E 1; 4 THE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER W. AV. SANPKltH, 1'nblUher. NEMAHA. NEBRA8KA. yXAXX.VJ.AXXXXXXA.4.XJ.XJ.X4.J.J.Xf 3 DECEMBER J897. ; : : : Sun. Mon. Tuo. Wod. Thur. Frl. Sat. . r 1 ? 3 4. t VjLJL-L Alliil : : il i ii ii ii il ii: i1 J9 20 21 22 23 24 25 , 4 26 27 28 2930 31 .... JfrffTTtr j"-rTVT:F(rrir'rlTlrlP THE WORLD AT LARGE. Summary of tho Dally Nowa. Washington notics. riir.siDK.NT Ecuor.fl and Secretary Palmer issued a special address from "Washington to tho councils of tho American Protective association, Buy ing that It was tho duty of tho associa tion to protest to the president against Attorney General Melvenna's elevation to tho supremo court bench. It as serted Unit tho government depart ments were being Romanized. Tins American Forestry association held its Kith annual meeting at Wash ington on tho 8th. Tho owning of for est areas, it was said, was being rec ognized by various states as an essen tial part of a state forest policy. Tin: amount of not gold on hand in tho treasury department at Washing ton on tho 8th was SirS,101,000, which was greater than at any timo since August, 1800, when it was S185,8!l7,r81. Tin: house committee on banking nnd currency has been informed that Secretary lago is at worlc on a meas iro for the revision of tho currency and banking afl'airs and that it will Boon be laid before It. (IKNKKAr, TfKWS. At Dayton, O., Michael Dyer, an in mate of tho national soldiers' home, was killed In u list fight with John .1. Laughlin, a comrade. Tho two had been drinking and quarreled. It Is whispered in select circles in London and Paris that serious trouble has arisen between Count and Countess Uoni Castellano over the former's ex travagance. Even tho vast fortune of Jay Gould's daughter, it is said, is proving unequal to the drain mado upon it by tho financial follies of Count Boni. The question of a possible sep aration is now being discussed by rel atives and lawyers. Tub nude body of a beautiful young woman, about 20 years of age, was found in tho Ohio river '20 miles above Paducah, Ivy. Tho body bore marks of violence. Pktkii Mix, a butcher of Aurora, 111., slaughtered a calf which had in its stomach, when killed, a silver spoon, a table fork, a small salt cellar and uu ordinary curling iron, such as school girls use. ItAi.i'ii M. Eablky, acting as secre tary for a largo number of reform and quasi-political organizations, has Is sued a call for a national meeting in New York, January 15, to push the en actment of laws to reform tho pres ent method of primary caucuses. Poi.icp.man Coam.AN, while attempt ing to servo a warrant on a Polo named llazlowski at Chicago, was resisted aud in tho struggle which ensued both were fatally shot. Tin: Union Pacific castbound mall train tho other day mado tho run be tween Tipton and Wamsutter stations on tho Wyoming division at tho rate of 78 miles an hour; from Choyenno to Sidney, a distance of 102 miles, tho running time was 07 minutes; from Sidney to North Platte, 111 miles, the time was 117 minutes. This was tho fastest run in tho history of tho road. Tin: national conference of tho Chris tian Principles of Civil Government at Philadelphia adopted resolutions against "Sabbath desecration" by the operation of railways, steamboats, electric cars, baseball playing, tho publication of newspapers, tho use of blcyclo, horso nnd carriage for pleas ure, sessions of congress and transpor tation of tho mails. At tho charivari following her daugh , tor's marriage, Mrs. William Chadd, of Melrose, la., was .so badly frightened that sho died in two hours. Antiionv Dkvin shot his wlfo at Philadelphia and then committed sui cide. Tmtin: suicides occurred In Kansas City, Mo., on tho 10th. Julius G. Knoulc, a portor in a saloon, shot him self; cause given as temporary insan ity. Myrtle Switzcr, 10 years old, took laudanum because of a quarrel with her father about a lover, llotnor E. IJaskett, a night clerk at a hotel, drank carbolic acid becauso ho could not quit drinking whisky. HitooKi.YN streets aggregating 24, 877 miles in length, will not bo cleaned from now on until June, according to tho announcement