The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, March 04, 1898, Image 7

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Sound Money Dlacttnalona.
Between now nnd next presidential elec
tion there will be hosts of discussions of the
Questions of "sound money" nnd silver,
lowevcr opinions may be divided on these
points, there is but one public nnd profes
sional opinion, nnd that is n favorable one,
regarding the merits of Hostetter's Stomach
Bitters na n remedy for nnd preventive of
mnlarja, ns well ns n curative of kidney com
plaint, dyspepsia, constipation, liver trou
ble nnd rheumatism.
II nil Investment.
Mra. Holdcn John, we'll never be able to
save n cent if you don't quit being so ex
travagant. , , ,
Mr. Holdcn Why, my dear, I'm not nt
nil extravagant. . , , . , ,
"Yes, you nre. There's thnt accident
policy you bought nearly n year ago, nnd
you haven't used it once; if that isn t ex
travagance 1 don't know what it is." Chi
cago Evening News.
Give the Children n Drink
called Grain-O. It is n delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to take the place of
coffee. Sold by nil grocers nnd liked by nil
who have used it, because when properly
prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but
is free from all its injurious properties.
Grnin-0 aids digestion nnd strengthens the
nerves. It is not n stimulant but a health
builder, nnd children, ns well ns adults, enn
drink it with grent benefit. Costs about as
much ns coffee. 15 and 25e.
Very Prolinlile.
The Clairvoyant Yes, I get most of my
business through the papers!
The Mesmerist Ah, you arc nn ndvertis
ing medium then. N. Y. Journal.
- l '
Not yourself? Use St. Jacobs Oil for
Soreness and stiffness. It will cure.
Flag-raising is one of our standard in
dustries. Chicago Daily News.
- ' ... i
Sprained last night. To-day you nre
Well if you up St. Jncobs Oil to cure.
A-lass! The favorite interjection of the
love-lorn youth. Chicago Daily News.
Both tho method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and rcf rcshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effeotually, dispels colds; head
aches and fevers and cures hahitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tbe most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to-try it. Do not accept any
Don't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coat. If youwantneoat
that will keep you dry In the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale In your
town, write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston, Mass.
Vo wish to pain 150,000 ne w cua-
xomerii. And hpnrnntti
J PR' Sa'r,.r HPr.iaf Turnip, 10a
1 " KarlleBtlled !tnt. inn
1 llr.F fill. I. ...1.1. .A.
Liiiiierii, nnu uence ouur
liUmarok Cucumber, 10c
" Queen Victoria Lettuco, 16o
Klondike Melon, 16o
.. um1V0?15nton'n. l&o
" Brilliant Flower hoods. Uo
Worth $1.00, for 14 cent.
Abore 10 pVes. worth $1 00, wo will
mall you free, together with our
great Plant and Heed Catalogue
upon receipt of this notice and 14c.
ruvgu, ,i u luTiiu juur iraue ana
eeda you will never get along with-
uut. wicm. rnininoRBi ni, ou
alibi. Uatnloiralone6o. No. 14
Is tho only surocuroln tho world for Chronic Ul
cera, Unite Ulcer, Mcrofnlnu Ulcers, Varl
rnie Ulcers, tianari'ciic. Fever Norea. and nil
I1 Bores. It nuvor fulls. Drawn out all poison.
Haves utponso and sulTurlng. Curi-s permanont.
liesl snlvo for A Incenses. IMles, Hums, Cuts,
and all Fresh Wound-. Itv mall, small, ;Uoi laruu.
6.1c. nook froo. .1. 1. AI.I.EN MKIHCINli
CO., Nt. I'mil, Mlun. Mold by Druggists.
forms ot.Mullirmiiit 41 rowtlis
riinnl ut home without the live of
hbe knife. Hook free. Dr. J.U.L.0K to., CirllmllU.IU.
mMMIVy w BPk
mmmm l
IiMluflft i
Ml ill-amw s
f aM V
D..r. Ha
From tho .New Kra, Qreensburg, Ind.
The following is a straightforward state
ment of facts by a veteran of the late war.
No comrade will need further proof than
their friend's own words, ns here given.
