1 1 Kwrnmrmi imiuinn t.uui3imatntitav9ntv,MmaetcmxtvvtrrjKtcaam!tutiatUTjtmm ftn-wtrwagmo LUMhS WHtHfr All t Sh IS. nest OoukIi Syrup. Tauten (icxxl. Vto in umo. now 1)7 mi(miM. IClflf IfllMMtcnTKSl )tt. W. W, KEELING, i JSHAttA OlTY, NhUIIAKA. Ofllce first door south of Park hotel W. W. SANDERS, Public Numulia City, FJob. Notary :- nti.it si:.invn The Nebraska Advertiser W. W HJUS'IURHS, VuhH,lr. SUHSCIIII'TION, 81.00 t'KIl YHA11 Fill DAY, .IAN. JJ8, 1808. H&2&S-' T70tf Rupublican 39KIi Newspaper t Cm One of thy lending local Items fu pup-, ers in northwestern Nebinsku is u call i or wolf hunts, vunnltits being ploiitl lul and easy lo rnin'.i. up Tho.laputiese eiulst'TKasagi was latin- ..I. ...I . . .. . 111 .. I . A ft. . I I 1. I 1 -p- t a nrni T) 1 T) cuuu tt noun i iiu.suu) ui rmiaueipniu. rLAu 1' F-i i Ilj f 'instead ot wine, doves and iloweis - i UfufU llii it til t lu ! .! 1 .. .. .. ..ta..i. Annn mill Amlllo work n Hpnolnll. OIh- "-"' - " "".mi,... iiiu- tern imlli. 1'npor IhingliiK, ICiilMimltilnu , tllOML Upon our mmoiiiohv, il- must he mid WhltewiitliliiK ilono. Low pi I 3db, I1i ,,.,,.,,. vroiic wiiriiinini!. ununited. he Kasagi is a second-olnsB cruiBor, wellurmoicd and manned with Kerkcr & Hoover, Keillor In :l:ea,x,s lllulimt prims inilil for IiIiIhh, lard, bulow ftlllllt, lilt!' XI2MAIIA CITY, N KHIiASKA. u lot unliable buttery. J. L MBIiVIN, M : i fit k ft If n., I'm. i)., mitt ft I r m i f it il n n t nil MlHUMHbtUH 'iniA After ii cautious p, ilii.it Inn listened fin nil hour or mo In Hie sugar trust stoiiesol thuuwifu! responsibility mid expense Unit will dexolvo upon ihe United Mules if al.u ha to 'deienu" Hawaii uguinst a foieign duel as a pint of her dominium, ouu wundeis ui the too) hardiness of om toietalheis in an ne.xing tho Atlantic coast, to say noth ing of thu Pacific Mate J om mil. Hepiiblirans A ho call rtf tho state Iioihu show an interest in'tho coming campaign. They have begun to talk of the choice for governor and whilo some speak in favor of .Judge M. L. Hay. ward of Nt liraska Cilj, others, would like to sen A. E. Cady of St. Paul lead the ticket. Still others think that James Whitehead would uuike a good leailto . Tin- i "publicans appear to ho favoiable to any of these .three. The campaign made by Mr. Cady in Ids cougiessioual dlsti let has made for him a name as u campaigner and every one' knows that .Itulge Ilujvf.nd would make a rphndid light on the. stump. In speaking ol these three men a pio-' ininent tepuhliean said: "The time is now ripe for Mich nominations, stnl with a (toad e.mdidiite for governor w can win. You may say that thev men huv h en I eforeother onv'ii 8 lep-.itedl), nut Hi. . makes no dlff . euce. The time bus me when (In (in Joujl a .sueiesilul eitinpuign " S.ale Journal. IIUNTEHS, TAKE WARNING, and stay off my farm (the Wrav Taylor bend) and save troul lo. .1 W.WyiiHKit. - - Childtcn and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuiie-, ei zema or skin dlseiHes may pecan iim'iiui rel.ef by usinu fJe.Hitl' Wjiph Haz.