tJS TIE NEBRASKA ADVERTISER ' I I 111 ! W. XV. BANDElta, 1'oblliher. NEMAHA. NEBRASKA. THE WOELD AT LARGE. Bummary of tho Daily Nows. AVASHINOTON NOTKS, It was reported that Speaker Thomas 13. Itccrt may resign from congress at the end of tho coming session and leavo Maine to become a resident of New York, so as to secure tho backing It the delegation of tho Empire stato 'for tho republican nomination for tho presidency in 1000. I A 8i'i:ciAT to tho Chicago Tribune from Washington on tho 18th said that Attorney General McKcnnn's appoint ment as associate justice of the su premo court to succeed Justice Field lias been formally decided upon by tho president and heartily approved by tho cabinet. MimsTint Wooni'oiU) telegraphed tho stato department at Washington that tho Spanish cabinet had notified him that the queen had pardoned tho Com petitor prisoners in Cuba. Tiik annual roport of Secretary of tho Interior Miss was made public on tho 18th. Ho stated that there were 200,000 more pension claims awaiting adjudication and it was estimated that half of them would bo finally ad mitted. Speedy action is recommend ed in securing proper legislation for tho coming 12th census. Tho Indians and tho Dawes commission, the condi tion of Alaska and the Nicaragua ca nal were also touched upon in the re port. Tiik secret service bureau announces tho discovery of a now counterfeit S10 silver certificate and also a counterfeit national bank noto on tho First na tional of Joplln, Mo., series 1882. Tiik government hue decided to make no further experiments with In dians as soldiers and tho young Sioux have all boon discharged. The officers of tho army who commanded them mado every effort to bring tho Indians to obey military discipline but failed. Ilereaftor Indians will bo used as scouts. SiccJtKTAnv Ar.onit has mado his first annual roport on tho administration of tho war department. Ho recom mends tho addition of two regiments to tho artillery branch, that the num ber of students bo increased at West Point and that an increase be mado in tho engineer corp3 in officers and en listed men in general. Tho estimates for tho next fiscal year aggregato 00,2o8,445. Cor TitKNiioi.ii, who was comptroller of tho currency under Prcsldont Clove land's first administration, has sub mitted his views of currency reform to tho monetary commission. Ho advises an international agreement among silver producing countries for steady ing tho price of silver, recommends tho fusion of tho greenbacks and Sher man notes into ono form of paper re deemable in gold, and makes many other unique suggestions. UHNKKAL, NI5WS. Tiik tannery at Watsoutown, Pa,, ono of tho largest In tho state, was burned to the ground tho other night. Loss, $150,000. By tho collapsing of the floor of tho Cory Methodist chapel ou Central ave nue at Cleveland, O., ou tho 21st 500 oolorcd worshipers wore precipitated to the ground," a distance of seven feet. A panic ensued; but only three persons wero hurt and they not seriously. Tiik steamer Victoria, which was fitted out by tho governor of Tromsoe, Norway, to search for Prof. And roe. tho missing aeronaut, has returned from Spltzborgen. Sho brings no news as to the whereabouts or movements of Prof. Andree, although exploring parties landed ten times at various points in Danmands isles. At Dayton, O., on tho night of the 10th Oscar Gardner and John Van Hcest fought 20 rounds to a draw. A TltAiN on tho Chicago & Indiana coal railroad loaded with fiOO miners was wrecked near Coal Bluff, Ind., two cars loavlng tho track and plung ing over an embankment into several feet of water. Over 20 men were in jured, three of them fatally. J. W. IIahius, editor of the Waco Times--IIerald, and W. A. Harris, his brother, on ono side, and Judge G. B. Gerald, a prominent citizen, fought a duel to tho death on the street at Waco, Tex., on tho 10th. W. A. Harris was shot dead, J. W. Harris wounded fa tally and Gerald was shot in tho sido and may die. Tho troublo was tho outcomo of the mobbing of W. C. Brann, publisher of tho Iconoclast, A dispatch from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., on the 10th said that 00 students at VasBttr college wero seriously ill, all having been taken sick two days pre viously from eatlug