The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 26, 1897, Image 1

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    Vt1- f
NEMAHA, NhJilUSKA, FlUDAY, NOV. 26, 1897.
JLiOoal JSTews.
Call ami seo us for job work.
Old papers for sale at this olllco.
Mrs. Fuirbank for iluo millinery.
Bring us .some wood on subscription.
There was no school
Thursday or
Dr. Sutton, of Shubert, was iu town
Wo want corn and wood on sub
scription.) .
Many of-our fanners are through
coin Bhuokliig. "
George &till well returned to South
Omulm Friday.
The editorial Mmlly spent Thdokn
giving at Auburn.
Remember the s-ciable Saturday
night of next week.
Charley Smiley, f Asptnwall pre
cinct, was visiting Nemaha friends
J G. Sanders is making arrangements
to start a newspaper in Brownvlllo, to
Ml the long felt want.
An oyster supper will be given at
tho school house in district 35 Satur
day night of this week. ,
ltev. Peter Slack and Win. T. Zook
of Bruwuvtlle. nave, Tim Advkutiskh
a call Monday morning.
V. F.Peabody this week shipped a
car load of wood to his houmusIuw, C.
II. Kindlfr, at Cortland, Neb.
F.ees Lesley is putting a new roof
-'ml now ijldliijr oyshisi house, -uudjjlfi
making other implements.
The thermometer stood 10 deurera
above zeio Tuesday morning the cold
est morning so tar this win'er.
Mrs. Norlleet, proSiietor ot the res
taurant, moved in o the rooms
north of L'iiu ViVKiirn':u utnee.
MartM I'limu in Wednesday to tell
us that ho had Ids coin all shucked and
was now enjoying himself nursing a
John E, Crother has been appointed
district deputy for Dist. No fi, I O. O.
F His commission was received tliis
week .
There being ' no more jury cases
ready for trial in the district court at
AU"urn, the jury was discharged
Mrs. Ciim returned homo last Fri
day from a visit of several days with
her daughter, Mrs. J. F. Wykes, at
Highland Station. Kansas.
Mrs. N. E. Morrison has bought
John Dorram's farm of fifty-three acres
two miles northwest of Nemana. The
transfer was mado last Friday.
Street Commissioner Zook has tilled
In sawdust around the pipe leading to
and from the tank at the public well,
bo it will not freeze this winter.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money If it
fails to Cure. 2!)C.
Miss Maud Mi nick was appointed
assistant superintendent of the Junior
League last Sunday. She will take
charge of the league next Sunday.
Attention is called to tho advertise
ment of Edw. E. Lowman, of Browns
ville. Parties who trade in Browns
villo will save inonoy by calling on
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Berger, who have
been visiting their daughters, Mrs. T.
A. Lorance, of Beatrice, and Mrs. Bon
Parker, of Auburn, returned to Nema
ha Thursday. ,
Mis. Surah Uliuk, daughter of C,
Shuck, arrived in Nemaha Wednesday,
on a visit to her relatives. She lives
in Bates Park, Natrona couaty, Wy
Sheriff elect Colo announces that ho
Intends to please himself in tho ap
pointment of his deputy, regardloss oi
what the would-bo bosses say, and his
choice of Bill Htighes will atnnd.
S. W. Hodges Is enjoying a visit
from his father and mother, who ar
rrived here lust Saturday. Thojc live
in Marion county, Iowa. Mr. Hodgos
and liis father gave us a pleasant call
Wo have received a ticket to the
poultry uhow to be held at Auburn
next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday. Every lover of poultry
should attend. You will be well retain.
W. II. Stowell will tako charge of
tho Auburn Post again next week.
Messrs. Seacrest, Hushnell & Jay re
tiring. Mr. Stowoll will go it alone
this time, having bought the interest
of his partner. Oren Kent.
Private money to loan on farm se
curity on the beat terms that were ever
made in Nemaha county, by Wesley
Uundas, Auburn, Nebraska.
Try the new City hotel when in
Auburn. Everything clean and neat.
One block Houthwest of court house
block. Jo)hi McElhaney, proprietor.
lias jmt
Everyth ng new and up to date.
Command get lhirgbih.