-Milve. l't is the great Pile remedy. M II Taylor litre from Bx- ov pr'"i! nlnln. Kmi! OliifrMii. fi.imu In I ii iu ti m ufi. i IMM1 IM-Hfir I lit NlClll, I)l8. " w ii ami (Miiiilicn Will uiday and delivered o (!aplaln Devin n-vtr nil cmIIh, olthor day or ,. in j ii ,iMiu- wi ol iciniiiu miii.i eiicn OIIICO H'HllltlllUC. NK.U VIJA STOCK FARM ih.M vll v fi'xD, Prop NKIIUASKA. ii ipnr of Dtiroo JTney ill Otilim IIoh Of wlilcli wcihe(l 140 poiinils, for wtiiuli In n-eeiveii S;iO Wn understami thai the I'iptaiii is coin,' to diivti (hem to a -ijigu irom iJawsuii Cil 'o the goid ifglooi hi (lie Kloudyke.-gei -Graii' li. oi Ices. emalia. Faun one ml .i ' Cornet B,and: Is ' l-'J,l 'o furnish uood luiisle for i its pli'iiu-s ineinoiiiil iteiviees, J . .- iinfaction gu.triiuleed CllHl M'.i Hiillllhh' J. Vt iioTIIKlt. S-c'y . SANIlCI-, l.a 'el 1 Wi nrc llt'pit'si'iii mi; unit IntiqituuliiK i. i.'. i Mi. I'd. Workman I'M' MIHttlllg Liv ryman OV N KM All A Miiccertsiir lo 8. Cooper l.i'iivi' ynur nnlnr ii ii It'iuii. Illicit or 'lm mill v li 1)0 TIIK ItliST. Our I luck iikm! h nil I lllllS -COMPARING THEM. 'At tin' muiing of the tioaid of di rroi r.iOlsilie Fust NuMonal bank on lued(la,l E Aden was elected pres ident and V. W. 'riiuiiiiehjli vice pres idem. Mr. Allen is one of the heaviest stockholder'-! in the tunk and hatiuu been a ioi(leu il the ediiuty lor : ear ly forty eais he will enter upon the dudes of theoflice thoroughly equipped loi theWoik The tioatdot diieuUiis are the men who had charge of the ad'aiis last year, and casldei and .isshtau' cashier were reeh'eteil (Ji anger. Take your wnteli out in a crowd most any dav and compare it with cithers. Will you be able io depend on what joiir watch says and hack If iigninst tho boast and bluff of some, one else? You can do this if ou have one of our llampdens. They are always reliable. Come and see us and be convinced. S.H.AVEY4CQ. AUBURN. NEB. .lust a bit of ie.il sunshine and pleas ure'dropped into our otlice this morn ing. A thing of beauty in Viok'n G n den and Kloial Guide, with Us cover of dedcate t mis. hlue, pink and gold, and the Golden D.ij Lily mid Daybreak Artter emb(Msed in bold leliel. Themauv lialt-loue illus'ratioiiH aie a lite like m puisihle to make by pho tography. One can almost smell the fragrance tiom the lloweis, and lie ladisl'es and Hit nspatauus in gllips dir lies look ver, tempting, No doubt but this catalogue i the hist one sent out by James VicKs Sons ot Itocheslei. N. Y. (luring the ftuty-niue yeais they have been in business, and nt xt jear will be their Golden vVodding annivei saiy. and it Is their intention' io give a handfionu) souvenir to ''vault customer for 181)8. If Interested in good gardening write 't once, simply mentioning tnis paper and receive u copy ot this elegant seed cata'ogue free. i i i im That Sterling farm join mil, The Iowa Homestead, seems lo bo 'mproviug ev ery week, even utter further improve ment would nppejir impossible. We do not hesitate lo nay to the farmers of this county that they are not "living up to their piivileges" if they tail to read it regularly, because nothing eq uals it as an agricultural paper for tho western farmer, so far ms our obnervim tlon has gone, and our opportunities to judge have been unusually giod s a statement eruor lloui.l thnt is worth its weight in gold says the Humboldt, la., Uepub -cut. He fays he will give as inn h pound lor pound lot coin (odder as t r Inuolhy liny; and In adds that a ion i f corn contains lour or live t in as