Squire John Castor, of Ncwpoint, Ind., is
the narrator, nnd nn honest, respected cit
izen ho is, too. lie said: "1 have been troub
led with rheumatism in ull my joints, ever
since I went to the war. It was brought on
by my exposure there. It came on me grad
ually, nnd kept getting worse until I wns
unable to do any work. I tried several
physicians, but they did me no good. They
said my trouble was rheumatism resulting
in disease of the heart, nnd thnt there was
no cure for it. Nevertheless I had lived nnd
fought tho disenso for thirty years, and did
not intend to die, simply because they said
I must, so I hunted up Bomc remedies for
myBelf, and finally happened on Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I nsked
some of my neighbors about the medicine,
for it had been used by several persons in the
community, and they recommended it
very highly. I procured n box. The pills
helped me right nwny, nnd I continued tnk
ine them. I commenced tnking them last
fall, and finished taking the sixth box a few
months ago. I am not bothered with the
rheumatism now the medicine has cured
me. I can most certainly recommcndDr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People."
These pills are not only good for rheuma
tism, but arc invaluable for any disease that
arises from impoverished, or bad blood.
They do not act on the bowels.
The Proprietor of the Hotel Lost a
Good CiiHtomer.
The proprietor of a suburban hotel has n
son whose tense of humor seems likely to re
sult in the destruction of the business of the
house. Recently one of the guests was the
traveling representative of a fire grenndo
manufacturing house. The grenades arc
green glass bottles filled with a compound
thnt is said to smother fire. They are hurled
into the center of the blaze, and, bursting
with the force of the impact render an
engine and n line of hose unnecessary.
The fire grenndo agent remained several
days at the hotel and advertised that before
his departure he would give a grand exhibi
tion of the efficiency of the green glnss bot
tles. Early in the evening when the exhi
bition was advertised to take place a large
and curious crowd gathered in front of the
hotel. The agent caused a fire to be built in
the street, boxes nnd barrels being piled
many feet high. After seeing that the fire
wns roaring merrily the agent made his ap
pearance bearing an armful of firq grenades.
He hurled the bottles one after another into
the blazing pile, but instead of smothering
the flames the grenades seemed to have the
opposite effect. The fife blazed up nearly
twice its former height, nnd the surround
ing buildings began to shed their paint,
while the crowd drew back from the fiereo
Tho agent was the most astonished man in
the group until he learned that the son of
the hotel proprietor hod extracted the gren
ades from the sample case, poured out the
contents and then filled them with gaso
line. The crowd soon found out that the
grenades had been "doctored," and yells of
derision nearly drowned the protests of
the agent ns he attempted to persuade the
hotel proprietor thnt the house should pay
the costs of the indulgence of the small boy a
humor. Chicago Times-Herald.
Ob, What Splendid Coffee.
Mr. Goodman, Williams Co., 111., writes:
"From one package Salzer's German Coffee
Berry costing 15c I grew 300 lbs. of better
coffee than I can buy in stores at 30 cents a
A package of this and big seed catalogue
is sent you by John A. Salzer Seed Co., La
Crosoe, Wis., upon receipt of 15 cents stamps
and this notice. Send for same to-day. K4
What Puzzled Him.
The most ignorant man in America lives
in St. Louis. The other day he nsked his
employer, who was reading paper: "Say,
boss, which does you read, the black or the
white?" Kansas City Star.
In the advertisement of the John A. Salzer
Seed Company, La Crosse, Wis., a few weeks
since, the price of potatoes was inadvertent
ly pluccd at 1.05 jper barrel; this should be
$1.50 per barrel. We advise sending 5 cents
postage for Salzer's catalogue.
Cheek Something that a man has a great
deal of when it covers an acher. Chicago
Daily News.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
' III! S -
"I suspect there has been some crooked
work going on here," he said. And he was
right. His wife had been driving nails.
Clove An article used in the manufacture
of a counterfeit breath. Chicago Daily
Every dog has his dny: but only thor
oughbreds get entered ut the bench show.
Chicago Record.
Dr. Hayes, of Buffalo, N. Y., is succeeding
in curing Asthma so that it stays cured. A
postal card will bring full information.
Don't run from a bore; he is probably
keeping you from boring somebody else.
Chicago Record.
Why suffer with an ache or pain
When St. Jacobs Oil will cure? Why?
Bachelor A traveler on life's railway
who has missed his connections, Chicago
Daily News.
i ii i i m ' - --
Frost-bites nre like burns, and both
Are cured by St. Jacobs Oil promptly.
With the dny tho light, with the road the
strength to tread it. bainuel Johnson.
I I I II s
A poor speller always spells words the
hardest way. Washington Democrat.
