The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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Local News.
Cooler weather again Tuoaduy.
Old papers for sale at this olllco,
Mrs. Fairbank for flno millinory.
Irvin Hadlock returned from IIowo
T. W, Wheeler returned to Lincoln
Major Ebbs was up from St. Doroln
Tuesday. '
W, li, llartnon was in from Auburn
James A. Wolfe- went to Crab Orchi
ard Thursday.
These cool nights uro rather hard on
eaily garden truck.
Mrs II. E. Williams drove up from
Shubert Wednesday.
S. Gilbert was putting out more
shade trees Wednesday.
Nebraska City Leader Hour takes the
ead. Sold by S. Gilboi t & Son .
' Chas. Lindsey has moved into his
residence west of the blacksmith shop.
S. Gilbert & Son sell best printa at 5
cents per yard. Table oil cloth 15
cents per yard.
Willie Yates visited his sister, Mrs,
Maud Lemon, at St. Deroin, from Fri
day until Tuesday.
Dr. Davis'Anti-IIeadaehe never fails.
20 cents.
Mrs. Tlieo Hill went to St. Joo the
first of tha week and bought her stock
or siuing millinery. She returned
homo Wednesday.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to Cure. 25c.
D. C. Miller recently bought a block
In Auburn and this week moved out
there. lie will build a house- and live
there. Dave will bo missed in 'Ne
maha. To Ouro Hcadaoho lu 10 Minutes.
Take Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache.
All diuggists.
David Yanmoter and Wilford Orr,
farmers living south of Jlarada, were
in town Wednesday. They had been
to the Titus Nursery aud bought a lot
of fruit trees.
We hear that Tim Cliff, of Auburn,
committed suicido Thursday night, by
shooting. We did not learn .any par
ticulars. Ho leaves a wife and three
adopted children. His wife is a daugh
ter of Win, Dauiols.
Pure Early Ohio seed potatoes for
sale at 75 cents a bushel.
N. C. J An vi$.
Andrew Aynes
Soils northern grown pure gar
don seeds in packages or bulk
at low prices.
Any kind of carpet at prices that
cannot be boat anywhere. Fine
line of samples from which to
make your selection.
A completo lino of
Hsrdware, Furniture,
Gofins, Caskets, etc.
Call and seo me and get prices.
If what you want is not in
stock I will send and get it on
short notice. Prices and goods
guaranteed to bo right.
Andrew Aynes
Additional local news on the last
Pago. '
Geo. Fisher aud wife went to Shu
bert Saturday.
Dr. John H. Jack, of Brownvillo,
was in town Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Swan visited
Auburn friends from Saturday until
Subscriptions lecoived hero for any
newspaper or magazine published in
the United Stntt-s.
Rev. C. II. Gilmore failed to fill his
Nemaha appointment Sunday evening,
ou account of the rain.
Chas. A. Curtis, who has been living
in the rear of tho restaurant, moved
back to his residence Tuesday.
Wo will send tho Kansas City Jours
nal aud Tins Advkiitisku both one
year for only SI. 15.
It's no longer a question of "Can I afford to paper,"
but the thought is, "Can I afford to look at that old stylo
pattern on tho wall, year in and year out, when tho cost
of paper is so little cents a roll lip. "
Spend all day scrubbing that kitchen ' woodwork. A4
quart of our best paint only costs you 40 cents and then
your kitchen will look like now. Change the color in
your rooms every year.
Uncle .Henry Hart, of Aspinwall,
has been very sick for some timo. hut
we learn he is getting some better.
Dr. I. L. Callison, the Stella dentist,
will be at the Park hotel, in Nemaha,
next Monday, April 25th, proparod to
do all kinds of dental word.
Chas. Marshall, of Douglas, Otoo
county, bought a lot of truit trees from
the Titus Nursery lat week. Tho or
der included about 2000 apple trees.
Ilobt. Frost, John Dorram and John
Mosier put now timbers under the tank
at tho public well Tuesday and Wednes
day. The old tunbeis were about to
give way.
Tho Junior Leaguers will give an
ice cream sociable at tho Minick hall
Friday night of next week. Every
body is invited. Come out and help
the little folks.
