The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, December 17, 1897, Image 1

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    -fu i,A
NUMBEll 25
4$ &hv ' uli
311 m-uu
.Local .News.
KggH, 10 I'PMtH.
Butter. z cents.
Oill and see iw for Job work.
Mrs. Fairbank for lino millinery.
.las. F
bruin visited Auburn Wed
Jim Workman urn red to Shubert
Tuesday. '
John Far-urn was up from Barada
Japl Suud.i
Mrn. 11 .1 Duff apant Sunday with
Shuberl friend
John Davies, of Brownvllle, was in
town Sat-unl'V,
Concert u the
Saturday njglt.
Methodist cburcb
Mrs. W W. Keellm? and MIrb Maud
Minick visited uurn .Sa'urday.
George Lewis, of Shubert, tcok the
truin for Havana, Ills., last. Friday.
There is almost a wood famine in
Nemaha, as then is no wood in town
for Bale.
Kobt. I io kins started for Alliance
Wednesday, where he expects to make
his homo.
Owen Hall went, to Fredonia, Kas ,
last week, whers li expects to Bpend
the wintei.
Ed Worknnn, the new proprietor of
the livery htable, moved to Nemaha
Mra.Lillie Walsh (formerly Hoover),
of Lincoln, ':;im to N'omaha Thursda)
to visit relatives:
Another now n'6iru vislied thin seo
tion Sunday night a'hd Monday: Sev
eral inches of snow fell.
Frank Fordyce, of Brownville, guve
us a social call Tuesday. Ho was dis
tributing bills for Molnineh.
Attention is called to tho iidvertise
ment of F H. Jay of Nrownville.
Frank treat" his customer right.
James Mclntyre, n Nebraska City,
was in town Tuesday, buying and ship
ping chickens, turkeys, butter, etc.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to Cure. 25c.
Dr. I. L. Callison, tho Stella deutist,
will be at Nemaha next Monilat. Dec.
10th, to do dental work. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Ofllce at hotel
But before he can go he desires to close out his big line of
Christmas & Holiday Goods.
If you want Dolls, ToysR Games, fine
Stationery, Spectacles, Fountain Pens, Gold
Pens, Silverware, Jewelry, Watches, etc.,
go to Taylor's. He has something that will
please every one, from the youngest to the
oldest. Go and see him. Prices to suit
your purse.
M. H. Taylor, Nemaha, Neb.
MUslUAL EiN i Jill l" A IN MIS NT.
A musical entertainment will be
given at the Methodist church Saturs
dav night, December 18th, to ralBo
tu mis for Christmas tree. Adm bs on
10 cents; children under 12, 5 cents,
Elder A J. Barnes will preach at the
Christian church next Sunday, morn
ing and evening at 11 a. m, and 7 p.
m Everybody 1b invited.
Christmas entertainments will be
given at both churches on Christmas
eve next Friday night and the chil
dren made happr with prosentB.
Mr. Buell is again carrying the star
route mall to Barada. Ho has to use
a crutch, yet, on account of his dislo
cated ankle. Mrs. Buell goea with
him now.
Dr J L Melvln went to Omaha
Monday, returning Thursday. While
in the city he bought a number of sur
gical instruments to better (It himself
or dilllcult operations.
"Mcphen (Joopei was taken to tho
asylum at Lincoln Fuday of last week.
His wife went with him, coming back
the next day. It i lieped ho will soon
return permanently cured.
According to the thermometer at the
depot Thursday morning was the cold
est morning we have had this winter,
tlm thermometer showing live degree
below zero. Friday morning it was
three below.
Mrs. Viola Norfieet and Mrs Fannie
Fairbank will give an oyster supner at
Mr-. Fairhnnk'.s millinery parlor next
Friday night Christinas eve. Even
body is invited.
Dr. W. W. Keeling reports the fol
in A'liu hirt.liu
. r ....w. I
To Lee Plasteis and wife, on Dec.
... .,u., .. ..--. ..
