The Nebraska advertiser. (Nemaha City, Neb.) 18??-1909, November 19, 1897, Image 1

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Local News.
32ggs, 12 cents.
Corn, 17 cuits.
Butter. 15 cents.
l'op bugs lire thick.
Hogs, per hundred.
The fine weather continues.
Call and see us for job work.
Only five weoks till Christmus.
Next Thursday iB Thanksgiving.
Old papers for sale at this ollice.
Mrs. Fairbunk for line millinery.
Bring us some wood on subscription.
Wo want corn and wood on sub
scripitiou. Low Mather lias been quite sick for
several days.
Chub Henderson was up from Shu
bert Fiiduy.
Fred Seaimry is plastering the post
ollice this vek.
A little snow Jell here iUonduy the
first of ttio season.
Mrs, M. 11. Taylor drove out to Au
burn Wednesday, roiurning Thursday.
Miss Lillio NVneoler visited Auburn
last week, letiirning to Nemaha last
Satin day
Geo. Slillwell, of South Omaha, ib
visiting Iiik parents and triends in No
malm this week.
" Bruce Earlo.- of Chase county, Ne
biaska, is veiling Mr. and Mrs. John
"Watson this ueok.
Eddie Yaukloy is exercising patience
wiili Hie resistance ii a big jarhuncle
on the back of his neck.
Mis. Aland Lemon came up liom St.
Deiom Inst ai unlay and visited her
mother, Mia. a. Yaie-s until Monday
A surprise party was given Willie
Sanders last FrnPi) night. Twelve ol
his schoolmates were present, and a
very oujojunle evening was passed.
Harry MoCandleas is lejoicing over
the fact that lie now has Ins new scales
in and is doing business with them.
He Siivs a man can do his own weigh
ing now.
The fieight Uaiu Hum die south that
was due to am ve at .Nemaha at 1:15
Friday morning was ditched at a sta
tion in Missouri. Five cars were oil
the track.
J. G. Sandeis has returned to Ncm
aha, after an absence of a lew mouths
in Kansas. Kansas went republican
this year, so John concluded to come
back tu a pop state .
Miss Mario Hoover let c Thuisdaj
for Chicago, on her way to New Vork,
where sho will study u.ider aohwaien
k.i the coming wintei. At Chicago
Miss Hoover will b" joined by Mr.-.
Plank. Lincoln New.
Mrs. Watson, of Craig, Mo., arrived
in Nemaha Thursday, on a visit to her
nephew, Join, Watson. Mrs. Watson
i over 80 years ot age, but is very ac
tive considering her advanced age.
Tom Clark lias some coin on cxhibis
Hon at Kerker & Hoover's meat mar
ket that beats any we have seen yet.
Ono ear has 3-1tows of corn on it, and
the others have nearly us many. The
ears are not so very long but make up
in size.
Henry Wheeldon, who has been in
tho train dispatcher's ollice at Wymoro
for some timo, found the steady con
finement was tolling on his hailUi and
that his eyes wore also beginning to
fail under the strait), so lie lias gone on
the road as relief agent.
Tlio pupils of our public Bchool will
give an open lhetorlcal oxerclno at
Hoover's opera house on Thanksgiving
ovo, Wednesday, 24th inat., at 8 p. in.,
to which all aro cordially invited. An
admission feo of ten cents will be
charged, the proceeds to go to a library
fund for the school. All may expect
a pleasant evening's entertainment.
Harry McOandluss tolls us to inform
the dear people that lie has put in an
8S5 water tank for the accommodation
of his customers who wish to water
their teams when trading at the Siding.
He spares no expeuso to please the
I am now located In Brownvillo and
prepared to make pictures of all tin
latest styles and sizes at reasonable
prices. Please call and see my sam
ples. E. W. AONIiW,
It. C. Snyder, who lived hero two oi
three years ago, tint who has been liv
ing at Eaton, Ohio, since that time, at
rived here with his mother Weduesda)
of last week, on a visit to relatives.
Ho called on Tims Advkutisku ollice
Tuesday and renewed hisstibsciiplion.
