The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, January 07, 1898, Image 7

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TlT.-. . .
Fnrnicr'n Handy Feed Cooker.
We desire to call our renders' nttention
to the Farmers' Handy Feed Cooker, which
is sold at the low price of $12.G0 for 50 gal
lon capacity.
By feeding poultry and stock with cooked
food during the winter months, at least one
third of the food is saved; also having stock
in a healthy condition, preventing hog
cholera among your hogs, and insuring the
Lens laying freely during the winter
months, when eggs arc always wanted at
high prices. This Cooker will pay for itself
in one week's time and is without doubt the
best and cheapest on the market just what
its name implies, n Farmer's Ilnndv Feed
Cooker. Upon application to the tmniro
Ironical If".
If a man has no dust, his name is usually
If a man has horse sense he should know
when to say neigh.
If the cat scratches you it is always the
sign of the Maltese cross.
If n man would follow the advice he gives
to others ho would soon be perfect.
If the mercury goes higher than usual
next summer blame it on the Dinglcy bill.
If women were as fond of appearing in
print as in silk there would be more Fady
If canes were to go out of fashion, some
young men would have no visible means of
support, Chicago News.
Mr. T. O. Pcarse, of Agricola, Alberta,
Canada, passed through Chicago rccentlyen
route to England. lie paints in glowing
colors the advantages of Western Canada,
and says that a large number of tenant farm
ers from the old country are making their
homes there, and those who, during the
past few years, have gone to that district
from the United States are doing rcmnrlt
obly well. They find the climate delightful,
and, although in very poor circumstances
when they arrived, they are mostly doing
well and have excellent farms, some of them
being able to loan money to the new set
tlers. i As an example of what has been done by
colonists this year, he says Hugh Irvine,
who has been in the country five years,
threshed 3,200 bushels of wheat and received
72 cents per bushel for it. James Fitzgerald
raised 3,000 bushels in the fourth year of hid
settlement, while James Atkinson had a
crop of 3,500 bushels. These men started
without any capital, and were induced to go
through the representations of the Canadi
an Government Agents. The development
of the Edmonton-Klondike route has cre
ated a home cash market. Hundreds of
square miles of magnificent farming country
yet remain for cultivation in the Saskatche
wan Valley and is sold at low prices.
Ilnil Looked Them Over.
Mistress Bridget, arc there any letters
for me this morning?
Bridget Only two postal cards, but
there's nothing of importance in them.
Flicgende Blaetter.
Accounted For. "What'B all this AuBtri
an trouble about, anyway?" "It's all over
a question of national language." "Oh, I
eee, that accounts for the war of words."
Philadelphia North American.
Feeble nerves severe weather neural
gia. Soothing cure. St. Jacobs Oil.
If a man has money it is a sign that he
is mighty careful with it. Atchison Globe.
Put a pain to sleep? St. Jacobs Oil does
This with Sciatica. Torment cured.
As a matter of fact, nobody believes in n
hell except for his neighbor. Ram's Horn.
Both tho method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and lovers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
k . ducetf, pleasing to tho taste and ac-
coptablo to tuo stomach, prompt in
I Lb uuuuu iiuu truiy uunuuuiiu in IIS
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agroeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
lOUMJLlE, KY, mfJ YORK, fi.Y.
.uiuiiuiaciunng o., im 11 or.., iiuncy, in., a
catalogue, giving a full description, may bo
obtained. They are made in all sizes.
t-t Year 180,000,000 llunlirU of Aincr
Irnn Corn Wn bhlppetl to Points In En.
Chicago, Jan. 3. Tho tassol and the
"silk" of tho American cornstalk arc
now slmken in the summer brcczo for
Europe ns well as America. For months
a ralphty stream of corn has poured
out of Atlantic ports for all parts ol
the old world. Last year tho total ex
ports of corn amounted to 180,000,000
bushels. This was a half more than
America ever had sent abrond before In
a year. But tho constant going- of ships
with more cargoes show that the for
eign demand is still far from being
The World's Product This Year 30 Vnt
Cent. Ltirgnr Than In. 1HU0.
Washington, .Tnn. 3. The directors
of tho mint, from Information now at
hand, say that there is substantial evi
dence that tho world's product of gold
for the calendar year 1807 will approx
imate, If not exceed, 8240,000,000, an In
crease of nearly 20 per cent, over 1S0O.
