The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 31, 1897, Image 2

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W. W. 8ANDICU8, rublUlmr.
Summary of tho Daily Nowo.
An ngrecmcnt hns been reached be
tween tho lenders of tho senate nnd
house ut Washington which practical
ly secures tho passage of tho Jltiwloy
bill to increase tho army by two regi
ments of artillery.
Immumatki.y after tho holidays dole
Rations in congress f rom several states
will get together for tho purposoof or
ganizing, if possible, for tho passage
of an omnibus public building bill.
Thoro is an urgent demand for public
buildings in many cities and towns and
bills for their construction aro now
pending to the amount of no less than
A it.nhio.v hns bjon granted to tho
widow of Knud Knudsen, ti soldier
who was killed in tho lato war, by tho
Washington authorities, tho back pay
of which aggregates over S 1,000. Tho
woman has never left Norway.
PiiKS iih:kt McKinm:y has decided to
appoint Owen L. W. Smith, of North
Carolina, as UnlU'd States minister to
Liboria, Africa. Mr. Smith la a negro
lawyer and Methodist preacher.
By direction of the president Secre
tary of Stato Sherman has issued an
appeal to tho people of tho United
States for aid to relievo tho suffering
people of Cuba. All money, provi
sions, clothing, medicines and like arti
cles of prima necessity can bo for
warded to Gon. Fltzhugh Leo, our con
sul general at Havana, and they will
bo admitted duty free. Qon. Lee will
co-opcrato with local authorities for
tho proper distribution of such relief.
Tins gold reserve in tho treasury at
Washington was S100,207,40!i on the
25th. This was tho highest point
reached slnco September, 1800.
An agent of tho Interior department
inis been Investigating tho reported in
vasion of tho Wichita country In tho
Indian territory and says thoro aro no
reoplo camped or gathering along the
lino at certain points and tho whole
scheme is to got dupes to pay 8'3.fi0 for
a certificate of membership in a myth
ical colonization company.
TitR last of a series of bull fights by
Mazznltlni was given tit tho City of
Mexico on the 20th and was attended
by 7,000 people. Tomas Mnzzaltinl
narrowly escaped with his life, being
tossed by an infuriated bull und gored
in tho hand. Ton horses wore killed
and six bulls, tho usual number.
Asiikstos has been discovered near
Rockford, S. D., in tho Black hills. It
is said to bo of excellent quality and
easily mined.
Wuii.r. a man nnd a woman wcro
skating at Illfton, N. Y., the leo broko
and both wore drowned.
Two brothers named Rudolph and
Edward Boorieko wcro rowing on
Kouka lake, near Hammondsport, N.
Y., when their boat was upsotby their
dog. Tho men wore reseuod alive, but
Rudolph died almost Instantly after
being landed.
Tin: Hastings (Neb.) electric light
plant was destroyed by fire on tho 24th.
Tho loss was about SOO.OOO.
Tin: Now York Medical Record on
tho 25th gives a full uceount of n re
markable operation whereby a wom
an's stomach wns cut out nnd tho
patient has recovered and can cut nnd
jlrhilc aid feels In better health than
"before the operation.
Susir. Gki:nlkak, nged ton, went to
tho schoolroom ut Rockland, Xox., to
got her books. Tho door being locked,
she crawled in at tho window and, In
getting out, the Mish foil on her neck
nnd choked her to death.
Miss Ida Buookb was killed and Wil
liam Pearcy fatally injured by being
btruck by a fast express train at Grif
fin's station, O. They wore ro turning
In a buggy from a Christinas entertain
ment Tin: wlfo of Jacob Peyor, living near
Park River, N. I)., poisoned her four
llttlo ehlldren with strychnine and
then took poison horself. All are dead.
A quarrel with her husband was the
Skviuiai. persons from Colfax, Wnsh.,
deolnred that notwithstanding all de
nials a lynching occurred at that
place n few days ago. It was as
serted that Chadwiek Marshall and
John McDonald, tho alleged murderers
of Orvlllo Haydeu, ti prominent citizen
of Farmlhgton, wcro taken from tho
county jail by u mob and hanged to
trees near tho town.