Useful ArdolcN Mnile by the ISnrly
Ximv ISiiKlntulerN.
It hns been snltl thnt tho snow-shoe
nnd ennoo ns mntlc by the Indians could
never be Improved To these, might be
ndded the Bpllt birch broom, or
splinter broom, ntbo the invention of
the Indiana, but nindc in every country
household in New England in colonial
dn,v3. The brnncli of u large birch tree
wns cut eight feel long An inch-wide
brunl of the bnrk wuk left about 18
Inches from one end, nnd tho shorter
nnd lower end wns cut in fine, pliable
slivers up to tho restraining bnrk bnnd.
A row of slivers wns cut frofn the upper
end downward, turning down over the
band, and tied fiimly down; then the
remainder of the stick wns smoothed
Into a handle. These brooms were
pliable, cleanly and enduring, nnd aa
broom-corn was nut grown here until
the latter part of the past century they
were, in fact, the only brooms of those
days. The were made by boys on New
England farms for six cents apiece nnd
bought by the country storekeepers in
large numbers for the cities' use.
These were not tho only domestic!
utensils thnt the boys whittled, for in
the universal manufacture of house
hold supplies the boys joined; and, na
Daniel Webster said, the Yankee boy's
jnckknlfc was the direct forerunner
of the cotton-gin nnd hundreds of other
Yankee inventions. The boyB from
earliest days made trenchers nnd trnys,
wooden pans In which to set milk, and
wooden bread troughs. They made also
butter paddles of red cherry, noggins,
heelers, rundlets, flails, cheese-hoops,
cheese-ladders, salt-mortars, pig
troughs, pokes, sled nenps. ax-helves,
box traps, reels, bobbins, handles for
all implements, l'ny-rnkcs, and scores
of other wooden implements. . They
also employed themselves in sticking
wire teeth in wool-cards. The strips of
pierced leather and bent teeth were
supplied by the card manufacturer, and
the children received a petty sum for
the finished cards. Tn every household
every spare moment, wns occupied in
doing something which would benefit
the home. Alice Morse Enrle, in Chau
tauquan. Settled liy tho Cliieiiintotrrnnli.
Tho cinematograph hns settled an
important international question be
tween Franco and Russia, that might
otherwise have added to the prevailing
political uncertainty in Europe. It
seems thnt Prince Bismnrck, in nn in
terview with a German newspaperman,
recently observed that President Enure,
during his visit to Russia a few months
ago, hail behaved with perfect pro
priety except upon one occasion. This
was when, nt his arrival in St. Peters
burg, lie reviewed the Cossack troops
which acted as his guard of honor. IIo
was said to have returned their salute
by simply touching his hat, instead of
taking oil his hat, as the protocol pre
scribes. Bismarck's criticism was
brought to the French president's at
tention, who cudgeled his brain to re
member what form of salute ho gave on
that momentous occasion, but in vain.
Neither could any of his comrades re
call. But the other dny the cinemnto
graph, which seems to have kept an un
wearied eye on President Faure's move
ments in St. Petersburg, was interro
gated upon the point, nnd was able to
return a satisfactory answer. Tt dis
closed a reproduction of the scene of
tho president's arrival at Petersburg,
showing him walking slowly in front of
the ranks of his guard of honor, tak
ing off his hnt with a large and sweep
ing gesture of the most correct style.
Prince Bismarck had been deceived;
the, protocol was safe; President Fauro
breathed easily agnin. Chicago Inter
Kansas Citv, Mo,
March L
CATTL.rc Host beeves. 3
Stoalccrs 3
Nutlvo cows. !J
IIOOS Choico to heavy 'J
SHKI3P Fair to choico ii
WHEAT No. 2 red
No. !i hard.
85 5 25
4 10
4 0JIS
3 03
CORN-No. 2 mixed
OATS Na 2 mixed
HYE-No. 2.
FLOUK Patent, per barrel.... 4
Fancy 4
HAY Choico timothy 8
Fancy prairie. 7
HHAN (hacked)
BUTTEK-Choico creamery....
CHEESE Full cream
CATTLE-Nattvo and shipping 3
Texans 3
HOGS Heavy 4
SHEEP-Fairto choico -1
FLOUK-Choico -1
WHEAT-No. 2 red
COKN-No. 2 mixed
OATS Na 2 mixed
KYE No. 2
6 10
4 05
8 60
7 25
4 50
4 10
4 10
4 40
5 00
LAHD Wcstorn mess
CATTLE-Common to prlmo...
