Ki : Ittf, hn tvhB h t it H M 31 5f o f t alW Tt if- KiH ' M ' U V ti ssM TIL VcJi u a dm h M. OH LHflll ErB BBsHBrB VOLUME XLII NEMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AVRJL I, 1898. NUMBER 40 9 to '7 1 HiOGEil jSTews. Make garden. :yn Fool's Day. Mrs. Falrbank for fine millinery. Ono week from Sunday is Easter. Atlditiomil local news -on the last .lolm Fnt.iur was up from St Doroin Wed u cad ay ; 1?. V. Mulr whs down from, Urown villo last Sutuiduv. Dave Gilliland. tho Peru liveryman, was in town Tuesday. Geo. Ernst of Johnson county, was 5n Nemaha" Wedjieaday. S-i 1 1 - . .. Mrs. Henry Sanders, of Urownvillo, was in Nenmlm Tuesday. Nebraska City Leader (lour lakes tlnT JfiWl. Sold by S, Gilbert & Son. ' : Uncle Henry Hurt, of Aspinwull, has been very sick for some time. Gecj. Andf-rson, of.Langtlon, Mo., 'visited his hi.qther, S..K-hiBfc week. ; John H. Shdok, who now lives at , t. Auburn, was-in Nemaha Wednesday. Thns. B.Skeen was in from Auburn last Saturday, and gave this oilice a so cial call. . Mart May is putting out nearly yoo peach trees this spring, besides a lot of small frnit. Nowioii Wallace.directs us to send him this family journal. IIo now lives near Uo wo. , - - Mrs. Lillio Mather is building an ad dition on her residenca in tho western Sunday was an unwelromt) reminder that winter was yet lingering in the lap of pprinc Rpv .T. V Waldron will continuo tho meetings at tho Christian church until Sunday evoning. 1 Head tho advertisement of M, IT. Taylor, the druggist, and govern your selves accordingly, "Wo will send the Kansas City Jours nal and Tins Adveiitiskk both ono year for only Sl.lo. John G. Sanders, tho handsomo bach elor editor of tho Hrownville Sun, was in town Wednesday. i i.i Moso Veach, of Veruon, and Mr.' Spicklor, of Barada, woro in Nemaha Wednesday and Thursday. James A, Titus lias been quite Bick for cevoral days with ' thmn. Wo hope ho will soon recover. ,I," ' "' " Mrs. Eairbank returned last Satur day from Omaha, where she selected a big stock of spring millinery. Andrew Aynes Sells northern grown puro gar den seeds in packages or bulk at low prices. Any kind of carpet at prices that cannot bo boat anywhere. Fine lino of. samples from which to make your selection. A complete line of Hardware, Furniture, Goffins, Caskets, etc. Call and see me and get prices. If what you want is not in stock I will send and get it on short notice. Prices and goods guaranteed to bo right. Andrew Aynes Harry McCaudlcss seturned homo on Wednesday after n' visit of a few days at Omaha and Lincoln. ' Mrs. EdiUt Schell,t)f Ueatrico, qnmo in to Nemaha Fridiiy of last-week, on a Visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark. Hev. M,M. Goodo and wife, of St. Joe, arrived in Nenmlm Monday, on n visit to Mra.. parents, MrVnnd Mrs. John Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Earlo Gilbert have gone to housekeeping in tholr residence north of this oilhe. Earlo hays he hoi gins to feel like a married man now. S. Gilbert &SonHo.ll best prints at G cents per yard. Table oil cloth 15 cents per yard, ELEGAflT WALL PAPER SSSIG1NS It's no longer a question of "Can I a fjord to paper," . but tho thought is, "Can I afford to look atrthat old',stylq " .pattern on tSho wall, year in' and year out,fvhou the cost" of paper is so little 5 cents a roll up," 'Si . ' , .LUJW DON'T Vx bpond all day scrubbing that kitchen1 woodwork. A 'Cpiart of our best paint on"y costs you -10 djDhts and then your Mtchen' will look likonow. Chango the color in y&Ur rooms every year. ' J. T. Thorp und wife, of liockport, M.o., were visiting Nojnaha jelatives