The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 19, 1897, Image 8

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The Nebraska Advertiser
W. W. 8JUY1W11N JTublOlnr.
SUllSOItll'TION, - 81.50 1'KIl YKAH
FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 185)7.
Cheap; quick; comfortable.
Loavo Omaha '1:35 p. in., Lincoln
0:10 p.m. and IlaatinB 8.50 p. in.
ovory Thursday in clean, modern', not
crowded touriBt sleepers, No transfer;
cara run right throuli to tiati Francis
co and Loa Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Donvor and Salt Lake
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
in rattan; have spring seats and backs
and aro provided with curtaiua, beds
ding, towolB, Hoap, etc. Uni formed
porters and oxpoiionccd excuraion con
ductors accompany each excuraion, re
lieving passengers of all bother about
baggage, pointing out objects of inter
est and in many other ways helping to
make the overland trip a delightful ex
perience. Second cIuhb tickets are
honored. Berths 5.
For folder giving full information
call at nearest Ihirlingtnn Route ticket
olllce, or write to J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.
No man or woman can enjoy life u
accomplish much in this world whilt
suffering from a torpid liver. DeWittV
Little Early Risers, the pills ilia;
cleanse that organ, quickly. M HTn
lor. ON 15 DOLLAR TO 1800.
For a dollar bill Tho Semi-Weekly
State Journal will bo sent from now
until Jan. 1, 1800. A good lomi time
to got two big paperB every week witli
till tho news of tho whole world; all
the Htate news and in fact more news
nml general reading matter than yon
get in any other state paper. The
Journal is spending monej and effort
in writing up tho interests of Nobrass
l:a and setting our state's advantages
before the people of tho wholo coun
try. Nebraska's prosperity will bring
thousands of farm buyers to our state
Ton should read tho Journal which is
not an Omaha paper nor a Lincoln pa
per, but a state paper in its truest
BeiiBO. "What will be for tho best ins
terosts of Nebraska?" is tho firBt
question asked by the Journal when
called upon to decide. Every Nnbrus
kan should do Ids best to keep tho
State Journal before tho people and
that best moans by sending in. One
Dollar which will pay for the paper
to January. 1809. After you read it
send it to your frionds in tho east and
et them see what great tilings wo aro
doing In Nebraska. Send in your dol
lar to the State Journal Lincoln, Neb.
The sooner you send the mote papers
you will got for your money.
Moments ato useless if trilled away;
and dangerously wasted' if consumed
by delay In casoa where One Minute
Cough Ouro would bring immediate
relief M II Taylor.
Hii .
Wo have a never failing cure for
piles of every description. Tried
thousands of times and never known
to fall. So confident aro we of tho
merits of tho great Indian Pilo Reme
dy, that wo will send free to any read
er of The Advbutiskk a liberal sized
trial package, only asking tho small
remittance of ton couta to cover eoBt
of postage and packing. Don't suffer
onger but send at onco for a trial of
tliia groat remedy. Inclose ton centB
Write name and postolllce addie3h
plainly, and mention reading this artl
Clo in THE Advkutiskh. Address al
letters to the Indian Pile Remedy Co.,
Spring Valley, Minn.
W. W. Sanders is agent for It. V.
Muir'a town lots in Nemaha. If you
want to lease-or buy one apply at Tu
Advkiitiseu otllco.
Tetter, Salt-Ulinum ana Eozonia.
Tho intonso itching and smarting: inci
dent to thoso diseases is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain 'b Evo and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. it
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favonto remedy for soro nipples:
chapped hnnds, chilblains, frost bitea
and chronic soro eyes. 25 cts. per box.
, Dr. Carty's Condition Powders, aro
jmst what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier nml
vormifugo. They aro not food but
medicine and tho best in use to put a
uurso in primo cono'tlori.
cents per pe rp",
Price 25
A grain blockade is again threatened
in the Burlington freight yards in
Kansas City. There were 230 cars of
grain, most of them from Nebraska
points, in the yards Tuesday. Tin
llurliugton can accommodate onh
aoont 200 cars at a lime in its yards.