The gold product of the United States
for 1800 was S."3, 100,000; for 1807 It will
approximate S01, 500,000, an increase ol
Six Victim of n Fire.
Ni:w Yohk, Jan. 8. Six members ol
ono family were killed by ilaracs and
smoke In a fire that occurred early yes
terday morning In Jersey City. The
dead are: Adolph Reich, 42 years old,
the father; Emma Belch, 42 years old,
mother; Tillic Belch, 22 years old; Ida
Belch, 15 years old; Albert Belch, 14
years old; Gustav Belch, eight years
old. Several others were Injured, and
it may be that another member of tho
Ill-fated family wSil die.
1'nndo nirctlntr with l'oor Succors.
HAVANA, Jan. 3. It is reported from
Santiago dc Cuba that Gen. Pando Is
greatly disheartened on account of the
obstacles which prevented a successful
campaign against the Insurgents In
that province. He declares that he
has no base of operations, the insur
gents' control being so complete that
it Is impossible to convey supplies to
Spanish columns in the interior of tho
Missouri l'odernl Appointment.
Kansas Citv, Mo., Jan. 3. Tho Jour
nal (rep.) says President McKlnley will
In a few days name the federal ap
pointees for the Western district of
Missouri. The Journal says Will Kes
singer, of this city, will be surveyor of
the port; F. E. Kellogg, of Bich Hill,
collector of customs; Ed Durham, of
Maryville, United States marshal, and
B. E. Lewis or Charles Bnrtin United
States attorney.
Wanderer ISccomc a Uaronot.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 3. Clarence
Danvers Davenport, n young English
man, who has been leading a hand-to-mouth
existence In Portland since Au
gust, has become a baronet. He re
ceived a cablegram announcing the
death of his uncle, Sir Richard Dan
vers, of Danvers court, Lincolnshire,
Eng., and informing him that he had
succeeded to the estate and title.
Hlch Strike In tho Isabella Mine.
Cor.oiiAPo Simungs, Col., Jan. 3.
A rich strike of gold has just been
made in the Isabella mine, a property
of the Isabella Gold Mining company.
The ore encountered will run from
SI. 000 to 2,000 to the ton, and was
found in the eighth level in the mine.
The vein is about ten inches wide, and
is being successfully cut at the seventh
and sixth levels.
To Itedoem Farm Iiir!- mis.
New Yokk, Jan. 3. -New England's
abandoned farms are to be reclaimed,
restocked and reoperated on a plan
that Is philanthropic and commercial.
A corporation has been formed to pur
chase arable land and farm buildings
in New England and to resell both on
such terms as to attrnct purchasers in
large cities and so relieve the congest
ed centers of population.
Kntomhrd Minor Ui'ncncil.
Citv of Mexico. Jan., 3. Various
reports have been in circulation re
garding tho mine disaster at the mino
of Sun Jose do Garcia at Guannjualo.
At first It was reported 35 miners had
been drowned in the lower workings
of the mine. Authentic but brief re
ports have just been received which
show that the entombed miners were
all rescued.
More Money for rulInmn'H Sons.
Chicago, Jan. )5. The twin sons of
the late George M. Pullman will come
into possession of 18,000 each as the
result of their interests in life insur
ance policies carried by their father.
These policies arc now being adjusted,
and the amount tho sons will receivo
will bo in addition to the S3. 000 a year
stipends left them by their father's
Itetter Times Predicted.
New Yohk, Jan. 3. Men of note in
all lines of trade in New York testify
that tho New Year opens up with a
promise of better times. They say
that tho country has already entered
upon an era of prosperity and, unless
something unforscen shall occur, 1808
will eclipse its predecessors in a gen
eral revival of business.
Siiutii Komi Feeln the Kurtti Tremble.
Santa Rosa, Cal., Jan. 3.- Two dis
tinct shocks of earthquake, tho most
severe which have been felt here for
many years, awoke tho residents of
the city and vicinity shortly after flvo
a. in. on Saturday. The shocks were
uach of about 25 seconds' duration and
the vibrations were from west to east.
No d limit ge has been reported.
When It In Ilcnriy the Divine Sntlnfnc-.
tlon Ih In "Bntlnir It All Yotirnvlf."