A mtti.k daughter of Augusto Gocko
was bitton in tho face two months ago
by a rabid dog at Hallottsvllle, Tex.,
but it was supposed her wounds wcro
healed. A fow days ngo sho wns taken
violently ill and nftor Buffering nwful
agony died with rubies.
Besidkb tho combine formed in tho
enst for tho soiling of nnthraoito coal,
there is to bo created a bjmllar central
Boiling agency to eover ouch of tho
great bituminous coal districts of
Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia,
Indiana and Illinois.
Tub post ofiloo at Chandler, Ok., was
looted by two masked robbors early on
tho 22d, tho postmaster being covered
with Winchesters nnd , made to open
his safe. Everything of value was
At a danco nt Cortland, Nob., O. W.
Vandorpool iusulted Miss Sherman.
Her brothor Edward interfered and
was fatally stabbed by Vandorpool
and two others were also severely
Tub non-partisan W. C. T. U. will
hold its annual convention In Colum
bus, O., January 7-11.
NiJAit Pulaski, Va., a freight train
and a passenger train collided and a
postal clerk was killed nnd two other
men were badly injured.
A i'A88i:NonH train was wrecked re
cently near llartshorne, I. T., by a
broken rail. The track was badly torn
up for 15 rail lengths and three coaches
were partly demolished. About "00
excursionists were on board, but not a
single person wns injured.
Two plumbers nt Littlo Rock., Ark.,
mimed William Burns nnd Thomns
Ray, in love with tho same girl, con
cluded to settle tho matter with knives
nnd fought so desperntely that both
foil in tho throes of death within five
minutes after they clinched.
Rnv. Dn. Jackhon sailed
from Nev York on tho 25th for Nor
way and Lapland with power from the
United Staton government to purchase
500 reindeer, harness and other equip
ments for uso in transporting supplies
to tho Yukon minors and to hire 50'
Laplanders to drive tho outfits.
A corr.voi: in London in which Mrs.
Jarvis lived caught lire and sho and her
nine children wcro burned to death.
A few hours afterwards Mr. Jarvis died
of consumption in a hospital without
hearing of the disaster.
Wmr.K returning from a Christmas
entertainment at Terhunc, Ind., n
freight train on the Monon road struck
n carriage containing Mr. and Mrs.
Moore and Miss Brattaln. Mr. Moore
was only slitrhtlv injured, but Mrs.
Moore was fatally hurt and Miss Brat
taln killed. Mr. and Mrs. Moore had
only rocentVy been married and this
was tho first tlino they had been awny
from homo together.
M. M., living near Althus,
Ok., fell under tho wheels of a load of
cotton he was hauling and was fatally
Tub towbont Hotspur went over a
dam on tho Monongahela river, near
Pittsburgh, Pa., and was completely
wrecked. Tho crew was rescued with
Finn broko out in tho basement at
lot Madison street, Chicago, occupied
as a restaurant. A big crowd was on
the sidewalk watching the blazo when
an explosion of gas took place and
windows, gratings, sidewalk and man
hole covers wero hurled amongst tho
crowd and 2!5 people wero more or less
iniured and a wild panic ensued. The
loss was estimated at 125,000.
Foun hunters were found frozen to
death by tho roadside near Dawes
Creek, Newton county, Ark. It wns
boltovcd they wero W. II. Hughes. A.
II. Dolphin, John W. Bright nnd Snm
uel Sevier, from Chicago.
A boat containing nlno stevedores,
whilo proceeding to a steamer in the
Thames near London, was capsized
und nil tho men were drowned.
Tub Chestnut Street national bank
and tho Chestnut Street Trust & Sav
ings Fund company at Philadelphia
suspended on tho 23d. The btate treas
urer had 8225,000 on deposit In tho bank.
Gbn. Pando has written to Capt.
