THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER I --. W. W. SANOKItH, ICublUhar, i . i ,., NEMAHA. NEBRASKA, r 3 JANUARY J 88. 4 ' , j Sun. Mon. Tub. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. - ' i i m. i .. .. j. i 3JLi!liLJlJlJiJ; :'iliiii.iLi!.iii : 23 24 25 26 27 28 29" , OU o .... .. .... ... i THE WORLD AT LARGE. Summary of tho Dally Nowa. "IVAHHINOTON' NOTKS. Samukl Gompkuh, president of the American Federation of Labor, has re plied at Washington in an open letter to Secretary Ougc's recent lutter tak ing1 exceptions to resolutions passed by the federation with reference to the Gage flnuncial bill. Mr. Gompcrs ficorcs tho secretary's currency scheme nnd says It would mean flnaneiul rule by the banks. Tiik president has signed tho bill passed by congress "prohibiting tho killing of fur seals in the waters of the North Pacific ocean." Tub crop bulletins of the department of agriculture next spring will be cen tered more largely upon tho collection and discrimination of exact facts re garding crop areas than in guesses on conditions, thereby reversing tho pruc itico whleh has prevailed for many years. Tho reports will have a less disturbing influence upon tho specula tive markets and will bo of moro real value to tho trado and to producers. J A Disi'ATCir received at tho interior department on tho 30th announced that tho government of tho Seminole nation of Indians had ratified the agreement recently entered into be tween tho Dawes Indian commission nnd n similar body representing the Seminolcs. Tho agreement must now bo ratified by congress to becomo ef fective. Tiik commissioner of pensions has been giving some attention to a prop osition whereby tho Rcrvlccs of pension attorneys engaged in tho prosecution of claims bofore tho ofllco may bo dis pensed with nnd their work done by government ofilcluls. Ho thinks it would bo a great saving to both pen sioners nnd government SKcnnTAiir Lono has submitted to tho house naval committee a draft of n bill to secure tho attendance and testi mony of civilian witnesses before na val courts-martial without giving tho naval courts undue authority. Tins next development In tho rela tions of tho United States government with Spain will be Instructions to Min ister Woodford to insist on tho pay ment of tho Ruiz claim. Tho case has been put in readiness In tho stato de partment and tho noto relating to It will go in within a few days. Tho eum of 75,0(KMvas first asked by tho widow of tho man who was murdered In a Cuban jitfl, but this was scaled down to 40,000 by tho government Conghessman McCui.i.och, of Arkan sas, advocates legislation by congress to establish In St Louis a depository of nil tho surplus gold and silver In tho United States treasury. Ho thinks It possible, although Improbable, that -lew York and Washington might bo captured by a combination of European powers, but that all tho land forces of tho United States could bo moblllzod at St Louis boforo an Invading force could reach there and tho wealth of tho gQvern.ment would thus not be In so uttich danger. Assistant SkoiustAhv Davis, in tho appealed pension case of Joseph K. Roonc, scout, decided that "tho claim ant, having been employed by various ofllcors of tho army to act In tho ca pacity of guide and scout merely, Is not Included within any of the classes of persons mentioned In tho pension laws as beneficiaries thereunder. Tho claim is, therefore, rejected." D. 1. Muiumiv, who was commissioner of pensions in tho latter part of Mr. Cleveland's administration, declares his belief that it would bo a useless expenditure of thousands of dollars to publish tho pension roll, as with 077, 000 names It would take 10 or 17 largo volumes. UENKKAI. NEWS. Tun Sleepor opora house at llrainerd, Minn., was burned on the 2d. A bknbation was caused in London on tho 2d by a rumor that tho Rritlsh admiral had fired on a Russian man-of-war in Chineso waters, but nothing was known of tho rumor at the Rritlsh forolgn ofllco or admiralty. A fiiik occurred in Jersey City, N. J., and Adolph Reich, his wife, two daugh ters and two uons lost their lives and Beveral others wore injured. A wkai.tjiv citizen at Rollovillo, 111., named John Doerrlng was found dead In bed. Ills head had been crushed in with some blunt Instrument by rob bers, who had ransacked tho houso for valuables and then escaped. . . Tiik Paris police recently arrested 83 persons belonging to an organized bund of murderers and robbers, tho eldest of whom was only 'il years old. Within three months tho bodies of 53 murdered persons were found In the river Seine