James Prosser, a famous colored ca
terer of this city, dead long ago, fur
nished the following formula for pre
paring and serving terrapin. It was
published In a gastrouomical journal
at the time when he was on earth:
"You can't enjoy terrapin unless tho
day Is nlppin'. Temperature and terra
pin go hand In hand. Now, as to your
terrapin. Bless you! there is all tho
difference in the world in them. The
more northerly Is the terrapin found
the better. You cat a Florida terrapin
you needn't despise it, for terrapin Is
terrapin everywhere but you get a
Chesapeake one or n Delaware bny one,
or, better still, a Long Island one, and
there is just the difference between ten
dollars a dozen and thirty-six. Warm
water kinder washes the delicate flavor
out of them. Don't you let Mr. Bergh
know It, but your terrapin must be
boiled alive. Have a good big pot. with
a hot fire under It, so that he shan't
languish, and when It has got on a full
head of steam pop him In. What I am
going to give is a recipe for a single
one. If you are awfully rich and go
in for a gross of terrapin, just use your
multiplication table. Just as soon as
he caves in watch him and try his flip
pers. When they part when you pry
them with your finger nail he is good.
Open him nicely with a knife. B'illng
of him dislocates the snuft box. Pick
out every scrap of his meat. There
ain't overmuch of it, more's the pity.
The most Is in the j'ints of the legs and
side lockers, but if you want to commit
murder just you smash his gall, and
then your terrapin is gone forever.
Watch closely for eggs and handle them
gingerly. Now, having got him or her
all into shape, put the meat aside.
Take three fresh eggs you must have
them fresh. Bile 'em hard and mash
'em smooth. Add to that a tablespoon
ful of sifted flour, three tablespoonfuls
of cream, salt and pepper (red pepper
to a terrapin is just depravity) and two
wineglasses of sherry wine wine as
costs $2.50 a bottle ain't a bit too good.
There never was a gotega In all Portu
gal that wouldn't think himself hon
ored to have itself mixed up with a ter
rapin. Now you want quite a quarter
of a pound of the very best fresh but
ter, and put that in a porcelain-covered,
pan and melt it first mustn't bo
browned. When it's come to be oily put
in your terrapin, yolks of egg, wine and
all. Let it simmer gently. B'iling up
two or three times does the business.
What you ore after is to make it blend.
There ain't nothin' that must be too
pointed in terrapin stew. It wants to
be a quiet thing, just pervaded with ti
most beautiful and natural terrapin
aroma. You must serve it to the peo
ple that eats it on a hot plate, but the
real thing is to have it on a chafing
dish, and, though a man oughtenter be
selfish, there is n kind of divine satis
faction in eating it all yourself." Phil
adelphia Times.
Sleep n m nn Aid to DlgrcNtlon.
There is n time-honored notion that
a nap after meals promotes digestion,
and, filled with this belief, a large num
ber of persons habitually toke a nap
after dinner, and think they nre doing
precisely the best thing for their
health. Thereareothergood authorities,
too, who claim that sleep during di
gestion clouds the mind and predis
poses those who indulge in it to apo
plexy and stupidity. A French scientist
has made this subject a study, and by
exhaustive experiments has discovered
that sleep does not aid digestion, but
rest and a horizontal position nre of
greut advantage in promoting the prop
er conditions for perfect digestion and
assimilation of food. N. Y. Ledger.
Kansas Citv. Ma, Jnn. 4.
CATTLE Ilcst beeves M 00 (ft 5 00
Stoclters. 3 00 4 &5
Natlvo cows "75 3 75
HOGS Choice to heavy 3 00 3 05
SHEBP SI 75 4 40
WHEAT No. 2 red 88 W)
No. 'Jhard H-J', 4
CORN-No. !i mixed XiT& 24tf
OATS No. 2 mixed 20, 21K
HYE No. 2. 43tf 44
FLOUU Patent, per barrel.... 4 r5 4 75
Fancy 4 10 4 35
HAY Choice timothy H 50 8 75
Fancy prnlrlc. 7 50 7 75
BRAN (sucked) 52 ttitf
BUTTEK-Cholco creamery.... 18 19
CHEESE-FulI cream lOtf 12W
EGGS-Choico 10 20
CATTLE Native and shipping 4 25 IS 10
TexniiK. 3 20 4 00
HOGS Heavy. 3 30 3 05
SHEEP-Falr to choice 4 00 4 50
FLOUH-Cholco 4 70 4 85
WHEAT No. 2 red 03H 03
COHN No. 2 mixed 20 20
O ATS-No. 2 mixed 22tf 23
HYE-No. 2. 45J4 40X
UUTTEK-Crcamcry. 17 12
LAUD Western mess 4 45 4 55
PORK 8 73 0 00
CATTLE Common to prime. .. 3 85 5 40
HOCIS-PucKlnK and Khlpplriii.. 30 3 Tii
SHEEP Fair to choice 3 00 4 70
FLOUK Winter wheat. 4 70 4 80
WHEAT No. 2 red WM 01K
COHN No. 2 20 20,
OATS-No.2 22 22,i
HYE 40 40J
HUTTEH-Creamery. 15 21
LAKD. 4 75 4 82K
PORK. 875 0 07tf
CATTLE-Natlvo steers 4 00 5 15
HOGS-Good to choice 3 U0 4 10
wheat-no. 2 mi 1 oj 1 0014
COHN-No. 2 34?.f 35
OATS No. 2 , 28 8Jf
HUTTEH-Creamory ,; 15 2.'