Gen. Blanco that all of tho commis
sioners bent to tho Cuban insurgents'
camps proposing pence with uutonomy
have failed and therefore no other
courso is open than to finish tho war
with war.
Mns. Bahnky Pickbut, an nged
widow, was found dead in a hay loft
at Lima, O., a fow days ago. The
premises were searched by tho admin
istrator and over 810,000 in bank notes
and silver was found and 55,000 in per
sonal notes. Tho sum of 82,000 was
found sewed in an old bonnet. She
had lived in poverty, and tho find was
a great surprise
CiiAiu.r.s, A. PlM.sfiuftv, of iH. Paul,
Minn., who is reported to have made
52,000,000 in wheat this year, has
resigned the management of tho Eng
lish syndicate mills.
Tub nosslbllltv that Loiter and
Armour will pool their Interests to
corner May wheat was stirring traders
on tho Chicago 'change on tho 23d.
Tho Post said that George French,
operating for tho Loiter crowd, had
piled up at least 4,000,000 bushels of
May wheat and it was well known
that Armour had a pyramid of May
wheat bought which was supposed to
come close to tho Leitor holding. Al-
roady that option is regardod as being
dangerous for tho public to handle.
Mits. tlBNNii: Ei.kino awoke the other
morning at Decatur, 111., to find her
two-months-old baby girl dead at her
side. Tho child had binothered to
death under tho coverlets.
Tin: whiteeap organization among
tho renters who opposo the renting of
farms for money rent aro carrying out
their threats by sowing a number of
largo farms around San Antonio, Tex.,
in Johnson grass. Several largo barns
aro alleged to have been burned by
them. James Rcnbow, a farmer living
on Littlo river, was taken out of his
homo by a band of masked men nnd
given a severe beating. Ho had rented
liis farm for monoy after being warned.
Anthony Dkvin bhot his wlfo at
Philadelphia and then committed sui
cide. Two brick bix-story blocks on Frank
lin streot, In Cleveland, O., wore de
stroyed by fire on tho 2!5d. It started
by tho explosion of a can of benzine in
tho lithograph establishment of Johns
& Co. Tho loss was estimated at 8500,-000.
Ovbh 100 representatives of tho
United States secret service nrc ccn
tering on a gang of counterfeiters,
now In Colorado, who aro believed to
make their headquarters In Kansas
City, Mo. They aro passing two dan
gerous counterfeits of tho denomina
tion of 85 nnd 810. Tho gang has llood
ed Colorado with tho bogus bills.
Whim: a Christmas saluto was being
fired from an old cannon at Ashevillo,
N. C, Joseph Finch carelessly brought
n can containing !J0 pounds of gunpow
der Into contact with tho heated gun.
The explosion which followed sovoroly
Injured Finch and knocked down be
tween 30 and 40 of the spectators, all
of whom wcro more or less hurt.
A SI'KCIAI. on tho 20 th announced tho
engagement of Miss Margaret Ogdcn,
of Now York, and Frank McNutt, of
Richmond, Ind. Miss Ogdcn is said to
be wortli 820,000,000.
John M. Camioi.t,, an expert machin
ist, of Cincinnati, thinks that lie has
hit upon a plan for the successful navi
gation of the air. He is building an
airship. Ho has a working model at
ills home which will fly, around tho
room like a bird and ho ishardatwork
on tho ship itself, which ho hopes to
launch soon. Tho maehino Is modeled
after a goose. It Is to be guided by
the wings, which aro to bo operated by
A nitir.i. engine and a train of fiat
cars collided on tho New Jersey Cen
tral railroad ntCommunipaw by which
a brakeman was killed, a fireman
fatally injured and an engineer so
badly scalded that his flesh came oil' in
The commercial failures In tho
United States for the week ended tho
2lth wero 280, according to Brad
street's report.
iNmANAPOMB veterans aro signing a
petition to congress to pay all pension
ers 20 years' pension money in a lump
sum ut once nnd nbolish tho pension
department and have the government
get out of the pension business perma
nently. Foun small children named Maltbskl
were suffocated by smoke while alono
In nn nUifrnnm nnnnnlnil h flu. fnmllw .
nt. V il.uli.lnli n 'Plio lintmn onntrht.
