ynqTOriMiwitu(BOTioiiiWMr' ' Timfpm! i-uim.rijB iilftJ'ar nfrf tukis wHiHtAiriLst fms, . a UB EflffAOnuh Hjrup. TwMta UmkI. tit a I PJ In tlnio. Bold hy dmgglnU. 8 1 Wtr&BBS&BT&saragnrPV&fmViasv -1 :-""rTr"y,"r -- stS3lg wiw""i ' lJM,q''"fT'', . ? The Nebraska Advertiser -. If. H.f.YIUiltV rubUthir. SUIISGltU'TION, 61. &0 l'KIl YKAIl JQlt. W. W. KEELING, ft KM AHA OlTV, NkHUAKA. Olllou first door Houth of Turk hotel W. W. SANDERS, Notary Nemaha City, Neb PLASTERER Acino niul Auattto work u Hpcolnlty. CIh turns built. Fnpor HiuirIiik, KuUomlnlnu Rtnl WlillownnliliiK lono. Low iirloeii, All work wiirruntod. FRIDAY. MAY 20. 18!)S. YSSBSVTL. i RspublicBnf flPPj. ftewyipor WW -.n Kerker & Hoover, Dealer In ZMIIE ATS IJIlii)Nt prlaoHlimlil for hldeH, lard, tnilow catno, lo NEMAHA CITY, NE1J11ASKA. Wes Clurk was in from Auburn Fri day, visiting Nemulm friends. Win. E. Gladstone, Mio famous stales man of England, died Wednesday. Tim windstorm Tuesday night broke two window glass in the scliool house. A company of Tolunteurs has been organized at Auburn, with Sterling P. Glasgow as captain. Herbert H. Hay is tlrst lieutenant and J. W. Barnliart Bocolid lieutenant. J, L. Carson, jr., wont to ICansasCity on Tuesday to be present at tho mar- riago of his sister, Miss Mary Marshal Carson, to Hamilton 15. Kollins, a banker of Columbia, Mo., which took placo Wednesday at Kansas City. Auburn Herald. J. L, MELV1N, M. D., Ph. DM PHYSICIAN &RD SURGEON Sl'KQIALTlKH: -DlneaHOs of the Hkln, DIh oaRCH 01 Women nml Children Will promntlv niiHwor nil cnllH, cither ilay or night, onicu nt rcHldonce. Read and Remember. Fine harncHi Iioro, tlia liettt hniultniide. J&nllnblo ntonk of flrHt dims crnilo. Anil hero 1 oil nml hardware lino. Tlco wltlpn and brushes, first clnsu lino. Bleep comliic hero for pnils and colliirn. 3eop coming horo to uavo your dollars, Skcon Iuih robes and flynets neat, )CepH a lino Hint can't bo boat. Excollout work on all repair, jfclxtra neat, anil prUon fair. No Hhop In county can bo Hcen 'Soils hurncHH oheapor than Frank Hlcecn. F. K. SKEEN, Harness and Repairing, NEMAHA, NEH. The Methodist Sunday school is hav ing a hard time to have a picnic. Ii wriB first decided to have it on the 7th, but it rained tho night before, and tho picnic was postponed until the 14th. Hut it rained agaiti tho night before, so tho picnic was again postponed until tho next Saturday. Hut it is too muddy to huvo it this week, so there will have to be another postponement. Thoro is little war news to chronicle. Tho battleship Oregon is safe. Samp son is hnntitiK for tho Spanish Heet, but the lattor is keeping out of sight. One Nebraska regiment has gone to San Francisco and will be sent to tho Phil lipino Islands. Tho second regiment has 1401m to Chikamauga, Ga and will be sent to Cuba. There is talk of the prosident calling for 7G.00O or 100,000 moro volunteers. Gov. llolcomb has commissioned Hon, Vf, J. Bryan a colonel and authorized him to raise a third regiment in Nebraska, A MAP OF TnE UNITED STATES Send me 15 cents in stamps and I will mail you a map of tho United States, three feet four inches wide and live foot three inches long. Printed in six colors. Mounted on rollers. Shows every state, county, important towni and railroad in tho United States. New odition, just received, contains ten handsome half-tone pictures of princii pal buildings of tho TransMississippi Exposition J. FltANOIS, General Passenger Agent, Burlington Ilouto, Omaha, Neb. Chamukulain's Cough Rkmkdy Al WAYS PltOVKS EKKEOTIYB. There are no better medicines on tho market than Chamberlain's. We have used this cough remedy where all oth ers failed and in every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear tho virtues of Chamberlain's rem edies extolled by those who have, used them. This is not aii'ompty puff, paid for at so much a Hue, but is voluntar ily given in good faith, in