Mi ssis Bwlo'iiau, Hansen, Oberist
and Kent, 'eru Normal Rtudents, at
tended the en'citim tin lit given by the
Nemaha school Wednesday nuht.
liny who the guests of Miss Veva
David Raines, ouugesl son of John
ltu uc.s,ilecM:Hl, anil biothui of (J.inliei
and t. II. Ii,i men, was a eanduiato on
l lie icptihhiMii ilekei f ir county super
intendent ol Pi owns couni, Colorado,
iind oleoled !)V a liuudho.'iie unijo'i
it. DaveV in.ii liiendsiu Nemaha
congiu.iii.tio linn on I. is election, and
leel conliiieni f al he will tender go d
riieenteiialuutmii give'iatlho ouera
house Wednesday niglii was excellent.
The pupils giving lecitaliuus and read
i.. enMiys iienily all spoke loud and
dislinctiv, and their Hehoiions were
excellent. Mime of the joiingol )Uili8
iMd Io tie prompted noinetiuie.s, but in
oihoi lespcutt worthing (hissed oil
ver hiuo h and j,eahantly. Tho
mufiif was excellent. There was a
vei) good attendance.
C. II llendeisoii, of -'huhort, went
to v,.iiralc,i city Fiiday afternoon of
last rte-K, io stiaighten out some 11
li.iucial nutlets. One- of Bradley, De
limit' te Co.'s iiuvoiiug iiieii had col
lect d a consideiabhi amount l nun
Chub but had failed to pay tho Hamo
over io inn iirin. n. h needless to way
that he has tieeu bounced, and Bradley,
DeCiolf A: Co. are out i considoiablo i
Look here, $:J.f0 buys one of Dr.
Cray's new sy tinges from his agent, S.
F. ltich'iioud, Biowovlllc, Nub. k
..m mtwitnj
J. K. Cuvkou, Tli Jowel-
ox nt Auburn, Iwa roiuoved '
rvoxn. Opuru Houao Block
to tho Cooper Buildinar. 4
dooi's v agt of liifl old utaud.
W. W. Sanders is agent for H. V.
Mnir'B town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease or buy one apply at Tiv
Auvkutiseu oflico.
mjW icyi m fwiviici iwiimiiiuii
A dime sociable will he given n
Mlnick hall Saturday night, Dec. 4th,
for thu purpoio of raising money to
buy Christinas presents for tho chili
(Iron in the Methodist Sunday school.
Pie, cako, coffee and tea will bosorvud.
Everybody is invited.
It is rumored in tho papers that Lorn
Buntz, who went down to dofoatasthe
republican candidate for county treas
urer of Itlchaulson county, is booked
for postmaster of Humboldt. He has
been recommended by Congressman
Strode, sd it is stated.
There will be a business meeting of
all tho members of the Christian
church at Nemaha City on next Sun
day evening, at thu church. Every
member of the church is earnestly re
quested to be present.
The meetings in pi ogress at the
Christian church in Nninaha are In
creusing in interest and enthusiasm
Six have been added to tho church thus
far. TwobapthtOs lust Sunday night.
The meeting will continue over next
Sunday, and perhaps longer.
All you guess about difficulty in soil
ing Stark Trees may he wrong1. If yon
wish to know the truth, drop postal to
Stark Nursery. Louisiana, Mo., or
Ilockport, III. Namo references
Cash pay to salesmen each week the
year round. Outllt free takes no
money to try tho work. Also want
c ub makers get their trees free.
Price as usual, tho loweBtin the county.
Thei'diloi of Thk Advkutiskh has
bought the old! nil Ituir on the con er
north of the drug stoic, wheie the of
llce, foimeily wis located, and is hav
ing il moved and transfoiiued into a
barn. This is the oldest store building
in town, hivuu laen built over forty
.eaisauo. It Mil lli'eit null outli of
.1 . it Moovei's le.i.dence, and alter,
ward tnovtd once or twice before it got
io I lie locution on the corner, where t
has stood for many yeais. Titus Bros,
ami Titus te Williums did a big busi
ness in tho old building for many
PUO'1 0(111 APIIS.
