The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, May 06, 1898, Image 1

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Local News.
Lota of ruin.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Mrs. Falrbank for flno millinory.
V. W. Seld went to Council Bluffs,
Iowa, Wednesday.
Jvlra. Nannio Peory,.of Glon Rock, is
visiting Nemaha friends.
Jeff Drumm is supplying Kerker &
Iloovor with early vegetables.
Mrs. N. L. Pierce, of Now Point,
Mo., is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. II.
Ben Baldwin was appointed marshal
Monday night. Now let evil doers
look out.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, of Stella,
were the guests of Seymour IIowo last
To (Jure Boadaclio In 10 Minutes,
Take Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache.
All druggists.
Will Montieth, of Arcadia, wont to
South Omaha Monday, after a few days'
visit with Nemaha friends.
Dr J. L.Melvin reports the birth on
Tuesday morning of a ten pound girl
to iMr. and Mrs. Fred Seabury.
Dr. Davis'Anti-IIeadache never fails.
25 cents.
Mrs. F. A. Welton returned to Au
burn Mcndrty, after n visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Marshall Pryor.
f '
Di.W W. Keeling wont to Omaha
Tuesday, startintr on the early morning
freight. He returned homo Thursday
noon. -. .
Take Laxative IJrouioQuininoTublets.
All druggists refund the money if It
fails to Cure.' 25c.
Rov. C II. Gilmore wont to Teeum
soh last Friday, to deliver , temperance
lecture, but it rained that ovoning and
the lecture had to be postponed.
Irvin Burnham, of Auburn, son of
Attorney A. J. Burnham, has enrolled
his name as one of Uncle Sam's volun
teor soldiers, and is now in camp at
at Lincoln.
Mr. Smith, of Omaha, superintend
ent of the Nebraska Tolophono compa
ny, was in Nemaha Monday, looking
after tho telephone and collecting the
money subscribed.
Messrs. Conover and Veach, of Vor
doii, were in Nemaha Monday, looking
after stock. They expect to buy and
ship stock from this point regularly
in tho near future.
T. J. Illtto, one of the editors of tho
.Nebraska Farmer, now published at
Omaha, was in Nemaha Wednesday,
visiting friends and looking after tho
interests of tho Farmer.
Wo notice by tho Shubort Citizen
time II. W. Shubert is going to build a
81,000 residence this summer on his
farm near Bracken. W. II. Eagle, or
Shubert, will do the carpenter work.
O. H. Whyman, of Adams, tho dpp
uty for tho itoyul Highlanders who
has been hero In tho interests of that
excellent association, soturned homo
Saturday. Ho did some good work
while here.
T. A. Clark will nccompany the
Roekport band to St. Joe and assist in
playing at the carnival May lith and
12th. Tom is getting a roputation as
a first class cornet player a reputation
that Is well deserved.
Mr. and Mrs. T, J. Rumbaugh, of
Smithland, Iowa, arrivod in Nemaha
Saturday evening, on a visit to their
Hon, Elmer E. Ituinbaugh, They will
probably remain hero for some time
and may make thoir permanent homo
in Nemaha.
Subscriptions received hero for any
newspaper or magazlno published in
the United States.
Robt. Frost warns all huntors to
keep off his pasture, west of tho road
running north from tho mill, and all
other pnrties aro warned not to lot
down fence or drlvo into tho pasture.
All tJopsassors will be prosecuted.
Threo or four weeks ago Uncle Wm
Burns predicted that we would huvo a
frost on tho morning of May 0th, and
suro enough there was h frost. Ho
says it rarely fails but that thoro is a
frost on the morning of day of tho full
moon in May.
We are informed that some parties
owning lots in tho cemetery have
thrown trash taken l'ro.n the lots into
tho alleys. Tho officers of tho cemetery
request us to say that that will not be
permitted. All trash must be taken
off tho grounds.
Clayt Shurtz, of Brownville, wns in
town Tuesday, distributing bills for A.
A. Mclninch & Son. Clayt informs
us that he will go to St. Joe in about
threo weeks, as he has a position in
tho wholesale dry goods storo of Ilend
loy & McDonald,
Tho Methodist ladies aid society will
glvo an ice cream and strawberry fes
tival at tho Minick hall Saturday night
of this week, to which everybody is
cordially invited. Berries and ico
cream will be ready at 1 o'clock.
The John Robinson Shows will ex .
hibit at Humboldt. Neb., May 7th.
Round trip tickets will bo sold for this
circus, including admission to the cir
cus, at $1.00 each.
R. J . Dukk,
City Ticket Agt. Nemaha, Neb.
