The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 11, 1898, Image 1

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    1 o
rArl i i
ebmsh Mdvertmi
atL-ii jiraaa
Local JSIews.
Mrs. Falrbank for fine millinery.
A cold spring ruin fell Thursday.
Lowtnitn changes his advertinement
this week.
J. A. Slilvely went to Beatrice
W. H. Lorance, of Auburn, was in
town Mitiday
Kev. J. P. Waldrou will preach at
Auburn Sunday.
John White is catching a good many
fish mostly buffalo.
Mr. and Mm. M Stroble drove down
from Brown vHle Sunday.
One of Joe LiitrellV horses was
found dead in (he stable Friday morn
ing. -
11. J. Dull' has moved into the Wes
sels house, north of the Methodist
Misses Trixv and Rose Seabury vis
ited relatives at Giro Hook Tuesday
and Wednesday
L. 11. Menitt in building a liousoior
S. Gilbert on u mt( latter has
leased, on the oountv line.
John E. Or other went to Auburn
Monday, having accepted a position in
a harness slum in that burg.
Mrs. Uenrj Williams was up from
Shubert J'ueadii, visiting her pareutH,
Mr. and His. James A. I'itua.
Leslie Woodwaul aild Miss Vovn
Olark drove up to Peru Suud. und
visited friends for a few hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Campbell, of
weal.NeMialm pi cciuiH,.woie, guests of
Dr. arid Mrs. James Ka Minday.
Mrs. M. tl. Orotlier, of northeast
London precinct, visited her daughter,
Mrs. Dr. Molvin, Heveral days this
Fred Mooie, who hus been teaching
a six moinlH term of school near Ma
sou Oity. Neoi., leiurned iiorno last
We understaiiu there is gieat rejoic
ing in the household of Ernest L. Ar
gabright over ihe birth of a flno boy
htiat Sutuuiuj ,
Dr 1 L. Oalliaon, the ritella dentist,
will be at the Pui k hotel uwxt Monday,
March Mth.piepared to do dental work
in all its branches.
Oscar Miuick has been slopping with
his mo'.hei several days this week, and
is assisting .hi putting a new roof on
the Miuick uuildiuu.
Master Thomas Elliott Minick, of
Bracken, visited his grand parents, Mr.
and Mis. Habe Elliott, several days
this week. His mother was with him.
Rush O. Fellows, for so many years
editor of the Auburn Post, has started
a paper at Plattsmouth. V hope
Hush will make a great success of his
W . T. Ranks, of North Platte, visit
ed his father, brother and sister b
"Wednesday andThursduy of this week.
The Nemaha people are always glad to
boo Tom .
The school entertainment given at
the opera house Friday night was nn
excellent one in ovory respect. The
pupils all did well aud the singing was
Walter Hadlock and Nelson drove
to Glen Rock Tuesday, to vinit their
daughter and sister, Mrs. MolliePeery.
They returned Wednesday, MrB. Peery
coming with them.
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists rotund the money if it
falls to Cure. 25c.
0. P. D ml, thu rustling tea estato
man f Auburn, gave uh a social call
Thursday Uo is enthusiastic over
Auburn's prospect 'or securing the beet
sugar factory.
Wm. Aynes.who has been in western
KatiBas for several years, has been
visltttiK Nemaha friends for the p;ist
week. He says lm has no further use
for western Kansas.
Attention in called to the advertise
rurnt of Mottsingdr & Fiallor If you
want a well dug, a pump put in, or uu
work in their line, give them a call.
They guaranteo satisfaction.
We are glHd to see-that our old friend
T. 0. Hacker lias been appointed po-d-master
of Red O'oud, Neb' "Pory"
wae poHtmas'erof Mrownville t-r lour
ypars, aud made a good official.
Dr. J. L. v'elvin aud dam-liter M.iy
went to Omaha last Saturday The
Dr. took May to ihn hospital to hnvn
an operation performed tor enlarged
tonsils. The operation 'a suceessf ul.
They returned home W dnesday.
Miss Maria Stock, of Washington,
Ills., aruved in Nemaha Thursday, on
a visit to her uncle, John 1 Dressier.
Miss Stock has been visiting i datives
in Dundv uouiitv c ming from there
here. Sim w H probably remain two
or three week.
S. Gilbeit lias oeen making some im
provements teceutU mi the Weasels
property, ueai 'h Methodic church,
for which ic- im t he agent. He has had
a well dujf and tin house repainted i -side
and rep.uiered lie lias also had
soiiih iinpuivemfn on the vard.
Orvllle Hold luge lias not tired of
paying rent, so thN wtet he bought a
lot of it.'V. Muir ami a huiuII house of
Charley Gulbraith, and is having the
house moved on t'io lot. The lot la
justnoith of tint house, owned by'.'fy
Gilbert, where Von Farsou is living.