I'OHIC Mess. 8 M '0 00
llerrnre of Ointment for Cntnrrh
Thnt Contnln Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sciibo of
tmicll and completely derange the whole ays
tent when entering it through the mucous
surfaces. Such articles should never be
URcd except on prescriptions from reputable
physicians, ns the damage they will do is
often ten fold to the good you can possibly
derive from them. Iall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
0.. contains no mercury, and is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the gen
uine. It is taken internally, and nindc in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi
monials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Snvert Their Liven.
It wns at an afternoon tea and the crush
was simply horrid. It seemed that nothing
would nave the few men present, when ono
quick-witted woman exclaimed: "Ladies,
please remember there arc gentlemen in the
crowd 1 ' It wns all that preserved the poor
things from a horriblo fate Philadelphia
North American.
In Olden Time
Pcoplo overlooked the importance of per
manently beneficial effects and were satis
fied with transient action; but now that it
is generally known that Syrup of Figs will
permanently overcome habitual constipa
tion, well-informed people will not buy
other laxatives, which act for a time, but
finally injure the system. Buy the genuine,
made by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Of course the cold cash wc hear so much
about comes from the Klondike. Atchison
I cannot speak too highly of Pi'so'b Cure
for Consumption. Mrs. Frank Mobbs, i!15
W. 22d St., New York, Oct. 20, 1801.
How silly it makes one feci to reach out
to shake hands and not be noticed by the
other fellow. Washington Democrat.
Fifteen Years of Suffering.
I thought I should surely die."
When the stomach begins to fail In
its duties, other organs speedily become
nlfcctcd in sympathy, nud life is simply a
burden almost unbearable. Indigestion
and dyspepsia are so common Unit only
the sufferer from these diseases knows
the possibilities of misery that inhere iu
them. Atypical example of the sufferings
of the victim of indiKestion 1a furnished
in the case of John C. 1'ritchard. He went
on for fifteen years, from bad to worse.
In spite of doctors he grew constantly
weaker, and thought he would die. He
got well, however, and thus relates his
" For fifteen years I was a great sufferer
from indigestion in its worst forms. I
tested the skill of many doctors, but grew
worse and worse, until I became so weak
I could not walk fifty yards without having
to sit down and rest. My stomach, liver,
and heart became affected, nnd I thought I
would surely die. I tried Dr. T. C. Aycr's
Pills and they helped mc right away. I
continued their use and am now entirely
well. I don't know of anything that will
so quickly relieve and cure the terrible
sufferings of dyspepsia as Dr. Aycr's
ruis." John t:. I'uiTciiAui), uroutc, war
ren Co., N. C.
This case is not extraordinary, either in
i USE -:
ir you want Aui-lcnltural I.nnd, yielding from
SI5 to $20 PER ACRE Swkkun
Canada, oocm cicors, OOOU 1MCIUKHI
ltiillroudx. PcIiooIh. Churches: fuel In ulnnul
.lre. firh'itr Illutriitotl I'simphleta. Mil
mid low mllroiid i-utr, apply to 11H'T
l.Ti:itlOK, OTTAWA, CANAI1A, or to
J. 8. CUAWKOIII). Canadian (lov't Airent, 408
Board of Trudo UulldlnK, Kantas City. Mo.
Insanity Prevented bv
rdllllrnenr fr,rll Vr..iw. Dtlrn, h'lti.EllilniSU.