Peter Korker, Frank Woodwaid.Wm.
Maxwell, Ed Maxwell, Rybt. Frost and
Tom Clark went to Auburn Sunday to
attend tho funeral of Sam Smith, who
was a brother Odd Fellow.
Conover & Veach will be in Nemaha
next Wednesday, April 27th, to buy
hogs. They will ho hero one day only,
so bring your hogs in on that day.
and stay off my farm (the Wray Tayloi
bond) and save trouble. J. W. Wisbhkk.
I have for sale for cash only White
Jerusalem Artichokes at 50 cents per
bushel. Also good clean new millet
seed at CO cents. J. II. Skid.
Go to Kerker & Hoover for all kinds
fresh bulk Garden Seed and seeds of
all kinds. They are the Old Reliable
Seed House in Nemaha county. Call
and seo,
Money to Loan
On good farms nt as low rato of in
terest iih the lowest and tho best of
terms. Call and seo us.
Auburn, Nob.
Elder W. II. Winters and family ar
rived in Nemaha Thursday night of
last week, on a visit to relatives aud
friends, Mr. Winters has been pastor
of tho Christian church at Phoenix,
Arizona, for tho past flvo years, hut
is on his way to Georgia, having ac
cepted tho pastorate of a church near
Mucdn, in that state. Mrs. Winters
will visit her mother, Mrs. S. T. Arga
bright, for a few months.
Deputy Sheriff Hughes was in from
Auburn last Friday for tho purpose of
levying upon Hud Stockton's outlit to
pay the costs of tho suit with Judgo
Broady over tho nowly formed land
adjoining tho judge's land northeast of
town. Tho deputy and Andy Jarvio
took possession of ton head of horses,
five head of mules, a number of hogs
and other property. Wo understand
the costs now amount to over S400.
LOOK III3ItE.$:U0 buys oneofDr
Grav's new syringes from his agent, D
F. Richmond, Urownvillo, Nb.
A Mr. and Mrs. 'Ward, who live about
eight miles south of Vesta, started (or
homo Wednesday morning, nftor a
week's visit with thoir daughter, Mrs.
L. II. Merritt, of Nemaha. They
drovo through.
MoBeVeach, of Verdon, was in town
Thursday. Ho informs us he has
mado arrangements to buy stock at
Nemaha. He will be hero next
Wednesday to receive hogs. Wo are
glad Mr. Veach has made such arrange
ments, as he has tho reputation of
treating all men justly and paying tho
highest price tho markot will afford.
Will Swan failed to tio his mules se
curely Wednesday, and in consequence
had a badly demoralized buggy. The
mules could not agree oh which side of
a tree to go, so tlioy took opposite
Bides. Tho buggy struck the treo,
breaking tho neckyoke and tongue and
cracking tho front axle. The dashi
board was also shattered and other
damage dqno.
Talco tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met. John
McISlhanev, pronrietor.
If you want Good
Goods at Low Prices
trade at
Prices are right and
you will be treated
Tou will save mon
ey by trading at An
derson's The' highest market
price paid for country
Call and see us
Ilaa just returned from St. Joo with
A Whole Car Load
of now Millinery Goods, Ilats.Laces,
Ribbons and Flowers, Handsomer
goods and lower prices than over.
War is Here.
War has virtually been declarod be
tween Spain and tho United States.
Tho Spanish minister, upon tho deliv-i
cry of tho resolutions adopted by con-J
gress and tho president's ultimatum,
asked for his passports and left Wash
ington Wednesday. United Statns
Minister Woodford was given his pass-
ports Thursday, by the Spanish govern
ment, thus severing diplomatic inter
course between tho two nations. An
armed squadron has been sent by this
country to blockado Havana, and tho
Hying aquadron Inis been ordered to in
tercept tlm Spanish llotilla at Porto
Rico. Tho house has passed a bill em
powering tho president to call for vols
unteers, and ho will issue a call for
100,000 volunteers as soon as tho bill
passes the Benato and bocomes a law.