Miss Mario Hoover has returned
from Now York, where sho spent tho
winter studying with tho eminent pian
ist Xaver Scharwenka, Sho is at home
with her parents, who huvo recently
removed to 1330 F street. Miss Iloovor
will be warmly welcomed by the musi
cians of tho city, iimong whom sho is a
favorite. State Journal.
The Nemaha Cemetery association
held their animal meeting Monday af
ternoon, for the first time in three
years. The old board of trustees was
re-elected by acclamation. Tho board
is composed of James A. Titus, S. Gil
bort, Seymour Howe, Peter Kerker and
M.T.May. James A. Titus is piesi
dont and S. Gilbert secretary and treas
urer. Nemaha now has telephone connect
lion with tho rest of tho world. The
lino works well. M. II. Taylor, the
local manager, plainly heard a watch
tick that was hold to the phono by the
president in Omaha. The charges are
25 conts for a live minutes talk to
Brownville, Peru, Auburn, Howe,
Stella or Shubert; 30 cents to Nebraska
City; 00 cents to Lincoln.
We will send the Kansas City Joins
nal and Tins Advektisuk both one
year for only SI. 15.
and stuy off my farm (the Wray Tayloi
bond) and savo trouble. J.W.Wkhkkii.
1 have for sale for cash only White
Jerusalem Artichokes at 50 conts per
bushel. Also good clean new millet
seed at 50 cents. J. II. Skid.
Go to Kerker & Ilo-iver for all kinds
fresh bulk Garden Seed and seeds of
all kinds. They aro the Old Reliable
Seed House in Nemaha county. Call
and seo.
"I -. A T Duquoin, Bevier, Walnut
VUALi $i,)uk. McAiiister and
other grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from 82.25 to ?4.0f,
IlAititY McCandlkss,
Hlpana Tabules euro flatulence.
It rained hero TuesJuy night and
nearly all day Wednesday and Thnrs
day. The ground is well saturated
with water.
The young friends qf Missos Chloo
and Gertie Elliott gavo hor a surprise
party Tuesday night. A largo number
we ro present.
Master Gilbert and Miss Gertrude
McCnndless (tho twins) liavo been vis
iting Grandpa and Grandma Gilbert
this week. Thoy gavo The Adviskti
suit a call Friday.
J. P, Hoover and F. L. Woodward
wont to Lincoln Wednesday, returning
Thursday evening. Mr. Iloovor went
up to soo his brother, Win. 11. Hoover,
who has been sick for several months.
Wo regret to learn that ho Is worso
again, his condition being quite criti
cal. His many friends in Nemaha
earnestly hope for his lecovery.
Tho Methodist Sunday school had
made arrangements for a May picnic in
Volo valley Saturday of this week,
hut on account of the continued rain
it has beon postponed for ono week.
Bessie Frost was olected'May queen,
Willie Sanders king, Nelson Iladlock
prince, Rosio Seabuty princess, Belle
Mosier, Lulu Cooper, FannioGoff, An
nie Swan, Grace Staynes, and Gertie
Shadley maids of honor.
Tho Junior Leaguo ico cream socia-.
bio held at tho Minick hall last Friday
night was a complete success. Tho
Juniors had full charge of all arrange
ments, and tho way things wero mans
aged surprised every ono. Small ta
bles seating from four to six wore dis
tributed through the room, each table
having waiters who wero very atten
tive to tho wants of their guoats. On
account of the threatened rain tho at
tendance was not near so largo as it
would otherwise Lave been, but S7 25
was cleared alter expenses wero paid.
The many friends of Mrs. C. J.
Canon, formerly MissNina Moore, will
be pleased to read tho following items
taken from the Tecutnseh Chieftain.
The first item Is from tho Vesta corres
pondence: "Mrs. Charles Canon clospd a very
successful term of school Friday of
hiBt week, having in her school eight
who graduated with highest honors.
On Saturday evening a class reception
was given in tho field."
"Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Canon aro now
occupying tho J. A. Bennett house, on
Third Btreot, having moved their
household coeds in from Vnstu Mils
Mrs. Canon is one. of tho graduates
of tho Nemaha schouls, and lias been a
successful teacher. She has been prin
cipal of tho Vesta school since the firBt
of January.
Tako tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the oity. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhanoy, pronriotor.
If you want Good
Goods at Low Prices
trade at
Prices arc right and
you will be treated
"Sou will save mon
ey by trading at An
derson's The'highest market
price paid for country
Call and see us
ku "ET G W& 6
Has just returned from St. Joo with
A Whole Car Load
of now Millinery Goods, Hats.LncsB,
Ribbona and Flowers. Handsomer
goods and lower prices than over.
Nemaha had a narrow cscapo from
a firo Thursday foronoon. About i)
o'clock tho Iioubo occupied by Dr. J. L.