HOGS PiickhiB and shipping..
SHEEP-Fair to choice.
5 05
io a-y,
5 00
1 U7tf
4 CO
5 00
1 00
FLOUK Winter wheat. 4
WHEAT Na 2 red.
COHN No. 2
CATTLE Nntlvo steers ,
HOaS-aood to choico
WHEAT-No. 2 red.
12', 5 15
3) 10 45
45 5 05
25 4 50
0 1 00?
fi',4 30js
si :iik
UK a)
25 10 JX)
OATS-No. 2
l t
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured
with Local Applications, as tlioy cannot
leach the scat of the disease. Catarrh isn
blood or constitutional disease, hud in order
to cure it you must take internal remedies.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, nnd
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not n quack
medicine. It was prescribed by one of the
best physicians in this country for years,
nnd is n regular prescription. It is com
posed of the best tonics known, combined
with the best blood purifiers, noting direct
ly on tho mucous surfnees. The pel feet
combination of the two ingredients is whnt
produces such wonderful results in curing
C'ntnrrh. Send for testimonials, free.
V. J. CHUNKY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by nil druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Fannie T wonder whore Mr. Bcggio got
his lovely English accent. Hc'h American
Quccnie Why, I heard he bought his
teeth in London.
"How clever of him.' Philadelphia Call.
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up
children's Coughs and Colds. Mrs. M. Q.
Blunt, Sprague, Wash., March 8, '04.
Practice makes perfect and oftcninakes
the neighbors feci like smashing the piano.
Chicago Daily News.
Keep on nnd suilcr if you think
St. Jacob's Oil won't cure rheumatism.
The principles of ncoustics nre sound doc
trines. Chicago Daily News.
And what
It la not n common occurence thnt n
friendly word should he the menus of rIv
ing ncnrly forty years of hnpplucHH and
health to the person herding: the ndvlec it
carried. Tills was the enne with Mary
Ijtigard. At twenty-five she wns dragging
out her days in misery. At sixty-one she
finds herself so active mid strong she cnti
do work that would shame many n younger
woman, and looks hack on thirty-six
happy, healthful years of industry. Out
let her tell her story:
"Thlrty-ix years ago I had great trouble
with my liver. The doctors allowed that
there were tumors growing on it, and they
blistered my side in nn effort to give me
relief. I was at that time earning my
living as n talloress, but for five years,
between the pain in my side and the
blisters I was in constant misery, and
work was a drag to me, with uo prospect
of relief; fortuuntely for me, however, a
friend advised me to take Dr. Ayer's Snr
snparllla, and finally persuaded me to take
a regular course of it. When I first com
menced taking the Sarsaparllln my side
was so painful that I could not fasten my
dress, and for a time I did not get any
relief) but my friend advised me to per
severe and relief was sure to come, and
come it did. This happened, as I say,
thirty-six years ago. My liver hus never
troubled me since, and during these years
I have passed through the most critical
period of a woman's life without any par
ticular trouble, and to-day, at sixty-one
years of age. I am active and strong, and
able to do a day's work that would upset
With It.
1 1 m
'I r " '
"SN cngB
m yjl cathartic
25c 50c jjm3lP DRUGGISTS
,- "
In 3 4 Years
An Independence is Assured
if rou tako up TOtm
CANADA, the In ml of
plenty. Illustrated pain
phluU, lilvliiK experience
of farmers who havo ho
corao wenlthy In KrowluK
wheat. Ileports of dolo-
rrntna. rttl... nnrl fllll tllfOr
1 ,..", VUI, H. ..- . -
Mln.. nn .n i.n.ini.H .nllwnV ffllnil fl l lift llflflfin
application to Dopnrtmont lntorlor.Ottnwa.Cnnnrta.
or to J, H, CUAWKOHl), W Iiourd of Trauu HullU
I UK, Kansas City, Mo.
Hcst Cough Syrup. Tastes Good.
in tttna. bold ty urucuisu.
To PurtluiHl, Ore, forl'iiKct SoiiihI ltunlnMS
vlu HurlliiRtoii Houto.
Wr.iXE8l)ATB from St. Louis, Tnii!srAT
from KnnsnH City via Denver, (-cenlo Col
orndo, Suit Lnko ft great f enturo vmiaoH
AMiY conduotki), Tlio hiicccsHof thoncnnos
for general northwest travel. Write L. TV.