mado by Comp troller Palmer, of that city, to tho city works commissioner. Tho appropria tion for fctroot cleaning Is now ex hausted. Comptroller Palmer says that the problem will have to bo 6olved on January I by tho new gov ernment af Greater New York. The great six-day bicyclo raco at Madison Squaro garden, Now York, catno to an end on tho night of tho 11th, Miller, of Chicago, doing 2,00iJ miles nnd 4 laps, and winning, as a re sult of his great ride, altogether about 88,rno In prizes. Klcc was second with a score of 2,020 miles and Schlnnecr third, with 2,000 miles and 7 laps. Tho other lit riders had scores ranging downward from 1,022 miles to 1,220 miles. The iiO Htarters narrowed down to 10 at tho finish. Outside of Miller, the riders were wrecks, most of them being affected in their brains. Tho track was afterward discoTcred to be 200 feet short to themllo thus reducing all the scores, and making Miller's ac tual distance 2.011. A rumour train on tho New York Central railroad ran into a pile of rocks which had fallen on tho track near I'onghkoopsie, N. Y., and the en gine and 1(1 oars were derailed. A collision between a freight train and a train of empty coal cars occurred in the Vo.-sbtir tunnel near Wllkcs barre, Pa., on the Lehigh Valley road, and both engines and 1(1 ears were de railed and the witoIc then took lire. Smai.i.-I'oX is prevailing In !10 coun ties in Georgia. The business inter ests at Atlanta were said to be suffer ing badly from the epidemic in that city. Tin: Ohio statute giving damages to persons assaulted or killed by mobs was declared unconstitutional by tho state supreme court. Kkahnhv P. Sii:i:nv, a professional high diver, jumped from tho bridge at Memphis, Tenn., Into the Mississippi rlvor, a distance of 125 feet, swam to a waiting skill' and was rowed ashore uninjured. An armed band of toll-gate raiders destroyed tho gate on tho Standard turnpike, near Danville, Ky. Twiintv men were buried under de bris by the collapse of a cast house at Milwaukee early tho other morning. Only two were seriously hurt, tho oth ers escaping with slight injuries. An explosion of a furnace adjoining had occurred the previous evening, which had probably weakened tho founda tion of tho cast house. The roof being of sheet iron did not fall flat on the ground, else all tho men would have been killed. Tiihki: small children of tho Sobotka family at SL Louis were mysteriously poisoned tho other day. Willie, aged nine, has died, but antidotes were giv en to the other two and they will re cover. Lyman Dautt, aged 1(1, was sen tenced to be hanged at Halifax, N. S., for murder. IIo was convicted on cir cumstantial evidence. Tiik ten-year-old daughter of Mr. James Hish, of Canadian count', Ok., was burned to death while playing near an open fireplace. Tiik Dupont trophy was won at Chi cago, by J. A. II. Elliott, of Kansas City, Mo., who defeated Fred Gilbert, of Spirit Lake, la. Elliott killed his 25 birds straight and Gilbert missed his sixth and tenth birds. Two yard engines collided at Spring field, 111., during a heavy fog and Switchman Castle was killed. ILuiitY Ai.ujndki. was hanged at San Quentin, Cab, for murdering a woman and a man. Mas. Fi:i: Scintn:i)i:n succumbed to wounds inflicted by her husband with a gun at Chicago in a quarrel. Schrieder put a bullet through his own brains just as tho police forced tho door of his room. A hkavy fog at New York on the Oth was responsible for two elevated rail road collisions in which five persons were hurt, but none seriously. Two collisions of ferry boats also occurred, but no ono was injured, though there were small panics ou each of the boats. E. H. Wixri.ow, president of the Metropolitan Plate Glass company at New York, confirmed a report to the effect that rates for plate glass insur ance will probably soon be cut in every state. He said the compact for busi ness in Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas and tho Dakotas had already boon declared oil'. John Fhancis, general passenger agent of tho Chicago, ISurlington & Qulncy Hallroad company, who stopped at Denver, Col., the other day on his way homo from tho Pacific