The grain men were informed that
unless the grain was moved at once
the Hurlington would be forced to re
fuse additional shipments temporarily.
Nebraska City News.
Although the ollicial canvass of the
returns ol the Nebraska election will
not take place until next Monday, the
iieo is enabled to pieseut the following
table of leturns which with but a few
exceptions are plliclal and from which
the Dgures of the ollicial cauva a next
week w ill not vmy appreciably. The
i otal vote will aggregate a little ovei
li);.()00, of which Sullivan, Hie Hiici'eah
till fusion rxhilidale for supieme judge
receives 102,737. The total vote polled
by . fudge I'ost, the republican candi
late, is 88,021, the fusion plurality be
ii g 13.810. I'lio vote for Switzier, the
eiwnlid Me of the national deiuucials
while not given in the tuhlc, does not
exceed 8U0, while the vote of Strong,
iirohihiliuuiHt, approximates 1,000.
Kaley, lepubllcau candidate for re.
kjent, has run ahead of L'ost by 1,000,
Jille Diydon, the other republican
'landidato tor icgent, lias polled aub
slantially the name vote as Post. On
ie other hand Von Forell and Ken
wer, (lie fusion candidates for it
jents. have (alien behind Sulliviu. by
."j.000 voles, so that the average fusion
oluiality on regent is only 7,000.
Omaha Heo
Few people are able to buy as man
books as they would like, yet It Ib pes
nihlt) without them to keep in touch
vith all tho loaders of literature, as
well aa to follow the world's progress
to every department of science and i.
dustry. The Youth's Companion al
leady piovides the means for over half
a mil ion households, at an expense to
.'ach ol'Si 75 a year. Every issue o!
the Companion gives as much reading
matter as a l2mo book of 175 pages,
and the Companion comes overy week.
The quality of its contents is shown
by tho aunounceu ent for 1808, which
(promises omiiihutionB next year fiom
the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, Rud
yard Kipling, Speaker Heed, Capt. A.
l Malum, W. D. 'rw ells, Lieutenant
Peary, tho Marquis of Duffetin, Sena
tor Hoar, Justin McCarthy and uioie
than two hundred other eminent men
and women.
All now subscribers for 1808 will
receive Companion's gold-embossed
calendar, beautifully printed in twelve
colors, and the paper will be sent free
from the time tho subscription is re
ceived until Junnary, 1M)8, and then
for a full year to' January, 1800. A
handsome illustrated prospectus of
the volume for 1M8 will bo sent, to
anyone addressing Hie Youth's Com"
panion, 2(f fJolumbus avo., Huston
The;'icyclist'a Rest Friend" is a
familiar name for Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve, always readv for emerg
encies. While a specific for piles, it
also instantly relieves and cures cuts,
bruises, salt, rlmem, eczema ami all
alTectioiHof theskiu. It never falis
M II Taylor.
Bucklin'sArnia Salve
The best aalvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, child
blalns, corns, and ail skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It Is gurantoed to give per
fect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 2Bc por box. For sale by M. II.
Small precautions . often prevent
great mischiefs. DoWitt's Little
Early Risers aro very small pills lir
size, butaro most effective in prevent
ing tho most serious forms of liver and
stomach troubles. They cure consti
pation and headache and regulate the
bowels. M II Taylor
Take tho wagonette when in Auburn
for any part of the eitv. Easy riding
Quick time. All trains met. John
McElhaney, pronriotor.
If you have ever seen a littlo child
in a pnioxvsm of whooping cough, oi
if you have been annoyed by it con
stant tickling in tho throat, you can
appreciate tho value of One Minute
Cough Cure, which give quick relief.
M II Taylor.
Rlpans TahuloB assist digestion.
JPans'Tabulcs cure torpid ;iven
Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Nova Scotln KntlvfM Who Know Little
of Undo Shiii'm DotiutlnH.
"In some parts of Nova Scotia where
r have been," snidi a doctor, who, ac
cording to the Chicago Times-Herald,
had recently made a tour of the prov
ince, "you will ilnd in places remote
from railroads a rerni.nnt of that nim
pllclty pictured by the poet of Evangel
inc. One of these primitive people was
an old lady, who had never set foot out
Bide of her nuthe hamlet. She could
have told from he army all the history
of all the kings and queens of England.