... .. ........ . ...,.. . j ... .. j ,
fire from an overheated stove
Mil. Wesley McBiudk, of Stanton,
Del., and his wlfo wero killed and
their daughter, Carrie, aged six, in
jured so that sho will die, at the rail
way crossing at that place.
A Chicago telegram said that Des
Moines, la., would become a member
of the Western Baseball league.
Tub Ferry street car house at Ever
ett, Mass., was destroyed by fire on tho
21th, together with 00 electric cars.
The loss on the building was estimated
nt SUO.OOO nnd on the enrs at S120.000.
Fivb terrific explosions occurred tho
other morning in tho works of tho
United States Acctyleno compnny nt
Jersey City, N. J., nnd two men lost
their lives and three other employes
were injured. Windows were broken
for a distance of a milo from the gas
works, which burned to the ground
and set firo to a paper mill and tho
railroad bridge. Damage done, about
It was announced at Washington
that tho report of tho monetary com
mission will bo published in a short
time and it will present a comprehen
sive plan for dealing with the legal
tender notes, the banking system and
existing silver coins. A bill carrying
out the recommendations of the com
mission will also bo prepared and bo
ready for publication in a few days
after the report,
Ex-Qur.i:N Limuokai.ani will advo
cate tho annexation of tho Hawaiian
islands by tho United States, provided
a pension is settled upon her just as
hor niece is provided for.
Tin: nomination of S. N. D. North, of
Massachusetts, for census superintend
ent will be. mado os soon, as legislation
providing for tho census has passed
Rbpiikskntatives of tho Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers, Loco
motive Firemen nnd other inilway
orders aro In Washington working
diligently to defeat tho nomination of
Judge Paxson for interstate commerce
John Nukkii sho.t and killed Joseph
Enzler, a laborer, at St. Louis tho
other evening. Tho murderer was
crazed from tho effects of drink.
John Aonp.w and Thomns Kennedy
woro in u ear in the Aldon shaft at
Wllkesbarre, Pa., on the 27th, when
tho rope broke and It fell 450 feet and
tho men wero dashed to pieces.
Tun business houses in the center of
St. Louis wero shaken to their founda
tions on the 27th by a terrific explosion
of a charge of dynamite used in trying
to raise tho sunken tug boat Dolphin,
which went down In the Mississippi
during the tornado. Tho attempt
proved futile.
Tin: sonato and house sub-committees
on Indian affairs on the 27th con
sidered tho Curtis bill in joint session
and will urge that 'the bill be passed
this session.
A iMUSONBli named Harry English at
tempted to burn his way out of tho '
Ysleta (Tex.) jail and was cremated.
Job Wai.coi-t and Tom 1'racey met
at Chicago on the 27th for a six-round
bout. Tho decision of tho referee was
a draw.
A hand of raiders from Koodestan
massacred all the inhabitants of a
Christian town about S00 souls near
Salinas, Persia.
A ;:on at Glondorn, Miss., captured
Joe Hopkins, who murdered two men,
and they hanged him by tho heels and
burned him to death in that posture.
Mlmotirl Hiiiiroino Court Snjrn IrrcRulnHtli,
In u I'reelnet Aro Not l'atnl.
Ji:rFi:iisoN City, Mo., Dec. 24. The
supremo court rendered an opinion In au
election contest in which ho holds that
the failure of the judges to be sworn
by a proper oflicers, the fact that the
judges are not evenly divided politi
cally, or tho fact that only four judges
conducted tho election in a certain pre
cinct, docs not make the election void
as to that precinct, If no one's Interest
was prejudiced by such failure.
Mny Wheat Helnp; Cornered.
