The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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    dfrnslm Mdvertim.
i jf wf
( I'
Local 3STews.
It i allied Tuesday.
It rained nearly all day Tuesday.
Mrs. Falrbank for fine millinery.
The school Is having u vacation this
Fine indications for a big fruit crop
this year.
Miss Minnie Elliott visited Auburn
Judge Broady. of Lincoln, was in
town Thursday.
It was cold enough to freeze a little
Wednesday night.
M. II. Taylor hau had an iron roof
put on his residence.
Col. Joe Harper, the Shubort rustlor,
was in town Thursday.
Birl Hoover has had ah iron roof put
on the west part of his grocery,
Nebraska City Leader Hour takea the
lead. Sold by S. Gilbort & Sou.
Harry McCandless shipped five cars
of corn to Burlington Wednesday.
Bev. Mr. and Mrd. C. II. Gilmoro
were down from Brownville Tuursi
As it did not rain Easter, some of
our weather prophets are predicting a
Dr. Davis'Anti-Headacho never fails.
25 cents.
Hev. C. II. Gilmore is now putting
on style with a new road wagon he
bought of Andrew Aynes.
Pure Early Ohio seed potatoes for
sale at 75 cents a bushel.
N. C. J Ait vis.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bar
nard, on Wednesday, April lath, a son.
The young gentleman is u grandson of
Hev. J. P. Waldr-on.
Take Laxative Hi umo Quinine Tablets.
a)) oi ugfjims refund the money if it
fails to Cure. 2.1c.
The Advkutisku editor has been
wrestling with the grip this week, and
this has taken up so much of his time
that he has had little left to devote to
the paper or anything else.
The members of the Christian church
will hold their Sunday school and the
morning and evening preaching service
at the Minick hall next Sunday, on ac
count of repairs being made on the
church building.
To Ouro Headacho In 10 Minutos.
Tako Dr. Davis' Anti-Headache.
All druggists.
Wo will send the Kansas City Jouri
nal and The Advehtiskk both one
year for only 81.15.
Andrew Ay nes
Soils northern grown pure gar
den seeds in packages or bulk
at low prices.
Any kind of carpet at prices that
cannot bo boat anywhere. Fine
lino of samples from which to
make your selection.
A complete lino of
Hardware, Furniture,
Coffins, Caskets, etc.
Call and see me and get prices.
If what you want is not in
stock I will send and got it on
short notice Prices and goods
guaranteed to bo right.
Andrew Aynes
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams wero
up from Shubert Sunday.
The Methodists held a sunrise prayer
meeting Sunday morning. Twelve
were out.
Frank Skeen has moved into one of
S. Gilbert's houses, south of tho tatter's
S. Gilbort & Son sell best prints at 5
cents per yard. Table oil cloth 15
cents per yard,
The Ladies' Aid Society has had a
good fence built around the grounds of
the Methodist church.
Itobt. McManua was down from
Brock Monday, after aoine fruit trees
from the Titus Nursery.
For sale Two thoroughbred Berk
shire boars, eight months old. Inquire
at this office. Will exchango for other
stock, or for corn, wood, etc
It's no longer a question of "Can I afford to paper,"
but tho thought is, "Can I afford to look at that old stylo
pattern on the wall, year in and year out, when the cost
of paper is so little 5 cents a roll up. ' '
Spend all day scrubbing that kitchen woodwork. A
quart of our best rniint only costs you 40 cents and then
your kitchen will look like new. Chango tho color in
your rooms every year.
We wore pleased to see James A. Ti
tus on our streets last Saturday. Ho
is quite weak yet, but is steadily gain
ing. Wo hope his improvement will
Mrs. Li HieMaiher stopped The Ad
veutisek about two weeks ago, but
on Wednesday she subscribed for it
again, saying she could not well get
along without, it.
Wo received a few days ago a pack
age of Prowers county (Colo.) papers
from David Barnes, formerly of this
place, who is now county superintend
ent of Prowers county.