iriuch milU-produe.ng food as a ion of hi.. Here is a statement woilli oi -sneiing I'u.il. that a poiKid of ioi lodder is Worth a pound ot the tit inothy buy. II ihtsls liueiind llo i has tested it as well .ii olhei-, wl (l troiuiidons wtiste theio is in our ui llt'ld. And j el we Me all about us mil lions of t'ns of the be I'odd r waste! d blown uway li i lit- w lolls, "n-t oudly, he -.av that n i m nl mi talus lour or HVe time- in uiiik-p o ducing iiu.ilMfvsol a ion in i. i I oi is worm, say 20 ueiiK . bu-li. To othy hay cannot tie I. ol I i much le s than five iloilttis a ton I'ln won d iiiakt it eosi as much ai :." 'oisIihIs of I'or... iin-1 yet lln l huii'tcds of u en u'tving hav at tiom lour to live dollars 1 r leed loi cow.s. Win not itedmoie sliaw for loiiglutge-piiiikled o oiwiili con meal and uei. jnoio milk V Orfted more com- f nid' out no line then wet and siiiu.Ule willi innal, and get as Hoaul -ays. mote tlum double the itilk. 'oi tarineirt ued awakening on 'bis "itjt-ct I iiey have go- so accustomed t leedlng hay mid a llltlo bliili, (hat i hey can't think ot any other way. They have not considered the tet d question pioperly. It will not be many em. befmo cut tOilder by the lo.ol will be. soltl on our streets as hav i now. Mriet economy will compel it. SB xi M N A THE NEW WAY, TXOMEN used vv to think "fe male diseases " could only bo treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardui has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physlclan'3 attention at all. The simple, pure WineSrM taken In the privacy of,a woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of" Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In cases requiring special directions, address, civm? symptoms, the " Ladles' Advisory Department, The Chattanoopa Medicine Co., Chatta nooga. Tenn. W. I. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: "I use Wlno of cardui uxtniislvoly In my practice and (lnd It a most excellent preparation Tor female troubles." fawmm 1 1 1 1 Tsc&Jzinniznzznz5 H BucMin'sArniiia &alvo Tho best salvo in the world for cuts, bitiises, sores, ulcers, salt jIi'miiu, lever sores, totter, chapped hands, cliild blalus, corns, and all skin ei option.-1, and positively vines piles, or no jiny required. It is gurunte''d to give pe feet satisfaction or m'oney letondtd. Price 25c per box. For sale by M, H. Taylor. "" GUAHANTHE1) CUIUS KOIt PJLEiC' We have a never hilling cute tor piles ol even deM'i tpt ion. Tiled tl.ou.-ands of timi s and uevfi' known to fail. So conlltlenl ate we of .the incrltH of the gi a' liidnm I'll liine dy, that we will send ttee to un. lend er of Tin AivruTlsi:u a Ubeial siztd trial piiekngt, only askiua the small remittiiiice of ten cei-t h cover eost of postaite mid piiikiio.. Dhi-'f -uller longei but Sei d n olif-lij; ;. Hon of thh-gii'Mi itm Im'Im' i iii'k Write nan d p.f"0flhv 'odn-H piaiuij, in o I i, de In i UK ' ivi.k'ji i etlets lo the I I iprii g Vni e n i l 'i i.fil- , fiss all H i- ed Coi C -. idW TTitV M' M A is r y 25 Cents. Is the very best fashion magazine for i to use. Jt gives the greatest v:i tvof. styles to sclcct.from (ncaj.lyiSco i month). The designs arc simple, 'ui and practical; no extremes All i tcs in prevailing fashions are il'.tis--d one month in advance. lib dc tion articles on New York and fashions are worth reading. It , a specialty of children's cos Paper patterns of all illutra--c given, and they are perfect, an. cd by the leading dressmakers I best families everywhere. Pi ice .