The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 02, 1898, Image 1

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Fir 1
LocaL News
The snow is going quite fast.
We had another snow Sunday.
Charley Johnson is running his aaw
mill again.
Mrs. J. H. Llttroll is visiting friends
in Missouri.
Mrs. Alice McCandless came in from
Auburn Monday.
Fuller I3umB haB moved into part of
his father's house.
Isaac Sawtollo went to Shenandoah,
Iowa, Wednesday.
Mins Annio Morton came in from
JohnBon Thursday.
Now is tlie time to plant your holl
day advertisements.
Henry Cars'o hta opened a feed store
in the north Hanks more roo.ii.
Joe Llltreil came in iruin Johnson
Monday, returning the next day.
,D. E. Zooli, the Polaud China hog
man, gave us a social call Tuesday.
Ben Parker, the rustling collector
from Auburn, wan m town Tuesday.
Judge J, 11. 13toad, of Lincoln,
gave ua a pleaauut cull Monday morn
ing Sleighing has been good all the week
but ia gettiug pretty bad in places
Mrs. Henry Carse and Mm. It. J.
Dulf visited iirowuville Thursday af
ternoon. Attentiou is called to the new adver
tisement of Edw. E. Lownun, of
M. H. Taylor went to Shubert
Wednesday evening, returning Thurs
daj afternoon.
Call in and see us for way down
clubbing rales on jour winter's supply
of reading matter.
FOR SALE. One of the best resi
dences in Nemaha. Apply at this of
fice for particulars.
Charley Curtis drove up from Shu
bert Tuesday, returning on the train
Wednesday evening.
Large line of Horse Blankots and
Robes just received at Skeon & Wil
liams' harness shop, Neraaha.
Charley Woodward came down from
Lincoln last Saturday and is visiting a
few days with his parents.
C. F. Zook has moved into one of S.
Gilbert's houses, across the street south
of where Mr. Gilbert lives.
x Will Flack now answers to the
name of ''pap." It's a boy and will be
a year old November 30tb, 1800.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T. Minick, of
Bracken, started for Oklahoma Mon
day, to visit Rabe Elliott and family.
Be liberal ia feeding grain to young
stock. No other kind will pay ,such a
mgu price for it, if tkey are bred right.
Dr. I. L. Callison, the Stolla dentist.
will be at Nemaha next Monday, for
ine purpose of doing dental work in
all Its branches. Office at hotel.
Noll Piersol, of Waco, Nebr., has
moveu to Nemaha. Ilia household
goods arrived Tuesday evening. Ho is
living in part of Mies Eva Jarvia'
Only ten head of pure bred Poland
China male pigs left. A few yearling
bows nnu sues, bred or unbred. Can
he found at their home northwest of
Nemaha. D. E. Zook, Breeder.
Notice. All parties owing us are re
quested to call and settle by January
1st, 1800, as all accounts must be eeh
tied by that time.
Skeeh& Williams.
Tub Advkutiseh offlco haB been
movod into the west room of tho opera
house building, whero wo invite every
body to call and sen us.
Call In and Heo us if you want to
subscribe for any paper published in
the United States.
Tho young people indulged in skat,
ing to some extent (luring the cold
snap, but the ice was not In first class
Mrs. Frank Hawxby, of Topeka,
Kansas, is visiting John Hawxby and
family aud ether relatives and friends.
She camo up from Topeka Monday.
Members of Olive camp, W. 0. Y.,
will give a social ball at Hoover opera
house Christmas ovo. Proceeds for
benefit of the camp. All are iinvited.
Tnko Laxatiro JJrouio Qaluine Tublota. All
druggists refund uiouoy if it fails to cure.
25c. Theganuino has L.B.I3. on each tablet.
If you raise hogs it will pay you to
go to one of the men who advertise
thoroughbred hgs in The Advertiser
aud buj a good male. Improve your
Remember, we will send you The.
Advertiser for only ONE DOLLAR
per year if paid in advance.
I can furnish you anything required
in the line of pure bred Poland China
hogs at reasonable prices.
J. S. IlAitms,
Tecumseh, Neb,
An exchange remarks that barbed
wire is a guod thing in its place, and It
has been indispensable In civilizing the
west. But the inventor of this article
never meant it to take the place of barn
beards as a shelter for live stock.
Andy Jarvis hauled a lead of house
hold goods to Auburu for Lester Fox
Wednesday. Mr. Fox is now living
in his new house south of the B. & M.
depot. It is one of the best built and
most convenient houses in Auburn.
Last week wo advertised for sale a
thoroughbred Berkshire male hog.