coast, said: "There Is going to bo a big rush of travol to Alaska when tho season opens. People nre preparing to go from every state in the union and from almost every town. There will bo at least 50,000 people make the trip aud tho crowd may reach twice that num ber." Tin: board of education at Minneap olis, Minn., has issued a public state ment that unless the city council would allow it to issue 5100,000 of bonds it would bo necessary to close the public schools and discharge tho teachers March 1. Its financial condition is duo to a law passed last winter making real estate taxes payable one-half in June and the other half In November. Tin: California supremo court ou the 8th dispelled the last hope of W. II. T. Durrant, the murderer of Pilanche La ment and Minnie Williams, by dispos ing in a summary manner of his ap peals. It only remains now to resen tence tho condemned murderer. Tiik Chicago, Western & Northwest-' States Exhibition company has been organized in Chicago to maintain a permanent exhibition in tho lako city of products of the west and north west, to glvo information to home seekers about cost of lands, etc., aud to aid and assist in securing immigra tion and developing tho above mou Uoned territory Mits. Nancy Allison MoKinlhy, tho mot her of President Mclvinley. died at Canton, O., at 2:20 on the morning of tho Pith. Sho was born in 1800 and was stricken with paralysis 12 days be fore her death and most of the timo had been unconscious. Tho president and all tho other members of tho family were present when her llfo ended. A I'liti: broko out on the night of tho 11th in tho building occupied by tho carpet firm of John & James Dobson at Philadelphia and all tho fire com panies were called out. The stock in tho house, valued at U.'iOO.OOO, was a total loss and also tho building, valued at 800.000; fully insured. A. II. ItAitNics, a gray-haired old sol dier, arrived In Washington tho other day, having walked from Leavenworth, Kan., in 55 days, losing ltt days from rain and other causes. Ho mado the trip to prove tho staying qualities of an old soldier and to settle a wager. Tub surveyor of tho port at. Council PluJFs, la., was reported missing and his books cannot be found. Tiik coal mining business in central Iowa is enjoying a boom such as it never knew before. Several largo com panies have been organized this fall aud at least ten largo mines will be opened near Des Moines during tho winter and spring. Somi: of the ore from a claim being worked by John Finley at Alpine, Tex., which was sent to Scranton, Pa., to be assayed, ran Sl!,800 to tho ton. Tincm: were 202 business failures in the United States reported by llrad street's commercial agency for tho week ended tho 10th against :tSl for tho corresponding week last year. Uuown Smith, a farmer in Simpson county, Miss., left his family at homo to go to town for shopping purposes. When he returned ho found his wife and five children weltering in their blood and apparently all dead. An alarm was raised immediately and tho entire neighborhood turned out to hunt for tho perpetrator of tho crime. One of the little girls, supposed to havo been dead, revived enough to say that the man who committed the deed was a negro. At tho last annual convention of tho International Typographical union it was decided to make a fight for a worlc day of nine hours in all book and job printing shops as soon as possible. Tins fight will bo started in New York January 2, and will involve 5,000 men, as the employing printers havo re solved to oppose tho demand. IIkiisian P. Sciiultz. a wife murderer, was legally hanged in the county jail at Milford, Pa., on the 7th. Ciiaislks I'uitOKSB was electrocuted at tho Auburn (N. Y.) prison the other morning for murder. Tin: national fox hunt opened in Har rison county, Tex., and will close on December 17. More than 100 mounted hunters and several hundred hounds started. The chase will extend over a scope of country approximating 100 miles around Marshall as a center. Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and In dian territory are well represented at the mcctimr. ADDITIONAL DISI'ATCHKS. Whili: having their supper in Cleve land, O.. Patrick McKenna, an aged man, and his son John, aged .50, quar rcletl, when the father threw a knifo at his son and the son killed his father with a chair. Conoi'.kssman Dockkiiy has framed a provision in tho general appropriation bill to cut off the ill) days' sick leave of the clerks in the departments at Wash ington, as they all havo an annual va cation of !10 days aud all national holi days besides, and tho two annual leaves Is more than would be allowed in tho business world. John I.autii, a prosperous German farmer at Fiddlotown Tex., shot his wife and then cut her throat, badly cut his daughter in an uttempt to slash her throat and then severed the arteries in his own wrists, lie was ar rested and would assign no cause foi tho deed. In an interview the other day Eugene Deuproy, the attorney who is making such a fight for Theodore Durrant, under sentence for the Emmanuel Baptist church murders, at San Fran cisco, declared that Durrant will not bo hanged in January, us is generally expected, and that ho will eventually go free. He said that revolations wero soon to be mado in the ease that will cause a sensation; that they are on the track of the real murderer and that ar rests will soon be made. Wonn was received from Washing ton by tho ollicorsof the Chicago Ilusi ness league that President McKinley would make tho proposed department of commerce tho subject of a special message to congress. Tiik National Federation of Labor began its 17th session at Nashville, Tenn., on tho 13th. President Gompers made his address and tho secretary and treasurer their reports. Tiik senate on the 13th passed tho bill granting settlers tho right to make second homestead entries of 100 acres. The entire timo of tho house was taken up in adjusting a personal disputo be tween Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, and Mr. Norton, of Ohio. A hobi: reel dashing to a fire at St. Louis collided with a street ear and Fireman John Sayers was fatally in jured and several passengers were more or less hurt by flying glass. Two negroes arrested for the murder of a storekeeper at St. Gabriel, La., wore taken oil a train by a mob near Plaquemlnu and hanged in tho woods. Tho sheriff was taking them to New Orleans for safe keeping. THE WORK OF CONGRESS. Conclcimnil Dully PrnccoflliiRH of tho Fifty Fifth HflRtilnr Hcnnlon. IN' tho sennto on tho 27th Henry Do s Money, of Mississippi, took tho oath of ofllce. During tho session 108 bills wero Introduced, many of which wero prlvato pension bills. Araonir tho measures Introduced was ono by Senator Allen (Neb.) for a congress of Indian tribes to bo hold In Omaha, Nob., In connection with tho Transmlsslsslppl exposition next ycar....Al- thounh tho session of tho houso lasted only two hours, It wltncssod a llvoly timo over tho quos- I tton of distributing tho president's messago to mo various commmcos cioineu with jurisdic tion over tho subjects dealt with. Tho conflict was principally between tho ways and means committee and tho banldnK and currency com mittee. Mr. Curtis (Kan.) introduced n bill for tho abolishment of tho present system of Kovcrnmcnt In tho Indian territory. IN tho senate on tho 8th Senator Allen (Nob.) offered a resolution declaring it to bo tho sense of tho senate that congress should at onco acknowledge by appropriate act tho political lndcpcndenco of Cuba. Tho senator mado u strong speech In support of tho resolution and expressed tho belief that the owners of Spanish bonds In this country nnd American citizens holding property In Cuba. Injured or destroyed by the insurgents, had Joined to prevent tho recognition of Cuba's political independence. IIo also thought that President McKinley was under obligations to carry out tho pledge which his party had made. The news of the death of Kopresontatlvo 'Wright (Mass.) was then com municated to tho sonata and an adjournmont was tahen out of respect to his memory.... Tho session of tho houso lasted only 15 minutes. The pension appropriation bill was reported by Mr. Stono (I'a ) and tho committees on elections and banking wero given lcavo to sit during tho sessions of tho