Peter Muntz and familv started for
Alliance, Neb., Monday They drive
through. Uncle Pete does not think
he will like Box Unite county any bet
ter than Nemaha, but thinks his health
will be better out there than it is here.
Wo hope lie wtll realize his greatest ex
pectations in that line.
We have received the program of
the graduating exercises of the class of
'98 of the Con.mereial Department of
tho W enter n Normal College, Slieiutn-i
doah. Iowa, lo he hold Tuesday even
ing, March 22nd Geo. W. (Will)
Hawxby, of Nemaha, hoii of John
Hawxby, is a post-graduate.
Jeff Drumm is quite a chicken crank.
One of h's favorite breeds is the Cor
nish Indian Game. A few days ago
he received a flue male bird of this
species from I. F. Rathbone, of Red
Oak, Iowa. He Is said to be a flue
chicken lie also got u pon of White
Plymouth Hocks a few days ago.
Go to Korkor & Hover for all kinds
fresh bulk Gardeu Heed and seeds of
all kinds. They are the Old Reliable
Seed House in Nemaha county. Call
and see.
Cs a t Duquoin, Revior, Walnut
VUAL IJ'oBk. McAllister and
other grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $4.00,
Ther is Nothing so Good.
There is nothing so good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption
coughs and colds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. Ho will not claim there Is
any thing better, but in order to make
moro protlt he may claim something
else to bo just as good. You vunt Dr.
King's New Discovery because you
know it to be safe and reliable, and
guaranteed to do good or money re
funded.' For coughs, colds and con
sumption and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, thero is nothi
ing so good as is Dr. King's New Dis
covary, Trial bottles free at M. H.
Can be bought in Ne
maha Low for Cash.
"Wo soil the best lino of Goods
ovor shown in this market.
Our prices tiro right.
We built up our.' business and
are making it pormanont by hon
esty and square dealing.
Wo shall givti more attention
to uuying and selling merchan
dise this year than wo did last
We carry a largo stock of Gen
eral Morcnandiso.
You can makti, mouoy by trad
ing near home.
You can save titno and monoy
by trading with us.
11 '
Mrs. Nlnnle Hrown, wife of P F,
Brown, who died at Hillsdale a little
more than a year ago, died at tho home
of her parents in cioto county, Ohio,
Feb. 27th. 181)8 Mrs. Brown wub bom
in Adams county, Ohjo, .March I, 1807,
where she was raised. S'ie was mar
ried to Mr. Biown in Ohio In 1885
They mov' d to Nebraska in 1801, where
they resided until Mr Brown's death.
j Mis. Brown was always kind and will
ing to aid and help at all time. She
iii best liked hv those who kuew her
best .She leaves two orphan children
to battle with an unfeeling world
May her bones fliuTreM, in tha grave
and her spirit with tho Father who
gave it. A FlUKND.
If you want Good
K3ods at- li'tw Prices
trade at
Prices are right and
you will be treated
Uou will save mon
ey by trading at An
derson's The highest market
price paid for country
Call and see us
The Semi-Weekly State Journal
wants to get f),00l) new subscribers dur
ing the next thirty days, and as a spec
ial offei. one that is bound to bring
new subscribers, will send The Semi
Weekly State Journal every Tuesday
and Friday for a whole year for one
dollar, and as a special premium will
also send the Great Sunday State Jour
nal, sixteen pages every Sunday, for
three months tree. Remember, you
will get The Semi-Weekly Journal a
wliolo year and the Great Sunday paper
for three months all for one dollar. To
got tho ndvantago of this greatest of all
offers you must send your dollar direct
to Tho State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.,
and not through an agent. Never be
for has so much good reading matter
been offered for one dollar. The Sun
day Journal contains moro reading
matter alone than many magazines.
If you want to keep up with tiie
world's doings, bore is a chance such as
lias never been offered bofore This
offer may be withdrawn soon, so do not
put off sending your dollar for fear you
may be disappointed. One dollar does
It all.
Married. Sunday March 0th, 1898,
at 1 :30 p in , by II E. Williams, J. P.,
at his residence at Miubert, Mr. George
Flaherand Miss Maud Mitchell. Mr.
and Mrs. Fisher are making tholr homo
In Nemaha. Tint Ajuvkktisku unites
with tholr many friends in wishing
them a happy and prosparous lifo,
John J. Dressier, as agent for IiIb
sister, MrB. II L. Harford, of Randall,
Kaunas, has bought the eighty ucro
fin in of Richard A Young, In tho
northwest comer of Nemaha product,
six mileaaoutliwvst of Nemaha. The
price paid was $40 per auie. Mr.