improperly cooked veal. A TKititiFio prairie fire passed through jLubbuck, Halo and Crosby counties, JTox., doing great damage to tho ranges. Tho names mado a fire ten miles wide j: 'jwhleh traveled at lightning speed. At I 'least 400 snuaro miles of territory wero '; burned. Cattle wero burned to death pnnd north of Emma H,000 sheep wero I burned in one ilock. Muny farmers ' lost their wlntor feed, ilro burning it "' in the stacks. I i Tiik blir trin houso boloneinir to tho 5 iTOfllnlll.v. MIku Pnt.fnti nntrinfllll' tunu i,, (totally destroyed by flro tho other day, together with 150 bales of cotton. RrcritKBKNTATiVKB of the five civilized tribes of Indians who oppose tho ratlfl cation of tho Dawes treaty have re turned from an Inspection of 1,000,000 acres of land In the stato of Tamanll pas, Mex. These representatives will meet witli their respective trlbo at Atoka, I. T., and make a roport of their investigations. Wiiii.k a revival service was being held at the Methodist church at Os mond, Neb., on tho night of the 21st, thieves stole 10 of the best horses hitched outside, together with two flno buggies. No trace of the thieves were found although armed posses scoured tho country around after them. Tun Methodist Episcopal church con gress began a six-days' session at Pitts burgh, Pa., on the 21st. Tho meeting was called to consider momentous ques tions of religion. Foiity-kioiit men from the interior of Austria, who were arrested in the swamps of Mississippi on the ehartro of violating the alien labor contract law, were taken to Baltimore, Mil., on the 21st to be sent back to Bremen on tho first ship. At Mount Vernon, N. Y., a place of 5,000 inhabitants, tho gas company sent unrefined gas through its mains tho other night which permeated many houses and dozens of peoplo became unconscious and wero revived with diflleulty. Tin: widow of Alexander Coudot, one of tho men lynched at Williamsport, N. 1)., a short time ago, has brought a suit for 850,000 in the federal court against Emmons county for the lynch ing of her husband. The widow is a full-blooded Indian. OscAK Gaiidnkk, the Omaha Kid, was defeated at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 18th by Billy Uotehford, of Chicago in a 20 round bout. In tho football game between tho Pennsylvania and Harvard university teams at Philadelphia on tho 20th tlte score was: Pennsylvania, 15; Har vard, (J. Yai.k won the football match against Princeton at New Haven, Conn., by a score of 0 to 0. Wiiilk a traveling doctor named W. S. Ilumiston was heating a mixture of alcohol, turpentine and rosin ou a stove at Burnt Hills. N. Y., it exploded and a four-year-old daughter was burned to death and another daughter and a Mrs. Brown received injuries from which they cannot recover. Ilum iston was arrested. John Bkattv, a wealthy fnrmor near Oklahoma City, Ok., was found dead in his bed, having boon choked to death. Tho murder was supposed to have been the result of a feud engendered over a contest for a homestead. Foit tho brutal murder of his para mour, Venlo Bell, George Wcstcrm, alias Devil Winston, colored, was hange'd at Paducah, Ky., on the 10th. Ho mot his death without a quiver, warning all people, black and white, to beware of bad company and whisky. A .most disastrous conflagration oc curred In London on the 10th, 150 large warehouses being gutted, according to the ollicial report. Tho damage was estimated at 825,000,000. Nearly all the British insurance companies wero involved in the fire and Arc insurance shares wero practically unsalable on tho stock exchango on the 10th. Tiik boiler in Milton Artloy's wood working factory at Carletoii, Mich., exploded the other morning, killing tho fireman and Injuring three other men. The explosion wrecked tho fac tory and shook every building in town. Iiik Georgia legislature passed tho bill prohibiting football and tho bill has been sent to tho governor to heap proved. Haiihy Gii.mouk, a burcrlar with 50 confessed robberies to his credit, walked into tho police station at Dan bury, Conn., and gave himself up, say ing that ho had been plying his trade for a month, but was starving with it. He located tho hiding place of stolen goods to tho police nud was held for trial. Gkohgk Booaiit, ex-clty