house. Thk sonato on tho 0th pnsscd 45 private pen sion bills In an hour. A resolution wns also passed asking for information regarding tho sale of tho Kansas l'acillo railway apd somo work was laid out for tho following week, Sen ator Carter (Mont.) securing the right of way for his census bill nnd Senator Iiodgo (Mass.) getting tho Immigration bill mado unfinished business. Senator Hoar (Mass.) presented n protest, containing i!l,209 names, from native Ilnwaiians against tho aunoxation of their Is lands to tho United States... .Tho houso en tered upon the consideration of tho pension appropriation bill nnd a lively debate took place. Mr. Allen (Miss ) presented sevoral amendments. Thoy prohibit tho granting of pensions to widows whoso applications wero not tiled during their widowhood nnd tho granting of pensions to widows whoso applica tions wero based on marriages contracted after tho pas-.ago of this act, and to permanently in sane or idiotic minors, who had reached their majority. Mr. Cannon, chairman of tho com mltteo on appropriations, mado a strong appeal to his colleagues to seo that not one dollar was appropriated which was not absolutely necessary for tho good of tho pnbllc service. The senato was not in session on tho 10th.... Tho houso passed tho pension appropriation bill, tho dobato on It covering a wide rango, touching not only tho question of our pension policy but that of civil service reform and tho receipts and expenditures of tho treasury un der tho DInifley tarllf law. Tho pension bill carries n41.20S.88a Mr. Maxwell, of Nebraska, Introduced a bill to punish bribery, coercion or Intimidation of voters. ONE BANDIT LESS. A Ilnivo Kxprpxn IWf-HAonjjor Suvcs u Train from liuliiK Looted. El Paso, Tex., Dec. 11. Yesterday the "Sunset Limited," on the Southern Pacific railroad, had just left Stein's pass, near the Arizona line, when the engineer notice! a danger signal in front and applied the air brakes. No sooner was the train brought to a stop than five men, all heavily armed, up poared and one covered tho en gineer and fireman with his Winchester, while the others gave their attention to the train proper, more especially to the express car. At this point the guards in the ex press car took part in tho fusillade. Thirty or 40 shots are said to havo been fired by both sides. One Wells Fargo guard named Jennings suc ceeded in killing Cullen, the robber who was nearest to tho car and who was evidently the leader, when the other robbers fled. Another bul let from Jennings' Winchester evi dently struck ono of the fleeing rob bers, as he was seen to fall nnd was assisted out of range by his comrades. No express money was stolen and none of the passengers were hurt. Hard Coal Alitdo from (Surbaco. Monii.K, 111., Dec. 13. A process was tested here yesterday which seems des tined to revolutionize both tho fuel business and tho present mode of dis posing of garbage. Iy it, genuine hard coal and gas, ammonia, tar, etc, are produced from either soft coal or any waste vegetable product. The iu ventor, Charles Smith, recently of Minneapolis, refuses to divulge tho secret of his process, but has given, in the presence of city oillcials and pro fessional men, a number of tests which seem to substantiate all his claims. Klglitoun Coal Cur CuW'h Fire. Wii.KKSiiAKiti:, Pa., Dec. 13. A heavy freight train, drawn by two locomo tives, crashed into a train of empty coal cars in tho Vossburg tunnel, on tho Lehigh Valley railroad yesterday morning. Uoth engines and 1(5 coal cars wero derailed, blocking the tun nel completely. In a few minutes after tho collision the wreck took fire and the big tunnel began to fill with smoke. After a hard day's work the flames wore finally btibdued. Indian Territory 1'otltlons. Washington, Dec. 13. Congressman Broderiek, of Kansas, has presented a petition from tho W. C. T. U., of Vinita, I. T for a bill to prevent tho salo of intoxicants in all government build ings. He also presented a petition of tho Methodist church of Afton, I. T., lor a bill to raise tho age of protootlon for girls to IS years. A Now OluninurgiirliiM right. Aliiany, N. Y., Dee. 12. Tho state of New