tho hope that suffering humanity may try these touiedies and, like the writer, bo bene fitted. From the Glenvillo (W. Va. Fathfinder. For sale by M H Taylor. We make the following Bpelcal club bing offer for a abort time: Tub Advhhtiseu, Now York Tri bune, Chicago Inter Ocean, To cdo Blade, and tho Prairie Farmer, all fivt papers ono year for only $2,10, cash in advance. W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen sions papers of all kinds made out acs curatoly. Legal documents drawn up All business given prompt and careful attention. After years of. untold sufforing from piles, H. W. Pursoll of Knitnersville, Pa., was curod by using a single box of Hewitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin Frank Sherwoed was down town to daA", the drat time since he had his tus sle with clioleju morbus. He says ho drova thirty miles after ho was taken and never camo so near dyiug in his life. After this when he goes out in tho country lie will tako a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chelera and Diar rhoee Remedy with him. Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale by M H Taylor. - o We can give you 6 weekly papers, includ ing The Advertiser, all one year for only rllHcuHim hup.1i as eczema, rash, nimnles and obstinate sores are readily cured QO Oft nncVl 111 flflvjince by this famous remedy. M II Taylor. ' &''' tlM1 1U aa "-'. REPUBLICAN Jr. 29348. Standard and registered bay colt, 4 years old, 10 bauds high, weighs 1100 pounds when in good flesh, sired by Republican (2:10), and half brother to PatL. (2:0OJ4); dam, Sadio Vera, by Talavera (2:30); second dam, Betsey Trotwood, by McMahon (2:21), will make the season of 180S (except Satuidays) at home, Maple Ridge stock farm, 2 miles southeast of Howe and 0 miles northwostof Stella, Nebraska, to a few approved mares, at 812.00 to insure. Republican, Jr., is u lino big galled colt, good color, good disposition, sound, and fast whenovor trained for speed. T. H. JONES, Owner. HOWE, NEBRASKA. eiffiHHnatiiei8iHiMHiiiieieiiiii SQIS ..the:.... 'sQ1 EIWEEKtYlNTEROCEflNij.il MRGEST CIRGDL&TIOI OF AHY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST "VJ7"o liavo tho rlgn, when you would drive; Our teams look well, they aro allvo, R,lns horo that shine; theynroO. 1C. Kctjp track of Workman'H ovory day. ' Bon llko our team; they're mudo to go, And 1 tho harness imver hIow. i Next time y,ou drive, you traYellng nion, ' Souk Worftmau'u, place, and como again. Iioolc urvllile plnco whon teams you feed. Jin "horo th'oy'ro treated woll Indeed. Very low GUI' rales aro found Every tlmoS'ou drlvourouiid. R.1H, lmokA'fcud ttraya mid horncH best, Yu elVo 'fhd'word , wo do tho rost. Workman's : Livery NEMAHA, NEBRASKA. THE SUNDAY JOURNAL FREE. During this great war excitement peoplo cannot get enough papers to road on the all-absorbing topic. The State Journal, as a special offer, will send freo the Great Sunday State Jour nal three months to any person Bending in 81 for a year's subscription to The Semi-Weekly Stato Journal. During these exciting times Tho SemisWeokly Journal boats the old weekly all to pieces, and with a big sixteen-pago pa per thrown in, is the greatest bargain ever offered for 81. Just think! you got two big weokly papers each week for a whole year, and a big sixteen-page Sunday paper three months all for $1. In order to be entitled to this special premium you must send your dollar direct to The State Journal, Lincoln. What pleasure is there in life with a headache, constipation and btlliouuness Thousands experience thorn who could become purfui'Hv healthy by using Des Win's Little Earlv Hitters, the famous 'i tlepillH. M II Taylor. Do wo want our records protected from fire, or do wo want them in vaults standing outdoors, exposed to both firo and water, and with no protection from lire on tho inside of our present old shell of a court