and most of the murders were traceable to this band. Tiik jury In tho Foley case at Lib erty, Mo., found tho defendant guilty of murdering his mother and sister nnd tho judge sentenced him to bo hanged February 18. The usual motions for a new trial wero filed by Foley's attorney. ExicTKit and other towns in New Hampshire were shaken up by an earthquake at live o'clock on tho morn ing of tlie 2d. No particular damage was done. Tin: Warren Avenue Presbyterian church at Saginaw, Mich., was de stroyed by fire. Tin: Hamilton sash and door planing mill at Duffnlo, N. Y., was burned the other night with an Immense stock of made up lumber. Loss, 8120,000. Tho mill employed 150 men. A dispatch fro-.f Albany, N. Y., stated that a plant combination had been formed of the print paper manu facturers, which will be known ns tho International Paper company, with a capital stock of 50,000,000. The trust will talce formal possession of tho va rious mills in the combination on Jan uary M. Tiik battle of flowers and iloral pro cession at Pasndcna, Cal., on the 1st was a magnificent spectacle. Tiik residence of W. S. Carvor ear Kay Center, Ok., was burned to tho ground early tho other morning and his remains wero found in tho collar, partially burned, with a bullot In his Bkull. The supposition was that Carver was murdered. Mns. Julia Lrcwis committed suicide In a determined manner at Grcon Point, L. I., tho other day. First she stabbed herself with a knife, then cut her throat with a razor and ended by jumping out of a third-story window. Tiik number of business failures for 1807, according to Dun's Review of Trade, were smaller than in any other year since 1802, tho aggregate amount of liabilities being 5180,000,000, of which S25.800.000 was in banking. IlKNUy GniMM, aged JO, was run down by au olcctrlc car In Rrooklyn and his heart literally cut out of his body and found later on the tracks. Mas. Saiiaii McGowan was shot and killed at her homo in Rankin, Pa., and her husband, one of tho wealthiest residents of tho place, has been charged with tho crlmo and arrested. Tiik New York Journal said that it was probablo that Secretary Sherman would retire soon and that Ambassa dor Hay would succeed him as secre tary of state, as President McKlnley had been corresponding with Mr. Hay on tho matter. Dit. Dklfin in tho Diarlo do la Ma rina at Havana stated that over 500, 000 persons, mostly women and chil dren, had died of famlno In tho fields of Cuba, Resides tho pangs of famine, tho rcconcentradocs wero suffering from small-pox, dysentery, malaria, otc, which threatened extermination. A fiiik at Lebanon, Ark., tho other night destroyed 18 of tho principal business houses in tho town. Two hundred boys employed nt Hall Iiros.' fruit jar foctory at Munclc, Ind., struck for higher wages nnd tho result was a shut down of No. 1 factory. The strikers demanded an increase of 50 cents, making u total of 4 per week. An old woman named Mrs. Anna Fowlery was burned to death at Ror dontown, N. J., tho houso nnd adjoin ing property valued at 25,000 bolng consumed. Tiik business portion of Muchaka nock, la., a mining town near Osku loosa, was practically destroyed by fire on the 80th. Tho lire started in a res taurant and tho flames burned them selves out, there being no water to fight them. Jamks McCoy, of Mud Run, W. Va., forbade his sister-in-law, Miss Sham blin, to go to school, but she took her books and started. Ho followed and struck her a blow with his fist, killing lior Instantly. Gun. Gomkz, tho Cuban Insurgent general, was recently interviewed and said that for Spain to offer autonomy to tho insurgents was an insult; that tho insurgents wero fighting for inde pendence and, although they would welcome tho Intervention of thoUuited States, they can, If lot alone, achieve their Independence unaided. Tiik business portion of Cantrll, la., was destroyed by fire. Tiik French havo seized Hal Nan Island. It has an area of 13,000 square miles and a population of 1,000,000 Chinese, oxclusivo of wild tribes In tho Interior. Tiik warship Mohican Is to recruit about 160 apprentice boys on tho Pa cific coast, and probably will start with tho in about tho middle of January on a erulso around tho world. In a rear-end collision on tho Wabash railroad the other evening five passen gers wore somewhat seriously Injured. Tho "cannon ball" express, bound for Chicago, ran into tho last coach of a suburban train from Chicago, which was switched at Palos Springs,10 miles from Chicago. Tito coach was ditched. Stato Senator Humphrey was among thoso badly Injured. Tiik Mattoon (111.) Tile