I do not doubt, but a certain bigoted
loyalty to the crown kept her from
knowing anything concerning tlie
United States. When I was introduced
to her as a Yankee she looked hard at
me and inquired how it happened that
I was so dark, with black hair and
" 1 saw a Yankee once,' she said,
'and he had yellow hair and n yellow
goatee, and I thought, all Yankees
looked like that.'
"She next inquired If I lived in tho
'States.' I told her that I did -when I
was nt home, whereupon she said she
supposed I was often in New York and
might see her granddaughter there.
I asked her In what part of New York
she lived, and she said in Minnesota,
and that she looked exactly as she her
self did at that nge.
" 'And they do say she is very good
looking,' said the oldlady, with pardon
able pride, 'and I wish you would tell
her to write home to the folks oftcner.'
"I promised to deliver the message,
and hope I will be forgiven for making
the good soul hnppy by the slight de
ception." u
'Will I'rolmbly Prevent UnlHlnK
Government KofcN.
Secretary Gage has presented the
question of the advisability of a reform
in the designs of of United States paper
money. There are at present in cur
rent use, says the Washington Post,
three classes of government paper
money silver ccrtiilcates, treasury
notes of 1890, and United States notes,
or greenbacks. In each of these classes
there are nine denominations, making
27 in all, each being represented, by a
special design entirely dissimilar from
the others.
Secretary Gage's plan is to have prac
tically one design for tine three one
dollar notes, another for the twos, and
so on up to $1,000, the highest. The
reading necessarily would be different
on each denomination, hi order that
the three classes of paper money may
be readily distinguished the seals and
numbers in each class will be printed
in distinctive colors. The 'numerals on
each note will be made very prominent.
The secretary argued that the new de
signs would in a great measure pre
vent the raising of notes, as the design
would at once identify the denomina
tion Independent of the numerals.
The secretary had with him at the
last cabinet meeting samples of the new
designs, and all of the members present
expressed themselves us highly pleased
with the scheme". Unless something un
foreseen occurs to prevent this plan will
be carried out as soon as the plates can
be prepared.
DlaciiKHloii iih to Whether Itn Action
I Coiintiuit or Intermittent.
An extended discussion has been go
ing on in the German technical press
as to whether or not a lightning rod
during a thunderstorm is continuously
acting to equalize the electrification of
the clouds and that of the earth. Some
assert that the function of the light
ning rod is to offer a good conducting
path to the earth for a lightning flash,
while others claim that it offers a con
stant medium between the air and
earth. Among the facts adduced by
the adherents of the latter theory, says
the Chicago Chronicle, was an instance
which occurred during the construc
tion of a lightning rod for a chimney
100 feet high, when the uncompleted
work was interrupted by a thunder
shower. A temporary wire was, there
fore, run -to a neighboring pond, so
ns to ground the rod, when it was no
ticed that considerable gas was formed
on the surface of the submerged wire,
indicating that a current produced by
the silent discharge of the clouds was
passing and decomposing the wntei
by electrolysis. Another experiment
was quoted, in which a plate lightning,
arrester, with a galvanometer in cir
cuit, was connected in circuit with a
lightning rod, when an almost constan
deflection of the galvanometer necdlt
was observed, showing that acontinuec1
equalization of electric charges doc
take place.
The Worlrt'H Tcleprrnnh I,lne.
The actual growth of the telegraph
lines of the world is 7,000.000 kilometers
not including nenrlyano.OOO kilome
ters of submarine cable. This total is
divided as follows: America, 4,050,000
kilometers; Europe, 2,8-10.000; Asia. 500,
D00; Australia. 350 000: Africa. 100,000.
The en i ire length of all thcie wires
joined together would permit of the
establishment of 20 lines of telegraph
between tho earth and the moon.
Whim inn' I.nvn.
It is computed that all the houses in
1 the
luinn and New York could bo built of
e Java thrown out bv Yesiuius siree
tJie first recorded eruption In A. D. 79.