-. for single copies; yeaily sub notions, S2.00. Ask your newsdealer i "Toilettes," which is published , fust of each month. TOILETTES PUB. CO., ? VSST ?3d 8TB5ET, EW YORK. -i mm -.- u -!-" J V lh":; h imk $ h in TltK i.PhA r one '- V" "ft , 4'" National Family -&i 14 a ai ni3i noiK ilHJV'V0 3JC5UGi For Farmers ji nd Villagers, V I tii Iiom bot.; -a A thill of Ivrioi is expei ieneed when a liuii-iy eoiin ot er upsoui ds ihioiigh tho ,lioue ul n gh . Ilii' (io tvriot noun cnanges to iHiet utter One Mmut t.'ougli Cme has been adiuiiiisieied Ntte and harmless toi ehildieu. M H T tj lor hii D.id you Ever l'iy Eieutiit hiilt'is ab a letnedy for i n d po'iti ! ij.'oi oiif aouhlesV It nut, go. u boille now Cou-tihitiioi of ii and gut loiiel I ois medicine ' has , imiii'oi" in mo i' Oeeu loiiiiil to be pHi'iniiiily itdapted (o buss u1or-N, i'o tho lellut and unit ot all lem.ilo com ol ttM- d II ei " pl.iiuls, t xoiiiug it woudtjitnl diieel inlliieiice in giving strength md tune to Hie oigatis 11 ymV have los- ot appetite, constipation, head iche, taint ing spells, oi aio nervous, sleeplf-s, excitable, melancholy or tumbled with iiiz.yspells, lilecmc Hitter.-, is llie medieluu )oii lifeil Health iihd -iiieimih iiro gmuanteed by its use. i'iOc and 1 al ,1, II. I'm viol's The ' e),x t KU c m fa v-n .,..; - LM CTt. Ml ,1 . .1. ,&& A V a ;j r st in i.:lVi.nci. vh to Tlio " vv4ivtiger. lipr. dvertiser Oil W iliLl.V THEu.Y T iSBJi . 4..AMaG. :'. l- i 4(1. t i ' ll'IIIIS ll I'lllHtlt'lM ' O' I I" n v Voik hi i) ,i ,. T. u Ii Vationiil Hook (iDveiiiinHiitiil I .stales, the li a compiir- hotter, aitlt-ltlieuiu uiu We-.ema. Tho intonfo itching nnd smurting inci dent to thoao diseases Ib Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye nnd Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have beon permanently cured by it. It is equally efflciont for itching piles and a favorito remedy for sore nipples: chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites end chronic oore oyoo. 25 eta. per box Tr. Cafly's rendition Poirdern, nro jirtt what a horse needs when in bad condition. ,Ton!c, blood purifier and vermifugo, ..Thoy are not food but medicine and'the best in use to put a horse in prlmurcono'tion ueuta por )-rv Pheie ate thieu little t hitius which do uioi u woik i ban any other threo lit tle things eieated the) aiellieaut the bee anil I)e Witt's Lit lie liuily Hiseis, tho last being the famous little pills toi sioimicband liver tiouble. M 11 Tay lor. Ther is Nothing bo Good. riieie is uolhing so good as I)i. King's Now Ul&covery tor consumption Pile coughs and colds, so dem tud il and do Special Farmers' Institute edition for " Permit tile dealer to sell you some I.