Kerkor & Hoover have moved into
their new quarters, one door north of
the old location , Pete has only one
complaint to mnke. He says the now
room is so light it hurts his eyes,
Phil Shuck recently bought an outfit
for housekeeping and has been enjoy
ing that pleasing occupation in the
house on the farm Mr. N. E. Morrison
recently bought of John Dorram. Wo
have advised Phil to tako a wife, but
fear he is a confirmed bachelor.
Lloyd Siasel, who is working for Ed
Morrison, was splitting wood a few
days ago, when the axe went through
the stick of wood and into his foot,
cutting it clean through for over an
inch between tho big too and tho one
next to it. Ho will not be able to do
any work for some time.
1 have tor sale for cash only White
Jerusalem Artichokes at 50 cents per
bushel. Also good cleau new millet
seed at 50 cents. J. II. Skid.
Go to Kerker it IIovor for all kinds
fresh bulk Garden Seed and seeds of
all kinds. They are the Old Reliable
Seed House in Nemaha county. Call
and see.
Money to Loan
On good farms at as low rato of in
terest as the lowest and the best of
terms. Call and see us.
Auburn, Neb.
Mrs. J. F. Wykes, of Highland Sta
tion, Kas., arrived in Nemaha Monday
and is visiting tier mother, Mrs. Ciim.
O. II. Why man, of Adams, camo to
Nemaha Monday and is now working
in the Interests of tho Royal Highlander.
Wo understand that Lovl Johnson la
very sick, with consumption, He Is at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wallace,
near Ho wo.
C. Shuck started for Iowa Monday,
on a visit. He will spond a week or
two, perlmpB longer, in Derby, Nowton
and other towns.
and Btny oft my farm (the Wray Taylor
bond) and save trouble. J.W.Wkubek.
LOOK HERE, $3.50 buys ono of Dr
Gray's now syringes from his agent, D
F. Richmond, Brownvllle, Nob.
The members of the Christian church
havo reshingled that building this
week. They torn off all the old shin
gles on the north skin of the house
Tuesday morning, getting the last of
thorn off just before it commenced to
rain. As a consequence of the rain
they will have considerable replastoriug
to do.
O. S. Jones, who lived east of Bar
ada, was found dead in his yard Satur
day morning, with his skull crushed.
He had been beaten over the head and
killed Over $30 was found in his
pockets, so it was evident robbery was
not tho motive of the crime. Tho
murdered man was a bachelor and a
quiet, inoffensive man, but he had had
some trouble with two men who had
formerly worked for him, and those
two men havo been arrested. Mr.
Jones worked for John II. Shook a few
years ago when tho latter lived at
Hillsdale, and was well known to
many of our citizens.
W. W. Sanders is agent for R. V.
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy ono apply at Tii'
Advkktiskk office.
If you want Good
Goods at Low Prices
trade at
Prices are right and
you will be treated
Tou will save mon
ey by trading at An
derson's The highest market
price paid for country
Call and sec us
Rabo Elliott, Dr. Metvin and John
Dorrnm camo back frm Oklahoma
Wednesday night. They all express
themselves as bolng highly pleased
with the country, but It is not probable
either of thorn will movo thoro.
Jumes O. Sparks, of Brackon, gave
us a social call Monday. Jim informs
us that he has decided to quit farming
for a year. He has rented his farm to
Harvey Smith, and will move tils fam
ily to Auburn, while ho will g to
Omaha and endeavor to got n position
In the Trans-Mlsslsslppi exposition.
Charles M. Woodward, of Nemaha,
Neb., arrived last wook and is em
ployed aa assistant bookkeeper for tho
II. O. Barbor grain firm in this city.
Wo havo known Charley's family for a
number of years, and can recommend
him to the young peopio of Iloldrego
as an exceptionally worthy young man.
Holdrege Journal,
David Frazior, who has boon wans
dering around for several years, trying
to find a better country than Nomaha,
has decided that such a country cannot
be found, so he lias decided to again
take up his residence with us. He has
beon living in southwestern Missouri
for some time. Ho arrived in Nomatia
Sunday, having driven through with a
span of mules. Tho next day ho went
to making garden and getting ready
for farming, and Is feeling happy again
except When he is kicking himself for
over loaving Nemaha.