Friday morning R. J. Tussoy, of Hills
dale, came around, bought the hog and
took him away. "It pays to adver
tise" and it also pays to have good
Attention is called to the advertise
ment of Dr. W. W. Keeling, successor
to M. H. Taylor, druggist. Dr. Keel
ing is too well known to need any in
troduction. He is not only an able
and experienced physician but has had
many years experience as a druggist
For the present be will retain his office
where it uow is but will be in the drug
store much of the tinnj, Will F.
Keeling, who will be in the ntore, has
had considerable experience in tho
drug baHiaess, He in affable and oblig
ing, makes friends quick, and holds
their friendship. Give the new pro-,
prietor your patronage.
Thoroughbred Duroc-Jersey
Hogs for Sale.
Both sexes. Fine stock and good
pigs. Prices reasonable. Come and
seo them. Farm Vt miles southwest
of Nemaba. W. W. SEID.
m ' - m
Late to bed and early to rise, pre
pares a man for his home in the skies.
But early to bed and a Little Early
Riser, the pill that makes life longer
and better and wiser. M. II. Taylor.
To Ouro Beadaobe la 10 Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache.
All druggistB.
I will buy hogs at Nemabn and Mc
Candless Siding Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week. Highest
market prices paid.
Hahuy K. McCandless.
Mrs. Mattio Bantz, widow of Win.
Bantz, will sell her household goodB at
public sale Saturday, Dec. 10th at 2 p.
ra.( in Nemaha. There will be a heat
ing aad cook stove, chairs, bedsteads,
prligs, tables, dishes, cunnod goods, etc
Mr. and Mrs. Cathoart, who live near
Talmage, camo in to Nemaha last Sat
urday and visited Mrs. Cathcart's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, P. G Swan, and hor
brother, Will Swan, and family, until
Thursday. Miss May Swan went
homo with thorn.
Rev. W, W. llallam, of Malvern,
Iowa, moved to Nemaha this week
aud will preach in the Christian church
at this place and Shuborfc. He has
rented the biick house south of where
Andrew Aynes is living. He proaches
at Shubert next Sunday and at Nemaha
the Sunday following,
C. W Butler Who has lived on a
farm about half way between Brown
vllle and Au'urn for thirty-live or
forty years, recently sold his farm to
M. M. McComas. On Wednesday he
had a public sale of his farm iraple
meats, stock, etc. He will go to Art
kanoas. Wo understand $37.60 per
acre was paid for the farm, which con
tains 120 acres.
Report of the Larkin school for the
month ending Nov. 25th:
Number on roll, 84. Average daily
attendance, 30. Names of those
present each day: Charley Harris, Ada
Lamlurt, Mabel Poabody, Effie Coler
ick, Ethel Thomas, Alice Peabody, El
lie Thomas, Hettio Seid, Edna Thomas,
Grace Peabody, Harry Rowen, Rex
Colerick, Healy Brimble.Archie Rowen
and Frank Seid.
E. Delia Kempthorne,
While getting breakfast Tuesday
morning tut large steel lange of John
Yont, who lives several miles north of
town, exploded frin soma unknown
reason, completely demolishing the
name and scattering cooking utensils in
every direction, a skillet striking a
member of the family, but luckily do
ing little injury, The Btove contained
what is known as a 'water back which
in some manner generatedg as or was
frozen and the r. tea in having no outlet
caused the explosion. Tho damage
outside the stove, which is completely
wrecked, will bo nominal. Frionds
of the family are glad to know that no
one was badly hurt. Mrock Bulletin.
$100 for Letters about Nebraska.
The Burlington Route. (B & M. R.
R. R.) offers thirteen prizes ranging
from S5 to f 25 and aggregating one
hundred dollars for the thirteen letters,
which, in the opinion of a competent
committee, are beat calculated to en
courage (migration to Nebraska.
Every contestant, whether or not
his contribution is awarded a prize,
will receive the "Corn Bell" (a hand
some 10 page monthly publication) for
six months, free of charge. The con
test is open to all. Details can be ob
tained by addressing J. Francis, G. P.
A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
Old papers for sale at thin ofllce.
Please Take Notice.
As I have sold my business is Ne
maha, all per-ons owing me are hereby
notified to call at once and settle and
save trouble, as I must have what is
due me. Respectfully,
Cora and Wood Wanted,
Our subscribers will please take
notice that we need corn and weed
and will nllow highest market price
for the same on subscription. Please
bring us some at once.
We will send the Kauaaa City Jour
aal and The Advehtisku both one
year for only Si. 15.