I a.m now located In Brownville and
prepared to make piottuos of all the
latest styles and sizes at reasonable
prices. ' Dense call and see my sam
ples. E. W. Aonkw,
J. W. Aiinstiong, I ho South Auburn
hardware and lurniture dealer, has
added a Iluo hearse to his undertaking
department tho best in tho counvy.
Ho Invites your patronage.
The i tiie-fiii-..i.i bo of J. A John
sin, of Ljou ( emu, III i.i suijet'l to
attacks of oioup. Mi. Johusoo mih
ho In nut htieil thai the lliucl u.m ol
OhuuiticilaiiiS Coiiirii l(-iiu(l , iiiiiIiik
.4 seven 'ittacU, saved his little hos
lllo. lie is in the ding nusiiiess, and
hi meint..r ol the lino of Johnson Bios
of that place; and they handle a gteat
'"' Plel medicine for tliroat and
lung diseases, tie had all these to
I cIiobo fiom, kikI skilled phjHiciaiiH
ready to respond to his call, but se
locted this remedy for use iu his nnn
family at a time when Ihh child's It to
was in dungrr, because he know it Io
he superior to anj other, and famous
tin couniiy oner for its cohm oi cioup,
Mr. Johiihon rays this lr lh best hell-
iui; eouyh melieine thrv haiiille, and
that it gives splendid satisfaction in all
Sold byM. U. Taylor.Druggist
Nemaha, Nebraska.
Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dyspepsia, coimtipation, sick head
ache, sallow skin and losu of appetite.
You have never tried DeWiti'n Little
Early Itisers for these' complaints or
you would liayo been cured. They
are small pills but great regulators.
M II Taylor.
hlW IlIEilllAK..
Our blotto: "Highest
Copper bottom Wash Bollora 72o
Copper bottom Tea Kettle 2l)o
Copper bottom Coffee Holler, 0 qt..!J2e
21 qt extra heavy Dish Pan UOc
1 lb hand carved Butter Mould ...10o
filling nrifl tlrlu(!ewu'o 0 uars Lenox Soap 25o
IUIItl 14HU ViaaawaiC 0 bara Cudahy Diamond Soap 23o
I set genuine Ironstone while China
Cubs and Saucers, handled IlOo
1 set o Inch Dinner Plates. :ic Iy Block la complete and all gooda ,
l??? "-ft " -nd sold at proportionately lovr
8 piece decorated Chamber Sot.. 81. 05 prices.
We nrn in Nemaha county to stay, and expect to build up a trade by honest
dealing. We ask the people to como and see us whether they buy or not. No
trouble to show goods.
Brownville No, 71 Main st. Brownville
Stevenson & Cross' old building.
Auuuun, Ni:nu Nov. 18, 1807
Sec. 08, page 1)20, ol tho 1807 statutes,
relative to personal tax, .sayB In sub
stance: If any collector shall be unable to
collect any tax on any property
charged in the tax list, he shall at the
tuno of final settlement with the coun
ty, make n statement showing in de
tail the name of each person charged
with personal property tax, which has
not been paid, the value of such prop,
city tax and I he amount of each kind
of lax so chaiged, and the cause of de
linquenoy iu each ami every case; and
such statement shall be accompanied
by an allldavit that the same in true
and correct, that the sums therein re
mains duo and nupah),. umM.hnj to-Ua
het. of his knbwiedge aiuf belicrvo"
of the pei vm so named ilk avid Mute
mriit hue nuii jimnl rnrtli
iritiin the 'unntt out. " flin-h (In
personality tux vo n tir And
in no case shall any collector be en
titled to auv abatement of the tax
ohiuued against until said statement
and nllidiivlt uiu tiled with the county
It is my desiie to make no man any
extra oi iuinct-ssiu expense; however,
I expect to comply with the law, and
will on Dec 1st, 181)7, turn over to the
hheilff all of tho personal property
tax tor 1805 and pi lor years.
Kindly call before Dec. 1st and save
the extra expense.
A. M. Enolks, Co. Treas.
What does it cose logt there? When
and hovTshould onegoV What Should
one take? Where are tlie mines? How
much havu they pioducedV Is work
plentiful? What wages aie paid? Is
living expeiisiNe? What are one'n
chances of "making a strike"?
Compielo and Mitislaclory icplifs to
the above qiiHhtlons will be loiiud iu
the Builiiiglou Route's "Klondike
Folder," now ready tor distnbiitiou.