Young will leave for Arkansas in a
fhort time
Elwood K. WIImiii. of White Rock,
Oklahoma, got tiled of living alone, so
ho catne back to this county a few
daBHgo, and on Wednesday went to
Auburn with Miss Armenia Haves, of
Asplnwall precinct. Tl.ey repaired te
the Prtbierlan parsonage and were
united in marriage by Rev. Geo, W.
Borden Tine Advkhtiskk extendB
congratulations and best wishes.
Mrs. Sam Umland, living near Howe,
wus found dead in bed Saturday morn
ing It was rumored that she had
been murdered, as her husband had
gone home drunk the night before, but
the coroner's inquest developed the
fact that she had died from heait dis
oase Sho was 20 yeais, 10 mouths
and 12 days of age at her death She
was married Oct. 10th, 1803, und leaves
a husband aud three em ill cuildieu.
the youngst only a fow weeks old
Mj. Smith, superintendent of the
Nebraska Telephone company, wus in
town Wednesday, in Mm imoieHt of hi
company lie says the telephone will
probably be in operation hv the last t
this month. They will exteud the line
from Auburn to Nemaha, At his
place cue line will be run to Nebnuka
Oity, bywaj of MlfowiivlllVniia'Peru ,
aud another branch will be run to
Falls City by way of Shubert and Ver
tlon. Tliis will give Nemaha fine coiu
uectlon villi liinrolu hy way of Au
burn aud direct connection with Ne
braska City, Pent, Biownville.Shuber,
Verdun Falls City and Uhor points.
HUNT E RS. T A K E W A R N I N f ,
and stay off my faun (the Wnn Tavl j
bund) and save trout lo. J W Wiutnicit
Money to. Loan
On good farms at asxlow rate of in-
terest as tho lowest and the best of
terms. Call aud Bee us
Auburn, Neli.
LOOK HERE, $3.t0 bdys one of l)r
Gray's new syringes from Ills, agent, D
F Rlchoiond, IJiownville, Nub
Andrew Aynes
Soils northern grown puro gar
deu seeds in packages or bulk
at low prices.
Any kind of carpet at pricos that
cannot bo boat anywhere. Fine
lino of samples from which to
make your selection.
A complete lino of
Hardware, Furniture,
Goffins, Caskets, etc.
Call and sea me and get prices.
t If what you want is not in
stock I will send and get it on
short notice. Prices and goods
guaranteed to bo right.
V. W. Sandora is agent for R. V.
Muir's town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy one apply at Tuv
Advvktibku office.
Children and adults tortured by
burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skly
diseases may secure Instant relief by
using DeWlttV. Witch Hazio Salve. It
is tho great pile remedy. M II Tayloj
If jrou buy it at
Good fresh Groceries
Granite ware,
Glassware, Crockery,
Tinware, Ironware.
Prices guaranteed as
low if not lower than the
same articles can be
purchased elsewhere.
Eilw. E. Loud,
.rBrownville, Nebr.? ,
Wednesday evening between ninety
anu one hundred members und friend
o the Church of Christ met lit the pur-
, soiiHge and tendered their paster a re-
ception. A bountiful fe;tnt wusspiend,
I consisting of many delicious viands
which the Indies of Neui dm kiuw how
to make especially appetizing, an the
I rapidly emptying plates testiilcd. An
eaHy chair, a valuable Muquet rug, and
knowing we love light rather than
dirknes's u beauiiful lamp, and aboun-
i ful coutiibiition to Hie culinary dn
p.riment tno s.-nio of tho subBtan-
l.als well crth-ulaied to make our heatti
' glad We solid1 ripuce in the columns
jof Tun Advkiitiskh to rxpresa eur
' thanks to the many friends who added
'so much to our happiness We trust;
our walk among ti.eiu may b such
thai never a regiet will be awakenei
in thv minus ot anj "hat they took
pnrt in the feMivitlK.
Wo understand that Marshall Webb,
who is an ardent pop, foucd quite a
different state of affairs existing in the
factory districtB of the Btates he vIhi' ed
recently than he had besnlod to expect
by the pop papers He found InctoniM
running with full forces, opeiatnea
earning from 32.50 to $& 00 per day,
and all apparently prosperous and hap
py. One tin plate factor employ .'00
mon. And yet it was but a few yeara
ago that Bryan wa running all r
the country declaring that it was im
possible to manufacture tin plate in
this country.
W.W. Sanders. Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up
All business given prompt and careful
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of no poas
anter or better way to do it than by re
commending One Minute Cough Cmo
as a preventive of pneumonia, corn
sumption and other sei ious lung troub
les that follow neglected colds. M II