clerk of Ev anston, 111., pleaded guilty on tho 10th to having embezzled funds from that city amounting to 8,801. Tiik executive committee of Tam many hall, N. Y., contributed S20.000 to tho starving peoplo in Cuba. Tiik Marietta glass works at Red Koy, Ind., burned tho other morning. Loss, S100.000. Gov. IIahhih has issued a proclama tion at Ardmore, I. T., calling an elec tion In tho Chickasaw nation Decem ber 1 to ratify or reject the treaty made with tho Dawes commission for the dissolution of tribal government and the allotment of lands. A panic was caused among the chil dren In St. Xavior school at Cincinnati by the upsetting of a stove. A cry of lire was heard and borne of the fright ened euuuren jumped from tho win dows, while, others wero thrown down by tho maddened efforts of the stronger ones to escape. The lire was quickly subdued and four seriously in jured pupils were sent homo. A studknt at Glrard collecc. Phila delphia, had his log broken during a . practice game of football and us soon , as President Fetterlof learned of the ' accident ho issued an order prohibiting any more games. Many of tho 1,500 students are greatly disappointed. DiT a prematuro discharge of dynn- ' nU'j in ono of the city sowers at Des Moines, la., two men named Walters und Barton wero fatally Injured. A 5ioii raided tho toll gates at Nioh olasvllle, Ivy., and eight wero de stroyed. There wero four divisions of tho mob with about 20 in each division. A FAUMKit who had recently sold out and was on his way to Missouri in a wngon was held up by two women on horseback near Ilay Springs, Neb. While tlrey wero parleying with him a man crept up behind tho farmer, knocked him insensible and robbed him of 8800. A'KKATK fight occurred at Ba you Lacombe, La., between Arthur and Edward Jolie on ono side and Law rence and Edward Cousin on the other, which resulted in tho killing of all tho parties concerned. The cause of tho diflleulty was an old family foud. Maiitin Baiitiiolomy and George Rochl wero fatally injured and Robert Loren was severely beaten as the re sult of an attack of 20 masked men on tho night shift of six miners at tho Kolb coal pit near Mascoutah, 111. Whim: his wife lay asleep beside htm William Orth, at Burlington, la., shot himself in tho head. Death was in stantaneous. Tho reason assigned foi the suicide was despondency due to in ability to obtain work. C. A. Biiani), a conductor on the Rock Island railroad, fell between tho cars in Des Moines, la., the other night and was instantly killed. Tin: t.own of Loreto, Ecuador, was nearly destroyed 'by a hurricane, the loss of life being heavy. A PAssKNona train on the Kansas City, Fort Scott &. Memphis railroad was wrecked near Williford, Ark., early on the morning of tho 18th. Three cars were derailed and went over tho bank Into tho Spring river. J. L. Hoover, of Pleasant Hill, Mo., was killed and 22 others were injured, homo seriously. Tin: Anchor line steamer Bluff City, which left St, Louis for New Orleans with 40 passengers and 1,000 tons of freight on board, was burned to the water's edge at Chester 111. AH tho passengers and crow escaped to land without Injury, but nothing on board was saved. The loss will aggregato S100.000. A number of valuable race horses were burned on board the boat. Tiikkk is a probability that the easo of Capt. Dreyfus, tho Frenchman con victed of being a traitor to his coun try, jiay be reopened. Tiik International League of Build ing and Loan associations held its an nual convention at New York the other day, about 00 delegates being present. Tiik general assembly of the Knights of Labor completed its work at Louis ville, Ky., on the 17th and adjourned. Resolutions passed declared in favor of tho independence of Cuba; denounced the shooting of miners by deputy sheriff's at Hazleton, Pa., and de nounced the sale of the Union Pacific railroad. The present banking system, as advocated by national bankers, was also denounced. The plan to establish colonies for co-operative plants, so as to give employment to Idle men, is to be pushed. Two brothers, George and Homer Brewer, aged 17 and IS, respectively, wero drowned while skating on Big Stone lake, ncarMlorton, Minn. Ono broke through the ice and tho other was dragged under