Simm anil St. Vitut' Dance. No Klu cr Nmou.utti
fii 'dm rLr', ue, Treatiie and $2 trial bottle lrf 8
10 nt pll,nli, thrr pavlnir riprma chrxoul until re.
celrnl. 8ml tn lilt. KI.IKK, I.H.. Ilcllrruo ImtituM f
UrJIclae, 033 Arch Hunt, l'llU.AUKM'llU, 1'A.
k JTltM nJi JmitBL"-'J m fiT B mm A Wtrri 7
Ilcst CoukIi Syrup. Tastes Uood.
in llnio. riola ny ariwKlnts.
MlflHlnnnry Trnlntnir School.
The Chicago Medical Missionary Training
School, 1020 Wabash avenue, has been es
tablished for the purposo of preparing
Christian young men and women to labor
In city missionary and rescue work. Conse
crated young people of both sexes are re
ceived as students without regard to creed,
provided they arc prepared to devote their
lives to Gospel philanthropic twork. The
instructors are physicians, trained medical
nurses and philanthropic workers who give
their services free; and students are fur
nished with room and tuition frco of charge
and boarded on the European plan at a coBt
of from $1 to $1.25 per week for meals. The
superintendent of the school, who may be
addressed at 1020 Wabash avc., Chicago, will'
give all tho information needed regarding
this purely non-sectarian, benevolent ett
tablisumcnt, its aims and work.
Sufficiently Stuffed Already.
"Did you say," inquired the cannibal
chieftain, "that tho captive had just been
graduated from college:"
"He so stated, I believe," replied tho head
chef, deferentially.
"If that is the caso," continued the duskr
potentate, "I think you may dispense with
the stuffing." N. Y. Press.
To Cure n Cold In Ono Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
Everyone's favorite adjective, which lie
secretly enjoys when applied to himself, i
"prominent." Atchison Globe.
All kinds, little or big. , St. Jacobs Oik
Surely cures aches and pains.
Intuition What some pcoplo claim to
havo when they succeed in making a good,
guess. Chicago News.
While asleep, cured soreness, stiffness?'
All right, St. Jacobs Oil did it.
If you must tell your troubles, tell thent
to a reporter. Atchison Globe.'
the severity of the disease or the prompt"
and perfect cure performed by Dr. Ayer'a
l'ills. Similar results occur in every case
where Dr. Aycr's l'ills arc used. "'
helped mc right away" is the common
expression of those who have used them.
Here is another testimony to the truth of
this statement:,
"I formerly suffered from indigestion
and weakness of the stomach, but since T.
began the use of Dr. J. C. Aycr's Pills.
I have the appetite of the farmer's boy. V.
am 46 years of age, and recommend aV,
who wish to be free from dyspepsia io
take one of Dr. Aycr's Pills niter dlutier.
till their digestive organs are iu good
order." Wm. Bteinjce, Grant, Neb.
Dr. Ayer'a rills offer the surest nn
swiftest relief from constipation and all.
its attendant ills. They cure dizziness,.
Hansen, heartburn, palpitation, bad breath,,
coated tongue, nervousness, sleeplessness,,
biliousness, and a score of other affections'
that arc, after all, only the signs of a mare
deep rooted disease. You can find more
information about Dr. Aycr's Pills, nnd the
diseases they have cured, in Aycr's Cure
book, a story of cures told by the cured.
This book of 100 pages is sent free, oi
request, by the J. C. Ay cr Co., I,owell, Mass.
Neuttle, Klondike, Alnakii, Waarilnirtont
Ntule. Heuttle, 05,000 oiilutlon lUllroml, ,
Commercial, Mlnlnir nnd Auriculturul Centret IIEMT
OUTKlTHi I.OWKHT IMUCKa LonRest llxperloncoi
LurKeat Cltyi Bafebt Houtes. Address UEC'UKTAKY.
Weeks Scale Works.
nnd Whlnltvy llnlilt cured
a H uE HII at homo wlimiut imln. Hook or
HPT IIIWI imrtloulnrn rout F1C i:i:. II M.
VUOI,l,K V.M.D., Atliintu, (in.
EXnnOMf Tho best Hurt Ropo Roof
DBIiflr llwnl Krorlc.iirii.ri.,c,piianilB,ll
laWWl I11M UfluJf.l. Sulj.lllulf. (or I'liMtr.
Bamplfi frtr. TIIK KAY H1AMLL.A IIOOFIMJ 10., CmJrn.N.J.
A. N. K.-l)
tlcao atiUo (hut you auw tho Auvci'tlao
niciit In thU iiiicr. '
- Jl svv
jjamjs nKr juyw
ir - 4JW
II A 01 7-