Sixteen pages ot piaclicnl information
ami no up-to-date iiiup ot Alaska and
the Klondike. Flee at Buillugtoii
Uuulu Uckel olliccft, oi rent on leceipt
ot tour cents Iu slumps by ,1. Francis,
General Passenger Agent, Burlington
Uoute, Omaha, Neb.
Io heal the broken and disused tis
sutH, to soothe the in Haled mutaces, to
iiitauii leiieve and io pciniauently
cuim i I he mlhslon ol De Wilt's Witch
Hazel Salve. M H Taylor.
'V.W. Sandeis. iNotary i'ublio. Pon
Hions papers of all kinds made out ac
curalely. Legal documents drawn up.
All hiibiness given prompt and careful
"The worst cold I ever had in .nj
lite was cured by Chambei Iain's Cough
Remedy," writes W. H. Norton, of
auttei tieek, tal. "This cold lelt me
with a cough and I was expectorating
all thj time. The Humedy cuied me,
and 1 want all my friends when troub
led with a cough or cold to use it, for
t will do thum good " Sold by M. II.
Tayloi, DruggiBt, Nemaha, Nebraska. J
Qvumy, Lowest Prices."
A FEW X9 !-B2S.
Hominy 2jcperlb
Quail Oats, 2 lb package 7a
" " -1 packages for 25o
Bulk Oats '. 2)tfo per lb
12 bars Monday Morning Soap 2Go
If you want to banish rats from tho
premises, use pounded glass mixed
with dry corn meal and set it within
their reach. Sprinkl'ng caynno pepper
In their holes will also banish them.
Tar is also a good lemedy, and an inn
fnllablo remedy is to spiead chloride of
lime around whore they come. Ex.
A Mrs. Fuller and two daughters,
on route lrom Sturgis, S. D., to Brown
vlllo, Neb., came near taking an unlooked-for
journey Saturday night.
They stopped at the Morton house and
on retiring blew out the gas. Landlord
Otis discovered the same in time (
prevent them from being overcome by
ibe same. Tho moUir, when tho
matter vus explained to her-, feaid:
'Well, I noticed thu smell, but meielj
thought it was borne one cooking cab"
bago." Nebraska City News.
T. J. Hitte, ol Lincoln, writes us to
say that the old llltto farm now be
longs to him and that it is for sale. It
is a most desirable place for a home.
Price is very reasonable. PoBseesion
given iu the spring. The first to write
him, meaning business, will likely bo
able to make a deal at onco. Mr.Hitta
has other interests that require all his
lime and attention elsewhere. Tho
lai m is iu Urst class condition and now
is Mm time to buy iu the beat county in
Nebraska. Write Mr. Hltte at Lincoln
in care of tho Nebraska Farmer.
""1 A T Duquoin, Eevier, Walnut
jJA1j Wank, McAiliBter and
other guides of coal for sale, ranging
in pi ice from 62.25 to $4.00,
1 suffered lor wseks with colic and
pains in my stomach caused by bil
iousness and had to take medicine all
the wltih untile 1 used ChamberlaiiiB
Colec, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured me. 1 have since recom
mended it to a good many people.
.Mits. F. BUTI.KK, Fuirhuven, Conn.
1'eiMons who aie subject to bilious col
ic can ward off the attack by taking
this remedy as soon as the Hist symp
toms appear. Sold by M. II. Taylor,
Druuglst, Nemaha, Nebraska.
Did you Ever?
Try Electric Bltieia as a remedy for
your i roubles? If not, get a bottle now
and get icllef. This medicine hns
been found to he peculiarly adapted to
the lelief and cute of all female com-i
plaints, exerting a wonderful direct
iiilluence in giving strength and tone
to the organs If you have loss of
appetite, constipation, headache, faint
wig spells, or aio nervoiiB, sleepless,
excitable, melancholy or troubled with
dizzy spells Electric Hitters iB tho
medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use.
r0c and 61 at M, II. Taylor's
1 . .
Moments aio useless if trifled away;
am! dangerously wasted if consumed
by delay In cases where One Minute
f'ntioli llnrn iv nil III hrlOL'
bring immediate
relief M II Taylor.