while trying to save hi m. AODIT.ONAI. DISl'ATCHKS. Tin: Chicago Tribune 1ms declared war on football. Govr.HNMKNT ofllccrs captured 15 il licit distillers in Scott county, Ark., the other day and destroyed four stills and about 4,000 gallons of whisky and beer. Tin: Theosophlsts of San Francisco, a tenet of the faith of whom is that capital punishment is wrong, are get ting up a petition praying Gov. Budd to commute the sentence of Theodore Durrant, under sentence of death for tho murder of Blanche Lainont, to life imprisonment. A spkciai. from Williamsport, Pa., on the 22d said that the American Wood Working Machinery company had been organized which would con trol 14 concerns manufacturing seven eights of tho wood working machinery produced in the United States. Tho capital of tho organization is 88,500,000. Tiik postmaster general Is receiving many letters regarding his proposition for postal savings banks. As a whole, they indicate a general commendation of the plan. An outbreak seems Imminent at tho Atlantic mine, near Houghton, Mich. The company has 75 Italians on tho ground ready to take the places of tho striking Fins and the latter announco that bloodshed will ensue at the first attempt to set them at work. An extra session of tho Creek council convened at Okmulgee, I. T., on tho 22d to consider tho advisability of con solidating the flvo civilized tribes of the Indian territory, preparatory to coming Into the union as a state. Tiik trial of Arroyo's murderers at 'Mexico City, Mex., was finished on tho 22d and sentence of death was pro nounced on ten of the police oflieials who wero concerned In the killing of tho man who made an attempt on Pres ident Diaz's life. A nun was reported raging near Chelsea, I. T., on the 22d doing much damage to farms and forests. Tho farmers wero out fighting the flames. Mu. John Bouskman, his wife and a child wero driving across the Nickel Plate railway at Claypool, Ind., when thev wero run down by a train and killed. Tiik large department store of D. Helnau fc Co. at Streator, 111., was de stroyed by llro on the 22d, entailing a loss of S'250,000. Tiik "Great Scott" furniture store at Baltimore, Md., was burned and Mrs. Susan Maxon lost her life. Estimated loss by fire, 8l5,000. M'KENNA SLATED. Tim Attorney General Will IJo Mado a Sn preino Court ,111111100. Chicacio, Nov. 10. A special to the Tribune from Washington says: Attorney Gcnernl McKcnnn's nppolntmcntas associate Justlco of tho supremo court to suc ceed Justlco Field has boon formally decided upon by tho president and hcnrtlly approved by tho cabinet. Tho succession to tho depart ment of juutlco Is still open. Tho president's private Ulcs contain letters from all over tho country suKKestlng namos, Including thoso of many men who havo hitherto not been men tioned publicly. Judo "Waymlre, of Califor nia nppcars to bo In tho lead thus far. A num ber of letters from Now York siiKKcstcu John J. McCoolc. It Is stated that wero It not for Kootfraphlcal considerations John S. Kunnols, of Chicago, would havo been favorably consid ered. It was deemed Impossible, however, to havo two cabinet ofllccrs from Illinois. This same attention to political surveying has pre vented tho active consideration of Judgo Nathan doff, of West Virginia, who is too near to Maryland to receive active consideration. It is believed tho president will not seo his way clear to leaving tho 1'aelllo slopooutof tho cabinet nnd In that event Judtfo Wnymlro Is ltlculy to be the man. CONVICT LABOR PROBLEM. New York Hits Solved the Question of Hoir to I'rnviinl Com pot It Inn. Amiany, N. Y., Nov. 10. Tho prob lem of how state convicts shall be kept at work without competing with free labor has seemingly been solved by tho law which went Into effect January 1 last. This provided that all institu tions, departments and political di visions should purchase all of their supplies ond articles of equipment from tho prisons if such could be man ufactured there. Since the law wont into operation requisitions havo been received for over S750,000 worth of goods, which guarantees tho continuous employment of convicts. As it costs but 8500,000 annually to main tain the prisons they are made self biistaining under tho new system. MEMPHIS TRAIN