Take the wagonette when In Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met, John
McElhaney, proprietor.
Sucoossor to M. H. Taylor,
invites the continued patroaage of the
citizens of Nemaha and vicinity. Tho
patrons may be assured of recoiving
fair treatment. A good lino of
is now being received and placed ou
exhibition. Call In and see then.
A haadsome line of
suitablo for holiday presents.
in handsomo deslgUB aud latest styles.
for the children. In fact, a good gon
oral stock of Holiday Goods.
A good stock of
and druggist's sundries always kept in
stock. Also latest patterns in
The Nebraska Editor remarks that
"The Editor does net pretend to know
the reason for it, but the county tax
lists this year urn not nearly so long as
usual, This results in le3 mince pie
and turkey meat on the editorial table
on Thanksgiving,"
In another item it eayH: "The delin
quent tax lists averaged from twenty
five to fifty per cent less thnn usual."
During the recent campaign tho
Grauger argued that the lengthy tax
lists showed that prosperity had not
arrived. The above would show a
different state of affairs.
We make the following special club
bing offer for a nhort time:
The Advertiser, New York Tri
bune, Chicago Inter Ocean, To edo
Blade, and the Prairie Farmer, allflvt
papers one year for only $2.20, cash
in advance
Old papers for sale at this offlco.
A fine line of
Christmas and
Holiday Goods
just received at Andersoa'a.
Fancy Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.
Just Received
A good line of
and Valises.
Call and see the
On be opootd whllo
ed to UiovU with
l out mi
out marring It or tearing
carpet and straining yoarnf II
puuinu irons 10
nirBolId corners
pulllnu trunk forward. Tho
lid from belli knt
i nroisci ma
nockod off In
rouuh handling.,
N. R. Anderson,
EsohmlTo Agtral In
N.R. Anderson!
bW !) M I
...' .. . i rrr; "''j
The not weight of President MoKin
ley'a Thanksgiving turkoy was just
28) pounds.
Dr. Davis'Autl-Ueadacho never fails'
25 cento.
If 'all is well that ends well" applies
to tho Qrat end of things, this winter
promises to prove a good thing in a
wintry way. Ex.
The mildest mannered season is seen
to havo in it tho possibility of the se
verest storms. "This fable teaches"
that by some means shelter Bhould bo
provided for farm stock. Then In an
omergoncy there Is safety and comfort.
This advice, taken from an exchange,
is a little late for this yenr but is good
advice nevertheless.
All our farmer readers should take
advantagoof the unprecedented club
bing offer wo this year make, which
includes, with this paper, Tho Iowa
Homestead, it Special Farmers' Insti
tute edition, The Poultry Farmer, Tut
Farmers' Mutual Insurenco Journal
and tho Humane Alliance. Tho sub
scription price of these Ave publica
tions amounts to 92.80, while our own
paper is 81.00 when paid in advance;
a total of 83.80. Wo are prepared to
send them all, including our own paper,
to any farmer in this county for 81.60,
which is only GO cents more than our
own subscription price. Never before
was so much superior reading mattor,
of the most practical and uueful char
acter, offered for only $1 f0. The first;
four of the papers named aro so well
known throughout tho West that but
little need be said of them. They
conameud themselves to the resdor's fa
vorable attention upon mere mention.
The Humane Alliance is devoted to
humano education, and Bhould bo in
every farmer's family, so that tho bey
and tfirla on the farm may early Imbibe
the principles of abroad humanity that
shall include all God's creatures, aad
learn the wickednoss and brutalizing
tendency of cruelty of all kinds. Taku
advantage of this great offer.
Haller's Pain Paralyser for all kind
of pain, interual or external, Safe and
reliable. Does its work quickly and
effectually. It is just the aiticlu.
Needed in every family. M H Taylor.
A full stock of Gcnoral Merchan
dise ami Low Prices are always
found at
Rubber Boots,
Wool Boots,
Knit Boots,
Leather Boots,'
Hats and Cap
and all .Winter Goods
and you will make no
Maay a household is saddened by
death because of the failure to keep on
hand a safe and absolutely certala
cure for croup such as Ono Mlnuto
Cough Cure. See thatyour little ernes
aro protected against emergency. K.
H. Taylor.
and stay off my farm (the Wray Taylor
bend) and save trouble. J.Tf , Wkubk.
Soothlnc. heallntr. clMnlnv. r
Witt'" Witch nazal SaWa in th imv
placable enemy of sores, buras and
wounds. It never fails to cure Piles.
You may rely upeu it. M, H. Taylor.