lino cull
and Bee us. Prices guaranteed right.
-' ' -. --I. I. I -I. "
I will for the next 30
days make Bottom
Prices on all
Dress Goods,
Bedford Cords,
and all goods in the
Dry Goods line.
I have a fine line of
Box Pleat Wrappers
and Hubbard Dresses
just received at very
lowest prices.
Come Everybody in
the next 30 days.