house? Theso aro tho questions for us to docide on Sat unlay, May 28th If the latter ques tion 1b carried wo will continue to have our records in jeopardy, that the coun ty in ono hour's time may bo thrown into an enormous expense of replac ng our records, besides an endless litiga tion, expending tlireo to five times the cost of a court house. Every vottr", and especially owners of land, should consider this matter. Seriously, you may save a few dollars by voting against tho building of a court house, but you tun nine chnncoi to ono of having a law suit or othtr oxponsos In fixing up your title, costing you throo times tho amount of your taxes for a court house. You aro not voting for railroad bonds when you vote for bonds to build a court house. The money derived fram the bonds will bo expended by ur county commissioners, and all of it, ex cept what material will have to bo shipped in, will remain here at home among our own people, especially our laboring men, and wo will get protec tion of our records for the money. This is the third proposition thaihas been submitted to the voters of Nema ha county to build n court houso, and each time it has raised $10,000. If the present proposition is defeated, tho next proposition will be $75,000 to 8100,000. As tho county grows older the peoplo will demand a more expon sive building. Wo think the present proposition of 800,000 sufficient to build, complete and furnish a court house, with plenty of vault room, and a jail that will do this county for a hundred years. Our jail is a miserable place to con fine human buildings, and especially the unfortunato insane people, who Bliould not be placed in a jail nt all. The county ought to havo a place fixed especially for theso pople. So lot ub now settlo this matter tor nil time to como, and not make any moro expense MONTHLY SUFFERING. i V SBK thousands of women aro troubled at monthly Inter vale with pain9 in tho head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But! they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. Tho men strual function should operate painlessly. Winffirf111 makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs In condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will fcny woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs fi.oo at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottte to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, ''The Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teun. sjeo Mrs. B0ZEMA LEWIS, ol Oenivlllo, Tmbi, cayst "Iwat troubled at monthly Intervale with terrible paint In my head and back, but havo been entirely relieved by Wine oi uaraui. SHOR ELF-" RTHAWD Hy' -TAUGHT study of "ho Manual oj riionograpny, by Uenn 1'itmau and Jerome li, Howard. A perfect self.in structor. Over 355,000 sold. Thousands have masteied it; so can you. Sold by all booksellers, or we will send with Phono graphic Reader and Phonographs Copy Pool; post-paid, for $1.25. Catalog and full infor ination free to those who wisli to investi gate first. Send name on postal card, THE BENN PITMAN SYSTEM has for 44 years been the standard. Called by U. S. Ihireuu of Hducntiou ' The Airier lean System." First piize, World's Fair. Thk Phonographic Instituti: Co., 332 W. 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio, FLOWERS Stoddard's Superb Asters ANY ONE can ralso tliem. They UHOW LIKE WEEDS. Tho dowers are EXQUISITE, of tins LARG EST hIzo, nml there aro PLENTY of thorn. Kliiem thing In I be world for OUT ELOW KK8 or a nIiow hod. THREE PACKETS OP THIS PERFECT REED AND OUR ILLUSTRATED CATA LOG UK 1--OU. TEN CENTS (tho prlco you would pay any whero for one packet of this fseod). .. 111 . 