and friehds Friday arid Saturday of last week. ..They aro overseers of tho poor farm of Atchison county , Mo. r AUTlCUOKES5A.NI MILLET SEED rhltveor salvor casi only Whtto Jerusalem Artichokes at 30 cents per bushel. Also good clean now millet seed at 50 cents. J. If. Skid. HUNTERS, TAKE WARNING, and stay off my farm (the Wray Tayloi bend) and save trouble. J.W.Wkiuuih. MONEY. Private money to loan on real estatp security. If you want a loan write me. LAND.. Bargains in farms and lands, also other property to sell and exchamjo. Writo mo what you have and what'you want. Sixteen years ex perloncd give me a wide acquaintance. IIkhky C. Smith, Falls City, Nb. SEEDS! Go to Km-kor & Ho-iver for all kinds fresh bulk Garden fcjeud and aeedn of all kinds. They aro tho Old Reliable Seed House in Nemaha county. Call and seo. Cc A T Duquoin, Ilevlor, Walnut jJA.Li lio:lc. McAllister and other grades of coal for sale, ranging in price from 82.23 to $4.00, IIakky McCandmiss, If you want Good Goods at Low Prices trade at ANDERSON'S.. UlI Prices are right and you will be treated right, Tou will save mon ey by trading at An derson's The' highest market price paid for country produce Call and see us m Millinery Opening. ' Rflrs. Fairba'nk will hftvo an opening of Spring and Su minor IVIIiillltiiy , at her millinery-parlors Friday and Saturday. April 8ihY id 9lh.' All b)W;iiow and latest idoas- mid noyoltios in Trimmed Hats. Ladies invited. :il ?"8 J Seo tho new advertisements of M.'II. Taylor, tho drutfemt, and Mrs. .Falr- baftk, and tho M"K'3 in Lowman's add Mt'lninoh'sadfi. . ' J jy ; V '. TO CUKIJ A (101,b IN ONIt l)Y Take Laxuuvo UwVtnoQuiuiuoTiihlpts. All drucuisls rwlniuLtho mOnov if it rf:iM?i tft (TmTfr'ST7 '" ' " " ' -.t - i' ..i rV . .., CTVA1T 1". L i Dr. J.L. Callisoa, the Stella dentist, will visit Nemaha next Monday, April 4th, for tho purpose of doing all kinds of dental woik. Office at hotel. Mrs. Theo. Hill has had tho front of her millinery parlors remodeled. The dooi has been cjiangcd to tho norths west corner of the building, and two large windows (ill the remaludcrjof tho front. Tho Titiiri Nursery recently sold Judge John S. Stull a bill of nlno hun dred apple trees, taking the contract of setting thorn out on onoof tho judge's farms In London piecinct and guaran teeing them to grow. eo. N. Sunders has been engaged to do tho work of setting out tho trees. TCerker & Hoover have found their presont location too small for tho busi ness they aro doing, so thoy aro having the building north of their presqnb lo cation plastered and otherwise repaired and will soo nrnove in. Tho building is owned by J. P. Hoover and was for some time 'occupied by Joo Littroll's restaurant. erf carry a largo stock of General Merchandise They sell low for cash. G et their prices be?foro buying and you will trade? with thQm 'and save money,' ' . NOTfoOF DISSOLUTION OF ' PARTNERSHIP. Tho partnership heretofore existing for the transacting of tho business of a commercial bank, un.ior tho name of the Gilbert Hank, wherein H. 0. Gil bert, of Wayneshoro, Pa., S, Gilbert and II. Gilbert, of Nemaha, Nob., were general partners, is this 'J5th day of March, 1808, dissolved by mutual con sent. Tho affairs f tho firm will bo adjusted arid sottlod by S Gilbert. , II. C. Gimskkt, 3. OlUiKItT, 11. GlLUKUT. . Mrs. T. A. Loranco and her Httlo nolco, Ethel Paiker.of Ueatrlce.arflvcd In Nemaha Wtdneaday, on a visit to Mrs. Lorance's patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11, Uelger, and tho editorial family, Last Saturday night and Sunday wo had thunder and lightning, rain, htiow, sleet and hail. Monday morning tho sleh;hing was excellent, as thb snow and hall on tho gtound was hard and aluioat as hIIcK as Ico. Miss M.ula Slock, who lias boon vis iting hl'iMiuclu, John 1. Dressier, for two or three weeks, wo lit to iJcatrlco '.Tuesday, where shu will visit relatives for a lew daja and will then leturn to her, home at Washington, Ills. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Taylor, who have been btopplng ior some tlmo with their daughter, Mrs. E. M. Baker, of South Aubnin, returned to Nemaha Tuesday. Wo aro very glad to havo Father Taylor and his estlniablu wife with us again Mia. 0. II. Gllmore drove down from Brownvillo Monday. She says Rev. Gllmore was quite seriously hurt by his fall fioni tho hay lull two weeks ago. It is thought sumo of the ligat meuts were torn loose from his back bone, and it will be a long time before he entirely lecovcrs tromjtd effects. Isaac Yanuest died. at his home in Iirownvtilo Monday. Only a lew weeks ago it v as dibcovered that the deceased hail u cancer in his mouth. IIo was taken to St. Jot1 for treatmeiit, but the disease was too far advanced, und he was brought back' home to die. Tho funeral nei vices were hold Tues day. , f t Wo aro pleased to learn that Rov. G. 1 II. Gllmore is improving some, and ex pecta to bo able id' 1111 hia appointment at Nemaha Sunday night. We re ceWd" t f)V?fdHo wingJnbtej;fjb,m'hl ni' Friday morning: "DicaU HnoTiiKU: 1 expect to ho with you on Sunday evening. I am some bettor and I hope to he ablo to do my work on Sunday. I will bo obliged to drivo slow and may boa few minx utes Lite, but will try and get there on time. Yours. 0. II Giuiouis" 1 i Money to Loan On good farms at as low rato of In terest as tho lowest and tho best of terms. Call and see us. GILMOKK, GlLLAN & HuiUtKSS. Auburn, Nob. Frank Shut wood was down town to- cltiiC.'tlie llrat time since ho had his tus- slo with ciiolt'Ju morbus. IIo says ho drove thirty miles after ho was tuken and never camo so near dying In his life, After this when he goes out In will take a hottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rlueo Remedy with him. Missouri Valiey (Iowa) Times. For sale by M II Taylor. AFTER APRIL 1 . You will find us iu the Haith block, four doors north of the First National bank. We are now giving1 some Extra Bargains in Cilinc, Fnii Ms, its, Gaps, Trunks, Valises, Tos ave expense of moving Call in and see for yourself. J.W.CRANMER&CO. If you buy it at LOWMAN'S IT'S GOOD. m 11 &i Hue out. A 8-tio good weight broom . . 15c "Whito G rani to Wash Bowl and Pitcher 75c A comploto Lamp 21o 4-muirt ColTeo Pot ..! ,u,...,:..18c 10-quart Galvaniod'Tail 15c 1 gallon glass' tin jackot Oil Can 18c 1 lb. Seedless Raisins..'...'.'. 5c 2 lbs. Pancako FlouiC..'. Oc 4 cakes Toilet Soap . 8c All other goods in proportion. Como ttnd seo us. Your Butter and Eggs aro the sumo as cash with us. . Browjwille, Nebr,. 71 MAIKT STREET. LOOK HERE, buys ono of Dr. Gray's now syringes from his agent, D. F.ltlehdiond, Urownvillo, Nb. Wo aro anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleaa anter or bettor way to do It than by ro commending Oho Minute Coimh Curo as a preventive of iineumouis. com Bumption and other serious lung troub le; that follow neglected colds. M II Taylor. W. W. Sandors is agent for R. V. Mulr'a town lots In Nomalm. 1 you want. to lease or buy one apply at Tup Advishtisku olllco, Childron and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skly diseases may pecuro Instant relief by using DqWUI'h Witch llazio Salve. It is tho great pile remedy. M 11 Tayloj if. E. Lonai, .. AUBURN, NEBK. . .4 Nv &! 0 ra