WakkIjET, O. P. A., St. Louis, Mo.
An AtlvertlNcd.
Tho Lndy Can you mntch this piece of
Tho Gent No, lndy. You mny rcincmbc
that it was one of tho mntohlcss ImrgniriHW.
ran Inst Monday. Indianapolis Journal.
A llnndnomo Mctnl Pnricr Cutter nmO'
Hook Mnrlc Combined
Sent free of postage under scaled cover o
receipt of ten cents in silver or xtnmpnu
'J ho latest, best nnd mostserviccahlpjuljunct
of every library nnd ofliee. Address (Jco. II
HcaiTord, 410 Old Colony Building, Chicago
Both tho bride nnd groom mny bo tirmdL.
yet they nlwnyti Rtnnd up for their riteaj
Chiengo Daily News.
Feel it pass away when St. Jacobn
Oil cures Neuralgia. Soothes it out.
Bo careful how you grasp an opnortnnUjrr
it 18 often terribly hard to let go. Chicago
Bccord. - IS
Rupturo. Surocuro. Book frco. WrltoforH
it led to.
many a younger woman. Kvcr since my
recovery I hnvc taken a couple of bottle
of Dr. Ayer's SarNatm.'illa each spring, anil
am nuitc satisfied that I owe my pooil
health to this treatment. I give this testi
monial purely in the hope that it mny
meet the eye of some poor sufferer."
Mary Iinoakd, Woodstock, Out.
Dr. Ayer's Sarsnparllla has won Its vray
to every corner of the world by the praise
of its friends; those who have tried it and
who know they were cured by themseof
the remedy. Ihcrc is nothing. so strong
as this personal testimony. It throws all
theories nnd fancies to the winds nndi
stands solidly upon the rock of experi
ence challenging every skeptic with av
positive "J know." Ayer's Sarsaparillat.
with its purifying and vitalizing action on
the blood is a radical remedy tor cveiy
form of disease that begins in tainted or
Impure blood. Hence tumors, sores,
ulcers, bolls, eruptions and similar dis
eases yield promptly to this medicine.
Some cases are more stubborn than others,
but persistence with Dr. Ayer's Snrnupa
rllla usually results in a complete curc
Mary I.ingard began with a bottle, nratt
went on to a courfcc of Dr. Ayer's Barsapa
rilln. When site was cured she realized
that a medicine that could cure disease
could also prevent it. So she took a couple
of bottles each spring and kept in perfect
health. There arc thousands of similar
cases on record. Some of these are
gathered into Dr. Ayer's Curebook.n little
book of too pages which is sent free by the
J. C. Ayer Co., I.owcll, Mass. Write for it-
Closer you keep
to the directions, the more Pearline will dc
for you especially so in washing clothes.
Even the hit or miss way in which many us&
Pearline is better than soap-using. But
soaking, boiling, and rinsing the clothes
according to directions is best of all better
for clothes : better for you. Use no soap
Inianity Prevented bv
l'oilllreture for ill KrrrmiB JiM.Yf.KWIT-
8nnm$ ami SI. Vltui' Dance. Nu Klti or j(rriitM
-rcrflritUT'au. Treatiis and S3 trial bottle Ireo
toKllpatlfnli, Ihtr f.Tln eiprnl thriciinl "
ertrwl. 8n(l t hit. KLINK, I.M.. 1IIItim tnlll1-r
UkHcIm, 033 Arch Rtretl, l'llll.ADKM'HI. VA.
(UIKUOHY HKKD l Kood. I'rlees low-iitiallty li.(rt
Now Yrlctlf vegetables doscrlbed In free ciituloar
Junim J. ll.Oreaory St Hon. MurUlebead. Mood
and "WhUkoy lliililt ciirefl i
nt lioiui) without on In. ltok of
partleiilur.Hsdiit FJCIifc. II M.
Tho hcst Ilcd Hope Hoor-
ll)Kf()rle.mriia.rt.lrapiiaa4wiU i
IncluJfJ. SuliilUutf fur llaOMW
8mi.lf . frte. TIIK KAY ni.MI.LA UOOt'lNU IO., itam,.i.
A. N. K.-D
VIir..V tVKITINO TO aivi:i.tihki9 I
plcn.e atulo that you auw tho rfttvcrtlw
aeut la thl. injcr.
PORIC Mess 10