1 ..,, 1 ujajnt uumht AHiiiiia (inixeui. urow 11 uituiiiK eicuuuii niiu UApHiiuing more about 18 Inches hlh and bear their IM- ninnnv on tlin nraRnnt nlil sliwll ivlifali M13N8K CHRYSANTHEMUM llko flowers money on ino pruHent om sneii, WHICH on low Ktlfr8Umis, Whito, pluk. yellow, rd js a disgrace 10 a county as well on as luia mno old Nemaha. Vote for the bonds and wo will pay thorn and hardly know that we huvo dono it, aud wo will havo our records preserved. A thrll of terror is experienced when k brassy cough of croup sounds through tho Iiouho at night. But the terror noon changes to relief after One Minute rough Cure has boon administered, ale and harmless for children. M II Taylor. Call in and see mibscriho for any the United States. as if you want to paper published in Itipans "-'"lies: pleasant laxative. PEONY-FLOWERED ASTERS (mixed). Petals Incurved; flowers averaging 3 to 4 In clnn acrosfi; colors both bright and ilollcate. TWENTY or moro shades. VICTORIA ASTERS (mixed). Handsom est In existence; Jlowors very InrKO, verv double, of clobulur shape; SIX TO TEN SHADES. Plants 1 foot high. Theso aro beauties, Order Early. Now IL Time to start your plants to obtain bent results. Your Monoy's "Worth or "Your Monoy Bark. 0ST30RN STODDARD. Madison, - New Jorsov. It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines of that party with ability and earncstncss50tt But it can always be relied on! for fair and honest reports of all po- litical movcmr.niiCttJtjtjt&jt&Jbt THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE HEW9 AMD BEOTOURREMT LITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. S The Literature ot its columns is equal to that ot the best maga zines. It is Interesting to the chil dren aa well as tho parents THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives tin readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint J J IB 2 W m $l,00-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-$I.OO THE DAILY AHD SUTOAY EDITI0HS 0FTH2 IHT2R OCEAB ARE BEST OF THEIR K3HD. Pricenf Daily by mail $4.00 per year I'rloo of Sunday by mull $2.00 per year Dally and Sunday by mall $0.00 per year BMIltHafil9ieiJH9I(0HSlB9IBOB8H0ECI0HeiSSMaiieifiHa on w srjai lyirihune THE GREAT National Family Newspaper For Farmers and Villagers, and your favorite homo paper, The Nebraska Advertiser BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $1.25 Cash, in Advance. THE N. Y. TRIBUNE ALMANAC, of reference for Governmental and political information. Contains the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the Stato of Now York, the Dingloy Tariff Uill. with acompaj. itjon of old and new rates; President McKinley'a Cabinet and appointees, Auh baasadores, Consuls, eta. ; tho personnel of Congress, names of principal ofllcsra of the different States, commandlniz officers of the Army and Navy, with their salaries; Tables of Public Statistics, Election Returns, Party Platfoims and Committees, complete articles on the Currency, Gold and Silver, and a vase amount of other valuable informations The standard American almanac, au thorativo and complete, corresponding in rank with Whittakor's Almanac i Europe. Price 26 cents. Postnge paid; Send all orders to The Advertiser, Nemaha, Neb. BEST (IFFlll MP, MADE 81 34 Large Pages Every Week for only MSP&Ptl Tho semi-weekly Republic, the best gonoral newspaper printed in tho world, containing all the news in eight pages twico-a-wcek, and the Republic Model Magazine one year for $1.50. Tho Republic Sunday Magnzmo was tho newspaper success of 1897. A house journal of tho best class, is large pages overv week, 4 pages of fun, 14 pngosof tho highest and bust reading printed. It contains moro high clnfs pictures and cartoons than were over attempted in any other publication. Moro noted writors and artists contribute to The Sunday Magazine than to any other western publication. Tho umgnzlne will bo sold only in connection with tho semi-weekly Repub lic, but is mailed separately on Friday of each weok. Address all orders to THE REPUBLIC, St. Lonis, Mo. K- i I A &1 w V t -jL K V