JVcvr I'rocewn by Which I.enil Itnlln Are
Steel-Con ted.
The discovery of a secret solution by
which leaden bullets may be coated so
ns to render them superior to steei
(ased bullets is announced by Charles
W. Hales, a chemist, and Kdward Merry,
i surveyor, of Springfield, 111., says the
New York Sun. The oidinary leaden bul
lets, when used in the Krag-Jorgensen
rifle, have been found to be too noft, and
I he lead has clung to the barrel of the
r!flc until the barrel was final! v
clogged, and the steel cartridges, w liieh
have succeeded the lead ones, have even
tually torn the barrel faults not found
in tho new article, hi pursuing their
experiments these inventors, it appears.
'iieceeded in procuring some of th i
smokeless powder used by the govern
input in flic Krag-Jorgensen rifles, mnk- I
lug numerous tests with their cart- ,
ridges, and with results showing the
remarkable efllcleney of the new and .
tccrot preparation. Thus, nt a distance i
of .'10 yards they bored a hole through
nn ax blade and also through a flat- (
Iron, hi the latter case tho bullet
lo'dged in a tree, entering a distance of I
six inches.
Nnttire'H rinlloonn.
The island of fire, known by the na
tives as "The Home of the Hot Devils,"
Is a recent discovery in Jnv.i. In tire
center of a huge lake of boiling mud
and slime exists a phenomenon abso
lutely unique, nnd so wonderful that
tourists brave the difficulties of the
long journey inland simply to see it
Scores of enormous bubbles are formed
in tho sticky slime by the gases wide'
arise from the lower depths, and thrs
grow nnd increase to an enonnors si
looking like nothing so much .i th
large model balloons sent upsonu-tines
to ascertain the direction of the wild
These bubbles, some of them, attain a
diameter of five or six feet before then
burst, which they do witb a loud ex
plosion The sounds are described ii'
resembling a constant series af heav,
platoon firing.
French Cyelli'p: Cnitom.
The practice of carrying light canes
on bicycles has now become almost a
custom with the young men of Trance.
The idea is to enable the riders to
bring their wheels to a standstill by
leaning a little to one side and support
ing themselves with the cane while
they engace in a chat with some nc
Mjaintnnce on the road.
Every intelligent family needs in
additional to tiio local paper, a cood
national weekly, The greatest and
most widely known general family
newspaper is the Toledo Weekly IJI.ule.
Por thirty vears it lias been a regular
visitor in every pait of the Union and
is well knovVn in almost every one of
the 70,000 postoilices in the country
It is edited with reference to a nation
al circulation. It is a republican
paper, but men of all politics take it,
because of its honesty and fairness u
the discussion of public questions. 1
is tho favorite family paper, with
something for every member of the
household. Serial stories, poetry, wit
and humor; tne lousehold department,
(best in the world). Young folk. Sun
day school lessons, Talmage's seimnns,
the Farmstead, the question hiiM'Uii
(which answers questions for Kiibscii
ers), tho news of the week in , com
plete form, and other special feahnes.
Specimen copies gladly sent on appll-
alien, and if you will send us a list of
addresses, we will mail a copy to each.
Only Si a year. If you wish to rune
club, write for terms.
Address Thk Hi.adk,
Toledo, Ohio.
Fill a bottle or common glass with
urine and let it stand twenty four bonis;
a sediment or settling indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stains linen it is evidence of kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
urinate or pain in the back is also con
vincing proof thai tho kidneys and
bladder aro out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge
so often expressed that Dr. Kilmei's
Swamp-Root, tho great kidney remedy
tHitl Is every wish in relieving pain in
Hie back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
ovory part of the urinary passages. It
conccts inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessi
ty of being compolled to get up many
limes during the night to urinate. Tho
mild and extiaordinary effect of Swamp
Hoot is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of tho
mo'.t disttessing eases. If vou need a
medicine you should have tho best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention Tim AnvKitxisKii and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co,,
Rimihumpton, N. Y. Tho proprietor
of this paper euarantees the genuine
ness of tills offer.