company's largo factory burned tho other day, entailing a loss of thousands of dollars. A GiiKAT flro occurred recently at J tho copper mining camp of Jerome, ana-, wmuu.ium uio piace in nsucs. Conthacts for a 85,000,000 combina tion of at least a score of tho big cor poratlons which catch the fish of tho great lakes were made at Chicago re cently. Two distinct shocks of earthquake, lasting about 25 seconds each, were felt at Santa Rosa, Cal., on the morn ing of the 1st. Max AiiN-oi.n, editor of tho Mclfccs port (Pa.) liudgct, was publicly horse whipped by Mrs. Emanuel Woffe, wife of a hotel proprietor, for an alleged slanderous newspaper article. Tiik raco for tho 25-mile world's championship on tho ten-lap track at Mndison Square garden at New York between Jimmy Michael, the Welsh man, and Edward Taylore, the French man, was won by the former, leading by 13 laps in 51:54 2-5. Tun National Red Cross society will establish headquarters in New York to receive contributions for tho suffering Cubans. Miss Rarton will be in charge. She will probably go to Havana to ar range co-operation with Consul Gen eral Lee. Tiik receipts of live stock at tho Kan sas City stock yards for 1807 were as follows: Cattle, 1,817,520; calves, 104, 430; hogs, 3,350,700; sheep, 1,134,230; horses nnd mules, 37,000. II alp tho business portion of Abbott, Tex., was destroyed by a flro the other night Ten buildings, occupied by 10 miscellaneous mercantile establish ments, were burned with their con tents. Tiik two men, Alex Johnson and Jim Redd, sentenced to hang at Monticello, Ark., on tho 31st, were granted a stay of execution by tho state supreme court pending an appeal. A men strlko of gold has been matlo In tho Isabella mine at Colorado Springs, Col. The ore encountered will run from SI, 000 to 82,000 to tho ton, tho vein being nbout ten Inches wide. Tiikodork Durraxt, convicted at San Francisco of tho murder of Rluncho Lamont, but whose execution has been again and again delayed on account of the nppeals made by his lawyers, has again been returned to the death cell at San Quentln and tho hour of his execution fixed at 10:30 a. m. on Jan uary 7. Stiikkt car conductors in St. Louis complained recently that counterfeit dimes wero being circulated. A man gives a dime that is afterward found to bo a counterfeit nnd each time re ceives a good nickel in change, thus being ahead of the game. Fiftkk.v Indians, convicted of vari ous violations of tribal laws, were pub licly whipped at the recent term of court at Allkchl, I. T. Hai.lik and Walda Orem, children, were asphyxiated by gas from a coal stove in their home at Leipslc, O., dur ing the absence of their mother. Tiik three-year-old child of J. W. Hodges, of Stillwater, Ok., was burned to death. His clothing caught fire from coals in a buckot of ashes. EstiMtKSS, the East Indian python on exhibition at Roston, was found early tho other morning with a litter of young amounting to nearly 100. ADDITIONAL DISPATCHES. Skckktauy is sanguine that the bill providing for an increase in the standing nrmy of two additional regiments of artillery will pass con gress. Ho has information that an agreement has been reached between the leaders of the senate and the house on the measure. Anotiiki: great prairie fire was re ported in Cameron and Nueces coun ties, Tex. The large ranches of John G. Kenedy and J. 15. Armstrong wero burned over and many thousands of acres of fine grass destroyed. Agents of the Spanish government recently purchased over 5,000 head of horses in Texas for tho use of tho Spanish army In Cuba. A shipment of 1,000 head was made to Havana on the 2d from Alice, Tex. Nkws was received from tho Algorn Agricultural and Medical college for colored pcoplo'hear Rodney, Miss., that the president of the college, E. G. Trip le tt, was shot and fatally wounded while on his way to a prayer meeting bj' an unknown assassin. Tin: opponents of Mark Ilanna cap tured tho Ohio legislature on the 3d. The antl-Hanna speaker was elected by a vote of 50 to 52 and tho senate was democratic by one. Fihk broke out in a storage ware house at Farravillo, Vn., the other night and bofore It was subdued 30 buildings wore destroyed. Among tho buildings burned wero 13 tobacco fac tories and it wns estimated that 1,000, 000 pounds of the finest tobacco wero destroyed. Hundreds of men wero thrown out of work by tho disaster. Loss, 8150,000; insurance, about one third. Au. of tho S100 silver certificates now In circulation In tho United States, representing 820,000,000 In currency, havo been called in by Secretary of tho Treasury Gago on