Thethiid annual hunt and ball wib
be held at Brownvillo next Thuisdaj
Thanksgivtim day." Tho hunt will be
participated m by forty of the beat
hunters, and in the evening all gaim
killed will be on exhibition at th
Maish opera house, where the ball will
bo held. Admission, 10 cents; dance,
25 cents. The proceeds will go into
tho sidewalk tiuui.
Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets
All druggists rotund the money if it
fails to Cure. 25c.
Two or three wccks ago Mr. Morr
son, of Brownville, who has been
leaching the school on the bottom be
tween Nemaha and Brouiivillc, let t lot
parts unknown. No teuton, so Li
as we have lieaul, has evoi been
discovered why tint union should have
iieen taken. As this lelt the school
without a teacher, the board last week
engaged Miss Ellio Wheeldon, of An
miru, as the teacher tor the remainder
of tho year, alio commenced leaching
L'eter Munt, and family started last
Suiiuay for Box Butte county, Nebr. ,
where they expect to make their home
in the future, although Undo Pete Ill's
not sold his little farm here and so will
have a home to come back to when
thrtv get tired of the west. They drive
through with team. Before leaviim
Mr. Muut. subscribed for Tin: ADVicit
tiskk, Statu Journal, Inter Ocean and
Now York Tribune, so he will have
plenty of good republican literature.
Latkh Undo Pete got as lar as
Johnson and then concluded to wait
until spring, as he could hardly breathe
from asthma, so ho turned around and
comeback. He expects to mako an
other start eaily in tho spring.
J. W. Armstrong, tho South Auburn
hardware and Limit uro dealer, has
added a line hearse to his undertaking
department the best in t lie county.
Flo invites your patronage.
J. K. Curzon, The Jowel
er at Auburn, lis removed
from Opera Houso Block
to the Cooper Buildinvr. 4
do ox's . ast of his old stand.
Try tho new City hotel when in
Auburn. Everything clean and neat.
One block southwest of court house
block. John McElhanoy, proprietor.
To heal the broken and diseased tis
sues, to soothe tho irritated surfaces, to
instantly relievo and to permanently
euro is the mission of DoNVitt's NVitcli
Hazel Salve. M II Taylor.
Private money to loan on farm se
curity on tho best terms that wore ever
made in Nemaha county, by Wesley
Dundas, Auburn, Nebraska.
Tho ladies' aid poeiety of tho Chris
tian church will give a goneral supper
at tho Mluick hall Nov. 25, 1807. Clip
per 26 cents. All aro cordially invited
to attend.
Look her, $!$. fit) buys ono of Dr.
Gray's now syringes from his agent, S.
F.ttiohuoiid, Brownvilli', Nub.
Judges Stull and Letton have an
nounced tho places lor holding court
in this district for the year 1SD8 as fol
lows: Gage county, Januaiy 19, May :i,
Soptemtier20; JeiTerson county, Apiil
12, Juno M, October 4 Noinahu county,
Januaiy 15, June 21, November 15;
Johnson county, February 4, May 10
November 20; Pawnee county, Jsnuary
10, J une 21, October 4; Richardson
count, March 20, June 7, Duoombor 0.
"The worst cold 1 overbad in .113
life was cured by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy," utiles NY. 11. Norton, of
aiiltei Creek, Ual. "This cold lelt me
with a cough and 1 was expectorating
all H14 time. The Remedy cured me,
and 1 want all my friends when troub
led with 11 cough or cold to use It, foi
it will do them good " Sold by M. II.
Tuyloi. Druggist, Nemaha, Nebraska.
Running sores, indolent ulcers and
-dmilar troubles, even though of many
em's standing, may becuied by using
D.) Will's Witch Hazel Salvo It
sooths, strengthens and heals. It is
ihogteat pile ouie. M IlTaylor.
All you guess about difficulty in soil
ing Stark Trees may bo wrong. If you
wish to know tho tiuth.diop postal to
Start Nursery, Louisiana, Mo., or
Rockport, 111. Name reiereueeB
Cash ay to salesmen each week the
year round. Outfit free takes no
money to try tho work. Also want
lub makers get their trees freo.