Uth,M8DV mienim. sV
To Ate'Lawrrnce and' wife, on Dec.
16th. Midi, a due sou
C. Shuck shipped two more of hi
tine Berkshire hogs to Guide Hock
Wednesday As this is Mr. ShuekV
second or thinl shipment to Guide
Buck, they must be well pleased with
f'e hogs he is sending out
Thus U .Skee'i and Mrs. Margaret
Snow came in fiotn Yuburn Wed ties
dm to wee (heir mother, Mrs. A. I).
-Ween, who is very sick with pneumo
nia As Mrn. Skeen is in her eightieth
year, her recovery is doubtful
ltev. C. II. Gilmoro writes us that
there will be no preaching at the Moth
odist churches at Brownville, Bethel
or Nemaha next Sunday, as he is hs
sisting in a protracted meeting at Ad
ams. He went to Adams Monday.
Uev. J. W. Tayior id wilu went to
Auburn Tuesday, to visit their dnughi
Mrs. E.M.Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colerlck and
Mr. and Mrs Elinor Hoskins wtatted
for Alliance Monday. Elmer has a
homestead near that town. Mr. Coler
lck, we understand, expects to take
homestead and mako a home there.
Elder A. J. Barnev who has been
holding a protracted mealing at Shu
bert, camo up to Nemaha Monda,
having closed the meeting Sundaj
night. He will remain in NoibuIih
until next Monday, when he will re
turn to his home in Iowa.
Andy Jarvia and Joe Stlllwell spent
over a week in hard work hunting,
paid out $1 25 each for ammunition,
shipped thoir game to Omaha, and
then waited patiently for the return
that would enable them to open a tat
bank account. When tho return
came In they received $3 each as the
proceeds of the sale of game shipped.
J. G. Sanders got out the first li-aue
of tho Brownvllle Sun last weeK. The
Sun is the same hIzo as Tins Akvhkti
-ucit, four pages printed at home, and
i u tii'-.vby paper. The inei chants ad
vertise liberally, am) as John has bud
considerable experience in newspapei
work nd is a number one printer an
well as a good writer, we ate confident
ho wi 1 make a success of the Sun.
County Clerk Peory U evidently go
ing to introduce a new style of officii!
envelopes at the court house. He ad
vertises for bids for printed envelopes
"2x0, 2x10 and 2x11" What th
county officials want with envelopes o'
that shape is more than we can imag
ine. They will have to be manufac
tured to order as none are made of that
size. The ordinary 0J envelopes are
xo "ou im niv ww' "'"
ills are 4x 1036.
., c. y l-.i .-. J1..A1V ....J
E M. Baker, of South Auburn, gave
us a social call Tuesday. Mr. Baker
took Steve Cooper to bis home Wednes
day of last week and topk care of him
until he was taken to the asylum at
Lincoln on Friday, and he says he it
confident Steve will soon entirely re
cover He says he was conaiderabh
hetter before he left Auburn, and bar
got over many of his wild ideas. II
thinks it will be only a few weeks till
Steve will be as well as ever.
There was a sudden change in th
weather about three o'clock Wednes
day afternoon. Up to thnt time the
weather was quite warm, the sun shin
ing and the snow melting rapidly
Suddenly the sky became overcast witl
ciouds, a very cold wind began hlowim
fiercely, and it was freezing. Th
change from warm sunshine to cold,
cloudy, freezing weather occurred in
a very few minutes. Inside of two
hours the thermometer fell twenty-five
We aro interested In seeing the farm
ers of this country prosperfor they are
our friends and patron. This is the
reason why we commend to their at
tention tho Iowa Homestead, which is
oue of the greatest aids to successful
farming that is published in tho west.