A state of war exists, although it has
not yet been ollicially proclaimed.
Tho resolutions finally adopted by
congress may be fouiiu ou one of tho
inside pages.
Mr. and Mrs Henry V. Shubert, of
Rraoken, were in town Wednesday.
Mr. Shubert is one of tho largest fruit
glowers in Nemaha county, and flnds
that it pays. lie is putting out -18
acres iu fruit this sprint', on an eighty
he bought last fall joining the farm on
which he is living, in the western part
of this piccinct. Ho lias planted 2800
apple trees, (Jano, Missouri Pippin and
Wine Sap, and about 100 pencil troes.
Of com ho he bought the trees of the
Tituu Nursery.
The annual meeting of the Nomaha
Cemetery Association will bo held at
Tins Advkutisicu olllco in Nomaha on
Monday, May 2nd, 1808, at 4 o'clock p.
m. All who owi lots in tho cemetery
are requeated to be present.
Jamks A. Titus, Presldont.
S. Giliikut, Secretary.
CountyCommissionera Melninch and
Bastian wero in town Friday. They
wero here for tho purpose of investi
gating tho opening of a road to the
cemetery, for which a potition has
been sent iu.
ri. i T Duquoin, Uevier, Walnut
jUJ1j ijiouk. McAllister and
other grades of coal for salo, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $4.00,
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty four hours;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linou it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequont desire to
urinate or pain iu tho back ia also con
vincing proof that tho kidneys and
bladder aro out of order.
Thoro is comfort in the knowledge
so ofton expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, tho groat kidney remedy
fulfills every wish iu relieving pain iu
tho back, kidnoya, liver, bladder and
every part of tho urinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urino and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
aud overcomes that unpleasant necessi
ty of being compelled to got up many
times during tho night to urinate. Tho
mild and extraordinary elTect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
hlghost for its wonderful cures of tho
most distressing cases. If von need u
medicine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail upon receipt of throo two-cent
stamps to cover cost of postage on the
bottle. Mention Tins Advkiitisku and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghampton, N. Y. The proprietor
of this paper guarantees tho genuine
ness of this offer.
If you buy it at
A 8-tio good weight broom .... 15c
Whito Granite "Wss'i Bosl
and Pitcher , 75c
A comploto Lump Hi
4-quurt CoITgo Pot 1 'c
lO-qiuirt Galvanized Pail l"c
1 gallon glass tin jacket Oil
Can 8c
1 lb. Seedless "Raisins He
2 lbs. Paneako Flour Gc
4 cakes Toilet Soap 8c
All othor goods in proportion.
Come and. seo us.
Your Butter and Eggs are the
samo as cash with us.
Biwnville, Nebr.
We can give you 6
weekly papers, includ
ing The Advertiser,
all one year for only
2.25 cash in advance.
Wo are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no pleas
antor or bettor way to do it than by ro
commending Ono'Minuto (Jomrh (Jure
as a prevontivo of pnuumonls. eom
sumption and other serious lung troub
les that follow neglected colds. M II
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injuries eczema or skiy
diseases may secure instant relief by
UBing DeWitt's VVitcli Hazio Salvo. It
is tho groat pile remedy. M U Tayloi
Jill n i JJi ISO f I illiilij
are busy from morning till late
at night, selling goods. With
them business is always boom
ing. Nobody can mako them
believe that Nomaha is a dead
town. Thoir lumber business
keeps increasing, and most of
the lumber and building material
that they sell is used in Nemaha
or its vicinity.
Gilbert & Son say they have
no occasion and no time to find
fault with Nemaha. They aro
receiving a largo stock of seas
onable goods.
Tho partnership heretofore existing
for the transacting of tho business of a
commercial bank, under the name of
the Gilbert Uauk, wherein H. C. Gil
bert, of Waynesboro, Pa., 8. Gilbeit
and It. Gilbert, of Nemaha, Neb., were
general partners, is this 125th day of
March, 1606, dissolved by mutual con
sent. The affairs of tho firm will bo
adjusted and sottlod by 8 Gilbert.
II. O. Gilueut,
S. Qii.msuT,