WRECKED. Accident Near Wllllforcl, Arlt., Itenultliig In Onn Dentil and Itlimy Injuries. Thaykh, Mo., Nov. 10. Train No. 3 on the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem phis, bound for Kansas City from Bir mingham, Ala., was wrecked near Williford, Ark., 80 miles south of Thayer early yesterday morning. The sleeper, chair car and day coach were derailed, probably owing to the breaking of a truck on tho chair car, and were overturned and thrown into the Spring river. The chair car caught fire and was consumed by the flames. As far as known, only one passenger, a man named Hoover, whoso homo Is In Pleasant Hill, Mo., was fatally in jured. Twenty-one were more or less seriously hurt, and several are now in the hospital at Thayer, Mo. HER HEROISM FUTILE. A Ilhodo iHlnnd Mother Killed Wlillo Try. Iiir to Snvo Her Child. Pawtuckkt, R. I., Nov. 10. While trying to save the life of her six-year-old son, Henry, yesterday, Mrs. Arthur Fortin was struck by a train near the village of St. Jean Baptiste, a mile from Valley Falls. Both mother and son wore killed. The engineer, who had seen the little boy run out on the track, reversed his engine and blew the whistle. Tho child's mother heard the whistle and, looking from her door, 5aw the child's peril. With a scream, the mother ran to save the boy. She reached his side and seized him, but at that moment tho locomotive struck them both, killing them on the instant. ONA MELTON FREE. rhu Young KmiHim aud Other Competitor 1'rlsoiH'rs KoIchihh!. Havana, Nov. 10. In pursuance of uabled instructions from Spain, rc soived yesterday, Capt. Gen. Blanco has released from Cabana fortress Al fred Laborde, Charles Barnett, Ona Melton and William Gildea, members of the crew of tho American schooner Competitor, captured in April 1800, by the Spanish gunboat Mesagra on a charge of filibustering. They were de livered to tho American nnd British consuls, and have taken passage on the steamer Saratoga, of the Ward line, for New York. A Doubtrul Victory. San Fuancisco, Nov. 19. Tom Sharkey has won another questionable battle, his victim this time being old Joe Goddard, tho decrepit "barrier champion." Tho fight, which was scheduled for 20 rounds, terminated in tho sixth, when Sharkey, after land ing a stiff right on Goddard's jaw, rushed at his man and knocked him to the floor, literally by force of impact, falling heavily upon him. Internal ICuvenuo ItccetptH Growing. Washington, Nov. 10. The October statement of tho collections of inter nal revenua shows that the total re ceipts from all sources aggregated 14, 030,531, an increase over October, 1890, of 8701, 323. For tho four months of the present fiscal year tho total re ceipts exceeded thoso of tho corre sponding period in 1800 by 80,759,000. Kxouutrd lit Midnight. Comjmiiuh, O., Nov. 10. Albert J. Frantz, tho murderer of Bessie Little, of Dayton, was electrocuted in tho an nex at the Ohio penetentinry at 12:22 this morning. Tho crime for whicl Frantz paid the penalty was tho min der on August 27, 1800, of Bessie Little, a-young girl, whom ho had betrayed. Itlg DunmgeH for HlurUllstlui,'. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 10. Fred It. Kotchai was awarded a verdict of by tho jury in Judge Clifford's court to day in his suit against tho Northwest ern railroad for S25.000 damages foi blacklisting. He was a Northwestern conductor and went out on the A. R, U. btrlke hi 1S93. IIotv'h TIiIhT We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that can not be cured hv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business tinnsactions and financially able to carry out any obligations nindc by their firm. t-8t & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O. Wahling, Kinnnn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous, surfaces of tho system. Trice 76c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials ee. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. Another Iliad. The following story proves what hardly needs proving, tlmt a man may handle books, without being a scholar. It wasn't in the book stall of a department store; it was in a real bookstoie; a bookstore, moreover, where you would expect to find salesmen who know hooks. A friend of mine went in the other day and asked for Pope's "Iliad." i iiu buicbi nun went away to Joolt for it. Presently he returned with a book in his hand. "We haven't Pope s 'Iliad.' " he said, but wp have an lhad.' It's by 11 omeiv though." Washington Post. It Mnken Cold Feet Wnrm. Shake into your under shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It gives rest and comfort, prevents that smarting sen sation and keens your feet from perspiring. Allen's Foot-Lase makes cold feet wnrm. After your feet perspire they usually feel cold nt this season. Ask your druggist or shoe dealer to-day for a 25c box of Allen's Foot-Ease and use it at once. Sample sent Free. Address Allen S.Olmsted, LeRoy.N.Y. - Considerate. The Sheriff The boys was all in favor of mnkin' that reward for you "dead or alive," but I talked 'cm out of it. Pizen Bill Jake, that was mighty kind of you. ,"Qh, I dunno as they was any pcrtickler kindness about it. You see, Bill, if vou was brought in dead T Avoiildn't git to charge the county nothin' fer your board, and wouldn't git no fee fer hnngin' you.' In dianapolis Journal. Try Grnln-OI Try Grnln-OI Ask your grocer to-day to show you a package of GltAIN-0, the new food drink that takeB the place of coffee. The children mny drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java hut it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomachs receive it without distress. 1-4 the price of coffee. 15c and 25 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. Dovll'H Due. "You condemns us tramps," said Meander McWalk, "but dere's one thing we must git credit for." "What's that?" "You don't hear of us indulgin' in labor riots." Philadelphia North American. Tnkc the Air Line To Louisville and Eastern Cities, 53 miles the shortest from St. Louis, makes quickest time, Pullman Sleepers, Parlor and Dining Cars. All trains leave from St. Louis Union Station. For complete information address J. 11. Tapp, Traveling Passenger Agent, Kansas City, Mo. R. A. Campbell, General Passenger Agent, St. Louis, Mo. JiiNt Allki". Walker Male cyclers are just like female gossips. Talker How so? like "They're alwaj-s running down." Up-to-Date. somebody Star l'liipr Ih Strictly HlRli Grade. No expense is saved no false economy is practiced in the manufacture of Star plug tobacco. It is strictly high-grade in every particular. Plenty of Exercise. Walker "The trouble with bicycling is that it does not develop the arms in proportion to the legs." Wheeler "Yes, it docs, if you will only use one of those little two-ounce hand-pumps to inflate your tires." Indianapolis Journal. To Cure n Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. When a woman rcch a pretty girl, she says she wouldn't be bad looking if she didn't know of her beauty so well. Wash ington Democrat. Fits stopped free and permanently cured. No fits after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Free $2 trial bottle & treatise. Dr. Kline. 033 Arch st.. Phila., Pa. Spinster A woman who wouldn't marry if she could and couldn't if she would. Chicago News. When did you nrrive not to know St. Jacobs Oil will cure a sprain right oft. Auctioneer A man who cries because he has to make an honest living. Chicago News. Piso's Cure for Consumption is an A No. 1 Asthma medicine. W. R. Williams, An tioch, 111., April 11, 1801. Some men who are really lions have been abused so much that they act like rabbits. Atchison Globe. It is a knock-out when St. Jacobs Oil cures Sciatica promptly. ii m ii The sweetest smile is always bestowed on somebody else. Atchison Globe. A treasure laid up is St. Jacobs Oil. It cures the worst Neuralgia. Free from Catarrh Surprised at tho Wondorful Cura tive Poworof Hood's Sarsaparllla. " I havo taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh und bronchial troublo und havo been surprised at Its wonderful curatlvo properties. I am now entirely frco from both theso complaints, and heartily recom mend Hood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh." A. G. Saman, Clark Mills, Wisconsin " Hood's Sarsaparllla Is tho besc In fact tho Ono Truo Hlood Purlnor. Hood's Pills not easily, offectlvoly. 25c. Weak; Seafe Works, btook. coal. hay. oRAiN.niipFAl n W Y. AND COTTON SCALES. UUrTHLUj Ii. It Jr T A f A J y- j n if