The three-jear- ! bo, ot J. A.John
s mi, of Lyon Ceil 1 1. Ill subject to
attacks of cioup. Mr. Johnson says
he is sat slied that the timely use ol
Chamberlains Cough Romedy, during
t seven) attack, saved his little boys
lite. He is in the drug imsiuess, and
it membiir ot the Hi in of Johnson Bros
of that place; and they handle a great
many patent medicinos for throat and
lung diseases. Ho had all these to
chose fiom, and skilled physicians
ready to respond to his call, but se
lected this remedy for use in his own
lamilv at n time when his child's life
was in danger, because ho know it to
be superior to any oilier, and famous
tho country oner lor its cores oi cioup
Mr. Johnson says this is tho best sell
ing cough medicine they handle, and
thai it gives splendid satisfaction in all
cases. Sold byM. II. Taylor.Diuggist
Nemaha, Nebraska.
Certainly you don't want to suffer
with dyspepsia, const i pat ion, -ick head
ache, sallow skin and los of appMito.
You have never tried DeNVitt's Little
Early Risers for these complaints 01
you would haye been cured. 'I hey
aro small pills hut great regulator
M IlTaylor.
Ther is Nothing so Good.
There is nothing so good as Dr.
King's Now Discovery fur consumption
coughs and colds, ho demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim then i
auy hing hot lei, tail in older 10 11 ake
more profit lie may claim something
else to bo just as good You ant Dr.
King's New Discovery because you
know It to bo safe and reliable, and
guaranteed to do good or inouev io
funded. For cougbs, colds and con
sumption and tor a!! ailections ol
throat, chest and hint's, there is nnth
ing so good as is Dr. King's New Dis
cov.iry, Trial bottles free at M. II
Did you Ever?
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for
your troubles? If not, got a bottle now
and get relief. Tnis medicine has
Leon found to be peculiarly adapted to
the relief and cure of all female com
plaints, exerting a wonderful diiecl
influence in giving strength and tone
to the organs If yon have los- of
appetite, constipation, headache, faint
ing spoils, or aro nervous, sleephpH,
excitable, melancholy or troubled with
dizzy spells, Electiio Bitters is the
medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use.
f)0c and 81 at M, II. Taylor's
Has just received
New Fall & Winter
Eveiythmg new and up to date.
Come and get bargains.
The newly elected BheriiT Ib having a
wholo lot of trouble jiiHt now over the
appointment of his deputy, and sumo
of tho other pop otllcials aro being
brought into tho muddle. Ho had do
cided to appoint Hill Hughes, of Howe,
us deputy, but it appears t hot Bill does
not stand very well with boiho of his
neighbois and they aro protesting vig
orously against his appointment, and
some of them aro blaming Bert EngleH
Henry Peery and Mac. Wright for the
state of affairs, claiming that they rec
ommended Hughes. Btll Daily has a
candidate, Mr Deinureo, of Auburn,
hut as ho is one of tho follows that
inado ti kick to the pop statu central
committee against Cornell being put on
thi list of state speakers dining the re
cent campaign, it is not likely the latter
will cousont to ids being appointed.
Probably the bosses will agree on some
uuw man.
AuiumN, Nkiik., Nov. IS, 181)7
Sec. P8, page l2il, ot tho 181)7 statutes,
relative to potsonal lax, says in sub
stance: If any collector shall bo unable to
collect any tux on any propeity
charged in the tax list, he shall nt tho
Line of final settlement with the coun
ty, make a statement showing Ain de
tail the name of each person charged
with personal property tax, which has
not been paid, the value of such prop,
orty tax and the amount of each kind
of tux so charged, and the cause of de
linquency in each and every case; and
such statement shall bo accompanied
by an aillduvit that the sumo is true
and correct, that the sums therein re
mains due and unpaid, and that to the
he-it of bis knowledge and belief none
of the ptn sons so named in said state
mail have any personal property
within the county out of which the
personality tux can be collected And
in no case shall any collector be en
titled to any abatement of the tax
charged against until said staloment
and atlidavit are tiled with Hie county
It is my desire to make no man any
extra or unncrssurv expense; however,
I expect to comply with tho law, and
will on Dec. 1st, 181)7, turn over to the
sheriff all of tho personal property
tax lor 180.") and prior years.
Kindly call before Dec. 1st and save
the extra expense.