York has brought suit against tho Armour companies of Chicago for selling oleomargarine in tho state. Three hearings in tho enso involving millions of dollars have been scheduled to take place Tuesday In Buffalo, Wednesday in Albany aud Thursday in Utica. OUR DIALECT. A Hnrd Thlnj? tor the Avcrncc I'crnon ti UnilerKtund. The two men approached each other and poke as follows: " "Hcllole man, wutz news?" "Noht'n alitor know of. Zher wife got baa kyctV" "No. Spcctncrback never train. Woan chav some m?" "Mutchcr bligeder jus tad one. How zevcrting?" "Oh. bout zhusual. Sni sweather w'ravin' now?'' "Certain liz. But fdone tram farmer slaver hard timerther wheat. Say, cotchcr hor soce aintcr fraidcthcr car shct? ' "Oh, yessczcr pentlezer lamb now. When zber brother gointcr selly zousc?" "Soony zeck'n fine mantle pazc price. Sawfu) hard nowtcr sell anything fwuts sworth." "That sright. Jerreck'n thing slooso snuppcr little this fall?" " esscr guess thrizen wheat'll may kev crything moo Hong." , 'Well, lines be going. Drop pin some timcnycr passing." "All ri; chew dothergamc." "I will. Gladter metchcr." No, son, tiiin is nMthcr Scotch, Irish, Cre ole, New England, Wild West, Kipling American, Georgia Cracker, Dowery or Crad dock;Moonshiner dialect; it is simply the English language as alio is spoken every day in any town in the United States by the average American citizen. Detroit Free Press. m IIotv to "Wnnh vrlth Kimc. Washing cannot be well done with a. scant supply of hard water and inferior soap. To skillfully perform this necessary work, assort the clothes, put the linens first in a tub nearly full of hot water, soap with Ivory soap. When clean scald, rinse, starch and hang on the line. When dry, sprinkle, fold and lay in a basket over night. Iron carefully with well-heated irons. ELliiA 11. PAKKEIt. She "Oh, Charles, papa has lost all ho had on the hoard of trade. We arc ruined!" He Not ruined, dear. I elected to the city council."- mve iust been Brooklyn Life. There is no happiness in having and get ting, but only in giving; half the world is on the wrong scent in tho pursuit of happi ness. Henry Driunmond. John Doc "Is that long-haired poet still the star boarder?" Kichard Doc "No, in deed. He is not in it any more. He mar ried the landlady." N. Y. Journal. "Rushem is dealing in mining securities, isn't he?" "Well, stocks is the better word." Chicago Journal. Isn't n scald a burn? Yes; and St. Jacobs Oil is a cure. When a man begins to imagine that ho is in love with a bloomer girl it's time for him to stop drinking. Chicago News. Never trifle with pain. It may fool you. St. Jacobs Oil never fools; it cures. Rheumatism Hood's Sar8aparllla CivosComplote Rollof, Also Cures Catarrh. "I was troubled with rheumatism and had running sores on my fnco. Ono of my friends advised mo to, try Hood's Sarsapa rllla, which I did. After taking six bottles I was cured. Hood's Sarsaparilla has also cured mo of catarrh." Miss Mamie Etiiikk, 4-103 Moflltt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Hood's SarsapanHa Is tho best tho Ono Truo Dlood Purifier. Hood's Pills cure constipation. 25 cents. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 15c. package of It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Insist that yonr Kroocr elves you Git AIN-O. Accept no lmuauon. q, -jrr MAKE your WIFE a Present or nu. WASHING,.. ..WHINE GItEATEST IMPROVEMENT v. mwnouinomsunjiiiB, v e2Ere!i&"fcnna nsuh uuca nun mu muik. L'uii bo opuriiKMl stand Ink' or Mttliu.-. No- room wuik tlmn rockliiKucrndlo. NO BACK ACHE with this lniu'lilnu. ih Hint- clusK.nncJ Kiinrtui- tt'fll to clvu nal mnctlon. Your drl rr rnu rtl tint itrnt urn 1IIIAI. fur VIPI'.TI'.I.L inn. H. F. DHAHMER MFG. CQ Davenport, Iowa. KftflflflfrrHfo What organ shall I buy? BM eo.c. viMm. KWEmfftKX V, w vjn IV ALA X K mmw m sniSffl JmmtM IJWBBrl Jill 3 m''M I "3. m "im jap x What organ shall I buy? i Why not buy the one H. m which holds the world's i G record for largest sales i U til II 'Mill a !! ! M Hi M MJWMMIilliniWBMgWHWyaMM H j Write for Illustrated Catalogue with prices, W Jl to Estey Organ Company, llrattleboro, Yt, tr W D fi i 1 , J JL t