It is so practical and so full of cons
stantly helpful information on agricul
'ural and live stock topics that it i
hard to see how progressive farmers
can get along without it. Its Special
Farmers' Institute editions, which ap
pear monthly and are sent out uratuit"
ously to all subscriber, are tho
iiooular and most useful publications
in the way of farm counsel that have
been deviwed in many years, tor they
consist entiroly of the discussion, b
practical farmers, of questions of im
mediate practical interest. Send for
sample copies of both the regular and
Special Farmers' Institute editlorn,
addressing Homestead Co., Des Moines,
Iowa, and see how useful thoy are,
Cf a t Duquoin, Bevier, Walnut
VUAL B'ock, McAllister and
other grades of coal for sale, ranging
in price from 82.25 to $4.00,
O-O TO JiO",W3yCA.3Sr
at Uvowraville
Christmas Candy,
New York Buckwheat Flour,
Ohio Maple Syrup,
New Orleans Molasses,
California Kaisins, l '
Grecian Currants,
Italian Citron,
Indian Ppices,
Nebraska Flour,
Norway Mackerel
. Or anything freBh and fino in the grocery line.
American, German and Frenoh
China, Crockery and Glassware.
Tin, Granite and Ironware
from the 4 corners of the earth.
Everything sold at prices as low as tho lowest.
Brownville, JN ebraska.
A surpriBO party was given Mrs. O.
K. Finhnr lust Monday, in honor of her
seventy-third birthday anniversary
About ten o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Fisher
were surprised to have their home in
vaded by a number of their neighbors,
a-ho brought well tilled baskets and
proceeded to make themselves at home.
Shortly after noon the table was set
with the good things brought by the
good ladies, and it was a feast fit for
Mie best company in the land. Every
one present had a thoroughly enjoyable
time, and on departing wished Mrs.
Fisher many more birthday anniver
saries. Those present were Mr. and Mrn. Lu
Morris, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. KusBell.Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Webber, Mr. and Mrs.
I. M. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs Seymour
Howe, Mr. and Mrs. S. W Hodges, Mr
aud Mis. B I Colenck, Mrs. Isabella
Sfinbury, Mrs. Cora Gillespie, Mrs.Cora
Webber. Mrfl Sarah Hill.
The Advkhtiskk was remembered
and a generous supply of excellent
cake, pie. turkey and other good things
to eat, which were thoroughly enjoyed.
Kind friends and patrons: This is
the close of 181)7, and I hwve carried
you for a year In order to meet my
bills I must have what is duo mo
Truly yours,
M. H . Tatloii.
LOOK HERE, $3o buys one of Dr.
Gray's now syringes from his agent, D
F Richmond, Ikowoville, Nob
Sells Meyers & Co.'s clothing to order,
Benedict Co.'s ready made clothing,
And the Duck lirand Cos Mackintoshes,
Rubber and oil clothing and umbrellas.
Confectionery, Bakery,Lunch,
Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco
M. H. Taylor haa a Christmas tree
in one window of the diug store that
attracts goneral attention. Ho get a
handsome evergreen, frem the Titus
Nursery, which he has decorated and
hung full of toys, dolls, books and other
suitable presents which he haa in
stocK. In front of the tree Mr. and
Mrs. Santa Clans are standing, ready
to start on their leng journey. At one
eido is the home of Santa and his good
wife, with a wide mouthed chimney,
in which several Brownies aro climb
ing. Numerous Brownies are also ob
the roof, at the door and window, in
the yard, and climbing over the back
of a calf near the house. The bouse
and yard are apparently covered with
snow. It is a beautiful scene. Mrs.
Taylor trimmed the tree, aud Mra.
Fairbank dressed tho dolls.
Some fellows who had visited Aut
burn last Saturday got too fall for com
fort, and proceeded to "explode" that
night, creating quite a disturbance. Ai
a consequence four of the boys were ar
rested by Marshal Jar vis. Two of
them had thoir trial, before 'Squire Gil
bert Monday morning and were ine
$10 and costs, the total amounting to
$13.45. Tho other two appeared on
Wednesday and plead guilty te dis
turbiug the peace. Their fun cost
them 1 1 apiece.
and stay off my farm (the Wray Taylor
bend) and Bavo trouble. J. W. Webber.