account of tho discovery of a most dangerous coun terfeit.' Forty roustabouts of tho steamer Rob Ralli, while en routo on a train for Pittsburgh, Pa., got Into a fight near Slstervlllo, W. Va., and two wero killed and another was probably fatal ly wounded. Razors and knives wore used. Whim: a political meeting wns being held at the city hall at London, Out, tho floor glvo way and many persons were precipitated tp tho floor below. Following tho crash there was. a wild rush to tho doors. Thirty persons wero killed and many others wero seri ously injured. SCIENCE AS A CURE-ALL. Vrot. flutos llollovo That the Surgeon' Knife Will I'ut mi Knl to All Crime. Washington, Jan. 3. Prof. Gates, of tho Smithsonian Institute, after years of scientific Investigation, de clares that science will put an end to all crime. This is the calm judgment of the deeply learned man who has de voted his life to research. Prof. Gates announces, not as a possibility, but as a fact, that the murder in a man's brain can bo removed by the surgeon's knife. If tho diseased part cun bo definitely placed It can bo either cut out altogether or treated so as to be come healthy, when the victim be comes a normal man. WILLIAM FOLEY CONVICTED. Double Murrioror Sentenced by Judgo JJroiidcitu to Ho HfuiRfxl ltelirtinry It). Lirkrty, Mo., Jan. 3. William S. Foley, charged with killing his mother nnd sister nt their homo near this city November 17, 1800, was convicted ol murder In the first degree and sen tenced to bo hanged February 18. Tho evidence was circumstantial, but very strong. The verdict meets tho ap proval of the peoplo of Clay county. Judge E. J. Ilronddus also expressed his approval, and after the verdict had been read made a few remarks to the youthful convict, in which ho declared Ids belief that Foley had assistance in the crime. Judge llroaddus referred to Foley as an "Inhuman monster." A MINISTER JILTED. Young Wonmii of Hoclus Center, N. Y., KIopc With Telegraph Operator. Rochkstkr, N. Y7, Jnn. 1. SodiiE Center has a sensation. Miss Susan M. Peeler, a beautiful and accomplished leader of society in that village, was to wed Rev. George Gunnell, of Pitts burgh, Pa,, on Monday next, in St Luke's church here. All arrange ments for the marriage had been com. pletcd, including an elaborate break fast at the home of the girl's father. Miss Peeler had an admirer in II. O. Lyon, of Elmira, a telegraph operator. She left for Rochester to meet, as she said, her prospective husband, but in fact to elope with Mr. Lyon. They went to Capandngue and were mar ried. Rev. Gunnell Is nearly distracted. IN A NEW FIELD. rnckcrft Driven Out or the Ilutterlno Hul-itc-n IIiiikIIo Itutter nnd Kggg. Chicago, Jan. 1. Chicago packers who manufactured butterine as a side line are now in the butter and egg business on a big scale. This Is be cause the law prohibiting the coloring of butterine struck a fatal blow to that business and cnuscd stock yards men to shut down their plants. Rutter merchants think the stock yards men hnve started out on a campaign of re taliation for the enactment of the law, which is generally credited to the country legislator and tho butter mer chant INHUMAN PARENTS. They Swear Away Their Hoys' Liberty nnd Hiive Them l'liicod In a Keforiniitory. Phunytown, W. Va., Jan. 1. Offi cers of tho Prunytown reform school have made a startling discovery that fully explains the present crowded con dition of the boys' reformatory. They have found that it has been tho custom of unscrupulous parents to swear away tho liberties of their boys because they were too Inhuman to provide for the little fellows. Tho result Is, tho man agement of the reform school has in augurated a set of regulations that will prevent continued abuso of the provisions of the state. TRIPLE FUNCTION SPOILED. The Groom-Klrot Fell Dend While Kchcurd Ing HI Approuchlng Marrlitcc. AsiiuitY Park, N. J., Jan. 3. Yester day was Mrs. John P. Irons' 50th birth day anniversary and tho 25th anniver sary of her marriage and it was also to have been the wedding day of her daughter Lillian. Rut as the cer emony was being rehearsed at Rcl mar the groom-elect, George A. Geiger, of Shenkel, Pa., fell dead from heart disease. Many persons had already arrived to attend tho triple celebra tion. SelBinlo Shocks In tho KnHt. Exktkr, N. II., Jan. 8. Vibrations of tho earth, following a long noise as if of a great explosion a long way off, awoke the Inhabitants of this town at five o'clock yesterday morning. Tho noise was two or three seconds long and the tremblings of the ground much longer. Houses wero shaken, windows rattled and much commotion indoors was caused, suillcieut In most cases to awaken tho soundest sleepers. Simi lar reports come from other towns above here. MnJ. AU Ilriint Dead. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 3. Muj. Alf Brant, superintendent of Kansas City's workhouse and a well-known citizen, died suddenly yesterday of asthma, aged 04 years. Ho was a brilliant sol dier during tho war, serving first under Gen. Powell Clayton In the Fifth Kansas and later in Hancock's veteran reservo corps. Ills brother, Rev. J. E. Brant, Is a prominent Kansas Meth odist minister. ItccittiHO He Kinged Another. Gutiiiui:, Ok., Jan. 8. Mrs. Christine Pontls, a handsome young widow liv ing east of dishing, took a doso of poison because her afliauccd lover hai? kissed another girl. HELD AN ACCIDENT POLICY. A Cycll-t'd Dl-Riiat nt Not Ileitis Hnrl In n Common. This is the story of a somewhat unusuali accident. It happened on the Conduit road; one evening early in the fall, nnd the mam who told mo nbout it was an eyewitness. It is singularly appropriate, by the way, that he should be nn eyewitness, for he is nn oculist by profession. A man on a bi cycle was scorching cheerily along on the way to town, when suddenly there loomed up. out of the darkness in front of him a heavy wagon and a team headed straight for him. There was no time to turn out. Thewhcell crashed into the wngon pole, and the rider was thrown completely over the horses, fall ing between them and the wngon. The ocu list ran to the rescue, expecting to sec a. limp mass of bleeding and unconscious hu manity. Instead, he saw a kicking and', swearing person who was apparently unin jured. The bicycle was a Chinese puzzle of twistcd wire. "Arc you hurt?" asked the oculist. The swearing person nicked himself up nnd stopped swearing. lie gazed at what: had once been a fnir young bicycle. "Hurt!" ho said in n tone of deepest dis gust. "Hurt? Me? Of course I ain't hurt. I vc got an accident policy." Washington Post. Dcdtrnctlvc Storms Along: the Conat.. Reports of maritime disasters along the coast come in thick and fast. People who "go down to the sea in ships" should bear In mind one thing in particular, namely,, that it is highly desirable to take along a. supply of Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters as a, remedy for Bca sickness. Nausea, dyspepsia,, biliousness, constipation, malaria, nervous ness nnd kidney trouble, all succumb to its. beneficent and speedy action. It Is to He Hoped So. Ilogan Oi wonder who will be th' lasfc man on airth? Grogan Oi dunno anny more than you. But it is hoped that he'll bo nn oondortakcr, so he will know how to bury himself daccnt ly. Indianapolis Journal. There In n Clnnn of People. Who are injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has been placed in nil the grocery stores a new preparation called' GRAIN-O, made of pure grains, thnt takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stom ach receives it without distress, nnd but few can tell it from coffee. It docs not cost over $ ns much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cts. nnd 25 cts. per pack age. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. How to Work: It. Cholly What do you do when your father won t let you have any more new clothes? Chnnpie I get a new tailor. N. Y. Van Noodle "D'yer know, Miss Tungbit. that old duffer, Chapwith, called me a mufF. the other night." Miss Tungbit "Indeed f" Why, I think you moro closely resemble a boa." Harlem Life. m Blacker the spot, surer the cure. Use St Jacobs Oil for bruises. It is always hard on a man when love or the measles attacks him late in life. Chi cago News. No man ever had ns mnny suspenders as he wanted. Wnsiiington Democrat. Sudden weather changes bring rheuma tism. St. Jacobs Oil makes prompt cure. Unbidden guests give pleasure when, they go. Ram's Horn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely cures scrofula, Salt rheum, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh and all diseases Originating in or promoted By impure blood. It is The great nerve tonic, Stomach regulator and! Strength builder.. A perfect type of the highest order of excellence. TRADEMARK. lHiBaMsi ; Breakfast ABSOLUTELY PURE. DelicimiRa-Nutrltious. X- COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUP. $ He sure you get the genuine article made at Dorchester, Maes., by J WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1T80. X . niTrilTQSrndrorlatciitora'Uuldr, free. -UailtTATEl' rM I Lll I 0 C0. 1'iltat boileHw, mUMti',9ic-Ysr, m Hfl mS X I ?1 1 Buv3 I 974j ujII 6 H r