Ciiicaoo, Dec. 24. The possibility
that Leiter and Armour will pool their
interests to corner May wheat is stir
ring traders on 'change. The Post
says: George French, operating for
tho Leiter crowd, lias piled up a lino
of at least 4,000,000 bushels of May
wheat, according to reports from tho
floor. Armour's radical change of
front in bulling May wheat Is common
knowledge. It Is equally well known
that Armour hns a pyramid of May
wheat bought which Is supposed to
come close to the Leiter holding.
Mr l'lilliidelplilii IliinlcH Suspend.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24. Tho Chest
nut Street national bank and Chestnut
Street Trust & Savings Fund company,
of both of which William M. Slngcrly,
proprietor of the Record and demo
cratic leader is president, wero not
opened for business this morning. The
bank had nt nil times held a good rep
utation, but it had boon known for some
time that its business, and necessarily
its profits, had fallen oil' considerably.
The suspension, however, was a great
surprise, especially in view of the high
standing of its oflicers.
Iliibblts Spreading Diplitherlu.
Sioux City, la., Dec 24. Rabbits aro
spreading diphtheria, tho doctors sny,
throughout tho central part of this
state. Some time ago it was noticed
that hundreds of the bunnies were dy
ing of a disease wrich tho doctors pro
nounced almost identical with diphthe
ria in the human family. Soon after
tllO epidemic Commenced amOngtllC
- -
rauoilS Uipnilicrui UCIHin lO UO no
ticed among tho families in the local
ity. Tho conclusion was reached that
the germs were conveyed by tho ani
mals. Costly Gift to Pioneer Knllroud 1'rcMdcnt,
Nbw Yoiuc, Dec. 21. President Sam
uel Sloan, of the Delaware, Lackawan
na & Western railroad will receive a
pleasant surprise Christmas. Tho em
ployes of the road will present him
with a 810,000 gold table service as a
token of their esteem. Mr. Sloan will
be 80 years old on Christmas day. Ho
is the oldest railroad president in the
country and has served for 30 years as
the executive head of tho Lackawanna
Another Compnny Quits Knnsiin.
Topbka, Kan., Dec. 21. On account
of the attacks of State Insurance Su
perintendent McNall, the Mutual Life
Insurance company, of New York,
which has been doing business in Kan
sas'continuously since 18(59, will with
draw from the state. On January 1,
all of its Kansas agents, 28 In number,
will quit writing business. After that
date it will simply keep one man in
the state to receive premiums on poli
cies already issued.
Kx-CuHlilor lturr I'nrdoned.
St. Louis, Dec. 24. President Me
Klnley has sent a handsome Christmas
gift in the way of a full pardon to
William E. Burr, Jr., tho ox-cashier of
the St. Louis national bank, now un
dergoing a sentence of five years at
Jefferson City for embezzlement. The
pardon was issued upon tho recom
mendation of Attorney General Mc
Kenna, and was recommended by a
number of congressmen and senators,
from Missouri.
NlcuriiRUii Cimitl Convention.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 24. Letters
are coming in from the governors of
states who have been invited to send
delegates to tho Nicaragua canal con
vention to be held in Kansas City Jan
uary 17. All aro in sympathy with
the project and express a willingness
to comply with the request made. The
chief executives of Kansas, Missouri,
Texas and Oklahoma have promised
to bo hero in person.
A IVoiiiun'rt Son n t Attire.
Dovbii, N. J., Dec. 24. Mrs. Thomas
O. Bullock was arraigned before Jus
tice C. B. Gage here charged with as
sault and battery. She was arrested
in bed and was brought here from her
residence, four miles away, attired
only in her night dress and without
shoes. Sho was thus arraigned in
court. When sho was arrested tho of
ficers gave her time to dress, but sho
refused to do so.
KofUHt'H to Ho Ceimureil.
Louis vii.i.i:, Ky., Dec. 24. Rev. M.
II. Houston, who was tried and con
victed of heresy, appeared before tho
Louisville presbytery and declined to
receive tho censure nnd admonition
that had been prepared for him and
that before ho would give up his belief
ho would give up his calling. Final
action was postponed until tho spring
meeting of the presbytery.