Molvin, owned by Mrs. Allco A. Min
ick. of Beatrice, was discovered to bo
on fire. In a very few minutes a big
crowd of men, womon and boys had
assembled, and by prompt and hard
work tho firo was put out. When ttio
fire was discovered tunoko was ivsuing
from the roof and it looked for ti little
while like tho house was doomed, but
fortunately thoro was an amplo supply
of water and plenty of help. Thejflro
caught from a Btovoplpo running from
tho lower room through the floor of a
bedroom upstairs. Tho pipo is near
tho frame of a sliding door, and tho
fire had burned tho door framo conoids
ernbly and then spread to the space in
tho wall and from tliore to tho attic,
and then to tho roof. Tho attic was
Hooded with water, and oo was overy
place whero there wero any signs of
firo. A omit II hole was burned in the
roof, ono of tho sliding doorB was badly
scorched, and the frame considerably
burned, but tho main damage was to
tho plastering. Tho carpets were in
jured some by tho water and by tho
mud tracked in , Tho house is insured
in one of the companies for which D.
A. Morton is agent
Dr. .J. B. Jack received word on
Wednesday morning that ho had been
appointed professor of microscopy and
bacteriology in Ensworth Medical Col
lege, St. Joduph, Mo., and director of
the bacteriplogical laboratory of that
institution. This will necessitate tho
doctor making weekly trips to St. Jo-,
seph next fall and winter,, during tho
sessions of tlio collego Positions of
this kind aro seldom given to so young
a man :xa tho doctor, and his many
Brownville friends aro congratulating
him on his good fortune, and the Sun
fully expects, somo time in the not too
distant future, to ohroniclu some great
discovory in medical science made by
"Prof. John Barnes Jack, the eminent
bacteriologist." Tho doctor expects to
go to a leading Now York college some
time during tho summer and take a
post grail nut o course to more luliy pre
pare him for hia duties as instructor.
Biownville Sun.
LOOK HE HE, saiO buys ono of Or
Gray's now syringes from Jim agent, D
F.liichuiond, Brownville, Nub.
Fill a hottlo or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty four houia;
a sediment or settling indicates an uu
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the hack Is also con
vincing proof thai tho kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge
so often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, tho groat kidney remedy
fnlHUs every wish in relieving pain in
tho back, kidnoyB, liver, bladder and
every part of the urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of ijuor, wlno or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessi
ty of being compelled to get up many
times during the night to urinate. The
mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp
Boot ia soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing eases. If von need a
medicine you Bhould have tho heat.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail upon receipt of threo two-cent
stamps to cover cost of postngo on the
bottle. Mention Tins Advkktjskii and
send your address to Or. Kilmer & Co.,
Hinghampton, N. Y. Tho proprietor
of tliia paper uuarantees tho genuine
ness of this offer.
If you buy it at
On a bill of $10.00
worth we guarantee to
save you $1.00
(oxcopt n fow sttiplo nrUclos)
on Groceries, Glassware,
china and hardware sold
in eastern Nebraska.
Omaha or Lincoln not
Mako out your list of articles
wanted and lot mo iiguro on
thorn. Your money is as good
as anybody's, and you do not
pay other's bad dobts in buying
of mo.
Bring mo your Butter and Eggs.
Brownville, Nebr.
Tho only Spot Cash Dealor in
Wa are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no plean
autor or better way to do it than by ro
commending One Minute Cough (Jure
as a preventive of pneumuuis. com
sumption and other serious lung troub
les that follow neglected colds. M II
Money to Loan
On good farms at aa low rate of in
terest as the lowest and the best of
terms. Call and seo us.
Auburn, Nob.
W. W. Sanders is agont for It. V.
Mulr's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy ono apply at TiJF
AnviSKTisKii olllco.
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injuries eczema or skiy
diseases may secure instant, relief by
using I )e Witt's- Witch Uazle Salve. It
is tho great pile remedy. M II Tayloj
havo beon heavy buyors of
merchandise tho last month.
Thoy boliovo that war prices
aro coining.
Buy of S.uilberi&Son
There is where a dollar goes
the farthest.
The partnership hpretnfoie existing
for tho tiiuiMiL'Ung of the business ot u
commercial bunk, under Die name of
the Gilbert Hank, wherein II. O (ill
bert, of Waynesboro, l'a., S. Ci tlli r
and It. Gilbert, of Nemaha. Nfb . wnp
general partners, is this 551 li dav of
March, 1808, dissolved b mutual cod
sent. Tho alTaii of Me Him will bo
adjusted and seliled bv S GiM fit
II (.'. GlUIKUT,
S. (Jn.nitKT
U Ui: uuuT,
n win an