THE discom
forts and
dangers of
be almost en
tirely avoided.
Wine of Cardui"
relieves ex
pectant moth
ers. It gives
puts them iuJ
condition to do tbeir work
perfectly. That makes preg
nancy lcs9 painful, shortens
labor and hastens recovery after
child-birth. It Helps a woman
bear strong licalthy children.
ha9 also brought happiness to
thousands of homes barren for
years. A few doses often brings
joy to loving hearts that long
for a darling baby. No woman
Bhould neglect to try it for this
trouble. It cures nine cases out
of ten. All druggists sell Wine
of Cardui. $i.oo per bottle.
For advice In case3 requiring special
directions, address, etvlne symptoms,
tho "Ladles' Advisory Department,''
The Chattanooea Medicine Co., Chatta
nooga, Tenn.
of JofTorson, G.I., says:
"Whon I first took Wlno of Cardui
wo had been married three years, but
could not have any children. Nino
months later I had a flno girl baby."
Wanted An Idea
Who can thlnfe
of Bomo slmplo
thlDg to patent!
Protect your ldea: thojr may bring you wealth.
coy. WMbtDRton, D. c, fov their f'i.SJU prlzo oTer
tad list of two humlrod lu sntlous wanted.
'1 lie Piths llibdA 'Uiainio and Paper.
We. lit in " tint. , i,f lower A. -
iiiaiiac ol I'IMI ill It. IllCKe i i.uw
i tan j, ami juog'lij: liom iln p.i.-i hH-
oij. n ll no lie witk.i m
undine H it lino itouus .ii il otlicea'
all oei wii-iira. Ii i n.i.cii 'mger
and Ii i 'li;tiiai' nieviMia iviiiit It
eontan.h 1 10 pag . i.t i-m i ifniij pint-
d nml illu- i iMtmi i. i l, i, nk p,.er
avincile Ii' e-t p. rtutii .vei yiven
t I'rui links. 1 1 c.ii no Iihiuhi io
deuJMl th ' the i tilt, u ,.iin- , ! i'iof.
IlitUf Ji.ivf ffoin. a iMee-sii to the
niiil ri iniiifU'i:i if. nt i hi., c inn 1 1 3' .
His jn i, "Uni-D vxn Wouks."
i-tilf hum lift Mm in, went her find na-
trOIIOIIlll'l I Icill I'll f. hllM Ir'hr'll Ull.'rC
nli il i' bi.-i iiitiaiv. M'itnlilic and
f.inuh muiizim-M of thence. Do not
helieti heaiMiy in-il lepm's. iee the
Hleks A'luanae iml paper for jour,
self. You vulltlien know why they
are n popular. 'I hey are cduoutora
of tie million", mil uniivaled Nife
guaidH 'o pn.peity and human life. It
ii matt ) it -imple leeonl that "rof.
U'eks h i- tott-tdtl for many wins all
gieitst i in-, floods, ill out hs and tor
nadoes, even lie lecent leir'hle diouth
ovei all hf count ry The Almanac
alone is 2u ccms a copy. The paper
is .91.00 a tear with the Almanac as a
premium. Send to WOUI) AND
WOHK.s I'l'il CO.. 221)1 Locust St,
Si I.ouis, M'i.
Fsth-r Time's Pleasure.'
There is joy for Father Time in a
stoco of timepieces that may be
depended on for all time. It is a
pleasure to those who insist on a
first class time piece to get into a
such as ours where the clocks and
watches may lie depended upon.
Wo hell the best time pieces at a
yrice you might expect to pay for
a poor one- Come and see us.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can thlruc
of boiiio slmplo
tlilair to tiatent?
i-roioct your iuci im-j ." i,!,'nr . . :.."
Write JOHN WUJDEIWUKN ft CO., PaUnt Attojr.
neyii. WmlilDgrton, I). O., ror their t.iU) lr 10 otttt
ud lUt of two huiidro.l luvcutlGiu TiuiKid.
n . . ..... .1..... ...... lil.f vrm Ivmilfh
17k J fmMT'ts.
?Mii MIL
If ,
V 9
. ...&XlXldMMmjZi:'.