A. M. Endmcs Co. Trcus.
fx I Duqtioin, Bevior, Walnut
jUA.1 ijiock, McAllister and
other grades of coal for salo, ranging
in price irom SU.25 to $.1.00,
Hauiiy MuCandi.esh,
What does it cost to get there? When
and how should one go? What should
one hike? NVl.ere are the mines? How
much have they produced? Is work
plentiful? What wages are paid? Is
living expensive? What aro one's
chances ol "making a strike"?
Complete and satlstactory replies to,
the above questions will bo louud in
Hie Builiiigton Route's "Klondike
Folder," now ready for distribution.
Sixteen pages of practical information
and an up-to-date map of Alaska and
the Klondike. Freo at Burlington
Houtu tickel offices, or sent on receipt
of four cents in stamps by J. Francis,
Oeimal Passenger Agent, Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
I suffered for wseks with colic and
pains in my btomach caused by bil
loiisnesH mid liad to take medicine all
the while untile I used Cliamliorlains
Colec, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
which cured me. 1 have since recom
mended it to a good many people.
Mils. F Buti.ku, Fairliuven, Conn.
Persons who aie subject to bilious col
ic can ward off the attack by taking
this remedy as soon as the fiist syinp
ton's appear. Sold by M. II. Taylor,
Druggist, Xemaha, Nebraska.
Prices aa usual, the lowest in tho county.
Heat t'ougli Bjrrtin. Tiutoa Utxxl. Uso
111 unio. win nr l nut KIM".
!! fllcmfll ZM 1 WUIEl
Nicmaiia City, Nijiuiaka.
Olllco first door south of Park hotel.
Notary : -: Public
Nemaha City, Nob.
JFJi A MP S ll.'l Bt f) Mi ,
Aoniu mill Anutlto work 11 Hpcrliilly, ("Ih
teriiN liiilll. l'aptir IIiiiikIiik, ICalhoinlnlnu
mill NVIiltowimliliiK ilono. Low pilsoB, All
worlc wnrruiitiit!,
X. jr. MFAiRlTl,
Contractor and Builder.
All kinds of Carpenter work done on
short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Kerker & Hoover,
Ditiilur In
HiKlioHt prlcos palil for IiIiIuh,' luril, tiulow
guuo, ulc
J.L. Jleloiii, M.V., J'h. .
SIMSUIAi-l iKH: DIhi-hhch or Dim stain, DIs
liiisi') r Womon mul Children Will
promrtii' miHWor all ciiIIh, olthur ilay or
nli;lit. Olllco "i rcHlilunuc.
J. H. SExD, Prop
ltruuileranil Hlilppur of Dnroo Jernuy
anil Poland China IIokh
Best no, low prices. Farm ono inilo
south of Nemaha.
Nemaha Cornet Band.
Is now prepared to furnish good niiisio
for entertainments, picnic!), memorial
services, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Charges reasonable.
E. J3. MUMFOIll), Ptos.
J. 15 CiiOTiucu, Sec'y.
(j. N. Sandkhs, Leader.
Proprietor of tho
Beuksiiike : Fahm.
Ilrouder of Thoroiiglihrod Itorlcntilro tioirs,
I'rl.o winning utook. No hotter rnlHul. My
prices aro In accordance! with tho Union. Hoo
'hIocIc mul not prices. Kami t in lien nortli-
WL'Hl of Noinuha.
WL' each wook to mon nil over U. 8. to
' hoIi Hlarlt TretH olnmpi'Ht, deht.
I A V Out tit fri'o tulcoH no inonuy to
I A L thy I ho work. AIho want olul)
CI 4 nTrmuki'm-nut Iholr Irui'H iroo. Drop
j t nlliiH poNtul; nninn relonmces. Hturk
Nnrnoiy , hoiUHliina, Mo., or Itoukport, III.
Wo aro ItoprPHontlnt;
ami Introducing
Mr. J.M.
tho riiHtltng
HucceHsor to B.Coopor
I.eavo ynnr ordorH
for a teatn, hnclc or
itray, nml
Wis no tub Rkst.
Our Hack incut Hall
AV.NV. Sanders, Notary Public. Pen
sions papers of all kinds made out acs
curately. Legal documents drawn up.
All business given prompt and careful