-,,,, ,.. ... .. , suiraiiuue. ue win not cuuiu iiibio iti tojnmry will accompany the regular ,,, b(,ULM. luft , 0(er lo mUe issue for noxt week, and will discuss Liore piollt he may claim sniuuihnu winter dairying, beef production, giain else to be just as good Yon want Ur fepdiiiL' untl twn iiiii.i.aHiin i.nmu .., .il King's New "lJiseoveiy because yon . if. ; i'itt-.i ii it iclvinl . - 'liin if i. u appointee. Am- ' : i p-r 'iii'o -t (oiimes. oii'M s o jo locpal ollleers at' I'ouni) nil uu i ilh'ei- of rlo imv mil 'nvv. willi their salaiits; i.ibh-- o ii -(iM-'ki. Klei'tMn K-'uris. I'm I'l ifm ins and Cmnmiltee-i coinpli'i'' m deb- "In I nenex (i ld and Silf, end u vast iimount ot other VMloahh' lotoi in n ion- 1 he standuid American almanac, uu thbrsitivn and cofind .nu'-no din.' in rank i h Whittaker'- Almanac id Kuiope.' PrJco 26 cnt-s Po5t'.5g;i3 .. micl. S nd all orders to Tho Advorti or. .iejnalin, Nob.' i UtSaOKEQOiCBOl2et3EKfiOECDQS?l20EEfflOQOLEOESOultVil - s. -ri a ii tt ( U II f3 H THF ta SW rw n .. .... tt . lita H n 9 m n n osf ca I f-.. i .. - ica livaryonu r-iioiiiti read, it lor rn member that these discussion i are not mora theoiy, but are carried on by ac tual farmeis who live on the farm and give their own expuilonco. Tho Home stead is only j.1, which price includes the Special Institute editions monthly. Send Hibscriptinns or i ('quests for fieu sample copies to Homestead Co. Des Moines, la. know it lo be sale and tellable, and guar.tnieed to do good or nmuoy le funded. Por coughs, colds utid con sumption and tor all affections of tin out, chest and lung, there is "noth-, ing so good as is I)r King's Neyv Dis eovary, Tiial bottles free at M. II. Taylor's. Ml m o ki n m aBHO ui 3 o Zrai i w aonoKo pii g LaRGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST iEut it can always be relied on'" for fair and honest reports of all po- gj litical movcmcntsJttiwjtts jtt KJ THE NEVSAND BESTCURRENTLITERATURE It Is Morally Clean and as a Family Paper Is Without a Peer. We are anxious to do a little good in this woild and can think of no pleus anter or better way to do it than by re commending One' Minute t'oojtii Cute as a pievotitive of pnoumouls. com sumption and other sei ions lung troub les that folljw neclected colds. M II u J It is radically Republican, advocating rji the cardinal doctrines of that parly with ability and earncstnessyu 1U Cf a rv-sKr- THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL t . 15 (0 HI u 3 t ra o w o N ca Kl o ia t-j (jl Tho Literature of its columns is equal to that of the best maga zlnes. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as tho parents ISl o I Hi M INK Don't annoy otliers by your coughing and risk your life by neglecting a cold omi .niuuie vjoiiii uure etirps bonuii. TiivIup Price 25 ,,1(,'l' 'up, grippe and all throat and iiiiib uuuuiieH. ai ii rayior. UlpansTabulca: one gives rollef. f ra o w OI9R9S9 i 1 1 J& I HMBla SLi 1 n THE INTER OCEAN is a VESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to th; family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions ot the day, it is in full sympathy' vdth the Ideas and aspirations of Western people .nd discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint . t.l M (M CI ii U fi O o n $l.00-PRICE OHE BOLUR PEB YESH-SLBO 8t??Q iU :k. THE DAILY AND SUKDAY EDITIOTH OF THE iWTER OCEAN ARE BEST OF THEIR KIHD. I'rlcHof Duilv liy nintl. ,. 1'rloo of Siiuilliv liv mull.. Dully and Sunday by mall $1,00 por yrar f'j 00 jmr ear f,:o.o per year IS fa (3 P3 t il C) f ' hi W&aaK8BH0ndlHESSCaeiSC2OatX3E0S2!CSfeJ!32!J ? A -( - m ii A 'i