On a x Duqiioin, Bevior, Walnut
JJA1j locki McAllister and
other grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $4.00,
W.W. Sanders, Notary Public. Pon
slons papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business glvon prompt and careful
attention. v
Frank Sherwood was down town to
(la, the first time since he had his tus
sle with ciioleja morbus. Ho nays lie
drove thirty miles after lie was taken
and never camo ho near dying in his
life. After this when he goes out in
the country lie will tako a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoje Remedy with him. Missouri
Valiey (Iowa) Times. For sale by M
II Taylor.
Tho Semi-Woekly Stato Journal
wants to getn.OOO now subscribers dur
ing the next thirty days, and as a spec
ial off oi. ono that is bound to bring
now subscribers, will send Tho Semi
Weekly Stato Journal every Tuesday
and Friday for a whole year for ono
dollar, and as' a special premium will
also send the Great Sunday Stato Jour
nal, sixteen pages every Sunday, for
threo montliB tree. Remember, you
will get The Semi-Woekly Journal a
whole year and the GreatStiuday paper
for thruo months all for ono dollar. To
get tho advantage of this greatest of all
offers you must send your dollar direct
to Tho Stato Journal, Lincoln, Neb.,
and not through an agent. Never boi
fore has so much good reading matter
been offered for one dollar. The Sun
day Journal contains moro reading
matter alone than many magazines.
If you want to keep up with the
world's doings, bore is a chance such as
has nevor been offered before This
offer may be withdrawn soon, so do not
put off sending your dollar for fear you
may bo disappointed. Ono dollar does
it all.
Whooping cough ia the most distrea-
aing malady; but its duration can bo
cut short by tho use of Ono Minute
Cough Cure, which is also the bust
knonn remody for croup and all lung
and bronchial troubles. M II Taylor.
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the city. Easy riding.
Quick time. All trains met, John
McEllianey, prourietor.
A tliril of terror Is experienced when
a brassy cough of croup sounds through
tho hoimo at night. But the terror
soon changes to relief after One Minute
Cough Curo has been administered
Sate and harmless for children. M II
If you buy it at
A 8-tio good weight broom. 15c
Whito Granito Wtish Bowl
and Pitcher 75c
A comploto Lamp ...21c
l-quart Coffeo Pot- 13c
10-quarfc Galvanized Pail 15c
1 gallon glass tin jacket Oil
Can 18c
1 lb. Seedless Raisins 5c
2 lbs. Pancake Flour Gc
-I cakes Toilet Soap 8c
All othor goods in proportion.
Como and see us.
Your Butter and Eggs are the
samo as cash with us.
. E. L
Brownville, Nebr.
We can give you 6
weekly papers, includ
ing The Advertiser,
all one year for only
2.25 cash in advance.
Wo are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no ploas
untor or bettor way to do it than by re
commending One 'Minute Cough Curo
as a preventive of pnoumonis. com
suuiptlon and othor sorlous lung troub
lea that follow neglected colds. M II
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injurien, eczema or skiy
diseases may securo instant relief by
using De Witt's Witch Hazio Salve. 16
Ib the great pile remedy. M fcl Tayloi
are busy from morning till latft
at night, soiling goods. With
them business is always boom
ing. Nobody can mako them
believe that Nemaha is a dead
town. Their lumber business
keeps increasing, and most of
the lumber and building material
that they sell is used in Nomaha
or its vicinity.
Gilbert & Son say they havo
no occasion and no time to find
fault with Nemaha. They aro
receiving a largo stock of seas
onable goods.
The partnership heretofore existing
for tho transacting of the business of a
commercial bank, under the name of
the Gilbert Hank, wherein H. C. Gil
bert, of Waynesboro, Pa., S. Gilbert
and H. Gilbert, of Nemaha, Neb., were
general partners, is this 25th day of
March, 1898, dissolved by mutual con
sent. Tho affairs of the firm will bo
adjusted and Bettled by S. Gilbert.
S. GlLllKIlT,