Cletoliwul, (., Huh h Itlir I'lro.
Ci.Kvnr.AND, O., Dec. 21. Firo broko
out in the business center of tho city
at five o'clock yesterday afternoon
and, fanned by a high northwest wind,
destroyed property worth more than
PSOO.OOO. Tho Power block, on Frank
fort street, was consumed above tho
second story, and tho rear of the brick
Wilshlro block, six stories high, on
Superior street, was burned.
" -" .
77 77 TT 77 77 7." "T 777777711
2 8 4 5 G 7 8 8 4 b G 7 8 9
9 10 11 12 13 14 1G 10 11 12 13 U lfi 1G l
1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 i
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30 31 31 .. . . .. ....
rjailltUAllY AUGUST (
.... 128 4 6.. 128 4 66
G 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 '
18 14 16 10 17 18 19 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 ,
20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27
27 28 28 29 30 31
atAitoH Bi:rTi:aniEit
-.-12846 123 '
G 7 8 9101112 4 5 G 7 81910 '
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20 21 22 23 21 25 20 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 '
27 28 29 30 31 .... 25 2G 27 28 29 30 . .
Al'ltlX OCTOnClt
1 2 1 .
845G789 284 6G78
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80 31 (
123 4 6G7.... 123451
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12 3 4 12 3.
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Tremendous K.xoilun to the Klondike.
Despite the warnings of those who have
been on the spot, nnd predict suffering in
the Klondike region, thousands of adven
turous Americans are wending their way
thitherward. All of tlicm should be pro
vided with that medicinal safeguard, Hostet
tor's Stomach Bitteis, which warms nndt
nourishes the system, and prevents malaria,,
rheumatism, kidney trouble, besides reme
dying liver complaint, dyspensiu and consti
pation, Otic Hotter.
"I won't Btibmjt to being turned awny,1
said the disappointed arrival nt the hotel.
"See here, I'm flush," and lie displayed a roll
of hills.
"I know." responded the clerk; "but I've
got a full house." Philadelphia North.
To Cure n Cold In One Dny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Air
druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c.
m mill
You are always meeting people who claim,
that they save you money. What becomes
of the money they save you? Atchieoni
Check Colds and Bronchitis with Hale's
Honey of Ilorehoimd and Tar.
Pike's Toothache Drops Cuic in one minute.
If women were as trifling ns some men
there would be more divorces. Washing
ton Democrat.
Time counts, health gains. A quick, sura
Cure St. Jacobs Oil for f-pinins.
The under dog in the fight may be right,
hut the upper dog doesn't care a snap if he
is. Chicago News.
"Better times come to all cured of achca
And pains by St. Jacobs Oil.
When a man begins to move others, he ia
generally called a "crank." Ram's Hoin.
Scrofula and
All other blood
Diseases are promptly
And Permanently Cured
By Hood's Sarsaparilla
If you suffer from
Any form of Blood
Disorder, you should
Take Hood's and
Only Hood's-
:: iry uraj(J!
Ask you Grocer to-day to show you
a paokngoof GRAIN-O, tho now food
drink that takes tho placo of coffee.
Tho children may drink it without
iujury ns well as tho adult. All who
try it, like it. GRAIN-0 has that
rich Bcnl brown of Moohn or Java,
but it is mado from puro grains, and
the mostdolicato stomach rccoivco it
without distress. tho prico of coffee.
1G cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by nil grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
Insist that your grocer gives yociGRAlN-0
Accept no Imitation.
SeattBe free information
Mrnttle, Kloiirtllce, Aliwtltu, AViiihliiirtoni
Lrgct Clt)
cim.iuTcliiyMliifnK iiii.l ABrlcullurul Urntret 11LS1J!
nllTV'lTSi LOWKSr l'lllOhS Lpriumt Kxpt'deneeli
Sulcat UouUJ. AtUteiii SbCUKl'AUV